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portable media player

.mp4, .qmv, .mpc are all file extensions that can be played

twisted-pair cable

copper wires twisted around each other. EX: normal telephone cable

Formats for digital music

-MP3, AAC, and WMA are file formats used to store digital music -DivX, MPEG-4 have mp4 extensions -WMV and XviD hold video and audio information

Names of formats for digital video

-Quiktime format .qt or .mov -Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4 -Windows Media Video .wmv -Microsoft Video for Windows .avi -Real Media .rm Adobe Flash Video .flv

2 ways to secure data on a mobile device:

-alarm software that detects motion and sets off an alarm until a disable code is entered -encrypting data

File Naming conventions of Apple OSX

-as many as 255 characters -case sensitive -forbidden character is a colon -no file extensions needed

File Naming conventions of Windows

-as many as 255 characters -not case sensitive -forbidden characters are " /\ * ? <> |: -file extensions are needed

How to make sure a website is appropriate for research

-authority -bias -relevance -audience -links

Tips for a great presentation

-be careful with collor -use bullets for key points -use images -consider font size and style -only use 1 or 2 font styles per presentation -keep animations and/or background audio to a minimum

3 ways to prevent spam:

-create a free email address that you use only to fill out forms or buy online items -spam filters -purchase a third party program that provides control of spam

How are network architectures classified?

-distance between nodes -the way in which the network is managed or administered -the set of rules (protocol) used to exchange data between network nodes -communications medium used to transport the data

Name popular phone OS

-iOS (Apple) -Windows Phone 8 (Microsoft) -Android (HTC, Samsung) -Blackberry OS (Blackberry)

smartphone capabilities:

-internet access -personal information management (PIM) -voice recording features -play and organize music files -Gps services -digital image and video capture -computing power to run programs like word processors or even video-editing software

3 main places for storing file backups

-online (cloud service) -external hard drives (i.e. flash drive) -NAS-network-attached storage devices and home servers (large hard drives connected to a network of computers instead of just one, so that they can be used to back up multiple computers simultaneously)

Factors to determine the image quality of digital cameras

-quality of the lenses used -image sensor size -file format and compression used -color management software included -camera's resolution or the number of data points it records for each image captured

parts of a URL: 1. protocol 2. domain name 3. top level domain 4. path or subdirectory

1. (http:) 2. (www.nytimes.com) 3. (.com) 4. (/pages/crosswords)

Units of CPU

1. Arithmetic Logic Unity (ALU)-responsible for performing all the arithmetic calculations and makes logic/comparison decisions 2. control unit-coordinates activities of all the other computer components

who developed 1.) Windows 8 2.) OS C 10.9 3.) iOS7 4.) Android 5.)Linus

1. Microsoft (available on laptops, desktops, tablets, all in ones, cell phones 2. Apple; laptops, desktops, all in ones 3. Apple; tablets, iphones, ipod touches 4. Google; cellphones, tablets 5. Open source; laptops, desktops

The Four Computer Generations

1. UNIVAC 2. computers that used transistors 3. early integrated-circuit generation- integrated circuits are small chips capable of containing thousands of transistors 4. computers that use a microprocessor chip; contains millions of transistors and refined computer's speed, accuracy and efficiency

Boot Process

1. activating Basic input/output system (BIOS) 2. performing the power-on self-test 3. loading the OS 4. checking further configurations and customizations

5 procedures to improve system reliability

1. clear out unnecessary files 2. install a reliable antivirus package 3.run spyware and adware removal programs 4.run the Disk Defragmenter utility on your hard drive 5. automate the key utilities

factors of determining CPU processing power

1. clock speed 2. whether it has multiple cores 3. amount of cache memory

1.software suite 2. advantages

1. collection of software programs that have been bundled together as a package 2. cheaper, individual programs within a suite work well together because they share common features /can integrate

5 functions of the OS

1. manages computer hardware and peripherals 2. provides a user interface 3. provides a consistent interaction between apps and the CPU 4. manages memory and storage 5. manages the processor

1.How to search for a phrase 2.how to search within a website 3. How to use a wildcard

