consumer behavior karen smith

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_________ is one's tendency to respond in a certain manner toward an object or activity.

Behavioral component of attitude

the need for consistency

Bellamy sees a political ad that he just doesn't believe. It conflicts with his strong values. He doesn't trust the candidate, so he will not vote for him/her.

The introduction of _______ to the market is an example of stimulus generalization.

Coke Zero

What is cognitive interpretation?

D. the process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning

the need for stimulation (variety seeking)

Elena likes to try a lot of different kinds of shampoo.

________ occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person's relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves.


Using the threat of negative (unpleasant) consequences if attitudes or behaviors are not altered is best known as using:

Fear appeals


George saw an ad for a pizza that looked great but can't remember the brand name off the top of his head. When he gets to the store, he immediately recognizes the bright packaging from the ad, so he buys that brand.

purchase (situational) involvement

Harry doesn't care much about computers, but he is highly motivated because he has to buy one for school.

product (enduring) involvement

Hermione loves books, reads every one she can get her hands on, and shops for them even when she doesn't need them for her classes at Hogwarts.

brand personality

Hush Puppies shoes placed ads in fashion magazines such as W and InStyle to be perceived as more hip and fashionable.


Hyundai is attempting to move from a low-price image to one that is "refined and elegant".

Mere exposure

I chose Tide because it's a brand I am familiar with.

_________ is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or ad is relevant or interesting.


Information processing:

Is a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored.

Elaboration likelihood model:

Is a theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement.


Juanita is comparing all the information she has acquired, along with advice from friends and her prior experiences, in order to buy a new car.

iconic rote

Ketoprofin is a headache remedy.


Lead narrowly focused lives. Because they have the fewest resources, they do not exhibit a primary motivation and often feel powerless. They are primarily concerned about safety and security, so they tend to be brand loyal and buy discounted merchandise.

The need for attribution is

A set of motives that deals with our need to determine who or what causes the things that happen to us and relates to an area of research.

Fear appeals

Ad for ADT showing how someone can endanger those in a residence without a burglar alarm.

Comparative ad

Ad showing how Listerine kills more germs than scope.

Humorous appeals

Aflac duck ads

the need for affiliation

After moving to a new town, Dan joins a book club to make new friends.

operant conditioning with punishment

After trying the new restaurant in town and finding its food to be terrible, she won't go back.

What is attention?

Occurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves, and the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing.

the need for expression

Alli got a tattoo of an eagle because it symbolizes her sense of freedom.

Define attitude:

An enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment.


Appreciate the unconventional. They are active and impulsive, seeking stimulation from the new, offbeat, and risky. They spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion, socializing, and entertainment.

projective techniques

Oreo used this motivation research method and was surprised to find that "many regarded Oreo as almost 'magical.'" As a result, "Unlocking the Magic of Oreo" became a campaign theme.

brand leverage or family branding

Pace is extending its name beyond salsas into related products such as refried beans, taco sauces, and bean dip.

_________ is an individual's characteristic response tendencies across similar situations.


How I would like to see myself


How I actually see myself


operant conditioning with reinforcement

Rhonda signed up for a new phone service and received a free phone.

latent motive

Ron buys Axe body spray to attract girls, but he tells Harry he buys it because he likes the smell.

How others actually see me


How I would like others to see me


classical conditioning

Steve loves the music playing on the beer ad, so he tries that brand next time he goes to the store.

Two-sided message

SunPower solar panels cost more because they provide more power over a longer period of time.

product positioning

Sunkist Growers offers a fruit jelly candy called Sunkist Fruit Gems that comes in various fruit flavors and is marketed as a "healthful, natural" snack for adults and children.

maintenance rehearsal

Susie is memorizing the key terms for her exam.

Interpretation can best be described as:

The assignment of meaning of sensations.

Motivation is:

The need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with others.

The need for affiliation is

The need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with others.

What is sensory discrimination?

The physiological ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli.

the need for attribution

The salesperson at the furniture store tells a man and his wife that the more expensive sofa is more comfortable and will last longer, but they think she is just trying to get a higher commission.

Attention is determined by these three factors:

The stimulus, the individual, and the situation

vicarious learning

The teenager buys Axe body wash after seeing the commercial where the nerdy guy gets all the girls after using the product.

Self-expression motivation

These action-oriented consumers strive to express their individuality through their choices. They purchase experiences.

