Contemporary Social Problems Ch. 9

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A coyote is a. a hired guide who leads illegal immigrants across the border into the U.S. b. a member of the U.S. Border Patrol who is charged with apprehending people crossing illegally into the U.S. c. a member of the FBI who is charged with apprehending illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. d. an American citizen engaged in a vigilante effort to patrol the U.S. border and prevent immigrants from crossing into the U.S.


According to the frustration-aggression theory of prejudice, a. minority group members serve as convenient targets (scapegoats) of displaced aggression. b. some minorities who experience prejudice vent their frustrations in self-destructive behavior. c. minorities are believed to be more easily frustrated and violently aggressive. d. aggressive discriminatory behaviors are learned by watching prejudicial stereotypes in the media.


America's open door policy on immigration, which allowed all immigrants to enter and become U.S. citizens, ended with a. the Chinese Exclusion Act, which suspended for 10 years entrance of the Chinese to the U.S. b. an immigration act which required all immigrants to pass a literacy test before entering the United States. c. the Johnson Act which introduced a limit on the number of immigrants who could enter the U.S. in a single year. d. an immigration act that excluded the Japanese from immigration


An estimated percent of U.S. workers are undocumented immigrants. a. 5.2 b. 15.4 c. 25.2 d. 35.4


Antimiscegenation laws prohibited a. interracial marriage. b. mandatory segregation in schools. c. genocide. d. slavery.


Between 1890 and 1910, a series of U.S. laws were enacted to separate blacks from whites. These were the a. Jim Crow laws. b. Separate but Equal laws. c. apartheid regulations. d. melting pot restrictions.


College and university admissions policies that give preference to applicants who are children of alumni is a form of a. institutional discrimination against minorities. b. Affirmative Action that helps minority enrollment. c. reverse discrimination against whites. d. de jure segregation.


Compared with the native-born U.S. population, immigrants are more likely to a. be employed. b. use benefits such as Medicaid, TANF, and food stamps. c. receive Social Security benefits. d. be on welfare.


Conflict theorists argue that racism increases capitalist profits by a. providing a surplus labor force. b. discouraging immigration. c. providing a market for lower-priced goods. d. increasing domestic service jobs.


De jure segregation a. is enacted into law. b. exists in fact but not in law. c. means the groups have been assimilated into a melting pot. d. is the same as pluralism.


Ethnicity is based on a. shared cultural heritage or nationality. b. physical characteristics, such as skin color and eye shape. c. religious affiliation. d. national citizenship.


Geneticists have discovered that a. the genes of any two unrelated persons are 99.9 percent alike. b. genetic variation between racial groups is greater than genetic variation within racial groups. c. there are three "pure" races left on the planet Earth. d. in Asia and Africa, skin color distinctions are abrupt, not graded as in the United States.


Guestworkers in the United States a. are often exploited, cheated out of pay, and are unable to obtain medical care. b. must be paid minimum wage or higher. c. must be paid overtime if they work over 40 hours per week. are guaranteed medical treatment and worker's compensation if they are injured on the job


Homeownership rates have since the early 1990's. a. increased substantially b. remained steady c. fluctuated wildly d. decreased


Immigrants are to commit crime a. less likely than natives b. more likely than natives c. as likely as natives d. the most likely group


In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court a. affirmed the right of colleges to seek racial diversity. b. affirmed the right of colleges to use point systems for admission in which race can be the deciding factor. c. ruled that using race in admissions is reverse discrimination and unconstitutional. d. ruled that using race in admissions is reverse discrimination but justified because of past discrimination against racial minorities.


In Switzerland, four ethnic groups—French, Italians, Germans, and Swiss Germans—maintain their distinct cultural heritage and group identity in an atmosphere of mutual respect and social equality. This is an example of a. pluralism. b. assimilation. c. colonialism. d. acculturation.


Modern racism is characterized by the belief that a. serious discrimination in America is no longer a problem. b. minority groups deserve to be discriminated against. c. discrimination against whites is just as common as discrimination against minorities. d. racism and discrimination will always exist.


