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*Stanley Hall, 1878. Was termed "_____________ of American Psychology." He obtained the first ______________ in psychology in the U.S. at Harvard. He founded a psych lab at John Hopkins University and was an early organizer of the ______________.

"Father." doctorate American Psychological Association.

*In a model for dealing with challenging clients advocated by Burns, the acronym is E (empathy), A (assertiveness), and ___________. The inclusive acronym for nonverbals is: B) S(squarely facing), O (open posture), L (leaning in), E (eye contact), ___________. "It sounds like when you think about all the things you have to do, then you begin to feel more stressed out" is an example of what skills? Reflection of content and ____________.

(R) respect. (R) relaxed. feeling

*15-70% of clients drop out or do not have a satisfactory outcome. To achieve change, research says you need _____ sessions of psychotherapy. Positive interaction: High validation (___________) Low validation (head nod) Interest Humor Negative interactions: Contempt (sarcasm) Criticism Defensiveness Tension -The client needs to be doing most of the talking, not the counselor. When a client is using a large number of back channeling responses (mhm, uh huh) it indicates that the counselor is talking too much.

12 paraphrasing

*This integration of a mental health approach as an addition to the career and school based counseling origins of the profession began during the late __________'s. Mental health care was no longer solely focused on the seriously mentally ill. Counselors and other mental health workers in mental health centers provide _____________ services.

1960's preventative

*Psychodynamic theories: Psychoanalytic theory, Jungian theory and ____________ theory. Have a shard belief that people are motivated by unconscious _____________ and use different approaches to bring the unconscious to conscious awareness.

Adlerian motivations

*State mental hospitals provide around the clock care for individuals who are seriously mentally ill. There are only 14 beds per 100,000 individuals. These were previously known as asylums. These hospitals often contain hundreds of patients with few staff. The ____(year)_____landmark case of Wyatt versus ____________ resulted in a federal court determining that involuntary committed individuals have a right to fair and humane treatment that will prepare them to reenter society This led to the nationwide re formation of psychiatric inpatient care. -In 1963 president John F Kennedy signed Community Mental Health Centers Act, to remove people from long term commitment to state hospitals and seek services within their communities, called ____________________. -less than 10 years prior to this act the first antipsychotic medication was released -de-institutionalization was the catalyst for the growth of the professional ____________ field -it also created new problems for those who are in need of more intense level of services which are now limited and many of those who are released from institutions became homeless were discriminated against, died or were imprisoned

1971 Stickney Deinstitutionalization counseling

*1990's: The name changed to form the American Counseling Association occurred July 1st, 1992. Counseling awareness month was celebrated for the first time in 1994. The Christian counseling movement experienced significant growth in the 90s. Gary _______ became the executive director and president of the American Association of Christian counselors in 1991, and then focused his efforts worldwide. Now the president was Tim Clinton.

1994 Collins

*Nearly 1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness in any given year. ______% of adults have an anxiety disorder and ______% of people with substance abuse disorders have co-occurring disorders.

20%, 50%

*2000's: The American Counseling Association led a movement known as _______: a vision for the future of counseling, that began in 2005. They were involved in developing concise definitions of counseling. This definition of counseling states that "counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals." The Veterans Benefits, Healthcare and ___________ Act increased access of veterans to mental health counselors in 2006.

20/20 Information

*Neurons: specialized cells for transmission of electrical or ___A)_______ impulses Neurogenesis: formation of ___B)____ neurons 3 types of neurons: Sensory, Motor and ____C)_____ Sensory Neurons: send signals to _____D)_____ Motor Neurons: _____E)_____ info from other neurons and send signals to muscles/glands Interneurons: found in CNS, receive info from ______F)_____ _____G)______: cell body ______H)_______: conducts messages to other neurons ____I)________: receive transmissions

A) chemical B) New C) Interneurons D) Spinal cord E) receives F) sensory neurons G)Soma H)Axon I) Dendrites

*Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine: muscle contraction, endocrine, ___A)______, ______, _______, __________. Adrenaline: heart rate, blood pressure, ___B)____, _____________. Dopamine: memory, learning, ___C)____, _______, ___________. GABA: ____D)_____ Glutamate:: learning, memory, ___E)______

A) pain responses, sleep, learning, and memory B) lungs, fight or flight response C) Mood, sleep, reward system D) calming E) excitatory

