Cybercrime final exam

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Which are considered reasons that hackers "hack"?

1. Boredom 2. Intellectual curiousity 3. The concept of "good" that they feel they can do.

Terrorist groups make use of the internet in support of their conventional, terrestrially based activities. Which of the following is one of the ways the textbook describes the internet being used to facilitate terrorist activities?

1. Communication and cooridination 2. Propaganda and publicity 3. Recruiting and information gathering

Which psychological factors have been linked to hacker criminality?

1. Drug Addiction 2. Asperger's Syndrome 3. Autism

In video, which was considered an adverse effect of pornography?

1. Infidelity and divorce 2. violence against women 3. rape culture on college campuses

Which celebrity or well-known person was charged with a sex crime involving children?

1. Michael Jackson 2. Subway's Jared Fogle 3. Pete Townsend of the Who

Which are categories defined as "Extreme Porn"?

1. an act which threatens a person's life 2. An act which results, or likely to result, in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts, or genitals 3. An act that which involves interference with a human corpse

In video, pornography was said to have which negative affects on women?

1. women take greater risk in sexual health 2. Women become more desensitized to graphic sexual and pornogrpahic material 3. Women have less sensitivity to men

Electronic mail was developed in the?


What percentage of the viewing audience of pornography is said to be by females?


The name of the computer network developed by the US Military during the Cold War, and would provide the foundation of the Internet is called?


The "Nigerian Scam" is considered what type of Online fraud?

Advanced Fee fraud

In video, computer hackers who did so for the purposes of good, strengthening security systems, and helping to keep citizens safe from criminal hackers and those intending to do harm are considered?

Archetypal Heroes

It is believed that these people will develop implantable technologies with networking capabilities, presenting new threats?

Bio Hackers

In video, which online challenge noted the number one rule was "no dying?

Car Surfing

This demographic is said to currently be the most likely victims of child pronography?

Caucasian and Asian girls

In video, the speaker discussed how regulating access to the Internet, and/or the disruption of the Internet by one party is a form of?


Just as cybercrimes will continue in some form or fashion for the foreseeable future, so too will the range of these stemming from attempts to combat these offenses.?

Civil liberty issues

These people specialize in creating datasets of information about individuals, often from a variety of sources, which can then be sold or licenses to other companies?

Data Brokers

By-products of people's online activity (sites visited, mouse clicks, material downloaded, information shared...) is referred to as?

Data Exhaust

This is the practice of monitoring digital data relating to personal details or online activities?


90% of the material on the Internet is found here, along with un-indexed web sites?

Deep Web

Copying data from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet is known as?


This form of hacktivism involves exposing collections of private information on an individual, often with the goals of shaming, silencing, or coercing the person?

Doxxing and leaking

In 1970, the first communication over the Dark Web was between students at MIT and Stanford University. The communication involved?

Drug deal

In 2013, this former employee of the US National Security Agency leaked to journalists the details of a massive surveillance apparatus operated by the U.S. government.

Edward Snowden

"Obscene" material is protected under the 1st Amendment, while "Indecent" and "Offensive" material is not protected.


A legal category of cyber crime in which individuals steal things like money and property via the interent is known as "Computer fraud"/..


A person who follows a victim or stake out places they frequent, such as work, school, home, are guilty of cyberstalking.


In video, the FOMO fear of missing out fraud in Social Engineering is referred to as "Social Proof and Consensus".


Sexting is the sending of electronic, non-consensual sexual images or messages over the phone or computer device.


Someone who misrepresents them self in an effort to gain trust, in order to commit a fraudulent act is why type of fraud?

False representation

Cracking is a positive term associated with computer hackers who help to solve mysteries.

False; Cracking is the malicious intent of cracking into another's password, wif-fi, or computer to see private information.

Hacking is an equal opportunity adventure, where as many females hack as males.

False; Male dominated (currently)

In video, the speaker talked about how the country of Iran viewed the rights of its people based on "Social Credit."

False; it was China

In video, the speaker spoke of how media or celebrities who had retired or dies could be brought back into use with Deep Fake AI. The two celebrities mentioned were Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan.

False; it was Elvis Presley & James Dean

A more recent form of cyberstalking known as "Creepshow" is when offenders get others into an online mob or dogpile onto the victim, in a concentrated harassment campaign.

False; it was Known as Brigading or Dogpiling.

The first commerical browser was Google.

