CS1033 Final Exam

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what is the history of analog camcorders

-1983: VHS, VHS-C format - no playback/rewind capabilities, 30 minute recordings -1985: 8mm format- smaller cassette size, 2 hour recording, higher recording quality 1990: video8(original) and Hi 8 format (improved) (types of 8mm)

what is the history of digital camcorders

-1994: digital video - smaller than 8mm cassette, tape transport size adjustment, improved audio and video quality over best analog camcorders, standard play of 60minutes -1999: Digital 8 - obsolete: cassette size - large as Hi8 format -2001: DVD -2006: HDD Hard disk drive, and Sd memory stick

what are some pros and cons of these two delivery applications

-CDs can be viewed instantly by inserting into drive but you can't change content - must recreate and redistribute -WWW may encounter slow connection speeds, but it is easy to update material, and new updates can be accessed instantly

What is the CRAP; principles of poster and webpage design

-Contrast; avoid making 2 elements just similar - either made them same or very different -Repitition: repeat some aspect of design throughout -Alignment: items are aligned - creates stronger cohesive unit -Proximity: groups related items tougher *physical groupings imply relationship

what are some characteristics of a digit video

-bits store colour and brightness data for each video frame -retains image quality no matter how many times it is copied -easily manipulated on a pc because stored in digital format

what is a shell client

-can type in commands by hand - but it's in unix

Define Computer based delivery

-computer-based multimedia applications integrate various media components and allow interactivity -modes of delivery of apps include: video games, interactive web apps, CD ROM disks, info kiosks

what are some different types of animation

-computer-based training programs (the way something works) -Education: teach applied and hands on skills -games: PS2, XBOX -Web: animated buttons, banners, text, characters etc;

describe bitmaps

-images made up of small equals called pixels -advantages of using a small image rather than larger; shorter time needed to display on screen, and smaller file size however distortion occurs when image is enlarged

Define Hyperlinking

-index allows for jumping around sections -versus sequential: starting at beginning and move to end (books, movies, videos) -HTML has features that allow you to build hyperlinks to other webpages or locations on same page

what are some advantages to PNG

-lossless compression -smaller/same size as GIFS keeping lossless (5-255 SMALLER) -PNG better than JPG with images that contain text or line art -supports opacity and translucency

what are two different kinds of special effects

-morphing: process of bending together two images into a series of images - useful for showing how image might change over time -warping: distorts a single image - warp frown into smile

describe digital camcorders

-newer technology - 1998 -records binary code compressed on magnetic tape or other media -advantage; no image degradation -plug video camera directly into computer via firewire or usb connection -these are digital connections and allow you to dump footage straight from camera to hard drive

describe analog camcorders

-older technology (1983) -records electrical signals/pulses directly onto a medium (like a tap) with a magnetic encoding -disadvantage: picture loses quality -video capture card needed to convert video from analog to digital from computer

what are some sound editing program characteristics

-record sounds in different sample size and resolutions -digitze analog sounds -create special effects -save sounds in different file formats

Define interactivity

-user has control over application -The experience is active rather than passive like with a television -examples: clicking links on internet

what are four different types of camcorder recording media

-videotape cassette; recording to digital tape -DVD disc; uses recordable DVD discs for playing gin a home DVD player of PC -Hard Disk Drive: HDD -Solid state media card


.ra .rx -high degree of compression produces smaller files, data can be streamed over the web -sound quality is not up to standards of other formats -requires a player/plugin

define WAVE

.wav -lossless format -good sound quality -supported in browsers without a plug in -audio data is stored in raw, uncompressed formats so files are very large

define the history of searching the net

1. 1990; first tool for searching internet was called archie -oroginal implementation was written by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and Peter J. Deutsch at mcvill 2. 1991; Gopher by Mack McCahill -gopher is a distributed document (shared by computers) search and retrieve network protocol designed for internet 3. WWW developed at CERN - Time Berners-Lee -problem: data difficult to access and exchange due to differing encoding formats and networking schemas 4. 1995: Yahoo - David Filo, Jerry Yang - more than 10,000 employees 198: Google by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, more than 10,000 employees, management team most experienced technology professionals int he industry

what are the 3 steps to 3-D animation

1. Modeling; defining the objects 3D shape - process of creating broad contours and structure of 3D objects and scenes 2. Animating: process of defining object's motion - defining lighting and perspective views to create change during animation 3. Rendering: give objects attributes - colour, amounts of transparency, surface textures

what are two different file formats

1. Universally supported files; universally supported by graphics industry (JPG, GIF) 2. Proprietary files (native Files) default files used by specific software application, can be Bitmap or vector formats -PSD: adobe photoshop, AUP: audacity, MVMM: moviemaker -not meant to be transferred to other applications

