Computer Software

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Computer Problem-Solving Process

-Analysis and Specification -Algorithm Development -Implementation -Maintenance

Given that the word length in the Pep/9 virtual computer is 2 bytes, how long is the information that flows into and out of the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) of the PEP/9's CPU?

16 bits.

What is the number of errors per line of code that can be expected in good software?

2 errors per 1000 lines

The prefix giga refers to which power of two?


How many things can be represented using two bits?


If a program is loaded into memory beginning at address 555555, what is the physical address of relative address 333333?


Which of the following best describes a virtual computer?

A hypothetical computer used to simulate a real machine.


A model of a complex system that only includes the essential details.

Which gate produces the carry portion of two binary digits in a half adder?

AND Gate


Ability of the algorithm where it calls on itself.

Which of the following begins at the root and specifies each step down the tree until it reaches the desired file or directory?

Absolute Path

Concrete Step

Algorithmic step where all of the steps are fully detailed.

Abstract Step

Algorithmic step where some of the steps are unspecified.

Charles Babbage invented which of the following early computing devices?

Analytical Engine

The following equation is an example of which Boolean algebra property? (AB)C = A(BC)


When multi-byte data is stored most significant byte first at a lower memory address, what are these machines called?

Big Endian Machines

Which of the following eliminates a large portion of the data with each comparison?

Binary Search

Which of the following uses a "divide and conquer" approach?

Binary Search

Which of the following is organized as a hierarchy?

Binary Search Trees

In which of the following are tests designed based only on possible input data (rather than code)?

Black-Box Testing

Which of the following produces a true or false result?

Boolean Expression

Which of the following is executed by the Java Virtual machine?



Clear instructions for solving a sub/problem in a finite amount of time with a finite amount of data.

Which of the following terms best describes circuit boards, keyboards, and disk drives?

Computer Hardware

Which of the following describes the act of storing register values for the currently executing process and loading the register values for the process taking over the CPU?

Context Switch

Which of the following includes selection statements and repetition statements?

Control Structures

Which of the following refers to the separation of the logical view of data from its implementation?

Data Abstraction

Which of the following associates an identifier with a variable, an action, or some other entity within the language?


Which of the following is conceptually divided into logical records?

Direct Access File

What is an assembler directive?

Direct instructions to an assembler.

Which of the following shows the hierarchical organization of the file system?

Directory Tree

The equation A(B + C) = (AB) + (AC) represents which property (or law) of AND gates?


Which of the following is a language feature that enforces information hiding?


Which of the following make it possible to determine which bit or digit is incorrect when an error is detected?

Error-correcting Codes

In 1973, what did Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs invent that uses a cheap coaxial cable to connect computers into a network?


A Boolean expression may be an arithmetic expression followed by an integer.


A NAND gate and a NOR gate produce opposite output.


A computer with a parallel architecture uses multiple transistors to solve a problem.


A computer's front-side bus (FSB) is small, fast memory that is usually built into the processor chip.


A record is a named heterogeneous collection of items in which individual items are accessed by position.


A relative address is an actual location in main memory.


A relative path begins at the root of the directory tree.


A stack is managed in a FIFO manner.


A test case is a document that specifies how a program is to be tested.


A vacuum tube was a device used in the first generation of computers to link computers together into a network.


A walk-through is a verification method in which a team member reads the program or design aloud line by line and other team members point out errors.


An algorithm is a calculation that determines how long it will take to solve a problem.


An algorithm that runs in exponential time is more efficient than one that runs in linear time.


An operating system uses nonpreemptive CPU scheduling when a process moves from the waiting state to the ready state.


Assembly language instructions are executed directly by the hardware of a particular computer.


Computer networks use little endian encoding.


During top-down design, a concrete step is one that needs to be expanded further.


Each machine language instruction performs a single complex task, such as sorting a list of numbers.


In lossy data compression, the data can be retrieved without any loss of information.


Infinite recursion occurs because there is no general case.


Non-value-returning subprograms must always have a RETURN statement.


Pseudocode is an expression used as a condition in selection and repetition statements.


Strong typing is a mechanism by which a high-level program is entered into a computer.


