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Style Sheet

A list of special spellings, terms and style points to be used consistently in publications related to an event.


A list or plan of items to be considered, decided, undertaken, or accomplished at a meeting or event. Agendas are generally formal, structured lists and may include a time schedule.

Side Rail

A low divider panel (usually 3 ft. high') used to separate an exhibit space from an adjacent area.


A lowered portion of a ceiling.

Lead Tracking

A manual or automated system used to conduct follow-up activities for sales prospects resulting from an event.

American Breakfast

A meal of fruits and/or juices, cereal, eggs, meat, bakery goods and hot or cold beverages.


A media campaign, normally consisting of a series of public notices and advertising activities, aimed at ensuring maximum attendance by focusing attention on an event.


A meeting of a number of experts in a particular field, at which papers are presented and discussed by specialists on particular subjects with a view to making recommendations concerning the problems under discussion.

General Session

A meeting open to all those in attendance at an event. RELATED TERMS: PLENARY SESSION.

Press Conference

A meeting or interview held to make an announcement and communicate information to media representatives

Hybrid Meeting

A meeting that combines face to face and virtual aspects.


A meeting using only voice transmissions between two or more sites.


A method of conveying audio or video data electronically by varying its signal frequency or amplitude.

Scissor Lift

A mobile work platform that extends vertically on a scissor-like mechanism with no increase in the size of the machine's footprint.


A moderator, on behalf of the audience, asks the presenter questions

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

A multilateral treaty aimed at reducing trade barriers between the signatory countries and promoting trade through tariff concessions.

Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI)

A music licensing organisation that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. It grants licensing agreements for the performance of music.

Show Daily

A newspaper published each day during the run of an event or conference. It includes articles about the exhibits and events and, often, advertising.


A non-asset based transportation provider that sells transportation services for commercial shippers. Brokers commonly use freight forwarders.


A one-sheet piece of printed advertising. Often promoting a speaker's product or services.


A payment made to an individual or organisation for bringing business to another individual or organisation.


A payment that is given to service staff to signify good service. Depending on custom, local laws, and business practices, the payment may be added to the final bill automatically, based on a percentage of total charges.

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)

A performance measurement commonly used in the hotel industry. It is calculated by dividing a hotel's net rooms revenue by the total number of available rooms, or by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate (ADR) by its occupancy. Commonly referred to as RevPAR.


A permanently installed series of copper wire or fiber optic cabling that provides the main infrastructure for transmitting voice, data, and video signals within a facility.


A potential attendee, guest, buyer or exhibitor.

Room Audit

A process to identify attendees who occupy rooms outside of the contracted room bock for an event

Mobile Event App

A program that is operated on mobile phones or tablets and includes event information such as the schedule, speaker bios and may contain other features including social media integration and audience response systems and data analytics

Familiarisation (FAM) Trip

A programme designed to acquaint potential buyers with specific destinations or services and to stimulate the booking of an event. Often offered in groups, but sometimes on an individual basis. RELATED TERMS: FAM TRIP, FAM.

Star Rating

A rating indicated by stars (usually 1-5), the highest number of stars indicating the best quality of services at a facility or restaurant. Used by leading travel publications, websites and rating organisations.

Waiver of Subrogation

A release of rights to substitute one party for another party. The release of an insurance company right to succeed to the insured's rights to sue for damages against the tortfeasor, after the insurance company pays an insured's claim of loss due to another's tort.

European Plan (EP)


Continental Plan


Half Moon Set-Up

A seating arrangement in which 60-, 66- or 72-inch (152-, 168- and 183-centimeter) diameter rounds have seats on two-thirds to three-quarters of the table and no seats with their backs to the speaker. Used for banquet-to-meeting or meeting-to-banquet quick set. RELATED TERMS: CRESCENT-ROUND SET-UP, CABARET SET-UP.

Two-tiered set-up

A seating arrangement with a row of seats on low risers around a BOARDROOM SET-UP. A very space-intensive set-up. See Also Riser Boardroom Set-Up

Liquid Crytal Display (LCD) Projector

A self-contained unit with a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel, light source and lens that works with computers for displaying video, images or data on a screen or other flat surface without any need for special software or complex setting up. RELATED TERMS: BEAMER, DATA PROJECTOR.

Public Seminar

A seminar that is open to the public. Usually, tickets are sold to individuals.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A service that provides access to the internet.

Dress Code

A set of standards to provide guidance about what is appropriate to wear for an occasion, event or place of employment.

Revenue Management System

A sophisticated computer based pricing system that vendors use to adjust prices based on anticipated demand. Also referred to as Yield Management.

Professional Speaker

A speaker who is paid a fee for performances and makes a living from presenting information to various organizations.


A structure that is built, installed or established to serve a particular purpose.


A system for defining locations, such as an exhibit hall, using global positioning system (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.

Turnkey Exhibit

A system whereby the exhibit manager turns responsibility of the display over to an exhibit house. In essence, the exhibitor simply 'turns the key' upon arrival at the event and opens the booth/stand.

Value Added Tax

A tax that is added to a product at each step of the manufacturing and marketing process reflecting value which has been added to the product by processing.

Front-of-House (FOH) Audio Engineer

A technician who manages audio equipment for an event and typically operates in the middle or back few rows of the seating area.

Asymmetric Bandwidth

A term describing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) technology where the download and upload bandwidth are not equal.


A term that describes any function or activity that occurs at the primary event facility.


A term that describes any function or activity that occurs away from the primary event facility.

Independent Planner

A third-party contractor who plans meetings or events for the contracting organisation.

Freight Forwarder

A third-party logistics provider that handles export shipments for customers using common carriers.

International Freight Forwarder

A third-party logistics provider that handles export shipments for customers using common carriers.

Package Tour

A travel offering which provides, at an inclusive price, several travel components that a traveler would otherwise purchase separately.

Overnight Service

A type of airfreight service. Overnight does not necessarily mean 24-hour delivery as carriers deal in business days (usually, Monday - Friday). In addition, a shipment might not move until the following day, depending on the time of day it is picked up or loaded.


A type of barter. The exchange of goods and services instead of using money.

Contra Agreement

A type of barter. The exchange of goods and services instead of using money. In North America, referred to as TRADE-OUT. RELATED TERMS: TRADE-OUT.

American Plan

A type of hotel rate that includes the price of the room and all meals. Also called FULL AMERICAN PLAN (FAP).

Full Board


Casualty Insurance

A type of insurance that is primarily concerned with the legal liability for losses caused by injury to persons or damage to the property of others.

Modified American Plan (MAP)

A type of room rate that includes breakfast and one other meal (usually dinner).

TV Monitor

A type of screen used to show a video image, which has denser pixels (for a sharper image) than a normal television screen.


A type of soft beam-focusing spotlight.


A type of truck that can be adapted for picking up loads at ground level.

Union Shop

A unionized business in which the employer by agreement is free to hire nonmembers as well as members of the union. Newly-hired employees are required, as a condition of employment, to join the union within a specified time after employment. All employees must maintain good standing in the union as a condition of employment.


A vehicle, usually a bus, contracted to transport event attendees between facilities during a certain time period.

Bonded Warehouse

A warehouse authorized by customs authorities for storage of goods on which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed.

Traffic Density

A way of calculating exhibition hall traffic, based on the number of attendees per 100 square feet of exhibits.


A wine steward, expected to have an extensive knowledge of wines and their suitability with various dishes.

Meeting Profile

A written report outlining statistics of previous events, anticipated use of all services, profile of attendees, hotel occupancy patterns, etc.

Category Cable

(Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable or UTP) Usually referred to as Cat followed by a numeral between and 1 and 7. Cat 5 or Cat 5e cabling, required for Fast Ethernet, is the most commonly available. RELATED TERMS: BACKBONE.


1) A designated area within the event highlighting a special product category for marketing and exposure. 2) A free standing structure a short distance away from the main building.

Country of Origin

1) A person's country of natural birth or citizenship. 2) An item's country of manufacture, production, or agricultural growth.

Accrual Accounting

1) An accounting method that enters income and expenses into the books at the time of contract versus when payment is received or expenses incurred (cash accounting). 2) A system in which revenue and expenses are accounted for as soon as they are committed.


1) An arrangement to have a sleeping room (at a hotel or other housing facility) held for one's use. 2) Process by which an individual or group secures space at a facility.

International Event

1) An event that draws a national and international audience, typically 15% or more of attendees reside outside of the host country. 2) An event that draws an audience from three or more countries.

Social Event

1) An event with the purpose of facilitating pleasant companionship among attendees, 2) Lifecycle celebration (e.g. a wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, anniversary, birthday, etc.). See SOCIAL PROGRAM.


1) An individual or business, which contracts to perform part or all of the obligations of another's contract. 2) Company retained by a contractor to provide services to exhibitors or event management; outsourcing.


1) Design and placement of elements for events. 2) Implementation of an event.

Stage Call

1) Designated time and/or number of crew members required at stage for task assignments. 2) Asking a celebrity or speaker to return to the stage after completing the presentation.


1) Dismantle exhibits. 2) To remove all scenery and props from the stage. 3) Union walkout.

Poster Session

1) Display of reports and papers, usually scientific, accompanied by authors or researchers. 2) A session dedicated to the discussion of the posters shown inside the meeting area. When this discussion is not held in a special session, it can take place directly between the person presenting the poster and interested delegate(s).


1) Donated financial or material support, usually in exchange for recognition. 2) Paid opportunity for entity or an exhibitor to increase its visibility at the event.


1) Engineer (technical director) who is switching from camera to camera. 2) Panel with rows of buttons that allows switching from one camera or sound source to another.


1) Fee charged for transporting freight between destinations. 2) Short distance hauling of exhibit properties.


1) Final copy for approval before printing. See BLUELINE. 2) To correct before final printing. 3) Standard measure of alcohol strength; e.g., 100 proof = 50 percent alcohol content.

Inclusive Rate

1) For lodging and accommodations, the amount charged for a room, usually including breakfast (or other meals), taxes and service charge. 2) For food and beverage or catering, a rate that includes taxes, gratuities and/or service charges. RELATED TERMS: AMERICAN PLAN, MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN.


1) Four-channel audio tape recording system. 2) Room with two or more beds for four persons.


1) Free-standing pavilion or light structure, often inside a facility, where printed or electronic information is available. 2) A small enclosure for ticket sales, information, etc.


1) Guest requesting accommodations without a prior reservation. 2) Event attendee who has not pre-registered.

Open Seating

1) Guests can sit anywhere. 2) Extra banquet tables are placed, but not fully set; these can be prepared quickly if there are more guests than expected.


1) Hotel, conference center, or tour arrangement components combined and sold at a single all-inclusive price. 2) A single-fee booth/stand package offered by event management which might include booth/stand space, one electrical outlet, and basic furnishings.


1) Meeting of several persons for intensive discussion. The workshop concept has been developed to compensate for diverging views in a particular discipline or on a particular subject. 2) Informal and public session of free discussion organised to take place between formal plenary sessions or commissions of a congress or of a conference, either on a subject chosen by the participants themselves or else on a special problem suggested by the organizers. 3) Training session in which participants, often through exercises, develop skills and knowledge in a given field.


1) Merchandise or refreshments sold to individuals on-site, in conjunction with an event. 2) Contractual agreement where one party provides something of value to the other party in exchange for something else, pending certain conditions.

Traffic Flow

1) Movement of people through an area. 2) A supposed or directed path that attendees will take through an exhibition.


1) Non-route airline ticketing service. 2) Computer application performed while not connected to a computer network.


1) One or more rows arranged above each other. 2) Price levels of guest room rates.


1) Organised performance for entertainment. 2) An exhibition.


1) Overtime. 2) On Truck or Railway.

Semi-Skilled Labour

1) Persons whose work is limited to a well-defined work routine. 2) Work in which lapses of performance would not cause excessive damage to products or equipment.


1) Plan put forth for consideration or acceptance. 2) Communication sent by a supplier to a potential customer detailing the supplier's offerings and prices.

Tour Package

1) Prearranged combination of elements such as air, hotel, sightseeing and social events packaged together and sold as an all-inclusive package price, not sold by component parts. 2) To package, meaning to combine elements as above into an all-inclusive package product sold as such at a package price. See PACKAGE.


1) Process by which an individual indicates their intent to attend a conference or stay at a property. 2) A method of booking and payment. 3) The process of recording data about an attendee (or exhibitor), sending a confirmation and creating a badge for use on-site.

Early Arrival

1) Reaching a destination before the appointed date or time. 2) When a hotel guest with a confirmed reservation requests to check in to their room prior to the scheduled date and/or check-in time. 3) Arrival prior to arrival of the majority of the group.


1) Refusal by a facility to allow guests access to their guest rooms. 2) Labour action where employers refuse access to the facility by employees.


1) Space which is reserved but not yet contracted for an event. The right of first refusal to confirm a tentative space reservation if there is demand from another group. 2) Options - Activities other than those included in the formal agenda which are optional and often require the payment of an additional participation fee done at the guest's discretion.


1) Staff who carry luggage for guests using trains, planes, and hotels. 2) Staff who perform cleaning duties.


1) Stage furniture, set dressing 2) Articles used by actors, entertainers, or speakers.


1) The opposite of real-time. 2) Audio and/or video programming available on a website after the completion of an event, providing this content so website visitors can listen or view at their discretion.

Retention Rate

1) The percentage of exhibitors or attendees that return to an event from one year to the next. 2) The percentage of an organization's membership or company's employees that remain with the organization or company from one year to another.


1) The presenter of a programme. Types of speakers include keynote, general session, seminar leader, trainer, workshop leader, and "change of pace" speakers such as humorists and entertainers. 2) Device for sound output.


1) Way in which a function room is arranged. 2) Erecting displays, installation, or, articles in their assembled condition. 3) Mixers, fruit, and glassware accompanying a liquor order.


1) Written summaries of speeches or papers, generally between 200-500 words. 2) A brief statement of content.

Air Consignment Note

A BILL OF LADING that covers domestic and international flights transporting goods to a specified destination.

Special Event Tour

A TOUR designed around a particular event, e.g. the Kentucky Derby, Mardi Gras, or Rose Bowl Parade.

Special Interest Tour

A TOUR designed to appeal to clients with a curiosity or a concern about a specific subject. Most special interest tours provide an expert tour guide and usually visit places and/or events of specific interest to the participants.

Optional Tour

A TOUR or side trip offered at a designated date, time and price, and is not included in the formal agenda.

Smart Form

A Web-based form that can be designed to guide the user through the process of completing the form and can alert the user to errors.


A combination of switches, dimmer plates and fuses for controlling light.


A commission over and above the normal base commission percentage.

Outbound Operator

A company that takes groups from a given city or country to another city or country.

Accepted Practices Exchange / ASTM International Environmentally Sustainable Standards (APEX/ASTM Standards)

A compilation of 9 separate standards related to improving the environmental and social impact events.

Events Industry Council Sustainable Event Standards

A compilation of separate industry standards related to improving the environmental and social impact of events. Formerly the APEX/ASTM Environmentally Sustainable Meeting Standards.

Video Character Generator

A computer-assisted device used to generate and create letters, numbers and symbols electronically. In simple terms, it is a video image that can also be used to recap key points made by a speaker or supply basic information such as final credits.

Resort Conference Centre

A conference facility with at least one major amenity, such as golf or tennis.

Independent Show Management Company

A contractor hired by an exhibitor to perform event services independent of event management-appointed contractors. RELATED TERMS: EXHIBITOR APPOINTED CONTRACTOR (EAC).

Service Bar

A counter from which alcoholic beverages are served that is located outside of a function room, usually in an area not visible to guests.

Soft Currency

A currency that cannot be traded outside its native country.


A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds.

Refundable Deposit

A deposit made to a venue or supplier that may be returned under certain conditions agreed to by the venue/supplier.


A designated representative who has the authority, knowledge, and credibility to speak and be interviewed by the media.

Certified Incentive Travel Executive (CITE)

A designation offered by the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE).


A device used to increase the sound levels of a signal to be sent to the loudspeakers for sound reproduction.


A discussion which takes place within a meeting, a public or private sitting or in one of the various types of assemblies or meetings.

Island Exhibit

A display space that is exposed to aisles on all sides.

Junction Box

A distribution point for electrical power.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

A document that stipulates what services the organization wants from an outside contractor and requests a bid to perform such services.

Back Drape

A drape, curtain or fabric panel that provides a soft, colorful background for a speaker or stage presentation.

Conference Centre

A facility that provides a dedicated environment for events, especially small events. May be certified by the International Association of Conference Centres.


A freelance guide who comes aboard a motorcoach to give an informed overview of the city or attraction to be toured.

Verbatim Report

A full and exact word-for-word transcript, in writing, of all speeches, debates or discussions.

Foreign Trade Zone

A geographic area where goods may be landed, handled, and reexported without being subject to import duty. RELATED TERMS: BONDED WAREHOUSE.

Export Declaration

A government customs document used to declare designated goods to be shipped out of a country. Used for export control and compilation of foreign trade data.

Export License

A government document which permits the "licensee" to engage in the export of designated goods to certain destinations.

Planning Matrix

A grid used to plan meeting formats and finalize subject areas, topics and assignments.


A group of experts who meet on an equal basis to review and discuss specialized, professional matters, either in closed session or, more frequently, before an audience.

Discussion Group

A group of participants assigned to debate or explore a topic within some types of meetings. Similar to a working group, but typically without an expectation for formal reports or papers.


A group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group.

Advisory Board

A group that offers advice or counsel to event organiser, event management, or other organisation on strategic options such as education content, exhibitor matters, contracting policies or other issues.


A guest who checks out of a hotel one or more days earlier than the scheduled departure date. Also called early departure, under-stay. RELATED TERMS: UNEXPECTED DEPARTURE, OVERSTAY.

American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA)

AH&LA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Press Office

Agency that collects and distributes information to the news media.

Direct Spending

All expenditures associated with an event that flow into the host destination's local economy. Direct spending includes attendee spending, exhibitor spending and event organiser spending. RELATED TERMS: ECONOMIC IMPACT (TOTAL), INDIRECT SPENDING, INDUCED SPENDING, ECONOMIC MULTIPLIER.

Adult Learner

An adult who is usually pursuing education to attain a specific and practical goal.


An apparatus for projecting a picture on a screen.

Accepted Practices Exchange (APEX)

An initiative of the meetings, conventions & exhibitions industry managed by the Convention Industry Council (CIC). APEX develops and manages the implementation of accepted practices (voluntary standards) for the industry.

Power of Attorney

An instrument in writing whereby one person, as principal, appoints another as his/her agent and confers authority to perform certain specified acts or kinds of acts on behalf of the principal.

Shipping Manifest

An instrument in writing, signed by the captain of a ship that lists the individual shipments constituting the ship's cargo.

