Concepts of Communication (LPN) Key terms

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A commonplace "language" or terminology unique to people in a particular work setting or type of work.


A dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.


A feeling or an expression of pity or sorrow for the distress of another; compassion or commiseration.

Closed Posture

A more formal, distant stance, generally with the arms crossed; can be disinterest, coldness, and non-acceptance.

Open Posture

A relaxed stance with uncrossed arms and legs while facing the other individual during communication.

Unassertive Communication

Agreeing to do what the other person requests even though doing so will create additional problems.

Therapeutic Communication

An exchange of information that takes place which facilitates the formation of a positive relationship.

Active Listening

An intent "listening for meaning" in which the listener checks with the speaker to see that a statement has been correctly heard and understood. The goal of active listening is to improve mutual understanding.

Non-therapeutic Communication

Communication that blocks the development of a trusting therapeutic relationship.


Deficient or absent language function resulting from ischemic insult to the brain.

What are the Albanian culture's norms about touch?

Direct eye-to-eye contact with your patient is culturally appropriate. If women look down, it may be a sign of modesty. Family should be made to feel comfortable to massage or provide a sponge bath to the patient; touch is considered an important part of healing.


Direct identification with, understanding of, and vicarious experience of another person's situation, feelings, and motives.


Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.

Closed Question

Focused and seeks a specific answers.

One- Way Communication

Highly structured, with the sending being in control and expecting and getting very little response from the receiver.

How does the Albanian culture deal with illness?

Illness is a cause of great concern for the patient's entire family. Indeed, extended family and kin are alerted and ready to help. Human, financial and other resources are utilized in a spontaneous or concerted effort to assist the patient and help him or her heal as soon as possible. Visitors come often to the hospital, bringing in food (viewed as a gift for healing) and a lot of attention.

Receptive Aphasia

Inability to recognize or interpret the message being received.

Expressive Aphasia

Inability to send the desired message.

Assertive Communication

Interacting with another in a manner that takes into account the feelings and needs of someone while honoring right's as an individual. Makes interaction more equal and has positive benefits for all involved.

Aggressive Communication

Interacting with another in an overpowering and forceful manner to meet one's own needs at the expense of the other.


Involves repeating what is believed to be the main point that is being conveyed.

Verbal Communication

Involves the use of the spoken or written words or symbols.

Nonverbal Communication

Messages transmitted without the use of words.


Movements used to emphasize the idea being communicated.

Open-ended Question

Non-focused and seeks an elaborative answers. Conveys the message that the listener is interested in the person as an individual, not just data gathering.

Two-Way Communication

Requires that both the sender and the receiver participate equally in the interaction.


Restatement of the message in your own words to verify that the interpretation is correct.


Resting in a manner that asks for verification that the message received is accurate.


Technique used when more specific information is needed to accurately understand the message.

How are medical decisions made in the Albanian culture?

The parents or the oldest child, regardless of gender, are decision-makers. However, prior to making a health care decision, they may need time to consult with the most knowledgeable person in their family or kin who may significantly influence their decision.


The person delivering the message.


The person or persons to whom the message is being sent.


Therapeutic technique that assists in reflecting inner thoughts and feelings rather than seeking answers or advice from someone else.

Passive listening

Used when no feedback response is intended or needed, such as when listening to the radio or watching television.


use of words and behaviors to construct, send, and interpret messages.

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