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Performance in which of the following events has been shown to be MOST enhanced by creatine supplementation? A. Marathon. B.100-m sprint. C. 5-km race. D.10-km race.

B 57

Which of the following represents a physiological action of epinephrine? A. Decreased Blood Sugar. B. Increases Cardiac Output. C. Stimulates Analgesia. D. Increases body fluids.

B 67

Growth hormone is secreted by which of the following? A. Testes. B. Anterior Pituitary. C. Liver. D. Posterior Pituitary.

B 78

All of the following are important signal mechanisms for IGF release EXCEPT? A. Growth Hormone. B. Testosterone. C. Nutritional Status. D. Insulin Levels.

B 80

Which of the following exercises would promote the highest increase in serum testosterone concentrations? A. 1 set of deadlifts at 60% of one-repetition maximum. B. 3 sets of deadlifts at 90% of one-repetition maximum. C. 1 set of barbell curls at 60% of one-repetition maximum. D. 3 sets of barbell curls at 90% of one-repetition maximum.

B 85

A college football player decides to add 30 minutes of intense stationary cycling every other day to his current resistance training program. Which of the following best describes the effect the stationary cycling will have on his performance? a. No effect on strength gains. b. Strength gains enhanced. c. Strength gains compromised. d. Number of muscle fibers increased.


A female tennis player is beginning a resistance training program and can incorporate all of the following to reduce the risk of injury EXCEPT? A. Performing several variations of an exercise. B. Performing one warm-up set with light weight. C. Performing basic exercises through a partial range of motion. D. Using light weight for new exercises.


When passing a basketball which muscles act as the agonist and antagonist? a. Agonist: Biceps. Antagonist: Triceps. b. Agonist: Triceps. Antagonist: Infraspinatus. c. Agonist: Triceps. Antagonist: Biceps. d. Agonist: Infraspinatus. Antagonist: Triceps.


Which of the following exercises would closely mimic the resistance encountered while swimming the breast stroke? A. Triceps Pushdown. B. Seated Shoulder Press. C. Lat Pulldown. D. Biceps Curl.


Heavy resistance exercise has what effect on cardiac output? a. Increases rapidly. b. Decreases. c. No change. d. Decreases rapidly.

C 103

What is the value of a metabolic equivalent (MET) a. 2.5 ml of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. b. 3.5 ml of carbon dioxide per kilogram of body weight per minute. c. 3.5 ml of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. d. 2.5 ml of carbon dioxide per kilogram of body weight per minute.

C 117

Which of the following represents a muscle of expiration? a. Scalene. b. External Intercostal. c. Internal Intercostal. d. Anterior Serratus.

C 16

Which of the following exercises involves a first-class lever? A. standing calf (heel) raise. B. dumbbell biceps curl. C. Lying Triceps extension. D. Lying hamstring curl.

C 21

Which of the following lever classes has the fulcrum at one end and the effort is applied between the fulcrum and the load? A. Class I lever. B. Class II lever. C. Class III lever. D. Class IV lever.

C 22

An athlete with tendon insertions farther from the joint, would have an advantage during which of the following activities? A. Tennis. B. Sprinting. C. Powerlifting. D. Swimming.

C 23

When comparing the power produced by two athletes performing the back squat, the strength and conditioning professional should use which of the following formulae to calculate power? A. fore X distance. B. Sets X rep X weight lifted. C. Work / time. D. acceleration / force.

C 28

When a male gymnast performs a push-up exercise, which of the following muscle actions occurs at the erector spinae muscle group? A. Concentric . B. Eccentric. C. Isometric. D. Myocentric.

C 32

All of the following muscles are part of the rotator cuff EXCEPT? A. Supraspinatus. B. Infraspinatis. C. Teres Major. D. Teres Minor.

C 39

Which energy system results in the formation of the organic end product lactic acid? a. Phophagen. b. Slow glycolysis. c. Fast glycolysis. d. Oxidative.

