Cranial Nerves

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I Olfactory

Primary function: Special sensory information responsible for the sense of smell. Innervation: Olfactory epithelium

II Optic

Primary function: Special sensory that carry visual information from the eyes Innervation: Retina of eye

VIII Vestibulocochlear

AKA Acoustic Primary function: Special sensory Innervation: Cochlea (receptors for hearing), Vestibule (receptors for motion and balance)

XI Accessory

AKA Spinal Accessory Primary function: Motor Innervation: Voluntary muscles of palate, pharynx, and larynx (control vocal cords and produce speech) (with vagus nerve), sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. "movement of head and shoulders, swallowing and speech"

X Vagus

Primary function: Mixed Innervation: Sensory: provide sensory information from the auricle and external acoustic canal, taste buds in pharynx, diaphragm, visceral organs in thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. Motor: palatal and pharyngeal muscles and visceral organs in thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. Involuntary muscle control.

IX Glossopharyngeal

Primary function: Mixed Innervation: sensory: posterior 1/3 of tongue; pharynx and palate (part); receptors for blood pressure, pH, oxygen, and CO2 concentrations. Motor: Pharyngeal muscles (swallowing), parotid salivary gland

VII Facial

Primary function: Mixed provide deep sesations over the face, provide taste information, motor help with facial expressions, control tear glands and salivary glands. Innervation: Sensory: Taste receptors on the anterior 2/3 of tongue Motor: muscles of facial expression, lacrimal (tear) gland, and submandibular and sublingual salivary glands

V Trigeminal

Primary function: Mixed, Provide sensory information front he head and face and motor control over the chewing muscles, such as the temporalis and masseter. Innervation: Sensory: orbital structures, nasal cavity, skin of forehead, eyelids, eyebrows, nose, lips, gums and teeth, cheek, palate, pharynx, and tongue Motor: Chewing (temporalis, masseter, pterygoids) muscles

IV Trochlear

Primary function: Motor Innervation: Superior oblique muscle of eye "Ocular movement"

XII Hypoglossal

Primary function: Motor Innervation: Tongue muscles (voluntary control)

VI Abducens

Primary function: Motor, causes the eyeball to rotate laterally, away from the midline Innervation: Lateral rectus muscle of the eye

III Oculomotor

Primary function: Motor, moves the eyeball, controls the amount of light that enters the eye and the shape of the lens. "Pupil contraction, ocular movement, muscular sensibility" Innervation: Inferior, medial, superior rectus; inferior oblique; and intrinsic muscles of eye

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