Voice Over

Announcement or other narrative copy which is "voiced" over the top of film, video or musical programming.


Assigning a specific guest room prior to the arrival of the guest.


Assortment of foods, offered on a table, self-served.

Place Setting

Another name for cover (a combination of flatware, glassware, china and napery).

Post Conference

Any event which is arranged for the period immediately following the conference proper.

Outbound Tour

Any tour that takes groups outside a given city or country to another city or country.


Application of game mechanics to engage event attendees, often used as a component of training and development via mobile event apps.

Pre-Function Space

Area adjacent to the main event location often used for receptions prior to a meal or coffee breaks during an event.

Sound Control Booth

Area from which technician operates sound system in a room.

Loading Dock

Area on premises where goods are received. Usually a raised area that back-loading trucks can back up to and offload freight easily.


Atmosphere created with the use of music and sound effects.


Attendees booked into other facilities after headquarters facilities are full.

6-By-6 Rule

Audiovisual guidelines by which presentation slide should contain more than six words per line of text and no more than six lines of text.

Letter of Credit (L/C)

A document issued by a bank per instructions from a buyer of goods, authorising the seller to draw a specified sum of money under specified terms. Term is primarily used in North America, in other regions may also be referred to as a BANK GUARANTEE. RELATED TERMS: BANK GUARANTEE, CONFIRMED LETTER OF CREDIT.

Bank Guarantee

A document issued by a bank per instructions from a buyer of goods, authorizing the seller to draw a specified sum of money under specified terms. In North America, typically referred to as a LETTER OF CREDIT.

Validated Export License

A document issued by the U.S. Government authorizing the export of commodities for which written export authorization is required by law.

Certificate of Insurance

A document provided by an insurance company as proof that a policy has been issued and coverage is in effect.

Memorandum of Understanding

A document that describes a formal agreement between two or more parties.

Bill of Lading (B/L)

A document that establishes the terms of a contract between a shipper and a transportation company under which freight is to be moved between specified points for a specified charge. It serves as a document of title, a contract of carriage, and a receipt of goods.

Certificate of Origin

A document, required by certain countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods.

Consular Invoice

A document, required by some countries, describing a shipment of goods and showing information such as the consignor, consignee, and value of the shipment. Certified by a consular official of the foreign country, it is used by that country's customs officials to verify the value, quantity, and nature of the shipment.

Congress Centre

A facility, typically outside the U.S, that hosts trade shows and other large functions, which contains a large exhibition hall and additional small meeting and event spaces. RELATED TERMS: CONVENTION CENTRE.


A feature of videoconferencing systems which allows the placement of shared documents on an on-screen shared space or "whiteboard." Participants can edit and mark up the document just as on a physical whiteboard.

Events Industry Council (EIC)

A federation of national and international organisations representing individuals, firms or properties involved in the meetings, conventions, exhibitions, and travel and tourism industries.

Yield management

A financial management method of pricing and capacity control that yields maximum profit. History, occupancy data, and competition are among the considerations used in this method.

Return on Investment (ROI)

A financial ratio indicating the degree of profitablity. Calculated as NET MONETARY BENEFITS/ Meeting Costs x 100. Meeting costs may also be referred to as expenses.


A floor support for an exhibit component.

Strategic Meetings Management Program (SMMP)

A focused approach on increasing efficiency and reducing costs across an organisation for all of its events, typically using specialised software to centrally track all aspects of meeting expenditures across a department or organisation.

Table Tent

A folded sign placed on a table used to identify speakers, list menus or provide other information.

Cafeteria Service

A food service operation in which customers carry their own trays and select food from a display counter or counters. Payment is sometimes made at a cashier station.

Banquet Event Order (BEO)

A form most often used by hotels to provide details to personnel concerned with a specific food and beverage function or event room set-up.

Creative Commons License

A form of copyright license that facilitates the free distribution of copyrighted works when specific criteria are followed.

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance

A form of insurance that indemnifies the insured for any loss sustained because of an error or oversight on their part.

Shipper's Export Declaration

A form required for all shipments by the U.S. Treasury Department and prepared by a shipper, indicating the value, weight, destination, and other basic information about an export shipment.

Consular Declaration

A formal statement describing goods to be shipped; filed with and approved by the consul of the country of destination prior to shipment.

Average Daily Room Rate (ADR)

A measure of a hotel's financial performance that calculates the total sleeping room revenue for a given period's occupied rooms divided by the number of rooms occupied for the same period.

Host Committee

A group of people bringing specific expertise of the locality and facilities of a given area to the Organising Committee in planning the event programme.

Team of Interpreters

A group of people responsible for interpreting simultaneously by utilizing equipment.

Organizing Committee

A group of people who carry out the strategies and policies established for the organization of an event held in their geographic area.


A group of people, frequently including one or more members of the main committee, meeting outside of the main committee, with responsibilities for specific items.

Post-Con Meeting

A meeting at the primary facility at which an event occurred just after it has ended. Attendees generally include the primary event organizer, representatives of the event organizer/host organization, department heads at the facility, other facility staff as appropriate, and contractors.

Pre-Con Meeting

A meeting at the primary facility at which an event will take place just prior to the event beginning. Attendees generally include the primary event organizer, representatives of the event organizer/host organization, department heads at the facility, other facility staff as appropriate, and contractors.


A meeting between two or more people or groups across a distance, including video, audio, and potentially other data, utilizing telecommunications or communications satellites for transmission of the signal. See TELECONFERENCE.

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)

A membership organisation that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. ASCAP grants licensing agreements for the performance of that music.

Streaming Media

A method for delivering audio and video over the Web. Streaming refers to the ability of Web site visitors to access multimedia content without having to download an entire file first.


A non-negotiable instrument of transport that serves as a receipt for the shipper, indicating that the carrier has accepted the goods listed therein and obligates itself to carry the consignment to the destination according to specified conditions.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

A numeric value unique to an individual computer or electronic device that identifies it on a network. The IP address is assigned by a network administrator, Internet Service Provider (ISP), or other network hardware.

Scattered Arrivals

A pattern of group arrivals that are separate from the main arrivals.

Tour Operator

A person or company that creates and/or markets inclusive tours and/or subcontracts their performance. Most tour operators sell through travel agents and/or directly to clients.

Party Planner

A person or organization that works with clients to design and implement private parties and other social events.


A person who acts as a guide for visitors and tourists, typically on a volunteer basis, in a museum, gallery or academic institution. RELATED TERMS: TOUR GUIDE.


A person who does not eat meat, poultry, fish or shellfish. Ovo-vegetarian: A person who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, or shellfish, but does consume eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarian: A person who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, or shellfish, but does consume dairy products and eggs.


A person who does not eat or use animal products or by-products for food, clothing, cosmetic or other purposes.

Authorized Signatory

A person who is authorized to legally bind an individual or organisation to a contract, to sign cheques on behalf of an organisation, or charge to an organisation's master account.

Invited Speaker

A person who is invited to deliver a speech during the conference. Costs of travel, housing and appropriate appearance fees may be provided for in the conference budget. May be issued a letter of invitation to assist with international travel.

Banquet Manager

A person with overall responsibility for food and beverage delivery with direct (servers, banquet captains) and indirect (hotel kitchens and engineering) staff.

Tour Escort

A person, usually employed, subcontracted or independently contracted by a DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY, who accompanies a tour as a guide from departure to return, and provides support and coordination services.


A pre-cut, etched pattern fabricated from metal or glass that fits in a lighting instrument to form projected light into a shape (logo, graphic, scenery, etc).

Option Date

A prearranged date by which a hotel or facility will no longer hold tentative arrangements for a group.

Panel System

A prefabricated exhibit composed of connected panels of various sizes and shapes.

Tentative Agenda

A preliminary agenda for a program, that is subject to change.

Cost and Freight (C&F)

A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.

Cost and Insurance (C&I)

A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.

Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF)

A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.

Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission (CIF&C)

A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.

Cost, Insurance, Freight and Exchange (CIF&E)

A pricing term indicating that these costs are included in the quoted price.

Lighting Plot

A print showing the location and type of all lights used in a booth/stand, or in a meeting environment.

International Organization for Standardization's 20121 Event Sustainability Management Systems (ISO 20121)

A process-oriented management programme developed to define the systems needed in order to implement sustainable event practices.

Permanent Exhibit

A product display held on a long-term basis, i.e., museum exhibit, office exhibit, mart, showroom, etc.

Destination Management Company (DMC)

A professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specialising in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and programme logistics.

Hosted Buyer Programme

A programme that offers complimentary travel, accommodation and registration for prequalified buyers to meet with suppliers during an event or exhibition.


A promise of commitment to provide a minimum amount of sleeping rooms, food and beverage (F&B), or other revenues. Usually there is financial liability if the commitment is not met.


A proposal submitted to an event organiser by a convention and visitors bureau and/or hotel(s) or other suppliers, that includes detailed specifications (such as dates, rates, concessions, etc.) and estimated costs.

Acceleration Clause

A provision sometimes used in contracts to accelerate deposit payment schedule or to demand full prepayment of master account in the event of a default or lack of credit by the purchasing organisation. May also apply in other situations, such as assignments. Primarily used in North America


A rate inclusive of breakfast and dinner, in addition to the room. In the U.S. and Canada it is called MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN (MAP), which means breakfast and one other meal (usually dinner). In Europe it is also called HALF-PENSION. RELATED TERMS: AMERICAN PLAN, CONTINENTAL PLAN, EUROPEAN PLAN, MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN, HALF-PENSION.


A rate inclusive of breakfast and dinner, in addition to the sleeping room. In the U.S. and Canada it is also called MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN (MAP), which means breakfast and one other meal (usually dinner). RELATED TERMS: AMERICAN PLAN, CONTINENTAL PLAN, EUROPEAN PLAN, MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN, DEMI-PENSION.

Foul Bill of Lading

A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were damaged when received. RELATED TERMS: CLEAN BILL OF LADING.

Clean Bill of Lading

A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were received in apparent good order and condition, without damages or other irregularities. RELATED TERMS: FOUL BILL OF LADING.

Dock Receipt

A receipt issued by an ocean carrier to acknowledge receipt of a shipment at the carrier's dock or warehouse facilities.

Peripheral Block

A group of rooms that is reserved by a party outside of the ECB but is present in the city as a result of the Main Event (for example, some exhibitors, some international tour groups). A Peripheral Block's consumed room nights should be credited to the Main Event's total room nights for historical tracking purposes. A Peripheral Block may be used to help offset attrition charges against the ECB A Peripheral Block usually negotiates its own terms (for example, 1/50, staff rate, etc.). How do you identify Peripheral Blocks? Event organizers should require each contracted housing facility to report (to the event organizer) what groups are in-house at the same time as the Main Event. Each housing facility should include tour and travel, and wholesalers' reservations which were booked individually over the dates of the Main Event. See also EVENT-CONTRACTED BLOCK.

Think Tank

A group of specialists organized by a business enterprise, governmental body and commissions to undertake intensive study and research into specified problems.

Unexpected Departure

A guest who checks out of a housing facility (hotel, motel, etc.) one or more days earlier than his or her scheduled departure date. Also Called UNDER-STAY, EARLY-OUT. Compare With OVERSTAY.


A guest who stays at a housing facility (hotel, motel, etc.) one or more days longer than his or her scheduled departure date. Also called STAY OVER. Compare with UNEXPECTED DEPARTURE.

Stay Over

A guest who stays at a housing facility (hotel, motel, etc.) one or more days longer than their scheduled departure date. Also called OVERSTAY. Compare with UNEXPECTED DEPARTURE.


1) A rate of activity such as the presentation of a meal or tour itinerary. 2) The scheduling of activities within an itinerary or meeting programme to make for a realistic balance of travel time, educational programming, social events, tours, free time and rest. 3) Rate at which reservations are being made with respect to the percent of the total rooms booked measured at different time periods and compared to past events.


1) A research method based upon selecting a portion of a population for study. 2) A food and beverage tasting provided to prospective clients for the purpose of menu selection.


1) A schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported and exported goods. 2) Published list of fares or rates and conditions of service from a supplier.

In-House System

1) A sound system that is built in to a venue. 2) A system of handling attendee registration by the event host organisation. 3) Handling lodging reservations within the contracted room block at a hotel.

Cut-Off Time

1) A specific point in time at which the exhibition contractor will cease all unloading or loading activities for the day. 2) Specific time a shipment must be tendered to a transportation carrier in order to receive service that day.


1) A trim or finish curtain, usually 12" deep with scalloped edge, used to give a tent a finished appearance. 2) A short overhead, decorative border normally used as a light baffle or screen.


1) Ability of a projection system to distinguish and reproduce fine detail. 2) Motion put forward for a joint decision; usually has the force of a legislative decision.

Space Requirements

1) Amount of space required in a venue for a meeting or event. 2) Amount of stand/booth space required by individual exhibitors.


1) An individual or organization that coordinates and promotes the development of a package tour and establishes operating procedures and guidelines for that tour. 2) Company that organizes speakers' demo tapes, press kits, etc. for a fee.


A rectangular column that usually projects about a third of its width from the wall to which it is attached.

Pro Forma Invoice

1) An invoice provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent, their value, and important specifications (weight, size, etc.) 2) A packing list on which a shipper describes what is being shipped including the quantity, the value, the weight, and dimensions.


1) An object made in miniature representing something to be constructed. 2) A person stationed in an exhibit to demonstrate a product, provide attraction to booth/stand or greet visitors.


1) Any seat, berth, room, or service provided and/or sold to a guest, attendee or passenger. 2) Action taken to allow a person with a disability to participate in an event.


1) Area between booths/stands for attendee traffic movement. 2) Space between tables or chairs to allow passage of an audience.


1) Audio unit by which sound signals from all sources feed into one system; allows for dissimilar inputs (microphone and line) to be combined and controlled into one output. See SOUND BOARD. 2) An informal get together to give members of a group an opportunity to meet one another.


1) Broadly, one who acts or has the power to act; more usually, one that acts as the representative of another. In travel, agent is specified by purpose, such as a retail travel agent. 2) Person that obtains engagements for entertainers, is paid by the entertainers and has no contract for production responsibilities. 3) Person in a speaker bureau/agency who acts on behalf of the seller (speaker) or on behalf of the buyer (customer). 4) Venue finding, third party or production service provider.


1) Clear acetate film used to separate different components of art work 2) Tissue sheet over artwork on which corrections or alterations are indicated 3) A panel mounted to another surface 4) A second, smaller tablecloth used for decorative purposes at banquets


1) Closed electric circuit. 2) A continuously repeated segment of music, dialogue, or images.


1) Composite made by combining several separate video or still images. 2) Rapid succession of images to illustrate an association of ideas.


1) Critiquing and rating the overall success of an event, or a part of an event. 2) A systematic process to determine the value of an activity.


1) Customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette. 2) A formal description of message formats and the rules two computers must follow to exchange messages.


1) Entry, doorway. 2) A website or service that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as email, forums, search engines, and online shopping malls to attract and retain a large audience.


1) Establishment such as a hotel, motel, inn, resort, conference centre, or event facility. 2) Something (e.g. an interest, money, or land) that is owned or possessed.


1) European term for a travel professional who supervises arrival details and escorts tours. 2) A person or service who delivers messages, packages or mail.


A requirement for entering into a binding contract. If a contract proposal (offer) is made, it is accepted if the offeree signs the offer as submitted. If the offeree makes any changes to the offer before signing, it is a counter offer, not acceptance.


1) Event principally devoted to the exhibition of agricultural products or industrial products. Fairs may also provide entertainment activities. 2) Exhibition of products or services in a specific area of activity held with the objective of promoting business. RELATED TERMS: EXHIBITION, TRADE FAIR, TRADE SHOW, CONSUMER SHOW, GATE SHOW, PUBLIC SHOW, VERTICAL SHOW.


1) Exclusive use of all or some space on an airplane, bus, ship, or other vehicle for a specificperiod of time and for a specific itinerary. 2) To create a new association, organisation or chapter of an association or organisation.

Room Service

1) Facility department which provides food and beverage service to guest rooms. 2) Food and beverage provided to guest rooms.

Receiving Fee

1) Fee charged by a venue for handling delivered packages. 2) Fee charged in some countries by a government to officially recognise an event.

Occupancy Rate

1) In hotel/motel industry, the percentage of total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied. Derived by dividing the total number of rooms occupied during a given time period (night, week, year) by the total number of rooms available for occupancy during that same period. 2) Measurement of building use, usually expressed as an annual percentage rate comparing potential facility capacity to actual usage.

Fire Marshal

1) In the United States and Canada, the fire marshal is typically a member of the fire department whose duties include fire code enforcement. 2) In the United Kingdom, fire marshals are civilians trained to assist with fire evacuation procedures.


1) Lecture and dialogue allowing participants to share experiences in a particular field under the guidance of an expert discussion leader. 2) A meeting or series of meetings of from 10 to 50 specialists who have different specific skills but have a specific common interest and come together for training or learning purposes.

Ambient Light

1) Level of illumination from natural lighting sources already existing in an environment. 2) Uncontrolled and unintended illumination.

Released Value

1) Limit of a carrier's liability. 2) Stated value of a shipment when released to the carrier. If shipper declares a higher value than the per-pound limit, shipping costs will increase.


1) Long narrow carpet in a hallway, aisle, or on stage. 2) Piece of portable or constructed staging that extends a main stage to form a runway. 3) Main cord extending from a microphone to an amplifier. 4) A piece of decorative cloth laid across a tablecloth or buffet table to add color or texture or to enhance a theme.


1) Measurement of type size. Twelve points equal one pica—approximately 1/6 inch (.43 centimeters). 2) A city, town, village, or other community or area which is treated as a unit for the application of freight rates.

Rounded Hollow Square

A hollow square with corners replaced by serpentine or quarter round tables.


1) Organisation(s) underwriting all or part of the costs of an event. 2) An individual who assumes all or part of the financial responsibility for an event. 3) A commercial entity that provides financial backing for an event, and in return, receives recognition, advertising, registrations, or other benefits. Sponsors may or may not participate in any of the profit from the event.


1) Pallet. 2) Wooden platform used to support machinery or a collection of objects for easier handling. 3) Thick wood blocks attached to crates which allow forklift access for easier handling. 4) Wood runners protecting the exterior of a shipping case.


1) Participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation. 2) An event used by any organisation to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. No tradition, continuity or timing is required to convene a conference. Conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives, and are generally on a smaller scale than congresses or conventions. RELATED TERMS: CONGRESS, CONVENTION.


1) Performance area including props, equipment, backdrops, etc. 2) Length of time musicians play before taking a break. 3) Make preparations for a predetermined number of attendees.


1) Person appointed to note and record the proceedings of sessions and to write summaries of the paper(s) presented for a final summation session. 2) Person who reports on an event for the media (TV, radio, print, Web sites, etc.).


