COMS 304 Exam 2

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Evaluating Statistical Evidence

1.Do the statistics come from an unbiased and reliable source. For example the U.S. Census is done every decade through a fairly consistent process by the government who has no profit motive. It was established in the U.S. Constitution. Some groups like homeless and undocumented persons are known to be undercounted. 2.Was there a profit motive involved for those reporting the data? How do we know the source did not pick the results they wished to report from taste tests?

Basic Emotions

1.Happiness, 2.Sadness, 3.Anger, 4.Fear, and 5.Disgust.

Evaluating Statistical Evidence (continued)

3. Is a dependable method used to gather the information from the relevant populations? Telephone surveys are problematic given that more people have eliminated their landlines and are often ignoring such surveys on their cell phones. Some groups like males in the 25-35 age group are especially hard to reach. 4. How recent are the data? Data on teens collected 10 years ago may not apply today when looking at their media use and buying behaviors. The same goes for newly retired persons.

Mood and Information Processing

According to Guerrero, Andersen and Trost (1998), moods are nonspecific affective states usually described in terms of positive or negative feelings without being traceable to a specific cause. They are typically more long-lasting feeling states than are discrete emotions.


According to Guerrero, Andersen, and Trost (1998), affect is a more general term that corresponds to the more general use of positive or negative feelings. Nonverbal behaviors are often part of the displays of affect rather than totally separate behaviors.

Discrete Emotion: Anger

According to Nabi (2002), anger is: "Generally elicited in the face of obstacles interfering with goal-oriented behavior or demeaning offenses against oneself or one's love ones.... Anger is associated with highly focused attention and a desire to strike out at, attack, or in some way get back at the anger source." (p. 293) •

Major Cloud Computing Companies Are Becoming More Important

Amazon and Microsoft are two of the largest providers of cloud computing. They are becoming increasingly important in the advertising world.

Logic and emotions are not opposites.

Anger and fear can lead to necessary behavioral responses to threatening situations.

Market Segmentation

Aristotle's notion of adapting to different audiences has been perfected by advertising and marketing agencies to very specific demographic factors such as gender, socio-economic group, age, and ethnicity.

Women Represent the Dominant Force in U.S.

Consumer Spending. Professional Women Are a Particularly Valuable Market Sector

Many Persuaders

Intentionally Attempt to Create Uncertainty and Doubt to Create Consumer Confusion.

Disgust Must Be Matched to the Right Context

Our advice to persuaders on the use of disgust is that it can be effective when used cautiously and for the right reasons. Some of the visuals in the previously cited Lee and Chung (2018) research used repulsive images of African children such as one that had flies swarming a child. They found such repulsive images effective when matched with the right sponsor.

Positive Moods Are Not the Best for Making Choices

Persons in good moods have little motivation to expend the energy to systematically process information unless other goals require it, such as a budget limitation. Although it is counter-intuitive, positive moods may not be the best frame of mind in which to make your best choice.

The Millennial Generation Was the First to Be Raised in the 24/7

Technology Environment, but They Are Being Surpassed by the Even More Technology-Embedded Generation Z (Those born 1997 or beyond

Shifts in Generational Values

The Millennial generation has now passed the Baby Boom generation as the largest generation in the U.S.A. It commands a current and future position as a major focus of advertisers. Upcoming Generation Z promises to be even more different. A problem exists, however, for the advertising industry in that Millennials and the Baby Boomers represent the two largest groups of consumers who tend to pay attention to very different products and services.


The Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, commonly called the "post hoc" fallacy, derives from the Latin meaning "after this, therefore because of this." As the translation implies, because one event follows another, the first event is assumed to be the cause of the second. One sometimes sees this in the world of sports where the acquisition of a new player or coach is seen as the cause for a winning or losing season. Were there other reasons than the diet system contributing to Marie losing 50 pounds? Maybe she also had a personal trainer, got more exercise, and was getting paid to do this infomercial.

The Wall Street Journal Magazine

The WSJ produces a monthly special magazine issue for subscribers that merges stories of famous personalities with advertising by carefully noting what the person was wearing.