* Right brain: art creativity imagination intuition _______A)___ holistic thought music left-hand control Left brain: analytic thought logic ____B)__________ science and math number skills right hand control Brain sections and Functions: Frontal lobe: thinking/planning/______C)____ Temporal lobe: feelings, hearing, _____D)____, learning Parietal lobe: language, ____E)___, touch Occipital lobe: vision, ___F)____ Cerebellum: coordination, _____G)____ brain stem: Heart rate, temp, ______H)_____

A)insight B)language C) behavior D)memory E)speech F)colors G)balance H)breathing

*The ____________________ for America was signed into 2010 and included a provision for licensed professional counselors and licensed marriage and family counselors to provide Medicare coverage. However, many people still have stigmas connected with participation in counseling. __________ can impact personal views about seeking counseling, and this can result in a hesitancy to engage in counseling or question about whether or not counseling is beneficial.

Affordable Health Care Act Culture

*Fundamental Principles outlined in the code of ethics: -_______________: fostering the right to control the direction of one's life -Nonmaleficence: avoiding actions that cause _________ -Beneficence: working for the _________ of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well being -____________: treating individuals equitably and fostering fairness and equality -Fidelity: honoring commitments and keeping ____________ including fulfilling ones responsibilities of trust in professional relationships -____________: dealing truthfully with individuals whom counselors come into professional contact

Autonomy harm good Justice promises Veracity

*George ______ Act 1946 - provided funding for counselor training programs and supervisors of those who were in training. There was growing awareness for mental health needs, and ______ became mental health awareness month (1949).

Barden May

*An individual's values are demonstrated by their words and actions. _________________ means temporarily setting aside one's personal values when working with clients so that we do not influence others with our values or beliefs. Counselors are encouraged to collaborate with clients instead of giving directives. This protects the clients ____________. Collaborating with the client means to work with them, to join with them counselors walk alongside their clients on a therapeutic journey, they do not walk ahead to lead and they do not want behind to push.

Bracketing autonomy

* ___________________ is the foundation of the therapeutic relationship. Clients have to trust that counselors will protect their privacy by not sharing what is disclosed in therapy. Confidentiality is protected by state and federal _____ and ethical standards. There are times when you may be forced to break this is referred to as '________ of confidentiality.'

Confidentiality laws limits

*The _______Model -4 ________ -Pre phase, phase one, phase two and phase three Prephase: the counselor uses attending skills to help the client prepare for sharing and becoming invested and involved in the counseling process Phase 1: in phase one the counselor response skills of reflecting content, feelings and meaning allows the client to explore the counseling concern Phase II: the personalizing skills of goal identification and internalization move the client to understanding Phase III: initiating skills of _________ setting and implementation

Carkhuff phases goal setting

*Name the two Freudian psychoanalysts that grew in influence during the 1800's along with Sigmund Freud.

Carl Jung and Alfred Adler

*_______ ________ came up with the therapeutic triad: Warmth, Genuineness, and __________. He suggested that these traits were necessary and sufficient for positive outcomes in therapy.

Carl Rogers Empathy

*A client discloses the recent onset of serious problems with balance. Based on your understanding of brain structure and function, you recommend that the client speak with the primary care provider regarding the possibility of needing a neurological consult as the client may be experiencing problems in the _______________. __________ theory is a neuroscientific theory claiming that an increase in synaptic efficacy arises from a presynaptic cell's repeated and persistent stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. Or, more simplistically, what wires together fires together. This can be applied in session with a client by discussing the power of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity and use therapeutic methods to develop new wiring to override old unwanted wiring. The theory of a person being a "right-brain person" or a "left-brain person" is popular despite the lack of an __________ base. The balance of ____________ processes in the body which is known as homeostasis. The brain stem controls the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body. It regulates basic body functions including breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, swallowing, consciousness and wakefulness. It includes the _______, the Reticular Formation, the Tegmentum, and the _____________.

Cerebellum Hebbian evidence physiological Pons, medulla oblongata

*1940's: Counselors were employed to help with selection and training of military. An interest in individual counseling arose during this time. Carl Rogers wrote Counseling and Psychotherapy which detailed his _______________approach. With the influence of Rogers, counseling changed and there was more emphasis on the counselor relationship, techniques and research.


* __________ therapy is supported the most by Scripture.


*1960's: The _____________________ was signed by President Kennedy in 1963. This changed how mental health services were delivered, and community based mental health care became more accessible to those with mental illness as there was a growing realization that many people with mental health issues could be well served in a community setting rather than what had been the traditional psychiatric hospital. APGA made the first code of ethics was published in 1961. APGA later became ACA (American counseling association) and last updated its code of ethics in _______.