1. place quotation marks around it 2.use the search keyword, then ":" followed by the website's URL 3. use an asterisk; helpful when you need to research with unknown terms

1.)bit 2.)byte 3.)kilobyte 4.)megabyte 5.)gigabyte 6.)terabyte

1. short for "binary digit" (each 0 and 1 is a binary digit) 2.eight binary digits 3.approximately 1,000 bytes 4.about 1 million bytes 5.1 billion bytes 6.1 trillion bytes

3 components of a search engine

1. spider-constantly collects data on the web, following links in websites and reading web pages 2. Indexer program-organizes data into a large database 3. search engine software-searches the indexed data and pulls out relevant information according to your research

3 ways to know a site is secure

1.check that the beginning of the URL changes from http to https 2.look for padlock icon in the toolbar 3. green colored address bar

5 factors to select the best printer

1.speed 2.resolution 3.color output 4.cost of consumables 5.decide what your primary printing need is

ABC-Atanasoff-Berry Computer

1939-first electronically powered digital computer. Used vacuum tubes, contained a mile of wire and took 15 sec. for each calculation. Was the first computer to use binary system and have a memory that repowered itself upon booting

Apple II

1977-included a color monitor, sound, and game paddles. It's OS was stored in ROM, when before, the operating system had to be rewritten each time the computer was turned on


1978-Dan Bricklin; first electronic spreadsheet application which led to the development of other spreadsheet programs (Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel)

floppy disk

1978-designed by Steve Wozniak for personal computers, so that programs could be saved easily and operating systems could be developed. Also a convenient way to distribute software


1980-IBM's first personal computer (the PC)


1993-web browser that allowed users to view multimedia on the web (led to internet boom which increased internet traffic by 350%)

Windows 95

1995-the first Microsoft OS designed to be principally a GUI OS


2 or more computers that are connected via software and hardware so they can communicate with each other

GPS(Global Positions System)

21 satellites (plus 3 working spares) built and operated by the military and constantly orbit the earth. Satellites provide info to GPS-capable devices to pinpoint locations on earth

extension or file type

3 letters in a file name that follow the user-supplied file name after the dot. Ex: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .accdb

ethernet network standard

802.3 is the standard for wired ethernet networks -wireless ethernet networks (WiFi) is 802.11 -current versions/faster and better signal range for wireless ethernet is 802.11ac

network navigation devices

A device on a network (either a router or switch) that moves data signals around the network

data transfer rate

AKA bandwidth-maximum speed at which data can be transmitted between 2 nodes on a network. Measure in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps)

packet analyzer

AKA sniffer-program deployed by hackers that looks at each packet as it travels on the internet, not just those addressed to a particular computer, but all packets coming across a particular network


AKA switched lines-pertains to a telephone connection in a system of many lines shared by many users. Has a maximum transmission speed of 56 Kbps (kilobits per second)

SaaS-Software as a Service

AKA web-based app/web-based software; vendor hosts the software online and your access and use it over the internet without having to install it on computer


Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code-the key language of the PC. Became popular because it was easy for beginning programming students to learn

How did Microsoft begin?

Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the BASIC program (compiling program that translates users commands into commands the computer can understand), Altair bought the program and began Microsoft


CPU socket, storage ports, expansion slots, memory slots

Why was the Internet created?

During Cold War the US Dept. of Defense needed a computer network that wouldn't disrupt easily in the event of an attack; to get different computers to work with each other using a common communications method

Hollerith Tabulating Machine

Herman Hollerith; machine automatically read data that was punched onto small punch cards and sped up tabulation process

4 major functions of a computer

Input-gather/enter data process-manipulates, calculates, and organizes data into information Output-displays data and information in a suitable form for the user storage-saves data and information for later use

examples of accounting software

Intuit QuickBooks, Sage Peachtree


Mac OS was the first commercially available OS to use a GUI with user-friendly point-and-click technology

Time Machine

Mac OSX 's backup utility that automatically backs up files to a specified location


Microsoft Disk-Operating System; IBM asked Bill Gates to write an OS program for the IBM PC which led to MS-DOS being the OS for IBM computers (nearly all PCs running on the intel chip used it as their OS)

How can digital cameras transfer pictures wirelessly?

