Cost Leadership & Differentiation

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cost advantage

obtaining a ___ ___: Determine and control cost drivers -> Reconfigure Value Chain as needed


A ____ strategy may fail when the focus of the competition shifts to price rather than unique product features

business-level strategy

A _____ primarily details the goal-directed actions managers take in their quest for competitive advantage when competing in a single product market.

generic stategies

Cost Leadership & differentiation are called ___ ___ because they can be used by any organization


Firms that try to do both (cost leadership & differentiation) ___ to become masters at doing either one.

cost leadership

Risk of ___ ___: focus on efficiency may blind firm to changes in customer preferences

Differentiation Strategy

Risks of __ ___: The means of uniqueness may no longer be valued by customers

Differentiation Strategy

Risks of ___ ___: Competitors may learn to imitate value chain or counterfeit products

Focused Strategy

Risks of ___ ___: Firms may be "out-focused" by innovative competitors

Focused Strategy

Risks of ___ ___: Lack of economies of scale and bargaining power

Focused Strategy

Risks of ___ ___: Large competitors may enter niche market

Focused Strategy

Risks of ___ ___: Preferences of niche customers may change and become similar to those of broad market

Differentiation Strategy

Risks of ____ ___: Customers may decide that cost of uniqueness is too great


T/F A differentiator will always benefit when products have become commoditized.


T/F: A cost leader is the firm most likely to survive a price war.


T/F: Differentiation and cost leadership strategies are only effective in manufacturing industries.


The viability of a ____ strategy is severely undermined when the focus of competition shifts to price rather than value-creating features.

differentiation strategy

Value provided by unique features & performance -Superior quality -High customer service -Prestige or exclusivity -Rapid innovation


a ___ ___ strategy outlines the steps a manager will take to achieve competitive advantage in a single product market.

business-level strategy

a company's goal-directed plans regarding how to compete for advantage

differentiation strategy

command premium price

economies of scope

describe the savings that come from producing two (or more) outputs at less cost than producing each output individually, even though using the same resources and technology

cost leadership

risk of ___ ___: Competitors may learn how to imitate value chain

cost leadership

risk of ___ ___: Process technology innovations may eliminate cost advantage

cost leadership

risk of ____ ____ : Competitors may learn how to imitate value chain

cost leadership

risk of ____ ____ : Focus on efficiency may blind firm to changes in customer preferences

cost leadership

risk of ____ ____ : Process technology innovations may eliminate cost advantage

scope of competition

the ___ __ ___ determines whether to pursue a specific narrow part of the market or to go after the broader market.

experience curve

the concept of an ___ ___ attempts to combine both learning effects and process improvements.

differentiation strategy

•Requirements -Develop new systems and processes -Shape perceptions through advertising -Quality focus -R&D capability -Maximize human resource contributions through low turnover high motivation

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