What are the two types of colour models

1. additive model (RGB) 2. subtractive model

how many different systems are there

1. binary (2 digits/BITS) 2. Octal (8 digits - or think of it as 8 number values - 8 number values) 3. Decimal (10 digits) 4. Hexadecimal (16 digits)

what are two solutions to locked files

1. change file permissions - every time you upload new file, go to shell window and type in publish 2. change file permissions - using secure file transfer everytime you upload new file change permission rights on that file or folder

what are three advantages of a server

1. connected: on all the time and connected to internet 2.always available: website always available since always on 3. Taken care of: security and maintenance by people

what are some different kinds of digital videos:

1. desktop video(DTV): constructed and displayed using a personal computer 2. web-based video: incorporated in web pages and accessed with a browser 3. DVD-video: used for commercial DVDs that contain feature-length films 4. PDA video; small format video designed to be viewed on a PDA or cell phone screen

how does google work

1. gathers information 2. buidls a database 3. ranks results - rank them in terms of relevance - google uses many factors in ranking -page rank algorithm - how many links there are to a web page form other pages, quality of the linking sites -frequency of keywords in a webpage -appearance - words right next to each other 4. ranks results - make a list of documes and their scores - take documents with highest scores as best matches -google also shows snippets from each document and highlight words the user has typed -in search ranking, google returns ranked URLS and snippets to user as results pageq

What are some different multimedia features

1. interactivity 2. hyperlinking 3. Computer based delivery

what is the process to digits sound

1. once digitised sound is in computer 2. sound editing software -edits: unwanted noise, pauses, trimming -fade-ins, fade-outs, background music, special effects -several found files can be mixed or spliced together 3. save the file in a format intended for audience application

what are the steps to creating a website

1. planning and designing 2. implementation - who will maintain? -designing for web -web page -web site -web server -web browser 3. publish 4. maintenance

what are the three stages to making ga video

1. pre-production stage: planning video and gathering resources 2. productions tage: camera work nd sound recording 3. post-production -downloading from camera to computer -editing and encoding finished video -removing unwanted footage -arranging desired footage in correct order -adding music, titles, transitions and other effects -converting (encoding) into correct format

how to create a digital video

1. produce video footage 2. transfer video footage to a computer 3. edit video footage 4. store and play video

what are two ways to find info on th einternet

1. search engine (google, alta vista, hotbox) 2. Subject directory (yahoo, about.com, AOL)

what are the five factors to consider when making a video

1. source device: camcorders and digital video cameras can be used to capture full-motion images (analog vs. digital) 2. video capture device: video capture card needed (if using analog camcorder from analog to digital) 3. Connecting Leads; Firewire, USB cable 4. computer; download video to edit 5. software; capturing editing, outputting

what are the three main things a sound card does

1. transforms digital bits into analog waves when you play back a waveform audio file 2. transforms analog waves into digit bits when you make a sound recording 3. handles compression and decompression if necessary

what are two uses of images

1.for printing 2. for the web

what does the use of text in multimedia application vary on

1.the type of application (educational, entertainment, business) 2. The Audience - children, teens, adults, elderly, ESL

