Cuban Misslie Crisis
What did America agree to do that got the Soviets to take their missiles out of Cuba?
They agree to not invade Cuba as well as take the missiles out of Turkey that were pointed at the Soviet Union
Why did the Soviet Union place nuclear missiles in Cuba?
They realized the US had placed nuclear missiles in Turkey and pointed them at the Soviet Union
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
When the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, causing the world to fear nuclear war
How miles away from the US were the missiles the Soviets placed in Cuba?
90 miles
What would American fear of communism following WWII lead to?
A hunt for communists by Joseph McCarthy
What was a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Both sides agreed that nuclear weapons would be a disaster and called off the arms race
Which 1960 event almost brought the world close to nuclear war?
Cuban Missile Crisis
Why did Krushchev put missiles in Cuba?
He felt that it would bring the Soviet Union more power because he believed they were losing the Cold War
What did Kennedy do when the Soviets placed the missiles in Cuba?
He ordered a blockade of Cuba which prevented the Soviets from delivering more weapons or supplies to Cuba
What was Krushchevs goal during the Cold War?
He wanted to take over the United States and spread communism
Who was the US president during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
John F Kennedy
What senator made a list of people he thought might be communist because Americans feared communism?
Joseph McCarthy
What term was used to describe making communist charges against somebody without real evidence?
Who started the Russia space program?
Nikita Khrushchev
Who was responsible for placing the missiles in Cuba?
Nikita Khrushchev