Covenant Theology -- Davidic Covenant

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What are the blessings pronounced to David and to his heirs?

--David's own flesh and blood will occupy the throne --David's heir will fulfill David's desire by building a house for God --David's heir will have a unique relationship with God --David's heir may experience punishment for sin but won't be cast off like Saul --David's house, kingdom, and throne will be forever

How does 2 Samuel 7, stress the connection between David's son and God's son?

--Davids own flesh and blood will occupy throne --Davids heir will stand in unique relationship to God 1. Father son relationship 2. Jesus claims to be the Son of God

Was the Davidic Covenant conditional or unconditional? Explain.

--Every covenant has conditions on it--question is if the conditions are on God or humanity --Davidic covenant has no conditions on Israel

How do the promises of the Davidic Covenant effect the provisions of this covenant?

--If Solomon, and the future heirs of David's throne, remain faithful, then the covenantal promises will be fulfilled.

How is the Davidic Covenant manifested and fulfilled in the New Testament?

--The genealogy runs through the line of David --Jesus is the son of David and is fulfilling all the promises to David

How does Robertson solve the "problem" of the Davidic succession ending after 400 years?

--The king of Israel was only a type of Christ being on the throne forever --The Davidic line could have ended a day after 2 Samuel 7 and God's promises still hold true because Jesus would have been on the throne

Explain the relationship of the Davidic Covenant to the Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenants.

--The land promise continued to be fulfilled as now Israel not only had land and was a nation but they had a stability in their kingship which gives security to land --All three have fulfillment in Jesus. --Israel has prospered into a large nation

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