CTE-SAD Assessment 1

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What is Test Data? A All of the above B Test data represents data that affects or is affected by the execution of the specific module. C Test data is the input given to a software program. D Some data may be used for positive testing, typically to verify that a given set of input to a given function produces an expected result.

A.) All of the Above

What is Decomposition, in relation to computer programming? A All of the above. B Making the development process a manageable and achievable one. C The process of breaking down a problem into smaller manageable parts. D Making teams to tackle smaller chunks to produce a larger program faster.

A.)All Of The Above

Which of the following is true about arrays in C#? A All of the above B Arrays can hold multiple items. C Arrays are zero based. D Arrays store data of the same data type.

A.)All Of The Above

A class named Shape contains a method named CalculateArea that is declared as protected. Which classes can access the CalculateArea method? A.)Only the Shape class and all classes that inherit from shape B.)All other classes that are declared without an access modifier C.)Only classes that do not inherit from shape D.)All other classes that are declared as a public

A.)Only the Shape class and all classes that inherit from shape

An algorithm specifies a series of steps that perform a particular computation or task. A True B False


Console.Read() reads only the next character from standard input, and Console.ReadLine() reads the next line of characters from the standard input stream. A True B False


Ensuring data that is in servers hasn't been altered or modified, and can still be used for its original purposes is called Safe Storage? A True B False


Outcome objectives specify the intended effect of the program in the client population or end result of a program. The outcome objective focuses on what your client population (s) will know or will be able to do as a result of your program/activity. A True B False


Software-based information visualization adds building blocks for interacting with and representing various kinds of abstract data and are a necessary aid to effective communication. A True B False


Systems analysis is vital in determining what a business's needs are, as well as how they can be met, who will be responsible for individual pieces of the project, and what sort of timeline should be expected. A True B False


The char keyword is used to declare an instance of the System.Char structure that the .NET Framework uses to represent a Unicode character. The value of a Char object is a 16-bit numeric (ordinal) value. A True B False


The conditional-AND operator (&&) performs a logical-AND of its bool operands, but only evaluates its second operand if necessary. A True B False


for ( init; condition; increment ) { for ( init; condition; increment ) { statement(s); } statement(s); } Is the above code is the correct syntax for the for loop. A True B False


type int— will hold integer values (whole numbers such as 7, -11, 0 and 31914). The range of values for an int is -2,147,483,648 (int.MinValue) to +2,147,483,647 (int.MaxValue). A True B False


Two classes are derived from the same base class and both override the same inherited method to provide their own implementation. Which term best describes this concept? A.) Encapsulation B.) Polymorhphism C.) Inheritance D.) Data hiding

B.) Polymorhphism

Which of the following is true about the bubble sort algorithm? A It is not necessary to scan through the entire array each sweep, but only to the beginning of the sorted portion. B All of the above C Each sweep picks up the largest remaining element and moves to the right as far as it can go. D The Bubble Sort algorithm works by repeatedly scanning through the array exchanging adjacent elements that are out of order.

B.)All Of The Above

You need to model an "is a" relation ship. What should you do? A.)Create a class that accesses properties on another class B.)Create a class that inherits from another class C.)Create a class that references another class instance D.)Create a class that invokes methods on another class

B.)Create a class that inherits from another class

The Car class and the Truck class both inherit charateristics from the Vehcile class. Howerever the Truck class has methods that are unique to the Tryck class, and the Car class has methods that are unqie to the Car class. Methods belonging to these two classes can only be accesed by code that is in same class. Which object-oriented programming term describes this concept? A.)Data hiding B.)Encapsulation C.)Polymorphism D.)Inheritance


Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should never respond to the user's behavior and environment based on anything A True B False


The for loop executes a block of statements repeatedly until the specified condition returns true A True B False


A class named Employee contains a protected member named salary. A class named manager does not define the salary member, but the manager class can access the member in the employee class. Which object-oriented feature does this represent? A.)Abstraction B.)Inheritance C.)Polymorphism D.)Encapsulation


A class named Pet is derived from a class named Animal. The Dog class is derived from the Pet class and includes attributes belonging to the Pet class and the Animal class. What object oriented programming term best describes this concept? A.)Encapsulation B.)Inheritance C.)Polymorphism D.)Data Modeling


How do you create a string object in C#? A By using a String class constructor B Options 1 and 2 C By assigning a string literal to a String variable D None of the above

B.)Options 1 and 2

The Car class and the Truck class both inherit the BlowHorn method from the Vechile class, but when the BlowHorn method is invoked for and instance of the Truck class. the result is a loud blast. When the BlowHorn method is invoked for and instance of the Car class, the result is a soft beep. Which Object-oriented programming term describes this concept A.)Inheritance B.)Polymorphism C.)Data hiding D.)Encapsulation


