CPR and Basic Life Support

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All cardiac arrest situations are shockable by an AED.


Why is allowing complete chest recoil important when performing CPR?

If allow venous return during CPR.

What should a rescuer do if a victim becomes unconscious during abdominal thrusts?

Immediately begin CPR.

The AED has failed to find a shockable rhythm. What is the next step?

Immediately continue CPR.

Which victims of cardiac arrest require smaller AED pads?

Infants and children under 8 years old

Which of the following is accomplished by CPR?

It circulates blood until the heart is restored to good health.

What is a difference between adult and pediatric CPR?

More emphasis is given to rescue breaths in pediatric CPR.

How can you ensure you are giving effective rescue breaths?

Observe the chest rise with each breath.

How should a choking infant be positioned for back blows?

On your forearm, facing down

You are alone and find a child who needs CPR. What should you do?

Perform CPR for 2 minutes and then activate the emergency response system.

How do you check for responsiveness in an infant?

Tapping them on the heel

Which of the following is true when performing CPR on an unresponsive choking victim?

The mouth should be checked for the obstruction prior to rescue breaths.

When there are two or more rescuers, what is the best guideline for chest compressions?

The two rescuers should switch every 2 minutes, or five compression cycles, to prevent fatigue.

Which of the following determines whether a victim should receive adult or pediatric CPR?

The victim has reached the onset of puberty.

What compression technique should be used on an infant during CPR when there are multiple rescuers?

Two thumb-encircling hands

When is it appropriate to place a victim in the recovery position?

When ROSC has been restored

What is cardiac arrest?

When the heart stops effectively pumping blood

When does choking occur?

When the trachea is blocked

Which of the following victims needs to have their head in the neutral position when the rescuer opens their airway?

an infant victim

Roberta is home alone with her 2-year old son. They are playing together. Her son has a serious asthma attack and goes into cardiac arrest. What is the first step Roberta should take?

call 911

When taking the pulse of a child victim you can use the _____________ artery.

carotid and femoral

How should you treat a victim with a partially blocked airway?

encourage hard coughing

An AED arrives in the middle of performing a cycle of chest compressions. When should the AED be used?

immediately when it arrives

When there are two rescuers, what should the second rescuer do if their partner is delivering a shock with a defibrillator?

stay clear when told.

How should back blows be given?

with the heel of your free hand

In adult CPR, when should the emergency response system be activated?

Before administering CPR

In pediatric CPR, what is the age range for a child?

Between 1 year and the onset of puberty

Chest compressions on adults should be done to what depth?

Between 2-2.4"

What is the rule of thumb for how long you should check for responsiveness?

Check for between 5 and 10 seconds.

Which of the following victims should have their pulse taken on their brachial artery?

(A child victim-wrong)(an adult victim-wrong)an infant victim

How does defibrillation work?

(It shocks a stopped heart to start pumping again.-wrong)(it restarts the heart and creates a new rhythm.-wrong)It stuns the heart to stop ventricular fibrillation.

When dealing with a victim of an opioid overdose, when should naloxone be administered?

As soon as a pulse is detected, even if the victim is not breathing

You are a lone rescuer who is getting tired from performing chest compressions. What action should be taken when more rescuers arrive?

Assign tasks to other rescuers and rotate compressors to avoid fatigue.

What is the ratio of chest compressions and rescue breaths during pediatric CPR when there are multiple rescuers?


During CPR, what is the ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths in adults?

30 compressions to 2 breaths

How much blood is pumped during an effective chest compression compared to a normal heartbeat?


How deep should compressions be during CPR on an infant?

About one and a half inches

The team leader asks you to perform a task, but you have not yet perfected the task. What action should you take?

Respond that you are not fully capable of doing the task.

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