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A player who has a grade 3 concussion without a prior history of head injury will likely have to wait at least before resuming play

1 month

How many vertebrae are there in the thoracic spine?


For proper handwashing, you should scrub your hands for

120 seconds

How many facial bones are there?


When using the RICE treatment on the elbow, the ice should be kept in place for then removed for 1 hour

15 minutes

How long after a nosebleed has stopped can an athlete blow his nose?

2 hours

How long should a secondary survey take?

2 minutes

A trainer assisting a return to play potential of an athlete with a bicep injury should as a player to do range of motion exercises and then perform how many push-ups to test upper extremity strength


To most effectively protect against su nburn, athletes should apply sunscreen with a 15 or higher SPF rating

20 to 30 minutes before exposure

The ratio for ventilations to compressions for one-person CPR is.


When measuring respirations, you should count for. seconds and multiply that number by

30 seconds, multiply by 2

How many teeth are there


The spine has how many vertebrae?


The thumb is a unique digit because it does not have a(n). phalanx.


Brain cells that are deprived of oxygen due to the lack of heartbeat and breathing will begin to die in

4-6 Minutes

Normal blood needs how many minutes to clot?

4-6 minutes

How many vertebrae are there in the lumbar spine?


A normal rate of respiration for a well-trained athlete would be

6-8 breaths per minute

What is the normal pulse rate for an adult?

60-100 bpm

How many vertebrae are there in the cervical spine?


An athlete who loses this amount of body weight during a game should be sent to a physician for rehydration.


How many bones are there in the cranium?


How many carpal bones are there?


Viral disease caused by the human immunodeficieney virus which destroys the immune system and renders the patient susceptible to other infections


ability to come to terms with a prognosis or outcome


The best way to control bleeding is to

Apply direct pressure

lung disorder that causes difficult breathing, wheezing, and coughing


Pain, bulging biceps, and decreased mobility are symptoms of

Biceps brachii rupture

The goal of treating someone with heat stroke is to lower the body temperature as quickly and safely as possible, to avoid death or serious

Brain damage

After you determine a person is not conscious or breathing, what should be your next step


When your heart stops beating, it is called.

Cardiac arrest

periods of apnea followed by periods of fast and slow breathing

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

When your heart and your respirations stop, it is called

Clinical death

Blood vessels expand and every time the heart beats.


psychological or physical methods people use to adapt to stressful situations

Coping mechanism

refusal to believe what is real or true


feelings of sadness or hopelessess


identification of a disease or condition based on scientific assessment


nervous system disorder that results in seizures or other abnormal behavior


heat loss such as perspiration in which a liquid changes to a vapor


A basketball player who gets a bloody nose during play can wear her jersey in the game if there's only a little blood on it.


A log roll with one rescuer is safer than a log roll with three rescuers


A patient who is unconscious should be given inhalants try and wake her up


A person's pulse should be taken immediately after activity


A sports medicine professional who does his job correctly will never be confronted with an emergency


An athlete who has a nosebleed should lie down flat on her back to help control the bleeding.


During CPR, there should be two ventilations for every 10 compressions.


If an athlete is unconscious, it is not necessary to time how long he is unconscious.


If breathing stops, the heart will stop beating immediately after.


It is not a good idea to tell an athlete what you are doing when you are checking pulse or respirations, since it might make him anxious


Medical asepsis is the highest level of asepsis.


Removal of the red bloodstain guarantees removal of the contaminants from clothes.


Sports that use repetitive motions are less likely to cause tendonitis because the joints get used to the motion.


The infection cycle consists of six parts that must exist for a disease to occur


The pulse can be felt by placing the fingers lightly over a vein.


Ventilations consist of giving one breath before checking for circulation


Volkmann's contracture is not serious and can be treated with rest and ice.


When applying ice to a wound, keep the ice in place for 10 minutes followed by an hour in which the ice is taken off. The Cycle is repeated for a 24- to 72-hour period during waking hours, or until the swelling subsides


When blood temperature rises, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the blood vessels in the skin,causing them to constrict


You do not need to scrub your hands if you are wearing gloves.


The top number on a blood pressure reading is the diastolic pressure

False it's systolic

An athlete who breathes in 11 times and out II times would have a respiration rate of 22.

False, 11

A heart rate or pulse that is less than 60 beats per minute is called tachycardia.