Control of Advertising Has Shifted to the Internet

The control of the advertising market has shifted toward the internet from the formerly dominant agency advertising. This has disrupted many industries including the newspaper and magazine industries.

Discrete Emotion: Happiness and Joy

The final of the five basic emotions is happiness and joy. Joy was recognized by persons in the distant past and clearly appears in the Psalms of the Old Testament. The elation of joy in the moment is often momentary. It is very related to the topic of mood that we will discuss shortly. Most of the research has been done on joy as a mood rather than as an emotion. The exception has been the previously discussed research on PANAS, which has clearly considered it within the PA or positive affect factor. Happiness and joy are obviously similar. Happiness is associated with a mood, and joy indicates a positive emotional response to such happy events. For our purposes they are synonyms. Happy persons are positive about their future, confident, sharing, and trusting, and they seem to attract other persons (Nabi, 2002). •

Dominance of Major Technology Companies

The largest impact on the advertising business resulted from the revolution in advertising created by Google that is now called Alphabet. Google was the number one company in 2017 for advertising revenues with about $100 billion in revenue followed by Facebook, with about $40 billion in revenue. Together, they accounted for more revenue than all other advertisers combined.

"Alternative Facts" Are an Oxymoron

The phrase alternative facts is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words that is known as an oxymoron.

The Straw-man Fallacy

The straw-man fallacy sets up a weak or "straw man" case that can be easily defeated. The persuader represents an extremely weak case as the position of the other side in the debate, and then brings out key evidence and reasoning to defeat the bogus case, along with the opposition to the other candidate. This fallacy can also apply to commercial products such as paper towels where the promoted brand can pick up several times the liquid of a cheaper competitor without falling apart. •

Toulmin gave the following example (p. 92): •Data (datum): Harry was born in Bermuda. •Claim: Harry is a British subject •Warrant: A man born in Bermuda will be a British subject.

The three components do not have to be in this order. A lawyer defending Harry might start her argument with the warrant, followed by the data, and end with the claim. Or, the lawyer could begin with the claim, move to the data, and then to the warrant.

"Alternative Facts" Are an Oxymoron P3

Unfortunately, the legitimacy of facts has been called into question by the emergence of the phrase alternative facts by Kellyanne Conway.

"Alternative Facts" Are an Oxymoron P2

We may dispute whether something is a fact or the interpretation of what it means, but there is no such thing as an alternative fact.

What Is a Fact?

•A fact, according to, is something that has actual existence or an actual occurrence. A fact could also be the observation of the physical damage done to a vehicle in a motor vehicle accident.

What Is a Fact? P2

•Facts have the quality of being actual in the here and now or something that has happened in the past without any question of occurrence, such as the date and time that President John F. Kennedy was shot, November 22, 1963 at 12:30 pm CST.

Two Big Points Are Being Made By the Authors

•First, some facts are distractors from more important issues. Sometimes this is a strategy to divert a receiver's attention from the important issues like when buying a new vehicle or home.

Projections and Estimates

•Projections and estimates predict future events based upon the trends we currently see. For example, Weeman and Lynch (2018) report a recent study that shows the rise in sea level has been at an accelerated pace over the past 25 years.

Fake Facts

•Some claims on the Internet or in the media are simply false like the claim by Alex Jones of InfoWARS that the Sandy Hook massacre did not happen. That is a lie and fake news.

Fake News

•THERE REALLY IS FAKE NEWS on the internet like conspiracy advocate Alex Jones, but not everything labelled "fake news" is actually fake news.

Two Big Points Are Being Made By the Authors P2

•The authors of text think the facts regarding the issue of how many persons attended President Trump's Inauguration is not important. There were a lot of people there, and reasons like tight security may have stopped more people from attending.

Generation Z (1997-2010) [Some say 1995+]

•This generation is currently a bit smaller at about 67 million persons in the U.S. than the Millennial generation, but the exact parameters of the generation are not yet a consensus—especially on the bottom end. Clearly, it will be a core sector of the workforce for decades to come. It already has about 17 million persons in the U.S. workforce. •Those in Gen Z are more diverse with almost half of them being of an ethnicity that is not white (Adamy, 2018). •Gen Z may be drawn to safety as we have seen in the era of school violence and economic instability (Adamy, 2018; Scott, 2016). Recently, Adamy (2018) asserted that Gen Z is more focused on achieving greater financial well-being than the three prior generations. She suggests data are showing this generation is being more conservative about accumulating debt such as student loans.

