CTA 30 Day Challenge

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

How can you perform multiple DML operations multiple objects in a single API call?

- Composite Rest API -

Name best practices for sharing realignment with large data volumes

- Defer sharing recalculation - Granular locking; Group membership sharing is not calculated - Parallel Sharing recalculation

When onboarding a new customer in Salesforce, the customer credit rating needs to be validated through a Credit Scoring web service before doing business with them. The response can happen in real-time but depending on the country might take up to 3 days. Describe possible options and your considerations

- Fire and forget pattern - When a new customer is created call the webservice from the Apex controller asynchronously. Pass the AccountId as a unique parameter. - Use status field on Account to track the status of the credit check. External system can update the Account using the AccountId (which it already has) to update the Account record using Salesforce rest API.

How can you grant Customer Community users access to records?

As community users don't have role/ groups associated to them, we use Sharing sets to give them access to the records where the Account/ Contact information on a record is same as that of the User's Contact. Sharing groups - Profiles and permission sets and OWD/ Implicit sharing Customer Community Plus - Apex sharing and Manual Sharing

What is the impact of the OAuth scope variable and what are possible values?

Authorization access of the User. You can control the limit, the access level for a particular client app to the resource server so that you only allow access to particular kind of information or capability. We can limit the scope of OAuth through connected app.

How can you invoke web services from a Visual Flow and what do you need to consider?

Call apex class or External services (Rest API and take input in JSON format) - Data types that - How to handle response - - Synchronous/ Asynchronous - Error/ Failure scenarios - Data and it's related object that needs to be passed to web servuce -

What are the different options to synchronize Account records between two Salesforce orgs and what are important considerations?

Considerations: Make sure the data is same across the Orgs or we have a transformation layer that converts the data in the format the other Org stores the data. - How are you going to handle duplicates - Synchronization error considerations - Frequency of change that should happen Salesforce to Salesforce Integration Change data capture ETL or synchronized batch job

What are benefits of using an ESB?

Error handling and graceful way of retrying the execution Buffering and Queuing- Use ESB to connect to multiple messages that can be passed to the backend system. Idempotency- The capability to prevent duplicate execution of the integration through unique message identifiers.

Give an example for data normalization and how it could negatively impact Salesforce implementations?

Ex- Create custom object in Salesforce to Model a country which would include country name, the continent the ISO code. This can be beneficial because we wouldn't have to repeat data or copy data for each of those records where we're referencing the country for instance on the account. Negative impact - Performance especially in large data volume enviornment where the system would have to run additional queries in order to construct the reports or if you want to run apex There might also be the challenges where you want to write business logic in order to retrieve those records. For user experience, if you want to show information from the related object you would have to construct the formula especially if you want to make those fields visible in the list view.

What are important considerations when it comes to build vs. buy decisions?

Expertise - Do you or your team has expertise to build such an application yourself or is it a safer play to rely on product company that has long experience in building such applications. Rather than to continuously maintain or update the application. product company will take care of that on your behalf Total Ownership - How much is going to cost you to build or implement that solution but also what are the costs that are included or induced through licenses cost, maintenance cost, product cost. Going with Product might be a cheaper option in the first phase but in subsequent phases the overall cost for a custom built solution might be lower What's your go to market strategy. How quickly does the functionality or capability need to be available to the user base and the other thing are know your competitor's are using. Does it even make sense to build in a custom application or use industry standards that make your life easier.

What are your considerations for the mobile strategy of an end customer mobile app?

Factors to be considered: a) Is there any mobile native functionalities that should be used? Like bluetooth, GPS or access to other application on the phone. b) Time to deployment? Change management process c) User Branding considerations

Draw a conceptual model of how Heroku Connect works

Heroku connect can be used for Data replication and Data proxy. For Data replication, we can sync the data with APIs between Salesforce and Heroku Platform Or we can proxy from Heroku Postgress database into Salesforce using Salesforce connect.

