CP (Cerebral Palsy) neuromuscular disorder
(all limbs)
(both legs or both arms) mild UE involvement significant impairment of fun. LE
(entire right/left side)
visual problems
***acuity, movements, muscles impaired vision blindness limitations in eye movements & eye tracking squinting strabismus (lazy eye) eye muscle weakness eye incoordination
Treatments for CP (5 'categories') think about the brain, muscle tone
- Orthopedic: surgery, bracing (splinting?) - Anti-spasticity medication: oral, injectable - Neuro-surgical: brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves - rehab: OT, PT, SLP - psychological & respite services --- tone-reducing/inhibitive casts - increase ROM
acquired CP happens before what age?
2 years old
Reflexes persistent in CP
Babinski flexor withdrawal extensor thrust ATNR STNR TLP/TLS
Bleeding in the brain, severe jaundice, fetal asphyxia, anoxia during/after birth, brain trauma, prenatal materal infection, brain infections --> these are...
Causes of CP
POSSIBLE Co-existing conditions with CP think of the 4 areas of functioning difficulty
Cognitive impairment, below avg intelligence speech & lang difficulties (receptive & expressive - central processing impairment) sensory deficits/processing issues seizures (partial epilepsy, more common in spastic type) feeding problems psychosocial challenges - hearing & visual disorders
is CP progressive or non progressive?
NON progressive, movement disorder
Causes of CP
PREMATURITY, LWB --> spastic diplegia lack of oxygen (prenatal, during, after birth) --> athetoid jaundice --> athetoid brain trauma infections bleeding in utero developmental brain abnorm
most widely used neurosurgical procedure
SPR (selective posterior rhizotomy) improves motor control, UE functioning, sitting balance
feeding problems
abnormal oral movements, tone, sensation hyper/hypo sensitive to touch around/in mouth sucking, chewing, swallowing difficult to initiate/control
ataxic (intentional tremor, affects coordination) (which part of brain affected?)
cerebellar damage
most effective motor intervention
constraint-induced intervention
Athetosis is...(tone)
fluctuation of tone: with spasticity, with tonic spasms
auditory problems
hearing problems (acuity) auditory-perceptual problems agnosia (inability process sensory info)
types of limb involvement in CP
hemiplegia (entire right/left side) diplegia (both legs or both arms) quadriplegia (all limbs)
CP results from...
injuries to/abnormalities to brain occur BEFORE, DURING, or up to 1 year after birth (baby gets f***** up from prenatal -- 1 year old)
CP is essentially...
lack of accuracy in movement strategies/problems with control of movement strategies
spasticity (which part of brain affected?)
lesion in motor cortex
fluctuating muscle tone (which part of brain affected?)
lesions in basil ganglia
high or low incidence of CP?
low (2.4/1000 = .0024)
difficulties with....what types of functioning? 4 types (the main ones really)
motor, sensory, cognitive, & psychosocial functioning NEUROLOGIC, MOTOR, POSTURAL DEFICITS
what is a contracture?
permanent shortening of a muscle or joint due to prolonged hypertonic spasticity muscles or tendons that have remained too tight for too long, thus becoming shorter
concerns, what we want to prevent
prevent development of contractures & deformities, limiting of function (because of abnormal movement patterns, muscle tone, sensory function + gravity + growth)
How to differentiate CP from other conditions? 2 main components
quality of tone limb involvement
'symptoms' of CP
retention of primitive reflexes & automatic reactions variable tone hyper-responsive tendon reflexes asymmetry in use of extremities clonus (muscle spasms?) poor sucking/tongue control involuntary movements MOTOR DELAYS
in CP quality of tone can be...
spastic (cortical motor areas) athetoid (hyper & hypo, basil ganglia damage) ataxic (intentional tremor, affects coordination) flaccid mixed
most common from of CP?
spastic diplegia & quadriplegia
Muscle tone
tension/resistance to movement enables to keep body in position/posture changes in ___ enables movement