CON 101 Exam 1 Prep

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How many individuals run and own their own construction business?


What year was the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) organized?


Responsive bid (or proposal)

A bid or proposal package that meets all of the requirements of the solicitation instrument.

public-private partnership

A business venture approach whereby a public sector authority and a private enterprise join forces and combine resources to deliver government projects aimed at serving the public good

open bid

A competitive bidding requirement for most public projects. An open bid is one that is advertised publicly and allows any qualified contractor to submit a bid on the project.

Project delivery

A comprehensive process by which a building, facility, or structure is designed and constructed.

Multiple Prime

A contracting methodology in which the owner bypasses the use of a general contractor and enters into multiple separate contracts with trade or specialty contractors for the various sections of the work associated with the project, such as concrete, framing, mechanical, and electrical work. Each of the specialty contractors involved becomes a prime contractor on the project.

Constructability Reviews

A design review process in which experienced contractors and construction managers work with designers to ensure that the details of the design actually can be built in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The process entails review of materials, application, installation techniques, field execution, and building systems.

Constructability review

A design review process in which experienced contractors and construction managers work with designers to ensure that the details of the design actually can be built in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The process entails review of materials, application, installation techniques, field execution, and building systems.

Request for Qualifications

A document issued by the owner prior to an RFP to solicit contractor or design-builder qualifications. The RFQ may be used by the owner to shortlist potential proposers, or it may be used by itself as the final competitive submittal employed in qualifications-based selection.

What is the purpose of a labor and materials payment bond?

A labor and materials payment bond is a guarantee, backed by a surety, that payment for the contractor's labor and materials used on the project will be made.

Intergrated Form of Agreement

A muliparty agreement that includes the owner, design professional, and constructor as signatories to the same construction contract.

integrated form of agreement

A multiparty agreement that includes the owner, design professional, and constructor as signatories to the same construction contract. This unique legal relationship is also referred to as an IFOA.

Fast Tracking

A practice utilized to speed up a job by overlapping the design phase and the construction phase of a project. It's often applied in design-build or construction management project delivery

Value Engineering

A process in which various alternative approaches are evaluated and considered regarding design, product selection, or building system in an effort to provide the most efficient, cost-effective solution possible relative to value in response to the desires of the owner.


A project delivery method in which the owner holds two separate contracts for design and construction. This method is often referred to as the traditional project delivery method.


A project delivery method in which there is only one contract between the owner and a design-build entity. The design-builder is responsible for both the design and the construction of the project. This method is often referred to as single-source project delivery.

at-risk cm

A project delivery method where the construction manager acts as a consultant to the owner in the development and design phases but as the equivalent of a general contractor during the construction phase.

Brownfield sites

A property that is abandoned or underused because of historic environmental contamination.

advertisement for bids

A public notice, usually published in newspapers, trade magazines, and journals, providing information regarding bidding procedures for public projects.

Progressive Design-Build

A qualifications-based design-build application where the design-builder is selected primarily on qualifications, followed by a process whereby the owner then progresses toward a design and contract price with the delivery team.

request for proposals

A solicitation document, written by the owner, requesting pricing and a technical solution for design and/or construction services.


A written statement that identifies and describes an owner or end user's needs and requirements for a facility. Every design starts with a program.

Which of the following is the responsibility of the Design Professional?

Advise the owner regarding the special and aesthetic issues and generate graphic solutions to problems.

Weighted Criteria

An evaluation method used in best-value selection in which maximum point values are assessed for qualitative and price components of a proposal. Contract award is based upon the highest total points earned.

Curtain wall

An exterior cladding system that is supported entirely by the frame of the building, rather than being self-supporting or load-bearing

Integrated Project Delivery

Any project delivery method that contractually engages the contractor responsible for constructing the project at the beginning of the design process. Both design-build and at-risk CM are considered integrated project delivery models.

The law requires that contractors who compete for public projects must post three types of bonds:

Bid Bond, Performance Bond, Payment Bond

Grading, demolition, excavation, site utilities, streets, curbs and gutters are all generally part of which drawing set?


What is the name of the stone carvings dating back to the pyramids that contained the first written regulations pertaining to construction, commonly referred to as the first known building code?

Code of Hammurabi


Computer Aided Design

Self-performed work

Construction work that is performed with the general contractor's own forces or labor. This is work that is not subcontracted.

Which dials, or values are typically the responsibility of the contractor?

Cost, time, quality, safety

In which delivery method does the owner NOT warrant the sufficiency of the plans and specifications?