False; it was Netscape Navigator

Spoofing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

False; it was Phishing

After 9/11, President George W. Bush signed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

False; it was President Bill Clinton in 1998

In 2013, Electronic Arts caused controversy after their "always-on" copy protection mechanisms locked legitimate users out of Gears of War.

False; it was SimCity

A crime of "force" is the false representation by means of a statement or conduct knowingly or recklessly in order to gain material advantage

False; it was crime of fraud

The name of the famous black marketplace where users could go on line and buy illegal drugs, which was shut down in 2013 is called The Dark Web.

False; it was silk road

Acidburn was the name of the "digital weapon" deployed to sabotage Iranian nuclear enrichment efforts.

False; it was stuxnet

The Dark Web is where one might be able to find medical records, payroll records, and data from corporations.

False; it was the Deep Web

In video, the definition of the deliberate use of deception or dishonesty to make a financial gain, or cause someone else a loss or risk of loss is called?


In video, your speaker talking about the IoT described himself as?


A pedophile will often take time to gain the trust of his juvenile victim. Show emotional support, caring, and encouragement as they slowly build toward a physical relationship. This predatory process is known as?


Which of the following actions are classified as "computer-focused crime"?


A term often used to describe hacking for the purposes of political activism and protest is?


The fraudulent acquisition of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain is called?

Identity Theft

This week's video tell us that concepts, trademarks, copyrights all are deemed _________________________________ and are protected from piracy.

Intellectual Property

In video you were told that security was?

Just a feeling

This doctor and professor at Michigan State University was convicted of sexual crimes against minors he worked with as a U.S. Olympic National team doctor?

Larry Nassar

In video, the "Coolidge Effect" discussing a comment by Calvin Coolidge and his wife regarding roosters and hens, basically referred to which sexual occurrence regarding married couples?

Male arousal decreases with the same partner

In 1999, this peer-to-peer service was devleoped, which led to a massive increase in illegal music downloads?


Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph fonded this company that sends DVD's by mail?


In video, a young boy named Garret Pope died due to which online challenge?

None of the Above

In video, you were told that the next "World War" would likely be started with?

None of the Above

In video, the speaker talked of privacy issues with the IoT and spoke of how this home technology could tell when he was home, or int he room, or not home and his location?

None of the above

This browser allows anonymous communications and prevents tracking and surveillance by directing Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, network consisting of thousands of relays.?

None of the above

This term describes the act of creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically some one saying something in order to get a rise out of other users.

None of the above

In video referencing social media, what was it that was said to become a reward system for the brain?


This term is used to denote a wide range of regulatory practices that serve to monitor social behavior and ensure conformity with laws and normative codes?


This term describes the inconsistency between the concerns of people regarding privacy and their actual behavior.

Privacy Paradox

Which is NOT a civil liberties issue noted in your textbook in regard to cybercrimes and the ways to combat it?


Online non-consensual distribution of nude or sexual photographs or videos for the purposes of retribution, humiliation by a former partner is called?

Revenge Porn

In video, the speakers spoke of a recently made movie in which Artificial Intelligence used "deep fake" technology to make an actor look younger within the movie. That actor was?

Robert DeNiro

These online groups have emerged dedicated to digilantism , which targets online child sexual abusers, by uncovering, identifying, shaming and punish fraudsters.

Scam Baiters

In 2013, a website was shut down on the Dark Web which had become a marketplace for illegal purchases such as narcotics. This site was called?

Silk Road

Fraud that is done with the use of psychological means is referred to in your video as?

Social Engineering

This fraud is when someone or something pretends to be something else in an attempt to gain our confidence, get access to a system, steal data, or spread malware or viruses.


Cybercrime will likely include greater involvement by these involving our elections and the manipulation of information provided to the public over the Internet and social media?

State and State sponsored actors

Although in a high school class together, Patrick Macchionne and Kristen Pratt really did not know each other. Therefore, this type of stalking would be considered?

Stranger Stalking

According to your textbook, a current popular strategy for piracy is called ___________________________, a process of converting streaming data into files which can be stored locally.

Stream Ripping

In video, this avenue of anonymous communications was created by the Office of US Naval Research. It hides the sources by bouncing communications amongst several Servers throughout the world, making it nearly untraceable.

The Onion Router (TOR)

This Act considerably strengthened penalties under the Computer Fraud Abuse Act of 1986, including provisions for the life imprisonment of convicted cyber terrorists.

