COMS 265: CH 3
Approximately when did the golden age of newspapers end?
1830s to 1930
Who was the publisher of the New York Sun who originated the penny press in 1833?
Benjamin Day
Who was the German printer credited with creating the first mechanical printing press using movable
What is cultural transmission and how does it work?
Sharing language, values & traditions of a culture; Reading introduces societal rules & norms
What were the first paperback forms of books?
dime novels
Although hundreds of new titles are published every year, most magazines survive how long?
do not last more than 2 years
What is the most important function of modern newspapers?
What is codex?
manuscript book of individually bound pages
Inexpensive soft-cover books sold in bookstores, supermarkets, drugstores, etc. were called what?
mass-market paperbacks
Journalists who conduct investigate reporting were called what in the early twentieth century?
What was the newspaper format sold at a low price to increase circulation and attract large audiences?
What is circulation?
number of newspaper copies sold or distributed
The system where readers pay after receiving a certain number of articles for free is known as what?