CSET- Multiple Subjects- Subtest 3- Music

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1 half note= 2 quarter notes


1 quarter note= 2 eighth notes


1 whole note = 2 half notes 1 whole note = 4 quarter notes

2/4 time

2- means two beats in a measure 4- indicates which note gets one beat a 1/4 note receives 1 beat a 1/4 rest receives 1 beat a 1/2 note receives 2 beats a 1/2 note receives 2 beats

3/4 time

3 beats in a each measure. 4- Indicates which note gets one beat. (Again, the quarter note gets 1 beat) 1/2 note receives 2 beats 1/2 rest receives 2 beats


A drama, either tragic or comic, that is sung to an orchestral accompaniment. An opera is often based in biblical stories. Opera is typically a large-scale composition with vocal soloists, a chorus and orchestra.


A large section of a lengthy composition.


A major orchestral piece with solo voices and chorus.


A musical form whose main feature is the return of the main theme, which alternates with secondary themes. For example: simple rondo: ABABA second rondo: ABACA third rondo: ABACABA

What is a quartet?

A quartet is a musical ensemble consisting of four instruments or singers.


A recurring group of notes, such as the four notes played at the beginning of (and restated throughout) Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.


A rhythmic effect produced when the expected pattern is deliberately upset.

Sharp Sign:

A sharp sign raises the pitch of a note one half step. On a piano, the black keys to the right of a white key are one step higher.


A symphony is an elaborate musical composition, many of which are between 20 and 45 minutes in length. A classical symphony usually consists of four movements that are intended to stir up a wide range of emotions through contrasts in tempo and mood.


A type of German Song.


A work, usually identified by a number.

Chromatic scale:

All of the notes on the keyboard. Each key next to each other, is half a step apart. When going up the scale, the black keys are given their sharp names. When going down the scale, the black keys are given their flat names.


An ancient harp.


An instrumental ensemble composed of strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion.

Going up the scale is called:


The treble staff and the bass staff can be joined together by a ____ which consists of a ____ ____ and a ______ _____.

BRACE straight line curved line

Music that features a highly ornamented, imitative, polyphonic texture was most representative of compositions that were written during which period?

Baroque (1600-1750)


Based upon a short theme called a subject. The fugue subject contains both rhythmic and melodic motifs. The opening of the fugue is announced by one voice alone. A second voice restates the subject, usually on a different scale. A third and then fourth voice enter, each carrying the subject.

The Trombone, Tuba, French Horn, Trumpet and Flugelhorn are classified as:

Brass Instruments.

The second largest section in an orchestra is:

Brass: there are usually 4 french horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba.

Natural Sign:

Cancels the effect of a flat or sharp. A natural is centered on the line or space it affects and cancels the flat or sharp in the same measure.

Which of the following is a percussion instrument? Trombone Viola Chimes Harp

Chimes. Percussion instruments make sounds by hitting them with a stick or by shaking them.

Going down the scale is called:


Synthesizer, drum machine, digital piano, sampler and theremin.

Electronic Instruments. (modern instruments)

Treble Clef

Establishes note G on the 2nd line of the treble staff.

Bass Clef:

Establishes the note F on the 4th line on the bass staff.

True or false: A bar line can't cancel an accidental.

False. A bar line, like a natural can cancel a sharp or a flat in a given measure.

True or false: Bosa Nova was popular in the 1940's?

False. Bosa Nova was popular in the 1960's when the influences of Brazilian jazz contributed to a new "cool jazz" sound.

True or false: A flat or sharp affects every note on the same line or space for an entire measure.

False. The flat or sharp is placed next to the note it will impact. Ex: B flat- affects the B notes in the measure.

True or False: double bar lines can be described as two thin lines at the end of a piece.

False. While the double bar line does indicate the conclusion of a song, the lines are not both thin. Rather, the first line is thin, the second thick.



Music is written on a ____ line staff


There are___ spaces on a staff

Four. Between each line there is a space.

Two dots placed BEFORE a double bar line mean:

Go back to the beginning and play again. This is known as the: REPEAT SIGN.

The combined staffs are called the:

Grand Staff.

Whole steps vs. Half steps

Half steps- adjacent piano keys are a half step apart; therefore, E to F is a half step while C to D, which includes C sharp (C#) is two keys or two half steps away, so that is a Whole step. F-G= whole step A-B= whole step C-D= whole step G-A= whole step C-C#= half step B-C= half step E-F= half step

Bar Lines

Indicate the beginning and end of measures.

