D103:Surah Al-Asr

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Where will some of the people give allegiance to the 12th Imam (ajfs) ? companions

Venue of Allegiance The venue where companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) pay the oath of fealty at his hands is between the Rukn and Maqam, which is the most sanctified and exalted spots. And a many traditions have been recorded on this subject. This was the location of the house of Prophet Ismael (as) to anyone because he did not like it to be walked on. Other prophets are buried in this place also. According to Imam Baqir [a], the place between Rukn and Maqam is full of graves of the Prophets. According to Imam Sadiq (as) seventy prophets are buried between; Rukn al-Aiman and Hajar al-Aswad.

Explain the killing of Nafs al Zakiyya? au

-It will rise from the west; -a pure soul (nafs al-zakiyya) will be killed in the outskirts of Kufa with seventy righteous men; - a Hashimite will be slaughtered between the corner (of the Ka'ba) and the station of Abraham); -the wall of the mosque of Kufa will be destroyed; -black standards will advance from Khurasan; - al-Yamani will come out in revolt; - al-Maghribi will appear in Egypt and take possession of it from Syria. https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf

Whose companions are mentioned in Surah 5 verse 54 and Surah 2 verse 148?companions Surah 5 verse 54: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَنْ يَرْتَدَّ مِنْكُمْ عَنْ دِينِهِ فَسَوْفَ يَأْتِي اللَّهُ بِقَوْمٍ يُحِبُّهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَهُ أَذِلَّةٍ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَعِزَّةٍ عَلَى الْكَافِرِينَ "O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them, and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers..." (Surah 5, Verse 54) ایمان والو تم میں سے جو بھی اپنے دین سے پلٹ جائے گا ...تو عنقریب خدا ایک قوم کو لے آئے گا جو اس کی محبوب اور اس سے محبت کرنے والی مومنین کے سامنے خاکسار اور کفار کے سامنے صاحبِ عزت, راسِ خدا میں جہاد کرنے والی اور کسی ملامت کرنے والے کی ملامت کی پرواہ نہ کرنے والی ہوگی -یہ فضلِ خدا ہے وہ جسے چاہتا ہے عطا کرتا ہے اور وہ صاحبِ وسعت اور علیم و دانا بھی ہے. Surah 2, Verse 148: أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا "...wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together..." ہر ایک کے لئے ایک رخ معین ہے اور وہ اسی کی طرف منہ کرتا ہے. اب تم نیکیوں کی طرف سبقت کرو اور تم سب جہاں بھی رہوگے خدا ایک دن سب کو جمع کردے گا کہ وہ ہر شے پر قادر ہے

1-Sulaiman bin Haroon Ajali narrated that he heard Imam Sadiq (a.s.) saying, "Indeed the master of this affair, that is the Qaim of the Progeny of Muhammad (S) is safe, such that if all the people go away, the Almighty Allah (SWT) shall bring his companions and they are the same that are implied in the words of Allah in Surah 5, Verse 54 2-Imam Ali (a.s.) said, "By Allah (SwT)! I am aware of the companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.); I know their names, tribes, and the names of their chiefs. These are the people whom Almighty Allah (SWT) shall gather in ones and twos from different tribes and communities till they are NINE. Then their number shall reach the warriors of Badr, that is 313 persons. And that is the saying of Almighty Allah (SwT) in Surah 2, Verse 148 It is narrated that it will be so quick that people would not have time to change, and Allah (SWT) would make them reach the Imam. Abu Khalid Kabuli narrated from Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) that he said, "They are such that they sleep on their beds (It means that they were asleep, and Allah took them out and gathered them in Mecca). They are 313 persons, the same as the number of Badr warriors, and they shall be in Mecca overnight, and that is the saying of Allah: Surah 2, Verse 148 And these are the companions of the Qaim of the Progeny of Muhammad (S)." https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf

What are five significant signs of the reappearance of Imam Asr Zaman (ajtfs)?

According to some Shia narrations, there are five certain signs that will occur prior to the reappearance of the twelfth Imam. The hadith of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) mentions these signs: "Five signs will be seen before the uprising of the Qaim: 1-Arrival of the Yemenite man, 2-Arrival of the Sufyani, 3-Call from the sky, 4-Sinking of the ground in Baidha desert 5-and Killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse Zakiyyah)." (Bihar ul Anwaar, vol. 52, pg. 254)

