CSCS- Exercise Technique

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What is another name for an open grip?

False Grip

Where should the hands be positioned in a standard push-up?

Shoulder width

Which of the following statements about an incline dumbbell bench press is true?

The spotter assists by spotting the athlete slightly below the wrists

The completion of which of the following has been proven to have a positive effect on performance, due to the relaxation of both agonist and antagonist muscles and improvements in the rate of force?


Some weightlifters use a technique known as the hook grip when performing the snatch lift. Which of the following statements best describes the hook grip technique?

When gripping the bar, the index and middle finger squeeze down on the thumb

When using the stair stepper for aerobic endurance, the depth of each step is determined by the user. What is the recommended step depth?


Andrew is performing a power clean. When he catches the barbell on his shoulders, this is his position: The bar is across his clavicles and anterior deltoids His feet are flat on the ground, about shoulder-width apart His upper arms are parallel to the floor His knees and hips are bent to about a quarter squat position His hips are slightly in front of his shoulders Is this the correct position at this stage of the lift? If not, what should change?

Andrew's hips are too far forward; they should be slightly behind his shoulders

Excessive knee valgus can lead to an increased risk of injury to which of the following structures?

Anterior cruciate ligament

Which of the following are common PNF stretches that can be performed with a partner?

Quadriceps and hip flexors

During the push press, how far should the athlete dip in the preparation phase?

Quarter squat

The hold-relax with agonist contraction is the most effective proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching technique because it allows facilitation of what functions?

Reciprocal and autogenic inhibition

What is the type of stretch called in which the individual who is stretching is the source of the force?

Active stretch

What grip should be used to spot the bench press?

Alternated grip

When using the hip sled, how wide should the feet be placed on the platform?

Hip-width apart

As a strength coach, you are teaching the "second pull" execution phase of the snatch lift to a client. This phase begins with explosive extension of which three body parts?

Hips, knees, and ankles

The bar is pulled down and toward the upper chest with a pronated grip, while the torso maintains a slight backward lean. What exercise is being performed?

Lat pulldown

When using the rowing machine for aerobic endurance training, where should the torso be at the ending position?

Leaning slightly backward

Selective recruitment of motor units might occur with which of the following?

Power clean The size principle generally regulates motor unit recruitment and is based on force production requirements. The slow twitch motor units are recruited prior to the fast twitch fibers, and recruitment increases in both quantity and firing rate so that more motor units are recruited for the production of high force, speed or power. As force production increases, the number of activated motor units also increases. Therefore, 1RM testing of a back squat would recruit a large number of motor units. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the lower speed and lower intensity involved in a 1.5-mile run would not recruit as many motor units. However, the motor units in both exercises would be recruited in the same order. There are exceptions to the size principle that occur during exercises requiring extreme force development at very high firing frequencies. In these movements, the slow twitch fibers are inhibited while the fast twitch fibers are recruited. This is known as selective recruitment. Movements in which selective recruitment might occur include the Olympic lifts (such as the power clean), in addition to other high speed, power, or agility moveme

Which movement phase of the push jerk includes the dip?

Preparation phase

What are the three movements performed during a standard z-drill?

Side shuffle-sprint-side shuffle

How wide should the lifter place the hands when performing a seated barbell shoulder press?

Slightly wider than shoulder width

During the downward movement phase of the stiff-legged deadlift, which of the following describes the movement that should occur at the knee?

The knees should maintain a slightly flexed position

Which of the following surfaces is not recommended for lower-body plyometric training?

Thick exercise mats

Which of the following exercises is considered a single-joint exercise?

Triceps extension

When using PNF stretching with a client, you should perform a pre-stretch. How long should you hold this pre-stretch?

10 seconds

What box height should be used for the step-up?


How large of a landing surface is recommended for boxes used in plyometric training?

18" x 24"

What is the recommended range in weight for a medicine ball used to perform upper body plyometric throws?

2-8 lbs

How many steps should an athlete take to stop when performing a deceleration drill at half-speed?


Where should the spotter place their hands during a flat dumbbell fly?

Near the lifter's forearms

Where should a spotter place their hands during a step-up?

Near the lifter's torso or hips

How high should the foot of the swing leg be when performing the fast feet speed drill?

No higher than mid-shin

To what depth should the dip be performed during the dip phase of the log clean and press?

No more than a quarter squat

In the starting position for the barbell bench press, once the lifter has un-racked the barbell, where should the lifter be holding the bar in relation to their body?

Over their chest

Using a spotter is recommended for which of the following types of exercises?

