Cycle of four stroke engine

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What is the power stroke?

an engine operation Stroke in which hot expanding gases force the piston head away from the cylinder head. Piston force and subsequent motion are transferred through the connecting rod to apply torque to the crankshaft. The torque applied initiates crankshaft rotation.

What is the intake stroke?

is when the air-fuel mixture is introduced to fill the combustion chamber.

A four-stroke cycle engine is an internal combustion engine that utilizes four distinct piston strokes which are?

Intake, compression, power, exhaust

What is the ignition event?

occurs when the charge is ignited and rapidly oxidized through a chemical reaction to release heat energy

What is the exhaust stroke?

occurs whenspent gases are expelled from the combustion chamber and released to the atmosphere. The exhaust stroke is the final stroke and occurs when the exhaust valve is open and the intake valve is closed. Piston movement evacuates exhaust gases to the atmosphere.

What is the compression process?

when the trapped air-fuel mixture is compressed inside the cylinder. The combustion chamber is sealed to form the charge. The charge is the volume of compressed air-fuel mixture trapped inside the combustion chamber ready for ignition. Compressing the air-fuel mixture allows more energy to be released when the charge is ignited. Intake and exhaust valves must be closed to ensure that the cylinder is sealed to provide compression. Compression is the process of reducing or squeezing a charge from a large volume to a smaller volume in the combustion chamber.

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