Baby Boomers (1946-1965)

•This group has been the dominant consumer group for some time. As many of them have entered retirement, their consumer needs have changed. •They have more discretionary incomes than other cohorts. Yet, they often have responsibilities for aging parents and elder care as many also have responsibilities as grandparents. Some grandparents have very active participation in the daily lives of their grandchildren.

Millennials (1980-1996)

Being switched on early in the digital era may lead Millennials to be more opinionated and into instant gratification.

Market's Evolution

Changes in the marketplace itself are driving changes in advertising and a lot of this has to do with the Internet revolution. A major consolidation of advertising, marketing, and public relations activities into a few integrated organizations has resulted in mega-firms like WPP. Many large advertisers like P & G and Ford are bringing more advertising and marketing back in house.

Surprisingly, overly warm nonverbal displays may be negative in customer service.

In a very interesting study of nonverbals in an actual corporate service context, Marinova, Singh, & Singh (2018) found overly warm nonverbal emotional displays may actually be negative in customer service interactions. So, persuaders must become aware of the expectations for nonverbal behaviors in other cultures.

It Blurs Reporting and Advertising

It has beenhappening in fashion, travel, and automotive reporting for decades, but now is moving across many contexts. This trend is proving effective in meeting viewer resistance to advertising because it is related to the content and context of the stories surrounding the ads. It is especially happening across major news outlets like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Women Make MOST Consumer Purchases in U.S.A.

It is not just products and services used by women. They are involved in most retail vehicle purchases in the U.S. When women have male partners, they often make purchases for them as well as for their entire families. •

The Ad Populum Fallacy

It relies on whatever happens to be popular at that time. The phrase "the wisdom of the crowd" is a variation of this. It is aimed at or to the populace or public. This does not mean that a clear preference of the masses is a bad thing. Political candidates frequently claim polls as

Nonverbal Behavior and Persuasion

Many nonverbal behaviors are very context dependent such as eye contact. Eye contact is very important for persuaders of Caucasians in the U.S., but the same behavior may violate cultural expectations elsewhere.

Discrete Emotion: Sadness

Nabi (2002) describes sadness as feeling "isolated, wistful, and a sense of resignation, and their action tendency is really one of inaction or withdrawal into themselves" (p. 294). Nabi says that intentionally evoked sadness by persuaders has not been studied, but appears to have had some effectiveness in motivating attitude change in addressing HIV/AIDS, illicit drugs, and juvenile crime. Appeals using sadness often appear in television commercials created by hunger relief organizations. They likely intend to develop a sense of pity, empathy, and compassion. How long can viewers watch such ads?

Point Two—Facts Are Facts

•For the authors, the more important issue raised in debate over the number of attendance at President Trump's inauguration was the phrase "alternative facts."


•We studied Walter Fisher's narrative approach earlier. Use his criteria when creating narratives as a persuader or as a receiver of persuasion using narratives. •Narratives make persuasion come alive. Narratives also makes examples easy to recall and relevant in personal terms. •The story of a person rising from rags to riches probably persuades more people than any set of statistics of the percentages of successful start-ups or franchise operations ever could.


•We usually suspect people who attempt to persuade us only using their own feelings or opinions. They could easily be simply biased in one direction or another. This is why the testimony of another witness is valuable. Of course, expert testimony is the best kind, but even unqualified testimony, delivered sincerely, has powerful impacts on you as receivers. •Most ads that use testimonials will use persons or celebrities with whom the audience would like to have as friends in real life. Choose your testimony with the same kind of things in mind. "Birds of a feather flock together" is a good rule of thumb. When using testimony over media devices, remember who your readers are and select accordingly.

Disputed Facts of Climate Change P2

•What is disputed is which changes in the behavior of average people in the U.S.A. such as reduction in the use of coal or fossil fuels can avert a global environmental catastrophe. Will changes in the U.S.A. compensate for major pollution in India and China?