Define the Multimedia History of the Internet

1969: Network technology Introduced (ARPANET: advanced research projects agency network) -a network technology that allowed researchers at various locations across country to share info -in 1969 there were four locations: UCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, Utah -predecessor to internet 1991: World Wide Web is finished and debuts -The creator: Tim Berners-Lee 1993: Mosaic is introduced -Mosaic is the first graphical browser (web browser with images) -Made by: Marc Andreesen, Erin Brina, and Tim Clark 1998: Google search engines operate by Larry Page and Sergey Brin 1999: Napster debuts, allowing users to download and share MP3s 2000s: Integration of computer, memory storage, digital data, camcorders, MP3 players, iPods, speakers, telephones HD TV and other technologies

there are two of animation, what are they

2-D and 3-D

within 2-D animations, there are two separate subsections what are they

2-D animation; Cel-based and 2-D animation Path based

what is onion skinning

2D computer graphics term for a technique used in creating animated cartoons and editing movies to see several frames at one

what is a 640x80 screen

640 dots on each of 480 rows

what was the last major hollywood picture to be realised as a VHS picture

A History of Violence

what are some different sound file formats


what are some different types of font types

Arial, times new roma, comic sans

What are two different ways to delivery application

CD/DVD or World Wide Web

what are some ways to view images on TVS

CRIT display or Flat-panel display

what are the primary colours for a subtractive model

Cyan, magenta and yellow

where were the earliest drawing/paintings by humans discovered in


what are two types of way to video transfer for the web

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer protocol -RTSP: real-time streaming protocol

what are some effective website design features

KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid) -consistency -color -balance -easy to navigate

define MP3

MPEG-1 Layer 3 - .mp3 -lossy format -good sound quality even though file compressed, can be streamed over the web -requires standalone player or browser plug-in

first film that was completely computer generated?

Toy STory

describe the flat panel display

PLASMA/LCD -screen resolution: 1080i/1080p, flat grid of pixels -i=interlacing, p=progressive

Define digitization

Process of translating a piece of info (text, images, sound recording, video) into Binary Bits (computers only understand/speak binary)

define red green and blue in the RGB code

Red <255,0,0> Green<0,255,0> Blue <0,0,255>

what was the title of first full length movie with synchronized dialogue

The Jazz Singer

first band to give concert over internet?

The Rolling Stones

what was one of the first movies to use colour

The wizard of oz

what is tracking

adjusting distance between all the letters horizontally

what is a byte

a collection of 8 bits

define internet

a collection of local, regional, national and international computer networks that are linked together to exchange data and distribute processing tasks

what is a host

a computer on the internet that provides services such as web pages, emails, web storage

what is a subdomain

a domain that is part of a larger domain, two or more parts (labels) separated by "."

what is an animation

a drawing that moves, bringing -relies on moving images for effective communication -used for entertainment (action, realism), education (visualisation, demonstration)

what is each drawing in an animation called

a frame

what is a firewire

a means by which info could be sent from camcorder directly to computer

describe subject directories

a program that enables user to search internet sites -internet sites are organised by subject and topic -allowing users to choose a subject interest and then browse list of resources in that category -collection of websites organised by topic

describe search engines

a program that enables user to search internet sites - user types list of keywords -returns a list of documents where keywords were found

what is a plug-in

a program that permits web browser to access and execute files that browser would normally not recognize

what is a database

addresses, page titles, significant words, topics -search engines access database not the internet sites

how does additive model add colour

adds light to black background in order to obtain colour shades

what is file transfer client

allows us to transfer files to panther

what is transparency

allwos page background to display through image so image appears to have no visible border around it -supported by GIF and PNG only

what is rotoscoping

an animation technique for combining (compositing) figures with realistic fsettings in television commercials and is also used for special effects in feature-lenght films

what is a file transfer protocol

an internet standard that allows you to upload an download files with other computers on the internet -not all ftp software can connect to a web server -not all ftp clients will connect to a server

what is a keyframe animation

animating a graphical object by creating smooth transitions between various keyframes (the frames that indication beginning and end of an objects motion path)

what is the purpose of onion skinning

animator/editor can make decisions on how to create or change an image base don previous imagine sequence

what is a document window

area where you build webpage

about how many colors can the human eye detect

around 10 million colors

what is a page title property

associates a general description of what webpage is about - an identity

define AIFF

audio interchange format - .aif -lossless format -excellent sound quality, supported in browsers without a plug-in -audio data is stored raw - uncompressed format, files LARGE

what is linear editing

before digital camcorders - consisted of recording segments from one videotape to another - can't jump around

