CWV quiz 1

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Ultimate Reality

"Ultimate reality refers to the absolute, supreme, and final person, power, principle, or substance underlying the universe."

Aspects of Pantheism

* Spiritualism without personal relationship * God is spiritual "force" or "principle" * Life is an illusion moving toward reality * Hinduism and Buddism in East * New age and Neo-Paganism in West

Components of a World View

* Ultimate Reality * Nature of the Universe * Nature of Men * Knowledge * Ethics * Purpose

Three Form of Ultimate Reality:

1. A personal god or gods 2. An impersonal force or principle 3. Nothing exists beyond the present space-matter-time-enegry continuum

What makes up a Worldview?

1. Ultimate Reality 2. Nature of the Universe 3. Human Nature 4. Knowledge 5. Ethics 6. Purpose

Nature of the Universe

A view of the nature of the universe relates to ones view of ultimate reality.

Faith, reason

All worldview are rooted in commitments that involve ______ and __________

Influence, impact

Both types ________ and ________ a persons worldview

Four key parts: 1. Assumptions: 2. Commitments 3. Framework

Def: 1. An underlying belief that is presupposed or presumed in advance of careful reason and reflection 2. Fully accept or reject an assumption 3. A perspective for understanding the world Examples: * Lens * Foundations * Boxtop of puzzles * Story


Ethics is the systematic study of moral principles that guide human behavior. It consists of the values that flow out of a world view that inform a persons interpretation of right and wrong and helps them develop morals that guide their ethical decisions.

committing, evidence, weight

Faith is... "Process of _______ oneself to particular presuppositions" (Waddell, 2014) Relies on ________ ______ of belief determines how it appears in your life.

Natural and supernatural

Is the origin of the universe _______ or ______? Is the universe closed or open to supernatural intervention>

Aspects of Theism

Monotheism - A theistic worldview that includes only ONE God (Ex. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) Polytheism - A theistic worldview that includes multiple gods (Ex. Greeks and Romans) Deism - A theistic worldview that believes God exists but is uninvolved in human affairs

Aspects of Atheism

Naturalism Secular Humanism Agnosticism Practical Atheism Anti-Theism


Our speech and actions in daily life reflect our worldview


Pantheism equals god with the universe and the universe with god by conceiving both as identical and entirely consistent with one another

faith, trustworthy, bread

Question is not "Who exercises _______?" Question is "Who actually trusts what is _______?" Belief in God, for example, you dont have to throw your ____ away


Refers to disbelief in the existence of a god or gods and, therefor, entails an understanding of reality that makes no reference to anything or any being beyond the physical universe

Nature of Man

The nature of man consists of ones view of the composition of a human being and how they relate to the physical and spiritual world.

personal and intelligent

Theism describes a worldview that entails belief in the existence of at least one _____ and _____ divine being.


This area concerns the nature of knowledge, reliable sources of knowledge, and the limitations of knowledge. It involves the gathering, evaluation, and interpretation of data in the universe.


This area is about the underlying purpose for the existence and lives of human beings as well as the world in which they live. In the context of worldview studies, purpose refers to the underlying reason for which something was created and the ends for which it currently exists.

Closed System

Universe cannot be influenced by external forces or factors. This perspective leaves no room for miracles , angelic activity, or divine intervention. Example: Atheism

Open system

Universe is open to spiritual intervention. God and other spiritual beings can play a decisive role in the world and in human affairs Examples: Theism and Pantheism

Divine and naturally

Was the universe created by ____ intervention? Or did it occur _________?

Values, source, ultimate

What _____ inform ethics? What is the _____ of right and wrong? Is there an _______ authority for morality?

truth, reliable, reason, compatible, objective, absolute

What is ____? Which sources of knowledge, if any, are ____? Bible? What roles do the five senses, memory, introspection, and _____ play in the acquisition of knowledge? Are faith and reason _______? Is it rational to believe in God? Can anyone know truth in an _______ and _______ way"

Evolution, others, eternity

What is mans origin? Creation Vs ______ What is mans purpose? Individual, ______, Purpose What is mans destiny? yolo or _______


What is reason? - "The process ______, and then supporting, modifying, or rejecting particular presuppositions." (Waddell, 2014)


Worldview are ________: "An individuals personal view of the world that is shaped by that individuals life story, experience, social and cultural context, and relationships" (Waddell, 2014)


Worldview is ____: "A set of foundational assumptions that groups of individuals held in common" (Waddell, 2014)


You want your life in alignment with what is meaningful, pleasing, and satisfying


You want your life in alignment with what is right

Why, be doing

____ are we here? What should we ______ with our lives?


_____ Test - "Does it add value to everyday life?" Examines a world-views workability and practical value in the most important areas of life and experience.

Correspondence and explanation

_____ Test - "Does it match reality?" Examines a worldview's ability to provide a cogent ______ of reality.

Coherence and consistency

________ Test - "Does it make sense"?" Examines the internal _____ and rational coherence of worldview assumptions.

What is a worldview?

a worldview is a foundational set of assumptions to which one commits that serves as a framework for understanding and interpreting reality and deeply shapes one's behavior


you want your life in alignment with reality

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