Weather Reports—Some Facts/Some Projections

•When the weather is broadcast on the evening news, the actual readings of temperatures taken at a specific time in specific airport locations are facts. •Predictions of the weather tomorrow based upon patterns seen today on doppler radar are not facts, but projections. Many of us rely on weather reports to plan our days. We are often given a percentage of the chance of rain today.


Advertisers need to make sure they are not pinkwashing—the term for a dismissive nod to giving women their rightful role in an equal society without really doing so.

Going Negative

Another use of the PANAS research applies to using negative advertising to attack political opponents. In common language, the phrase "going negative" is often used to describe such practices. Persuaders need to carefully consider the costs and benefits of using negative persuasive tactics in political campaigns or against competitor's products.

All Numbers Are Not Facts

Confusion of facts and projections. Many confuse facts and projections. Sometimes this may result from the use of numbers, statistics, and formulas that look scientific, and they may be. However, one must learn to separate numbers from those that are facts from those that are just projections or estimates. All numbers are not facts

Positive Moods May Result in Less Recall

Dillard and Meijnders (2002) argue much of the interest in mood and persuasion resulted from a study by Worth and Mackie in 1987, where they found that participants in good moods recalled fewer arguments and differentiated less between stronger and weaker arguments than did those in neutral moods. Overall, their evidence supported that positive mood interfered with systematic processing of the information.

Discrete Emotion: Disgust

Dillard and Shen (2018) label persuasive messages using repulsive tactics as the emotional use of disgust. It is another of the most basic emotions identified by Johnson-Laird and Oatley (1989) and has deep roots going far back in history. Dillard and Shen found that disgust was effective in some conditions but not in others. It is often intertwined with fear appeals.

Many Fear Appeals

Do Not Intend to Induce Terror, but Attempt to Create Uncertainty and Doubt.

Google AdWords Currently

Dominate All Advertising. Period.

Efficacy Messages

Efficacy messages are the key to overcoming defensive avoidance where people try to avoid, ignore, or minimize the issue if they cannot do anything about it.

Ekman and Friesen Picture Method

Ekman and Friesen (1971) used a method similar to Darwin's technique showing a photograph of a man experiencing emotion from another culture. Ekman and Friesen told participants in other countries a story and asked participants to match the story to one of the faces of three pictures provided. They found college-educated participants in the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Japan identified the same faces with the same emotional words with high degrees of accuracy. They also found that more primitive people in New Guinea did the same with a few exceptions. The findings of Izard (1994) largely corresponded to those of Ekman and Friesen. Although the research has some limitations, their findings were mostly consistent with many of the conclusions suggested by Darwin in 1873.

Pets Can Also

Evoke Much Joy in Advertising.


Flow is a very hard concept for research to measure; so, most of our evidence is based on the narratives of others experiencing it such as when they are playing video games.

Socio-economic Segmentation

General Motors (GM) began the development of sophisticated marketing strategies targeting markets segmented by economic levels of the purchasers back in the 1920s with what is labelled Sloan's ladder of success. Alfred Sloan, Jr.'s (2015) strategy is summarized by his phrase, "A car for every purse and purpose" (p. 512). Sloan developed the concept of five distinct brands at five increasing price ranges for five economic levels of consumers. The Chevrolet was targeted at the lowest economic level up through the GM family until reaching the top-of-the-line Cadillac. This line of succession is often known as His goal was to create lifetime GM customers. For many years, GM was viewed as the model for what the U.S. economy should be.

Generational Segmentation

Generational purchasing differences define many of the emerging trends in advertising. Targeting to generational groups may have potential for some companies that market products relevant to persons at specific stages in life, like families with babies in need of diapers and other infant-related products to products directed for those in their more mature years. •

Use Guilt with Caution

Guilt is a powerful motivator in persuading others to vote, purchase, donate, or join. Guilt frequently arises out of some kind of interpersonal situation—we have wronged our parents, children, spouse, friends, or the community, and we must set things right. Some churches and synagogues frequently appeal to a sense of obligation—especially those running schools without the help of tax dollars. Constant appeals to obligation can cause backlash and lead some individuals to abandon those organizations. Others do not view their service, duty, or obligations as negative. •

Discrete Emotion: Guilt.