The US Patriot Act of 2001

The textbook gives 3 reasons as to what makes an image come under the category of CSAIs. Which of these is not one of those reasons?

The imagery must show minors in a state of nudity or appearing to sensual or provocative

Which is not a factor in the low prosecutions of piracy?

The rarity of piracy (less than 1% of cyber crime)

A legal category of cyber crime which allows individuals to cross boundaries into other people's digital property and/or cause damage is known as Cyber-tresspassing.


According tio recent estimates, 80% of all music downloaders consume music legally?


According to Rid in your textbook, the term "cyber warfare" may actually reduce the violence involved in other forms of warfare because it involves significant changes and advances in sabotage, espionage, and subversion.


Constructing and viewing the hacker an an "archetypal cyber criminal" is an example of what would be identified as the "labeling process".


Critics of the Internet surveillance point out that we risk losing control ofver the personal information that circulates on the Web - the content of our emails, the sites we visit, our financial and other sensitive information.


DDOS or Distributed Denial of Service attacks prevent a user or owner the access to services on their system. Often times, they have no control of ability to do anything on their computer.


Data encryption translates data into another form, or code, so that only people with access to a secret key or password can read it.


Despite the magnitude and sheer volume of online material deemed illegal or offensive, the police must necessitate a significant degree of selectivity and investigate the ones deemed most serious in terms of scale and harm caused to victims.


Due to perceived gray areas of art and the negativity associated with child pornography, such images that provoke repulsion amongst the majority of society are referred by experts in the field as Child Sexual Abuse Images (CSAIs) or Child Exploitation Material (CEM).


In contemporary society, the police are expected to fulfill not one but a range of different roles and functions.


In the 1960s, hacking was generally viewed as the act of coughing after clearing dust from computer parts.


In video, Cyber stalker Patrick Machionne received 4 years in prison for stalking Kristen Pratt. Machionne served 2 years of the sentence.


In video, refrigerators and home applicances were included as part of the Internet of Things (IoT)?


In video, the first line of defense against fraud is to identify where you are most vulnerable and then take steps to secure that area.


In video, the hacker speaking told you that most hackers first did so out of curiosity


In video, your speaker claimed that the Internet of People changed the world and now the Internet of Things would continue that change.


Many critics on online victimization studies, believe that risks of online victimization has been grossly overestimated and inflated, and that the dangers of presented by Internet stalkers and pedophiles are in fact negligible.


Numerous assessments of cyber victimization indicate the serious and growing threats to people's online safety and fear it will spill over into the terrestrial world with tragic consequences for victims


Online Vigilantism by groups and individuals acting as sleuths to help solve crimes and catch criminals is often referred to as Digilantism, or Cyber-vigilatism.


The "Deep Web" refers top content not indexed in search engines and compromised the bulk of what is available on the internet.


The Business Software Alliance's "No Piracy" Program pays people to turn over co-workers using unauthorized copies of software.


The Cloud" is a method whereby data can be stored on an external server and accessed from other locations through the Internet.


The Surface Web is the general avenue for most every available search and site.


The most noticeable Online hate speech takes the form of web Sites established by political groups.


The practice or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a Network or the Internet is called File Sharing.


The process known as Encryption allows communications to be encoded prior to transmission so that they will be unreadable if intercepted.


The repeated use of electronic communications to sstalk, harass or frighten someone, for example video or threatening emails, and may include false allegations, defamation, slander and libel is considered Cyberstalking.


The term "cyberspace" came from the author of the novel Neuromancer.


Two important issues to be considered from the development of private policing of the Internet are those of Accountability and Equity.


Website defacement is the type of hacktivism that attempts to ruin and alter on line sites as form of protest.


YAHOO was created before FaceBook.


The ARPANET was created by?

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

When Sheriff's stopped Patrick Machionne and searched his back pack, what was found to lead to his arrest?

Video camera

A type of computer program that when executed is designed to replicate itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code. When this is replication succeeds the affected areas are considered infected with?


According to video, the type of cyber attack which steals control, even remotely, of your computer comes from?


This type of computer intrusion is the altering of contents of a website or creating a "fake" website?

Website defacement and "spoofing"

Which Social Media Platform was shown in the video to provide a warning and guide regarding what is harmful or dangerous content, which will not be allowed?


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