Design Build

Which of the following are typical design-build entity configuartions?

Designer and Contractor Partnership, Joint Venture, Full-Service Design-Build Firm

Mechanical Engineer

Designs plumbing systems

Structural Engineer

Designs steel and timber framed systems

Of the four basic types of drawings, which of the following provides a "blown up" view of the plan, typically in larger scale?


Which of the following is the responsibility of the project Owner?

Develop the program and outline the needs and requirements of the end user.

Who invented the first passenger elevator?

E.G. Otis

Of the four basic types of drawings in a construction in a construction plan set, which of the following shows what the building will look like from outside?


What is the name of the weekly magazine dedicated solely to the construction industry?

Engineering News Record (ENR) is the weekly magazine dedicated to the construction industry.

A GC is also known as a prime contractor. The GC tradionally enters into contract with the architect, or engineer to deliever the construction project.


A change order is a change or an addition to the contract documents issued after the documents have been released but before the bids are due.


If a contractor obtains a set of plans and specs for the purpose of estimating a job, they are required to submit a bid to the owner.


Private owners cannot legally choose whom they invite to bid on projects.


Since private projects are not funded by taxpayers, they are required to use an open bidding selection method?


Whereas design-build has linear sequencing of the work, design-bid-build often integrates and overlaps design and construction activites.


What is meant by the term fast tracking?

Fast tracking is a technique used to speed up the completion of a construction project by overlapping the design and construction processes.

Which of the following are NOT an official, licensed engineer?

Field Engineer, Project Engineer

This section of the project manual provides fundamental defintions for the contract, the work, and the drawings and specs. It also clarifies the ownership, use, and overall intent of the contract documents.

General Provisions

Which of the following is the responsibility of the Construction Professional?

Interpret the plans and specs and prepare cost estimates and time schedules to meet the requiments.

Which of the following is the responsibility of the Construction Professional?

Interpret the plans and specs and prepare cost estimates and time schedules to meet the requirements

What does LEED stand for, and what is its purpose?

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is a rating system that evaluates a building's environmental performance over its life cycle.

Base isolators

Large shock absorbers made of alternating layers of rubber and steel attached to a buildings foundation to allow movement of the structure without causing damage.

What is lean construction, and from what industry does its concepts stem?

Lean construction is a philosophy that focuses on adding value with less work and the elimination of waste in the building process. It stems from the manufacturing industry, particularly the Toyota Production System.

The following reasons may be considerations to bid, or NOT bid on a particular project include:

Location of the project, type of project, size of the project, who the owner is, who the architect is

Name three associations affiliated with the construction industry.

Many associations are affiliated with the construction industry. Three of the best-known associations are the Associated General Contractors, the Associated Builders and Contractors, and the National Association of Home Builders.

According to the Hensel-Phelps model textbook, which three positions are considered entry level?

Office Engineer, Field Engineer, Quantity Surveyor

This section of the project manual is very important because it identifies how the contractor will be paid.

Payments and Completion

when there is plenty of work in the backlog, a contractor may choose not to pursue a project based on:

Present Workload

If an owner decides to use the Design-Bid-Build delivery method, the decision for contractor is based on:

Price Only

What is meant by the term project delivery?

Project delivery is the overall structural or organizational framework used to put all the aspects of designing and building a construction project together.

Highways and government buildings are examples of public projects, which retail outlets and apartments are examples of private projects:

Public, Private

This selection process is sometimes called direct selections. An owner simply decides that they want to wrok with a contractor becuase of their repuation and past performance


If an owner decidest o use the Design-Build delivery method, the decision for contractor is base on:

Qualifcation and Price

Which of the following are considered basic secotors of the construction industry?

Residential Building, Industrial Building, and Heavy Civil Construction

Why is scope definition so important in the construction process?

Scope definition is important in the construction process because it describes the extent of the work that is to be performed by the contractor.

Which dials, or values, are typically the responsibility of the owner and architect?

Scope, Function

Of the four basic types of drawings, which of the following provides a view as if the plan or elevation was "cut" through, showing greater detail of the material components of the structure?


Which of these project risks are associated with the Owner?

Site Conditions, Project Funding

General Condtions usually deal with matters that are project specific, such as:

Soils and Soil-testing info., Survery Information, Materials or other services provided by the owner, job signage requirements

The Project Manual includes:

Specs, Supplemental Condtions, General Conditions

Lean principles

Stemming from the Toyota Production System, principles that focus on creating more value for customers with less work and the elimination of waste. These principles are now being applied to the construction industry.