Guilt is not one of the five basic emotions addressed by many of the early researchers. One reason is that guilt does not have the clear facial markers that distinguish it from other emotions. It may also occur with emotions such as sadness. Whether it is a primary or secondary emotion is debated.

Negative Affect May Result in Better Recall

Negative affect may be the most predictive of behavior; and thus, the more important for persuaders Lee and Chung (2018) published an article focusing on the use of emotional visuals to establish corporate social responsibility. They compared the effectiveness of remembering information about a company using ads with negative and positive tone (valence). They found that ads depicting negative conditions affecting some children in Africa resulted in better recall of those sponsoring the ads.

Big Lesson: Be Vigilant—Do Not Trust Others To Be Vigilant For You!

Our governments regulate some things, but their regulatory oversight is actually minimal. Very little of our food supply actually gets inspected. Every cargo container coming into the U.S. does not get careful inspection. Even major news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal often report results incorrectly in their text and graphs.

Discrete Emotion: Fear

Paul Mongeau (1998) reviewed 28 fear appeal studies involving over 15,000 individuals. He found significant and consistent links between the use of fear appeals and attitude change. That is, more fear is more effective than less fear. Kim Witte and Mike Allen (2000) qualified Mongeau's conclusions, proposing that strong fear appeals coupled with high-efficacy messages produce the greatest behavioral change. That conclusion is supported by the more recent Tannenbaum (2015) meta-analysis. So, strong fear appeals coupled with high-efficacy messages produce the greatest behavioral change.

Discrete Emotions Can Provide a Different Picture

Professors Dillard and Nabi have been leaders in advancing the study of discrete emotions in the communication field. Dillard and Seo (2013) demonstrated that happiness and contentment under the positive affect umbrella behaved in opposite directions in the prediction of intention to participate in an educational program. Perhaps the important of discrete emotions is being masked by PANAS.

Attacks on facts are attacks on persuasion itself. - Larson & Scudder (2019)

Recent attacks on facts jeopardize the foundations of our nation and persuasion. Facts combat tyranny, and in turn, promote liberty as established in the U.S. Constitution.

Humor & Persuasion

Reviews have been mixed on the persuasive impact of humor on persuasion. Contrary to some prior reviews, a more recent meta-analysis A meta-analysis of 369 samples by Eisend in 2009 indicated that humor in advertising increases attention given to the ad and creates positive affect toward the brand. Yet, humor appears to reduce source credibility. However, it does enhance positive affect and intention to purchase the product. So, persuaders must define their goals. Humor appears good for developing a positive intent to purchase, but seems to have a negative impact on the credibility of the source.

The Problem is Getting People to Take Risks Seriously While Something Can Be Done

Rise of ocean levels are facts for cities along the Atlantic ocean such as Miami, Florida. The problem for government officials in those communities is persuading residents to take the problem seriously now. It is not easy persuading individuals to participate regularly in health screenings such as breast exams, PSA tests, colonoscopies, and annual physicals. Early warnings from such screenings save many lives.

Some Behaviors Are Risky

Smoking is the number one risk factor of getting lung cancer. It also increases the likelihood of other diseases as well. Texting while driving greatly increases the occurrence of an auto accident as does driving while intoxicated. So, estimates of risks are not facts, but they are based on factual observations. Wise persons pay attention to known risk factors.

Many goods, products, and services are targeted toward value-oriented customers. Hotel brands have properties ranging from budget-minded consumers to those costing thousands of dollars per night.

So, in applying Aristotle's point long ago about adaptation to a clearly defined economic context, specific economic segments serve as the center of decision making from the initial design of a product or service up through the advertising promotions and marketing of that product or design or service

Music May Make

Some More Susceptible to Persuasion by Place Them in Better Moods.

Technology Natives

Technology has surrounded Gen Z since birth. They are the first full generation of digital natives. Scott suggests Gen Z needs the big picture being conveyed in very few words—they want things short and concise. They constantly multi-task. The implication is that they have a shorter attention span for persuaders—perhaps a reflection of the Instagram and Twitter universes.