False, Bradycardia

People who work with athletes in contact sports should make sure they get an AIDS vaccine.

False, Hepatitis B

When putting on sterile gloves, itis best to put the glove on the nondeminant hand first

False, dominant

To feel the radial pulse, it is best to use your thumb.

False, first two fingers

Distal indicates that a body part lies close to the reference point.

False, it's proximal

A cross-country runner who had not had enough fluids would probably have high blood pressure.

False, low

The peripheral nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord

False; central

freezing of skin and tissues that can permanently damage the affected areas


respiratory and cardiac arrest

Full Arrest

cystic tumor rising from a tendon, often on the back of the wrist, that creates a knot beneath the skin

Ganglion cyst

facial expression that reflects discomfort or pain


medical evaluation based on history, observation, palpation, and stress test


assessment for impingement of subacromial bursa

Hawkins-kennedy test

During a secondary survey, what symptoms could indicate a head injury?

Head injury could be indicated by symptoms such as pain swelling or bleeding in the head or scalp, unconsciousness, inability to remember, being disoriented as to time place and person and Unreactive or unequally reactive pupils

an injured athlete's airway is not open, you should make an airway using either the head- maneuver or jaw- maneuver

Head tilt or jaw thrust maneuver

blood-filled, swollen area caused by bleeding under the tissues


Which of the following would not be transmitted by a needlestick?

Hepatitis A

balance or state of equilibrium in body systems


condition when the body temperature drops below 95° F


treatment for a mild strain

ICE technique

How does humidity affect the body's ability to cool?

If there is a lot of humidity in the air switch cannot evaporate ********** is not able to cool the body

compression of the soft tissue between two or more bones due to tissue swelling or bone displacement


What are the essential characteristics of athletic adhesive tape?

It must be applied easily quickly and constantly immerse me strong and able enough to provide the needed protection

The spread of disease can be stopped by removing any 一一 in the chain of infection.


What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces skin cells and meiosis produces human reproductive cells.

A gymnast who has fallen off the parallel bars. She is not breathing and has no pulse. She is currently on her back, resting on some thick, soft pads. Should you start CPR immediately?


A member of the football team has collapsed facedown on the field after a hard tackle. As you approach, a teammate says, "He is not breathing!" You call EMS and tell everyone not to try to turn him over, to wait for the paramedics. Is this correct?


If your hands become contaminated while performing a procedure, should you continue until you finish the procedure?


One of the long-distance runners on your team has a resting pulse of 53 beats per minute. Should you take him for medical evaluation?


You notice that one of your swim team members is sitting on the side of the pool. When she breathes in, she raises her shoulders and moves her neck back. Is this normal breathing?


treatment for a sprain


List five symptoms of appendicitis.

Pain in lower right abdomen nausea vomiting fever diarrhea or constipation

The point at which pain affects performance is known as the

Pain threshold

point at which discomfort affects performance

Pain threshold

assessment to determine impingement of the nerves at the wrist

Phalen's test

period in rehabilitation when no significant progress is shown


The main concern when a person is having a seizure is to

Prevent the victim or anyone else from getting hurt

taking steps in advance to avoid or manage an anticipated difficulty


estimated recovery or prediction of outcome for disease or injury


mental and emotional ability to compete without undue strain on other aspects of life

Psychological fitness

What is the basic "principle of taping"?

RTP is based on common sense it through understanding of the anatomy and function of the part involved

As an athletic trainer, it is important that you can different types of injuries and apply. to the injured person.

Recognize, first aid

discomfort at a location other than the point of injury

Referred pain

The head of the humerus is held in place within the glenoid cavity by the

SITS muscle

Second concussion that is received before the signs and symptoms of the firsr concussion have been resolved; a life threatening emergency

Second impact syndrome

What are the symptoms of someone who is experiencing hypoglycemia?

Set an onset of headache nausea weakness and loss of muscle coordination

A rapid but weak pulse usually will indicate

Shock, bleeding, diabetic coma, and/or heat exhaustion

Which of the following would NOT be helpful in preventing hypothermia?

