CRIJ 3340 - Gender and Crime Midterm Study Guide (Chapters 1-4)

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The age of sexual consent in California is ______ years old.


A national study on rape published in 2007 indicated that ______ of women in America have experienced rape at some point in their lifetime.


The American Society of Criminology dates back to which of the following decades?


The first feminist criminologists gained attention during the ______.

1960s and 1970s

Chapter 2: Theories of Victimization Prosecutors began to establish victim-assistance programs during the ______.


Chapter 4: Women, Gender, and Victimization (Intimate Partner Abuse and Stalking) The grassroots battered women's movement of the ______ led to systemic changes in how the police and courts handled cases of domestic violence.


Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as part of the Federal Crime Victims Act in ______.


It is estimated that ______% of NFL players have a history of domestic violence.


The Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996 provides penalties for up to ______ years for the involuntary drugging of an individual in cases of violence.


It is estimated that ______ of all active duty women are sexually victimized.


According to the 2015 Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data, women accounted for ______ of all arrests.


According to the text, women are almost ______ times more likely to experience multiple acts of victimization compared to men.


According to the U.S. Department of Justice (2003), ______ of victims report their crime to the police.


According to the case study on intimate partner abuse in India, it is indicated that ______% intimate partner abuse begins with a month of marriage.


Many women do not identify themselves as victims. According to a national survey of college women, almost ______ of women who were victimized did not consider the incident to be rape.


Victims' rights are referenced in state laws and constitutions in ______ states


According to the authors between ______ of women studied experience rape within the context of marriage, cohabitation, or intimate relationships.

7% and 14%

In a sample of rape cases of college-aged women, alcohol was involved in approximately ______ of cases of nonforcible rape.


______ percent of women in the study disclosed their abuse to a at least one source.


Which of the following impacts one's ability to legally consent to sexual activity?

Age and Mental Impairment

Chapter 3: Women, Gender, and Victimization (Rape and Sexual Assault) The rates of rape within the ______ population are extremely high and alarming.

American Indian and Alaska Native

Research indicates that ______ women were significantly more likely to use emergency hospital services, police assistance, and housing assistance.


Which of the following border towns is notoriously known for femicide?

Ciudad Juarez

Which of the following is not one of the five basic principles of feminist methodology?

(1) Acknowledging influence of gender in society as a whole (2) Challenging the traditional relationship between the researcher and the subject and its link to scientific research and the validity of feelings (3) engaging in consciousness raising about the realities of women's lives (4) empowering women within a patriarchal society through their participation in research (5) an awareness by the researcher of the ethical costs of the research process and need to protect their subjects **Answer: Following the traditional relationship between researcher and subject

Which of the following were identified as problems of programming?

(1) Assume all batterers are alike (2) No culture diversity or culturally relevant programs **Answer: both A and B

Which of the following are considered negative consequences of victim blaming?

(1) Assumes that people are able to change the environment in which they live (2) Assumes that only "innocent" victims are true victims (3) Creates a false sense of security about the risks of crime

Women with a history of sexual assault are more likely to engage in all of the following behaviors EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Attempted suicide (2) More likely to engage in behaviors that put them at risk (e.g., risky sexual behaviors with multiple partners, extreme weight loss, and substance abuse involving alcohol and illegal drugs) **Answer: Rehabilitation programs

All of the following are reasons why rape victims do not officially report their victimizations EXCEPT for ______,

(1) Belief that the incident was not harmful or important enough to report (2) Did not want family members or others to know about the attack (3) Have little faith in the criminal justice system (e.g., would not be seen as a serious incident or insufficient proof) **Answer: May have faith in the system, but are still afraid to report the crime

Someone who batters their partner emotionally may do all of the following EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Call them derogatory names (2) Prevent them from working or attending school (3) Limit access to family members and friends **Answer:

Disciplinary polices for domestic violence enacted by the NFL commissioner include all of the following EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Counseling (2) Suspended without pay for six games (3) Banishment from the NFL **Answer: Imprisonment

The Model Penal Code recognized rape if all of the following were present EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Defines rape as intercourse (2) Marital law exemption (3) Male offender and female victim (4) force, or the threat of imminent death, serious bodily injury, extreme pain, or kidnapping, to be inflicted on anyone (5) Lack of consent (drugged, intoxicated or being unconscious) (6) Female is less than 10 yrs old **Answer: The female was older than 25 years old

Most victims of sexual assault display symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder including ______.

