CSM 405 TEST 1

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Which of the following regulatory agencies is has some authority over amusement park rides? a. State Insurance Regulators b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration c. National Labor Relations Board d. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Which theory argues that power is pluralistic rather than concentrated in only a few elites? a. Elite theory b. Group theory c. Institutional theory d. Rational choice theory

Group theory

Which of the following policies was identified as an example of incremental change? a. No Child Left Behind b. Head Start preschool program c. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 d. Affordable Care Act of 2010

Head Start preschool program

______ models look at the ways in which governments are arranged, their legal powers, and their rules for decision making. a. Group b. Elite c. Institutional d. Rational choice


Which of the following journals is more likely to examine the ethical aspects of public policy? a. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management b. Policy Studies Journal c. Review of Policy Research d. Philosophy and Public Affairs

Philosophy and Public Affairs

Which theory forces people to think about the core motivation of individual political actors and its consequences for the larger political system and for public policy? a. Rational choice b. Group c. Political Systems d. Institutional

Rational choice

______ is a form of policy analysis that deals with threats to health and the environment. a. Economic analysis b. Risk assessment c. Cultural analysis d. Political analysis

Risk assessment

______ are negative incentives or penalties that are thought to discourage behavior that is inconsistent with policy goals. a. Speeches b. Proclamations c. Inducements d. Sanctions


The Constitution states that the president nominates justices to the Supreme Court and the ______ provides "advice and consent" for those nominees. a. Senate b. House of Representatives c. President d. Governors


______ is evident when people obey the law and respect the system's rules and when they vote in elections and express trust and confidence in institutions and leaders. a. Demand b. Input c. Support d. Feedback


Elite theory can be seen in the work of which of the following? a. Affordable Care Act of 2010 b. Tax Reform Act of 2017 c. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 d. Civil Rights Act of 1964

Tax Reform Act of 2017

President George W. Bush was instrumental in the ______. a. creation of the Department of Homeland Security b. passing of health care reform c. overhaul of the tax code d. decriminalization of marijuana

a. creation of the Department of Homeland Security

Defining and analyzing problems is usually part of which stage of the policy making process? a. agenda setting b. policy legitimation c. policy formulation d. policy design

agenda setting

The arguments for and against government intervention are often advanced during ______. a. policy adoption b. policy evaluation c. policy implementation d. agenda setting

agenda setting

Amusement park safety is the responsibility of ______. a. only the local level of government b. only the state level of government c. only the federal level of government d. all levels of governments, including private businesses

all levels of governments, including private businesses

Today, analysis is conducted in ______. a. formal think tanks b. interest groups c. executive agencies d. all of these

all of these

Which exercise involves making judgments about how well each policy option fits in relation to the most relevant criteria? a. construct policy alternatives b. choose evaluative criteria c. define and analyze the problem d. assess the alternatives

assess the alternatives

Which of the following are more likely to be an economic elite? a. stay at home moms b. teachers c. welfare recipients d. attorneys


A popular technique to encourage creative thinking in public policy or in organizational change is referred to as ______. a. no-action analysis b. quick surveys c. data analysis d. brainstorming


Technical assistance provided by governments is considered to be a ______. a. hortatory tool b. capacity building tool c. authority tool d. learning tool

capacity building tool

Richard Nixon's "new federalism" initiatives in the early 1970s were designed to move away from ______ and toward ______. a. categorical grants; block grants b. block grants; categorical grants c. unfunded mandates; categorical grants d. unfunded mandates; block grants

categorical grants; block grants

Which of the following is an example of a cultural elite? a. celebrated actors b. investment bankers c. physicians d. teachers

celebrated actors

Most contemporary policy analysis falls into which category of analysis? a. contentious b. consensual or mainstream c. paradigm-challenging d. value-critical

consensual or mainstream

Americans tend to be ideologically ______, but ______ in practice with respect to provision of government services. a. conservative; liberal b. moderate; liberal c. liberal; conservative d. liberal; moderate

conservative; liberal

Privatization is an approach that has gained increasing acceptance. It is usually proposed in which of the following steps? a. construct policy alternatives b. choose evaluative criteria c. define and analyze the problem d. draw conclusions

construct policy alternatives

Which of the following is considered to be the first step in policy analysis? a. assess the alternatives b. construct policy alternatives c. choose evaluative criteria d. define and analyze the problem

define and analyze the problem

The ______ enable those seeking a solution to communicate with one another with a degree of precision that otherwise might not be possible. a. resources b. data c. definitions d. policy alternatives