Shoes that fit perfectly

stretching or lengthening the biceps tendon to assess the possibility of tenosynovitis

Speed's test

Body parts that are located above other parts are said to be to the lower parts.


source who accepts the the pathogen and supports the pathogen's life and reproduction

Susceptible host

Return-to-play decisions for minor injuries are based on

The athletes ability to perform certain physical activities

When taping an athlete's hand, the trainer should be particularly careful not to pull the tape too tightly in which area?

The web space between the thumb and the first finger

tingling sensation produced by percussing the ulnar nerve

Tinel's sign

The plane Refers to an imaginary horizontal line that divides the body into a top and The bottom half


A hematoma is best treated using the ICE procedure.


A person in cardiac arrest will have no pulse


A reservoir host is an individual in which the infectious microorganisms reside


Because of the blood supply to the neck and head, even small head wounds can bleed profusely.


Before a dressing is applied, a wound must be cleansed.


Emergency plans should be practiced regularly and under varying conditions.


For cells to metabolize food into energy, they need oxygen.


Hydrogen peroxide may be used to remove bloodstains from jerseys and other uniforms


If you get a needle stick, after cleaning the wound, you should fill out the necessary forms to notify supervisors of the needle stick


Keeping a wound clean and dry is an example of breaking the chain of infection by changing the environment


Sterilization kills all forms of microbial life.


The best ways to check a person's temperature is through the mouth or ear


The most effective method of reducing disease transmission is through handwashing.


The rate of respiration increases when the cells need more energy, such as during exercise.


To clear an airway, use your index finger to do a finger sweep to remove any objects in the mouth


To flex a contused quadriceps, the knee should be kept in flexion


Trainers who work with contact sports such as football should be vaccinated against hepatitis B


Using a tennis racket that does not have the proper grip and string tension could cause epicondylitis.


Wearing gloves protects both the care provider and the patient.


When is used, it is important that tape adherent also be used on the skin to secure it.

Under wrap

guidelines to protect healthcare workers from exposure to blood-borne pathogens in body secretions

Universal precautions

assessment to determine lateral joint stability (of the elbow, for example)

Varus stress test

individual bone segments of the spine


damage to forearm muscles due to an injury to the blood supply

Volkmann's contracture

List two preventative measures that can be taken to avoid the transmission of a cold or flu virus to an entire team.

Wash hands frequently avoid sharing water bottles and towels

The effect of wind in cold temperatures is known as the factor


A wrestler on your team has a clear liquid leaking from his nose . Should you put on gloves before you examine him?


open wound in which the outer layer of skin has been scraped off


Getting the body accustomed to temperature and environmental conditions is called


downward distraction of the humerus to assess the joint formed between the clavicle and the scapula

acromioclavicular sprain test

movement of a joint through a range of motion produced by muscle contraction (without assistance)

active range of motion

When exercising in cold weather, the effects of moisture can usually be overcome by


Movement of a body part toward the middle of the body is called


Soft connective tissue that stores fat is called

adipose tissue

For a person who is bitten by a venomous snake, the first aid action should be to

alert EMS

study of the structure of the body


temporary or permanent stopping of breathing


movement of a joint while observing the patient for signs of pain and joint laxity; used to assess joint stability

apprehension test

vessels that carry blood away from the heart to the body


preventing infection;sterile


The best way to determine a person's level of consciousness is to

ask loudly if they are okay

evaluation of a patient's physical condition


Which of the following does NOT require a physician's written permission before returning to play?

asthma attack

As an athletic trainer, your decisions regarding return to play should focus on

athletes immediate safety and long term well being

Which of the following would indicate that a player is NOT ready to resume play?

athletes seems reluctant to participate fully in play

When the air temperature is between 80 and 90 ° F and humidity is at or above 70 % , which of the following is the correct procedure?

athletes should rest and drink water frequently

to listen


soft tissue injury in which a flap of tissue is torn loose or pulled off


fabric portion of athletic tape


single-celled organisms that can destroy blood cells


The shoulder is a

ball and socket joint

attempts to make a deal with an authority figure to try to change the outcome of a situation


Name two things that could cause someone to be a susceptible host.

being malnourished or having a suppressed immune system

When brain cells begin to die, it is called.

biological death

when brain cells begin to die

biological death

pressure exerted by the circulating blood against the walls of the arteries

blood pressure

Insulin is a hormone that regulates

blood sugar

Which pulse site is most commonly used for checking blood pressure?