1) Person or firm that displays its products or services at an event. 2) Event attendee whose primary purpose for attending the event is to staff a booth/stand.


1) Person responsible for machinery uncrating, unskidding, positioning, leveling, and reskidding. 2) Skilled labor responsible for attaching signs, banners, truss, and other equipment to ceilings.


1) Process of moving equipment and/or people from one point to another. Transportation between air, rail and/or bus terminals and hotels. 3) To copy a picture or sound that is transmitted by one recorder to another, or to make a tape or digital copy from film.

Junior Suite

A hotel room that features a separate living-sitting area (although not a separate room), in addition to the bedroom. Also called a MINI-SUITE.

Suite Hotel

A hotel whose entire inventory of sleeping rooms have separate bedroom, bathroom, living room or parlor areas, and possibly a kitchenette or other special features. Also called All Suite Hotel.


A large public show, exhibit, or trade show; also referred to as an EXHIBITION.

English Breakfast

A large, hearty breakfast that includes juice, fruit, hot and cold cereal, eggs, meat (often fish), pastries with jellies and preserves, and made to order foods such as omelets and crepes, and hot beverages.

Small Group Learning Patterns

A learning activity that is dependent on the participation of a small group of people.

Confirmed Letter of Credit

A letter of credit, issued by a foreign bank, whose validity has been confirmed by a second bank. An exporter whose payment terms are a confirmed letter of credit is assured of payment even if the foreign buyer or the foreign bank defaults. RELATED TERMS: LETTER OF CREDIT.

Line of Sight

A line of vision from an observer's eye (such as an audience member) to a distant point (such as a stage).


1) Regions associated with recreation and leisure, such as the mountains, seashore, or natural or man-made attractions. 2) A hotel that offers or is located near facilities for sports and recreational activities such as tennis, swimming, sailing, etc.


1) Registering in advance to attend an event. See ADVANCE REGISTRATION. 2) At a facility, pre-assigned sleeping rooms available for occupancy.

Forcing the Floor

1) Removal of freight from the event floor after the event close, that was not picked up by an exhibitor's carrier. 2) Shipments left behind at the booth/stand at the close of the event without a bill of lading.


1) Reservation made, but not kept. 2) Any person, group or exhibitor who fails to appear to claim a meal reservation, exhibit space or ordered service. 3) Participant did not attend, nor cancel according to cancellation guidelines -- an exhibitor a hotel guest , a meeting attendee or a speaker/entertainer.

Double Booking

1) Reserving space for two groups to use the same space at the same time and neither can be fully accommodated as contracted. 2) An organisation reserving space in more than one venue for the same event. 3) Two or more reservations made for the same traveler for the same dates.

Walk through

1) Review of event details. 2) Site inspection. 3) Inspection of function room prior to function. 4) Inspection of exhibit floor prior to opening of the event.

Cabaret Set-up

1) Room arrangement with cocktail tables, chairs and a stage. 2) Outside North America, refers to seating at round tables with chairs and no seating with backs to the speaker. RELATED TERMS: CRESENT-ROUND SET-UP and HALF MOON SET-UP.

Hospitality Suite

1) Room or suite of rooms used to entertain guests for business purposes. 2) An event in which refreshments are served and exhibitor personnel and visitors socialise.


1) Rooms given at random according to availability when the reservations are made. 2) Flat rate for which a hotel or motel agrees to offer any of its available rooms (with the exception of suites) to a group. Final assignment of rooms is at the discretion of the hotel.

Floor Plan

1) Scale drawing indicating the placement of exhibit booths and all other features in an exhibit hall. 2) Scale drawing of the floor area of a hotel's event space. 3) Scale drawing of a function room with specific set-up requirements (tables, chairs, etc.) drawn to scale.

Banquet Set-Up

1) Seating arrangement where typically a grouping of rounds is set in such a way as to facilitate the serving of food, most often a hexagonal or square pattern. 2) Function-room set up and tear down.

Butler Service

1) Servers offer a variety of both hot and cold hors d'oeuvres on platters to guests at receptions. 2) A style of table service where guests serve themselves from platters presented by the server. 3) Specialised in-room service offered by a hotel, resort or cruise ship. RELATED TERMS: RUSSIAN SERVICE.


1) Service offered by electrical contractor for illumination. 2) Booth/stand or hall illumination. 3) Existing light provided by the venue for functionality and safety. 4) Controlled application of the art of lighting to impact sales, achieve atmosphere and otherwise enhance the experience of the event.


1) Signed form giving permission to use a person's name, picture, or statement (often in an advertisement). 2) Form signed by presenter allowing recording of presentation. 3) Document provided by management to permit removal of goods from exhibition during event hours. 4) To release space, as in returning unsold air or hotel reservations to the supplier that originally allotted them.


1) Site or destination of meeting, event or show 2) Location of performance such as hall, ballroom, auditorium, etc.


1) Table setting for one person. 2) Actual number of meals, or servings, served at a food function. 3) Dome placed over a plate, used to keep food warm/cold. Also referred to as a CLOCHE. RELATED TERMS: CLOCHE, PLACE SETTING.


1) The back wall (either hardwall or draped) of a perimetre or inline booth/stand/exhibit. 2) Panel arrangement at rear of booth/stand area.


1) The jobs that may be performed by a specific labour union. 2) The locality where a contractual dispute is decided. 3) In law, the ability of a court to hear and decide a matter brought before it.

Union Call

1) The number of union members hired to work for an event. 2) Additional servers obtained from a labor source shared by several hotels. 3) The minimum number of hours for which a union laborer must be paid, regardless of actual hours worked.


1) The process of attaching the cable on a crane to a piece of machinery or equipment. 2) The process for hanging materials or signs. 3) The structure to where hanging materials are attached.

Lead Retrieval

1) The process whereby exhibitors receive a potential customer's contact information in a standardised manner. 2) A system for capturing and following-up on leads generated at an exhibition.


1) The promotional material used by the salespeople to support or corroborate the features and benefits of the item being sold. 2) Collective term for material distributed to attendees at registration, including badges, lanyards, tote bags, agenda and other materials. 3) Assets that can be pledged to guarantee a loan.


1) The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a particular subject. A congress will often last several days and have several simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses is usually annual, although some are on a less frequent basis. Most international or world congresses are latter type; national congresses are more frequently held annually. 2) European term for convention. RELATED TERMS: CONFERENCE, CONVENTION.

Turn around time

1) The time it takes to return to your original point of departure during a continuous move. 2) Time it takes to breakdown and reset a room.


1) To temporarily join wires or slides by overlapping. 2) Plug-in connection between two lines.

Gross Square Feet/Metres (GSF/GSM)

1) Total amount of available function space in exhibit hall or other facility. 2) Total amount of space used for a specific show or event. RELATED TERMS: NET SQUARE FEET/METRES (NSF/NSM).


1) Translucent material used to diffuse or soften light. 2) Gauze-like theatrical curtains.

Common Carrier

1) Transportation company which handles materials. 2) Agency or business that is available to the public for transportation of persons or goods. Usually refers to freight transportation on regularly scheduled trucks or airplanes.


1) Usually blanket protection for uncrated material. 2) Additional material for comfort installed under carpeting in an exhibit booth


1) Venue, area, location, property or specific facility to be used for an event. See EVENT SITE, VENUE. 2) A particular platform or location for loading or unloading at a place.


1) Video or audio device used to maintain a reference on the sound or video that is being sent out to the audience. Audio feeds given to performers are also referred to as monitors but do not necessarily represent the sound sent to the audience. 2) Event staff who observe sessions, report on problems and count attendance. Also called session monitor.


1) Visual repetitive and/or alternating projection of two different slides on the screen used to add emphasis. 2) (Sound) adjustment of each microphone for volume and sound quality.

Rooming List

A list, whether printed or electronic, by which an event organizer and/or their designates (e.g. a housing bureau) delivers multiple reservations to a hotel or other housing facility. Often the information contained in a rooming list is originally gathered through attendees' completed Housing Forms. See Also HOUSING FORM.

Show Directory

A listing, with booth/stand numbers, of all the exhibitors in an event and a map showing booth/stand locations.

Line-Array Speaker System

A loudspeaker system that consists of multiple, usually identical, loudspeaker elements that are mounted in a vertical line to create a directional sound beam.


A 150 watt to 1000 watt lighting instrument that acts like a floodlight providing an even light over a specific area; frequently seen in polished aluminum version, hanging in large groups from a ground support or flying truss system.


A charge placed on beer, liquor, and wine brought into a facility but purchased elsewhere.

Container Detention

A charge that is assessed when a container is not returned to the carrier within the allowable time.

Second Tier City

A city where the space limitations of the convention center, the hotels, or the air lift, make the city more appropriate for smaller meetings and events.


A class of accommodations that is larger than a typical hotel room that usually contains a separate sitting room and may contain other facilities.

Force Majeure Clause

A clause in an agreement that excuses performance in the event that a FORCE MAJEURE makes the performance impracticable or impossible.


A clear plastic sheeting used to protect booth carpeting during move-in and set-up of a trade show. Technically a brand name, it is applied generically in common usage.

Blind Commission

A commission that is paid by a hotel to a third party for services; it comes out of the hotel sleeping room rate, but is not disclosed to the guests or the event organizer. In some countries, this practice could be subject to legal restrictions and/or ethical concerns.

Reservation Request

A communication by which a guest indicates sleeping room requirements; these are forwarded to the hotel to secure a reservation.

Production Company

A company that presents special effects and theatrical acts. This type of company may contract to put on an entire event or only parts of one. They sometimes hire speakers as part of their contract.

Special Events Company

A company that produces events which include a variety of creative elements including décor, special effects, theatrical acts or other entertainment. It may produce stand-alone events or functions within a larger programme, such as a gala dinner during a convention.

Application Service Provider (ASP)

A company that provides software to customers through the Internet using centralised servers owned and managed by the provider.

Meeting Management Company

A company, representing another organization, handling site selection, negotiations and turnkey support for an event.


A complete rehearsal including all elements of the event production, such as presentations, performances, music or entertainment, lighting, audio-visual and technical aspects.


A component of a loudspeaker system that is designed to reproduce very low bass frequencies.

Multi-Track Conference

A conference with parallel program sessions where participants have the choice to follow one or the other track or to jump from one track to the other during the duration of the event.

Lighting Truss

A construction of tubular steel or aluminum alloy onto which lighting instruments are hung and which is in turn suspended above the stage or exhibit.

Indemnification Clause

A contract clause in which one party agrees to pay damages or claims that the other party may be required to pay to another. For example, if a hotel is sued by an attendee that is injured at an event due to the fault of the group, an indemnification clause might require the group to pay back the hotel. Some times the law requires one party to indemnify another even without a specific clause. Generally, the terms of the clause will be followed over the state law. RELATED TERMS: HOLD HARMLESS.

Commissionable Rate Commitment

A contract in which the room rate to be charged to attendees includes a commission to be paid to either the sponsoring group or a third party, such as a travel agent, or independent event planning or site selection organisation.

Right of First Refusal

A courtesy a facility extends to a previously booked party to approve or disapprove a concurrent booking or to save uncontracted space for the previously booked party for program growth.

Target Date

A date set by event management and/or general service contractor for the arrival of freight at a trade event. Usually shipments received before or after this date are assessed a penalty charge.

Arrival/Departure Pattern

A description of arrival and departure activities of an event's attendees. This information should be included in the specifications guide for an event.

Chart of Accounts

A detailed list of the individual line items that make up the revenue and expense categories in a budget. A numbering system used to identify every line item in a budget, so that income and expenses are posted to the correct accounts.

Wireless Access Point (WAP)

A device that allows a connection to a wired network from a wireless device.

Citywide Event

An event that requires the use of a convention centre or event complex, as well as multiple hotels in the host city.

Technical Meeting

An event with attendees who are involved in research, applied sciences, engineering or technology or are suppliers to them.

Show Within a Show

An event with its own name and focus that takes place within a larger, related event.

End Cap

An exhibit space with aisles on three sides. RELATED TERMS: PENINSULA.

Corner Booth/Stand

An exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles, often sold by show managers at a premium rate.

Portable Exhibit

An exhibit that "pops-up" or a self-contained exhibit that is lightweight and easily set up.

Modular Exhibit

An exhibit that uses standardized components (e.g., panels, frames) that can be assembled and reassembled in different configurations for different needs.

Peninsula Booth/Stand

An exhibit with aisles on three sides.

Vertical Show

An exhibition at which the products or services being displayed represent one element of an industry or profession.

Trade Show

An exhibition of products and/or services held for members of a common or related industry. Not open to the general public.

Horizontal exhibition

An exhibition that appeals to representatives of one or more industries through many types of products and services on display.

Act of God

An extraordinary natural event such as extreme weather, flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquake or similar natural disaster that cannot be reasonably foreseen or prevented over which a contracting party has no reasonable control, making performance of the contract illegal, impracticable or impossible, thus the parties have no legal responsibility to continue performance of the contract. See FORCE MAJEURE.

Record Locator

An identifying number for the Passenger Name Record (PNR) in a file or record.

Countervailing Duty

An import duty imposed to offset export grants, bounties, or subsidies paid to foreign suppliers in certain countries by the governments of those countries as an incentive to exports.

Pillow Gift

An in-room amenity left in the evening while an event is underway, that the attendee will discover upon returning to the room. Can be gifts from sponsors, etc.

Hold Harmless

An indemnity clause that provides that both parties agree to defend and/or compensate each other for asserted claims against, or liability damages incurred by one party, due to the acts or omissions of the other. RELATED TERMS: INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE.

Industry Insights

An initiative of the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry managed by the Events Industry Council (EIC). The Industry Insights committee develops and manages the implementation of accepted practices (voluntary standards) for the industry. Formerly the Accepted Practices Exchange (APEX).

General Liability Insurance

An insurance policy that provides protection against claims involving bodily injury and property damage to third parties.

Smart Board

An interactive presentation white board that interacts with a computer image.


An interchange between an inner circle debating an issue and an outer circle of observers. Individuals occasionally move from one circle to the other.

ATA Carnet

An international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year. It eliminates or reduces value-added taxes (VAT) charges, customs fees, and bond fees. The acronym "ATA" represents the French and English words "Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission." ATA carnets cover commercial samples, professional equipment, and goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions, etc. Items not covered are consumable or disposable goods that will not be returned home.

Global Reporting Initiative Event Organisers Sector Supplement (GRI EOSS)

An international protocol for reporting on sustainable events.

Meeting, Incentive, Conference/Congress, & Exhibition (MICE)

An internationally used term for the events industry.

Wireless Infrared Interpreting System

An interpreting system operated by radio waves and hence without wire or cable connections to audience headsets.

State Travel Office

An official government agency or privately run, nonprofit organization responsible for travel development and promotion of a state (or territory). Often, an office responsible for travel development is part of another department or agency of a state government such as commerce and economic development. State travel offices vary in sizes of staffs and budgets.

Advance Order

An order for goods and/or services placed before the move-in date for an exhibition. Usually less expensive than an order made on-site or a FLOOR ORDER.

Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO)

An organisation defined and recognised by its status as an incorporated, non-profit agency or local government entity which promotes economic development of the community through travel and tourism. DMOs assist planners by providing information on local resources and services, site selection, and other pre-conference and post-convention services. RELATED TERMS: CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU.

Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)

An organisation defined and recognized by its status as an incorporated, non-profit agency or local government entity, which promotes economic development of the community through travel and tourism. CVBs assist planners by providing information on local resources and services, site selection, and other pre-conference and post-convention services. RELATED TERMS: DESTINATION MARKETING ORGANISATION.

General Service Contractor (GSC)

An organisation that provides event management and exhibitors with a wide range of services, sometimes including, but not limited to, distributing the exhibitor manual, installation and dismantle, creating and hanging signage and banners, laying carpet, material handling, and providing booth/stand furniture. Also called OFFICIAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR. RELATED TERMS: OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR, SERVICE CONTRACTOR.


An organised occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is often composed of several different yet related FUNCTIONS.


An organization similar to ASCAP and BMI that licenses the use of copyrighted music for various artists. Formerly called the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers.


An outdoor facility with a flat performance area surrounded by a sloped seating area for the audience. The seating area is usually a semi-circular shape or adapted to the surrounding landscape.

Third Party Planner

An outsourced meeting or event planner.

Licensing Agreement

A right or permission granted by the owner of a property (tangible or intangible) to engage in some business or occupation or engage in some transaction, which would be unlawful without such right or permission. A business arrangement in which the manufacturer of a product (or a firm with proprietary rights over certain technology, trademarks, etc.) grants permission to some other group or individual to manufacture that product (or make use of that proprietary material) in return for specified royalties or other payment. Many convention centre agreements are written as license agreements.


A room set permanently in a conference configuration, generally with a fixed table and executive seating.

Press Room

A room where members of the media may obtain exhibitor press kits, conduct interviews, or relax. Larger press rooms offer computers, Internet access, and office equipment for use by the press in filing their stories.

Random Sample

A sample of a statistical population in which all members of the population have an equal probability of being selected and which is used as an unbiased representation of the population.

Red Eye Flight

A scheduled flight that departs late at night and arrives in the morning.

Dedicated Bandwidth

A set amount of BANDWIDTH that is exclusively available to the end user or group.

Display Rules & Regulations

A set of specifications for exhibit construction endorsed by all major exhibit industry associations. Also refers to the individual additional rules which may be adopted by event management. Guidelines are provided by the International Association of Exhibition Executives.

Pocket Programme

A shortened printed version of the event programme giving basic information in a way which is easy to refer to and convenient to carry.

Cross Aisle

A smaller aisle perpendicular to a larger main aisle.

Interpreter's Booth/Stand

A soundproof cubicle in which the interpreter works.

Tentative Hold

A space temporarily held by a facility or venue for a specific date pending a definite booking. There are no consequences for cancellation.

Regional Exclusivity

A speakers bureau's/agency's exclusivity is limited to a particular region or territory.

Ellipsoidal Spotlight

A spotlight that can be shaped and controlled to light lecterns, signs and areas that need a tightly focused light pool; can be used with a gobo to project images such as a logo. RELATED TERMS: LEKO


A stand upon which a speaker may rest notes or books. May be "standing," which rests on the floor, or "table-top," which is placed on a table. Often confused with PODIUM.


A statement of estimated revenues and expenditures for a specified period of time, event or project; divided into subject categories and arranged by principal areas of revenue and expense.

Tube Lights

A string of small, low voltage lights contained in a clear or transparent colored plastic tube, generally wired to be run by a three- or four-circuit sequencer (controller); used as a highlighter around signs, stages, or entrances. They can be bent and mounted on peg-board or other surfaces to form lighted words.