Most have a built in USB port that can be used to copy image files to your computer. Some cameras support wireless network connections

Can computers process activities simultaneously

No; the computer's OS assigns a slice of its time to each activity that requires its attention

alternatives to PowerPoint

Prezi, HaikuDeck, Powtoon, Zoho Show

where is a phone OS stored?


rewriteable CDs

RW discs; let you write and rewrite data to them many times


Real-Time Operating System-AKA embedded systems; used in machinery that performs repetitive series of specific tasks in an exact amount of time. Minimal user interaction


Rich Text Format-a format that any text program can read


Universal Automatic Computer-first commercially successful electronic computer. Unlike competitors, it operated on magnetic tape instead of punch cards. Considered first-generation computer and was the last to use vacuum tubes

wireless medium

WiFi; uses radio waves to connect computing devices to wireless networks and the internet

examples of cloud computing

Windows 8, OS X Mavericks, Google Chrome OS

task manager

Windows utility that shows programs currently running and permits you to exit non-responsive programs when you click End Task; Ctrl + alt +Del or right click the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop


[usually live] broadcast of audio or video content over the internet. Most are distributed in real time


a circuit board in the system unity that contains the CPU, the ram chips and slots for expansion cards. All other boards connect to it to receive power and to communicate


a consortium that develops new technologies and applications that are faster and more efficient separate data lines that support high-speed communications through the internet itself

field (database)

a data category


a means to store data; was smaller and more powerful than vacuum tubes. Computers that used them were referred to as second-generation computers


a rule, implemented in either software or hardware, which squeezes a given amount of audio and video information into less space

GDDR5(Graphics Double Data Rate 5)

a standard of video memory

Digital Rights Management

a system of access control that allows only limited use of material that's been legally purchased (it may be a song that can only run on certain devices or a movie that can only be viewed a certain number of times)

MP3(MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)

a type of audio compression format and is the most common compressed digital format


a type of pinned tab that makes it easier to navigate your favorite sites

accessibility utilities

access tools that help users with disabilities; ex: magnifier, narrator, speech recognition, on-screen keyboard, high contrast


adapters with a newer style port that can connect to digital monitors or projectors

GUI-Graphical User Interface

allowed users to interact with the computer more easily when before, users had to use complicated command or menu-driven interfaces

disk defragmenter

allows OS to work more efficiently by grouping together related pieces of files on the hard drive (enables faster retrieval of data)

NFC (near field communication) chip

allows technology to communicate with another NFC device with a single touch. Only a 1.5 inch range

Windows explorer/file explorer

allows you to see the contents of your computer; main tool for finding, viewing, and managing contents by showing the location and contents of every drive, folder, and file. Was called Windows Explorer prior to Windows 8

software license

an agreement between the user and the software developer that must be accepted before installing the software on a computer

peer-to-peer network

an example of LAN; each node connected on the network can communicate directly with every other node on the network, therefore all nodes on this type of network are peers, or equals

client-server network

an example of a centrally administered network. A "client" is a computer on which users accomplish tasks and make requests. The "server" is the computer that provides info/resources to the client computers as well as central administration for network functions such as printing. Most networks have 10+ nodes


an expansion card that enables a computer to connect other computers or to a cable modem to facilitate a high-speed internet connection (INSIDE of the device, EX: smartphones, tablets, and other peripherals)

3D sound card

an expansion card that enables a computer to produce omnidirectional or 3D sounds *Dolby standard 7.1 has 8 speakers (7 regular and a subwoofer)


an instruction set that allows interaction with the computer to do a specific task


approach which makes sure that as long as you have a 3G signal, your computer can access the internet even when it tells you there are no available wireless networks (offered by several smartphones)

Blu-Ray players

backward-compatible; can read and write CDs and DVDs and is the fastest optical


basic input/output system-manages the exchange of data between the OS and all the input and output devices attached to the system. Stored on a ROM chip on the motherboard

CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart)

because bots cant yet be programmed to read distorted text and most people can, the program can verify that a human is performing the task

live bookmark

bookmark that delivers updates as soon as they become available using RSS

session restore

brings back all your active web pages if the browser or system unexpectedly shuts down

notebook computer

built in input devices; AKA a laptop. Portable computer that has a monitor and keyboard

smart screen filter

built in protection against phishing, malware, etc.

enterprise resource planning (ERP) system

business intelligence system that accumulates in a central location all information relevant to running a business and makes it readily available to whoever needs it to make decisions

UTP cable

cable used for home networks

CD player

can only read and write CDs

DVD player

can read and write CDs

optical storage devices

can read from and sometimes write to CDs, DVDs, or Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray holds the most


cannot save any data onto them; pre-recorded discs that are read-only

Problem Steps Recorder

captures the exact steps that lead to a software problem; goes through exact actions that create a problem you're having

mobile switching center

central location that receives cell phone requests for service from a base station

expansion card

circuit board with specific functions that augment the computer's basic functions/provide connections to other devices. ex: sound card or video card

Web 2.0

collaborative user-created web content that was made for the purpose of sharing and collaborating on users' personal web content to be shared with others


combination of an OS and a specific processor

HDMI port

compact audio-video interface that allows HD video and uncompressed digital audio to be carried on one cable; most common video port on computing devices

ISP(internet service provider)

company that specializes in providing Internet access. ISPs may be specialized providers, like Juno or companies that provide other services in addition to Internet access (like phone or cable TV)

kernel (supervisor program)

component of OS that's responsible for managing the processor and all other components of the computer system. Stays in RAM memory the entire time computer is powered on, so it is called "memory resident"


computer that's controlled by a hacker who uses it to launch attacks on other computer systems

logical port blocking

condition in which a firewall is configured to ignore all incoming packets that request access to a certain port so that no unwanted requests will get through to the computer


condition of excessive paging in which the operating system becomes sluggish

mobile broadband

connects user to the internet through the same cellular network cells use to get 3G or 4G internet access when a wifi hotspot is not available

[multiple] cores

contains the parts of the CPU required for processing; multiple-core technology is 2 or more complete processors living on the same chip. Enables the independent execution of 2 sets of instructions at the same time

analog wave

continuous waves of changing intensity of light and sound waves. Illustrates the loudness of a sound or the brightness of colors in an image at a given moment in time

analog-to-digital converter chip

converts your voice's sound waves into digital signals (sound waves are digitized so the cell phone's processor can understand)

full installation("typical installation")

copies all the most commonly used programs from the distribution disc to your computer's hard drive

word processing software

creates and edits documents, such as research papers, resumes, class notes etc.; and is the most popular word processing program

digital formats

describe data signals as long strings of numbers; gives a simple way to describe sound and light waves exactly so sounds and images can be perfectly reproduced any time they're wanted

Analytical Engine

designed by Charles Babbage; first automatic calculator. Was never developed but his drawings and certain components of the machine are similar to today's computers. "father of computing"

user interface

desktop, icons, and menus that let you communicate with your computer


device for transmitting data on a network. A switch makes decisions, based on the media access control address of the data, as to where the data is to be sent

peripheral device

device such as monitor, printer, or keyboard that connects to the system unit through a data port

network adapter

device that enables the computer, or peripheral, to communicate with the network using a common data communication language, or protocol

surge protector

device that protects computers and other electronic devices from power surges

biometric authentication device

device that reads a unique personal characteristic such as a finger print, or the iris pattern in your eye, and converts its pattern to a digital code


device that routes packets of data between 2 or more networks. Can handle both wired and wireless and contains integrated switches. In order to share an internet connection with more than one computer, a router must be plugged into the modem


displays graphics and uses point-and-click technology of the mouse and cursor (or finger) which is more user friendly than menu-driven, or command-driven interfaces

pinned tabs

docked to the taskbar for easier navigation. ex: chrome, firefox


each device connected to a network ( can be a computer, printer, game console, or router)

examples of financial planning software

electronic checkbooks, Mint.com, automatic bill payment, etc.