(1) Depression (2) Low self-esteem (3) Anxiety (4) Fear for personal safety

Which of the following are barriers to disclosure?

(1) Embarrassment (2) Fear (3) Private matter

All of the following are reasons why immigrant victims choose not to report their victimization EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Immigrant status (2) Role conflict (3) Cultural acceptance of violence (4) Fear of deportation (5) Negative experience of law enforcement from their home country (6) Language barriers **Answer:

The just world hypothesis may lead to all of the following except ______.

(1) Impact future reporting trends (2) Increased support of rape myths (3) Decreased crime reporting **Answer: Increased support for victims.

Which of the following increases the likelihood of official reporting in cases of rape?

(1) Injury (2) Concern over contracting HIV (3) Their identification of the crime as rape

All of the following statements regarding the new Uniform Crime Reporting definition of rape instituted in 2012 are true EXCEPT for ______.

(1) It allows men to be counted as victims. (2) It includes cases where victims were unable or unwilling to consent to sexual activity. (3) It removes the requirement for victims to prove they were forcibly assaulted. **Answer: It does not allow the UCR to capture a greater diversity of sexual assaults

All of the following are limitations to the Uniform Crime Report's (UCR) EXCEPT for ______.

(1) It follows the hierarchy rule. (2) It does not include information on attempted crime events. (3) It only includes crimes reported to the police. **Answer: It does not include demographic variables.

What are some of the contemporary efforts that have been to raise awareness about violence?

(1) Media awareness campaigns (2) Dating violence prevention (3) Intervention programming

All of the following are examples of self-report studies EXCEPT for ______.

(1) National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS) (2) National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) (3) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) **Answer: National Survey on Gender Differences in Victimization

Stalking victims experience all of the following feelings EXCEPT for _____.

(1) Powerlessness (2) Depression (3) Sleep disturbances (4) High levels of anxiety **Answer:

Victims engage in all of the following behaviors to cope with their stalking victimization EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Self-reflection through therapy (2) Changed behavior patterns (avoided community events, and moved out of the area) (3) Renegotiate the definitions of their relationship (bargaining, deception, and deterrence) (4) Issued warnings or pursuing a legal case against them **Answer:

The emergence of agencies such as rape crisis centers developed in response to the perceived need for which of the following?

(1) Sexual assault prevention efforts (2) Increased community awareness (3) Decreased pain that victims of crime experience

A perceived "true" or "real" rape involves all of the following EXCEPT for ______.

(1) Symbolic assailant (2) Forceful resistance (3) Evidence **Answer: Acquaintance assailant

All of the following statements regarding crime reporting are true EXCEPT for ______.

(1) The NCVS represents the largest victimization study conducted in the United States (2) NIBRS has not been fully implemented with all agencies (3) The dark figure of crime is a limitation of the Uniform Crime Reports **Answer: The NCVS is the only national-level data source on victimization

Which of the following is not true regarding the just world hypothesis?

(1) The concept posits that people deserve what comes to them (2) It allows people to distinguish themselves from the identity of victimhood. (3) It leads leads to an increased support of rape myths. **Answer: It implies that there are no true victims.

The Steubenville, Dietrich, and Turner cases have highlighted rape culture in society because of ______.

(1) The light sentences that the perpetrators received (2) The shifting blame toward the victim (3) The media coverage

All of the following statements pertaining to feminist research methods are true EXCEPT for ______.