C 46

A volleyball player would like to increase her vertical jump, how can this athlete improve her force production? A. Recruit small muscles or muscle groups during an activity. B. Increase the cross sectional area of muscles uninvolved in the activity. C. Preload a muscle involved in the activity just before a concentric muscle action. D. Unload a muscle involved in the activity just before a concentric muscle action.

C 473

Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue called? a. Fasiciculi. b. Perimysium. c. Endomysium. d. Epimysium.

C 5

ATP used during the 400-m dash would be primarily supplied from what energy system? a. Phosphagen. b. Slow glycolysis. c. Fast glycolysis. d. Oxidative.

C 54

You are about to conduct a training session for a college 800m runner. During this session the dominant energy system used will depend primarily on which of the following? A. Session intensity and athlete's age. B. Session duration and athlete's age. C. Session intensity and session duration. D. Session intensity and athlete's training status.

C 54

What would be the primary energy system used for a male athlete running the 400m hurdles in the Olympics? A. Phosphagen. B. Phophagen and Fast Glycolysis. C. Fast Glycolysis. D. Oxidative.

C 57/60

Which of the following structures of a sarcomere shrinks in the pectoralis major muscle during the concentric action of a bench press? A. A-band. B. M-line. C. H-zone. D. Z-line.

C 6

Aerobic training added to the training of anaerobic athletes (Combination Training) can lead to all of the following EXCEPT? a. Reduced anaerobic energy production. b. Reduced gain in muscle girth. c. Increased speed. d. Reduced power.

C 61

Which of the following locations produce testosterone in women? A. Testes and Ovaries. B. Anterior Pituitary and Adrenal Gland. C. Ovaries and Adrenal Gland. D. Anterior Pituitary and Ovaries.

C 75

Growth hormone stimulates what organ to secrete Insulin-Like Growth Factors? A. Pituitary gland B. Adrenal gland C. Liver D. Pancreas

C 78

For women still having a menstrual cycle, which of the following hormones is higher than men at rest? A. Cortisol. B. Insulin. C. Growth Hormone. D. Testosterone.

C 79

When a motor unit is stimulated, all of its innervated muscle fibers fully contract due to... A. the size principle. B. the principle of selective recruitment. C. the all-or-none law. D. muscle tetanus.

C 9

A 22 year old field hockey player is running intervals in preparation for her upcoming season, which of the following DOES NOT affect her blood lactate concentration? A. The duration of her exercise session. B. Her state of training. C. Her initial glycogen levels. D. Female gender.


Maximal force output of a muscle is generally greater when all of the following occur EXCEPT? A. More motor units are involved. B. The motor units are greater in size. C. The motor units are firing faster. D. The motor units contain Type I fibers.


Having a high concentration of Type II muscle fibers would be most beneficial to an athlete participating in which of the following sports? A. Marathon. B. Cross Country Skiing. C. Distance Cycling. D. Tennis.

D 11

Through which of the following valves does blood flow after contraction of the right atrium? a. Aortic. b. Pulmonary. c. Mitral. d. Tricupsid.

D 12

Which of the following occurs during the T wave of a typical ECG? A. Atrial depolarization. B. Atrial repolarization. C. Ventricular depolarization. D. Ventricular repolarization.

D 14

The structures of the skull are an example of what type of joint? a. Cartilaginous. b. Synovial. c. Orthotic. d. Fibrous.

D 2

How many thoracic vertebrae are in the human body? A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 12

D 2 7, 12, 5, 5

Which of the following activities occurs primarily in the transverse plane? A. shooting a basketball. B. setting a volleyball. C. punting a football. D. swinging a bat.

D 27

How much work is required to lift a 75 kg barbell, 1.75 m for 6 repetitions? A. 82.75 J. B. 787.5 J. C. 4,410 J. D. 7,717.5 J.

D 28

Which of the following represents the equation for Power? a. Force x Distance. b. Work / Distance. c. Force x Time. d. Work / Time.

D 28

Using the International System of Units and dividing Joules (J) by Seconds (s), will give us what unit of measurement? A. Newtons. B. Meters. C. Force. D. Watts.