Community Mental Health Act 2014

*Family Systems and _______________ theories: Views the client as part of a multifaceted family _______. -Social constructivism views reality subjectively and from a social process. This includes solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) and _____________________ which view the client as the expert.

Constructivist system Narrative Therapy (NT)

*American Counseling Association (ACA): In 1952 the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) was formed through the merger of the National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA) and other associations. In 1983 the organization was renamed the American Association of ______________ and Development. In 1992 it was renamed American Counseling Association. This association publishes the Journal of ______________ and Development, they also published a monthly magazine called Counseling Today. This association hosts the largest conference every year. -has many divisions

Counseling Counseling

*___________ is one of the primary causes of disability. Clinical mental health counseling was previously known as ____________ ___________.

Depression Community Counseling

*Difficult Clients: help-rejecting complainers We need to use the ______ model which helps include the skills you will need to develop in order to effectively help difficult clients. The ear model means: Empathy, Assertiveness and Respect. tThese skills are broken into four sets: 1) ____________ 2) empathy skills 3) assertiveness skills and 4) respect skills Willingness skills to improve or change their behavior you need to be willing to commit yourself to making that change. Empathy Skills When you are working with a difficult client you need empathy. Then you need assertiveness skills. Use "I" statements. When you _____ I ______. Respect skills: Blaming the other person or having the victim position are intimacy defeaters. Instead of focusing on the counselee's behavior, we are to focus on OUR behavior only.

EAR Willingness Skills

*You have a successful private practice for which you have 10 other clinicians working with you. You have been hired as a consultant with a practice that is struggling to keep clients and clinicians. This type of consultation is: ______________.


*The _________ model -Skilled _________ Model -3 _________ A) what is going on B) B what do I need or want C) how do I get what I need or want With each stage, the counselor uses a variety of skills including SOLER.

Egan Helper stages

* All of the following are associated with Cognitive or Cognitive Behavioral therapies: Donald Meichenbaum Albert _______ Aaron Beck


*Humanistic/___________ theories: Gestalt, Person-Centered, and _______________therapies. Humanistic counselors believe that each individual has an inclination toward being authentic or fully functioning. A focus is placed on the therapeutic relationship and in-session techniques or experience in order to influence change in the client.

Experiential Existential

*_____________: Father of Vocational Guidance. helped start the ________ _________ _________.

Frank Parsons. Boston Vocational Bureau.

*Counselor traits according to Parson: excellent __________, mature judgment and knowledge of the fundamental principles and methods of psychology.


*___________ ___________ theory: describes processes that have interdependent parts that interact and influence one another beyond just the physical the self, and is also comprised of _________ psychological interactions. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors become even more complex with the addition of social systems including the context of family, school, occupation and the broader culture biological and psychological systems. These ___________ are interdependent on other systemic human beings within the social systemic context and move in an expanding system of their surrounding cultural contexts in an ever changing continuum of time.

General Systems systemic systems

*Advanced Skills and Examples ***Additive/advanced empathy: the counselor provides an interpretation of the client story using reflection of content feeling and meaning. ***Challenging/confrontation: counselors use this skill to provide a viewpoint on a client struggle or experience that differs from the client's perspective ***Counselor self-disclosure: I can recall a time when I was struggling and felt like no one understood me it was hard to stay motivated to change. what is this like for you? **________setting: tell me two things you would like to work on in here to help during the other hours of the day that you're not here... ***Immediacy: using the hearing now of the counseling session to address issues of tension, trust, dependency etc if they have an issue with you, you should talk about it then. ***Influencing skills/negotiating: influencing skills including directives giving suggestions and information they are used to introduce clients to new alternatives and to inspire new ways of thinking about old problems example I would like to suggest that you engage in at least one of the following changes this week ***Reframing/interpretation: ***Positive relabeling: this skill involves providing an alternative more adaptive perspective on a client's presenting problem example I hear you say that you don't have the support and encouragement of your family however you have made so much progress in the short time ***Scaling: example I hear you say that you are still feeling discouraged on a scale of 1 to 10 where would you fall? ***Silence: counselors must learn when to allow the silence to happen and when to break the silence

Goal setting

*The ____________ Model: This is a counselor training model that offers a strategy for integrating______ into counselor training. Foundational skills include 7 core ______... Door openers, minimal encouragers, keyword encouragers, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings and summarizing... The advanced skills in the Hawkins model include intentional questioning, reflecting meaning, challenging while supporting, reframing, immediacy and scaling.

