Corrections Chapter 6
c. 50%
About ______ of suicides happen within the first two weeks of incarceration in jail.
c. reasonable medical care
According to the 1976 case Estelle v. Gamble, inmates have the right to ______. a. freedom of the press
b. three
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, African Americans are ______ times more likely than Hispanics to be in jail.
c. 50%
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, ______ of inmates have a chronic medical problem.
a. 6%
Although 68% of inmates in 2002 reported substance abuse or dependency problems, only ______ of the convicted inmates in jails received treatment.
b. less incarceration of serious offenders due to lack of space
An unintended consequence of get-tough laws is ______.
Black non-Hispanic inmates outnumber white non-Hispanic inmates by two to one.
Black non-Hispanics are only three times as likely to be incarcerated in American jails as white non-Hispanics.
c. illness
By 2002, the leading cause of death in jail was ______.
d. rabble
Corrections scholar John Irwin claimed that jails managed the ______ of society.
Female inmates experience more mental health problems than male inmates.
From 1990 to 2006, the number of adult males in jail almost tripled
c. the genitalia of the inmate
Historically, correctional institutions have classified transgender inmates by ______.
a. more cost effective
If operated correctly, new-generation jails are ______.
d. 14%
In 2013, women comprised about ______ of jail inmates
d. 80%
In 2014, on average, jails were operating at ______ capacity
a. 50% more delusions
In one study, jail inmates who had symptoms of mental illness exhibited ______ than state or federal prisoners.
Individuals who are mentally ill are more likely to be homeless.
Inmates have yet to gain a constitutional right to health care during incarceration.
c. twice as
Inmates with mental illness are ______ likely to be homeless than those without an illness.
Jail inmates with mental illness are twice as likely to be homeless than inmates without mental illness.
Jail staff has historically, and unfortunately, received the same levels of training and compensation as deputy sheriffs despite the fact that their jobs are much more demanding.
b. hold multifaceted and critical roles in communities
Jails ______.
Jails and prisons have comparable rates of suicides and homicides.
Jails are becoming community mental health facilities for the mentally ill.
a. the homeless
Jails in the United States are full of ______.
Jails often hold innocent people in the same location as violent offenders.
Jails were at or above 100% capacity during the 1980s and 1990s.
Jails were initially instituted as a system to house political dissidents.
b. hold the accused for trial
Jails were originally developed to ______.
c. more likely to be victims of sexual assaults
LGBTI inmates are ______ than other inmates.
Less than half of the time, jail staff are terminated for substantiated cases of sexual abuse.
b. stayed the same
Long-term trends over the last 25 years indicate that the number of women in jails has ______.
Nearly 70 jails are operated by American Indian tribes.
a. crisis intervention training
One way in which jails are attempting to deal with the challenges of mentally ill inmates is ______.
One-third of jail inmates report a medical problem more serious than a cold or the flu.
Overcrowding is a serious issue facing jails today.
d. the available physical capacity
Overcrowding occurs when the number of inmates exceeds ______.
Podular-direct supervision jails offer a management philosophy that is much more regimented and less open than traditional jails.
Prison inmates commit suicide at twice the rate of jail inmates because their incarceration experience is significantly longer.
Prisons have been in existence for much longer than jails.
b. black non-Hispanics
Proportionate to population, which racial-ethnic group is the most likely to be incarcerated in American jails?
Reentry programs for jails focus on making reentering the prison a smoother transition for offenders.
d. the mentally ill
Research finds that ______ are more likely than other inmates to be sexually victimized in jail.
a. more punitive than prisons
Research indicates that the general public views jails as ______.
c. mania
Research suggests that the most common type of mental illness among jail inmates is ______.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act only collects data in prisons.
The Supreme Court has ruled that inmates have a right to reasonable medical care.
c. Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003
The ______ mandated that the Bureau of Justice Statistics collect data on sexual assaults in adult and juvenile jails and prisons and identify facilities with high levels of victimization.
b. Affordable Care Act
The ______ required jails to provide medical and mental health care.
a. has never been worse
The capacity of jails to house inmates ______.
c. arthritis
The most common health problem of jail inmates is ______.
a. decriminalization/legalization of marijuana in some states
The number of minorities in jail populations may be decreasing due to ______.
a. the war on drugs
The primary reason for the increase in the minority population in jail is ______.
a. white non-Hispanics
The racial-ethnic group with the largest numbers in jail is ______.
c. county sheriffs
The vast majority of jails are operated by ______.
c. low-level drug sellers
The war on drugs has led to an increase in the population of ______ in jails.
b. 2,900
There are about ______ jails in the United States.
d. African Americans and Hispanics
There has been a recent decline in the numbers of ______ in jail.
a. dependent on or abuse substances
Three-quarters of all inmates with mental health problems are ______.
Two percent of jail inmates use a walker, cane, or wheelchair.
d. 64%
What percentage of jail inmates have mental health problems?
d. 60%
What percentage of jail inmates have not been convicted of the crime they are being held for?
b. 50%
What percentage of jail inmates report being under the influence at the time of their offense?
d. overcrowding
When bringing a lawsuit against jails and prisons, an offender is most likely to win cases when the claim involves ______.
a. larger
Which types of jails may be better equipped to monitor for and prevent suicides?
b. jails experience higher percentages than prisons
With regard to inmates with mental health problems, ______.
Women comprise about 14% of all jail inmates.
c. Coequal staffing jails
______ are characterized by equal pay and enhanced training for its employees.
a. New-generation jails
______ are characterized by rounded architecture and living units for directly supervising staff.
b. Community jails
______ are characterized by the idea that programming on the outside does not begin or end with incarceration.
d. Reentry programs for jails
______ are characterized by the provision of services that make the transition from incarceration to freedom more manageable.
b. Hispanics
______ are less likely than others to be under the influence while committing an offense.
d. Segregation
______ is NOT one of the tactics used by correctional facilities for controlling gangs.
c. Over half
______ of all sexual assaults in prison are perpetrated by staff.