French Service - Banquet Style

A style of food service. In this pattern of service, platters of food are composed in the kitchen. Each food item is then served from the guest's left by the server from the platters to individual plates.

E-Poster System

A system that uses a large monitor and computer to display multimedia versions of a poster; typically used at scientific and medical conferences.

Interactive Response

A system which enables the audience to respond to prepared questions by means of a multifunction keypad, text messaging or other electronic systems. Responses are collected and tabulated by software and can be shared or displayed graphically. RELATED TERMS: AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEM.

Order of Precedence

A system which ranks dignitaries according to international protocol for purposes of seating, honors or ceremonies.

On Consumption

A term used in food and beverage that refers to the purchasing option based on the amount utilised by the group. The organisation pays for the food and beverage based on the actual food and beverage served and consumed.

Back of the House (BOH)

A term used in hotels and other venues to refer to areas for staff only, as opposed to the front of the house.

24 Hour Hold

A term used to describe the type of reservation made on function space within a venue (hotel, convention center, etc.). An event organizer who has 24-hour hold on a space has exclusive use and access to that space for a period of 24-hours, usually 12:01 AM-12:00 PM.

Single Camera

A video signal that captures a single camera angle for recording an event or show. Also referred to as an isolated (ISO) camera feed.

Point-to-Multipoint Videoconference

A videoconference from one location to multiple sites.

American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)

ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Hotel Reservation

An agreement between the hotel to provide a guest room on certain dates and rate and the guest who agrees to use the hotel on the specified dates at the agreed upon rate (and any other terms). Normally, a deposit of one night's stay is required to hold the reservation.

Strategic Relationships

An agreement between two or more enterprises to conduct specified business processes in a joint manner. Usually related to technology development and/or marketing and distribution efforts.


An agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to do or not do something and a right to performance of the other's duty or a remedy for the breach of the other's duty. RELATED TERMS: LETTER OF AGREEMENT.

Forward Contract

An agreement guaranteeing a specific price for a product or service at a given future date. May also guarantee a specific rate of exchange when foreign currency is used.

Airfreight Forwarder

An airfreight company that transports freight via scheduled airlines. Forwarders do not operate their own planes.

Secondary Airport

An airport that is used as an alternative to a city's primary airport.

Complete Meeting Package (CMP)

An all-inclusive plan offered by some conference centres and hotels, including lodging, all meals and support services. RELATED TERMS: DAILY DELEGATE RATE.

Rain Date

An alternate event date contracted to use in case of inclement weather.


An apparent change in the direction of an object, caused by a change in observational position, that provides a new line of sight.

Permission (Opt-In) Marketing

An email marketing campaign that only sends messages to users who have requested (or opted-in) to receive specific types of information. email conference reminders and newsletters are examples of opt-in email marketing campaigns based upon permission marketing.

Post-Consumer Material

An end product that has completed its life cycle as a consumer item and would otherwise have been disposed of as a solid waste. Post-consumer materials include recyclables collected in recycling programs, such as office paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics and metals.


An event at which products, services or promotional materials are displayed to attendees visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business-to-business (B2B) relationships. RELATED TERMS: FAIR, TRADE FAIR, TRADE SHOW, CONSUMER SHOW, GATE SHOW, PUBLIC SHOW.

Regional Event

An event targeted to attendees from a specific geographical area. May be a stand-alone event, or a regional version of a national event. Typically 60% of attendees reside within a 400 mile (640 km) radius of the event city.


An event that broadcasts the audio and/or video portion of a keynote presentation or other educational sessions over the Web in real-time or on-demand.

Special Handling

Applies to display shipments requiring extra labor, equipment, or time in delivery to booth/stand area.


Apron Part of a stage in front of the main curtain.

Speaker Ready Room

Area set aside for speakers to meet, relax, test AV, or prepare prior to or between speeches.


Area where equipment is stored during an exhibition. This area may be located within the exhibition hall in an unused portion of the floor.

Poster Exhibition

Area with display of posters.

Exhibit Hall

Area within a facility where an exhibition is located, usually designed specifically for large shows..


Array of video screens in a rectangular fashion on which images may be displayed individually on each screen or portions of the same image may be displayed in an enlarged format involving the whole or part of the array.

Press Clipping/Cutting

Article, or portion of an article, cut from a printed publication.

Sound Effects

Artificially produced sounds for a theatrical effect.

Corporate Event Marketing Association (CEMA)

CEMA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Federacion de Entidades Organizadores De Congresos Y Afines de America Latina (COCAL)

COCAL is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Carbon Neutral

Carbon neutral is the point at which enough carbon is offset or sequestered to cover a specific amount of carbon generated by a manufacturing process, transportation method, product usage, building or individual.

Preferred Carrier

Carriers that have alliances with exposition service firms and general service contractors. They receive preferential treatment, and some discounts may be obtained by using these carriers.

Service Desk

Centralized on-site location for ordering or reconfirming services provided by general service contractor and specialty contractors.

Certificate in Meeting Management (CMM)

Certificate offered by the Global Business Travel Association and Meeting Professionals International.

Certified Destination Marketing Executive (CDME)

Certification offered by Destinations International (DI).

Certified Hospitality Sales Professional (CHSP)

Certification offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.

Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA)

Certification offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.

Certified Association Executive (CAE)

Certification offered by the American Society of Association Executives and ASAE University. Another CAE certification is offered by the Canadian Society of Association Executives.

Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP)

Certification offered by the Association of Destination Management Executives (ADME).

Certified Meeting Professional (CMP)

Certification offered by the Events Industry Council.

Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive (CHME)

Certification offered by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI).

Certified Exhibition Manager (CEM)

Certification offered by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).

Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP)

Certification offered by the International Live Events Association (ILEA).

Certified Professional Catering and Events (CPCE)

Certification offered by the National Association of Catering Executives (NACE).

Certified Manager of Exhibits (CME)

Certification offered by the Trade Show Exhibitors Association (TSEA).

Round Robin

Contest or tournament in which each participant is matched with every other participant.

Exclusive Contract

Contract between a facility and a service provider designating that provider as the only source of a specific service or product in that facility.

In-House Contractor

Contractor retained by a facility to be on-site and provide services as needed, sometimes on an exclusive basis. In some cases, planners are not required to use their services, but may be charged a surcharge or facility fee for bringing in an outside contractor for the same service. RELATED TERMS: EXCLUSIVE CONTRACTOR.

Music License

Control of the performance of musical compositions by the composers and authors through granting of a license to perform. Controlled by the copyright laws.


Banquet table, usually 60 inches (152 centimetres) in diameter. Also available in 66- and 72-inch (168- and 183 centimetre) diameters. A "Round for 8" is a banquet table at which 8 place settings should be set. Another common configuration is a "Round for 10." Commonly, a 60-inch (152 cm) round is used to seat 8, a 66-inch (168 cm) round seats 9, and a 72-inch (183 cm) round seats 10.

Ticket Exchange

Banquet-control procedure whereby guests exchange an event coupon from their registration packet for an actual event ticket and seat assignment. Increases control. Also tends to reduce the number of no shows to provide more accurate guarantees.

Advance Registration

Booking before an event takes place. Allows attendees to register for an event before it actually takes place.

Call Brand

Brand of liquor, distinguished from HOUSE BRAND, selected by a customer according to personal preference. Usually a higher quality than house brands.

House Brand

Brand of wine or distilled spirits selected by a hotel or restaurant as their standard when no specific brand is specified.

Premium Beer

Brands of domestic or imported beer sold at a higher price point than other brands.

Premium Brand

Brands of spirits (hard liquor), beer and wine sold at a higher price point than other brands.


Buses assembled in one location convenient for passenger loading.

Cancelled Business

Business that was confirmed definite by contract and was later cancelled.


Any agreement which limits who may provide specific products or services under certain conditions to only one party. No other contractor is allowed to provide the same services or products in that facility. The legality of exclusive contracts varies by jurisdiction.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)

Any company other than the designated "official" contractor providing a service to an exhibitor. Can refer to an Install & Dismantle Company (I&D House), photographer, florist or any other type of contractor. RELATED TERMS: INDEPENDENT SHOW MANAGEMENT COMPANY.


Any component of a package tour that is not included in the package price, but may be purchased as an added feature or to extend the length of the package. Tour options are purchased at additional cost.


Any group of rooms that is classified or separated differently than the general attendee block within the Event-Contracted Block (ECB). See also EVENT-CONTRACTED BLOCK.

Virtual conferencing

Any meeting where people at two or more distant locations are linked using video, audio and data for two-way communication via satellite communications or the Internet. Each party sees and hears the other through a TV screen or computer monitor and audio speakers.


Any of a group of related organised occasions that contribute to a larger event.

Plastic Laminate

Any one of several of the melamine plastics bonded to paneling for durability and appearance. Often used in exhibit construction.

Special needs

Any physical or mental consideration that requires special alternatives to ensure an event's physical space, technologies, and food and beverage accommodates those individual needs. Special needs can include food allergies, wheelchair access, signing interpreters, etc. In the United States, see the Americans with Disabilities Act for specific guidelines.

Reasonable Accommodation

Any provision that aids the participation of a person with a disability, as long as it does not create a hazard to others, a major disruption in business or an undue financial or administrative burden.

Event Technology

Any technical and technology needs to support meeting or events. Includes items such as audio-visual, computers, software, power, networking and connectivity. RELATED TERMS: AUDIOVISUAL (AV)

Virtual tour

Any tour where people at two or more distant locations are linked using video, audio and data for communications. Each party sees and hears the tour through a TV screen or computer monitor and audio speakers.

Shirring the Drape

Gathering drape along the rods to even out the folds and give each panel of drape equal spacing.


Gathering of a group with shared or special interests. Traditionally refers to meetings of a confidential or secret nature with restricted or limited participation. From the Latin for "with key", referring to a historical practice of sequestering participants.


Gathering of delegates, representatives, and members of a membership or industry organisation convened for a common purpose. Common features include educational sessions, committee meetings, social functions, and meetings to conduct the governance business of the organisation. Conventions are typically recurring events with specific, established timing. RELATED TERMS: CONGRESS, CONFERENCE.


Gathering to promote enthusiasm and excitement.

Poster Presentations

Informal sessions near poster exhibition to present and discuss contents of posters.

Rap Sessions

Informal sessions with no specific agenda.

Registration Data

Information about an attendee that is gathered as part of the registration process (occupation, fee category, etc).

Quantitative Data

Information that is represented numerically so as to assign ranks or scores, or determine averages and frequencies. Also called "hard data."


Informative and educational presentation to an audience.

Panel Discussion

Instructional technique using a group of people chosen to discuss a topic in the presence of an audience, or for a virtual event, such as a Webinar.

Stage Directions

Instructions in the script concerning movements and arrangements on the stage.

Post As

Instructions to a facility indicating the exact way a specific function should be listed on the facility's reader board.

Microphone (MIC)

Instrument which converts sound into electrical signals for transmitting or recording. Commonly abbreviated as MIC.

All-Risks Insurance

Insurance against loss of or damage to property arising from any fortuitous cause except those that are specifically excluded.

Cancellation or Interruption Insurance

Insurance that protects an event organiser against financial loss or expenses incurred when contractually specified perils necessitate cancelling or relocating a event, or cause a reduction in attendance.

Audience Response System

Interactive computer or mobile device application that enables voting or polling and then collects and displays the results.


Interactive instructional technique in which the learner has an opportunity to practice a new skill in a simulation, imitation or role-play of a real life situation.

Whispered Interpretation

Interpretation by an interpreter in a low voice to the audience usually while sitting next to the interpreter.


Loudspeaker designed to reproduce high frequencies only. Tweeters are typically use at frequencies beyond the centre of the audio spectrum which, if placed on a logarithmic scale like a piano keyboard, would be about 630 Hz. Also known as a treble speaker.

Centre Speakers

Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers' projection area.

Delay Speakers

Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers' projection area.

Fill-Type Speakers

Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers' projection area.


Low drape divider between exhibit booths/stands.

Best Available Rate (BAR)

Lowest available rate for non-group reservations at a hotel.

Spot Time

Designated time for vehicle or staff to report to assignment.

Port of Entry

Destination providing customs and immigration services.

On-Site Management

Details that the event manager must supervise at the site of the event.

Automated External Defibrilator (AED)

Device installed in many large public areas (e.g. airports, hotels, convention centres). Can be used by any individual to administer life-saving care to person experiencing a heart attack.

Stage Plot

Diagram, drawn to scale, indicating placement on stage of equipment, props, microphones, etc.

Receiving Line

Dignitaries, host, sponsor, and guest of honor lined up to greet guests.

Fire Exit

Door or passageway, clear of obstructions, designed by local authorities for egress from a building or structure.

Campus Housing

Dormitory or other university/college sleeping accommodations.


Drapes, curtain, or fabric panels at the back of a stage, speaker's table, or exhibit booth/stand.

Shimmer Curtain

Draping made of strips of colored material that catch and reflect the light.

Exhibition Services & Contractors Association (ESCA)

ESCA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Event Service Professionals Association (ESPA)

ESPA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Underground Hospitality Suite

Hospitality suite that is not hosted by an official sponsoring organization (liability risk).


Facility type featuring a large flat main floor surrounded by fixed seats in a sloping oval or modified oval shape, much steeper that the typical theatre. Some are arranged in two or more tiers. Sight lines are nearly always designed for events the size of a hockey floor, circus, ice show, or basketball court.


Facility usually designed for baseball or football as a primary function. May be domed or open-air. Sometimes difficult to distinguish from a large arena.

Convention Center

Facility whose purpose it is to host trade shows, public shows, conventions, and other functions and that combines exhibition space with a substantial number of smaller meeting and event spaces. A convention center may be purpose-built or converted and municipally or privately owned. RELATED TERMS: CONGRESS CENTER.

Pro Forma

Financial forms (invoices, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, etc.) based on future expectations; provided or made in advance to describe items or projections.


Financial support provided by the host destination or government as an incentive to attract large congresses or events.

Registration Form

Form used by an event attendee to sign up to attend an event. It is used to collect important information about the attendee and his/her intended participation in the event.

Reservation Form

Form used by event organizer, housing bureau or lodging facility to register guests for sleeping rooms.

White Tie

Formal dress requiring white tie and tails for men and formal evening dress for women.


Formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a meeting.

Opening Address

Formal speech given at the commencement of a meeting to welcome participants; usually given by an eminent person.

Percentage of Change Formula

Formula used to establish the variability in cost for future facility services.

Quad Box

Four electrical outlets in one box, which should be grounded.

Audience Reaction Team

Four or five attendees query the main speaker from the stage with questions from the audience and follow-up questions.

Abstract Board

Freestanding or rolling boards, typically 4'X8' used for attaching copies of research papers for authors to discuss with participants.

Quick Set

Function room set-up that saves room turnover time, limits the number of event rooms required, and avoids additional charges for changing room set-ups.

Break-Out Rooms

Function rooms set up for a group within an event as opposed to a plenary or general session spaces. Also known as SYNDICATE ROOMS.

Risk Monies

Funds that an agency would not recoup should a tour not materialize, i.e., nonrefundable deposits to suppliers, promotional expenditures, printing expenses.


Gaining public visibility for an event (pre, during or post) via the media.

Tripod Screen

Portable projection screen (usually not larger than 10-12 feet) with three folding legs and a pull-up surface supported by a rod on the back.

Show Office

On-site event management office.

Pre- or Post-Event Tour

Organized outing taking place before (Pre-) or after (Post-) an event for both attendees and accompanying persons.


Panorama. Sideways movement of a camera to film a wide scene.

Invited Paper

Paper or speech on a specific subject submitted or presented at the request of an event's organisers, typically for an academic conference.

Damage Clause

Part of a contract dealing with procedures, penalties, and rights of the party causing damages.

Liability Clause

Part of a contract outlining conditions of liability.


Part of the stage farthest from the audience or camera.

Support Staff

Part- or full-time personnel who provide services for tasks associated with programs, events, or conventions.

Modular Panels

Partition units (walls, doorframes, etc.) in standard sizes, used for building booths/stands in the sizes desired in that context.


Passenger changing planes without going through security and/or customs.

By the Person

Per Person. A fixed price per attendee; covers all consumption of food and beverage at a function, within a given time frame.

Per Diem

Per day. Daily allowance for food, lodging and, in some cases, incidentals and ground transportation expenses.


Period of time before a property's soft opening.

High Season

Period when the demand for a supplier's product or service is highest. Prices generally increase in high season. Also called PEAK SEASON. Compare with LOW SEASON. RELATED TERMS: LOW SEASON, PEAK SEASON, VALUE SEASON, SHOULDER SEASON.

Low Season

Period when the demand for a supplier's product or service is lowest. Prices generally decrease in low season. Compare with HIGH SEASON. RELATED TERMS: VALUE SEASON, HIGH SEASON, PEAK SEASON, SHOULDER SEASON.


Person appointed to note and record the proceedings of sessions and to write summaries of the paper(s) presented for a final summation session.

Duty Manager

Person at a facility in charge of operations and/or guest relations for a certain period of time. RELATED TERMS: MANAGER ON DUTY.

Stage Master

Person at a venue in charge of stage facilities.

Shop Steward

Person designated by the union within a shop or unit to represent employees.


Person explaining a given topic in an informational session.


Person or company responsible for the production of something; usually used in reference to a theatrical producer, event producer or an exhibit producer.

Floor Manager

Person retained by event management to supervise the installation, dismantling and operation of the exhibit area.

Technical Director

Person who calls cues from the control room.

Lighting Director

Person who designs the lighting, directs placement of lighting equipment, and calls lighting cues on-site.

Broadcast Producer

Person who oversees the production and broadcast of a virtual or hybrid event.

Pre-Set Service

Placing plated foods on banquet tables prior to seating guests.

Patch Panel

Plug and jack assembly permitting studio outlets to be temporarily connected to dimmer outlet circuits; also found in studio sound systems. Also Called PATCH BAY.


Pointed pegs used to secure the guy ropes of a tent in the ground. Wooded stakes are used for grass-covered earth, steel stakes are required when the ground is extremely hard, rocky or paved.


Private dispute resolution process in which the parties agree to submit their dispute to an impartial third party for a decision. Depending on the type of arbitration, the arbitrator's decision may or may not be binding. A form of ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.

Sponsored Bar

Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks.

Power Response

Measure of a loudspeaker's output with reference to its electrical input. Power response includes the total sound energy radiated into the acoustic space around the loudspeaker rather than just on-axis. Flat power response would indicate that a loudspeaker is radiating equal energy into all angles at all frequencies.

Net Monetary Benefits

Measure of an event's profit calculated as revenues minus expenses.

Projection Distance

Measurement from the projector to the screen.

Return on Objectives (ROO)

Measurement of the benefit received for participating at an event based on pre-set objectives for success.