Most hate crimes are based on a. religious bias. b. racial bias. c. national origin or ethnicity. d. sexual preference.


The 1830 Indian Removal Act called for the relocation of eastern tribes to land west of the Mississippi River. The forced relocation that resulted is an example of a. expulsion. b. colonialism. c. pluralism. d. amalgamation.


The 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Shelby County v. Holder, a. allowed states to enact laws making it harder to register to vote. b. reaffirmed the constitutionality of affirmative action. c. declared "English only" laws unconstitutional. d. made segregated housing developments illegal.


The Jim Crow laws began to be overturned by American courts in the a. 1890s. b. 1920s. c. 1950s. d. 1990s.


The beginning of the decline of affirmative action was a 1978 Supreme Court ruling in a. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. b. Brown v. Board of Education. c. Loving v. Virginia. d. Fisher v. University of Texas.


The paired-testing study of housing discrimination reported in your text found a. blacks experienced more discrimination in the rental market than did Hispanics. b. Hispanics were about as likely as whites to be shown homes for sale in predominantly non-Hispanic white neighborhoods. c. blacks received more information and assistance with financing a home. d. non-Hispanic whites were quoted higher interest rates by loan officers.


What type of hate crimes are most often committed by members of white supremacist organizations? a. mission hate crimes b. campus hate crimes c. defensive hate crimes d. thrill hate crimes


Which of the following best illustrates the "racial threat" hypothesis? a. passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act after Chinese workers displaced whites in mining and railroad jobs. b. black support for constitutional propositions that increased state affirmative action initiatives. c. greater opposition among whites to affirmative action proposals in areas with few race or ethnic minorities. d. whites were more likely to blame blacks for black social disadvantages after passage of the 1960s civil rights acts.


Which of the following statements about affirmative action is true? a. Affirmative action is likely to remain controversial. b. Affirmative action has been proven to be detrimental. c. Affirmative action applies only to education. d. Affirmative action policies are overwhelmingly supported by the American public.


Which of these is an example of a "pull" factor? a. the availability of well-paying jobs b. religious discrimination c. ethnic conflict d. political unrest


refers to negative attitudes and feelings toward or about an entire category of people. a. Prejudice b. Discrimination c. Segregation d. Racism


A latent dysfunction of the 1960s civil rights legislation was a. the economic conditions of blacks did not improve. b. perpetuation of stereotypes of blacks as lacking motivation and ability. c. as a whole, blacks began to surpass whites in economic status. d. both whites and blacks suffered greater job loss and financial insecurity.


A white college student who attacked the black fiancée of his white sister stated his motivation for the crime was his strong feelings against interracial marriage. This is a(n) hate crime. a. mission b. defensive c. thrill d. aversive


According to the U.S. Census, Hispanic is a. a racial category. b. an ethnic category. c. a nonexistent category. d. a mixed race designation.


According to the conflict perspective, the "haves" (the wealthy and powerful elite) a. are less prejudiced and are less likely to practice discrimination, because they do not perceive minorities as a threat. b. perpetuate racial and ethnic tensions among the "havenots" to deflect attention away from their own greed and exploitation of workers. c. are more likely than the middle classes to foster minority privileges, because minorities offer an untapped knowledgeable resource. d. believe more strongly than lower social classes that minorities are biologically inferior and less capable of contributing to society.


Affirmative action refers to programs and policies that a. increase political participation of minorities. b. promote equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace and educational institutions. c. enforce anti-discrimination laws. d. promote multicultural education and understanding of past discrimination against minorities


AntiMuslim and antiIslam bias is called a. Arabism. b. Islamophobia. c. jihad. d. the Christian bias.


Aversive racism refers to a. feelings of hostility and hate against racial minorities. b. feelings of discomfort, unease, disgust, and sometimes fear toward racial minorities. c. negative stereotypes that minorities hold toward the white majority group. d. beliefs that some races are naturally superior to others.


Comedian Stephen Colbert's remarks that he does not see race, even his own, reflect a. aversive racism. b. color-blind racism. c. modern racism. d. institutional racism.


