D072 Unit 6 Module 2

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Which level of leadership style should be used to manage a highly competent and committed team?


Participative Leadership Style situations

When employees have high abilities When employees have high intrinsic motivation When the decision is relevant to employees When the decisions impact a large number of people

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style situations

When employees have high abilities When in creative fields in which the team values its freedom When employees have high achievement motivation

Autocratic Leadership style situations

When employees have high role ambiguity When employees have low abilities When employees have low intrinsic motivation When there is little time for group decision-making

Democratic leaders gather __ to make decisions


Inspirational Motivation

A leader inspires a passionate vision among subordinates or the organization itself.

Outcomes of Autocratic leadership

High productivity but hampers creativity;works short term but creates tension as a long-term approach


Leaders work with team members to make decisions together. They support and encourage them and are more participatory.

Four Levels of Follower Maturity

Level M1, M2, M3, M4

Participative Leadership Style Outcomes

Lower productivity than those under autocratic leadership, but higher levels of work quality and satisfaction; can be inefficient if roles are unclear or there are communication failures; can also lead to poor results if the group is not skilled in the area in which they are making decisions


a directive and authoritative approach. The leader makes decisions and tells employees what to do.

Task-Oriented Style Leadership

focus on the technical or task aspects of the job. employees know what is expected of them and have the tools needed to do their job.

Individualized Consideration

A leader takes the time to learn about the talents of each individual and puts them to good use.

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style characteristics

Delegating; leader delegates decisions to the group and is very hands-off. The leader's role is to provide the team with required tools and resources but otherwise empower and support the group's decisions.

Autocratic Leadership Style Characteristics

Telling; leader closely directs and supervises. They make decisions and determine policies without meaningful input from the rest of the team. The leader's role is to ensure subordinates know what is needed and expected of them in order to complete their work.


The leader assigns decision-making responsibility to team members but oversees their work.

Modern organizations look for managers who can

develop positive relationships with subordinates and motivate employees to focus on the interests of the organization

Autocratic leadership is less effective when

employees have high levels of ability; telling them what to do may create a low-empowerment environment - impair their motivation, regardless of extrinsic rewards

Employees working under a laissez-faire leadership can expect to

experience significant freedom, control, and decision-making power

Laissez-Faire Leadership qualities

hands-off approach, noninterference, fewer meetings, less directive, more autonomy; they hire people, establish milestones, and provide resources

Level M4

high competence and high commitment and confidence.

Level M3

high competence, but low commitment and confidence.

Advantages of Autocratic Leadership

high efficiency (best for high pressured/ time sensitive moments), provides clear direction

Advantages of Democratic Leadership

high employee performance, high job satisfaction and high motivation, performance improvement

Autocratic leaders establish a __ power distance

high power distance; the separation between the leader and everyone else is very clear

Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership

high time investment (not useful for high pressured situations/ crises needing an immediate decision), doesn't reflect everyone's ideas (some followers can feel frustrated if their pov is not used)

Laissez-Faire Leadership works best when employees are..

highly educated, skilled, or self-motivated (think staff of physicians, experts, etc)

Laissez-Faire leadership best suits

highly skilled professionals and creative or innovative employees

Four Main categories of tools transformational leaders use

idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration

laisse-faire leadership

the manager delegates the tasks to the followers while providing little or no direction; subordinates are given a free hand in deciding their own policies and methods

Corporate Culture

the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization

Two contrasting leadership styles

transactional leadership and transformational leadership.

___ leadership has proven to be most effective

transformational (team building and information sharing are important and projects are often collaborative in nature.

Laissez-Faire leadership is typically...

transformational in nature as the leader makes room for employee innovation and problem-solving;ultimately leads them to care about their work and drives them toward a shared vision.

Autocratic leaders provide..

specific directions and lead by clarifying role expectations, setting schedules, and making sure that subordinates know what to do on a given work day.

Four Main Leadership Approaches (situational theories of leadership)

telling, selling, participating, delegating

Idealized Influence

A leader models behaviors and attitudes that subordinates choose to emulate.

Intellectual Stimulation

A leader recognizes the intellect of subordinates and empowers them to contribute toward the success or vision of the organization.


Leaders are still the decision-makers, but they communicate and work to persuade employees rather than simply direct them.

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style outcomes

Only works in circumstances in which employees are independent, highly skilled, and motivated or else teams perform poorly, make many demands of their leader, and show little inclination toward cooperation

Participative Leadership Style characteristics

Selling or Participating; leader engages team members in decision-making processes but ultimately retains the final say. The leader promotes relationship building and makes subordinates feel that they matter and are part of a team.

Two main styles of leadership

task-oriented management style or people-centered style

Participative Leadership (democratic leadership)

a leadership style in which the leader consults employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions; can help employees feel more invested in decisions

Leadership style

a manner or approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people

Which leadership style uses delegation?


transactional leadership

leadership based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance

Autocratic leadership

leadership style that involves making managerial decisions without consulting others; effective for quick decision-making but generally not successful in fostering employee engagement or maintaining worker satisfaction.

Level M1

low competence and low commitment.

Level M2

low competence, but high commitment.

Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership

low morale (they sacrifice the morale of their followers) which leaders to high turnover, inconsistent performance (employees may not feel as invested; they may work hard when boss is in the room but don't when boss is gone;may resist controlling boss w/ underperformance); stifles innovation

Democratic leaders establish a __ power distance

low power distance; they trust their followers, they want to connect with their subordinates and want everyone to communicate openly and freely

Key criticism of laissez-faire leadership

low productivity; productivity usually suffers under laissez-faire leaders (esp when employees lack experience, skill or motivation)

People-Oriented Style Leadership

more concerned with workplace relationships. The leader emphasizes interpersonal relations and employee cooperation.

Which leadership style is well-suited when an organization enters a transitional period and management needs to guide employees through the change?


Situational Theories of Leadership

the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation

Participative leaders usually employ a form of _leadership, as employees feel trusted and thus intrinsically motivated toward shared goals.

transformational leadership

transformational leadership

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests

A participative approach can be useful in hard times because it can

uncover people with invaluable experience, advice, and solutions

Participative leadership is effective when

when an organization enters a transitional period in which leadership needs to guide the workplace through the change

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