The effect of the following queue operations will be to print "HI": Enque(myQueue,'I'), Enque(myQueue,'H'), Dequeue(myQueue,value), Write value, Dequeue(myQueue, value), Write value.


The general case of a recursive solution determines when the recursion stops.


The most prestigious award given in computer science is called the Fields Medal.


The operating system has a dedicated CPU and therefore does not compete with other application programs for CPU time.


The properties of an abstract data type are tightly related to the implementation of that data type.


The root node in a tree has no children.


The topic areas in the 1989 computer science curriculum model are the same as those in the 2001 model.


The working directory is the directory into which all temporary files are stored.


True or False? A NOT gate allows only one of its two input values to pass.


True or False? A binary tree cannot contain decimal (base-10) data.


True or False? A compiler and an interpreter produce the same output.


True or False? A computer that has a parallel architecture uses multiple central processing units.


True or False? A declaration is an example of a control structure.


True or False? A design flaw in a microprocessor chip will not result in periodic errors compromising expected component limits and calculations.


True or False? A file's extension dictates what type of data it contains.


True or False? A multiplexer produces multiple outputs for each input.


True or False? A process in the ready state may be terminated because needed resources are not available.


True or False? A program may often make references to a variable's physical address in memory.


True or False? An array is a named collection of homogeneous items in which individual items are accessed by name.


True or False? Application software interacts directly with the computer hardware.


True or False? As one moves around in the file system of an operating system, the current working directory remains the same.


True or False? Big-O notation indicates how long a solution will take to run on a hypothetical machine.


True or False? In a sequential circuit, the output is determined solely by the input values.


True or False? Physical addresses must be converted to logical addresses in order to carry out the reference being made.


True or False? The Pep/9 character input instruction specifies the register into which a character is to be stored.


True or False? The abacus was the world's first electronic digital computer.


True or False? The approach to problem solving developed by George Polya is valuable, but does not apply to computer-based solutions.


True or False? The bit pattern stored at a particular memory location conveys the kind of information that it represents (a number, part of an image, etc.).


True or False? The limits on computing all stem from a computer's finite representation of numbers.


True or False? When a named code finishes executing as part of a statement in a program and processing resumes with the statement just below where the name occurred, the place where the name of the code appears is known as the receiving unit.


Which of the following is the last part of the file name that gives an indication of what kind of data the file contains?

File Extension

Which of the following is the logical view provided by the operating system to help users manage secondary memory?

File System

Which of the following is a CPU scheduling algorithm that allocates processes to the CPU in the order in which they arrive?

First-come, first-served

Which technique for representing numeric data uses the mantissa to hold the significant digits of a value?

Floating Point

Which of the following attempts to prove that an algorithm behaves as intended?

Formal Verification

Which of the following is a device that performs a basic operation on electrical signals?


Who wrote the book How to Solve It, which outlines a general approach to problem solving?

George Polya

Which of the following can be either directed or undirected?


Which of the following is made up of a set of nodes called vertices and a set of lines called edges (or arcs)?


Information Hiding

Hiding some of the details of a module to access the details of the module. (idk)

The following equation is an example of which Boolean algebra property? A1 = A


The .gif, .tiff, and .jpg file extensions are generally used for which of the following?

Image File

Which of the following language paradigms allows the programmer to express algorithms derived from a top-down design?

Imperative (procedural)

Which level provides a view that deals with the underlying data structure used to manage the data?

Implementation Level

What is a regular OR gate also known as?

Inclusive OR

What is the practice of hiding the details of a module with the goal of controlling access to the details of the module?

Information Hiding

Which of the following determines the output of a combinational circuit?

Input values only

What is the name of a solid piece of silicon that contains transistors, other components, and their connections?

Integrated Circuit

Which of the following is a program that translates and executes statements in sequence?


Which of the following translates and executes program statements in sequence, instead of having separate translation and execution steps?


Which of the following is true about black-box testing?

It's based off the inputs.

Which of the following scientists developed the basic computer architecture that continues to be used today?

John von Neumann

Which of the following paradigms is based on the mathematical concepts of symbolic logic?


Which of the following describes a reference made by a program relative to itself?