(1) They are largely qualitative in nature (2) They allow emotions and values to be present as a part of the research process (3) There is no single method of research that is identified as the feminist method **Answer: Feminist methodology dictates that the gender of the research participant be woman.

Feminist methodology influences all of the following EXCEPT for ______.

(1) conceptualization of the research question (2) data collection methods (3) analysis of data collected **Answer: the selection of the researcher

Women have had challenges obtaining all of the following positions in the criminal justice system EXCEPT for ______.

(1) correctional officer (2) judge (3) police officer **Answer: Victim services

All of the following academic presentation topics are considered to be in the top five except for ______.

(1) domestic violence/intimate partner violence (2) gender-specific programming and policies (3) gender differences in criminal behavior (4) victimization of women (5) international perspectives on woman and crime **Answer: Recidivism rates among women offenders

Which of the following describes the common foundation found among women offenders?

(1) economic need (2) addiction (3) abuse both a and b

Reasons why a victim might choose not to report their victimization to the police include all except ______.

(1) embarrassed by the crime (2) belief that nothing could be done (3) believe that the crime was not serious enough to make a big deal over it (4) believe it's a personal matter **Answer: Employment jeopardy

Fear of crime can lead to all of the following except for

(1) gendered socialization (2) feelings of vulnerability (3) societal actions: policy practices **Answer: Increase sense of security

Victims of sexual assault and intimate partner violence tend to seek help from all of the following except ______.

(1) personal resources: family and friends (2) formal mental health services **Answer:

All of the following are challenges faced by women working in criminal justice EXCEPT for ______.

(1) sexual harassment (2) work-family balance (3) maternity (4) motherhood **Answer: Education

Cohen and Felson's routine activity theory suggests that the likelihood of a criminal act occurs with all of the following except for

(1) someone who is interested in pursuing a criminal actions (offender) (2) a potential victim (target) "available" to be victimized (3) the absence of someone or something (guardian) that would deter the offender from making contact with the available victim **Answer:

The feminist method involves which of the following?

(1) the relationship between researcher and the subject (2) the process by which data are gathered both a and c

Studies have shown that ______ in ______ college women is the victim of some sort of sexual assault.

1 in 4??

Sexual assault is generally considered as what class of felony?

Class 4 felony

Rape has been prohibited since the ______.

Code of Hammurabi

Which of the following sources of assistance was identified as being the most helpful in cases of intimate partner abuse in India?

Community legal aid and counseling shelters

Which of the following is considered to be a new phenomenon?


Mandatory arrest policies are based on which of the following?


______ combines the crime of wife battering with other contexts of abuse found within a home environment, such as the abuse of children or grandparents.

Domestic Violence

Which of the following is a unique factor related to same-sex intimate partner abuse?

External and internal homophobia

(T/F) According to von Hentig's theory, victimization of women can only be explained by their gender.


(T/F) All children raised in abusive homes will abuse their intimate partners later in life.


(T/F) Attempts to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution on victims' rights have been successful.


(T/F) Classical theories of crime attempted to explain female offending.


(T/F) Data on intimate partner violence show that teenagers are at a greater risk of abuse by a significant other when compared to adults.


(T/F) Economics do not impact the stalking experience for victims.


(T/F) Females do not face challenges as the result of their gender.


(T/F) Feminist methods are limited to issues of gender.


(T/F) Most rapes and sexual assaults occur between people who do not know each other.


(T/F) Quantitative methods are the best approach to conduct research on sensitive issues including gendered experiences.


(T/F) Rates of sexual assault appear to be lower on college campuses.


(T/F) Seeking counsel from religious authorities often leads victims to report their victimization to the police.


(T/F) The experiences of women in criminal justice have always been reported.


(T/F) The majority of rape incidents are reported to the police.


(T/F) There are no gender differences in the criminal justice system.


(T/F) Women are more likely to disclose their abuse to formal sources.


(T/F) Women's needs are being met by the criminal justice system.


(T/F) Women's suffrage was the main concern of second wave feminists.


Most laws on stalking require that victims must indicate which of the following?