D 29

A muscle has the greatest capability to generate force when it is at which of the following states of length? A. Stretched. B. Shortened. C. Contracted. D. Resting.

D 32

What type of muscular contraction occurs in the pectoralis major during the slow, controlled, downward phase of a bench press? a. Concentric. b. Isometric. c. Myocentric. d. Eccentric.

D 32

All of the following are advantages of weight stack machines EXCEPT? a. Safety b. Design flexibility c. Ease of use d. Simulation of real life activities

D 34

Of the following back postures during lifting, which has been found to be the best at avoiding injury? a. Rounded. b. Scoliotic. c. Kyphotic. d. Slightly Arched.

D 38

The normal lumbar spine has what kind of curvature? a. Kyphotic. b. Scoliotic. c. Ventral. d. Lordotic.

D 38 Kyphotic = thoracic spine

An athlete could benefit from the use of a weight belt during the performance of which of the following sets? A. 10 Reps of the Bench Press with 75% of the 1 RM. B. 4 Reps of the Bench Press with 90% of the 1 RM. C. 10 Reps of the Standing Shoulder Press with 75% of the 1 RM. D. 4 Reps of the Standing Shoulder Press with 90% of the 1 RM.

D 39

Which of the following is the primary energy system at work when the body is at rest? a. Phosphagen. b. Slow glycolysis. c. Fast glycolysis. d. Oxidative.

D 51

Which of the following pathways/systems has the highest capacity for energy production? a. Phosphagen. b. Slow glycolysis. c. Oxidation of carbohydrates. d. Oxidation of fats and proteins.

D 54/55

A female weightlifter is only able to complete 8 repetitions of a 10 RM set of power cleans. Which of the following factors is the least likely to have contributed to her missed repetitions? a. ATP and Creatine Phosphate. b. Muscle Glycogen. c. Lower pH. d. Fat Stores.

D 57

During freestyle swimming, which of the following muscles acts as a synergist to the deltoid with regards to upper arm movement? a. Infraspinatus. b. Brachioradialis. c. Gracilis. d. Sartorius.


A high myoglobin content is a characteristic of which muscle fiber type? A. Type I. B. Type IIa. C. Type IIx. D. Type III.

A 10

When performing a biceps curl, tension in the biceps brachii muscle increases. Which of the following structures detects and responds to the tension by reflexively reducing muscle activation? a. Golgi tendon organ. b. Muscle spindle. c. Pacinian corpuscle. d. Lamellar corpuscle.

A 12

Through which valve does blood flow after contraction of the left ventricle? A. Aortic. B. Pulmonary. C. Mitral. D. Tricuspid.

A 13

Where are normal rhythmic electrical impulses initiated in the heart? a. Sinoatrial (SA) node. b. Atrioventricular (AV) bundle. c. Purkinje fibers. d. Atrioventricular (AV) node.

A 13

Which component of the electrical conduction system of the heart has the greatest discharge rate? A. SA Node. B. AV Node. C. AV Bundle. D. Purkinje Fibers.

A 13

During a typical electrocardiogram, atrial depolarization is represented by? a. P-wave. b. QRS complex. c. T-wave. d. U-wave.

A 14

Identify the correct path in which inhaled air is distributed to the lungs. a. Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli. b. Trachea, Alveoli, Bronchi, Bronchioles. c. Trachea, Bronchioles, Bronchi, Alveoli. d. Trachea, Alveoli, Bronchioles, Bronchi.

A 15

The skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum are referred to as the? a. Axial Skeleton. b. Appendicular Skeleton. c. Central Skeleton. d. Peripheral Skeleton.

A 2

A junior hockey player is performing a standing dumbbell curl exercise. Which of the following muscles acts as an antagonist to the biceps brachii? A. Triceps Brachii. B. Brachialis. C. Coracobrachialis. D. Flexor Carpi Radialis.

A 20

A lever in which the muscle force and resistive force act on opposite sides of the fulcrum is referred to as? a. First class. b. Second class. c. Third class. d. Fourth class.