enables a new set of instructions to start executing before the previous set has finished; allows 2 different programs to be processed at one time while sharing the computing resources of the chip

Machine Cycle

every time a CPU performs a program instruction it goes through these steps: 1. fetches required pieces of data/instruction from RAM 2. decodes the instruction into something the computer can understand 3. executes the instruction 4. stores the result to RAM before fetching the next instruction

file path

exact location of file starting with the drive it is located in, including all folders, subfolders, file name and the extension

uncompressed audio files

examples: WAV, AIFF; haven't had any data removed so the quality is a perfect representation of the audio as it was recorded

sound card

expansion card that attaches to the motherboard inside the system unit and enables computer to produce sounds by providing a connection for the speakers and mic

NIC card(network interface card)

expansion card that enables a computer to connect other computers to a cable modem to facilitate a high-speed internet connection

video card/video adapter

expansion card that's installed inside the system unite to translate binary data into images you view on your monitor

Advantages of Web-based email accounts

fast and asynchronous, so users don't need to be on at the same and and can respond at their own convenience. Makes it easy to collaborate and exchange documents

JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)

files can be compressed just a bit, keeping most of the details, or compressed greatly and lose some detail


form of digital media comprised of a series of audio or video files that are distributed over the internet

flash memory/flash card

form of portable storage; is a removable memory card

flash memory card

form of portable storage; removable. ex: SD card

RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

format that sends the latest content of the podcast series automatically to an aggregator-i.e. itunes or feedspot


formulas preprogrammed into spreadsheet software that performs calculations without the user having to know the exact formula

open source software

free software available with few licensing or copyright restrictions. Users can continue to make changes and keep it current without needing to wait for periodic updates. Disadvantage is lack of formal support

file management

function of OS that provides organization structure to the computer's contents (makes computer more organized and efficient)

what agency funded the early form of the internet?

funded by US government-Advanced Research Projects Agency

input device

hardware device used to enter (input) data and instructions, user responses and commands into a computer. EX: mouse, keyboard, microphone

directory structure

hierarchial structure used to create a more organized, efficient computer. Composed of drives, libraries, folders, subfolders, and files.

Broadband internet access

high-speed internet; refers to a type of connection that offers a means to connect to the internet with faster throughput. EX: fiber optic service

Turing Machine

hypothetical model created by Alan Turing; mathematically defined algorithms, and his concept also described a process where machines could read/write/erase symbols written on an infinite tape (precursor for RAM)

smartphone OS

iOS by Apple; Android by Google; Blackberry, Windows Phone, Android, and iOS are most prevalent

IP address(internet protocol address)

identification number used every time a computer connects to the internet; used to exchange data between computers (data gets sent to the correct computers)

tab isolation tabs

independent of each other, so if one crashes, it doesn't affect another

Audio MIDI Interface box

interface technology that allows users to connect guitars and microphones to their computer


introduced with Windows 7; folder that's used to display files from different locations as if they were all saved in a single folder, regardless of where they are actually stored in the file hierarchy

incremental backup/partial backup

involves backing up only files that have changed or have been created since the last backup was performed

Moore's Law

refers to the number of transistors inside a CPU chip and describes the pace at which CPUs improve

base transceiver station

large communications tower with antennas, amplifiers, receivers, and transmitters; station picks up request for service whenever you place a call


large, expensive computer that supports hundreds/thousands of users simultaneously and executes many different programs at the same time

system restore/system restore point

let's you roll your system settings back to a specific date when everything was working properly. System restore point is a snapshot of your entire system's settings and is generated prior to certain events, i.e. installing/updating software. Can be created manually at any time

privacy browsing

lets you browse without retaining a history trail

Levels of processing speed of cache memory

level 1-built on actual CPU chip for data storage and commands that have just been used level 2- slightly farther away on CPU chip so it takes a little longer to process than level 1 level 3-slower for CPU to reach but larger in size than level 2 cache

fiber-optic cable

made of plastic or glass fibers that transmit data at extremely fast speeds

encryption virus

malicious program that searches for common data files and compresses them into a file using a complex encryption key, thereby rendering files unusable