Logical Address

Which language is actually executed by the central processing unit of a computer?

Machine Language

Which of the following are tiny doughnut-shaped devices that could each store one bit of information in second-generation computer memory?

Magnetic Cores

Which of the following is a device that allows a computer to connect to the Internet?


Which of the following is a technique for keeping more than one process in memory at the same time?


Which of the following is the technique for keeping multiple programs in main memory at the same time, competing for their chance at the CPU?


Which gate inverts its input?


Which of the following best describes a partitioning approach that uses the bounds register to store the last address of the current position?

Neither dynamic nor fixed partitions

Which of the following allows a WHILE loop to be contained within the body of another WHILE loop?

Nested logic

Which of the following is the Big-O notation for exponential time?


Which of the following is the Big-O notation for linear time?


Which gate does the following Boolean expression represent? X = A + B


Which part of the Pep/9 instruction specifier indicates which instruction is to be carried out?

Operation Code

Which of the following occurs when the results of a calculation are too large to represent in the computer?


Which of the following is used to detect that an error has occurred between the storing and retrieving of a byte or the sending and receiving of a byte?

Parity Bit

All of the following project or system breakdowns occurred as a result of software errors, except:

Periodically miscalculated spreadsheet data completed on computers manufactured by IBM, Compaq, Dell, Gateway 2000, and other IBM-compatible PCs beginning in 1994.

Which of the following tracks the progress of a program during execution?

Process Management

Which of the following is not a valid mnemonic in the Pep/9 assembly language?


To which state does the currently executing process return when it is interrupted by the operating system?


Which of the following is the ability for a subprogram to call itself?


Which of the following specifies a file or directory beginning with the current working directory?

Relative Path

Which type of touch screen is made up of two layers that come into contact when the user presses on the screen?


Which of the following is the topmost directory, in which all others are contained?

Root Directory

Which of the following describes a CPU scheduling algorithm in which each process is given a small amount of time to use the CPU before being forced to wait until its turn comes around again?

Round Robin

In which state is a process that is currently being executed by the CPU?


To which state does a process move when the CPU scheduling algorithm determines it may next use the CPU?


Which of the following uses an elevator-like algorithm to service disk requests as it moves the heads from one extreme to the other?


Which of the following describes the amount of time it takes to move the read/write heads to the appropriate cylinder?

Seek Time

A transistor is made up of what kind of material?


Procedural Abstraction

Separating the logical view from the action of its implementation.

Control Abstraction

Separating the logical view of a control structure from its implementation.

Data Abstraction

Separating the logical view of the data from its actual implementation.

Which of the following is a disk-scheduling algorithm that moves disks heads by the minimum amount necessary to satisfy any pending request?


Which of the following is part of a Pep/9 program instruction?


Which of the following is an abstract data type that operates on a "last in, first out" (LIFO) manner?


Control Structure

Statement used to normally sequential flow of control.

Which of the following requires that only a value of the proper type can be stored into a variable?

Strong Typing

Which parallel-processing approach applies the same program to multiple data sets using multiple ALUs?

Synchronous Processing

The .txt file extension is generally used for which of the following?

Text Data File

What does the term Core i5 refer to in the description of the components of the Dell Inspiron 5000 laptop?

The presence of two central core processors on one chip in the laptop computer

In which hardware generation were integrated circuits introduced?


Which of the following is the amount of time given to each process in a round-robin CPU scheduling algorithm?

Time Slice

A NAND gate and an AND gate produce opposite output.


A gate is constructed of one or more transistors.


A paradigm is a model or pattern that establish a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality.


A text file contains bytes of data that represent characters from a particular character set such as ASCII or Unicode.


Addressability is the number of bits stored in each addressable location in memory.


An IF statement is an example of a control structure.


An abstract step is one for which some details remain unspecified.


An abstraction is a mental model that removes or hides complex details.


An algorithm is only useful if it uses a finite amount of time and data.


An array is a named homogeneous collection of items in which individual items are accessed by an index.


An integrated circuit has multiple gates embedded into it.


Application software is written to solve problems in the real world.


Assembly language allows program instructions to be specified using mnemonics that correspond to machine language instructions.