A spinal injury that occurs when, for example, a rodeo rider's head is moved sharply to the side is called a

brachial plexus injury

abnormally slow breathing


middle phalanx

buttonhole deformity

thickened, usually painless, skin area caused by friction or pressure


Bleeding can result from capillaries, veins, or arteries, with bleeding being the most common type of external bleeding.


What does CPR stand for?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation

lifes aving procedure that includes artificial ventilat plus chest compressions

cardiopulmonary resuscitation

people or animals with no disease symptoms but can still transmit the disease


The slightly movable joints in the spine are classified as


To prevent a biceps brachii rupture, what could you do?

caution athletes to stay within theor tolerance limits

brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

Decreased circulation in the arm can be detected by

checking for paleness, coolness, or losses of sensation in the distal part of the extremity, checking the distal pulses, checking for capillary refill

results from partial or total airway obstruction.


The physical and mental characteristics of a person are found in the


Signs of circulation include normal breathing, movement, and a(n). in the neck.




practices or procedures that ensure removal or destruction of infected material or organisms

clean technique

state of unconsciousness or deep stupor


When a bone fracture protrudes through the skin, it is called a(n) fracture.


pressing above and below an injury site to assess the possibility of a fracture

compression test

if a person is choking but still the rescuer should stand behind him and perform the obstructed airway maneuver


You should avoid touching anything else while you put on gloves, to avoid


What is the main function of the cell's nucleus?

control the metabolism, growth, and reproduction of the cell

soft tissue injury caused by the seepage of blood into tissue; bruise


a method of heat loss in which the layer of heated air next to the body is constantly being removed and replaced by a cooler air is called


heat loss in which the layer of heated air next to the body is being removed and replaced by cooler air


internal body temperature

core temperature

The directional plane that uses an imaginary line to separate the body into a front and back section is called the

coronal plane

crackling or grating sound heard when damaged a bone or joint is moved


blush skin color caused by lack of oxygen


The jellylike material tha: makes up cells is called the

cytoplasm (protoplasm)

Vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever can all lead to


A serious eye injury that often is not painful is a(n)

detached retina

What is retinal detachment?

detachment of the retina

treatment for arterial bleeding

direct pressure

separation of the joint


expanded or swollen


If you wanted to check the circulation in the foot of an athlete who had an ankle injury, you would use the

dorsalis pedis pulse site

Taping procedure for the Achilles tendon restricts the degree of. of the ankle joint.


Explain the difference between dressings and bandages

dressings are material applied directly on the wound. bandages are the material used to hold the dressing in place

abduction of the arm , followed by a controlled lowering to assess rotator cuff status

drop arm test

Difficult or painful breathing (shortness of breath) is called


shortness of breath


swelling due to excess fluid in the tissues


olecranon process

elbow bursitis

inflammation of tissues around the humerus, also known as tennis elbow




A method of heat loss in which a liquid changes to a vapor is called ________________________.


means turning outward, and means turning inward.

eversion, inversion

A single respiration consists of one inspiration and one.


to breathe out or exhale


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of severe sunburn?


A carbohydrate snack every 30 minutes after activity may help to control blood sugar levels in diabetics


All athletes have the same high threshold of pain.


All dislocations should be reduced immediately


An athlete should be allowed to flex an ankle while it is being taped, to make sure the taping is a good "fit."


An athlete who has impetigo can continue to play football.


Applying a tourniquet is the most effective way to control bleeding.


Athletic tape should be stored in a warm place (more than 80° F) so that it maintains its flexibility


Hypoglycemic athletes should avoid sugar at the onset of symptoms.


Keeping a wet shirt or wet clothing on can help an athlete cool off in hot weather


Once an athlete is cleared to return to play, there is no need to closely observe him any more than the other athletes.


Taping is not helpful in reducing the discomfort of plantar fascitis.


To pass a return-to-play test, taping is not allowed.