Fear as a result of the offender's actions

______ comprise the majority of victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.


______ research draws upon the historical context of women's and girls' lives to relate how events and traumas affect their likelihood to engage in crime.

Feminist pathways perspective

Which of the following explanations was identified in the text as an explanation for the murders of women in border towns?

Gender-based discrimination

Who of the following focused on how personal factors influence risk factors for victimization?

Hans von Hentig

In 1981, ______ attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in an effort to impress Jodi Foster.


Which of the following have the highest rates of attempted sexual assault?

Hispanic women

The "rule of thumb" referred to which of the following?

Husbands could not beat their wives with instruments longer than their thumbs

Title ______ from the Education Amendments of 1972 states that "no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance".


Which of the following is true?

If abusers use drugs and alcohol, they are more likely to stalk their victims

Which of the following is an unwanted sexual act that occurs after the victim voluntarily consumes drugs or alcohol?

Incapacitated rape

______ networks act as a support system for victims to seek professional help and to make an official crime report.


______ includes any form of abuse between individuals who currently have or have previously had an intimate relationship.

Intimate partner abuse

Which of the following is true about lifestyle theory?

It was developed to explore the risks of victimization from personal crimes

The ______, holds that people get what they deserve, is a form of victim blaming.

Just world hypothesis

Which of the following cases was used as an example of the just world hypothesis?

Kobe Bryant

______ refers to the legal duty of a police officer to make an arrest when responding to

Mandatory arrest

Most crimes of intimate partner abuse are considered as which of the following in most jurisdictions?


Some positive influences from the ______ have influenced present-day laws on rape and sexual assault.

Model Penal Code

Which of the following is true regarding Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)?

NIBRS collects more criminal event data than the UCR.

NCVS is an acronym for ______.

National Crime Victimization Survey

The ______ publishes crime data that go un-reported to the police by victims.

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

Which of the following is considered to be the first comprehensive data assessment of violence against women for the crime of intimate partner abuse, stalking, and sexual assault?

National Violence Against Women (NVAWS)

Mendelsoh's "innocent victim" is defined as ______.

No responsibility for the crime attributed to victim

Ariel Castro pled guilty for all of the following rimes except for ______.

Pled guilty to: kidnapping, rape, child endangerment, and gross sexual imposition **Answer: Murder

Which of the following sources of assistance was identified as being useless in cases of intimate partner abuse in India?


Which of the following is true regarding the NCVS definition of rape?

Recognizes penetration with body part or object, Requires force

After stalking her, ______ made contact with Patti Schaeffer at her residence and shot her in the chest.

Robert Bardo

Phillip Garrido, the abductor and abuser of Jaycee Dugard, had which of the following convictions on his record?

Sex offending

______ is a documentary of rape in the military.

The Invisible War

Which of the following is true regarding available victim services?

The demand for services exceeds the available resources.

Which of the following is said to be one of the greatest contributions of feminist criminology?

The relationship between victimization and offending

Why was the third wave of feminism born?

To acknowledge the multiple diverse perspectives of women

(T/F) A belief in the just world hypothesis leads to an increased support of rape myths.


(T/F) Acceptance of rape myths lead to victim blaming.


(T/F) Anyone can be the victim of intimate partner abuse.


(T/F) Asking the question, "why does she stay?," is a way to blame the victim.


(T/F) Batterer intervention programming has become one of the most popular options when sentencing offenders in cases of intimate partner abuse


(T/F) Cases where the victim is sexually assaulted following her voluntary intoxication of alcohol make up the majority of drug-facilitated sexual assaults.


(T/F) Children who reside in a home where violence is present tend to suffer from a variety of negative mental health outcomes, such as feelings of low self-worth, depression, and anxiety.


(T/F) Cohen and Felson's theory was created to discuss victimization in property crimes.


(T/F) Definitions of rape vary from state to state, but many present-day laws include similar provisions.


(T/F) Employment of women in criminal justice is limited.


