Conditioning and Learning

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This type of complex behavior is elicited by a releasing or sign stimuli

Fixed action pattern

when comparing Clark's nutcrackers to other corvids, the nutcracker has better ____ _____, which is important for food storing.

spatial memory

in terms of the behavior systems theory, Bolle's notion of ____ ____ ____ reactions (SSDR_ is concerned with responses that appear to be driven by the defense-against-predators system

species-specific defense

Emlen found that indigo buntings navigate using this to guide their way

stars/celestial maps

Clever Hans was a horse that could do arithmetic. Actually, it was determined that his ability to do math was less about math ability and more about ___ .

stimulus discrimination

memory is often a matter of ____ _____ in which one is first exposed to a stimulus and is then required to respond to that stimulus at a later time.

stimulus discrimination

using bucket with a false bottom, researches have determined that human infants will ___ to search if 3 items were placed in the bucket but only 2 items can be seen


a sharp increase in activity is usually associated with a ___ in food intake, which in turn can result in a ____ in activity

decrease, increase

in a directed forgetting task, the pigeon is shown a cue during the ___ period, which signals whether the ____ stimulus needs to remembered or can be forgotten.

delay, sample

a procedure that is useful to study the memory of animals is?

delayed matching to sample (DMTS)

this method requires the subject to match comparison stimuli with a sample stimulus

delayed matching to sample (DMTS)

a useful procedure for studying memory is a ___ ___-to- ____ task. In it, the animal is first shown a sample stimulus and then following some delay, is required to select that stimulus out of a group of alternative stimuli.

delayed matching-to-sample

to the extent that adjunctive activities facilitate waiting for, or working toward, an ___ reinforcer, such activities may ____ efforts at self-control

delayed, facilitate

In the experiment by Garcia and Koelling, the rats that had been made ill avoided the ___ water, while rats that had been shocked avoided the ___ water.

sweet, bright/noisy

As an example of preparedness in Chaffinches, ___ is an effective reinforcer for the behavior of ___.

-food; key pecking -chaffinch song; perching in a certain spot

3 defining aspects of a fixed action pattern

1. all members of a species demonstrate the behavior 2. the behavior is innate 3. once initiated, the behavior goes until completion

distinctive features of taste aversion conditioning compared to other types of classical conditioning. *hint: there's three.

1. associations can be formed over long delays. 2. typically require one parking of NS & US 3. are specific to certain types of stimuli

In the experiment with the raccoon, the coin became a ___ that elicited a ___ of washing and rubbing.


In sign tracking an organism approaches a stimulus that signals the availability of food. In such circumstances, the stimulus is best defined as a ___, while approach behavior is best defined as a ___.


according to the concept of ____ ____, certain types of stimuli are more easily associated with each other.

CS-US relevance

under which schedule of reinforcement would one be most likely to induce an animal to drink excessive amounts of water?

FI (fixed interval)

this scientist is most famous for his 1938 work on imprinting in greylag geese

Konrad Lorenz

a mouse that investigates the same arm of a RAM (radial arm maze) twice, that has never been baited, has committed what sort of error.

Long term error

the fact that auto shaped key pecks have a different topography when the reinforcer is food as opposed to water is most readily explained in terms of?

Pavlov's stimulus substitution theory

an apparently useless behavior pattern displayed during conflict is known as

a displacement activity

one benefit of displacement activities is that it is often useful to engage in ____ of behavior(s) in a situation

a diverse range

an abnormally high level of activity and a low level of food intake generated by exposure to a restricted schedule of feeding results in

activity anorexia

the basic procedure for development of ___ ___ in rats is the presentation of ____ meal period(s) each day along with access to a running wheel during the between meal period.

activity anorexia, one

certain behavior patterns in humans, such as smoking and nail biting, are often associated with periods of enforced waiting which agrees with the notion that these may be what kind of behaviors?