Al-Yamani Claimants

Al-Yamani Claimants Since the first/seventh century, a number of people have claimed to be al-Yamani, such as the following: Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Ash'ath (d. 95/713), who revolted against al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf, the governor of Iraq, during the reign of Abd al-Malik b. Marwan. He called himself al-Qahtani whom the people of Yemen anticipate. After being defeated by the Umayyads, Ibn Ash'ath fled to Sistan where he died. Talib al-Haqq, who revolted against the Umayyads at the time of Imam al-Sadiq (a). The Shiites asked the Imam (a) whether Talib al-Haqq was al-Yamani, and the Imam (a) replied that al-Yamani loves Imam Ali (a), but Talib al-Haqq is his enemy. Ibn Faras, who was one of the scholars of the 6th/12th and 7th/13th centuries in Andalusia. Once, he made an audacious remark in the presence of al-Mansur and hid for a while until al-Mansur died. Afterwards, he appeared and claimed that he was the promised al-Qahtani. Eventually, he was killed in a battle with the army of Nasir b. Mansur. The contemporary Ahmad b. Isma'il al-Basri, known as Ahmad al-Hasan, who has recently claimed to be al-Yamani. He claims that his mission is to prepare the ground for the return of the Twelfth Imam (a) and that he will take power after him. The book Da'wat Ahmad b. al-Hasan bayn al-haqq wa-l-batil (The Call of Ahmad b. al-Hasan, between Truth and Falsity) is a criticism of the claims and beliefs of Ahmad b. al-Hasan. The two books of Ahmad al-Hassan is called "The Book of Monotheism" and "The Calf Vol.1 and Vol.2". Yazid b. Mulhib and Abd al-Rahman b. Mansur (fl. during the reign of Hisham b. al-Hakam al-Mu'ayyad bi-Allah) are counted among al-Yamani claimants. https://en.wikishia.net/view/Uprising_of_al-Yamani

How should we wait of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) During His Ghaibat?

Benefits Of Imam Mahdi (aj) During His Ghaibat Imam Mahdi (aj) said, "As for deriving benefit from me in my occupation, (it) is like deriving benefit from the sun when it hides behind the clouds." "جہاں تک کہ میری غیبت میں مجھ سے فائدہ اٹھانا ہے ، ویسا ہے جیسا کہ سورج سے فائدہ اٹھانا ہے جب وہ بادلوں کے پیچھے چھپ جاتا ہے۔"ہے۔" 1 Favors Of Imam Mahdi (aj) Upon His Shias Imam Mahdi (aj) says, "Surely, we do not neglect your condition, nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. Had it not been so, then, terrible calamities would have struck you, and your enemies would have destroyed you." "یقینا ہم آپ کی حالت کو نظرانداز نہیں کرتے اور نہ ہی ہم آپ کی یادوں کو فراموش کرتے ہیں۔ اگر ایسا نہ ہوتا تو آپ کو خوفناک آفتیں پہنچتی اور آپ کے دشمن آپ کو ہلاک کردیتے۔" Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (aj) The Holy Prophet (S) said, "The best worship is to wait for the reappearance." "سب سے اچھی عبادت یہ ہے کہ ظہور کے لئے انتظار کریں۔" Amirul Momineen Ali (as) said, "Await for the Reappearance and do not despair of the divine mercy. Because the best deed in the eyes of Allah, the Great, and the Mighty is to wait for the Reappearance. It is the duty of those who are believers." ظہور کا انتظار کرو اور الہی رحمت سے مایوس نہ ہو۔ کیوں کہ اللہ ، عظیم ، اور غالب کی نظر میں بہترین عمل ظہور کا انتظار کرنا ہے۔ یہ مومنین کا فرض ہے Imam as-Sajjad (as) said. "The greatest success is to wait for the reappearance." "سب سے بڑی کامیابی دوبارہ ظاہر ہونے کا انتظار کرنا ہے۔" Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as) said, "Those of you who die on this affair (Shia faith) while you are in a condition of awaiting, are like those who have served the Qaem (as) in his tent." "تم میں سے جو لوگ اس معاملے (شیعہ عقیدے) پر مرتے ہیں جبکہ آپ انتظار کی حالت میں ہیں ، ان لوگوں کی طرح ہیں جنہوں نے اپنے خیمے میں قائم (ع) کی خدمت کی ہے۔" Imam Al-Jawad (9th Imam) (as) said, "Certainly the Qaem from among us is the Mahdi. Awaiting for whom is obligatory during (his) ghaibat and obeying him is obligatory after his Reappearance. And he is the third of my descendants." غیبت کے دوران ان کا انتظار واجب ہے اور اس کے ظہور کے بعد اس کی اطاعت واجب ہے۔ Imam as Sadiq (as) said, "One who desires to be among the companions of the Qaem, must await, adopt piety, and behave courteously. If he dies in such a condition before the advent of Qaem, then his reward will be similar to the one who attains his era. Hence, congratulations to you all for your relentless(non-stop) awaiting." "جو شخص قائم (ع) کے ساتھیوں میں شامل ہونا چاہتا ہے ، اسے انتظار کرنا چاہئے ، تقویٰ اختیار کرنا چاہئے ، اور شائستہ سلوک کرنا ہے۔ اگر وہ قائم (ع) کی آمد سے پہلے ہی ایسی حالت میں فوت ہوجاتا ہے تو اس کا بدلہ اس کے برابر ہوگا جو اس کے عہد کو پہنچ جائے گا۔ لہذا ، آپ کے انتھک انتظار کے لئے آپ سب کو مبارکباد۔ " Be Prepared For Being Among The Helpers Of Imam Mahdi "O You who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast and be careful of (your duty to ) Allah, that you may be successful". (Surah Ali Imran, 3: 200) اے ایمان والو صبر کرو.صبر کی تعلیم دو.جہاد کے لئے تیاری کرو اور اللہ سے ڈرو شاید تم فلاح یافتہ اور کامیاب ہوجاؤ. Hazrat Imam Baqir (as) explains the Tafseer of this ayat : "Have patience in fulfilling the religious obligations, Excel in patience in facing your enemies. And be in contact with your Imam who is awaited". "دینی ذمہ داریوں کی تکمیل میں صبر کرو ، اپنے دشمنوں کا مقابلہ کرنے میں صبر کرو۔ اور اپنے امام سے رابطہ رکھو جس کا انتظار ہے"۔ In-Service Of Imam Mahdi (aj) Imam Jafar as Sadiq (as) said, "If I am able to reach him, I shall serve him for my whole life." "اگر میں اس تک پہنچنے کے قابل ہوں تو ، میں پوری زندگی ان کی خدمت کروں۔" https://www.al-islam.org/fazail-ul-mahdi-ali-akbar-talaafi/benefits-imam-mahdi-aj-during-his-ghaibat Of course, the waiting of Imam(ajtfs) means to do all that deeds which Imam(ajtfs) likes and to help in his reappearance.