Tim Berners-Lee

man who created the system that became the prototype for the World Wide Web

Core Family from Intel

manufacturer of most processors for desktops and laptops; Inten i5 and i7 CPU chips

image backup/system backuup

means that all system application and data files are backed up, not just the changed files. Ensures you capture changes to app files such as automatic software updates that incremental backup might not capture

clock speed

measured in Hertz (Hz); the steady and constant pace at which a computer goes through machine cycles. Most processors have at least 4 gHz

What is RAM measured in

megabytes or gigabytes; amount is found on System Properties window. DDR3 (double data rate 3) DDR5 (double data rate 5); faster data transfer rate and seen in video graphics cards


memory management technique used by Windows 7; monitors the applications you use the most and preloads them into your system memory so that they'll be ready to go


mobile device files can be synchronized by connecting to your computer wirelessly, wired via a USB, or using a Cloud service


most common OS-iOs, Android, and Windows

details view

most interactive view; files and folders are displayed in list form and the additional file information is displayed in columns alongside the name of the file. Folder contents can be sorted and displayed by any of the column headings

satellite broadband

mostly used in rural or mountain areas that can't get DSL or fiber-optic service

Network Operating System

multiuser operating system; lets more than one user access the computer system at a time by handling and prioritizing requests from multiple users. Ex: Windows server, Linus, UNIX


multiuser, multitasking OS that is used as a network OS but is often found on PCs. Developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Richie of AT&Ts Bell Labs

network architecture

network designs; the design of a computer network, including both physical and logical design


network in bundles that sends data. Each packet contains the address of the computer or peripheral device to which it's being sent

transmission media

networks that can be wired or wireless and establish a communications channel between the nodes on a network

hard drive

non-volatile; computer's primary device for permanent storage of software and documents

ROM(Read Only Memory)

nonvolatile (permanent) storage; stores data and instructions that can't be changed or erased (holds all the instructions the computer needs to start up)

identity theft

occurs when a thief steals personal information such as your name, address, social security number, birth date, bank account number and credit card information and runs up debts in your name

Denial-of-service attack(DoS attack)

occurs when legitimate users are denied access to a computer system because a hacker is repeatedly making requests of that computer system that tie up its resources and deny legitimate users access

stand-alone utility programs

offer more features for an easier user interface [for backup, security, diagnostic, or recovery]


open source OS designed for use on personal computers and as a network OS. Open source software is freely available for anyone to use or modify as he/she wishes

MAC(media access control)

physical address; is the unique number assigned to a network adapter by the manufacturer. Similar to a serial number


place markers of websites in an easily retrievable list


planting malicious code on a computer that alters the browser's ability to find web addresses and that directs users to bogus websites

flash drive

plug's into a computer's USB port and stores memory onto an internal memory chip

host program

portion of a domain name that identifies who maintains a given website

virus signature

portion of the virus code that's unique to a particular computer virus


ports for digital LCD monitors


ports for high-definition TVs, Blu-Ray players, or gaming consoles

database software

powerful applications that let your store and organize data; manages larger and more complicated data in more than one table and generates reports

thumbnail previews

previews of all open web pages in open tabs

system evaluation

process of looking at a computer's subsystems, what they do, and how they perform to determine whether the computer system has the right hardware components to do what the user ultimately wants it to do


process of sending emails to lure users into reveal personal information such as credit card or SS numbers, that could lead to identity theft

NAT(Network Address Translation)

process that firewalls use to assign internal internet protocol addresses on a network. Many routers sold for home use are configured as firewalls and feature NAT