A 21

As the moment arm of the applied force lengthens, which of the following describes the resultant effect on mechanical advantage? A. It increases. B. It decreases. C. There is no change. D. There is not enough information.

A 21

Flexion and extension of the knee occurs primarily in what anatomical plane? A. Sagittal B. Frontal C. Transverse D. Coronal"

A 27

Punting a football requires flexion of the hip that occurs in which plane of action? a. Sagittal. b. Frontal. c. Biaxial. d. Transverse.

A 27

How much work is required to lift a 100 kg barbell 2 m for 5 repetitions? a. 9,800 J. b. 1,000 J. c. 1,000 W. d. 9,800 W.

A 28

Which of the following represents the equation for work? A. Force X Distance. B. Force / Time. C. Force X Time. D. Distance / Time.

A 28

How would the muscle fiber arrangements of the rectus abdominal muscle be classified? A. Longitudinal. B. Fusiform. C. Bipennate. D. Unipennate.

A 31

An athlete is utilizing a cycle ergometer and in order to increase the intensity she turns the knob which controls the brake pad, this type of resistance is referred to as? a. Friction b. Fluid Resistance c. Elasticity d. Inertia

A 36

The Creatine Kinase reaction provides energy by catalyzing the synthesis of ATP from which of the following? A. Adenosine Diphosphate and Creatine Phosphate. B. Adenosine Diphosphate and Glucose. C. Creatine Phosphate and Glucose. D. Adenosine Monophosphate and Creatine Phosphate.

A 46

Which of the following nutrients can be metabolized without the presence of oxygen? A. Carbohydrates. B. Proteins. C. Fats. D. Lipids.

A 47

Lactate will NOT be produced if which of the following is present in sufficient quantities? A. Oxygen. B. Glucose. C. Glycogen. D. Sodium.

A 49

The phosphagen energy system would primarily supply ATP for which of the following activities? a. 100-m dash. b. 400-m dash. c. 1600 meters. d. Marathon.

A 54/57

Which of the following has the greatest influence on the energy system used for a given exercise? a. Intensity. b. Duration. c. Mode. d. Frequency.

A 55

Which of the following energy sources when depleted would have the greatest impact on the performance of a male shot putter? A. ATP and Creatine Phosphate. B. Muscle Glycogen. C. Liver Glycogen. D. Fat Stores.

A 57

The degradation of one blood glucose molecule via the oxidative energy system produces approximately how many ATP? A. 35. B. 38. C. 41. D. 42.

B 53

Which of the following shoulder movements and planes of action are associated with a tennis backhand? a. Adduction/frontal. b. Abduction/frontal. c. Adduction/transverse . d. Abduction/transverse.

D 6

The amount of force produced by a muscle at any given time is directly related to which of the following. A. The number of myosin cross bridge heads that are attached to actin filaments. B. The number of actin cross bridge heads that are attached to myosin filaments. C. The strength of the attachment between the myosin cross bridge heads and the actin filaments. D. The strength of the attachment between the actin cross bridge heads and the myosin filaments.

A 6 - 7

You decide to use interval training to stress the phosphagen energy system, which of the following would be an appropriate work to rest period ratio? a. 1:15. b. 1:10. c. 1:5. d. 1:3.

A 60

What is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the myofibril, causing tension development in a muscle? a. Calcium ions that bind to troponin. b. Calcium ions that bind to tropomyosin. c. Sodium ions that bind to troponin. d. Sodium ions that bind to tropomyosin.

A 7

All of the following are physiological roles of growth hormone EXCEPT A. Increase glycogen synthesis. B. Increase protein synthesis. C. Increase lipolysis. D. Increase collagen synthesis.

A 78

A muscle fiber that is small in diameter has a slow contraction speed, and a high capillary density would be classified as? a. Type I. b. Type IIa. c. Type IIb. d. Type IIc.

A 9

An athlete training for a marathon would benefit from having a high concentration of which muscle fiber type? a. Type I. b. Type IIa. c. Type IIb. d. Type III.