Hawkins faith skills

* _____________: lack of wellness, or a condition in which the counselor is no longer functioning at their optimal capacity. Signs include but are not limited to: withdrawal, _________, fatigue, irritability, headaches, negative thoughts, self doubt, stressors unmotivated, etc.

Impairment anxiety

*The __________ Model: Ivy developed a model of intentional interviewing techniques called _____ skills. This approach to counseling was the first systematic model to focus on ___________ skills. In this model, counselors developed their counseling skills on the groundwork of ethics, multicultural competence, neuroscience and resilience. Counselors use the basic skills of attending and empathy, observation of body language and facial expression, questioning, encouraging paraphrasing, summarizing and reflecting feelings. The basic listening skills are the base of the ____________, then there are the five stages of the counseling session. 1) is empathetic relationship 2) is story and strength 3) is goals 4) is restoring and 5) is action. Then at the top of the pyramid is the advanced skills of stress management, counselor self disclosure, feedback, psychoeducation, reflection of meaning, empathetic confrontation and focusing.

Ivey micro skills observable pyramid

*The Christian mental health movement had its roots in the 1950s as Fritz ________ in 1956 used the term "integration" to describe what he believed to be an interdisciplinary activity between theology and psychology. He referred to a holistic process of self development which simultaneously touches on psychological, spiritual and emotional components of experience. This approach was called "_____-Psychology" in order to place emphasis on the relationship of individuals with other people and God.

Kunkel "We"

*The Smaby and __________ model: A counselor training approach called the _________ __________ _________ model. The primary focus of this model is to help counselors define and _______ counseling skills. These skills are broken down into two categories: exploring and ___________. Exploring and understanding skills: Eye contact, body language, verbal tracking, open-ended questioning, paraphrasing, summarizing stating feelings and content, self disclosure, asking for both concrete and specific expressions . Advanced skills: immediacy, identification of specific problem situations, identifying actions taken, identifying feelings, confronting, deciding, choosing, identifying consequences, reaching agreements, reaching deadlines, reviewing goals and actions.

Maddux Skilled Counselor Training Model refine understanding

*For states which require both NCE and NCMHCE exams, the _______ is not the top-tier licensure exam. It is not unethical to conduct counseling over _______. Licensure portability would alleviate problems related to counselors moving from state to ______ and eliminate interruption of counseling services and payment for counselors.

NCE text state

*1913: counseling career was formalized with founding of the _________ _________ _________ __________. Later renamed the National Career Development Organization, a division of American Counseling Association. They also developed a journal, now titled Flagship Journal of the American Counseling Association, Journal of Counseling and Development.

National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA)

*Is there a 6th wave? - ______________ Not technically a 6th wave. Neuroscience focuses on the study of the structure and function of the brain and the nervous system. Research findings show that common therapeutic practices have had an impact on rewiring the brain with new neurons and new neural networks. 5 basic concepts: neuroplasticity, ______________, importance of attending to client, emotional regulation, & focusing on client positives

Neuroscience neurogenisis

* What is my ethical responsibility regarding wellness? -______________ Responsibility -_____________ Responsibility

Personal Gatekeeping

*____________ Communication Laws are the laws that prevent counselors from sharing client's confidential information in the court of law. The ethics code sets forth the ethical obligations and provides _________ to inform the ethical practice of counselors. The Informed Consent should be used throughout treatment to ensure that the agreement is upheld by the __________ and the client. Counselors protect themselves by having: ________________, Practicing Self-Care, and Continuing with Training and Education. Counselors are ethically and sometimes legally required to provide clients with the steps they need to follow to file a complaint against you in the __________________.

Privileged guidance counselor MalPractice Insurance informed consent

*-___________ is the most critical aspect of counseling -our role as counselors is to empower others and by giving people the right tools they can make _________ for themselves -counseling tends to focus on a more ____________ perspective of the client's life situation -the primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the __________and promote the welfare of clients (Section A.1.a. of the Code)

Relationship decisions holistic dignity

*Late 1800's: name the major names in psychology during this time period. -Wilhelm Wundt, _____________, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung & _____________.

Stanley Hall, Alfred Adler.

