CPR Written Exam Study Guide

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"Members of the team know their boundaries and ask for help before the resuscitation attempt worsens." Match this statement with the most appropriate element of team dynamics listed. A. Summarizing and reevaluation B. Knowledge sharing C. Knowing your limitations D. Constructive intervention


"The team functions smoothly when all team members know their positions, functions, and tasks during a resuscitation attempt." Match this statement with the most appropriate element of team dynamics listed. A. Knowing your limitations B. Mutual respect C. Clear roles and responsibilities D. Constructive intervention


(T/F) You are caring for a coworker who has been injured and is bleeding heavily. Because she is a close friend, it is not important to use personal protective equipment to protect yourself from possible exposure to an infectious disease.


A 53 year old woman collapses while gardening. She is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a pulse. A neighbor, who is an emergency medical technician, rushes to her with an AED. After the AED pads are attached to the victim's bare chest, the AED detects ventricular fibrillation. What is the next step when using an AED? A. Press the shock button B. Clear the patient C. Follow the AED prompts D. Check the victim for a carotid pulse


A 53 year old woman collapses while gardening. She is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a pulse. A neighbor, who is an emergency medical technician, rushes to her with an AED. When the AED arrives, what is the first step for using it? A. Turn on the AED B. Apply the pads to the patient's chest C. Press the shock button D. Clear the patient


A 67 year old man is found unresponsive, not breathing, and without a pulse. You and a second rescuer begin performing high-quality CPR. When should rescuers switch positions during CPR? A. Switch rescuers at 5-minute intervals B. Never switch rescuers, and maintain current roles C. Switch rescuers when placing the AED pads D. Switch rescuers about every 2 minutes


A 67 year old man is found unresponsive, not breathing, and without a pulse. You and a second rescuer begin performing high-quality CPR. You notice the person giving chest compressions is not allowing for complete chest recoil. What is your next course of action? A. Tell the compressor you notice decreased chest recoil B. Stand back and await direction from the team leader C. Take over leadership and give direction D. Immediately take over chest compressions


A 9 year old has suddenly collapsed. After confirming that the scene is safe, a single rescuer determines that the child is in cardiac arrest, shouts for nearby help, and activates the emergency response system. He immediately begins performing high-quality CPR. Two additional rescuers arrive to assist in the resuscitation attempt. Two rescuers begin high-quality CPR while the third rescuer leaves to get the AED. What action supports 2-rescuer CPR? A. Alternating giving shocks every 3 cycles B. Alternating giving rescue breaths every 3 cycles C. Alternating the compressor role every 2 minutes D. Alternating the AED role every 2 minutes


A 9 year old has suddenly collapsed. After confirming that the scene is safe, a single rescuer determines that the child is in cardiac arrest, shouts for nearby help, and activates the emergency response system. He immediately begins performing high-quality CPR. Two additional rescuers arrive to assist in the resuscitation attempt. What actions should occur next, to support a team-based resuscitation attempt? A. 1 rescuer gives CPR while the other 2 wait for advanced life support to arrive B. 2 rescuers alternate using the AED and giving breaths C. 2 rescuers operate the AED while the third rescuer gives breaths D. 2 rescuers alternate giving high-quality chest compressions


A fire has broken out in the building you are working in, and you are quickly evacuating with other employees. As you are exiting, you find an employee who has collapsed to the floor and is not moving. Smoke is quickly filling the area where you are. What should you do for the collapsed employee? A. Stay with your coworker; you could do more harm moving someone who is injured. B. Leave your coworker and alert fire service personnel after you evacuate C. Determine the mechanism of injury before making any decisions D. Drag your coworker from the smoke-filled area to a safer location


A middle-aged man collapses. You and a second rescuer go to the victim and find that he is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a pulse. Which action is most likely to positively impact this victim's survival? A. Ensuring scene safety B. Providing rescue breaths C. Checking the pulse frequently D. Performing high-quality CPR


A middle-aged man collapses. You and a second rescuer go to the victim and find that he is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a pulse. You and another rescuer begin CPR. After a few cycles, you notice the chest compression rate is slowing. What should you say to offer constructive feedback? A. "You need to compress at a rate of at least 100 per minute." B. "You need to compress at a rate of 80-120 per minute." C. "You need to compress at a rate of at least 120 per minute." D. "You need to compress at a rate of 100-120 per minute."