Open Space Technology Session

Meeting format where the agenda is set by the participants upon arrival. A facilitator helps participants organise into conversation groups.

Host Bar

Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks. RELATED TERMS: OPEN BAR, SPONSORED BAR.

Cash Bar

Private room bar set up where guests pay for drinks individually.

Sound Mix

Procedure of combining independently recorded narration, music and/or sound effect to single master tape or film, while at the same time establishing tone, volume and balance between elements.

Emergency Action Plan

Procedures about how to react and respond to an emergency situation, such as medical emergencies, fire and bomb threats.

Simultaneous interpretation

Process of orally translating one language into another while the speaker is speaking.

On-Site Registration

Process of signing up for an event on the day of, or at the site of, the event.

Simultaneous Translation

Process of translating one language into another while the speaker is speaking. Same as SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION.

Pallet Wrap

Process of wrapping loose items on pallet with a transparent plastic wrapping.

Convention Services Manager (CSM)

Professional at a hotel, convention centre or convention bureau who is responsible for event operations management on all levels.

Exhibitor Prospectus

Promotional materials sent to current and prospective exhibitors to encourage participation. It promotes the value of exhibiting in a specific show and contains information about technical points, cost of exhibition space, a floor plan of the exhibition and an application for participation.


Properties, products, and other materials that are transported via ships, trains, trucks, or airplanes.

Trim Props

Props arranged to decorate the set. Also Called SET DRESSING.

Near Field Communication

Protocols that enable data transfer between wireless devices that are within very close proximity (less than 10 cm)

Religious Conference Management Association

RCMA is a member of the Convention Industry Council.

Regional Security Officer

RSO. Consular official charged with the security of his/her country's nationals while traveling in his region.

Room, Tax and Incidentals (RTI)

RTI is an abbreviation often used in reference to charges at an hotel, motel, inn, bed and breakfast, etc.

Show Rates

Rates established by event management, official service contractors and/or other official service providers, and published in the EXHIBITOR MANUAL.


Modulator-demodulator. Computer component that enables a computer to send and recieve data over telephone or cable lines.

Tech Check

Review of all technical aspects of the production.

Promotional Fares

Reduced fares for travel to particular cities. The number of seats sold at the reduced fare is limited and, therefore, early booking is critical. These tickets also carry many restrictions.


Reduction in the number of rooms used from the original reserved block.

Peak Night

Referring to the night during an event when most rooms are occupied by those in attendance.

Post-Conference Registration

Registration for an activity or function which follows an event.

Online Registration

Registration made via the Web.

Early Registration

Registration received before a pre-defined date, usually offering a lower fee, referred to as an early bird rate.

Exhibitor Advisory Committee

Representatives of an event's exhibiting companies who act as advisors to show management on procedures, the needs of exhibitors, and provide feedback for marketing and growing the show.

Sound Wings

Risers on stage right and stage left for stacked sound equipment which allows storage space hidden from the audience's view.

Foreign Exchange Currency Risk

Risk that an organisation takes when dealing with foreign currency due to exchange rates fluctuating over time.


Room adjacent to pool area, with or without sleeping facilities.

Electronic Request for Proposal (E-RFP)

Requests for proposals that are generated using online tools, including those from meeting technology suppliers and hotel websites; often used for site selection as well as other sourcing for event products and services.

Black Tie

Required dress: dinner jacket, bow tie and cummerbund for the men and formal evening dress for the women. May include national dress. In the U.S. and Canada, Black Tie indicates Tuxedo. "Black tie optional" indicates that formal dress is preferred but not required.

Continuing Education Credit (CEC)

Requirement of many professional groups by which members must certify participation in formal educational programmes designed to maintain their level of ability beyond their original certification date. RELATED TERMS: CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT (CEU).


Room for gathering an audience for speeches, performances, concerts, etc. Often used to name entire facilities, though properly applied only to the seated portion of the facility in which the audience is assembled. Can often have tiered seating.

Green Room

Room stocked with refreshments for artists, featured speakers and entourage to prepare, meet guests and media representatives.


Room with a couch or couches that convert to beds.

Adjoining Rooms

Rooms with common walls, but without connecting doors.

Banquet Round

Round table used for meal service; depending on the diameter, can comfortably seat up to 12 persons. A round for 8 is usually 60-inches in diameter, and a round for 10 is usually 72-inches in diameter. Rounds that are 66 inches in diameter may also be found in use for tables of 8-10.

Technical rehearsal

Run-through of technical aspects of an event such as lighting, sound, special effects, etc.

Southern African Development Community (SADC)

SAACI is a member of the Events Industry Council.


SEE Piracy.

POV Line

SEE Privately Owned Vehicle Line.

Full American Plan (FAP)




Function Sheet


Cash Basis Accounting


Schoolroom Set-Up


Convention & Visitors Authority (CVA)








Inside Booth/Stand


Data Projector




By the Drink


First Option


Local Host


First Announcement


Dimmer Board


Society of Government Meeting Professionals

SGMP is a member of the Convention Industry Council.

Society for Incentive Travel Excellence

SITE is a member of the Events Industry Council.

RFP Published Date

The date a Request for Proposals (RFP) is released from an event organizer and is made public.

RFP Distribution Date

The date a Request for Proposals (RFP) is to be passed along if an event organizer is using an intermediary to distribute the RFP [i.e., If an event organizer sends an RFP to a Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), and wants the CVB to send the RFP to member hotels on a certain date, that date is the RFP Distribution Date].

Pattern of Event Dates

The dates during which an event can be conducted. May be designated by specific dates, months, or seasons (Spring, Fall, etc.).

Fixed Costs

The day-to-day cost of doing business that is pre-committed, such as salaries, insurance, lease expenses, utilities, etc.


The difference between number of reservations at cut-off date and the number of final reservations at the end of an event. Can be positive or negative and be expressed as a number or percentage.


The difference between the actual number of sleeping rooms (or food and beverage, or revenue) realised and the number agreed to in the facility's contract. Usually a percentage or actual shortfall limit is allowed before damages are assessed.


The document (printed or online) that promotes the chief features and benefits of a product or service to prospects.

Video Enhancement

The enlargement of a video image from the size of a typical consumer television screen to dimensions for large projection screens. Used when attempting to present a larger-than-life image to an audience.

Spot Exchange

The exchange rate for foreign currency for immediate purchase/delivery.

Closing Session

The final session of an event in which the subjects which have been discussed are summarised and possible conclusions reached and announced.

Preliminary Announcement

The first announcement that an event will take place, giving the dates, location and theme.

Preliminary Programme

The first public draft of an event's schedule giving details of ancillary activities confirmed at the time of release and usually containing event registration information.

Closed-Ended Incentive Programme

The number of winners is limited by a predetermined amount to be spent on the incentive programme. RELATED TERMS: OPEN-ENDED INCENTIVE PROGRAMME.

Cancellation/No-Show Percentage

The number or percentage of contracted rooms that do not actualise into occupied rooms due to guest cancellations or no-shows. RELATED TERMS: ATTRITION, WASH.

Risk Management

The ongoing process of assesing the risks that may threaten attendees, the meeting or event itself, the organiser, or partner-suppliers, and applying the appropriate measures to manage the probability of occurrence and consequences of such risks.

Route Manager

The person responsible for managing motor coach flow, routes, drivers, etc.

Room Set-up

The physical arrangement of a room including the layout of tables, chairs, other furniture, and equipment.

Learning Environment

The physiological, psychological, social/cultural, industry, nutritional, technological, physical, service, personnel, and evaluation factors surrounding the learning experience.

Set-Up Drawings

The plans from which the exhibit components are assembled.

Break-Even Point

The point at which revenues are equal to expenses.


The portion of an auditorium or room that has been structured into a formal area for productions or presentations.


The practice of claiming or sharing false or misleading information in order to present an environmentally responsible image.


The practice of conducting an event related to an existing meeting but not approved by the event's host organization

Hard Close

The predetermined time when a bar is closed at an event and the servers are prohibited from dispensing alchoholic beverages.

Event Specifications Guide (ESG)

The preferred term for a comprehensive document that outlines the complete requirements and instructions for an event. This document is typically authored by the event planner and is shared with all appropriate vendors as a vehicle to communicate the expectations of services for a project. Sometimes called staging guide ot RÉSUMÉ.

Double Room Rate

The price per person for a double-occupancy hotel guest room.

Space Draw/Selection

The process of assigning exhibit space for the next event based on the exhibitors' active involvement in the process.

Floor Marking

The process of marking the floor of an empty exhibit hall to indicate the locations where individual booths/stands will be set.


The purchase, for a premium, of a guarantee of protection for a supplier or a customer. In the hospitality industry, certain bonding programmes are mandatory.

Rate of exchange

The rate at which the unit of one currency may be exchanged for the unit of another currency.

Daily Delegate Rate

The rate charged by a venue per delegate for a full day including room hire, lunch and coffee breaks. Rate may also include basic audio visual equipment and other meeting materials. RELATED TERMS: COMPLETE MEETING PACKAGE.

Show Rules

The requirements and procedures prepared by event management for exhibitors and contractors at a given event

Music Licensing

The right granted by one party to let a another party use live or recorded music through special agreements and fee structures, often conducted with organisations that represent artists.

Event-Contracted Block (ECB)

The rooms that are contracted by an event organiser with a hotel(s) or housing facility(s) for a particular event. RELATED TERMS: PERIPHERAL BLOCK, SUB-BLOCK.

Likert Scale

The scale is a measure of attitudes with a numbered point, through a neutral centre, to an opposite point.


The sending of video signals via microwave to an existing satellite for transmission to selected sites or anyone capable of satellite reception for that signal; used for teleconferencing or broad distribution of a message on a national or international basis.


The sequential numbers assigned to each frame of video or film representing the passage of time in hours, minutes, seconds, and even tenths of seconds. Time codes are used for cataloging purposes and during editing.

Empty Sticker

The tag indicating a crate may be moved into storage. The sticker identifies the exhibitor and the return location for the crate.

Exhibitor Move-In/Move-out

The time period allowed for exhibitors to prepare their exhibit space for show opening. The time allowed for exhibitors to dismantle and remove their exhibit following show closing.

Percent of the Net

Type of payment involving a fixed percent of the net income after costs of providing that service. This type of payment is often used in services provided by exclusive contractors within a facility.

Beaded Screen

Type of screen with highly reflective surface used for front projection.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

U.S. legislation that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and government activities.

Compression/Decompression or Coder/Decoder (CODEC)

Videoconferencing standard, included in hardware and/or software, used to compress or code video, audio, and data signals for transmission and decompress or decode the signal at the other end of the transmission.

Obstructed View

View of stage, from audience seating, which is blocked.

Transit Visa

Visa allowing holder to stop over in a country to make a travel connection or for a brief visit.


Visual presentation of a specified size, presented on a flat sheet of paper or card, with details of a specific topic.


Voluntary payment made for services where no fee is legally required.

Waiter Parade

White gloved servers circle the room, usually with flaming dishes, before placing the food on the tables with a flourish.

Varietal Wine

Wines made mainly from one variety of grape. Such wines have the characteristics of the primary grape used. Popular varietals are: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc and Zinfandel.


Wooden platform used to carry goods. See SKID.

Chevron Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which chairs or tables are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a centre aisle. They face the head table or speaker. RELATED TERMS: HERRINGBONE SET-UP, V-SHAPE SET-UP, SCHOOLROOM V SET-UP.

Square Set-up

Seating arrangement in which double- or triple-wide tables are set up with chairs placed around all sides.

Boardroom Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which rectangle or oval shaped tables are set up with chairs on both sides and ends. Often confused with HOLLOW SQUARE SET-UP.

Conference Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which rectangular or oval tables are set up with chairs placed around all sides.

Classroom Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which rows of tables with chairs face the front of a room and each person has a space for writing. Also called SCHOOLROOM SET-UP.

Theatre Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which seats are in rows facing the stage area, no tables.

Theatre Semicircular Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which seats are in semicircular rows facing the stage area, no tables.

Hollow Circle Set-Up

Seating arrangement of tables and/or chairs all facing each other in a single circle.

Hollow Square Set-Up

Seating arrangement of tables set in a square (or rectangle) with chairs placed around the outside of the table. Centre space is hollow.

Auditorium Set-Up

Seating arrangement where chairs are arranged in rows facing head table, stage or speaker. Variations are semicircular and V-shaped

Schoolroom V Set-Up

Seating arrangement where rows of tables and/or chairs are slanted in a V-shape facing a head table, stage or speaker.

Crescent-Round Set-Up

Seating at round tables with chairs placed at two-thirds to three-quarters of the table and no seating with backs to the speaker. Used for banquet-to-meeting or meeting-to-banquet quick set. RELATED TERMS: CABERET SET-UP, HALF MOON SET-UP.

Second Option

Second place on a waiting list. The organization holding the second option for specific dates at a facility, for example, may book those dates only if the organization holding the first option decides not to book within a certain period of time. See OPTION.

Six-by-Six rule

See 6-by-6 rule.


See Air Wall.

Syndicate Room


Walk Away Clause


Release Date

See Cut-Off Date.

Show Manager


Show Organizer


Trade Fair


Service Kit



See Event Specification Guide.

Peak Season


Video Magnification


Satellite Meeting






Value Season







See Microphone.



Patch Bay


Meeting Manger


Opt-In Marketing

See Permission Marketing.

PA System

See Public Address System.


See Revenue Per Available Room

Mixing Board


Bed Tax


Room Tax


Plated Buffet

Selection of preplated foods and entrees set on a buffet table. Can also be set on a roll-in cart.

Rights Only

Selling only the rights to a sponsorship, with the buyer incurring expenses for production, installation and dismantle.


Series of sketches or pictures which outline the subject to be developed.

T-shape set-up

Series of tables set up in the shape of the block T with chairs set all around except at the head table.

U-shape set-up

Series of tables set up in the shape of the letter U with chairs set all around on one or both sides.


Service Level Agreement. Usually an adjunct document to a vendor contract.

Collection and Consolidation Service

Service performed for a shipper in which a number of smaller shipments are picked up or received and forwarded as one truckload shipment.

Security Service

Service providing security arrangements, such as checking delegates credentials, searching hand luggage, protecting equipment and patrolling congress and exhibition areas.


Service-staff member who handles function-room set up and tear down. RELATED TERMS: BANQUET SET-UP.

Ramp Session

Session added on to the end of the day's program, usually after dinner, to accommodate extra papers or an extra papers of an extra plenary lecture.

Parallel Session

Session which has some correspondence or similarity of subject, and is simultaneous to another session.

Registration Card

Signature form used by facility when registering a guest.


Skilled labour used to set up displays at events. The union affiliation of the installer will vary based upon the locale and the facility in question.


Sleeping room occupied by one person. The room may have one or more beds in it.

Hotel Accommodation

Sleeping room(s) at a hotel and rooming arrangements; usually specifying the hotel classification in terms of its amenities, facilities, level of service and cost.

Gooseneck Light

Small (75 to 150 watt) spot light with flexible stem.

Break-Out Sessions

Small group sessions, panels, workshops or presentations, offered concurrently within an event. Break-Out Sessions occur apart from the general session.

Table-Top Display/Exhibit

Small portable display that can be set up on top of a table.

Cabaret Table

Small round table, 15-30 inches in diameter (38-76 centimeters) used for cocktail type parties. RELATED TERMS: COCKTAIL TABLE.

Cocktail Table

Small round table, 38-76 centimeters in diameter and 76 centimetres in height used for cocktail parties. Also called CABARET TABLE. RELATED TERMS: CABARET TABLE.

Flash Box

Smoke-producing device for special effects.


Social function where beverages and light foods are served. Foods may be presented on small buffet tables or passed by servers. May precede a meal function.

Performing Rights Societies

Societies whose purpose is to provide collective licensing for copyrighted music. Examples include ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.

Poster Board

Soft or cork board panel, used for displaying copy and/or graphics. See ABSTRACT BOARD.

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)

Software used to design and manufacture products.

Priority point system

System of assigning points to exhibiting companies to determine which firms will be allowed to select booth/stand space for the next event first. Also Called PRIORITY RATING SYSTEM.

Spike Mark

Tape or chalk marks on studio or stage floors designating exact placement of props and actors.

Out Take

Taped or filmed scenes not used in the final production.

Ad Valorem Tax

Tax applied to an item according to the value of an item.

Image Magnification (I-MAG)

Technology by which presenter's image is projected onto a large screen, allowing large audiences to see details from the stage. Also called I-Mag.

Reservation Centre

Telephone or computerised reservation sales office.

Use Day

Term used as a base unit in calculating occupancies. Various facilities have developed different definitions; one of the most common is use of all or part of a facility by one client or tenant for all or part of one day for any purpose; includes event, move-in, move-out and hiatus days.

Set For

The actual number of seats put in place (or to be put in place) for a function.


The actual or virtual lines in the venue or on paper layout that describe what parts of a set or decorative object are visible from a given audience or guest point of view; used to determine what must be decoratively treated or masked (hidden).


The amount of data that can be transmitted (uploaded) or received (downloaded) per second.

Press Officer

The chief public relations contact with the press/media for an organization.

Convention Sales Professionals International (CSPI)

CSPI is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Permit Card

Card granting temporary employment rights to a non-union member, issued by a union having a closed contract with an employer.

Place Card

Card placed on the banquet table, inscribed with the name of the person designated to sit at that place.

Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)

Certification offered by the National Speakers Association (NSA).

Wash Light

Colored light that softly illuminates an area.

Show Producer

Company or individual who is responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting and producing an event.

Rental Booth/Stand

Complete booth/stand package offered to exhibitors on a rental basis.

Pre-Registration List

Computer generated list of names pre-registered with a group.

Rental Contract

Contract stating terms and conditions for rental of exhibition venue or for individual booth/stand within a venue.

Exclusive Contractor

Contractor appointed by event or building management as the sole agent to provide specific services or products. RELATED TERMS: IN-HOUSE CONTRACTOR.

Russian Service

Banquet Russian: The food is fully prepared in the kitchen. All courses are served either from platters or an Escoffier dish. Tureens are used for soup and special bowls for salad. The server places the proper plate in front of the guest. After the plates are placed, the server returns with a tray of food and, moving counter-clockwise around the table, serves the food from the guest's left with the right hand. With this style of service, the server controls the amount served to each guest.

Triple Sheet

Bed made with a third sheet on top of the blanket. Also Called 3-SHEET.

Three Sheet

Bed made with a third sheet on top of the blanket. Also Called TRIPLE SHEET. See Also Triple Sheet

Outside Exhibit

Booth/stand located outdoors.

Space Assignment

Booth/stand space assigned to exhibiting companies or meeting rooms assigned to event groups.

Island Booth/Stand

Booth/stand space with aisles on all four sides.