*SOLER Technique:

S sit up straight O open posture L lean forward E eye contact R relax

*The section of the ACA Code of Ethics that speaks to ethical code to wellness and self-care is Section ______. S.M.A.R.T. goals enhance motivation because they focus on ______________ goals that tap into realistic skills and resources Wellness is defined as: More than a simple concept of lack of illness and a state of complete physical, mental, and _________ well being. Holistically, these are categories that are a part of wellness: Spiritual, Social and ____________. Faculty at times must inform and protect their students to reduce impairment, as well as protect the clients whom are seen. This process is called _____________.

Section C achievable social Emotional Gatekeeping

*5th Wave: ___________________ Wave This wave emphasized advocacy not only in the process of individual counseling but also in what is known as systems level advocacy. This new wave looked at the external factors that impact internal factors. This approach is based on the belief that toxic ___________ conditions influence human developmental issues.

Social Justice Advocacy environmental

*2nd Wave- __________________ Wave -This wave is well known and is used across many types of settings - preferred evidence-based approach due to its effectiveness & its cost effectiveness. -This wave emerged from 2 views which include the __________ perspective and the _________ perspective. The behavioral perspective (also known as behaviorism) was the dominant school of thought during the 1950s, with influences from John Watson, Edward Thorndike, Clark hall and BF Skinner. (Influences as early as 1906 with Pavlov). (Classical conditioning, positive/negative reinforcement) The cognitive perspective focuses on how thoughts can impact emotions and behaviors. Some approaches that emerged include cognitive behavioral therapy which include Cognitive therapy (CT), rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT), cognitive behavioral modification.(CBM).

The Cognitive-Behavioral behavioral cognitive

*3rd Wave: _____________________ Wave -emerged as a reaction against the limited views of both psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches. -focuses on a more _______ view that encompassed all of their human experience. In the existential perspective, individual psychological processes seek a balance between recognizing the limits of tragic dimensions of human existence on one hand, and the possibilities and opportunities of human life on the other hand. This grew to address questions such as "who am I? What can I know?" ______________ was associated with this point of view and founded person-centered therapy (PCT).

The Existential-Humanistic holistic Carl Rogers

*4th Wave: _______________ Wave This wave emerged as a reaction to the limitations of the approaches within the first three waves. This wave takes a more holistic and _______________ approach and it looks at individuals from both internal factors such as biological and psychological elements and external factors such as __________ context.

The Multicultural ecosystemic cultural

*1st Wave- ____________________Wave -Sigmund Freud - structural personality with the ID, ego and __________. - conscious and unconscious motivations & ego _________ mechanisms. -how past shapes the present - Despite the outdated view of psychoanalysis, there are modern approaches that are based on psychoanalytic principles for today's profession. These approaches known as contemporary psychoanalysis include ego psychology, object relations theory, self-psychology approaches, and relational model of psychoanalysis (or relational approaches).

The Psychodynamic (psychoanalytic approach) superego defense

*1930's: __________________ also called the Minnesota Point of View developed by E.J Williamson 1947. Was a way to define behavior by various traits. Congress approved George-_______ Act in 1936, resulted in Vocational Education division in the U.S. department of education.

Trait-factor theory Deen

*A warm attitude or ________________ ______________ _____________: This is the communication to the client that the therapist genuinely cares for them respects them and likes them. This means the therapist sees the client as doing their best at the moment, coping with their difficulties in the best way they know. We should approach the subject in a non-judgmental manner that focuses on the adverse outcomes of clients behavior rather than the worth or value of the client as a person. _________ communicates to the client that they are worthy of love and acceptance regardless of their thoughts, feelings or choices. This client will be more open and honest with the therapist because they know they are accepted unconditionally.

Unconditional Positive Regard Warmth

* There are three tests to see if you have made the right choice: ____________: the counselor should consider if they recommend the same decision to another professional ___________: the counselor should consider if they would treat others in the same situation ____________: the counselor should consider if they would share this decision with others or if they would be concerned if this decision was widely published.

Universality Justice Publicity

*1970's: Counseling grew during this time as well as the development of licensure. The Commonwealth of __________ provided the first opportunity for counselors to be licensed in 1976, Arkansas in Alabama followed closely behind in 1979. It was not until California offered licensure in ______ that all states had counselor licensure requirements. Title IX of Education Amendments: no discrimination for sex or ability in federally funded education programs. ACES (association of counselor educators and supervisors) approved the first guidelines for counselor preparation doctoral programs. The integration movement had continued. John Carter and Bruce _____________ wrote Integration of Psychology and Theology in 1979. They discussed barriers of integration as well as 4 integrative models. Since this time several have also written on the subject of integration from a Christian perspective.