Use skin cream to remove any residue of tape adherent from the skin

false, alcohol

When bargaining fails to alow an athlete to play, an athlete will often return to the acceptance stage of coping with the loss of the ability to play

false, anger

An athlete who had a mild injury can resume play after she is cleared by the team physician

false, athletic trainer

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are part of the somatic nervous system

false, autonomic

Care should be taken removing tape from the feet, because the tape can pull away a toenail.

false, callus

The bones of the wrist are called the metacarpals

false, carpals

A person having a petit mal seizure usually loses consciousness.

false, grand mal

A sty is bleeding within the anterior chamber of the eye

false, hyphema

Direct pressure should be applied to control the bleeding associated with a compound fracture.

false, indirect

Diabetic coma is the result of too much insulin in the body

false, not enough

Stepping on the tip of a nail would result in a laceration.

false, puncture wound

The tearing of muscles and/or adjacent tissues is a fracture

false, strain

Someone with heat exhaustion can have a core body temperature as high as 100 ° F

false, stroke

The purpose of the second layer of wound dressing is to hold the dressing in place.

false, the 3rd does that

Wounds with jagged edges are called incisions

false, they are called lacerations

The varus stress test assesses the medial stability of the elbow joint.

false, valgus

The fibrous membrane that covers, supports, and separates muscles is called the


Which type of joint is immovable?


assessment to determine tenosynovitis of the thumb tendon

finkelstein's test

Movement that results in a decreased angle between two bones is called


Name three ways to increase the tensile strength of tape.

folding the leading end of the tape, twisting the tape into a cord and by layering

The radial artery is located in the


A crack or break in a bone


The existence of a sprain in the ulnar collateral ligament or the medial ligament of the digit can be assessed using the test.

gamekeeper's thumb

ulnar collateral ligament

gamekeepers thumb

When heat cramps occur, they most commonly affect the


Other than the finger joints, which joint is the most commonly dislocated in sports?

glenohumeral joint

do these to protect yourself whenever providing first aid


An incomplete fracture in which the bone is partially bent is called a(n)

greenstick fracture

What are the main functions of the ear?

hearing and balance

Even when the body is at rest, the chemical and physical activities that take place in the body produce


muscle spasms due to dehydration

heat cramps

Which of the following is a medical emergency?

heat stroke

rising body temperature over 105° F that causes nervous system symptoms

heat stroke

abnormal severe intermal or external bleeding


inflammation of the liver that is caused by a virus and spread through contact with infected blood and body fluids

hepatitis B

An injury log must include a complete of the incident and injury.


moisture in the air


Sprains to the wrist are usually caused by. or.

hyper extension, hyperflextion

Elbow sprains and strains usually result from


high blood pressure


low blood sugar


The area in the brain that regulates body temperature is called the


The heat-regulating center of the brain is called the


blood cells that fight infections and disease

immune system

A severe or third-degree sprain will have

increased laxity with no end point

Name three risks of having excess weight or fat

increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, shorter life expectancies

Which of the following would be a result of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system?

increased salivation

Wind. the effects of cold temperatures.


The likelihood for a person to suffer from a heat disorder

increases with temperature and humidity

Redness, swelling, increased pain, foul-smelling drainage, red streaks, and an elevated temperature are indications of


What actions does the medulla oblongata control?

involuntary actions

A pulse that speeds up and slows down while the person is sitting still is a(n) pulse.


Cleansing a wound

is important in preventing infection and must be done before a dressing is applied

reduced or obstructed blood flow


examination of a specific body area to determine extent of damage

isolated injury assessment

movement of the ends of bones that form a joint as the joint moves through its range of motion

joint laxity

deep gasping breaths

kussmaul's breathing

Humpback or hunchback curvature of the spine is also called


jagged tear in the flesh


When performing a varus stress test on the elbow, the trained evaluator applies

lateral forced to the medial aspect of the joint line



fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone


attach bones to bones, and attach muscles to bones

ligaments- bone to bone tendons- muscle to bone

The main function of the cornea is to permit to pass through to the retina visual image can be relayed to the brain


In hot weather, athletic clothing should be

light weight, light colored and vented

to test a player's return-to-play potential after having a leg injury, the athlete should be asked to run a figure eight pattern without


medial epicondyle

little league elbow

method of turning the patient with a spinal injury

log roll

The term caudal refers to the

lower back area

distal interphalangeal joint

mallet finger

flexion of the last joint of the finger due to tendon damage

mallet finger

how the injury occurred

mechanism of injury

The muscles of the wrist and hand are controlled by what nerves?

median, radial, and ulnar

clean technique

medical asepsis

The hand is composed of

metacarpals and digits

A buttonhole deformity is caused by rupture of the tendon in the

middle finger phalanx

The organelles in a cell that releases energy and control chemical reactions within the cell are called


What part of the cell is responsible for chemical reactions?