The Ad Hominem Fallacy

The Latin term ad hominem, meaning "to or at the person." It refers to any attack against an individual instead of against her or his position on the issues. The purpose is to lead the audience to take certain actions simply because of an alleged character quirk or other flaw in the person presenting the opposite viewpoint. • It is frequently used in political or ideological persuasion. Whenever attacks are made on a person's character instead of focusing on his or her stands on issues, be aware that the ad hominem fallacy is probably at work.

The Part-whole or Undistributed-Middle Fallacy

This fallacy happens when an individual is assumed to share aspects or attributes with stereotypes he or she has with the group as a whole. It occurs in most cases of what we call "guilt by association."

The Qualifier

Toulmin's system contains a number of secondary terms such as Qualifiers. Usually this a simple word or phrase such as "in most cases," or "probably, or "it is likely." • Persuaders often use qualifiers to protect themselves when selling products and services. They often give guarantees for those situations where the product did not work for a customer.

Testimony Downsides

Unfortunately, some popular celebrity endorsers like Alex Trebek and Tom Selleck have advertised questionable insurance or loan products. Health, nutritional, and diet products should receive careful scrutiny when marketed by celebrity endorsers. Oprah has made a large investment in Weight Watchers; so, her promotion of its services and her commitment to it may be more legitimate. Internet influencers are part of a new wave of celebrity endorsers through their recommendations.

Personal Experience

Using personal experiences as a catalyst for changing society can be powerful. Many individuals have shared their personal experiences of being racially profiled as highlighted in the Black Lives Matter movement. Similarly, hundreds of women who have been sexually harassed have shared their powerful stories in the #MeToo movement. The Parkland High #Enough is Enough movement for safe schools continues to be a remarkable movement where teens share their experiences of school violence.

Dillard's Integrative Approach

We favor Dillard's (1998) framing of affect as an integrative process. That is, when the environment demands an immediate response, Dillard maintains that affect acts quickly as the coordinating and mobilizing agent of "cognitive, physiological, motivational, and expressive systems" (p. xix). He likens affect to a coarse computer program operating quickly to bring about the necessary change.

Implications of Facts Are Debatable. What needs to be done about plastics?

We know auto deaths have increased from texting drivers and cell-phone distracted drivers, but some estimates say a majority of drivers sometimes violate the laws. What needs to be done to keep people from injuring others by these illegal actions?

Comparison and Contrast

We know that comparison and contrast works from thousands of familiar and highly persuasive "before/after" ads and presentations that we have seen and/or heard. This can be especially effective when it involves a personal experience. One form of comparison is the analogy. Its strength is when there are many similarities of the current situation to the analogy being made. It weakness is when the comparison the analogy makes does not have close similarities.

The Move to Digital Native Advertising

Wojdynski and Golan (2016) define digital native advertising as: "The practice by which a marketer borrows from the credibility of a content publisher by presenting paid content with a format and location that matches the publisher's original content. [It] has been the primary driving engine of the internet marketing economy for several years." (p. 1403) •

Gender Segmentation—Focus on Women

Women must become a central issue in the development of advertisements and advertising campaigns. Some advertising insults the intelligence of females with common stereotypes. This means advertising strategies have to go beyond simplistic reasoning like "thinking pink" (Slaymaker, 2018). •

FUD-- Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

a method used in sales and marketing to dissuade customers from buying competing products and solutions by providing information that triggers fear and uncertainty, or sows seeds of doubt, about current customer thinking - often against competitors

Four Fear Conclusions for Persuaders

•First, strong fear appeals should be coupled with ways to effectively combat the fear. •Second, it is better not to even use a fear appeal if you do not have an effective solution to deal with it. •Third, it is even more problematic to use a very strong fear appeal without proposing an effective solution. •Fourth, providing effective solutions may be even more important than producing high levels of fear experienced by the receivers of the message. •

Changing Consumer Tolerance--Hostility

•MasterCard's Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Raja Rajamannar (2018) argues consumers look at advertisements as an annoyance or as an interruption to their experience. •Mobile advertising frustrates consumers with screens completely covered with unwanted ads.