Bare Booth/Stand

Booth/stand with no services or facilities, meaning that these all have to be hired at an additional cost.

Fast Fold Screen

Brand name for a large screen with a frame which folds down into a small case for storage. The legs of this screen are attached at the sides of the screen, or the screen may be flown from above.

Rental Charges

Cost of hiring a piece of equipment or function space for a specified period of time.

Space Rate

Cost per square foot/meter for exhibit space.

Variable Costs or Expenses

Costs that vary according to the number of attendees, such as food and beverage or printed materials

Base Currency

Currency in which all official business transactions will take place.


Curved, S-shaped tables that when placed together make a snake form.

Destinations International (DI)

DI is a member of the Events Industry Council. Formerly Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI)


Dates set for dismantling. Also Called TEAR DOWN.

Move-In/Move-Out Dates

Dates set for installation/dismantling of an exhibition, a meeting, or other event.

Signed Exception

Delivery receipt, signed by the carrier, noting a damage or shortage.

Packing List

Description and quantity of items contained within a shipment.

Qualitative Data

Descriptive information that is a record of what is observed, presented in narrative by the respondent. Also referred to as "soft data."

Registration Area

Designated area where event registration takes place.

Cut-Off Date

Designated date when a hotel will release any unsold sleeping rooms in a group block and make them available to the general public. RELATED TERMS: RESERVATION REVIEW DATE.

Reservation Review Date

Designated day when the facility will release a block of sleeping rooms to the general public. See CUT-OFF DATE.

Registration Desk

Desk or defined area where event attendees register for an event on-site or retrieve registration materials if they have pre-registered.

Reception Desk

Desk or defined area where guests are received at a hotel, motel or inn.

Lighting Control Console

Desk-type housing, used to contain the controls required for adjusting production lighting. RELATED TERMS: MASTER CONTROL.

Stage Left and Right

Directions from the perspective of a person on stage. Opposite of AUDIENCE LEFT AND RIGHT.

Stage Right and Left

Directions from the perspective of a person on stage. Opposite of AUDIENCE LEFT AND RIGHT.

Screen Left and Right

Directions given from audience perspective.

Show Card

Material used for signs.

Four-Hour Call

Minimum work period for which union labor must be paid (generally, a minimum call is one hour). Not to be confused with minimum charges to exhibitors applied by contractors who service events.

Room Deposit

Money that must be paid in advance in order for a hotel to guarantee to hold a function or sleeping room.

National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners

NCBMP is a member of the Events Industry Council.

National Speakers Association

NSA is a member of the Convention Industry Council.

Tear Down


Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Display composed of mobile crystals in liquid suspension which align themselves and polarise light in response to a small electric charge. The crystals are manufactured in pockets within the display which correspond to areas of dark on light background.


Display to show product, where sales can be made.

Screen/Audience Distance

Distance between the projection screen and the front row of the audience. Rear most audience member should be no more than 8 times the width of the screen in use.

Keystone Effect

Distortion of a projected image whereby the image is wider on top and narrower on bottom. Keystone effect is caused when an image source is not perpendicular to the centre point of the screen or projection surface.


Electronic device which allows display of script for speaker to read during presentation.

Reviewing Stands

Elevated platforms accommodating not more than 50 persons. Seating facilities, if provided, are normally in the nature of loose chairs. Reviewing stands accommodating more than 50 persons shall be regulated as grandstands.


Facility with fixed seats usually on a sloped floor with site lines focused on a permanent stage. Typically a stage box is located behind the proscenium which contains the performance area and the fly loft.

Rack Rate

Facility's standard, pre-established guest room rates.


Facility, as the centre of operations, where registration, general sessions, and conference staff office are located.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Fee imposed on the sale of goods and services.


Fee levied on imported and exported goods. Duties are generally based on the value of the goods (ad valorem duties), some other factors such as weight or quantity (specific duties), or a combination of value and other factors (compound duties). RELATED TERMS: AD VALOREM TAX.

Advance Rate

Fees associated with advance orders, which typically include discounts when paid in advance.

Pink Noise

Filtered white noise that exhibits a constant power in any band of frequencies of the same span percentage. Generated to test loudspeakers in a room as well as to "tune" a room for best audio reproduction.

Closing Ceremony

Final activities at an event which occur during the closing or last session.


Final review copy for client's approval before publishing.

Budget Philosophy

Financial goal of the event (break even, profit or expense).


Items of food and drink consumed between main meals; usually taken during breaks between meetings.


Items such as books, tapes, videos, etc. sold to a client in advance of an event versus items sold on-site.

Hand Carry

Items that an exhibitor is allowed to carry unaided into a event facility without being charged.

Work Rules

Jurisdictional regulations which govern union craftsperson's working arrangement, including what work exhibitor may perform, when overtime begins, etc.

Keynote Session

Keynote sessions are designed to bring everyone together and may include a high-profile speaker or panel presentation.

Panel Dolly

L-shaped dolly with wheels on both the vertical and horizontal sides. Used for moving display panels.


Fireworks Display.

Straight Time (ST) Labour

Labour performed and paid at standard rate for work during normal business hours as established by unions.

Shore Excursion

Land tours, usually available at ports of call, sold by cruise lines or tour operators to cruise passengers.

Room-based videoconferencing

Land-based system for videoconferencing designed to manage communication between one group of people, usually in a conference room setting, with another group or groups in similar settings elsewhere.

Source Language

Language from which a speech or document is translated or interpreted.

Target Language

Language into which a speech or document is translated or interpreted.


Laws that allow for the ownership of intellectual property (such as writings, art, music). Copy-written material may not be used without the owner's permission or the payment of royalty fees.

Blue Laws

Laws that regulate the types of businesses that must be closed, or the types of products that may not be sold on Sundays. Also known as Sunday Laws.

Interactive Learning

Learning activities that involve hands-on, direct experience activity by the learners, and interaction between learners

Transformative Learning

Learning that occurs during the second half of life which is directed at attaining a new consciousness and self-understanding.

Time Delay

Length of time between the production of live sound and when it is actually heard.


Lengths of pipe from which scenery, curtains, and lights can be hung.

Fresnel Lens

Lens which produces a soft edged beam of light. Theatrical fixture with adjustable lens 150 W through 1500 W.

Continental Breakfast

Light morning meal consisting of pastries, juices, and hot beverages. May also include fruit. Usually served buffet style.

Set Light

Light which illuminates background behind the performers.

Pipe and Drape

Light-weight aluminum tubing and drapery used to separate exhibit booths/stands, staging areas, and other similar locations.

Low-Key Lighting

Lighting in which picture intensity produces limited bright areas.

Intelligent Lighting

Lighting instruments that can be computer controlled to move light around the room, and project color and patterns on screens, scenery, walls or floor.

House Lights

Lighting of room separate from stage lighting.

Pop-up Exhibit

Lightweight display normally shipped in molded plastic crates.

Serpentine Queue

Line formation of people going to the same area; line feeds off into several different service stations.

By the Bottle

Liquor served and charged for by the full bottle.

Preliminary Draft

First draft. The first version of a paper or document which is subject to further amendment.

English Service

Food is brought to the table on a tray, presented to the host, who either cuts the food themself or chooses to have it done by the server away from the table. Vegetables are placed in bowls on the table for guests to serve themselves. RELATED TERMS: FAMILY-STYLE SERVICE.

American Service

Food is plated in the kitchen and placed before the guest. Side dishes are used for bread and butter and salad. Food is served from the left, beverages from the right, and all items are removed from the right. This is generally the service used for banquets.

Preplated Items

Food placed on plates in the kitchen prior to being served.


Food prepared according to Islamic dietary laws.

By the Piece

Food purchased by the individual piece, usually for a reception

Plated Service

Foods arranged on individual plates in the kitchen and then served to guests seated at a table. SEE American Service

Off-Premise Catering

Foods usually prepared in a central kitchen and transported for service to an off-site location.

Over-the-Road (OTR)

Freight that is transported on the road and over public highways.

Power Bandwidth

Frequency range over which a power amplifier can produce at least half power (-3dB). This important specification is the actual indication of an amplifier's true power output capability, since many amplifiers are capable of much higher power outputs if frequency extremes such as those produced by music are ignored.


Front of the stage, closest to the audience.

Per Person

Goods or services priced and/or purchased according to the number of guests expected to attend the event.

Prohibited Cargo

Goods restricted by international convention. Also refers to drugs, weapons and ammunitions.


Group of individuals moving in an orderly, often ceremonial manner.

Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI)

HSMAI is a member of the Events Industry Council.


Holder with microphone often used in Q & A (question and answer) sessions.

Split Screen

Horizontally or vertically separated video pictures shown simultaneously.


Hotel living room, usually with a hide-a-bed sofa, connected to an adjoining sleeping room.

Suburban Hotel

Hotel on the outskirts of a large city, which may or may not be near local attractions.

Open Hours

Hours during which an exhibition, event registration or business is open.

Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)

IRF is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Stage Lighting

Illumination for the platform for performers, musicians, actors, or speakers

Rear Projection

Image presentation where the screen is between the viewer and the projector. Often used with a FRONT PROJECTION which is translucent to images being projected from the rear and can be viewed from the front.

Permanent Import

In case of sales, with payment of duties and value added tax (VAT), or in case of free distribution, disposable or consumables usually exempted from payment of duties and VAT depending on each country. Quantity and value exempted at discretion of customs authorities.

Dram Shop Laws

In the U.S., a term for laws covering the liability of people serving alcoholic beverages. Under dram shop laws, a party injured by an intoxicated person can sue establishments contributing to that person's intoxication.


In-depth instructional meeting providing intensive education on a particular subject.

Paid Out

In-house facility form authorizing a cash disbursement to be charged to a master account or individual guest.

Site Inspection

In-person on-site review and evaluation of a venue or location for an event.

Inspection Trip

In-person on-site review and evaluation of a venue or location for an event. RELATED TERMS: SITE INSPECTION.

Open-Ended Incentive Program

Incentive program where the possible number of winners are not predetermined.

Time Lines

Includes each task to be accomplished and is the core of the program plan.

Pending Registration

Incomplete registration where the fees, full payment or forms have not been received.

Exhibit Booth/Stand

Individual display area constructed to showcase products or convey a message, or to sell products or services.

Operations Manager

Individual in charge of performing the practical and detailed work of a program. See OPERATIONS.


Individual responsible for handling registrations.


Individual who has submitted a registration form and attends an event.

Informal Meeting

Informal gathering, not necessarily social.

DMC Consortium

National and/or international alliances of destination management companies that form select communities for the purpose of sharing collective efforts for business sharing, education, ethics and destination management industry monitoring.


Not in view of the audience.


Objects, scenery or audio-visual equipment mounted from above.

Induced Spending

Occurs when employees in a host destination's travel industry and its suppliers spend their wages in the local economy. This chain of buying and selling among businesses and employees continues until the original direct spending leaks out of the local economy. RELATED TERMS: DIRECT SPENDING, ECONOMIC IMPACT.


Off-stage area out of audience sight lines.

Hand Service

One server is assigned for each two guests. Servers wear white gloves. When serving, they stand behind their guests holding two composed plates. When the signal is given, all guests are served at the same time.

Special Event

One time event staged for the purpose of celebration; a unique activity.

Meeting Industry Network (MINT)

Online information network tracking historical and future site/booking information. MINT+ is produced by Destinations International.


Open discussion with audience, panel, and moderator. A meeting or part of a meeting set aside for an open discussion by recognised participants on subjects of public interest.

Keynote Address

Opening remarks or presentation at a meeting that sets the tone or theme of the event and motivates attendees.

Service Contractor

Outside company used by clients to provide specific products or services (e.g. pipe and drape, exhibitor manuals, floor plans, dance floors or flags).


Outside of North America, a general term for registered meeting participant. In some instances a voting representative at a meeting.

Professional Convention Management Association

PCMA is a member of the Convention Industry Council.

Protocol & Diplomacy International- Protocol Officers Association

PDI-POA is a member of the Events Industry Council.


Payment, benefit, or privilege received in addition to regular income or salary.

Sight Acts

Performers who must be watched to be appreciated, such as mimes, jugglers, dancers, and acrobats. See INCIDENTAL ENTERTAINMENT.


Performing the practical work of operating a programme. Usually involves the in-house control and handling of all phases of the services, both with suppliers and with clients.


Period of time when the demand for a certain supplier's product or service is high, low, or neither.

Shoulder Season

Period when the demand for a supplier's product or service is neither high nor low. See HIGH SEASON. See Also LOW SEASON.


Permit, recorded in a passport, to enter a country for a specific purpose and period of time.

Banquet Captain

Person in charge of banquet service at food functions. For small functions, may serve as maitre d'. For larger functions, may be responsible for a specific area of the dining room.

Stage Manager

Person responsible for running the event on stage.


Person who oversees and arranges every aspect of an event. The planner can be an employee of the organisation or a third-party contractor.


Person who presides over panel discussions and forums.

Event Organiser

Person whose job it is to oversee and arrange every aspect of an event. Person can be an employee or hired ad hoc to plan, organise, implement, and control meetings, conventions, and other events. RELATED TERMS: PROFESSIONAL CONGRESS ORGANISER (PCO)


Person(s) or organisation(s) that have an impact on the success of an event or are affected by the event.

Sole Relay Interpreter

Pivot Interpreter; only interpreter in the team assigned to an event who is able to translate out of a lesser used language and functions as a "relay" for the rest of the team in relation to that language.


Placement of equipment in exact location in booth by using a forklift.

Dressing the Exhibit

Placing graphics, plants, literature and applying any finishing touches to the display.

Projection Booth

Platform or area from which audiovisual presentations are controlled.


Porous cover for microphones to block unwanted sounds.

Security Cage

Portable wire enclosure used to lock up materials for safe storage.


Price charged to clients that includes all applicable gratuities, service charges/fees and taxes.

Programme Book

Printed schedule of events, location of function rooms, and other pertinent information.

Open Bar

Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks.

Social Programme

Programme of organised functions, not directly related to the main educational subject of an event.

Front Projection

Projection of an image onto the front surface of a light reflecting screen from a projector placed above, within or behind the audience.

Sponsor Prospectus

Promotional materials sent to current and prospective event sponsors to encourage participation. It promotes the value of sponsoring and contains information about attendee demographics, event program, and sponsor benefits.


Promotional piece designed to build interest in an event.

Restricted Dialing

The ability to control telephone access often by excluding specific country or area codes and certain types of calls. This is often put in place for event rooms and show floor locations.


The act of determining a person's authority or financial ability to purchase a product or service or perform a specific function.


The act of installing an exhibit or equipment.

Room Rate

The amount charged for the occupancy of a room.


The art and science of helping adults learn, as opposed to pedagogy, which is the science of helping children learn.


The beginning and ending days of a room block when fewer rooms are contracted

Row Booth/Stand

The booth/stand within a row of similar booths/stands with the front opening onto an aisle and with other booths/stands on either side.


The change of direction of a light ray passing from one medium to another of different density.

Show Management

The company, group or organization that manages an exhibition.

Orchestra Pit

Sunken area in front of the stage used to accommodate the orchestra.

Audiovisual (AV) Contractor

Supplier of technical staff and audiovisual equipment (e.g. projectors, screens, sound systems, video, and staging).

Outside Vendor

Supplier who is not directly associated with the facility.

Projection Screen

Surface on which images are displayed.


Surplus, excess, or extra.

Horseshoe Set-Up

Tables set up in rounded U shape with chairs placed outside. Chairs inside if needed. RELATED TERMS: U-SHAPE SET-UP.

Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)

Tax placed on hotel/motel room rentals. Generally part of this revenue is used to market the destination and may be used for financing the operation of convention facilities. Also called BED TAX, ROOM TAX.


Technique of projecting two visual images on a screen at the same time.

Low Voltage

Term applied to currents of 24 volts or less. Must be transformed from normal 110 volt input. Useful in animation, lighted model, etc.


The entity or individual that produces an event.

Set Dressing

Props arranged to decorate the set. Also Called TRIM PROPS


Props, lighting, or other decorative elements used to create a theme, ambiance or mood at a function or special event.

Cancellation Clause

Provision in a contract which outlines damages to be paid to the non-cancelling party if cancellation occurs, due the cancelling party's breach of the contract.


Raised platform usually above the floor of a hall or large room. RELATED TERMS: PODIUM, RISER.


Raised platform where a speaker stands when delivering his or her remarks. Often confused with LECTERN.


Raised platform where a speaker stands when delivering their remarks.


Raised platform. See DAIS. See Also PODIUM.

White noise

Random noise whose various frequency components all share the same energy density characteristics, producing the same voltage at any particular discrete frequency over a period of time. This causes a frequency response trend that rises the same number of decibels as the percentage of frequency increase. See NOISE.

Strobe Light

Rapidly blinking, high-intensity light.

Flat Rate

Rate for which a hotel agrees to offer any of its available sleeping rooms (with the exception of suites) to a group. Final assignment of rooms is at the discretion of the hotel. RELATED TERMS: RUN-OF-HOUSE (ROH).


Recipient. The person, people, or organisation to whom something is delivered or addressed. Compare with CONSIGNOR. RELATED TERMS: CONSIGNOR.

Classroom Table

Rectangular table, often narrower than regular tables and 30-inches high. Can be 6' or 8' long and 18- or 24-inches wide.


Refers to measurement of space from the centre of a solid object (such as a column) to another point.

Convention Industry Council


Convention Liasion Council


Exhibit Manager


Exhibitor Kit


Exhibitor Service Kit



SEE: Familiarisation (FAM) Trip

FAM Trip

SEE: Familiarisation (FAM) Trip

Familiarization (FAM) Trip

SEE: Familiarisation (FAM) Trip

Steering Committee

Select group which sets policies and makes basic decisions relative to a group or an event.

Pastry Cart

Selection of desserts on a rolling serving cart.


Setting up exhibit booth/stand and materials according to instructions and drawings.

Function Set-up Order

The Function Set-up Order provides detailed instructions from the event planner to the venue and other suppliers for a specific function and includes room set-up instructions, audio visual and event technology requirements, food and beverage requirements, and other specifications. RELATED TERMS: BANQUET EVENT ORDER (BEO).

Passenger Name Record

The PNR is a record created in a computer reservation system (CRS) / global distribution system (GDS) when a reservation is made for a traveller. The PNR includes a set of identifying code letters and numbers unique to a single reservation, and contains information about a traveller's itinerary. It forms the basic unit of information from which travel management reports are compiled.

Privately Owned Vehicle

The POV is a vehicle, such as a passenger car or van, that is owned or leased by an individual, as distinguished from trucks, tractor-trailers and other over-the-road vehicles that are owned or leased by a company.

Complimentary Ratio

The number of rooms provided at no cost based on the number of occupied rooms. Often expressed numerically, for example 1/50, 1:50 or 1-per-50.