(T/F) Females who commit crime face unique experiences that are different from males who offend.


(T/F) For some women, their children are the reason why they leave an abusive situation and seek help.


(T/F) In 1871, Alabama and Massachusetts became the first states to take away the legal right of men to beat their wives.


(T/F) In a cycle of victimization and offending, young girls often run away from home in an attempt to escape from an abusive situation.


(T/F) In the majority of victimization cases, men are the abusers and women are the victims.


(T/F) Many abusers use a woman's illegal immigration status as a threat to ensure compliance.


(T/F) Offenders often use rape myths to excuse or justify their actions.


(T/F) Quantitative methods can yield valuable data on the experiences of women.


(T/F) Rape is one of the most feared crimes.


(T/F) Rape victims are further traumatized by the criminal justice system.


(T/F) Some victims blame themselves for being raped.


(T/F) Teens are at high risk for dating violence.


(T/F) The Kobe Bryant rape case led to decreased reporting of sexual assault.


(T/F) The Model Penal Code reduced the definition of rape to the act of intercourse.


(T/F) The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) generally indicate crime rates that are higher than the rates of crime reported by Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data.


(T/F) The Uniform Crime Report and National Incident Based Reporting System official data sources fail to identify female serious and violent victimizations.


(T/F) The civil rights movement and the women's rights movement impacted society's view of women's roles.


(T/F) The greatest tool of perpetrators of intimate partner abuse is their ability to have power and control over their victim.


(T/F) The just-world hypothesis contends that bad things happen to bad people.


(T/F) The media can perpetuate victim blaming.


(T/F) The media portray a distorted view of the criminal justice system.


(T/F) The media's portrayal of crime often leads to an overexaggerating of violent crime in society.


(T/F) The routine activities theory has also been used to look at cybercrimes.


(T/F) Today, every state has laws on the books that generally identify rape within the context of marriage as a criminal act.


(T/F) Under the pathways perspective, criminal offending may be a survival technique.


(T/F) Victim blaming creates a false sense of security about the risks of crime.


(T/F) Victims play an important role in the criminal justice process.


(T/F) Victims' rights are referenced in state laws and constitutions in all 50 states.


(T/F) Violence does not always end when women report their crimes or leave their abuser.


(T/F) While U.S. laws generally prohibit marital rape, it is still legal in many other countries around the world.


(T/F) Women of color are victimized at a disproportionate rate.


(T/F) Women suffer disproportionately from crimes of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, harassment, and stalking.


Mendelsoh's "voluntary victim" is defined as ______.

Victim and offender equally responsible for crime

Mendelsoh's "imaginary victim" is defined as a______.

Victim mistakenly believes he or she has been victimized

An attacker who is killed in self-defense is an example of a

Victim who alone is guilty

Mendelsoh's "victim who alone is guilty" is defined as ______.

Victim who is solely responsible for his or her own victimization

Which of the following pieces of legislation provides support for criminal justice researchers studying issues related to intimate partner violence?

Violence Against Women Act

The ______ provided funding for battered women's shelters and outreach education, as well as funding for domestic violence training for police and court personnel.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

Which of the following is true regarding convicted women offenders?

Women offenders are being sentenced to prison rather than community supervision.

The feminist pathways perspective suggests ______.

a cycle of victimization and offending

The experience of giving women ______ is a strong influence of feminist research methods.

a voice

The marital rape exception clause has been ______.

abolished in the U.S

Statutory rape involves individuals who are legally unable to consent to sexual activity because of their ______.


Hans von Hentig looked at which of the following personal factors when researching influences risk factors for victimization.

biological, psychological, and social factors

To explain how violence and abuse occur in an intimate relationship, Lenore Walker conceptualized the ______.

cycle of violence

According to the UCR, between the years 2006 and 2015, the crime rate ______.

decreased for both males and females

The most common term used in recent history is _____.

domestic violence

The unwanted sexual act following the deliberate intoxication of a victim is known as ______.

drug-facilitated rape

Acts that damage the victim's ability to be self-sufficient are referred to as ______.

economic abuse

Restricting access to the family's bank account and prohibiting a person from obtaining employment is an example of ______.

economic abuse

Few laws characterize the acts of ______ abuse as a criminal offense.