What does the cerebellum control?

muscle coordination and tone



process of bone replacing muscle tissue as a result of trauma

myositis ossificans

A trainer performs a genral assessment on a player eho had a deep shoulder contusion three weeks ago. As she palpated the shoulder, she asks the player if he feels any pain. He says no. When she presses again, he grimaces. should the trainer believe the player


The quarterback received a jarring tackle and was shaken up during a close game. He tells the trainer he is hot dizzy and that he must go back in the game so that the team does not risk losing. Should the trainer agree?


Most needle sticks occur due to

not being careful

method to clear a foreign object from the trachea

obscured airway maneuver

What forms the tip of the elbow?

olecranon process

What is the name of the nerve that stimulates scent?

olfactory nerve

ability to understand time, place, and identity of people


People who are prone to seizures are usually discouraged from scuba diving, swimming alone, or

participating in sports at great heights

disease-causing microorganism


pupils equal and reactive to light


tapping the bone to assess the possibility of a fracture

percussion test

study of the function of the body


Breaks in the skin, saliva, reproductive secretions, and blood are examples of

portal of exit

pathogen's route of escape from the reservoir

portal of exit

examination of a patient to check for life-threatening emergencies

primary survey

Name three ways to prevent shoulder injuries.

proper following technique, protective padding, strengthening exercising

using tape to help prevent injuries

prophylactic strapping

In many cases, wounds can be prevented by having athletes wear

protective gear

instrument used to measure relative humidity


soft tissue injury caused by penetration by a sharp object

puncture wound

The primary arteries supplying the elbow are the

radial and ulnar arteries

discomfort that spreads from the point of injury

radiating pain

transfer or loss of heat from a source to its surrounding environment in the form of heat waves or rays


The lateral bone of the forearm is the


What does ROM stand for?

range of motion

An athletic trainer should provide to an athlete.


The most important response to an athlete who is in denial about an injury is


The rhythm of a pulse is described as

regular or irregular

The Trainer's Angel is a device designed to

removing an athlete's face mask without removing the helmet

Describe the appropriate first aid for an athlete with heat exhaustion.

replenish the water, lie down in a cool area with elevated feet

An individual in which infectious microorganisms reside is called the

reservoir host

bringing oxygen into the body and expelling carbon dioxide


absence of breathing

respiratory arrest

The midsagittal plane divides the body into and halves

right and left

What are the rods and cones in the eye used for?

roads are use for vision in the dark cones are used for vision in the light

The muscles collectively known as the rotator cuff help keep the head of the positioned in the glenoid cavity

rotator cuff

An insect that transmits West Nile Virus to a child in New Jersey is an example of

route of transmission

method by which the pathogen gets from the reservoir to the new host

route of transmission

The glenohumeral joint is the point of articulation for the

scapula and the head of the humerus

head-to-toe examination of a patient to detect any injuries

secondary survey

The membrane of a cell is


The two types of nerve cells are neurons in the skin and sensory organs, and neurons, found in the brain or spinal cord.

sensory, motor afferent, efferent

The wall of bone and cartilage that separates the nasal passage into two is called the nasal


List four items of information the EMS will need to know when you place an emergency call

severity of the injury, what first aid is being provided, the address and location of the injured, where you will meet the EMS

Circumferential elastic taping of the lower leg can help alleviate pain of

shin splints

The humerus attaches to the glenoid fossa of the scapula to form what joint?


Movement of the shoulder and upper arm is made possible by

shoulder and arm muscles, thoracic muscles, and back muscles


shoulder dislocation

List three types of muscle tissue.

skeletal, cardiac, smooth (visceral)

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of asthma?


What does the cerebrum control?

sound, sight, smell and touch

rigid device that holds parts of the body together and limits motion


Gamekeeper's thumb is a

sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb

An athlete who is having his knee joint taped to support medial or lateral sprains should be in which position for the taping procedure?


The first layer of a dressing should be

sterile, soft, nonstick, and comfortable

complete destruction of all microbial life


posterior force applied to the clavicle to assess the joint between the breastbone and the collarbone

sternoclavicular sprain test

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?

store energy

pulled muscle


partial dislocation


The rotator cuff is composed of the which of the following muscles?

subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor, supraspinatus

Which of the following test is NOT used to assess potential for impingement?

sulcus test

downward distraction of the humerus to assess the glenohumeral joint

sulcus test

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of heat stroke?