A victim with a foreign-body airway obstruction becomes unresponsive. What is your first course of action? A. Roll the victim over and perform back blows B. Start CPR, beginning with chest compressions C. Perform blind finger sweeps D. Perform abdominal thrusts

Child BLS

Age 1-Puberty -1 Rescuer = 30 compressions, 2 breaths -2 Rescuers = 15 compressions, 2 breaths -If you see the child go down, contact 911 before starting CPR -If not, then perform CPR before contacting 911 for 2 minutes.


An 8 month old infant is eating and suddenly begins to cough. The infant is unable to make any noise shortly after. You pick up the infant and shout for help. Which action do you perform to relieve choking in an unresponsive infant? A. Give sets of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts. B. Perform CPR, and look in the mouth for the obstructing object C. Attempt a blind finger sweep when giving breaths to remove the obstructing object D. Give sets of 5 abdominal thrusts and 5 back slaps


An 8 month old infant is eating and suddenly begins to cough. The infant is unable to make any noise shortly after. You pick up the infant and shout for help. You have determined that the infant is responsive and choking with a severe airway obstruction. How do you relieve the airway obstruction? A. Give abdominal thrusts B. Encourage the infant to cough C. Give sets of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts D. Begin 2 thumb-encircling hands chest compressions

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)

Electrical system of the heart malfunctions.

Early defibrillation

Ends ventricular fibrillation, restores normal heartbeat.


How can rescuers ensure that they are providing effective breaths when using a bag-mask device? A. Delivering breaths quickly and forcefully B. Observing the chest rise with breaths C. Allowing air to release around the mask D. Always having oxygen attached to the bag


How do you perform chest compressions when providing high-quality CPR to a child victim? A. By compressing the chest at least one fourth the depth of the chest, about 1.5 inches (4 cm). B. By compressing the chest at least two thirds the depth of the chest, about 4 inches (10 cm). C. By compressing the chest at least one half the depth of the chest, about 3 inches (8 cm). D. By compressing the chest at least one third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm).

Chain of Survival

Most effective approach to manage a sudden cardiac arrest.


Rapid defibrillation is a link in the adult Chain of Survival. Why is this important to survival? A. It prevents respiratory arrest. B. It eliminates the abnormal heart rhythm. C. It prevents cardiac arrest. D. It provides normal respiration

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Restores limited blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

Infant BLS

Use thumbs around baby's chest. -AED pads are placed 1 on back of chest & 1 on front of chest -Tap the baby on the foot to ask if they are OK -Check brachial pulse, pulse in the arm

2 inches

What are the 3 measures of high-quality chest compressions for an adult? -Compress deeply, more than __ ________. -Compress fast, between 100-120 compressions per minute. -At the top of each compression, allow the chest to recoil.


What is a consideration when you are using an AED? A. On a hairy chest, the pads may not stick and may fail to deliver a shock B. You should never remove a transdermal medication patch before applying AED pads C. You should not use an AED on someone with an implanted pacemaker D. AEDs can be used while a victim is submerged in water


What ratio for compressions to breaths should be used for 1-rescuer infant CPR? A. 30 compressions to 2 breaths B. 15 compressions to 2 breaths C. 20 compressions to 2 breaths D. 5 compressions to 1 breath


What should you do if you need to use an AED on someone who has been submerged in water? A. Pull the victim out of the water, but do not use the AED B. Pull the victim out of the water, and wipe the chest C. Do not pull the victim out of the water, but wipe the chest before placing pads D. Do not move the victim, and do not use the AED