The Field Engineer is associated with which career path?

Superintendent Track


Temporary watertight enclosures erected to prevent water from seeping into an area, allowing construction to take place in the water-free space.

Which historical period did we observe the architect as designer, separate from the master builder?

The Renaissance

Distinguish between construction management as a function and construction management as a project delivery method.

The construction management function entails various tasks performed by the contractor such as estimating, scheduling, cost control, and contract administration in order to monitor, manage, and control the work of the contract for which the contractor is obligated. Construction management as a project delivery method is a contractual arrangement whereby the construction manager is hired by the owner to provide services to the owner, such as design review, overall scheduling, cost control, value engineering, constructability reviews, and construction coordination. Under CM project delivery, the construction manager may or may not be financially obligated to carry out the construction work itself.

Identify at least three characteristics that make the construction project unique from other industry sector projects.

The construction project is unique in a variety of ways. Each construction project is built as a one-of-a-kind structure or facility. Every construction project is built on a different and unique building site. The building process takes place outside. Much of the work is performed by the human hand. The labor force is by and large made up of transient workers moving from job to job.

Explain how agency CM is different from at-risk CM

The difference between agency CM and at-risk CM is in regard to who is responsible for performing the actual work of the contract. Under agency CM, the construction manager has no liability for the construction and acts only as an agent or advisor to the owner. With at-risk CM, the construction manager acts as an advisor to the owner during the design phase and is liable for the construction.

What is the name of the official document that the owner uses to notify the contractor to start construction?

The document used to officially inform the contractor to proceed with the contract is called a notice to proceed.

Name the four primary project values to be managed, monitored, and controlled.

The four primary project values that need to be managed, monitored, and controlled on a construction project are time, cost, quality, and safety.

Which procurement method is the most commonly used today, and what is the selection criteria used to determine the winner?

The most common procurement method used today is still design-bid-build. The selection criteria used to determine the winner when using design-bid-build is low price.

Identify the notice document that informs the public of upcoming construction projects funded with taxpayer dollars.

The notice document that is used to inform the public about upcoming construction projects is an advertisement for bids. These ads are typically posted electronically through construction project lead services but may be published in newspapers and trade magazines as well.

What is the name of the organization credited with promoting construction management as a legitimate and unique area of study at four-year universities?

The organization credited with promoting construction management as a legitimate and unique area of study is the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC).

Notice to Proceed

The owner authorizes the contractor to begin work on a project on a particular day or as soon as possible. This notice is linked to the duration of the project.

Scope of Work

The parameters defining the overall extent of work to be included in a construction contract. The project scope is commonly communicated through construction plans and written specifications.

technical proposal

The part of a design-build proposal that contains the conceptual design for the project. It may also include information regarding schedule, team makeup, and overall management plan for the project.

price proposal

The part of a design-build proposal that stipulates the price at which the design-builder will provide the design and construction services necessary to complete the project.

Architectural Programming

The research and decision-making process, initiated by the owner, usually with the help of an architect or other programming specialist, that identifies the basic needs of the client and the parameters of the project to be designed and ultimately built by a construction professional

What is the role of the owner on a construction project?

The role of the owner on a construction project is to develop the program for the building, define the scope of the project, create the budget, and provide the funding for the project.

By what specific measurement is construction used as an economic indicator for the U.S. economy?

The specific construction measurement used as an indicator regarding the health of the economy in the United States is housing starts.

Name the three basic ways in which a design-build entity may be configured.

The three basic ways in which a design-build entity may be configured are to have the contractor and the designer create an informal partnership for a project, to have a full-service design-build firm in which the designers and the contractors work for the same company, or to establish a legal joint venture between designer and contractor for a single project.

Name the three selection methods used to buy construction services, and identify the solicitation instrument used for each one.

The three selection methods used to buy construction are low-bid selection, best-value selection, and qualifications-based selection. The solicitation instrument used for low-bid selection is the invitation for bids (or advertisement for bids). The solicitation instrument used for best-value selection is the request for proposals. The solicitation instrument used for qualifications-based selection is the request for qualifications.

Name a tool used to reduce the number of bidders on a public project and increase the quality of the contractor pool.

The tool used to limit the number of contractors bidding on a public project is the requirement for a prequalification statement.

What two construction associations offer voluntary certification programs for construction managers?

The two construction associations that offer voluntary certification programs for construction managers are the American Institute of Constructors and the Construction Management Association of America.

Name the two primary selection criteria categories considered when using the best-value method.

