cultural psych 2

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language in school in diff cultures

#s actually easier to learn in East Asian languages than in English

Twenty-Statements Test, non-Western kids response?

'I am a karate student'

prevention operation

'avoid losing the game'

African Americans in frame switching

'code of the decent' & 'code of the street'

promotion operation

'win the game'

Maddux and his colleagues have conducted a series of studies on multiculturalism and creativity. What are the conditions for creativity they have outlined in their research

(1)They must have lived abroad (2)They must have learned something new about another culture (or imagined learning something new) (3)They must be able to understand why this culture behaves in this way

berry et al acculturation strategies

1. extent to which they attempt to participate in host culture 2. extent to which they strive to maintain heritage culture & cultural identity

problems with study of acculturation

1. people move for diff reasons 2. people move to diff environments 3. people move to cultures w varying similarity to heritage culture 4. personality 5. heritage culture 6. expectations/goals 7. intentions

jiào xun type of parenting on her child

1. show her child that he must bow when speaking to his grandparents 2. try to ensure that her child steers away from socially undesirable behaviors 3. devote lots of time to nurture her child's musical talents

At what age does this sensitive window appear to end for cultural learning?



3 stages; early middle & late


6-12 yrs old; stage when socialization begins to produce differences; Chinese children more concerned with authority, morality, less violence, more environmental forces; children able to identify nationality, ethnicity (preference for flags)

parents expectations differ across cultures

American parents more satisfied with children's performance & have lower standards than East Asian (US rents focus on positives of Childs performance & East Asians focus on negatives of Childs performance)

4-year-old children from Mexico and US will play a game competitively or cooperatively after learning how to play cooperatively. results?

Both groups should play cooperatively; cultural differences don't emerge until about 7-years of age.

Given current research on acculturation and health, which of the following would you expect?

Candice has acculturated to the host culture with poor diets, which means she may develop unhealthy habits that lead to adverse health outcomes.

Which of the four parenting styles identified in Chinese mothers was associated with most positive outcomes in Chinese adolescents?

Chinese authoritative parenting

Chinese vs American children when talking about themes

Chinese children will include more themes related to authority and morality than the American children.

horizontal individualist country?


two primary causes for the US higher infant mortality rates

Differences in categorizing pre-term births OR Conditions/Circumstances for low SES mothers only

different teaching approaches across cultures

East Asians = more time in school, more time on math, teachers lecture more, assign more HW & use more real world probs

horizontal collectivist country>


Josh (a Euro-American) immigrated to this country 5 years ago, but he feels just as negatively about his host country as Laurence (also a Euro-American), who moved there one year ago. Where would you predict Josh and Laurence moved to?


vertical collectivist country?


lowest infant mortality rates

Japan & Finland

Joan and Lily are both mothers to nine-year-old boys who are on the same soccer team. After a game, Joan talks to her son about how well he did and how much fun he had. Lily talks to her son about the mistakes he made during the game. What would you predict about Joan and Lily?

Joan is American; lily is East Asian

5 personality factors

OCEAN - openness to experience, conscientious, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Which of the following people is the best example of blending?

Sarah gained a much more interdependent self-construal after spending the last ten years in China, albeit less than that shown by the Chinese.

respect for hierarchy

The oldest brother sleeps in his own room

vertical individualist country?


self consistency & cognitive dissonance

US has higher levels of self consistency -> more cog dissonance; East Asians don't have cog dissonance for when making a decision for themselves, but have it when they are making a decision for someone else

Why self-consistency appear weaker in East Asians than US

US self-consistency = more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in East Asia

Sophia, is going to be an architect. In order to increase her creativity, Amy wants Sophia to live temporarily in a few other countries for a year in each place, living among the citizens, will this make her more creative

Yes, because this plan will lead to greater integrative complexity, which partially leads to higher levels of creativity.

naive dialectism

acceptance of contradictions (not just black and white) "social chameleons"

Maddux and colleagues' research shows that __________ boosts creativity.

adapting to different cultures

persistence model

adults' attitudes & behaviors don't change

•When will people of Asian descent living in Canada report similar levels of self-esteem to European-Canadians?

after 3 generations


appreciating heritage culture while holding onto old culture

entity theory of self

aspects of the self are largely resistant to change

•Jose hates his heritage culture and loves his host culture


This parenting style is associated with more positive academic, relational, and psychological outcomes in Western culture.

authoritative parenting


belief that a gender cannot change


best parenting style; best kid outcome; high demandingness & high responsiveness


birth - 2 yrs old; infant mortality rates vary; tied to SES & political conditions