similar to anorexia nervosa in humans, activity anorexia in rats is more easily induced in ___ rats


bees perform the waggle dance spatially and specifically relative to this geometric, celestial marker

an angle perpendicular to the sun

this seeking or approaching behavior that will elicit a stimuli sounds like it could use a snack

appetitive behavior

sign tracking is also known by this "Widholm preferred" term


according to ____, when trying to eliminate a dog's tendency to bark, we would do well to consider which motivational system is being activated by which cues.

behavior systems theory

according to this theory, animals behavior is organized into a number of systems, such as feeding and mating, each consisting of a set of relevant responses that can be activated in certain situations.

behavior systems theory

humans have a tendency to be interested in animals and nature. According to the ____ hypothesis, this is an innate tendency.


the case of Clever Hans reminds us that it is often important to have testers or experimenters who are ___ to the conditions or expectations of the test.


like trees "knowing" when to lose their leaves, indigo buntings know when to begin their migration due to this

changes in sunlight, or length of day

taste aversion conditioning is a type of ___ conditioning in which a food item that has been parked with a gastrointestinal illness became a conditioned aversive stimulus.


activity anorexia can be broken by suddenly providing ____ access to food.


a pigeon is tested on a procedure in which it pecks to a sample stimulus and then waits for two comparison stimuli to choose from (i.e. they are "tested" on their memory). However, on some trials an additional stimulus is presented and the pigeons are not given the choice (i.e., the "test" is canceled). This procedure is known as a ____ procedure.

directed forgetting

this method uses a signal to indicate if there will be a test on memory or not.

directed forgetting procedure

Herrnstein trained pigeons to peck at pictures of trees, and not at non-trees. This is a ____ ____ procedure.

discrimination training

according to Falk, adjunctive behavior may be a the of ___ activity, which is an irreverent activity displayed by animals when confronted by conflict or when they are unable to achieve a goal.


In bees, the speed and angle of the waggle dance is used to convey both of these

distance and direction

name at least three animals that imprint at birth

ducks, geese, deer, sheep, goats, cranes, etc.

adjunctive processes may play a role in the development of an addiction during its ___ stages


study of animal behavior, specifically survival instincts and behaviors


From an evolutionary view, increased activity in response to decreased food intake could ____ contacting a new food supply.


to counter the possibility that chemo induced nausea will result in development of taste aversions, patients should be fed meals that consist mostly of highly ___ foods. As well, ,just before chemo, they can be given some trivial type of ___ food item, which will attract most of the aversive associations.

familiar, unfamiliar

the optimal inter reinforcement interval for the production of adjunctive behavior is often in the range of a...?

few minutes (1-3)

evidence that humans engage in adjunctive behavior includes the fact that studies of adjunctive type behavior patterns in humans usually ____ an optimal time interval between reinforcers for producing such behaviors.


a consummatory behavior, like egg retrieval in greylag geese, is equivalent to this three word term

fixed action pattern

studies of adjunctive behavior typically use ___ or ____ schedules of food reinforcement. This is because adjunctive behavior tends to occur when there is a ___ probability of reinforcement.

fixed interval, fixed time, low

these are 3 examples of species-specific defense reactions

freeze, attack, flight

Herrnstein's study revealed that pigeons could ___ their discrimination to novel pictures of trees, which suggests that they had learned the ___ of the tree.

group, category

the ___ is an area of the brain that is important for spatial memory, and food storing birds tend to have ___ volume in this area.

hippocampus, greater

although small numbers seem to be tracked and understood by a variety of species, larger numbers seem to be only understood by older?


as the deprivation level for the scheduled reinforcer increases, the strength of the adjunctive behavior association with it tends to?


research on activity anorexia suggests that the risk of becoming anorexic during a weight loss program can be reduced by?

increasing one's exercise levels slowly rather than rapidly

comparative cognition is the study of ___ ____ across a variety of species

information processing

It has been noted that alcohol and drug abuse is most likely to develop in environments in which economic and social reinforcements are ___ available, which agrees with the notion that these may be adjunctive behaviors.