Virginia 2010 Narramore

*1879: _________________________: 1st experimental research lab in Germany focused on the human mind. Known as the Father of Psychology.

Wilhelm Wundt

*Multicultural and social justice counselor competencies; -Counselor self awareness -client worldview -counseling relationship -counselor _________ and intervention The ACA code of ethics states when appropriate, counselors advocate at individual, group, institutional, and _________ levels to address potential barriers and obstacles that inhibit access and or the growth and development of clients. Counselors can advocate on three levels: advisor, advocate and ______________. As an advisor, the counselor communicates or connects the client with community ____________ or guidance. As an advocate, the counselor may lobby for client __________. As a consultant, the counselor may serve as a guide by providing input to ____________ the needs of the client.

advocacy societal consultant resources rights support

*Basic counseling skills: __________, summarizing, open-ended questioning, and reflecting feeling. Advanced counseling skills: immediacy, ___________, goal setting, and advanced empathy.

attending challenging

*ABC model in cognitive behavioral therapy: A. Adversity or activating event. B. Your _________ about the event. It involves both obvious and underlying thoughts about situations, yourself, and others. C. Consequences, which includes your behavioral or emotional response.


* Our primary responsibility as counselors is to practice the moral principle of _____________, the practice of placing the clients welfare first. Client welfare is the _______ ethical standard of the ACA code of ethics.

beneficence first

* 9 guidelines in most ethical decision making models: -Identify and define problem -involve your ________ in the decision making process -review relevant codes and ethics and professional ________ -consider the principles and virtues -tune into your feelings -consult with colleagues or _________ -consider the context identify desired outcomes and consider possible actions to achieve the outcomes -choose and act on your choice

client literature experts

*The grassroots of clinical mental health counseling (formerly called ___________ counseling) focused on issues relevant to the community using outreach and ____________-focused interventions to help individuals deal with those issues.

community prevention

*Case _____________ is a process in which the counselor seeks a birdseye view of each individual client in the unique factors that may contribute to the presenting problems. This approach to case conceptualization is often referred to as the_____________ approach. Other important domains of assessment can include spiritual functioning, multi cultural considerations, school or career functioning or significant events across the lifespan.

conceptualization biopsychosocial

*1980's: The awareness of the counseling profession grew substantially in this decade and people began to talk more openly than in the past about counseling and graduate degree programs began to increase in number. The _____________________ was established. This has led to the standardization of masters and doctoral programs. The National Board for Certified Counselors was established in 1982 with the goal of certifying counselors on a national level. The national board for certified counselors administers the National Counselor Examination (NCE) and the national clinical mental health counseling examination (NCMHCE)

council for accreditation of counseling and related educational programs (CACREP)

*Depression is one of the primary causes of __________ and is forecasted to be the number two highest predictor of global health burden. Of patients suffering from a first depressive episode, _____% will experience a recurrence. Nedley's residential treatment for depression: Doctor Neil _________ offers residential program to treat depression in several states across the United states in Georgia and California. It is a 10 day treatment for individuals who have symptoms of depression, it offers a holistic model component such as hydrotherapy, nutrition, circadian rhythm and spirituality as well as counseling.

disability 50% Nedley

*The most common unethical behavior of counselors is: Not acquiring continuing __________.


* If a person continues using addictive substances over time, some dopamine receptors may be ________ and the body may begin producing less dopamine. The ________ nervous system is in the abdomen or gut. Some refer to the enteric nervous system as a "second brain."Some believe the enteric nervous system produces "gut feelings." _______________ refers to how the body processes the medication including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. __________ increases heart rate and blood flow in stressful situations to provide a physical boost and heightened awareness. Dopamine increases the experience of pleasure and is involved in movement, motivation and ________. _______________ contributes to well-being and happiness.

eliminated enteric Pharmakinetics Adrenaline, addiction, Serotonin

* What are the Dimensions of Wellness? -social -_____________ -psychological -physical -intellectual -_____________ -occupational -________________

emotional spiritual environmental

* The therapeutic triad includes the three counselor characteristics of Warmth, genuineness, and ___________.


*Empathy is a very powerful tool for assisting clients with improving basic brain-based skills needed for regular regulating emotions. The prefrontal cortex is activated by ________ and associated with self-regulation and goal oriented _________. Regions of the PFC are active when people are invited to consider the emotional states of others.

empathy behavior.