Funding of schools by local property taxes is a form of a. Affirmative Action that helps minorities. b. institutional discrimination against minorities. c. aversive racism. d. reverse discrimination against whites.


Immigrants who apply for and meet the requirements for U.S. citizenship are called a. second generation immigrants. b. naturalized citizens. c. de facto citizens. d. acculturated


In 2010, percent of the U.S. population was Hispanic. a. 3 b. 16 c. 51 d. 67


In 2011, an estimated immigrants were living illegally in the United States. a. 2 million b. 11.5 million c. 24 million d. 42.3 million


In 2011, immigrants represented percent of the U.S. population. a. 2 b. 13 c. 26 d. 51


In sociological terminology, a minority group is a category of people who a. have less social status in society, because they are smaller in number. b. have unequal access to positions of power, prestige, and wealth and tend to be targets of prejudice and discrimination. c. comprise the small elite at the top of society who have most of the power, prestige, and wealth. d. are opposed to the values of the larger society and are viewed by the majority of people in society as a threat.


Many immigrants to the United States changed the spelling and pronunciation of their names to seem more American. This is an example of a. pluralism. b. acculturation. c. amalgamation. d. miscegenation.


Modern racists a. have more extreme beliefs in white superiority than traditional racists do. b. blame continuing racial inequality on minority group members themselves. c. place the responsibility for change and improvements on the larger society. acknowledge their negative racial feelings


Race is a. not real and thus has no meaning. b. socially created. c. determined by objective, reliable, and meaningful physical criteria. d. based on scientifically valid reasons for selecting certain biological traits over others.


Stereotypes _________________. a. have very little impact on daily life b. that appear to be positive can have negative effects c. have largely disappeared d. only affect racial minorities


Suppose a Mexican-American family wants to rent an apartment in a predominantly white neighborhood. If the landlord is prejudiced against Latinos and does not allow the family to rent the apartment, that landlord has engaged in discrimination. a. institutional b. overt c. de jure d. adaptive


The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act a. made immigration of people with HIV/AIDS illegal. b. made hiring illegal aliens an illegal act punishable by fines and prison sentences. c. decreased the number of immigrants who could enter the United States legally. d. made it more difficult for immigrants to become naturalized citizens.


The Act that provides a pathway to legal status for the children of undocumented immigrants is the __________________Act. a. Undocumented Children b. DREAM c. Service to America d. Welfare


The United States government has acted in all of the following ways EXCEPT a. offered reparations to Indian tribes to compensate for land that had been taken by force or deception. b. apologized to Native Americans for the atrocities committed against them. c. granted reparations to Japanese Americans who were either U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens at the time of their internment during World War II. d. offered monetary reparations to surviving victims of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, in which blacks suffering from syphilis were denied medical treatment.


The increasing rate of interracial marriages reflects a. acculturation. b. primary assimilation. c. secondary assimilation. d. de facto segregation.


The intentional killing of Native Americans by Europeans that began when Europeans invaded the Americas in the 16th century is an example of a. expulsion. b. genocide. c. pluralism. d. amalgamation.


The process by which a race or ethnic minority group is prevented from achieving because of negative stereotypes that define them as inferior illustrates a. a latent function. b. a self-fulfilling prophecy. c. redlining. d. the racial threat hypothesis.


The purpose of the "one drop of blood" rule was to a. discourage intermarriage. b. enlarge the slave population. c. grant Native Americans protection under U.S. law. d. discriminate against Irish, Italians and Jews.


The system is a free online service that allows employers to check the legal status of their employees. a. ID Service b. E-Verify c. Document Check d. COYOTE


The use of racial slurs in the presence of children illustrates a. aversive racism. b. socialization. c. the self-fulfilling prophecy. d. a latent function of racism


To become a U.S. citizen, most immigrants must a. have resided continuously as a lawful permanent U.S. resident for at least 10 years. b. be able to read, write, speak, and understand basic English. c. never have been arrested. d. pay a fee of $3000.


Undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are most likely to have come from a. Asia. b. Mexico. c. other Latin American countries. d. Canada or Europe.