Disputed Facts of Climate Change

•Most climate scientists acknowledge that global warming is happening. Claims disputing melting glaciers and polar ice caps simply ignore much scientific data. Glaciers in Greenland are melting at an alarming rate. Ocean levels are clearly rising on the east coast of the U.S.A. Measurements of ocean levels on Florida's east coast clearly document this.

Point Two—Facts Are Facts P3

•Some facts must take greater priority to sustain those in great need now and generations in the future.

Two Big Points Are Being Made By the Authors

•Sometimes debates in the political context over the exact facts get in the way of more important issues. Remember, our minds can only hold a few things in our working memory.

Types of Evidence

•Statistical evidence can be convincing to persuade people to reconsider engaging in risky behaviors like smoking. Great progress has been made in the U.S.A. in the reduction of smokers in the population. •On the other hand, getting drivers not to text while driving has been much harder. Some studies have found that a majority of drivers break the law by using their cell phones by texting at some point. This is illegal in all but two states. In states where hand-holding a cell phone while driving is illegal, large percentages of drivers still do it.

Point Two—Facts Are Facts P2

•The authors believe that this is doing great damage to heeding important facts in our world being revealed by science, researchers, and data analysts.

Five Forces Contributed to the Shifts in the Advertising Industry:

•The changes in consumer tolerance and motivation, •The move to digital native advertising, •The dominance of major technology companies, •The market's evolution, and •The shifts in generational values.

The Greatest Generation (1945 and prior)

•The label for this group comes from the great sacrifices they made in the era of three wars. This generation is declining in numbers. It remains an important market for pharmaceutical manufacturers and health care providers. •They are less likely to enjoy shopping than any other age cohort. Yet, they are also the most likely to walk up and down each aisle on a shopping trip; thus, extending their time in-store and likelihood of a spontaneous purchase. •Brands are increasingly targeting seniors.

Visual Evidence

•The many television offers for various cooking gadgets testify to the power of the demonstration. •George Foreman has profited nicely from his marketing of various versions of the George Foreman Grill on television. It is simple and it really does work well. It does drain the grease away and is easy to clean. Some other quality home products like Ninja blenders were popularized on TV, but now are sold in stores. •In person demonstrations are easier to assess their value. Many pieces of inexpensive exercise equipment shown on television are junk, but the actors make it look good.

Toulmin Skeleton Has Three Main Elements

•The three core elements of the skeleton data, claim, and warrant. •A Claim is the proposition that the persuader hopes will be believed, adopted, or followed by the audience. •Data give the receivers plausible reasons for following the advice of the claim. •The Warrant it explains the reason why the relationship exists.

Meta-analysis of Dillard and Meijnders (2002).

•Their results indicated increases in the positivity of mood were related to increases in positive attitude change. •Second, consistent with Worth and Mackie (1987), positive moods lead to decreased message processing. •Finally, the more positive an individual's mood, the greater number of favorable cognitive responses made.•

Projections and Estimates P2

•Their study took the current rate of change over the last 25 years based on facts to make projections about the future rise in sea level. The projections are based on facts, but the projected numbers are not certain. They predict that the rate at which the sea level is rising will double by the year 2100 with an additional rise of 26 inches.

Generation X (1966-1979)

•This well-established generation provides more clear patterns as targets of advertisers. •If they are parents, time is a precious commodity for them. In two-partner households, each partner may be taking a child a different direction in their many activities. •Child-care activity centers make establishments attractive for them while a parent can shop. •Money can still be tight because of all the activities in which children participate.Many of them now have children in college, and that presents even more demands on their schedules as well as economic resources.


•Watson, Wiese, Vaidya, and Tellegen (1999) established the foundation of the "Two General Activation Systems of Affect" that is now widely known as PANAS. •Negative affect (NA) and positive affect (PA) are two separate systems that are not opposite poles. They activate different parts of the brain.

The Domination of Cognition.

•We have recently passed through four decades of cognition-dominated persuasion research. This extreme focus on cognition has limited the way persuasion research has considered emotions. •A logical bias has unfairly treated the emotional side of life as inferior when it very well may be the driving force when we are facing life or death situations.

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