A clef:

Is a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes. The clef is placed on one of the lines at the beginning of the stave, it indicates the name and pitch of the notes on that line. This line serves as a reference point by which the names of the notes on any other line or space of the stave may be determined.


Is the pace of the beat. It is the speed at which a composer desires his musical composition to be performed. It is measured by the number of beats per minute. The faster the tempo, the more beats per minute.

Pianos, organs and harpsichords are classified as:

Keyboard Instruments.

A _____ _____ is a small line which is added above or below either the treble or bass staffs.

Leger Line.

The order of the letters on the Treble Clef lines:

Line 1- E Line 2-G Line 3-B Line 4-D Line 5-F Every Good Boy Does Fine

The order of the letters on the Bass Clef lines:

Line 1: G Line 2: B Line 3: D Line 4: F Line 5: A Good Boys Do Fine Always or General Beau Died Friday Afternoon.


Looks like a quarter note with a flag added to it's stem. 2 eighth notes= 1 quarter note 4 eighth notes= 1 half note 8 eighth notes = 1 whole note. 1 eighth note= 2 sixteenth notes *Note: eighth and sixteenth notes are not used much in elementary classrooms- too fast.

Flat Sign:

Lowers the pitch of a note a half step. On a piano, the black keys to the left of a white key are one step lower.

Double Bar Lines

Mark the end of a piece of music.

The distance between two bar lines called a:


Music is divided into equal parts called:


The note that is on the leger line, joining the treble and bass staffs is:

Middle C.



Chamber Music:

Music played by one to twenty persons.

The Keys/notes on a piano.

Notes A-G Sharps-black keys to the right of the white. one half step higher Flats- black keys to the left of the white keys one half step lower For white key C- the black key to the right of it, is C# but for white key D, that same black note is D flat (Db).

4/4 time and Rests

One whole rest= two half rests One whole rest= four quarter rests One half rest= two quarter rests In 4/4 time, a whole rest receives 4 beats. A half rest receives 2 beats. A quarter rest receives 1 beat.

The drums, tambourine, chimes, cymbals, xylophone, are classified as:

Percussion Instruments.

The third largest section in an orchestra is:

Percussion: There are usually a timpani (kettle based drums) and 2 or 3 other percussion instruments (such as xylophone, chimes and glockenspiel).

What style of jazz music was developed in America in the late 19th century that combines the influences of Western European music and African music?

Ragtime Jazz.


Refers to hearing a note and being able to reproduce it either vocally or with an instrument. Vocal chords and instruments produce vibrations in the air; as the frequency of these vibrations


Refers to the sound produced by an individual instrument or singer. Each family of instruments and type of instrument is distinct from all others. ex: the tone of a brass instrument is easily distinguishable from the tone of a string instrument, a woodwind instrument, etc.

The duration of musical silence is indicated by:


Notes on the Grand Staff (bass staff as well as the treble staff) are named after the first____ letters of the alphabet.

Seven. A, B, C, D, E, F, G.


Several notes sounded together.

The length in time that a note lasts is designated by:

Shape of the note

In a 4/4 time measure there are already two quarter notes. What other note(s) could you fit?

Since quarter notes = one beat each, and we used two, there are only two beats remaining for the measure. We could either use one half note or two more quarter notes.



The combination of notes and rest produces ____ and ____ in music.

Sound and silence

The order of the letters in the Bass Clef spaces:

Space 1: A Space 2: C Space 3: E Space 4: G All Cars Eat Gas or All Cows Eat Grass

The order of the letters in the Treble Clef spaces:

Space 1: F Space 2: A Space 3: C Space 4: E Way to remember (it rhymes): Space-FACE

Which side of the note are the stems on when facing up or down?

Stems below third line- pointed up on the right of the note head. Stems above the third line- facing down on the left of the note head

The guitar, bass, harp, sitar, mandolin, ukulele, violin and cello are classified as:

String Instruments.

Which of the following sections includes the largest number of instruments in a traditional orchestra?

String. The string section of a standard orchestra generally has a minimum of 10 first violins, 8 second violins, 6 violas, 4 cellos and 2 bases.


The combination of tones that produces a quality of relaxation.


The combination of tones that produces a quality of tension.