Which of the following categories is NOT Hispanic? a. Mexican b. Indonesian c. Puerto Rican d. Venezuelan


Which of the following is an example of de facto segregation? a. Jim Crow laws that prohibited blacks from using white buses, hotels, restaurants, etc. b. today's racially segregated neighborhoods in the United States c. segregated schools before the 1950s d. forcing Japanese into "evacuation camps" on the U.S. west coast during World War II.


Which of the following is primary assimilation? a. Racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinctiveness but respect each other and have equal access to social resources. b. Members of different groups are integrated in personal, intimate associations, as with friends, family, and spouses. c. Groups become integrated in public areas and in social institutions, such as neighborhoods, schools, and the workplace. d. A person adopts the culture of a group different from the one in which the person was originally raised.


Which of the following statements is true about race? a. There are clear guidelines for separating one race from another. b. The vast majority of variation in people is within-group variation. c. The major racial categories are the same throughout the world. d. Genetically pure races, although rare, do exist.


refer to college courses that critically examine how white skin preference has operated systematically and sometimes unconsciously as a dominant force in American society and culture. a. Multicultural education classes b. Whiteness studies c. Diversity training programs d. Affirmative racial studies


A study by Massey and Lundy found that were the most disadvantaged in obtaining rentals. a. middle-class black men b. poor white women c. poor black women d. poor black men


According to a Gallup survey, U.S. adults said race relations will always be a problem. a. 1 in 60 b. two-thirds c. 4 in 10 d. only a few


California's decision to discontinue bilingual education and force students to learn English in school is an example of forced a. segregation. b. pluralism. c. acculturation. d. amalgamation


In 2010, non-Hispanic whites made up about percent of the U.S. population. a. 37 b. 45 c. 64 d. 85


In 2010, passed the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, one of the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. a. Texas b. Kentucky c. Arizona d. California


Most Hispanics or Latinos in the United States are of ____________ origin. a. Cuban b. Puerto Rico c. Mexican d. South American


Pro-white rather than anti-black attitudes are an aspect of a. traditional prejudice. b. modern racism. c. aversive racism. d. racism 2.0.


Ted is a self-appointed monitor of the border between Mexico and the United States. He says he wants to keep out the "illegals." Ted can be described as a(an) a. undocumented worker. b. coyote c. nativist d. guestworker


The "one drop of blood" rule specified that even one drop of a. white blood defined a person as white. b. Indian blood defined a person as Indian. c. "Negroid" blood defined a person as black. d. Mexican blood defined a person as Hispanic.


The 1967 Supreme Court decision declared antimiscegenation laws unconstitutional. a. Roe v. Wade b. Black v. the United States c. Loving v. Virginia d. Brown v. Georgia


The belief that race accounts for differences in human character and ability and that a particular race is superior to others is called a. a self-fulfilling prophecy. b. discrimination. c. racism. d. aversive prejudice.


The first U.S. census in 1790 divided the population into which four groups? a. white men, white women, white children, blacks b. Indians, white Christians, white non-Christians, blacks c. free white males, free white females, slaves, other persons d. criminals, immigrants, U.S. born citizens, and slave


The guestworker program in the U.S. has been described as a "modernday system of ." a. backdoor immigration b. legal welfare fraud c. indentured servitude d. free passes into the United States


The most frequently filed claims with the EEOC are allegations of a. gender discrimination or harassment. b. age discrimination. c. race discrimination, racial harassment, or opposition to racial discrimination. d. discrimination based on national origin.


The percentage of U.S. adults who disapproved of marriage between blacks and whites between 1958 and 2002. a. increased slightly b. stayed the same c. decreased significantly d. decreased in the north but not in the south


The study described in your text on "TwoFaced Racism" in Research Close Up found racism among college students is a. rare. b. directed more at ethnic groups than blacks today. c. pervasive in backstage social contexts. d. socially acceptable to admit in frontstage areas.