According to the authors, the most damaging in terms of long-term abuse and healing is ______.

emotional abuse

The belief that it is a wife's duty to engage in sex with her husband is an example of ______.

emotional coercion

Chapter 1: Women, Gender, and Crime (Intro) The ______ increased understanding of women and their relationship with crime through the inclusion of gender in research.

feminist movement

The greatest achievement of the National Crime Victimization Survey was its attempt to ______.

fill the gap between reported and unreported crime

At one point, members of the American Society of Criminology questioned the importance of which of the following variables?


Men commit significantly more crime than women. This is referred to as ______.

gender gap

For women of color, issues of ______ become secondary in the discussion of what it means to be a battered woman.

gender inequality

According to the author, ______ has prevailed in every aspect of the system.

gendered justice

According to the text, the number of women faculty has ______ in the last four decades.

has seen a significant growth

Specialized domestic violence courts have been found to ______ victim satisfaction.


According to Mendelsohn, victims of random and unprecipitated crime are ______.

innocent victim

Which of the following was identified as a factor that has reduced the gender gap in publishing?

length of time in the academy

______ theory relates to the patterns of one's everyday activities to the potential for victimization.


Researchers have suggested that which two theories should be combined to investigate victimization risks in general?

lifestyle theory and routine activities theory

The majority of cases of ______ rape involve cases of emotional coercion, rather than physical force in the assault.


Battering rape is an extension of ______.

marital rape

The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) collects data on a ______.

on a calendar year basis

Historically, rape was viewed as a ______ crime.


A victim who is more guilty than the offender is a victim who ______.

provokes or induces another to commit crime

The "victim was asking for it" is an example of a ______.

rape myth

Which of the following refers to the practice whereby victims of crime feel traumatized by the official response to their victimization by the criminal justice system?

secondary victimization

Which of the following are considered to be high needs for women who have been victimized by sexual assault and intimate partner violence?

services for physical and emotional trauma

The cases of femicide amongst border towns involve significant acts of ______ crime.


If the victim is compelled to engage in sexually based acts other than intercourse it is referred to as forcible ______.

sexual assault

According to the case study, the most common form of victimization experienced by female cadets surveyed was identified as ______.

sexual harassment

The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment illustrated that when an arrest was made in a misdemeanor domestic violence incident, recidivism rates were ______ compared to if police simply "counseled" the aggressor.

significantly lower

Gendered ______ to specific crime types such as rape may explain the gendered fear of crime.


Women are less likely to be victimized by ______.


A stranger who lurks in the alley or hides in the bushes and surprises the victim is referred to as ______.

symbolic assailant

The ______ phase of the cycle of violence is where a batterer increases control over a victim, and the victim tries to keep her partner calm.

tension building

An example of a glass ceiling would be ______.

the inability of a female employee to be promoted due to her gender

Mendelsohn focused on ______.

the influence of guilt and responsibility of victims

Core rights of victims include ______.

the right to: (1) attend criminal justice proceedings (2) apply for compensation (3) be heard and participate in criminal justice proceedings (4) be informed of proceedings and events in the criminal justice process, of legal rights and remedies, and of available services (5) protection from intimidation and harassment (6) restitution from the offender (7) prompt return of personal property seized as evidence (8) a speedy trial (9) enforcement of these rights

The most common reason to officially report a rape victimization was ______.

to prevent the crime from happening to others

If a rape victim dresses provocatively, she deserved to be raped. This statement is an example of ______.

victim blaming

Which of the following refers to the practices whereby the responsibility of the crime is diffused from the offender and blame is shifted to the victim?

victim blaming

In a cycle of ______, young girls often run away from home in an attempt to escape from an abusive situation.

victimization and offending

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