Room Pick Up

The number of sleeping rooms actually used by event attendees and exhibitors.

Zero-based budgeting

The process of building a budget without benefit of a previous year's budget.

Aspect Ratio

The ratio of image width to height; pertaining to video and slides.

Installation & Dismantle (I&D)

The set-up and teardown of exhibits.


These are participant-led conferences where everyone who attends contributes a demonstration or session, or otherwise volunteers in a way to contribute to the event.

Shipping Agent

Third-party hired to handle shipping goods to and from an event. Also Called SHIPPER.


This design format originated in Japan and refers to sessions that include a series of short presentations of 20 slides lasting 20 seconds each. Other similar formats include Ignite®Talks of 20 slides lasting 15 seconds each.


This is a participant-led event. The agenda is typically created by the attendees on arrival and includes open discussions rather than formal presentations.

Pressure Zone Microphone

This type of microphone can be placed on a large surface such as a table, floor, wall, or lectern. It picks up sound from entire room and is often recommended for conferences, group discussions, interviews, lectures, and recordings. Also called a boundary microphone.

Check-In Time

Time at which hotel guests may check in and occupy sleeping rooms.

Check-Out Time

Time by which hotel guests are required to vacate sleeping rooms.

Question and Answer Period

Time immediately following a presentation for the audience to ask questions to the presenter. Often abbreviated as Q&A.

Show Breaking

Time specified for the close of the exhibition and the start of dismantling.

Conference Officer/Organiser

Title generally conferred upon the chief administrator of the entire event. RELATED TERMS: PROFESSIONAL CONGRESS ORGANISER (PCO).


The software that distributes audio and video from a central source, or media server, to recipients on their personal computers or mobile devices.


The station used to transmit signals from Earth to a satellite (videoconferencing).

Temporary Import Bond

The surety covering articles imported into a country on a temporary basis, generally in lieu of paying import duties and/or taxes. The fee for the bond is non-refundable in most cases.

Audience Count

The total actual number of attendees at an event.

Overnight Stays

The total nights spent by an attendee at a housing facility before, during, and after an event.

Economic Impact (Total)

The total value of an event, including secondary spending (indirect and induced), on the host destination's local economy over and above the original direct spending. These secondary impacts, when combined with the original direct spending, result in the total economic impact of an event. RELATED TERMS: DIRECT SPENDING, INDIRECT SPENDING, INDUCED SPENDING, ECONOMIC MULTIPLIER.


The unit of data sent across a packet-switching network. It contains a destination address.


The unit of pressure or stress in the International System of Units (SI). In the United States, PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) is used instead.


The use of trees and plants to enhance the appearance of an exhibit or a stage.


The use of two or more screens at the same time. Also called MULTIVISION.

Proscenium Arch

The visible opening that frames a stage (usually theatrical).

Tare Weight

The weight of the container that holds the ingredients being measured.


Theatrical color filter used in conjunction with theatrical projection fixtures and spotlights.


To clean function space after specific functions, or during break periods. Usually involves refilling water pitchers, removing soiled articles, changing glassware, and performing other light housekeeping chores.


To neglect to carry out an agreement.

Controversy Panel

To stimulate interest and debate, two or three views of a controversial issue are presented.

Room Block

Total number of sleeping rooms that are utilized and attributable to one event.


Trade name for polyester sheeting, usually clear or decorative metallic reflective finish.


Transition between two audio passages or video segments.

Contract Carrier

Trucking company that enters into a specific contract with a shipper to transport goods for an agreed-upon price. Contained within the contract are all the terms and conditions, liability, transit times, etc.

Truckload Rates

Truckload rates apply where the tariff shows a truckload minimum weight. Charges will be at the truckload minimum weight unless weight is higher.


Two or more exhibit spaces back to back with an aisle on three sides.


Type of adjustable spotlight used to light lecterns, signs and areas that need a tightly focused pool of light. RELATED TERMS: ELLIPSOIDAL SPOTLIGHT.

U.S. Travel Association (USTA)

USTA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Black Light

Ultraviolet lighting that when applied causes phosphorescent paints to glow.


Usable by people with disabilities.

Dine Around

Use of a number of restaurants in a destination with reservations and billing arrangements to one particular client.

Sound Reinforcement

Use of electronic and electric equipment to amplify the natural sound produced by a performer or speaker.


Use of floor space outside exclusive booth/stand area.


Use of two or more audiovisual media in one presentation.

Double Cloth

Use of two tablecloths on a banquet table for decorative purposes, to muffle sound, or to attach to skirting. Usually two different colors are used. RELATED TERMS: OVERLAY.


Value added tax

Schoolroom Perpendicular Set-Up

Variation of schoolroom set-up in which tables are perpendicular to the head table, and chairs are placed on both sides of the tables.

Interactive Video

Video which allows the viewer to be involved in an active way with the information to be presented.


a set of questions used to gather information.


When a company tries to sell its product or service on the show floor without the permission or consent of the event's management.

Repeat Engagement/Booking

When a speaker does a second or subsequent booking for the same client.

Referral Child Care

When an event host organization publishes a list of child care service providers available. Attendees then make their own arrangements with these services.


When online activities take place at a designated time, they are referred to as real-time events. A Webcast of a keynote presenter that can be watched live over the Internet is an example of a real-time event.

Freight on Board (FOB)

When something is purchased "FOB origin," the seller pays for transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, plus loading costs, while the buyer pays the cost of marine freight transport, insurance, unloading, and transportation from the arrival port to the final destination.

Ganging Menus

When two or more groups in facility have the same menus.

Right to Work State

Where joining a union is not a condition of employment.

Cherry Picker

Equipment capable of lifting a person or persons to a given height.

Backline Equipment

Equipment such as amplifiers and sound equipment required by musicians in order to perform at an engagement, often rented by the event organizer.

Overhead Projector

Equipment which projects an image on a screen by passing light through a transparent slide or other transparency.

Premium Pay

Extra pay over the regular wage rate for work performed outside or beyond the regular working hours, for work on Saturday, Sunday or holidays, for night shift work, for hazardous, dirty or unpleasant work, and for production in excess of established standards.

Financial and Insurance Conference Planners (FICP)

FICP is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Change Order

Facility form to advise departments of changes in reservations or functions.

Personal Manager

Manager of individual artist or group of artists.

Reservation Method

Manner by which sleeping room reservations are to be made for attendees of a specific event (i.e., individually, via master list, etc.).

UL 2305

Standard for safety for exhibition display units.

Statement of Account

Statement of income and expenses following the end of an event.

Payment Order

Written authorization for payment to be made.

Registration Fee

Amount payable for attendance at a conference; may vary according to level of participation or type of membership.

Tour Broker

An individual licensed and bonded by the Interstate Commerce Commission to operate motor coach tours in the US and, in some cases, Canada.


An individual or company providing installation and dismantling of booth/stand and hall dressing services for a trade show and/or its exhibitors. Decorator services may be provided by carpenters, sign painters or others depending upon union jurisdiction. Term applies to both contractor and skilled craftsperson.

Customs Broker

An individual or company that is licensed by the government to enter and clear goods through customs.

Customs House

An individual or firm licensed to enter and clear goods through customs.

Foreign Sales Agent

An individual or firm that serves as an international representative of, and seeks sales abroad for, a domestic company.

Cargo Insurance

Additional coverage protecting the owner of goods for loss or damage while goods are in a carrier's possession. Recommended for all international shipments.


A banquet server's assigned area. Also refers to the individual buffet tables located throughout a reception area, with each table offering one food item or representing one theme.

Light Bar

A bar with a light that hangs behind a header.

Ultraviolet Lamp

A black light used to make phosphorescent and fluorescent paints glow in the dark.

Draped Booth/Stand

A booth/stand where the back and side walls are constructed using pipe and drape (typically provided by management).

Theme Break

A break during formal program sessions with special food and beverages pertaining to a theme and often including decorations, costumes, and entertainment.


A charge assessed by a pier or dock owner for handling incoming or outgoing cargo.

Executive Conference Centre (ECC)

A first class conference facility that caters to executive level events.

Bell Captain

A hotel employee who supervises the work of staff whose primary responsibility is to carry luggage, run errands, etc.

Double Occupancy

A hotel guest room that may be occupied by two persons.

Double-Double Room

A hotel guest room with two double beds.

Uniserve Property

A hotel property in which the convention services manager (CSM) handles all aspects of the event, including catering.

Parlor Suite

A hotel suite containing a PARLOR connected to an adjoining sleeping room.

Par Lamp

A lamp shaped like an automobile headlight that consists of a tungsten source housed in an enclosed lens, which produces a rectangular beam.


Acronym for a category of event market segments including Social, Military, Educational, Religious and Fraternal groups.


Actively seeking to recruit or divert event participants, primarily attendees and exhibitors, away from official room blocks and into other hotel bookings, using a range of techniques to approach event participants and gain their business. Also referred to as POACHING.


Activity performed for the amusement and enjoyment of others.


Actual number of meals served at a catered meal function or in a restaurant. RELATED TERMS: AUDIENCE COUNT, HEAD COUNT,

Net Square Feet/Meters

Also "NSF". Actual amount of salable space used by exhibit booths/stands which excludes aisles, lounges, registration areas, etc. See GROSS SQUARE FEET/METERS (GSF OR GSM).

Indirect Costs

Also called overhead or administrative costs, these are expenses not directly related to the event. They can include salaries, rent, and building and equipment maintenance.

Actual Weight

Also known as gross shipping weight. Determined by 1) weighing a vehicle empty, 2) loading a shipment and returning the vehicle to the scale to obtain the new weight, and 3) subtracting the empty from the loaded weight. Can also be obtained by individually weighing each piece of freight.

Guided Tour


Alternate Media

Alternatives to print materials (e.g. Braille, large print, etc.), telecommunications, computers, and other electronic media provided to assist people with disabilities in achieving full participation.


Americans with Disabilities Act

Room Turnover

Amount of time needed to tear down and reset a function room.

Suspended Elements

An attachment of devices to the frame work of an exhibition hall.

Audiovisual (AV) Technician

An audiovisual professional who is responsible for the set-up, configuration or operation of lighting, sound, video, staging or other similar elements of an event function.

Well Brand

An economical choice of brands of wine or distilled spirits above the house brand.


An elaborate, and often ceremonial, dinner for numerous people, often in honor of a particular person or persons.

Secure digital certificate

An encrypted file that authenticates the source of financial data, usually for an online credit card transaction.

Force Majeure

An event (e.g. war, labor strike, extreme weather, or other disruptive circumstances) or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or avoided. RELATED TERMS: ACT OF GOD.

In Conjunction With (ICW)

An event or function that occurs because of, or at the same time/same facility as, another event. RELATED TERMS: SATELLITE MEETING, SHOW WITHIN A SHOW.

Call for Papers

An invitation to submit topic ideas for the conference programme. Document containing detailed instructions for submission of papers for assessment and selection by a review committee; often referred to as "Abstract Forms." Also known as "Call for Presentations". RELATED TERMS: ABSTRACT.

Certified Weight

An official weight issued from a Certified Weight Master. This individual certifies a shipment's weight as the only acceptable weight for transportation and material handling at a tradeshow.

Split Folio

Billing arrangement where room, tax and other incidental charges can be allocated to two or more accounts. Most often used when room and tax are billed to a master account and the guest (often a speaker, VIP or staff) is responsible for all other charges.

Saddle-Stitch Binding

Binding process using wire staples, thread, or wire.

Site Selection

Choosing a venue or location for a meeting or event.

Turn-Down Service

Early evening service in which beds are prepared for sleeping. Usually includes replacement of towels and linens are "turned down," preparing the bed for use. May also include placing a confection, such as a chocolate or mint, on the pillow.

Distance Learning

Education delivered through a variety of technological and communication methods, including, but not limited to: email, e-learning platforms, web conferencing, mobile apps and podcasts. Also known as Virtual Learning.

Guest Programme

Educational and/or social events or tours planned for spouses and guests of official event participants. RELATED TERMS: PARTNER PROGRAMME, SPOUSAL PROGRAMME.

Quick-Change Booth

Enclosed or draped area, close to the stage, for costume changes.

Light Box

Enclosure with lighting and translucent face of plastic or glass.


Equalization of sounds produced by a system such as a piano or a loudspeaker so that the audio spectrum is produced evenly with all notes or frequencies at the same volume.

International Association of Conference Centers (IACC)

IACC is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Association of Exhibitons and Events (IAEE)

IAEE is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO)

IAPCO is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Association of Speakers Bureaus (IASB)

IASB is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM)

IAVM is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)

ICCA is a member of the Events Industry Council.

International Live Events Association (ILEA)

ILEA is a member of the Events Industry Council. Formerly the International Special Events Society (ISES).

Continuing Education Unit (CEU)

Non-academic credit unit conferred by professional organisations for formal educational programmes for members who must maintain their level of professional education. RELATED TERMS: CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT (CEC).

Net Rate

Non-commissionable rate.

Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR)

Non-profit professional organisation which provides research on the exhibitions and events industry.

Microphone, Omnidirectional

MICROPHONE that picks up sound from all directions.

Microphone, Unidirectional

MICROPHONE that picks up sound primarily from the direction in which it is pointed.

Meeting Professionals International (MPI)

MPI is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Barn Door

Movable hinged flap used on stage lights to control light spill.

Follow Spot

Movable spotlight (a brilliant light projected onto a particular area).

Air Wall

Movable, track-mounted barrier that partitions a large area such as a ballroom or exhibition hall into smaller sections. May be sound resistant, but not necessarily sound proof. Also known as a PARTITION.

Concurrent Sessions

Multiple sessions scheduled at the same time. Programmes on different themes or subjects offered simultaneously. Outside North America, PARALLEL SESSIONS is used.

Walk-In/Out Music

Music accompanying arriving and exiting guests at an event (processional, recessional).


Music played while a new presenter arrives on stage.

National Association of Catering and Events

NACE is a member of the Convention Industry Council.

Relay Interpreting

Oral translation whereby an interpreter does not translate directly, but interprets the translation of a colleague, usually because s/he is not qualified to work directly from the original language.


Published volume transcribing the full conference sessions, which may or may not include details of the discussion.


Purveyor, provider, vendor, contractor offering facilities, products and/or services.

Focus Group

Qualitative method of research utilising a small selection of representatives from a larger stakeholder group. Led by a facilitator, focus group members share their thoughts on an issue or product.


Question and Answer.


Schedule of events, giving details of times and places.

Load In/Out

Scheduled times for crew to load and unload equipment.

Lenticular Screen

Screen finish with a characteristic silver-coloured finish which has brighter reflective characteristics than a matte screen but with a wider viewing angle than a beaded screen.

Glass Beaded Screen

Screen whose surface is covered with tiny glass beads which reflect a bright image back toward the audience, but has a narrow viewing angle.

Herringbone Set-Up

Seating arrangement in which chairs are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a centre aisle. They face the head table or speaker. RELATED TERMS: CHEVRON SET-UP, V-SHAPE SET-UP.

Perimeter Seating

Seating arrangement in which chairs are placed around the walls of a room. The chairs are often meant for spectators to observe an activity or event in the center of the room.

V-shape set-up

Seating arrangement in which chairs or tables and chairs are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a center aisle. They face the head table or speaker.

Bell Staff

Staff whose primary responsibility is to carry luggage, run errands, etc., primarily in a hotel.

Pro Number

Shipment number designated by the common carrier to a single shipment, used in all cases where the shipment must be referenced and used to organise and track the progress of each shipment.

Padded Van Shipment

Shipment, by moving van, of crated or uncrated goods such as large pieces of furniture or display material.

Declared Value

Shipper's stated value of entire shipment.


Short interval between sessions at which time coffee, tea and/or other refreshments are served.


Short term hotel guests who are not part of a group booking.


Strong focused light thrown upon a particular person or object, such as on a stage.

Programme Design

Structure of event programme elements to achieve specific goals and objectives.


Structure to which lighting instruments are attached.

Continuing Education

Structured educational and training experiences for personal or professional development.

Lighting Grid

Structures used to support lights and electrical outlets.

Asynchronous Learning

Student-centred teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing among a network of people outside the constraints of time and place. Typically this is on-demand and can be video-on-demand (VoD), audio-on-demand (AoD), correspondence courses, email messages, bulletin boards, etc.

Opening Ceremony

The formal general session at the beginning of a congress or convention.

Gross Weight

The full weight of a shipment, including goods and packaging. RELATED TERMS: ACTUAL WEIGHT, TARE WEIGHT.


The governmental authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports. The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection.

Individual Pays Own

The individual pays for a specific drink or service request, rather than the event host. Also referred to as PER OWN ACCOUNT.


The inducement to a contract. The cause, motive, price, or impelling influence which induces a contracting party to enter a contract.

Post-Event Report (PER)

The industry preferred term for a report of the details and activities of an event. A collection of post event reports over time will provide a comprehensive history for an event

Transit and Exhibition Insurance

The insurance that covers loss or damage caused deliberately or accidentally by third parties during loading, unloading, transshipment, transport, and exhibition.

Meeting Design

The intentional shaping of a meeting's form and content to satisfy specific and purposeful goals

Event Design

The intentional shaping of an event's form and content to satisfy specific and purposeful goals. RELATED TERMS: MEETING DESIGN.

Union Jurisdiction

The limits or territory within which control may be exercised by a union may be of at least two kinds. One has to do with geographical limits; the other with trade or craft activity.

Facility Manager

The manager of a convention centre, exhibition hall, arena, auditorium or other venue or assembly.

Corporate Travel

The market segment comprised of groups or individuals that work for a given company and are traveling for business reasons at the company's expense.

Fixed Assets

Usually non-liquid assets that are integral to the enterprise's day-to-day business operations (e.g. factories, equipment, furniture and real estate).

Joint Agreement

Union contract covering more than one employer and a union, more than one union and an employer, or a number of employees and a number of unions.

Truck Loaders

Union labor specifically responsible for unloading equipment.


Union labor that handles spotlights, rigging, and scenery for theatrical productions. In some cities, they may also handle decorating tasks, such as hanging draperies at convention facilities.

Vertical Union

Union with jurisdiction over all occupations, skilled and unskilled, in an entire industry.


Unit to measure type line length and height. Approximately 1/6 inch (.43 centimeters).


Web browser-based videoconferencing.


Wedge shaped table with one rounded edge.

Net Weight

Weight of goods without the shipping container.


Wine made from a grape harvest of a specific year. A vintage wine is made using 95 percent of those grapes. Wines made from grapes harvested from several years are called nonvintage.


With two or more communication bands (receivers).

Keynote Speaker

Speaker whose presentation establishes the theme or tone of the event.

Side Fills

Speakers on stage right and stage left to project amplified sound to full stage area.