Overhead exercises

What is the recommended box height for someone performing the single-leg push-off box drill for the first time?

t is recommended to start with a 6-inch box. Over time, the box height can be increased in order to increase intensity.

Which of the following is a common error seen during tire flipping when using the shoulders-against-the-tire technique?

Placing the feet too close to the tire

Of the following exercises, which exercise should not use a spotter?

Power snatch

A strength coach is looking to improve the upper body pulling strength of her athletes and chooses to include a seated row. Which grip should be used when performing this exercise?

Pronated or neutral

An athlete is performing an exercise where his palms are down and his knuckles are up. What grip is he using?

Pronated or overhand grip

During a dumbbell lateral raise, how far should the arms reach during the upward phase of the lift?

Shoulder height

When changing direction in response to an opponent (either offense or defense), where should you as the athlete direct your vision on your opponent?

Shoulders, trunk, and hips Visual focus is an important component for an efficient change of direction, especially when direction changes rely on the movements of an opponent. Watching these key areas of an opponent will provide the necessary information regarding the opponent's movement, and enables the athlete to react more quickly. Guidelines to improve agility include: 1. Visual focus: When changing direction in response to an opponent, the athlete should focus on the shoulders, trunk, and hips. 2. Body position during braking and re-accelerating: Control the torso before and during deceleration Direct the torso and hips in the desired direction to re-accelerate more efficiently Maintain a forward lean and a low center of mass 3. Leg action: Absorb the braking loads during deceleration and avoid stiffness. 4. Arm action: Use powerful arm actions to enhance leg drive.

Which exercise involves a quick and forceful pull of the bar from the floor to over the head in one movement?


Who has the responsibility of assisting in the execution of an exercise with the goal of helping to protect the athlete from injury?


Ben thinks he may require assistance during the last rep of his bench press, and he asks Dave to help him. Which of the following is not true of Dave's responsibility as a spotter?

Spotters never need to handle the entire load when assisting an athlete to complete a repetition

The range of possible movement around a joint and its surrounding muscles during a passive movement is known as which of the following?

Static flexibility

What is the term used for the most strenuous portion of a repetition?

Sticking point

Which of the following is true during the first pull of the power snatch?

The torso angle should stay the same as the bar moves from the mid-shins to the knees

What can be done to increase the intensity of a depth jump to second box?

Move the boxes farther apart

A tissue's ability to return to its original resting length after a passive stretch is known as what?


In the starting position for the deadlift, where should the bar be in relation to the shins?

1" in front of the shins The correct starting position for the deadlift is important to ensure good technique on the rest of the lift. Some of the key points for the starting position include: Feet between hip and shoulder distance apart and feet flat (heels on the ground) Hips lower than the shoulders but above the knees Shoulders above or slightly in front of the bar Arms straight and outside the knees Bar 1" away from the shins As the lift begins, the lifter should attempt to keep the bar as close to the shins as possible throughout the initial pull.

It may be appropriate to use which of the following during exercises that place stress on the lower back or during sets using near-maximal or maximal loads?

A weight belt Using a weight belt can reduce the risk of lower back injuries during exercises that place stress on the lower back or during sets using near-maximal or maximal loads. Of course, the use of a spotter(s) and proper lifting techniques are also important. A weight belt may help maintain intra-abdominal pressure during a lift, but wearing one too frequently can reduce opportunities to train the stomach muscles and therefore, a belt should not be worn on exercises that do not stress the lower back. With this in mind, a weight belt may be beneficial during a back squat, but not recommended for use during a biceps curl. The five-point body contact position refers to the appropriate starting position for exercises performed seated or lying on a bench, regardless of the relative weight used. The hook grip is a pronated grip that involves placing the thumb around the bar first and then placing the fingers on top of the thumb. This grip is beneficial for use in movements like the power clean or the snatch to provide a more secure grip. While the hook grip may be used on some exercises that stress the lower back (such as the power clean), it would not be recommended on other exercises, such as back squats or deadlifts. A weightlifting belt could be beneficial on all of these movements.

By the end of the first pull of the power clean, where should the bar be located?

At the knees

When performing the seated lean-back stretch for the deltoids and chest, the hands are placed on the floor behind the body. What direction should the fingers point?

Away from the body

Which of the following sets of exercises occasionally requires the use of two spotters?

Back squats and front squats

Mike is stretching his hamstrings by performing sitting toe touches. He reaches quickly toward his ankles and bounces back to vertical position. What type of stretch is he performing?