Which type of joint is freely movable?


inflammation of the synovial membrane in a joint, characterized by pain, swelling, localized tension, and increased pain with movement


Why should you never remove an athlete's helmet if there is potential for injury to the neck or spine?

taking the helmet off will jar the neck and once the helmet is removed the height of the shoulder pads will cause the head to hyperextend creating the potential for increased damage to the spine

What is the simplest taping procedure to protect a sprained thumb?

tape the tongue adjacent to the index finger

Prophylactic strapping is

taping that helps to prevent or decrease the severity of injuries

The. artery is located on the face in front of the ear


fibrous connective tissue connecting muscle to bone


inflammation of a tendon; a repetitive motion injury


lateral epicondyle

tennis elbow

speed's test is used in certain circumstances to assess the possibility of


Ability of tape to resist tearing

tensile strength

When tape is stretched


A pulse that is weak and rapid is called


collection of similar cells that are specialized to perform a particular function


What is the main purpose in taking an individual's vital signs?

to assess the conditions of the various body systems

What is the main function of the cornea?

to permit light to pass through thre retina

stretching or tearing of ligaments

to sprain

The muscles that move the elbow attach

to the radius or ulna and, in most cases, to the scapula or humerus

Which is NOT a stage of psychological recovery from athletic injury?


device made specifically to cut off the side tabs to hinge the face mask back and out of the way

trainers angel



A person with a contusion on the leg can elevate the leg during treatment to help reduce swelling and pain


An athlete who loses consciousness for any length of time must be cleared for play or practice by a physician


Athletes should wear mouth guards to help protect their teeth


Athletes who have had major injuries need to provide written permission from a physician to resume play


Athletes who perspire profusely in cold weather conditions may suffer dramatic heat loss


Average fluid loss during exercise is 1.5 to 2.5 liters per hour


Diabetes can often be treated through proper diet management


Effects on an athlete's mental status are often revealed through subtle to overt changes in behavior


Hypoglycemia that is not treated can lead to insulin shock.


If a contusion occurs to a joint, the joint should be immobilized.


Muscle weakness is a sign of a strain.


Steroids can lead to sexual dysfunction, organ damage, depression and other serious physical and osychological concequences


Tape is most easily removed by cutting it with bandage scissors or a tape cutter.


The annular ligament holds the radius to the ulna.


The body' s ability to maintain an appropriate core temperature is an example of homeostasis


The brain needs continuous blood flow to provide cells with oxygen and glucose


The bursa is a small sac in the connective tissue surrounding a joint.


The device by the National Weather Service to measure how hot it feels when relative humidity is combined with temperature is called the Heat Index


The somatic nervous system controls the skeletal muscles that allow voluntary movement


When taping the knee, the trainer must be careful that the tape does not apply too much pressure to the popliteal area behind the knee.


in severe cases of hypothermia, shivering may stop


A sprain of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint is called

turf toe

Injury to the. and collateral ligaments of the elbow can he ruled out by negative varus and valgus stress test

ulnar and radial

The two main bones of the jaw are the (upper) and the (lower)

upper (maxilla) lower (mandible)

To treat an athlete with a biceps brachii rupture, you would probably

use the ICE technique and immobilize the upper arm in as comfortable a position as possible and refer him to a physician

assessment to determine medial joint stability (of the elbow, for example)

valgus stress test

vessels that carry blood from the body to the heart


What does the midbrain control?

visual and auditory reflexes

assessment of body functions essential to life (heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, temperature)

vital signs

muscles of the forearm

volkmann's contracture

Which of the following is MOST important in maintaining an aseptic environment?

washing hands

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of frostbite

waxy skin

Describe the symptoms of heat exhaustion.

weakness, headache, dizziness, hyperventilating

List seven times when hands must be washed

when arriving at work, before performing each medical procedure on a patient, during a procedure if hands become contaminated, between each patient for home medical care is provided, after using the restroom, after using the restroom, before eating

the radial pulse site is located at the


A Colles' fracture involves an injury to the

wrist and hand

bony tip of the sternum or breastbone

xiphoid process

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