Quang Giáp is from a society where people tend to attribute the behaviors of others as being the result of external pressures. After living in the United States for many years, however, Quang Giáp often finds himself increasingly at-tributing the behaviors of others as being the result of internal factors. What is this an example of?


is acculturation associated with blending or frame switching


incest avoidance

brothers and sisters sleep in diff rooms

You are a personality researcher interested in studying neuroticism. You recently accepted a position at a college with a large number of international students from China. How might this affect your research?

china does not have a neuroticism factor; it may be difficult to study with this population

interdependent self construal

collectivism & social roles -> more attuned to expected behaviors -> adapt accordingly, high self monitoring


combination or hybrid of psychological tendencies from diff cultural backgrounds

prenatal period

cross culturally typically 38 weeks; boys preferred in most cultures; teenage pregnancies more common in rural areas; 60% of abortions performed in developing countries (90% illegal & unsafe); diff views on child birth (presence of father; other family)

moderator is extraversion in US and Copenhagen referring to

cultural fit

You meet a new Chinese friend, Huang. You find that Huang is responsible, optimistic, and trustworthy. After having just learned about Chinese personality constructs in class, you decided to figure out which construct he scores highly on. Which of the following constructs best encompasses the three traits that you know about Huang


china 4 personality factors

dependability(overlaps neuroticism); interpersonal relatedness; social potency (overlaps extraversion); individualism (overlaps agreeableness)

asians who moved to Canada between 16-30 years old

did not identify with Canada the longer they were there

Describe the brain activation patterns for American participants when thinking about themselves or their mothers.

different activation patterns

Given Bosterup's thesis about agricultural methods centuries ago affecting gender attitudes now, what is this type of relationship between agricultural methods and gender attitudes an example of?

distal cause

cognitive dissonance

distress that arises when we have 2 inconsistent cognitions (behaviors don't match values & beliefs)

protection of the vulnerable.

especially important for Indians - "young children are needy & vulnerable and shouldn't be left alone"

cultural fit

extent to which migrants personality fits in with host culture - more similar = easier acculturation

3 globally experienced personality factors

extraversion, conscientious, agreeableness

more bicultural participants show blending or Frame switching

frame switching

most collectivistic in US

hawaii and Utah

•Vu is a Vietnamese immigrant who moved with his family to the U.S. as a child. Compared to his other Asian-American peers, he engages in fewer delinquent acts and performs better in school. Why is Vu likely doing betters than other Vietnamese immigrants in his neighbourhood?

he is less integrated into the broader community

A father just finished watching Pocahontas with his children and finds himself feeling poorly about himself and his community. What would you predict about this father?

hes a Native American


high demanding ness & low responsiveness

tiger stage of parenting in east Asia

high on parental monitoring, hostility, psychological control, shaming & punitive behavior (Also high on warmth, inductive reasoning & democratic parenting)


high responsiveness, low demandingness

phases of acculturation

honey moon -> culture shock -> adjustment

language relating to successful acculturation

how well one speaks host culture language related to successful acculturation

asians who moved to Canada before 15 years old

identified with Canada more

asians who came to Canada at 31 or older

identified with Canada slightly less

Which of the following scenarios would most likely lead to Basdeo using frame-switching more than Mel?

if Basdeo were a bicultural and Mel were a monocultural

female chastity anxiety

important to indians; unmarried post pubescent women should always be chaperoned to protect them from any sexual activity that would lead them to be viewed as shameful

independent social network

in US - zero overlap between myself & members of my ingroup; dotted line for ingroup/ outgroup = friendships & relationships more disposable

One difference between Americans and Hindu Indians is that

in US the male = essentialized, but Hindu Indians female = essentialized.

interdependent social network

in collectivistic cultures - less distinction between myself + members of my ingroup; these responses about traits about 'me' = less consistent because aspects of 'me' changes depending on who I am with; solid line between ingroup/outgroup - harder to move within and out of groups


individual who moves from original heritage culture to host culture

independent self construal

individualism and autonomy -> stable individual characteristics -> less likely to adapt to situational demands (low self monitoring)

Why is it that Josh and Laurence may remain in culture shock in this particular country?

it is homogeneous

Gender stereotypes presume that women would be more interdependent than men. Given what we discussed in class, how accurate is this assumption (explain your answer)?

it is not accurate, women only score higher relatedness

frame switching

keeping 2 diff cultures very distinct


kids still sleeping in same bed as their parents


leaving heritage culture completely for host culture - cons = cutting off social network


low responsiveness & low demandingness

Varun didnt engage in host culture or hold onto his heritage culture

marginalization strategy


math scores higher in East Asian; helpfulness of speech dependent on culture; more variability in US students' scores