Ballistic stretch

Which of the following pieces of equipment are most appropriate for performing the bench press and the forward step lunge

Barbells or Dumb Bells

Which of the following is a common exercise that can utilize chains?

Bench press

For the start position in a right-handed one-arm dumbbell snatch, where should you place the dumbbell?

Between the feet

When does the transition phase occur in the power snatch?

Between the first and second pull The upward movement phase of the power snatch is broken down into four distinct movement patterns: First pull: the athlete moves the bar from mid-shin to just above the knees Transition: the athlete moves the bar from just above the knees to the upper thigh Second pull: the athlete moves the bar from the upper thigh overhead Catch: the feet land at the same time the athlete catches the bar at arm's length overhead, with the arms straight

Breath-holding in the Valsalva maneuver should only last 1 to 2 seconds at the most. What is the reason for this?

Blood pressure can rise to triple resting level The Valsalva maneuver can be beneficial for getting through the sticking point on exercises that load the spinal column, such as back squats. However, side effects of this increase in abdominal pressure can include dizziness, disorientation, extremely high blood pressure and even blackouts. Because of this, it's important to ensure that even very well-trained athletes don't hold their breath during the sticking point longer than 1-2 seconds.

Push-ups, pull-ups, and chin-ups are examples of what type of exercise?


In a bent-over row, the athlete should use what type of grip?

Closed, pronated grip

During the lunge walk dynamic stretch, where should the front knee be in relation to the foot at the bottom of the lunge?

Directly over the foot

Donna is at the bottom of the downward movement phase of a front squat. This is her position: Her torso is neutral and almost vertical, with her chest up and out Her feet are flat on the ground The bar is across her shoulders and clavicles Her forearms are vertical, with her elbows pointed toward the ground Her knees are in line with her toes The tops of her thighs are parallel to the ground If Donna's position is not correct, what should change?

Donna's elbows should be higher, with her forearms close to parallel to the ground

Which of the following describes how to start the sitting toe touch stretch?

Dorsiflex your ankles, grab your toes or ankles and pull your chest toward your legs

What is the arm action involved in the power skip?

Double arm action

Which of the following statements is true about the log clean and press?

During the transition phase, the lifter can place the log onto the thighs before beginning the second pull

What type of flexibility refers to the available range of motion during voluntary active movements?

Dynamic flexibility

During a warm-up, which type of stretch is best for preparing an athlete for a workout?

Dynamic stretches

The guidelines for what type of stretching include performing a series of active stretches, moving the joints through a range of motion (ROM), while progressively increasing the speed and/or range of motion on subsequent repetitions or sets?

Dynamic stretching

During maximal velocity (top-speed) sprinting, what is the action that occurs in the ankle in the early support phase to absorb force?

Eccentric plantarflexion As an athlete strikes the ground in the stance (support) phase of sprinting, part of the force applied to the ground is absorbed through an eccentric plantarflexion movement of the ankle. The ankle gets pushed into a more dorsiflexed position during this landing, but the action involved is actually a lowering of the heel, and the calf is active during this movement. This landing represents the eccentric phase of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), where the agonist muscle becomes stretched. The agonist action in the ankle during the subsequent push-off becomes concentric plantarflexion. The flight phase should include active dorsiflexion, but the stance phase involves active plantarflexion.

Which of the following exercises is common within the strongman community to improve grip and back endurance, and provides unstable and awkward resistance?

Farmer's walk

What is the recommended stance for upper body plyometric throws with a medicine ball, including exercises such as the chest pass, two-hand overhead throw, and the two-hand side-to-side throw?

Feet parallel and shoulder-width apart

The phases of a power clean occur in what order?

First pull, transition, second pull, catch, downward movement According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, there are five phases of the power clean. The first four are all "upward movement phases": First pull: moving the bar from the floor to the knees Transition: moving the bar from the knees to the upper thigh Second pull: explosive shrugging motion Catch: rotating the arms around the bar to catch the bar on the shoulders and upper chest Downward movement phase: return the bar to the floor

Which of the following is not a method to find your grip distance for the power snatch?

Fist to opposite elbow There are two methods for finding proper grip distance for the power snatch: 1. Reach both arms out to the sides, and measure the distance between your elbows 2. Reach one arm out to the side and make a fist. Measure the distance between your outstretched fist and your opposite shoulder.

Exercises such as the bench press require the athlete to establish and maintain what position?

Five-point body contact position

Which two phases of a stride are present in both accelerating and maximum velocity sprinting?

Flight and support

Where should the arms be during an abdominal crunch?