Which of the following terms is used to describe the transfer of responsibility and authority for the implementation of certain programs to a lower level of government? a. regulation b. deregulation c. gridlock d. devolution


Which of the following types of policies is least likely to be controversial? a. redistributive b. constituent c. regulatory d. distributive


Public construction projects are an example of ______. a. distributive policies b. redistributive policies c. regulatory policies d. constituent policies

distributive policies

The conflicts over the seating of new Supreme Court justices in Obama and Trump's presidencies illustrate the challenges that are a result of ______. a. policy gridlock b. personal grudges c. divided government d. bipartisanship

divided government

What type of analysis is used to find the most logical, efficient, and effective ways to deal with public problems? a. economic analysis b. political analysis c. cultural analysis d. risk assessment analysis

economic analysis

Which of the following policy instruments are common in the areas of health, safety,and environmental protection and less likely to provoke pushback? a. taxing and spending b. education, information, and persuasion c. regulation d. market mechanisms

education, information, and persuasion

In many policy areas, ______ may be affected by a proposal's technical or administrative feasibility. a. effectiveness b. efficiency c. equity d. ethics


The criterion of ______ is also a way to think about who is allowed to participate in policymaking processes, such as who gets to vote or who gets to speak at a public hearing. a. efficiency b. feasibility c. equity d. effectiveness


Which of the following presidential powers can be utilized by a president to reject a bill approved by congress? a. filibuster b. executive privilege c. veto d. cloture vote

executive privilege

Much of the recent growth in government employees has been in ______. a. federal agencies and departments b. international agencies and departments c. Supreme Court d. tribal governments

federal agencies and departments

Economic projections are an example of ______. a. issue framing b. forecasting c. design d. defining


Which of the following has a significant impact on policymaking processes, but does prevent policy action as the routine administration of current national policies and programs clearly indicate? a. decentralization b. fragmentation c. devolution d. centralization


The percentage of the population at different income levels or the number of people in a survey who favor or do not favor an issue position is an example of which of the following descriptive statistics? a. frequency b. mean c. media d. range


Which of the following was identified as one of the most vexing issues of problem analysis? a. how to interpret information that comes to us without a meaningful context b. how to determine who the policy will impact c. how to determine the funding and resources available for the analysis d. how to determine whether the analysis should even take place

how to interpret information that comes to us without a meaningful context

The term ______ refers to both the organizations and the rules used to structure patterns of interaction within and across organizations. a. pluralism b. institution c. rationalism d. elitism


When policymakers and interest groups do whatever they can to set the policy agenda in their favor by defining problems their way they are participating in ______. a. issue framing b. policy formulation c. design d. evaluation

issue framing

Which of the following levels of government play the dominant role in crime control and land-use regulation? a. local and state b. state and federal c. tribal and state d. federal and local

local and state

Which descriptive statistic is commonly used on the state of the housing market? a. median b. mean c. ratio d. frequency


Which of the following statements pertaining to models is true? a. models are descriptive in nature and are less concerned with explanation b. models attempt to explain why certain policies are adopted c. models help focus people's attention on the most important factors that affect decisionmaking d. models are more concerned with explanation and tend to be less descriptive

models are descriptive in nature and are less concerned with explanation

Which of the following exists when one or several persons or companies dominate the market and can control the price of a product or service? a. monopoly or oligopoly b. externality c. information failure d. inability to provide for the collective good

monopoly or oligopoly

The shift in the political environment—the rise in think tanks and interest groups—is most evident at the ______ level of government. a. state b. tribal c. national d. local


Which approach is favored during times of budget constraints, when programs are vulnerable to cutbacks or elimination? a. brainstorming b. quick surveys c. passive collection d. no-action analysis

no-action analysis

Which term best distinguishes the problems that fail to gain attention from those that do? a. nonissues b. issues c. agenda denial d. agenda acceptance