*Models of Christian Integration Counseling: -Antagonistic models: religion as the _________ of psychology and vice versa -Intermediate models: _______, colonialists, rebuilders, ________ parties -_________ models: all truth is God's truth, psychology and Christian theology can exist and inform the other

enemy spies neutral Allies

*Basic Skills and Examples: **Basic attending/minimal encouragers/SOLER: Being relaxed, demonstrating attention and openness, little "mmhm" or head nods. ***Door opener and keyword encouragers: Open ended question or statement inviting the client to share. After they share, we listen for key words.Ex) What would you like to accomplish in our time together? Or tell me what brought you in today at this time in your journey. Response: I am really frustrated right now. I can pick up on the word "frustrated". ***Open questions/statement/probes: Designed to have the client articulate the struggle into words. (closed would be an answer of yes or no. Stay away from these). Good example: What is it like for you to be a parent? Or tell me more about being both a parent and a child. Or I am wondering about your relationship with your mom. ***Paraphrase: Restating the clients narrative in your own words. Ex:Client: I am always doing something for someone, my family, friends or work. I am tired and feel invisible. Counselor: what I am hearing you say is that you are exhausted from your responsibilities and would like someone to recognize the sacrifices you make every day. ***Reflection of _________: Involves paying attention to feeling words or indicators of feelings, and naming and labeling those emotions as they arise. "you are exhausted physically and emotionally and you feel like no one is there to meet your needs." ***Summarization Helpful at end of session.


*Most organizations fall under the following three categories: Non-profit, not for profit, and _______ ________.

for profit

*A genuine self: Genuineness is the characteristic of being ourselves. When a therapist is open, honest and _____________in the therapeutic relationship, the client will be more likely to experience positive change and it serves as a positive model for the client to express their authentic self as well. Good boundaries and a secure sense of self are required in order to maintain balance between helpful sharing and oversharing. Self-disclosure needs to be well planned, well timed and determined to be a benefit to the client.


*Clinical Empathy involves identifying a client's thoughts and feelings, and acting on them in an appropriate way (with agreed upon ________, and agreed upon means for accomplishing those goals). ____________ is an advanced skill involves exploring the here and now of the session. Ivey's model includes ____________. Paraphrasing are positive interactions in counseling that tend to predict the client will ___________ in counseling.

goals Immediacy microskills continue

*An empathetic understanding: Empathy is defined by Carl Rogers as entering the private perceptual world of the other person and becoming thoroughly at _________ in it. __________ allows the therapist to feel the client's feelings while keeping appropriate boundaries. It is one of the main avenues in which a therapist can connect with the client. Empathy is often confused with sympathy. Empathy does not mean the therapist feels exactly what the client feels, and sympathy may reinforce a client's personal perceptive perception as a victim... but empathy enhances the relationship between client and therapist.

home Empathy

*Counselors engage with clients through the through direct or indirect service. Direct services include programs or __________ counseling that provides direct assistance to clients. Essentially direct services or anything you do with the client to prevent (primary or secondary prevention) treat or help improve (tertiary prevention) mental health problems. Indirect services can include training, supervision, consultation and ___________ for systemic change and influencing public policy. Indirect services or anything you do for a client to prevent, treat or help improve mental health problems.

individual advocacy

* Between the years of 2030-2050 the visible and racial "minorities" would become the ____________. Advocacy action steps include: Exploring life's meaning and commitment, personal privilege, and the nature of oppression, Striving for multicultural ______________, Working to become globally literate, and establishing a social justice compass. In which year did the American Counseling Association identify advocacy as a central pillar for its strategic initiative? ____ The four principles of cultural humility include: _____________, learning from the client, promotion of partnership building, and lifelong learning

majority competence 2018 self-reflection

*1950's: The 1950s brought expanded theoretical contributions in developmental psychology, sociology and learning theory from Erikson, Piaget and others. From this, additional theoretical approaches were formed along with _________ & _________ counseling theories. In 1950s the main theoretical approaches were psychoanalysis, trait- factor theories, client centered and ____________.

marriage & family behavioral

*Microaggressions: subversive racisms 3 types: _____________, microinsults and _____________.