Folded across the chest or abdomen

Which of the following differentiates the power clean and the power snatch when pulled from the floor?

Grip width and catch position The pulling movements involved in the power clean and the power snatch are the same. The only differences are that the snatch has a wider grip and finishes with the bar above the head, as opposed to the clean in which the catch occurs at the shoulder.

Which of the following is the correct landing position for the double-leg jump to box?


What muscle is stretched in the straddle but not in the semi-straddle?

Hip adductors

Which PNF technique is being employed when Carl stretches David's hip flexor at a position of mild discomfort for approximately ten seconds, then asks David to resist while Carl applies a hip extension force to David's leg, followed by another passive stretch?

Hold-relax technique

Which of the following stretches is considered a dynamic stretch?

Inchworm The inchworm is a dynamic stretch that involves being on the hands and feet and walking the hands forward, followed by the feet walking forward. It dynamically stretches the erector spinae, gastrocnemius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, soles, and anterior tibias.

Your athlete is completing a power clean. If all other variables remained the same, which of the following would increase the power of the lift?

Increasing speed of the lift

What is the general recommendation for breathing during resistance training?

Inhale on the eccentric and exhale on the concentric The general guideline for breathing during resistance training is: inhale on the eccentric: breathe in as the weight is lowered exhale on the concentric: breathe out as the weight is lifted, including through the sticking point

When setting up back squats using bands, where should the bands be placed on the barbell?

Inside of the weight plate, touching the plate

What is a common movement error on the upward movement phase of a barbell bent-over row?

Lifting the torso up

After completing a one-arm dumbbell snatch, what is the firstmovement that should be performed in order to bring the dumbbell back down from an overhead position?

Lower the dumbbell to the shoulder

After completion of the catch of the power snatch, where should the weight be balanced on the feet?


What is the combination of mechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms that is the basis for plyometric exercises?

Stretch-shortening cycle The stretch-shortening cycle combines the elastic energy stored via the series elastic component with the potentiation resulting from the stretch reflex to produce a large amount of force very quickly. There are three phases to the stretch-shortening cycle:1. Phase I - Eccentric phase, when agonist is stretched and energy is stored2. Phase II - Amortization phase, which is the pause between eccentric and concentric. This must be short because if the pause is too long, the stored energy will dissipate.3. Phase III - Concentric phase, when energy is released and can increase force production

If an athlete is looking at his palms at the beginning of an exercise, he is using what type of grip?

Supinated grip

Which of the following is the correct description of linear speed

The ability to move the body in one intended direction as quickly as possible

Which of the following is true regarding change of direction mechanics?

The athlete should keep their center of mass lower in order to change direction quickly and efficiently

An athlete is attempting to improve aerobic endurance using the rowing machine. Which of the following is not proper technique when rowing?

The athlete should row by pulling the handle toward the chin

An athlete is setting up to perform a power clean. Is their start position correct? If not, what needs to change? The following describes their start position: Their feet are slightly wider than hip width apart They are using a closed, pronated hook grip with the hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart Their shoulders are slightly behind the bar The athlete's torso is neutral The bar is about 1" away from the shins The athlete's eyes are forward

The athlete's shoulders should be directly above or slightly in front of the bar

Comparing the push press with the push jerk, which phase is the main difference between the two?

The catch After the drive phase is complete and the bar leaves the shoulders and starts traveling overhead, the catch phase begins: - In the push press, the lifter finishes the lift by pressing the bar up with the arms until the arms are straight and the bar is overhead. The legs remain straight throughout the catch phase. - In the push jerk, the lifter finishes the lift by flexing the hips and knees to dip (semi-squat) low enough to get themselves under the bar to catch the bar overhead with the arms straight.

Where should the elbows be in relation to the bar during the preparation phase (the dip) of the push jerk?

The elbows should be directly underneath or slightly in front of the bar

Which of the following is important to remember in regard to the feet during the second pull of a power clean

The heels stay in contact with the floor as long as possible before losing contact during extension

An athlete is performing a kettlebell swing. The following describes the athlete's position during the backward movement phase: The torso is neutral and just above parallel to the floor The kettlebell is behind the athlete The knees are bent to 90 degrees The arms are straight Is this the correct position at this stage of the swing? If not, what should change?

The knees should only be slightly bent

What is the difference, if any, in recommended grip width on the low-bar versus high-bar back squat?

The recommended grip is wider for a low-bar back squat

What is the recommended method for selecting a seat height when using a stationary bike?

The seat should be set so that the bottom leg is bent to 25-30 degrees when pedaling

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