What are your considerations when it comes to leveraging a Canvas App or a mashup?

If the customer wants to have the same user experience as they have when they log into different system. Real time data is displayed in Salesforce UI where the master system of the data is an external system. - Authentication can be done using - Canvas app signed request or Canvas App - Oauth Flow or using Canvas App SSO. -

What is implicit sharing and what are some examples?

Implicit sharing is built in sharing behaviour that cannot be modified by the admin. Child Implicit relationship - Owner of Account has access to all the Cases/ Contacts and Opportunity records associated with it. Parent implicit relationship - Owner of Contact/ Case/ Opportunity have read Only access to the parent account associated to the record.

How can you improve the performance of data migrations with large data volumes?

In order to improve migration of large data volumes you should disable any kind of automation that fire when you're creating or updating records in the system such as process flows, workflow rules, validation rule etc etc. You might also want to introduce framework that allows switching on and off those kinds of rule. Defer the calculation of sharing rules but what you could also do is use Bulk data API in order to execute parallel processing however it comes with its own challenges and another consideration that would be worth looking into it is having subsequent logs so rather than loading everything at the same time does it make sense to split up the migration in multiple lots. PK Chunking

What are considerations when it comes to choosing multi org vs. single org?

Regulatory requirements where we might be required to store data in a particular region. - So think about having a project where you have the US and Europe data set - Number of business lines or business units are are you going to have that need to use Salesforce. Can you handle the complexity you are going to introduce in Single Org or working across multiple Org might require integration. - What are the data volumes that you're going to handle? - Performance challenge in the same Org (use division) Impact - Change management - How are you going to make changes available or are you going to have shared code base that you need to maintain across multiple Orgs - What is the branching strategy going to be

When would you choose "swivel chair" as your integration approach?

Swivel chair is a slang term for a common interface work-around that involves manually entering data into one system and then entering the same data into another system. The term is derived from the practice of the user turning from one system to another using a swivel chair. Use cases: - When it is not possible to establish a connection with external system through apis or automatic means - When external system is not accessible through internet - Only 1 or 2 records/ month that need to be moved to external system. - In a multi phase delivery, you could start with swivel chair approach in order to have quicker go to market strategy or reduce cost

What tools does the Salesforce platform provide to enforce Master Data Management policies? - MDM

Talks about data integrity and consistency of the data especially when it is shared across multiple systems. We have different field types like Text, Number, checkboxes and we can also define whether the fields have particular length, required, Unique. Validation rules to ensure that records inserted and managed in the system meet particular requirement. We have process builder flows and workflow rules or other forms of automation to make changes to the data for instance if you receive data from another system we might have to enrich that information within Salesforce by looking up additional values Duplicate matching rules Use Ape exchange product in order to enforce those policies.

What options do you have to prevent authorized users to use a Salesforce Login of an internal user?

Two-factor authentication Through lightning logging capabilities you can send SMS token Ubi key authentication Single Sign On with External Identity provider From Profile/Permission set/ Org level restrict: - Login IP Range - Login IP hours

When to use a new Salesforce Object instead of a new Record Type?

Use Record Types- When you have different Processes on the same data entity and if you want to assign different page layouts. Will use custom object where the processes for the entity are significantly different and potentially the underlying business logic is really complex and it might require some significant work in order to make changes in the future. So you want to separate the processes here and separate objects when you are at the risk of running into limits or number of fields or number of sharing rules, validations etc etc. There might also be some highly legalised and highly regulated scenarios where there are guidelines which dictate strict separation between business units.

Under what circumstances would you use Apex Sharing over declarative Sharing rules and what are the implications?

When other means of configurable sharing doesn't work we have to use Apex managed sharing. It works only with Internal user, Customer community plus and partner users. - In Apex sharing you can share records only based on ownership and not on criteria. - In Apex sharing, it's important to define a sharing reason other than "Manual" in order to maintain the sharing even when the owner changes.

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