Thinking of Vandello and Cohen's (1999) research, which parts of the United States would score highest on individualism

midwest, mountain west, Great Plains

Dana is extraverted looking at where she should study abroad. what should she be looking for in a host country to encourage positive experiences?

more pronounced levels of extraversion

Maddux experiment manipulating understanding why cultures do things differently

multicultural prime = better scores on word fragments; functional multicultural prime = higher on Remote Association test scores

what is "dependability" correlated with for Chinese


The "terrible twos" is a developmental stage that

non universal


not acclimate to heritage culture; but hold onto host culture

late adulthood

often begins with retirement; older age associated with greater status in collectivistic societies; opposite is true in individualistic

east Asia - why strict parenting may be best here

parental control is positively related to family cohesion, perceived parental warmth & acceptance for academic achievement BUT may be associated with psychological maladjustment (higher rates of anxiety & depression)

Stereotype threat occurs because

people are at risk for sometimes acting in ways consistent with stereotypes and thereby proving the stereotype and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The findings from acculturation research are less coherent than many other topics largely because

people's circumstances vary so much that it makes it difficult to identify common patterns.

adolescence rebellion

perceived in most cultures as distinctive part of life; but most don't associate it with disobedience or violence (more common in modern & individualistic cultures)

self consistency

powerful drive in motivation for westerners to stay same in every situation; but not for East Asians

Given Stephen et al.'s (2012) research, what is one way we could help first-generation college students succeed academically?

present colleges as more interdependent


process by which migrants learn + integrate the new culture (new language, customs, practices)

Japanese students in Canada

report higher SE after 7 months

Canadians teaching in Japan

report lower SE after 7 months

Describe the brain activation patterns for Chinese participants when thinking about themselves or their mothers.

same activation patterns

why will first generation college students struggle more

school administration = independent; where first gen college students need more interdependent

•If socialization is responsible for internalizing cultural norms, then there should be a ____________ for cultural learning.

sensitive window

cultural distance

similarity between host & heritage cultures

openness model

socialization continues, attitudes/ behaviors change in adulthood **evidence supports this model** this model opposes persistence model

superficial impact

specific content might refer to aspects of our culture (teams, music we like)

training stage of parenting in east Asia

strong devotion in mothers, involves monitoring for adherence to cultural norms for academic achievement (don't emphasize US features of warmth such as praise & affection)

deeper impact

structure of our self comes from our self descriptions (social roles)

people with independent values have xx

subjective self awareness

subjective self awareness

taking on perspective of subject - an 'I' perspective

objective self awareness

taking on perspective of the audience & seeing an object

phillapines extra 2 personality factors

tempermentalness & negative valence

Felicia is visiting a college she would like to attend in the Fall. As part of her tour, she is interviewed by a professor, who asks her how she would describe herself. Felicia then meets with some other students on campus, who also ask her to describe herself. Felicia describes herself the same way in both of these situations. Where is Felicia probably from?

the US

incremental theory of self

the belief that we can easily change & are expected to change

noun bias

the first words children learn tend to be nouns rather than other kinds of words.

high in bicultural identity

their diff cultures compatible with one another

low in bicultural identity

their diff cultures in opposition with each other


those who stay in host culture temporarily eg study abroad

training vs tiger methods

training = ideology of parenting by most Chinese parents; tiger involves extremely high pressure for + monitoring of academic successes -> tiger characterized by more negative parenting behaviors

Giselle is a young mother. She is more likely to put her son down in a bassinet, crib, or stroller than hold him, and when she interacts with him, she is usually facing him and looking at his face. Where is Giselle probably from?

urban European culture

terrible twos

viewed as inevitable stage where children learn to assert themselves in the west (behaviors less common in collectivistic)


views on adolescence vary depending on schooling & industrialization; impact of socialization becomes stronger (influence of social & political climate); differences in levels of aggression & social responsibility in response to witness infractions; views of friendships (conformity, control) determined by collectivism vs individualism

infant morality rates similar among?

wealthy mothers similar to European countries; difference is among low SES

why might baurmind's typology may not apply?

weird sample; parenting styles may change with developmental stage; perceptions of lack of warmth may be ethnocentric; overlooks important aspects of parenting in other cultures

pitfalls of acculturation

when embraces host culture's poor habits: 19% of immigrants to US = obese after 15 years; latinos move to US have poorer health behaviors; Japanese ppl move to US = 3-5x more likely to have health probs

when do Chinese feel post-dissonance

when they have to make a decision for someone other than themself

Jee-Yeong is a bicultural Korean-Canadian who is high in bicultural identity integration. Compared with other bicultural Korean-Canadians who are low on bicultural identity integration, Jee-Yeong

will engage in more frame switching

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