when was the first permanent photograph taken

between 1820-1830

what are two types of graphics

bitmaps and bectors

how can you add emphasis

by adding varying text attributes

how can you change the mood of a webpage

by changing: 1. text attributes (colour, size, font type) 2. Design/layout/placement of text - bullets, alignment, text in groups

how do you speed up animation

by increasing FPS or eliminating frames

what is alternative text

caption in browser, displays text associated with image -may display while graphic loading, or if using a text only browser

define cel-based 2-D animation

cel (celluloid): clear sheet material on which images were drawn by movie animators -images placed on a stationary background - background remains fixed -object changes from frame to frame

what is a property panel

characteristics of objects/text that you have inserted(size, color, font)

what are web hostos

companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing internet connectivity

Describe the Hexadecimal code

consists of 16 unique symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,E and F -color represented by 6 digits i.e.; #FFCCC66

define stereo signal

consists of two streams of data working together (left and right)

what are digital videos

converts into digital media (0s and 1s) - benefit of delivering on internet -composed of a series of bitmap graphics, each one called a frame -motion in a video is an illusion caused by rapid display of several still images or frames

what is a virtual reality (VR)

creates environment where user becomes part of experience

what is the technical definition of multimedia

describes any application or technology that can be used to present: text, images, sound, animation video

what are some view layouts

design view -split -code view

what is PNG

developed as replacement for GIF due to legal issues with LZW compression -Lossless compression (no discarded) -PNG-8 (max of 256 colours) -PNG-24 (max of 16 million colours) -allows images to have up to 48 bit colour

what are graphics

enhances appearance of a web page

What is lossy compression

discards repititive data -may not be noticeable to eye -results in compression ratio as large as 200:1 for some -greater ratio, poorer the decompressed image

what are some advantages of streaming

does not take up local disk space -short waiting time -deliver long duration videos -live delivery and archiving: audio and video programs can be delivered live and archived simultaneously

what happens when you zoom in (enlarge) on a bitmap

dots become larger, edges more jagged, quality decreases, file size increases

what happens when you zoom in (enlarge) on a vector

dots become larger, edges still clean and crisp. Quality is maintained - no distortion, and file size increase

define HTTP

download the video from host to user's computer in its entirety then play the clip -user must wait for download process to end -video can be played repeatedly and copied if necessary -suited for small video clips

describe the RGB code

each pixel is represented by 3 values -ie; light yellow = <255,255,127> -each value ranges from 0-255 -256 color shades=28 bits -there are 16 million colors in spectrum

what is unicast

each user gets hi/her own stream of video, the server has to send out ALOT of data if several users are watching at once

what is audacity software

edit the clip, combine it with other sound files, add transitions and FX

what are two optimising methods

either choose a jpg or a gif

Define the definition of multimedia

everything you can hear or see

what are some characteristics of an animated GIF

file size is affected by: number of colours (256 max), amount of noise in frames (just like other GIF files) -number of colours -no plug-ins required and authoring tools to create them are often free and easy to learn

what is FTP

file transer protocol -ie; SSH secure file, Firezilla, WS-FTP, Fugu (for mac) -some file transfer programs don't connect to all servers

what is a site panel

folder you are currently working on, gives filenames, path directory etc

what are some different animation software-features

frame rate: speed of the animation -transitions: special effects (fade in, fade outs) -user control: play back, how many times to run -looping: plays continuously until user stops it

Define the Serif font type

has tails, script, body paragraphs (times, courier new, century schoolbook, palatino) -tails = easier to read on paper

how to get an accurate sound digitised

higher sampling rate and larger sample size

what are interlacing techniques

how images downloaded to you screen applies to GIF files -process by which image is drawn in a series of passes rather than all at same time (file size bigger) - see full image, gets clearer as downloads

define what an uptime is

how long does server stay up

how do subject directories get put together

human editors review webpages, rank them, organize them into categorised list with brief descriptions

what is TLD

identifies the type of organization that is associated with domain -.com (commercial organization, business, companies) -.net (internet administrative site, network providers )

describe vector

image is represented with lines and arcs that have a mathematical relationship -describes the drawing of the shape -line: starting point, direction length -Rectangle: start point, width height circle; center and radius