Inherently Flame Resistant

Material that is permanently flame resistant without chemical treatment.

Average Room Rate

Mathematical average of a series of sleeping room rates.

Floor Load

Maximum amount of weight per square foot/metre a floor can support.

Ceiling Height

Maximum height of ceiling of an exhibition hall or event room.

Knock Down (KD)

Exhibit or display components requiring on-site assembly.

Set-up Personnel

Exhibit or function room equipment installers.

Perimeter Booth/Stand

Exhibit space located on an outside wall. See BACKWALL BOOTH/STAND.

Linear Display

Exhibit space that shares one or more borders with neighbouring exhibits. Also known as lin-line display.

Inline Booth/Stand

Exhibit space with exhibit booths on either side and back. RELATED TERMS: INSIDE BOOTH/STAND.

Temporary Import

Exhibition material whose temporary import status exempts payment of duties and taxes on arrival.

Gate Show

Exhibition open to the public usually requiring an entrance fee. RELATED TERMS: CONSUMER SHOW, EXHIBITION, PUBLIC SHOW, TRADE SHOW.

Public Show

Exhibition that is open to the public, usually requiring an entrance fee.

Consumer Show

Exhibition that is open to the public, usually requiring an entrance fee. RELATED TERMS: EXHIBITION, GATE SHOW, MEETING, PUBLIC SHOW, TRADE SHOW.

Interactive Exhibits

Exhibits that engage visitors through direct interaction with display components, working models, simulations, or multi-sensory or multi-media elements.

Indirect Spending

Expenditures associated with downstream supply chain interactions, such as when facilities at which meetings occur require inputs such as energy or food ingredients. RELATED TERMS: ECONOMIC IMPACT, DIRECT SPENDING, INDUCED SPENDING, ECONOMIC MULTIPLIER.

Fixed Expense

Expense incurred regardless of the number of event attendees.


Expenses other than room and tax, billed to a guest's account (e.g. phone, room service, etc.).


Expert in particular craft or technique usually in relation to audiovisual, mechanical or electrical equipment or appliances.

Trade Association

Group of persons or businesses in a particular trade or industry. Generally these organisations have a membership body and may be tax exempt.


Group sessions in which all participants contribute creative ideas which are not initially judged for merit.

Affinity Group

Group sharing common interest, usually people who are members of the same organisation.

Special interest group

Group travel program designed for persons with common interests.

Reporting Pay

Guaranteed payment to employees who report or show up ready for work at their usual time and find no work to do.


Guest holding confirmed sleeping room reservation is denied accommodations at the hotel where to reservation is held upon their arrival and is relocated to another hotel.

Penthouse Suite

Guest rooms and connecting parlors located on the top floors of a facility.

Booking Policy

Guidelines by which a convention center (or other venue) prioritizes reservations; may correspond to hotel rooms the event will use in the area.


Pleated or ruffled draping used around with tables, risers or stages to conceal the area underneath.


Special dividers, sectioning and protective padding inside exhibit crates.

Privately Owned Vehicle Line

Special loading dock reserved for POVs where material is unloaded at prevailing material handling rates.

Corporate Rate

Special rate for sleeping rooms or other goods and services that is made available to business travelers. These rates may vary by corporation, depending on the negotiated agreement.


Specific exhibit display area assigned by show management to an exhibitor under contractual agreement. RELATED TERMS: STAND.

Catering Sales Manager

Staff person responsible for selling and servicing group and local food and beverage functions.

Organizing Secretariat

Staff providing administrative services to the organizer.

Audience Left and Right

Stage directions from the audience's perspective. This is the opposite of stage left and right.


Identification of an accredited agent with the International Air Transport Association (IATA).


Images reproduced in black and white or in varying shades of a single colour.

Supplemental Liability Coverage

In a car rental agreement, additional coverage for injury and damage claims by third parties beyond the amount provided automatically under the contract terms.

Connecting Rooms

In a hotel, a configuration of two or more guest rooms with private connecting doors permitting access between rooms without exiting into a public corridor.

Buying Agent

An agent who purchases goods on behalf of a company or agency.


Condition where the number of confirmed reservations exceeds the number of seats on an aircraft or sleeping rooms in a hotel.

Group Rate

Confirmed rate extended to attendees booking their sleeping room accommodations as part of a group room block.


Additional clause in a contract stipulating special requirements.

Service Charge

1) A mandatory and automatic amount added to standard food and beverage charges, usually used to defray the cost of labor, such as housemen, servers, technicians, etc. and which the facility receives a portion of the charge. In return, the guest is relieved the responsibility for tipping. 2) A fee charged to a client by a travel agent in addition to the commissions paid to him or her by his or her principals. See GRATUITY.

Gala Dinner

Primary social function of an event, usually in the evening, including entertainment and/or speeches after a formal meal.


1) A methodical examination and review of records pertaining to an event. For instance, an independent verification of attendance figures submitted by an exhibition's producers. 2) An unbiased examination and evaluation of the financial statements of an organisation. It can be conducted internally (by employees of the organisation) or externally (by an outside firm).

Staging Area

1) A place for demonstration. 2) In catering, an area for preparing service equipment and supplies. 3) A preparation area, usually on premises, where suppliers review orders and organize items before delivering them to exhibit booths/stands. 4) An area near the event site where buses wait to be dispatched.


1) A pre-made length of cable used for hanging exhibit materials or signs. 2) A pre-made length of cable or a heavy-duty nylon strap used for rigging machinery to cranes or forklifts.

Public Space

Space in a facility that is open to the general public and may be available for private use.

Escorted Tour

1) A prearranged travel programme, usually for a group. In a fully conducted tour, escort and/or guide service is provided throughout. 2) A sightseeing programme conducted by a guide (e.g. a city tour). RELATED TERMS: TOUR ESCORT.

Definite Booking

Space reservations confirmed in writing.


1) A frame to carry the room of a tent. 2) A structure of steel bars used to suspend lighting or other technical equipment over a stage. 3) To tie or bind something tightly.

Jurisdictional Dispute

Conflict between unions concerning the right to control certain jobs in a particular trade or industry.


1) A promise, proposal or other expression of willingness to make and carry out a contract under proposed terms with another party which has the ability to accept it upon receiving it. 2) Space and rent proposal from a facility. It may be in the form of a contract or license agreement.


1) A general or formal meeting of an organisation attended by representatives of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, holding elections, or conducting governance business of the organisation. Consequently, an assembly usually observes certain rules of procedure for its meetings; generally prescribed in its Articles & By-laws. 2) The process of erecting display component parts into a complete exhibit.

Back Light

1) A light source that illuminates any transparent or translucent material from behind. 2) A lighting instrument used behind and above a presenter to give more depth and better image to video projection or recording.

Proof of Citizenship

1) A document, necessary for obtaining a passport. 2) A passport or other document that establishes ones' nationality to the satisfaction of a foreign government.

Association of Collegiate Conference and Events Directors - International (ACCED-I)

ACCED-I is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI)

ADMEI is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Association Management Company Institute (AMC Institute or AMCI)

AMCI is a member of the Events Industry Council.

Audiovisual (AV)

AV includes equipment, materials, and teaching aids used in sound and visual presentations, such as video projection, monitors, sound equipment, etc.


Abbreviation for passengers.

Head Count

Actual number of people attending a function. RELATED TERMS: AUDIENCE COUNT, COVERS.

Tax and Tip

Addition of taxes and gratuities to a price when not included, designated by ++.

Plus Plus

Addition of taxes and service charges to a price when not included, designated by + +.

Minimum Call

Agreed upon minimum number of hours of work to be done by a worker under the labor agreement. In cases where the work to be done is shorter than the minimum call, the worker is guaranteed payment for the full minimum.

Cash Accounting

An accounting method that records income and expenses at the time when payment is received or expenses are paid. Compare with ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING. RELATED TERMS: ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING.


An action required to break down and reset a room.


An additional piece of software that extends the capabilities of a web browser or other program by allowing the display of multimedia files or performance of additional functions.


An adjective used to define services which are performed within the company or organisation, rather than being subcontracted.

Additional Insured

An individual or organisation listed as covered by a primary insurance agreement.


An individual who guides discussion and/or decision making.


An informal meeting for the purpose of discussion, usually of an academic or research nature and in order to ascertain areas of mutual interest through exchange of ideas. Conducted as and when convenient, but with little regularity.

Campfire Session

An informal, highly interactive, small group discussion format, typically led by a subject matter expert and typically using comfortable seating set in a circle.

Reader Board

At a facility, a listing, either printed or on a video screen, of the day's events including times and locations.

Resort Casual

Attire for warm destinations, including mid- to knee-length shorts; collarless or golf shirts; khakis and sandals. Women can wear linen sheaths, casual skirts or sundresses.

Public Address System

Audio and/or visual system to convey messages to participants during an event.


Charge over and above established rates, such as an energy surcharge.


Checking preliminary printed materials for errors before the final printing.

Action Station

Chefs prepare foods to order and serve them fresh to guests. Also called Performance Stations, Carving Stations, or Exhibition Cooking.


Combining audio or audio sources.

Ad Hoc Committee

Committee formed to deal with a specific issue or task; the committee is dissolved upon making its final report to the organisation that created it.

Credentials Committee

Committee formed to verify that individuals have the necessary qualifications to attend a meeting, cast votes at a meeting, or become a member of an association.

One Ten/Sixty

Common term describing normally available current in North American Continent. The full expression is 110 volt/60 cycle. Many European and South American areas have 220 volt/50 cycle.

Professional Congress Organiser (PCO)

Companies or individuals specialising in event planning on behalf of a client organisation.

Security Contractor

Company hired by exhibit or event management to keep individual exhibits and the entire event floor safe using guards, closed circuit T.V., etc.

Exhibit House

Company that fabricates and manages display properties for trade show exhibitors.


Complimentary items provided by a hotel in sleeping rooms such as toiletries, writing supplies, bathrobes, fruit baskets, and shoe shine mitts.

Productivity Tickets

Complimentary tickets awarded by the official airline after the event according to the number of attendees who used the airline.

Sound Board

Console with separate channels to control volume and sound quality produced by each microphone.

Final Programme

Document containing the definitive conference and social programme, circulated immediately prior to an event or distributed at the commencement of the event.

Housing Report

Document detailing housing utilisation (reservations, pickup, etc.).

Tax Exempt Certificate

Document needed from customer to verify tax exemption status in the locale where the event is held.

Letter of Agreement

Document outlining proposed services, space, or products which becomes binding upon signature by authorised representatives of both parties. RELATED TERMS: CONTRACT.

Shell Scheme

European booth/stand system—usually includes raised floor, back and side walls, plus fascia.


European term for booth or exhibit. See BOOTH.

Theme Party

Event at which all foods, beverages, decorations, and entertainment relate to a single theme.

Virtual Trade Show

Exhibit of products or services that can be viewed over the internet.

Forced Freight

Forced freight is generally removed from the hall at a specified time and held by the general contractor or official common carrier or until payment is made for forwarding.

Space Reservation Form

Form or special request to utilize a particular space.

General Assembly

General and formal meeting of an organisation or company attended by a specified proportion at least of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, the election of internal committees and approval of financial matters. An assembly generally observes certain fixed rules of procedure.

Plenary Session

General assembly for all participants.

Billing Weight

Generally refers to airfreight and van line shipments. The billing weight is the number upon which freight charges are based. The billing weight will be the actual weight or the dimensional weight, whichever is greater.

Clear Date/Time

Generally the last point in time at which an exhibitor-appointed carrier must be in line or at the dock in order to be loaded after the close of the show.


Material permanently pleated, ready for installation.

Liability Disclaimer

Legal statement releasing the organisation from responsibility for any arrangements made by attendees with services listed by the organisation (e.g., child care).

Exhibitor Service Manual

Manual or kit, usually developed by the GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR for an event, containing general event information, labor/service order forms, rules and regulations and other information pertinent to an exhibitor's participation in an exhibition. Also called EXHIBITOR SERVICE KIT or EXHIBITOR KIT.

Integrated Marketing

Marketing activities with a common focus on the marketplace or a customer segment. The execution of each individual piece of the integrated marketing plan is consistent with, and supportive of, each of the other pieces of the plan.

Opening Session

Meeting which begins a congress or convention and in which the principal agenda items are introduced. Typically includes a KEYNOTE SPEAKER or OPENING ADDRESS.


Member of committee in charge of convening participants.


Method of consolidating shipments. Usually defines function of an LTL (Less than Truckload) trucker grouping freight for shipment to a particular show.

Simple Random Sample

Method of sampling in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.

Buzz Session

Method to increase audience participation by dividing all participants into discussion groups, each of which reports the group's findings and opinions during a following plenary session.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Methods for resolving contract disputes without going to court.


Name by which all immediate family members are known. Women usually (but not always) adopt their husband's surname upon marriage. Also called LAST NAME, FAMILY NAME.

Prep Area

Space used for food production and service not visible to guests.


Number of covers set over the guarantee. Paid for by the client only if actually consumed.


Number of facility guest rooms actually used out of a room block.

House Count

Number of guests or sleeping rooms actually occupied on a particular night.

Room Capacity

Number of people that can function safely and comfortably in a room.

Room Occupancy Pattern

Number of single, double, triple, etc. rooms used.

Room Nights

Number of sleeping rooms blocked or occupied multiplied by number of nights each room is reserved or occupied.

Participatory Learning

Occurs when the participants share knowledge, experience and work together to learn.


Official authorization or approval to 1) provide with credentials. 2) Recognise or verify the act of conforming with a standard. 3) Recognise a post-secondary institution or degree-bearing programme as satisfying and maintaining academic standards.

Consecutive Interpretation

Oral translation of several phrases or entire speeches from one language to another. Speaker pauses between phrases to allow for interpretation. RELATED TERMS: INTERPRETATION IN RELAY, SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION, WHISPERED INTERPRETATION, WIRELESS INFRARED INTERPRETING SYSTEM.

Interpretation in Relay

Oral translation using two interpreters. Because the first interpreter is not master of the second language, another makes the final interpretation to the audience. RELATED TERMS: CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATION, SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION, WHISPERED INTERPRETATION, WIRELESS INFRARED INTERPRETING SYSTEM.

Floor Order

Order for exhibitor services placed on-site after exhibit set up begins. Usually more expensive than an ADVANCE ORDER.

Housing Bureau

Organisation that provides reservation services for a group and its attendees.

Official Contractor

Organization appointed by show management to provide services such as set-up and tear-down of exhibit booths and to oversee labor, material handling and loading dock procedures. Also known as GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR.

Programme Development

Planning that takes place before an event regarding its specific content and fabric.

Base Plate

Plate used under bowl, glass, condiments, and so forth.


Plate used under bowl, glass, condiments, and so forth. See BASE PLATE.


Platform which extends from a stage into the audience area, often used for events such as fashion shows.

Speaker Platforms

Platforms on the right and left of stage used to elevate sound equipment.

Family-Style Service

Platters and bowls of foods are set on the dining tables, from which guests serve themselves. Usually involves guests passing the containers to each other. RELATED TERMS: ENGLISH SERVICE.


Pre-built exhibit ready for installation.

Guaranteed Reservation

Pre-paid reservation held until agreed arrival time, or check-out time the next day, whichever occurs first. Guest is responsible for payment if reservation is not cancelled.

Exhibition Manager

Preferred term for the specific person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting, and producing an exhibition. Also called EXHIBIT MANAGER, SHOW MANAGER, SHOW ORGANISER. RELATED TERMS: EXHIBIT MANAGER, SHOW MANAGER, SHOW ORGANISER.

Event Site

Premises where an event will be held. RELATED TERMS: SITE.

Structured Question

Prepared questions, usually eight or ten per one hour presentation, to be distributed in advance of the session to selected attendees. Following each presentation, attendees ask questions from the list.

Conference Services Manager (CSM)

Primary contact person assigned to an event in a hotel or convention centre. Also referred to as CONVENTION SERVICES MANAGER.

Technical Writer

Someone hired by a speaker to prepare scripts, workbooks, audios, videos, or articles on contract.


Sound and picture recorded or played back at the same time.


Sound from one source, such as a single loudspeaker or earphone. In most concert performances, this is the type of sound provided to the audience.


Sound or light energy which returns from a surface when struck. The amount and angle of reflection depends on the type and size of the reflecting surface and the frequency (wavelength) of the energy.

Point Source

Sound originating from a single source, or as if from a single source, and filling an entire space. This type of sound system is most often seen in a concert configuration, where the stage and sound system is at one end of the room and no additional sources of sound are used.

Optical Sound

Sound that is recorded by photographic means on film. sound recorded on and subsequently played back from an optical or photographic soundtrack, as opposed to a magnetic soundtrack.


Sound which appears to echo and re-echo in weaker and weaker levels. Also called Reverb.

Storage Area

Space at a show set aside for storage of crates or materials.

Percent of the Gross

Type of payment involving a fixed percent of the gross income for that service. This type of agreement is often used by facilities as the rental.

Refreshment Break

Time between meeting sessions. May include coffee, soft drinks, and/or food items. Some are planned around a theme.

Soft Opening

Time when a property is open for business, prior to the grand opening. All services/facilities may not be complete or available.


Time worked by an employee outside of, or in addition to, regular working time or beyond the standard workweek.

Parabolic Screen

Type of front projection screen surface which is rigid and allows only narrow angle viewing.


To hold two or more related events at the same time and in the same place.


To subcontract a task or responsibility to a supplier to handle some aspect of an event, instead of using in-house staff.

Economic Multiplier

Total economic impact divided by direct spending. RELATED TERMS: ECONOMIC IMPACT, DIRECT SPENDING.


Type of meeting which brings together three or more people in two or more locations through telecommunications.

T-3 Line

Transmitting data at speeds of up to 44.184 Mbps, is faster than a T-1 line, allowing performance of more tasks simultaneously at a greater speed. See T-1 LINE.

Shuttle Service

Transportation for participants; usually by bus or van, provided on a continuous basis for a certain time period.

Less Than Truckload (LTL)

Transportation rates applicable when the quantity of freight is less than the volume of truckload minimum weight, between 151 and 20,000 lb (68 and 9,072 kg).

Video Formats

Type and size of the recording format in which a video presentation is recorded or played back. These include VHS (the most common), Beta, U-Matic, 1 inch, ¾ inch and ½ inch.

Very important person

VIP. Person who has a special function at the event (speaker, dignitary, etc.) and should be treated with special care and attention.

Sound Check

Verification, often by the performer, that the sound system to be used for the performance is functioning satisfactorily. Usually this is one of the final steps of the move-in.

Overtime Labour

Work performed in excess of the standard day or week and typically billed at a higher rate.


Workshop-type educational experience where participants learn by doing.

Pad Wrap

Wrap needed for protection of goods that are shipped without additional crating.

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