What term refers to the deliberate, systematic annihilation of an entire nation or people? a. assimilation b. colonialism c. genocide d. amalgamation


When schools use standard intelligence tests to decide which children will be placed in college preparatory tracks, they are limiting the educational advancement of minorities whose intelligence is not fairly measured by culturally biased tests developed from white middle-class experiences. This is an example of _______________discrimination. a. overt b. adaptive c. institutional d. reverse


Which of the following is NOT one of the myths about immigration described in your textbook? a. Immigrants do not want to learn English. b. Immigrants drain the public welfare system and our public schools. c. Immigration has a positive impact on the wages of nativeborn workers. d. Immigrants have high rates of criminal behavior.


Which of the following statements is true about immigrants in the United States? a. Immigrants do not want to learn English. b. Immigrants increase unemployment and lower wages among native workers. c. Immigrants are less likely than natives to commit crimes. d. Immigrants increase unemployment and lower wages among native workers.


Affirmative action policies developed from federal legislation a. to give immigrants from all nationalities to the United States the right to become an American citizen if they met common eligibility criteria. b. to outlaw required segregation in all public arenas, including hotels, restaurants, modes of transportation, and residential neighborhoods. c. that mandated the desegregation of public schools by busing and changing the boundaries of school districts. d. that required any employer who received contracts from the federal government to make good faith efforts to increase the pool of qualified minorities and women.


Among U.S. children, the fastest growing racial/ethnic category is a. white non-Hispanic. b. Arab American. c. Hispanic. d. mixed-race.


Because the War on Drugs has been waged in poorer neighborhoods it has resulted in more arrests of people of color even though they are no more likely to see or use drugs than whites. This illustrates discrimination. a. traditional b. overt c. adaptive d. institutional


In 1960, the U.S. Census recognized which of the following racial categories? a. black and white b. white, black, and Hispanic c. Native American and non-Native American d. white and non-white


In discrimination, the individual discriminates because of the prejudice of others. a. institutional b. overt c. de jure d. adaptive


In many sociology departments, African American, Latino, Asian and white faculty and graduate students work together. This integration illustrates a. acculturation. b. amalgamation. c. primary assimilation. d. secondary assimilation.


In several studies, respondents did not indicate that blacks were worse than whites, only that whites were better than blacks. For example, blacks were not rated as being lazier than whites, but whites were rated as being more ambitious than blacks. These findings exemplify which of the following? a. modern racism b. traditional racism c. reverse racism d. aversive racism


The DREAM Act introduced in Congress in 2009 would provide a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants who a. have been in the U.S. for 10 years or longer. b. have worked and paid taxes in the U.S. for 5 years or longer. c. came to the U.S. as political refugees. d. were brought to the U.S. as children.


The concept of race refers to a category of people who a. have different nationality and cultural heritage than most of the people in a society. b. have biologically based differences in intelligence and personality characteristics. c. are distinguished by blood type as well as physical appearance. d. are believed to share distinct physical characteristics that are deemed socially significant.


The first census in the U.S. contained categories. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


The guestworker programs, H-2A and H-2B, allow employers to import workers for a. professional or managerial jobs. b. skilled manufacturing jobs. c. technical jobs that require specialized technical education, such as computer specialists. d. temporary or seasonal work lasting less than one year.


The practice of "redlining" contributed to which of the following? a. hate crimes b. low minority voting participation c. employment discrimination d. housing segregation


Which kind of racism is based on the belief that paying attention to race is, itself, racism? a. traditional racism. b. modern racism. c. aversive racism. d. color-blind racism.


Which of the following abolished the national origins quota system? a. Brown v. Board of Education b. Plessy v. Ferguson c. Immigration Act of 1970 d. Hart-Celler Act


Which of the following statements best describes the way our census has dealt with race in the past two centuries? a. Racial classifications have remained largely unchanged since the original census. b. Whereas the original census had a number of racial categories, the most recent census has only two. c. Race has never been a part of the U.S. census. d. Both the number and type of races available on the census has fluctuated throughout the years.


groups advocate restrictive immigration policy and encourage vigilante tactics. a. "Secure Fence" b. Pro-nationalism c. English Only d. Nativist extremist groups


is the process by which formerly distinct and separate groups merge and become integrated as one. a. Pluralism b. Colonialism c. Segregation d. Assimilation


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