microassaults microinvalidations

*The genogram is ______ a common method of spiritual assessment. Good boundaries and a secure sense of self are required in order to maintain balance between helpful sharing and ____________. List the important domains for assessment in the bio-psycho-social approach to case conceptualization: Psychological functioning, Social functioning, Biological functioning, __________ functioning Empathy is a necessary characteristic in a ___________ therapeutic relationship.

not oversharing spiritual healthy

*There are three types of prevention: _________, __________, & ___________. In primary prevention, you may work to develop programs that reach healthy individuals in their communities. This is a proactive approach that focuses on the total population, provides education and equips individuals with skills to preclude a mental health crisis. An example of primary prevention is stress management programs for employees. Secondary prevention involves the early identification and treatment of problems. An example of this prevention is working with an at-risk youth population to help prevent suicide, substance abuse, and other concerns. However, much of your work as a counselor will likely be focused on tertiary prevention. Tertiary prevention attempts to decrease the long-term effects of problems. For example, working with a combat war veteran to help minimize the impact of PTSD or working with children to increase coping skills for ADHD.

primary, secondary and tertiary

* Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

provided mandated funding for public schools to provide vocational education.

*What are the waves of counseling? The counseling and psychology professions have experienced several shifts (forces or waves) and include the following: ____________, cognitive-behavioral, existential-humanistic, ____________, and social justice advocacy. Each wave was developed to address perceived limitations in existing understandings and how each transcended explanations of human development. In addition, each shift sheds light on the limitations in previous waves. Each new wave brought a paradigm shift to counseling in psychology.

psychoanalytic multicultural

*Advanced empathy is the ability of the counselor to understand and ________ feelings or issues of which the client is unaware. Empathy or advanced empathy helps bring long buried thoughts and emotions to the surface or they can be effectively processed.


* __________ is a counseling skill that can help clients identify nuance, identify progress, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Clinical empathy may include the following skills: Reflecting content, Reflecting feeling, and Reflecting ___________.

scaling meaning

*What organizations did not support the 20/20 Definition of Counseling? -American _________ Counseling Association and Counselors for ___________ Justice Who is known as the father of modern psychotherapy? ______

school, social Freud

* Ratts (2009) argued that within counseling, _______________ is the fifth force. Cultural diversity is different now than it was years ago because people are continually evolving and, as a result, the counselor also ______________. In which year was the Multicultural Counseling Competencies revised? ____ Research has shown that cultural humility increases the _______________. Cultural humility is... Openness to another's cultural __________, putting the needs of others first, and being knowledgeable of your own cultural worldview.

social justice evolves 2015 Therapeutic Alliance experience

* Ethics is defined as set of ____________ that outline what is acceptable and unacceptable human behavior. As the largest associations for the helping professions, the American Counseling Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Association of Social Workers are ______ based upon identical ethical principles. Conflicts between personal and professional values often involve ______ codes. Because a subpoena is not a court order, practitioners may not be legally required to respond and could _______ the request.

standards not ethics ignore

*The ACA is divided into Divisions, Regions, and _______ branches

state branches

*A ___________ is a legal document or order requiring a practitioner to appear or testify in court or to release client documents. If you breach confidentiality either intentionally or unintentionally you're putting yourself at risk for malpractice ________.

subpoena lawsuit

* In family systems therapy, the basic philosophy is conceptualization of the family as a ____________.


*Behavioral and Cognitive theories: According to these theories, behavioral change takes place by changing self-defeating ___________, assumptions and perceptions. Cognitive and behavioral therapies are often combined as both believe that thoughts precede actions and _________. Therefore, intervention at both levels is needed to resolve many problems.

thoughts emotions

*Ethics tells us what is right and wrong. Ethics is determined by shared beliefs, morals and ________ of others. Professional values are a set of shared values established by organizations to guide to conduct of its members. 6 underlying principles to ACA ethical standards: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, ________, fidelity and ____________.

values justice Veracity

*1920's: The federal government increased their counselor employment to work with _____________. Edward ___________ (psychologist) vocational interest __________ was created. Stanley Hall wrote papers on the subject of________adults ("crisis of aging").

war veterans (WWI) Strong's inventory aging

*Empathy: feeling _______ the client instead of feeling for the client. Empathy is the ability to experience and understand the feelings of the other person and is associated with a set of therapist behaviors such as unconditional acceptance of the clients experience, active listening and nonjudgmental communication. Empathy can be communicated verbally by demonstrated skills such as reflecting the content of the client's narrative. Empathy can also be communicated nonverbally by demonstrated skills such as positive facial expressions using the SOLER active listening technique.


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