The "dot" + the notes

The half note = 2 beats And because a dot adds half of the notes value... The half note + a dot = 3 beats (in 4/4, 3/4 or 2/4 time) The quarter note= 1 beat The quarter note+ a dot= 1 1/2 beats

The stems for half notes and quarter notes are pointed up or down based on:

The line the note is on. Stems for half notes and quarter notes are pointed up if the notes are below the third line. Stems for half notes and quarter notes go down if the notes are on or above the third line.


The pattern of musical movement through time. It's what makes music move and flow. It is measure in units of time and organized by sets or patterns that can be repeated. Rhythm is the way sounds beat within different lengths and accents that combine into patterns.

Song form:

The structure of a song in which the first section of a simple ternary form is repeated- for example, AABA. A simple ternary form is music in three sections, with the third generally an exact repetition of the first, ABA

_____ _____ are placed at the beginning of a piece of music.

Time Signatures.

There are two numbers in a time signature- a top and a bottom number (essentially a fraction). These numbers indicate two things:

Top number: the number of beats (counts) in each measure. Bottom number: shows what kind of note gets one beat.

True or false: A note is tied across a bar line, will also carry it's accidental.


True or false: A slur should be played so that there isn't any space between the notes and should be played as smooth as possible.


True or false: The Big Band groups and Swing Jazz were popular in the 1930's:


True or false: Two or more eighth notes are joined together by a beam:


True or false: saxophonist Charlie Parker and trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie made bebop jazz popular in 1945:


True or false: you can change how music sounds by changing the harmony.


True or false: When saying a sharp or flat note's name, we say the letter name first followed by flat/sharp. But when we write it on the music, the flat sign comes first.

True. Ex: We would say "D flat" or "D sharp" but we would write it on the music piece as the flat or sharp symbol and then mark the note on the proper line/space to the left of the flat sign.

True or false: flats, sharps and naturals are called "accidental signs"

True. When they are placed before a note, they affect every note on the same line or space for an entire measure.

True or false: Some repeat signs send you back to another repeat sign, where only that part is played again (to the end)

True. The dots will be on the opposite side of the double line (the right as opposed to the left).

True or false: Notes on higher lines and/or spaces are higher in pitch than those on lower lines and/or spaces?

True. Line 5 = highest Line 4= high Line 3= middle Line 2= low Line 1= lowest Space 4= highest Space 3= mid/high Space 2= mid/low Space 1= lowest

Enharmonic Notes:

Two notes that sound the same, but are written differently. Although the black keys each only have one sound, they have two names. The black keys are Enharmonic.


Two or more tones played simultaneously that support the melody and give music "texture" or "mood." Playing several notes at the same time on a piano is an example of using harmony.


Typically, a multi-movement instrumental work for the solo keyboard, or keyboard and another instrument, or small chamber ensemble.


Unique tonal quality of a musical sound. It is the tone "color." It could be described as: bright, shrill, brittle or light, or it could be: dull, harsh, forceful or dark. Not only does each type of instrument have a distinct tone, but each instrument can also have a different tone from other similar instruments.


Very fast


Very slow

A string quartet most typically consists of:

Violins, viola and cello. The string quartet typically consists of a: first violin second violin a viola and a cello. Music written specifically for the string quartet is quite common, such as that by Mozart, Haydn, and Mendelssohn.

The most fundamental musical instrument. It has expressive qualities not found in other musical instruments. Divided into three registers: high, middle and low. Has the ability to combine words and music.


There are 7 categories of musical instruments:

Voice Brass Strings Woodwind Percussion Keyboard Electronic

The clarinet, oboe, ocarina, bassoon, flute, piccolo are classified as:

Woodwind Instruments.

Finally, the smallest section in an orchestra is

Woodwind: There are usually 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets and 2 bassoons.

Placed after a note, this adds one half the value of the original note?

a DOT ( . )

A curved line that connects notes of a different pitch


A curved line that connects two adjacent notes of the same pitch is called:

a TIE The tine is held as though the two notes are one.

Notes in 4/4 time:

a whole note gets 4 beats a half note gets 2 beats a quarter note gets one beat. (notes are the same in 2/4 and 3/4 time. No whole notes- they still get 4 beats.)

Woodwind instruments are so named because:

the were all once made of wood. Now, they are made out of many materials including metal.

In four-four (4/4) time:

top 4- indicates 4 beats in a measure bottom 4- indicates a quarter note gets one beat.

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