The rise of the Tea Party movement in recent years is partially in response to what its supporters see as a federal government that is ______. a. not involved b. doing the bare minimum c. disregarding the wishes of the citizens d. overinvolved


Measures to deal with the rights of persons with disabilities have borrowed concepts and language from analogous civil rights legislation from the 1960s. This is an example of which approach? a. ideal situation b. brainstorming c. parallel d. no-action analysis

parallel situation

Fred is a policy analyst, he has recently scheduled a meeting to speak with the administrators of the Social Security program. Fred is using which approach? a. parallel situation b. brainstorming c. literature review d. passive collection

passive collection

A ______ is a standing decision characterized by behavioral consistency and repetitiveness on the part of both those who make it and those who abide by it. a. outcome b. problem c. policy d. input


Usually, the formal construction of alternatives fits into the ______ stage. a. agenda setting b. policy legitimation c. policy formulation d. policy implementation

policy formulation

Sandy is a policy analyst who works with Planned Parenthood. She is committed to specific policy values and goals and sometimes to ideological and partisan agendas. Her work best fits under the ______ approach. a. scientific b. professional c. political d. practical


Most often, references to ______ reflect a judgment about whether elected officials are willing to support a policy proposal. a. efficiency b. political feasibility c. equity d. effectiveness

political feasibility

Which of the following is an example of a negative externality? a. electricity or cable services b. national defense c. pollution d. education


Christopher is a policy analyst at the a non-partisan think tank. His analyses are considered tobe ______. a. scientific b. professional c. political d. practical


Which of the following elements of public policy refers to the authorized means of pursuing goals? a. intentions b. programs c. decisions d. proposals


Which approach was identified as being particularly useful at the local level? a. brainstorming b. quick surveys c. passive collection d. literature reviews

quick surveys

A law proposed by a state or locality for voters to approve or reject is referred to as a ______. a. recall b. initiative c. referendum d. constitutional amendment


The purpose of a ______ approach is to deepen, broaden, and extend the policy-maker's capacity for judgment. a. political b. scientific c. constituent d. professional


Which of the following are now considered to be at leading edge of policy development? a. the federal government b. state governments c. local governments d. tribal governments

state governments

Quite often national policies are implemented chiefly by ______. a. cities and municipalities b. states c. the federal government d. tribal governments


Susan is research the educational quality in schools, which quantitative measure is she most likely to use? a. what the students favorite subjects are b. test scores and student evaluations c. what type of lunches are provided d. what the teachers think about their students

test scores and student evaluations

The public, typically less than 10 percent of it, who are apt to take an interest in particular problems or policy are referred to as ______. a. the attentive public b. the passive public c. the active public d. the uninformed public

the attentive public

Policymaking in the United States is inherently difficult because of ______. a. the institutional dispersal of power b. the understaffing of Congress c. the lack of transparency in the process d. the unitary nature of government

the institutional dispersal of power

The federal government's size is measured by ______ and has been relatively stable since the 1970s. a. the number of agencies and departments b. the number of citizens c. budgets d. the number of employees

the number of employees

President Obama's successes during the first two years of his presidency were a result of ______. a. divided government b. bipartisan efforts c. the support of a Democratic majority in Congress d. the support of a Republican minority in Congress

the support of a Democratic majority in Congress

Which of the following are more likely to explain why certain policies are adopted? a. hypotheses b. processes c. theories d. models


Electricity and cable services are examples of ______. a. common pool resources b. pure public goods c. pure private goods d. toll goods

toll goods

The No Child Left Behind program is an example of a ______. a. categorical grant b. block grant c. unfunded mandate d. grant-in-aid

unfunded mandate

Moral critics are more likely to partake in which type of analysis? a. mainstream b. consensual c. paradigm-challenging d. value-critical or contentious

value-critical or contentious

Students who are seeking to define poverty in relative terms should be looking at _____. a. whether people are unable to meet essential human needs b. whether people are poorer than others c. whether people qualify for certain programs d. whether people are of a certain race

whether people are poorer than others

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