CYU 36,37,38,40,41

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Which symptom suggests the presence of a hiatal hernia?


A patient with chronic gastritis would likely be tested for

Helicobacter pylori.

What form of viral hepatitis is likely to be transmitted sexually?

Hepatitis B

The most common cause of mechanical bowel obstruction is


It is true that Graves disease is

associated with autoantibodies to TSH receptors.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (adrenogenital syndrome) results from

blocked cortisol production.

Ulcerative colitis is commonly associated with

bloody diarrhea.

An infusion of mannitol would be prescribed to treat

cerebral edema.

The definitive treatment for cholecystitis is


Most gallstones are composed of


An increase in ADH secretion occurs in response to


Untreated acute cholecystitis may lead to ___ of the gallbladder wall.


Dumping syndrome is commonly seen after ___ procedures.

gastric bypass

A patient with a history of alcoholism presents with hematemesis and profound anemia. The expected diagnosis is

gastroesophageal varices.

A thyroid gland that grows larger than normal is known as


The most common causes of prehepatic jaundice are ___ and ineffective erythropoiesis.


A patient with pancreatitis may experience muscle cramps secondary to


A clinical finding that is consistent with a diagnosis of adrenocortical insufficiency is


A laboratory finding that would help confirm the diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism is


A clinical finding consistent with a diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) is


A patient presenting with muscle cramps, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and prolonged Q-T intervals on EKG may be showing symptoms of


Surgical removal of a gland may result in


The formation of active vitamin D

is impaired in renal failure.

A patient being treated for hepatic encephalopathy could be expected to receive a(n) ___ diet.

low-protein and high-fiber

Rupture of esophageal varices is a complication of cirrhosis with portal hypertension and carries a high ___ rate.


Premature infants are at greater risk for developing

necrotizing enterocolitis.

Radioactive iodine treatment is the therapy of choice in patients with Graves disease. The patient should be expected to

need lifelong thyroid replacement therapy.

Growth hormone-deficient infants would display

normal birth length and weight

Calcitonin is produced by thyroid parafollicular cells and increases bone formation by


Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels are indicative of


Barrett esophagus is a

preneoplastic lesion.

Diabetes insipidus is a condition that

results from inadequate ADH secretion.

It is true that growth hormone excess in adults

results in the condition of acromegaly.

Diabetes mellitus is the ___ leading cause of death and a major cause of disability in the United States.


A patient receiving chemotherapy may be at greater risk for development of


Clinical manifestations of Graves disease may include


An urgent surgical consult is indicated for the patient with acute abdominal pain and

absent bowel sounds.

In the United States, nearly ___ people have diabetes mellitus.

29.1 million

A biliary cause of acute pancreatitis is suggested by an elevation in which serum laboratory results?

Alkaline phosphatase

What finding should prompt further diagnostic testing in a child presenting with diarrhea?

Blood and mucus in the stools

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