Ajax-enabled web application allows small amounts of data and UI markup to be returned from the server and rendered in the browser without refreshing the entire page. A False B True


Conditions in the if statement must ALWAYS evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. A False B True


In object-oriented terminology, a Class is a template for Objects and every Object must belong to a Class. A False B True


In terms of copyright, there are four broad classifications of software: Commercial Shareware Freeware Public Domain A False B True


The difference between Console.Writeline and Console.Write is that Console.Write prints to the same line and Console.Writeline prints to new lines. A False B True


Version Control means keeping the copies of your code or files from every stage in its lifecycle. A False B True


Alice has 600 MB of data. Bob has 2000 MB of data. Will it all fit on Alice's 4 GB thumb drive? A No B Yes


The term "resource file" can refer to a number of file types, including: A A resource template (.rct) file. B A library of congress reference. C Options 1 and 3 D The resource script (.rc) file of a program.

C.)Options 1 and 3

A class hierarchy is defined as follows: Sqlogger inherits from Dblogger, and Dblogger inherits from Logger. Logger defines a method named WriteToLog. Dblogger and SqlLogger override this method. You declare a variable named appLogger of type Dblogger. You create an instance of SqlLogger and assign it to the appLogger variable. You then call the WriteToLog method. A.)An exception occurs. B.)The WriteToLog method of the DbLogger class executes C.)The WriteToLog method of the SqlLogger class executes D.)The WriteToLog method of the Logger class executes

C.)The WriteToLog method of the SqlLogger class executes

COMMERCIAL software represents the majority of software purchased from software publishers, commercial computer stores, etc. What is true about Commercial Use? A Modifications to the software are allowed. B Development of new works built upon the package (derivative works) IS allowed without the permission of the copyright holder. C The software is covered by copyright. D Reverse engineering of the program code is allowed without the permission of the copyright holder.

C.)The software is covered by copyright.

Which of the following is true about HTTP? A A client is the end-user, the server is the web site. B HTTP is a request/response standard between a client and a server C The client making an HTTP request - using a web browser, spider, or other end-user tool - is referred to as the user agent. D All of the above

D.)All Of The Above

What term is used to describe a class that serves as a starting point for new classes? A.)Derived class B.) public class C.)Inherited class D.)Base class

D.)Base class

Which of the following is true about content delivery networks? A Content Delivery Network is a complex web of delivery systems that ensure package delivery that is on time and dependable. B Content Delivery Network relies on fast drivers to deliver their content from a network of drivers C None of the above D Content Delivery Network is simply a network of servers that replicates your binary files so that they are served from geographically close locations.

D.)Content Delivery Network is simply a network of servers that replicates your binary files so that they are served from geographically close locations.

Flaws, such as SQL, NoSQL, OS, and LDAP injection, occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing data without proper authorization. This is an example of? A Broken Authentication B None of the above C Sensitive Data Exposure D Injection


The Tricycle class and the Bicycle class are both derived from the ToysWithWheels class. Both inherit the WheelNumber property from the ToyWithWheels class. When an instance of the Tricycle class is instantiated, WheelNumber = 3. When an instance of the Bicycle class in instantiated WheelNumber = 2. Which object-oriented programming term described this concept? A.)Inheritance B.)Data hiding C.)Encapsulation D.)Polymorhphism


In the .NET Framework,which namespaces contain types that enable reading and writing, both synchronously and asynchronously, on data streams and files? A System.Config B System.Character C using System D System.IO


Three concrete classes named Circle, square, and Triangle all inherit from a base class named shape. The three concrete classes provide different implementations of method named CalculateArea, which is defined in the Shape class Which concept is representative of polymorphism? A.)The inheritance hierarchy of one base class and three derived classes B.)The hiding of the logic used to calculate the area C.)The modeling of the four classes as two-dimensional figures D.)The different implementations of the CalculateArea method

D.)The different implementations of CalculateArea method

You are a C# programmer for an educational software company. You define the following class for use in a basic geometry application: class Rectangle:Shape{ public override FindArea(){ return width*length; } } Rectangle is a derived class.Yes[ ] | No[ ] The FindArea() method is an example of polymorphism. Yes[ ] | No[ ] Shape is a child class. Yes[ ] | No[ ]

Rectangle is a derived class. = Yes[ X] | No[ ] The FindArea() method is an example of polymorphism. = Yes[X ] | No[ ] Shape is a child class. = Yes[ ] | No[X ]

class Rectangle{ private double width; private double length; public rectangle(double w, double l){ width = w; length = l; } public double FindArea(){ return width = length; } } For each statement, select Yes if the statement is true. otherwise, select no.

The length and width data fields do not limit access to their values. = Yes[ ] | No[X] FindArea is a class method = Yes[ X] | No[ ] The values 3.14 and 42.22 can be used as length and width values for the rectangle class = Yes[ X] | No[ ]

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