in what two codes can colour be expressed in

in RGB code and hexadecimal code

what do we rely on images for

information, explanations, entertainment

what is IP address

internet protocol address -uniquely identifies each computer/device connected to internet -an IP address is 32 bits (4 bytes) wide and my be represented various ways -consists of 4 numbers (dotted-quad most popular)= -picks a route of r packet, stopping at routers which pick th next best machine/network to send packet to

what is a meta-search engine/metacrawler

internet search engine which searchers other search engines -uses searches of other engines, returns the top results, doesn't create its own databases

what is ISP

internet service provider -allows one to connect to internet -offers connection via telephone lines, cable TV or personal satellite dish

what is the measurement system of a bit

it is a binary system (base of 2, exponent = the number of bits)

what is text colour

it is a hexadecimal code -represented as a number of 6 hexadecimal digits -made up of decimals (0-9) and letters (A-F) -represents RRGGBB -Red=#FF0000 -White=#FFFFFF -Black=#000000 -Western=#660099

describe the CRIT display

it is an older technology -the screen resolution is 480, electron gun beam activates the dots -our eyes see phosphor dots on screen -an electron beam activates the dots -the gun scans through dots horizontally =a complete scan is when gun starts at top left and scans several times horizontally till it gets to bottom right

what is a video capture card

it is needed to convert video from analog to digital for computer -it is placed in open expansion slot on main board of the computer -once installed, the card allow you to connect a camcorder, VCR or TV to computer -special software enables images to be converted from analog to digital form

what is a .GIF

known as "lossless" compression - there is no discard of data -does not get blurry or messy -uses smile technique called LZW compression to reduce file sizes of images by finding repeated pattern of pixels

what is JPG

known as "lossy"compression - discards data -not all info in original image is preserved - not same as original -degrades image quality

what are some domain name rules

max of 67 characters -0-9, a-z -dash character (hyphen) -no underline, no spaces, can't start or end with dash, case insensitive -must end with domain extension - .net, .com, .org

what is image bit depth (aka color depth)

maximum number of colours used to represent an image -the more bits used the more color info stored to describe the color of a pixel -quality improves and larger file size

what is dithering

most common method of reducing color range of images down to 256 colors seen in 8-bit GIF images

what is path-based 2-D animation

moves object along predetermined path on screen path: straigght or any curves -often object does not change (but resized or rotated) -path animation easier to create than cel based animation -pick a starting point for object (start frame) + an ending point for an object (end frame) + a path for the object to follow

what are animated GIFS formally called

multi-block GIFS; a series or still GIF images within one single GIF file

What is MDI

musical instrument digital interface -classified as synthesised sound -contains instructions for creating pitch, volume and duration of notes that sound like various musical instruments -disadvantage: does not produce high-quality vocals, no full resonance or real sound -advantage: midi files are more compact - 3min of MIDI = 10KB, 3min other = 15mb -compact but can't get full sound or produce high-quality vocals

what are some benefits of digital camcorders

no loss of quality -no need for analog-to-digital conversion -archival (long-term) storage -quality of digital recordings

define the sans-seif font type

no tails, block-oriented, headings, titles (arial, verdana, Helvetica, comic) -easier to read paragraphs now websites, short headings

what do graphics originate from

non-digital medium (paper copy of a photo), outside world, create image

what is non-linear editing

now computer hard disk and video editing software -several gigabytes of available storage space at least 512 MB RAM - 2GB -edit and easily arrange video clips - any order

define what a pixel is

numerical value corresponding to a color indicator (bw or colour)

what are some disadvantages

older browsers might not support -no animation (unlike GIFS) -file size for 24 bit color photographs bigger than JPG files

define mono signal

one stream of data reproduced equally on both speaker channels, lose stereo operation

what is the only type of speak that computers understand

only understand Binary (digits 0 and 1) - fundamental units of info in a computer system

define RTSP

played directly from server to user's computer in a process called streaming -TSP allows user to perform taks like pause and play -file played directly from server, thus some delay

what is sound

pressure waves of air

what is downloading

process of receiving a program, document or file via a network rom another computer

what are panels

provides you with commands/properties and characteristics of current object or task you are busy with - can move them, most common floating is propertyinspector