Ideals motivation

These consumers are guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval. They purchase functionality and reliability.

Achievement motivation

These consumers strive for a clear social position and are strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others. They purchase status symbols.


They are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem. They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services.

Source credibility consists of __________ and __________.

Trustworthiness and expertise

Define Emotion:

Used to refer to the identifiable, specific feeling.

Which of the following can be an attitude object?

Walmart a Super Bowl ad climate change Donald Trump

What is the likelihood and ease with which information can be recalled from LTM?


Which of the following is NOT associated with long-term memory?

accessibility permanent storage prior learning experiences working memory


add beliefs (new attributes) shift importance

Cognitive learning

all the mental activities of humans as they work to solve problems or cope with situations. It involves learning ideas, concepts, attitudes, and facts that contribute to our ability to reason, solve problems, and learn relationships without direct experience or reinforcement

Mere ownership effect

also called the endowment effect, the tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner


an alliance in which two brands are put together on a single product

Brand extension

an existing brand enters a new product category using the same name


any change in the content or organization of long-term memory or behavior and results from information processing

Smart Banners

banner ads that are activated based on terms used in search engines

How does the weighted sum multi-attribute model work?

beliefs are weighted by importance and then summed for each brand

What is defined as the schematic memory of a brand and includes product's attributes, benefits, usage situations, users, and manufacturer/marketer characteristics?

brand image

Product positioning

brand image relative to competition within a market segment

Contextual cues

characteristics of the situation that play a role in consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus


classical conditioning attitude toward the ad

Attitudes have three components that represent how a consumer thinks, feels, and acts toward an attitude object. Which term refers to the thinking component?

cognitive component

Extended self

consists of the self plus possessions; that is, people tend to define themselves in part by their possessions

Self-image congruity

consumers prefer brands that match their self-concepts

Product repositioning

deliberate decision to significantly alter the way the market views a product

Which of the following is a way emotion plays a role in marketing situations?

emotion arousal as a product and retail benefit emotion reduction as a product and retail benefit consumer coping in product and service encounters use of emotional ads

Which of the following is NOT a stage in the perception process

exposure attention interpretation memory


geo-demographic classification system that merges Census data with product consumption and media usage patterns

Which of the following factors tends to increase attention to a stimulus?

high program involvement


how a person lives; how a person enacts her or his self-concept, determined by past experiences, innate characteristics, and current situation

elaborative activities

johnny is studying for his exam by looking back over the textbook, his notes, and the PowerPoint slides. He thinks he will do well because he has combined this new information into his existing knowledge from prior experiences.

________ are unknown to the consumer or the consumer is reluctant to admit them.

latent motives

Low-involvement learning

learning situation in which the consumer has little or no motivation to process or learn the material

High-involvement learning

learning situation in which the consumer is motivated to process or learn the material

What is the multi-attribute attitude model used for?

measure the cognitive component of attitude

What are SAM and AdSAM used for?

measuring the affective component


most popular application of psychographic research and based on enduring psychological characteristics that correlate with purchase patterns

information overload

occurs when consumers are confronted with so much information that they cannot or will not attend to all of it

Which type of learning uses reinforcement or punishment to influence behavior?

operant conditioning


operant conditioning

Product placement

placing products into movies and television shows


presenting two stimuli in close proximity so that eventually the two are perceived (consciously or unconsciously) to be related or associated


quantitative measures of lifestyle

Perception holds critical implications for marketing strategy regarding

retail strategy brand name and logo development media strategy package design and labeling

Which of the following is NOT associated with short-term memory?

short-lived limited capacity permanent storage of learned information maintenance rehearsal elaborative activities

Affective interpretation

the emotional or feeling response triggered by a stimulus such as an ad

Brand engagement

the extent to which an individual includes important brands as part of his or her self-concept

Just noticeable difference

the minimum amount that one brand can differ from another (or from its previous version) with the difference still being noticed

The need to have all facets of oneself consistent with one another is

the need for consistency

Variety-seeking behavior such as brand switching and impulse purchasing results from

the need for stimulation


the totality of an individual's thoughts and feelings having reference to himself or herself as an object; attitude toward oneself

What is permission-based marketing?

the voluntary and self-selected nature of online offerings where consumers "opt in" to receive email-based promotions


total accumulation of prior learning experiences

Perceptual mapping

useful technique for measuring and developing a product's position by mapping consumers' perceptions of how similar various brands or products are to each other and relates these perceptions to product attributes

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