Personal Information Management Software(PIMS)

productivity suite that helps you manage email, contacts, calendars, and tasks in one place (ex: Microsoft Outlook)

device driver

program attached to your computer that facilitates communication between the device and the OS

desktop publishing(DTP software)

programs for incorporating and arranging graphics and text to produce creative documents. Ex: Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress

rootkit/backdoor programs

programs that allow hackers to gain access to your computer and take almost complete control of it without your knowledge (designed to subvert normal login procedures and hide their operations from normal detection methods)

multimedia software

programs that include image, video, and audio-editing software, animation software and other specialty software required to produce computer games, animations, and movies

productivity software

programs that let you perform various tasks required at home, school and business. Includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database

HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

protocol that allows files to be transferred from a web server

seven-layer overwrite

provides a "secure erase"; means that you fill your hard drive 7 times over with a random series of 1s and 0s


rapidly performs complex calculations;designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible (ex: weather or atomic energy research)

writeable CDs

recordable formats allow you to write data but only once

3G and 4G access

refers to third and fourth generations of cell phone networks. Basically works as mobile wifi; if a device does not have built in capabilities, a USB modem can be bought. (*Modems are needed to have a broadband connection)

OS for mainframes and supercomputers

require multiuser operating systems. Most supercomputers use Linus; most mainframes use UNIX , Linus on System z, and IBM's z/OS


runs 2 hard drives in one system; cuts the time it takes to write a file in half

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)

series of tags that define how elements on a website should be displayed in a browser


set of computer programs/instructions that tells the computer what to do and enables it to perform tasks

application software

set of programs on a computer that helps a user carry out, tasks like word-processing, sending e-mail, balancing a budget, creating presentations, editing photos, and playing games

system software

set of programs that enables a computer's hardware devices and application software to work together; includes OS and utility programs

search engine

set of programs that searches the web for keywords and then returns a list of sites on which those keywords are found

application programming interface

set of software routines that allows one software system to work with another. Prevents redundancies in software code and makes it easier for software developers to respond to changes in the OS

RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disks)

set of strategies for using more than one drive in a system

breadcrumb trail

shows users the path they've taken to get to a web page (navigation aid). Usually appears at the top of a page


simplified licensing scheme that enables copyright holders to grant certain rights to a work while retaining other rights

coaxial cable

single copper wire surround by layers of plastic. EX: TV or cable box

cache memory

small blocks of memory located directly on CPU chip, acts as holding places for recently or frequently used instructions or data that the CPU assesses the most. Cache memory allows CPU to retrieve data and instructions faster than if it were in RAM


small program that groups a series of commands so that they will run as a single command


small programs that customize and increase the functionality of the browser

plug and play

software and hardware standard designed to facilitate the installation of new hardware in PCs by including in the OS, the drivers these devices need in order to run

plug-in player

software component that adds a specific feature to an existing software. ex: Quiktime, Adobe, Shockwave Windows Media Player, Flashplayer

web browser

software installed on a computer system that allows individuals to locate, view and navigate the web


software on new computers provided by the manufacturer that you don't want or need; can slow down your computer and degrade its performance


software program or hardware device designed to protect computers from hackers

NOS(network operating system)

software that handles requests for info, internet access, and the use of peripherals for the rest of the network node, providing services necessary for the computers on the network to communicate. EX: Windows, OSX, Linux


software with malicious intent. 3 primary forms are adware, spyware and viruses

proprietary software

software you buy (i.e. Microsoft Office). Custom software that is controlled and owned by the company that created it

virtual memory

space on the hard drive where the OS stores data if there isn't enough RAM to hold all the programs you're currently trying to run

digital signal processor

specialized chip that handles compression work; digital data is compressed into the smallest possible space so that it will transmit more quickly to another phone


specialized devices designed to store and manage all network data; provide centralized data storage and access

home network server

specialized devices designed to store files, share files across the network and back up files on computers connected to the network. All computers connected to the network can access the server

graphics processing unit

specialized logic chip that's dedicate to quickly displaying and calculating visual data such as shadows, textures, and luminosity


specially coded text that enables a user to jump from one web page to another website, or web pages, within a site when clicked

sampling rate

specifies the number of times the analog wave is measured each second. The higher the sampling rate, the more accurately the original wave can be created