The two primary selection categories considered with the best-value procurement method are price (quantitative factors) and qualification factors such as design, management, or past performance.


The written instructions from an architect or engineer accompanying the project plans pertaining to the quality of materials and workmanship required for the project.

What are the five primary sectors of the construction industry?

The five primary sectors of the construction industry are residential, commercial, heavy civil, industrial, and environmental construction.

A building inspector can shut down operations ona job for even the slightest code infringement and ultimately put the project schedule at risk


Because the residental market is relatively easy to enter, there are many small companies that are also at high risk for failure.


Each industry is characterized by different means, methods, and materials of construction. They may require different types of equipmetn strctural framework, materials, and specialty contractors.


For a construction manager, satisfying the owner's needs can apply to various stakeholders who may not have a direct, finanical connection to the project.


Infrastrucutre is defined as the basic roadways, bridges, and railroad networks that support a community or society.


Multi-family dwellings refer to apartments, condominiums, and townhomes wherein the entire structure may house multiple, individual residences.


One difference between Agency CM and CM at Risk is that an Agency Construction Manager is not responsible for ensuring that the construction schedule stays on track.


Some projects require specific verification regarding special 'pre-qualification' requirements. These requirements may include minority or women owned status of your business or that of your trade partners.


Subcontractors are also known as trade contractors because they perform their work under a contract with another contractor. They perform a portion of genral contractor's work.


The quality control plan consists of a number of inspections, field tests, lab test, and observations


When it comes ot being competitive, you are ultimately determined a "winner of this game" when you have met owner's expectations for price, schedule, and quality.


When it comes to awarding the contract in a best-value competition, the plans and specs are nonexistent or not complete yet, and therefore cannot govern the contract at that point.


Contractors & Designer Partnership

Two firms working together ona single project with one of them at risk for the project. The second party is a subcontractor to the first.

closed bid

Used with private projects and is not open to the public. Bidding is by invitation only, via an invitation for bids, to a selected list of contractors.

Describe how the weighted criteria evaluation process works.

Weighted criteria is a form of best-value selection in which maximum point values are pre-established for qualitative and price components and award is based upon high total points earned by the proposers for both components.

Agnecy CM

a construction management option in which the construction manager acts in the best interest at every stage of the project from design through construction. in this capacity, the construction manager provides only advice and management oversight services to the owner, and has no legal authority, operational repsonsibility, or finanaical obligation for the delivery of the design or construction of the project. therefore, not a project delivery system, but simply a professional service.

agency CM

a construction management project delievery option in which the construction manager acts in the owner's best interest at every stage of the project, from design through construction. the construction manager offers advice and project management services to the owner but its not finacially respobsible for the construction professional.

BIM Model

a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building displayed as a 3D model with the added capability to integrate a whole array of design and construction data related to cost, schedule, materials, assembly, maintenance, energy use, and more.

inviation for bids

a notification sent to a selected list of contractor, furnishing information on the submission of bids on a private project

20th century advancements in the construction industry include:

all the above

best value

any selection process in which proposals contain both price and qualitative components and the award is based upon a combination of price and qualitative considerations

Slip forms

concrete forms that rise up the wall as construction progresses

Electrical Engineer

designs lighting system

Civil Engineers

designs water supply and sewage systems

Identify the 10 functions of construction management.

managing the project team, performing pre-construction services, estimating the projext, contract admin., managing a job site and construction operations, planning and scheudling the project, controlling project performance, managing project quality, managing project safey, and managing project risks


narrowing the field of offers through the selection of the most qualified proposers on the basis of qualifications

It is the ___________ who ultimately decides which project delivery method to use.



the basic roadways, bridges, and railroad networks tha support a community or society.

Identify the four primary project delivery methods and discuss how they differ contractually.

the four primary project delivery methods are design-bid-build, design-build, at-risk CM, and integrated project delivery. With design-build, there is only one contract between the owner and the design-build entity for both the design and the construction. With at-risk CM, the owner holds two contracts: one with the construction manager/ general contractor and one with the designer. Integrated project delivery uses a single multiparty agreement with all three principle parties sharing all risks and rewards

Construction Manager

the planning, scheduling, evalution, and controlling of construction taks and activities to accomplish specific objectives outlines in the contract documents

prequalificatoin price

the process in which an owner, based on minimum financial, management, and other qualitative data, determines whether a construction firm is fundamentally qualified to compete for a certain project or class of projects.

Why is open bidding required on public projects?

they are funded by taxpayers dollars

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