When performing CPR on an unresponsive choking victim, what modification should you incorporate? A. Each time you open the airway, look for the obstructing object. B. There are no modifications to CPR for an unresponsive choking victim C. Attempt a jaw thrust instead of a head tilt-chin lift D. You do not give breaths to an unresponsive choking victim


Which victim requires high-quality CPR? A. A victim who is responsive, has a pulse, and is having trouble breathing B. A victim who is unresponsive, has a strong pulse, and is breathing adequately. C. A victim who is responsive, is having trouble breathing, and has a pulse less than 60/min D. A victim who is unresponsive with no normal breathing and no pulse


While performing high-quality CPR on an adult, what action should you ensure is being accomplished? A. Compressing to a depth of at least 2 inches B. Maintaining a compression rate of 90-120/min. C. Placing hands on the upper third of the sternum D. Allowing the chest to recoil 1 inch


Why is allowing complete chest recoil important when performing high-quality CPR? A. The heart will adequately refill between compressions B. There will be a reduction of rescuer fatigue C. The rate of chest compressions will increase D. It will reduce the risk of rib fractures


Why is defibrillation important? A. It is not important for cardiac arrest B. It prevents rearrest from occurring C. It can restore a regular cardiac rhythm D. There is a 100% success rate in regaining a normal cardiac rhythm


You and your coworker are loading boxes into a truck on a busy street when a bicyclist, riding on the sidewalk, suddenly collides with your coworker. The bicyclist rides away, apparently uninjured, but the man who was struck is holding his abdomen and groaning. You have been trained as a first aid provider and think you can help, but you hesitate because you are unsure about your ability to help. What should you do? A. Don't do anything to avoid legal liability for a mistake B. Wait to see how your coworker feels in a few minutes C. Approach and offer to help your coworker D. Keep working until someone else comes to help


You enter a warehouse door to get to your work area and discover one of your coworkers alone and looking very ill. After talking to him, you are unsure about what is happening, but you feel it could be very serious. Should you activate EMS? A. Yes, EMS activation is appropriate if someone is ill and alone B. Yes, EMS activation is appropriate if you are unsure of the severity C. No, EMS activation is not appropriate unless there is an immediate threat to life D. No, EMS activation is not appropriate because there is no significant mechanism of injury

5-10 seconds

You have responded to a store customer who collapsed. Your primary assessment indicated she was in cardiac arrest and you have started CPR. Another employee has gone to activate EMS and get an AED. Describe the basic guidelines for performing CPR in this situation. -Begin CPR starting with 30 compressions -Perform ongoing cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths -Take no longer than ___-___ ________ to give 2 rescue breaths -Stop CPR when the AED is attached and is advising a shock is needed


You hurry to the maintenance shop for a report of an employee who is ill. You arrive to a crowd outside the shop building and find that there are two employees involved. One looks very ill and describes being overcome by fumes in a poorly ventilated area. The other employee is motionless on the ground. You conduct a primary assessment on her and find she is unresponsive and not breathing. You ask another employee to activate EMS and get an AED, and then begin CPR. What do you suspect is the underlying problem. A. Sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation B. Secondary cardiac arrest due to opioid overdose C. Secondary cardiac arrest due to a loss of breathing D. Sudden cardiac arrest due to the loss of breathing


You return from your lunch break to your work area and discover a coworker who appears to have collapsed and does not respond to your voice or touch. You immediately begin to help. What legal concept related to providing first aid care applies in this situation? A. Implied consent B. Abandonment C. Informed consent D. Liability


You witness someone suddenly collapse. The person is unresponsive, you hear gasping sounds, and there is no pulse. What should you do? A. Give rescue breaths only; the gasps are not normal breathing B. Begin CPR; the gasps are not normal breathing C. Begin CPR, even though gasping is normal breathing D. Monitor the patient; the gasps are considered normal breathing

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