determinants of processor performance

speed, number of cores (processing paths), virus protection software, OS

HD-high definition

standard of digital television signal that guarantees a specific level of resolution and a specific aspect ratio, which is the rectangular shape of the image

mechanical hard drive

storage device that has the largest capacity; capacities exceed 4 terabytes


strategy of mirroring all the data written on one hard drive to a second hard drive, providing instant backup of all data

top-level domain

suffix in the domain name after the dot (com)

operating system

system software that controls the way a computer system functions, including management of hardware, peripherals, and software. (examples of PC OS-DOS, MS-DOS)

centrally administered network

tasks performed from one computer can affect the other computers on a network

VOIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol)

technology that facilitates making calls across the internet instead of using conventional telephone lines (popular provider is Skype)

swap file/page file

temporary storage area on the hard drive where the operating system swaps out the data or instructions from RAM that haven't recently been used. Process takes place when more RAM space is needed

define RAM(random access memory)

temporary storage space/short term memory; located in a set of chips on the system unit's motherboard and its capacity is measured in mega or gigabytes

volatile storage

temporary storage such as in RAM; when the power is off, the data in volatile storage is cleared out


the 802.11 standard for wireless data transmissions established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


the act of creating an invented scenario to convince someone to divulge information


the actual speed of data transfer that is achieved; usually less than or equal to the data transfer rate and is measured in Mbps

physical memory

the amount of RAM installed on a computer


the antivirus software records key attributes about your computer files, such as file size and data created, and keeps these statistics in a safe place on your hard drive. Compares old and current qualities of files to detect viral activity

local network administration

the configuration and maintenance of the network must be performed on each individual computer attached to the network

Gigabit Ethernet standard

the most commonly used wired Ethernet standard deployed in devices designed for home networks; provides bandwidth of up to 1 Gbps

CPU usage

the percentage of time your CPU is working

Access time

the time it takes a storage device to locate its stored data and make it available for processing; faster than optical drives. Usually takes 12-13 milliseconds

drive-by download

the use of malicious software to attack a computer by downloading harmful programs onto a computer without the user's knowledge while they're surfing the web

root directory

top level of the filing structure in a computer system. In Windows computers, the root directory of the hard drive is represented as C:\


translates the broadband signal into digital data and back again

digital convergence

use of a single unifying device to handle media, internet, entertainment, and telephony needs. Expressed in the range of devices now on the market

unshielded twisted-pair cable

used for networks and is composed of 4 wires twisted around each other to reduce electrical interference

presentation software

used to create slideshows for high-quality presentations without a lot of training

SSD(solid sate drive)

uses electronic memory and has no mechanical motors or moving parts. Offers fast access times and reaching data in a tenth of a millisecond (100 times faster than mechanical drives)

ethernet network

uses ethernet protocol as the means, or standard, by which the nodes on the network communicate

Optic fiber

uses fiber-optic lines arranged in bundles called optical cables, and transmits data via light signals over long distances

mesh network

uses small radio transmitters instead of wireless routers as its network nodes. Only one node needs to physically connect to a network connection, then all other nodes can share wirelessly with each other

DSL(digital subscriber line)

uses twisted-pair cable to connect your computer to the internet

logical port

virtual communications gateways or paths that allow a computer to organize requests for information

Macro virus

virus that attaches itself to a document that uses macros (macros are a short series of commands that usually automate repetitive tasks)

logic bomb

virus triggered when certain logical conditions are met, such as opening a file or starting a program a certain number of times

tab browser

web pages are loaded in tabs within the same browser window rather than having to switch among pages in several open windows

data breach

when sensitive or confidential information is copied, transmitted, or viewed by an individual who is not authorizes to hand the data

file history

windows utility that automatically creates a duplicate of your libraries, desktop, contact, and favorites, and copies it to another storage device (like an external hard drive)

tagging/social bookmarking

works like bookmarking except instead of saving website to your browser, you save it to a social bookmarking site and share it with others

custom installation

you can decide which features you want installed on your hard drive

menu-driven interface

you choose commands from menus displayed on the screen

command-driven interface

you enter commands to communicate with the computer system

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