At any point in time, a user is "in" the current working directory within the file system.


Boolean algebra allows us to apply provable mathematical principles to the design of circuits.


Computer software is a collection of programs that provides the instructions that a computer carries out.


Digital electronic circuits distinguish between two values of interest (binary 0 and 1) by the voltage level of the signal.


Encapsulation is a language feature that enforces information hiding.


First-come, first-served disk scheduling is relatively easy to implement, but is not the most efficient approach.


In Pep/9 assembly language, decisions can be made using instructions that check the status of the accumulator.


In a binary tree, each node has at most two child nodes.


In preemptive CPU scheduling, a process may be forced to wait even though all its necessary resources are available.


In single contiguous memory management, an entire application program is loaded into one chunk of memory.


Letters within quotations are called strings.


Machine language programs are loaded into the Pep/9 simulator by specifying the instructions in hexadecimal.


Parameters are the identifiers listed in parentheses beside a subprogram name.


Personal computers use the little endian byte order to store multi-byte data.


Representational error and round-off error are synonyms.


Software requirements are broad but precise statements outlining what is to be provided by a software product.


Some applications encode the byte order used to store the data in the file.


Task-level parallelism is based on the idea that different processors can execute different tasks simultaneously.


The Java Virtual Machine is a hypothetical computer that executes Bytecode.


The Pep/9 system includes a simulator that can be used to input and run programs.


The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is often a single integrated circuit.


The computer term "bug" arose from an incident in which a moth got into a computer cabinet.


The data-coverage testing approach tests the limits of the program's data.


The filtering phase of object-oriented problem solving determines which of the possible classes generated during brainstorming are the core classes in the problem solution.


The halting problem is an unsolvable problem.


The input to an assembler is an assembly language program.


The operations on a stack occur at one end.


The process life cycle describes the conceptual states through which a process moves as it is managed by the operating system.


The root node in a tree is the only node that does not have a parent.


The term embedded system now refers to any computer that is pre-programmed to perform a dedicated or narrow range of functions as part of a larger system.


True or False? A computer could have two or more operating systems, but only one operating system controls the computer at any given time.


True or False? A computer that has a parallel architecture uses multiple central processing units.


True or False? A directed graph is a graph whose edges go in only one direction.


True or False? A file system is the logical view of secondary memory that the operating system provides for the user.


True or False? An abstract data type (ADT) is a container whose properties (data and operations) are specified independently of any particular implementation.


True or False? An algorithm that runs in logarithmic time is more efficient than one that runs in quadratic time.


True or False? An array is a named collection of homogeneous items in which individual items are accessed by position.


True or False? An assembler directive is an instruction to the assembler itself.


True or False? Assembly language is an abstraction, hiding some of the details that occur at the machine language level.


True or False? Boolean expressions are used to make decisions in a high-level language.


True or False? In asynchronous processing, the processing is under the control of events occurring outside the sequence of processing instructions.


True or False? In top-down design, the main module is the most abstract.


True or False? Machine language is the set of binary-coded instructions that are executed directly by a computer.


True or False? Polymorphism is the ability of a language to have duplicate method names in an inheritance hierarchy and to apply the method that is appropriate for the object to which the method is applied.


True or False? Software verification activities should be carried out in all phases of the software life cycle.


True or False? The SCAN disk-scheduling algorithm is similar to the algorithm used to manage elevators.


True or False? The goal of the scenarios phase of object-oriented problem solving is to assign responsibilities to each class.


True or False? The maximum number of significant digits that a computer can represent is known as precision.


True or False? The personal computer was introduced in the fourth generation of computer hardware.


True or False? The root cause of errors in software is complexity.


True or False? The shortest-job-next CPU scheduling algorithm is provably optimal, but requires knowledge of the future.


True or False? The transistor ushered in the second generation of commercial computers.


Very few programs are written in machine language today.


Which of the following occurs when the results of a calculation are too small to represent in the computer?


What is the first step in the "How to Solve It" list?

Understand the problem.

What type of chip contains more than 100,000 gates?

Very-Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)

In which of the following does a team perform a manual simulation of a program or design?


Which of the following is an application package?

Word Processor

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