A 9

A male athlete fatigues during the running of a marathon and must pull out of the race. Which is the most probable factor that limited his performance in the race? a. Depleted creatine phosphate. b. Depleted muscle glycogen. c. Depleted fat stores. d. Low pH.

B 57

When punting a football, the punter's leg is stretched just prior to making contact with the football. Which of the following structures detects and responds to that stretch by reflexively increasing muscle activity? A. Golgi tendon organ. B. Muscle spindle. C. Extrafusal muscle. D. Pacinian corpuscle.

B 11

Which of the following represents the correct transmission of the heart's electrical impulse? "a. AV node, AV bundle, SA node, Purkinje fibers. b. SA node, AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers. c. SA node, Purkinje fiber, AV node, AV bundle. d. AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers, SA node.

B 13

While reading an ECG, electrical potential that depolarizes the ventricles is represented by? a. P-wave b. QRS complex c. T-wave d. U-wave

B 14

What blood vessel functions to exchange oxygen, fluid, nutrients, electrolytes, hormones, and other substances between the blood and the interstitial fluid in the various tissues of the body? a. Arteries. b. Capillaries. c. Veins. d. Venules.

B 15

Which of the following muscles help expand the lungs by elevating the rib cage? A. Internal intercostals. B. External intercostals. C. Internal obliques. D. External obliques.

B 16

During a session of intense aerobic exercise, what percentage of total body energy is required for pulmonary ventilation? A. 5%. B. 10%. C. 20%. D. 30%.

B 17

A volleyball player is performing standing plantar flexion against resistance. Which of the following types of levers occurs at the ball of the foot during this exercise? a. First class. b. Second class. c. Third class. d. Fourth class.

B 22

How does the patella increase the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps muscle group? A. It increases the area in which the quadriceps tendon exerts force. B. It maintains the moment arm through which the quadriceps tendon exerts force. C. It increases the length of the quadriceps tendon. D. It provides another surface for the quadriceps tendon to exert force.

B 23

It took an American football lineman 14 seconds to complete 10 repetitions of a 102 kg bench press. If the bar had to travel 1.47 meters each repetition, what was the average power output during this set? A. 107.1 W. B. 1,049.58 W. C. 14,694.12 W. D. 20,991.6 W.

B 29

Which type of muscle arrangement is NOT matched with the correct muscle example? a. Rectus femoris: Bipennate. b. Biceps Brachii: Longitudinal. c. Deltoid: Multipennate. d. Gluteus Medius: Radiate.

B 31

Which of the following identifies the layer of connective tissue enveloping a bundle of muscle fibers? A. Endomysium. B. Perimysium. C. Epimysium. D. Endomysium.

B 4

After an intense exercise session involving resistance training one method lactate can be cleared from the blood involves transport to which of the following? A. Pancreas where it is converted to glucose. B. Liver where it is converted to glucose. C. Pancreas where it is converted to sodium. D. Liver where it is converted to sodium.

B 48

What is the thick structural protein inside the sarcomere? a. Actin. b. Myosin. c. Sarcoplasm. d. Sarcolemma.

B 5

A college soccer player is taking part in an interval training session using 1:1 work to rest ratios at 25% maximal power. She runs for 4 minutes then rests for 4 minutes. This type of training primarily stresses what system? A. Phosphagen. B. Fast Glycolysis. C. Fast Glycolysis and Oxidative. D. Oxidative.

D 60

Which of the following hormones is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland? A. Testosterone. B. Epinephrine. C. Calcitonin. D. Luteinizing Hormone.

D 67 Epinephrine from Adrenal Medulla Calcitonin from Thyroid gland

Catecholamines act as all of the following EXCEPT? A. Central motor stimulators. B. Peripheral vascular dilators. C. Enhanced enzyme systems. D. Vasoconstrictors.

D 84

Which of the following variables would promote the greatest increased serum testosterone levels? A. Small muscle exercises (bicep curls, calf raises). B. Light resistance (50-60% of 1 RM). C. One set of each exercise. D. Short rest intervals (30 sec to 1 min).

D 85

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