what is text size

pts vs. pixels

what is movement caused by

rapidly displaying each from in sequence

what is a sample rate

rate at which samples are capture, number of times/sec that waveform is measured

what are some advantages of downloadable media files

readily available independent of server- user can use it later -higher image quality -step through frame-by-frame

what are the primary colours for an additive model

red, green and blue

define red, green and blue in hexadecimal code

red: #FF0000 blue: #00FF00 green: #0000FF

what does it mean to optimise images

reduce the file size (download time) without compromising image quality

what is compression technology

reduces file size for transfer and storage while maintaining quality

what are some different styles of text

regular, bold, italics

What is an image represented by

represented by a grid (array, matrix) of squared picture elements called pixels (the smallest image component and thus shows smallest detail)

what is sample size

resolution or precision that sample was taken (in bits)

what is SEO

search engine optimisation -3 components you should look at when you are trying to make your site more visible: 1. text 2. links (no broken links) 3. Popularity: link-popularity and click-through popularity

what is a multicast

send same stream to a bunch of users but they lose ability to pause, rewind

What is a BIT

short for binary digit -value of 1 or 0 -fundamental units of info in a computer system

what is tweening

short for in-betweening, the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give appearance that first image evolved smoothly into second image

what is an analog video

smooth electronic waves

what is the definition of a frame

snapshot of what is happening at a particular moment

why do you set permissions

sometimes you can't see files on internet because files are locker after uploaded so you set permissions

what is kerning

space between pairs of letters, measurement expressed in "em" (emphasis) - negative, -, positive values -helps align multiple lines

what is a script

special instructions beyond dreamweaver commands

define lossless compression

squeezes data into smaller space without eliminating info -100% of data still there, similar to zipping a document -uses a compression algorithm that reduces file size but does not lose any data

how does subtractive model obtain colour

subtracts from a white background

define what development systems are

systems used by multimedia developers to create applications

define what user systems are

systems used to playback multimedia applications

what is ray tracing

technique of adding light and shadows to a 3D image

what is a domain name

text name corresponding to numeric IP address of a computer on the internet -only what comes after www -2 parts - identifies the network and specific computer

what are some different forms of media

texts, books, pictures, music, sounds, CDs, videos, DVDs, MP3 players, iPods, records film etc

define pitch/frequency

the closer the waves the higher the pitch

define volume

the higher the wave the louder the sound

What is panther

the name of computer "server" that hosts uwo website

what is web hosting

the service that provides internet users with only systems for storing information, images, video or any content accessible via the web

what are the two types of channels

there is mono and there is stereo signal

how is sound recorded

through a microphone -analog-to-digital converter (ADC); captures a snapshot of electric voltage on an audio line and represents it as a digital number that can be sent to a computer -sound card: a device that is responsible for transforming bits stored in an audio file into music

define what an upload is

transfer files to server so they can be displayed on web

what are the computer genarated framed in between called


what are special effects

underline, shadows, superscript, subscript

what is a URL

uniform resource locator -an address of a web document on a computer -every webpage is referred to by a unique URL

what do videos use the power of

use power of motion and sound

how does search engines gather database

use spiders, web crawlers to gather database info of websites; index sites and score pages and put info into a database

what is the subtractive model usually used for

used for printing

What is additive modelling primarily used for

used for websites (CMYK)

what are image attributes

using property inspector: size, space around image, border, alternative text, alignment, sharpen, contrast, crop

what is text leading

vertical space between lines of text, measure in positive, 0 or negative points -lower value - closer together; higher value - further apart

what are CODECS

video compression/decompression programs -STORAGE - coded -VIEW - Decoded

what are the dual roles of text attributes

visual representation of message -graphical element

what are spider/web crawlers

web software that constantly searches for new web pages and follows any links

what does the future hold for multimedia

will continue to grow into more than 100 billion dollar industry with top three applications: 1. Entertainment 2. Publishing 2. Education/Training

what is a shape tween

works with shapes only -can morph shapes -can have more than one shape per layer but be careful, depends now hat you want to morph -can't use motion guide

what is motion tween

works with symbols only -can't morph (only movement) -only one symbol per layer if symbol will have a motion tween -can be used with motion guide

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