This is when an organisms biology "takes over" and affects its behavior

instinctive drift

in the phenomenon known as ____ _____, a genetically based fixed action pattern gradually emerges and displaces the behavior being shaped.

instinctive drift

adjunctive behavior is an excessive pattern of behavior that emerges as a byproduct of an ____ schedule of reinforcement for a different behavior.


how does an organism's biology relate to unpreparedness in the organisms ability to learn?

it neither helps nor hinders learning

adjunctive behavior tends to occur ___ the delivery of a reinforcer

just after


organism is able to learn something. their biology neither helps nor hinders learning.


organism is inhibited by its biology from learning. learning occurs slowly and irregulary if it occurs at all.

in keeping with process of ____ ____, Robbie would have been less likely to develop a taste aversion to oatmeal porridge if he had frequently eaten oatmeal before his illness.

latent inhibition

on directed forgetting tasks, pigeons are ___ likely to select the correct stimulus following exposure to the forget cue.


in a test comparing chickadees to juncos, it was found that chickadees pay more attention to the ___ of an item than to the ___.

location; characteristics

when lemurs are tested for their ability to understand relationships among items, the species with the rigid social hierarchy is ___ skilled at relational decisions than the less social species.


In ___ ___ pigeons will peck a lit response key that signals food delivery even when the act of pecking does not result in the delivery of food.

negative automaintenance

when sign tracking persists despite the resultant loss of a reinforcer

negative automaintenance

Koehler used a direct matching to sample task in order to determine whether parrots could math cards with different ___of items on them.


why were rats unable to associate the clicking noise with nausea?

organisms were contra-prepared to associate a sound with nausea and while being prepared to associate taste with nausea.

according to the ___ effect, the strongest-tasting item in a meal is most likely to become associated with a subsequent illness. As well, a food item that was previously associated with an illness will ___ the development of an aversive association to other items in a meal.

overshadowing, block

Chaffinches easily learn to associate ___ with the consequence of hearing a song and ____ with the consequence of obtaining food.

perching, pecking

when an organism learns something quickly, swiftly, and easily, the organism is?


the term ___ refers to an innate tendency for an organism to more easily learn certain types of behaviors or to associate certain types of events with each other


using the bucket with a false bottom, lemurs seem to track differences between placed vs. found items based on?


results from Koehler's studies indicate that some birds can distinguish ___ from ____ or ____.

quantity, volume, size

this method requires the subject to navigate a maze and measures both short and long term memory

radial arm maze (RAM)

how does learning occur when an organism is unprepared?

regularly and consistently

the opportunity to engage in an adjunctive behavior can serve as a ____ for some other behavior. This is in keeping with the ____ principle.

reinforcer, premack

the second benefit derived from displacement activities is that they may facilitate ___ ____ a potential reinforcer.

remaining near

activity anorexia in rats is most similar to the ___ type of anorexia in humans rather than the ___ ___ type of anorexia.

restrictive, binge-eating purging

this occurs when new learning interferes with old learning

retroactive interference

In bees, this type of dance is used to convert the distance of resources like food or pollen

round dance

rats are biologically prepared to learn to avoid a painful stimulus by ____ while pigeons are biologically prepared to learn to avoid a painful stimulus by ____

running, flying

adjunctive behavior is also referred to as?

schedule-induced behavior

an excessive pattern of drinking that is produced by exposure to an intermittent schedule of food reinforcement is called?

schedule-induced polydipsia

Skinner believed that language developed through this one-word process, involving early reinforcement


in ___ ____ an organism approches a stimulus that signals the availability of food.

sign tracking

Pavlov once noticed one of his dogs licking a light that had been paired with food. This type of behavior pattern is now known as?


in experiment on taste aversions in quail and rats, the rats avoided the ___ water, while the quail avoided the ___ water.

sour, dark blue

Research in lemurs has demonstrated that learning to discriminate between various stimuli (stimulus A > stimulus B and stimulus B > stimulus C) can lead the lemurs to make correct decisions about novel pairings (i.e., stimulus A > stimulus C). This is an example of?

transitive inference

Trevor is taller than Leah and Leah is taller than Jeff. If you know that Trevor is taller than Jeff, then you have successfully made a?

transitive inference

Tinbergen's 4 questions are related to the ____ cause of a trait and the ___ cause of a trait.

ultimate, proximate

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