What did Imam Sadiq (as) say to who we should follow during Ghaibat al Kubra (long Occultation)?

During the period of Ghaibat al-Kubra, when it is not possible to establish communication with Imam az-Zaman (as) at will, the people have been ordered to follow the true teachings of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt (as) through the pious and religious scholars and the just jurists. The people must follow them to know what obligations they are supposed to fulfill. Imam as-Sadiq (as): "And among jurists (Fuqaha) are those who protect their selves (from sins) guard their religion, defy their carnal desires and are obedient to their master. It is incumbent upon the people to follow them. Such characteristics are found only in a few of them (Shias) and not all"27. "اور فقہاء میں (فوقاہ) وہ لوگ ہیں جو اپنے نفس (گناہوں سے) اپنے دین کی حفاظت کرتے ہیں ، ان کی جسمانی خواہشات کا انکار کرتے ہیں اور اپنے آقا کی اطاعت کرتے ہیں۔ لوگوں پر ان کی پیروی کرنا لازم ہے۔ ایسی خصوصیات صرف چند ہی (شیعہ) لوگوں میں پائی جاتی ہیں۔ The jurists issue decrees for the people and explain to them truth about faith. They endeavour to fulfill the exalted duty of preparing the grounds for the reappearance of their master, Hazrat Mahdi (aj). So that by the coming of Hazrat (as) the Islamic faith may strengthen and that he may fill the earth with justice and equity. 27. Tafsir Al Imam Pg. 300. https://www.al-islam.org/fazail-ul-mahdi-ali-akbar-talaafi/short-biography-imam-mahdi-aj

What does it mean when Jibrael will call from the sky? How will Jibrael show himself

Hazrat Jibrael(as) will not descend as a physical angel, but as a man, because the Qur'an says, وَقَالُوا لَوْلَا أُنْزِلَ عَلَيْهِ مَلَكٌ ۖ وَلَوْ أَنْزَلْنَا مَلَكًا لَقُضِيَ الْأَمْرُ ثُمَّ لَا يُنْظَرُونَ "And they say ask "why has not an angel been sent down to him?" And had We sent down an angel, then the matter would have been decided (and) after that they would not have been allowed time (to amend)".(6:8) اور یہ کہتے ہیں کہ ان پر فرشتہ کیوں نہیں نازل ہوتا حالانکہ ہم فرشتہ نازل کردیتے تو کام کا فیصلہ ہوجاتا اور پھر انہیں کسی طرح کی مہلت نہ دی جاتی If Jibrael descending in his true angelic form, there would be no chance to repent. It says in the Quran that angels are sent as humans وَلَوْ جَعَلْنَاهُ مَلَكًا لَجَعَلْنَاهُ رَجُلًا وَلَلَبَسْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ مَا يَلْبِسُونَ For example malik en Mooat comes everyday fivetimes but showed up only at death time. ."And had We made an angel (Our messenger), We would have made him a man (so that he could be seen and heard delivering the message) and (thus) We would have (further) confused them (in a matter) in which they are already confused. (6:9) اگر ہم فرشتے کو اُتارتے تب بھی اسے انسانی شکل ہی میں اُتارتے اور اس طرح انہیں اُسی شبہ میں مُبتلا کردیتے جس میں اب یہ مبتلا ہیں It is important to look for the signs of Imam Mahdi with our soul and with our eyes because the Qur'an says سَنُرِيهِمْ آيَاتِنَا فِي الْآفَاقِ وَفِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ حَتَّىٰ يَتَبَيَّنَ لَهُمْ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ ۗ أَوَلَمْ يَكْفِ بِرَبِّكَ أَنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ شَهِيدٌ "Soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?" (41:53) ہم عنقریب اپنی نشانیوں کو تمام اطراف عالم میں اور خود ان کے نفس کے اندر دکھلائیں گے تاکہ ان پر یہ بات واضح ہوجائے کہ وہ برحق ہے اور کیا پروردگار کے لئے یہ بات کافی نہیں ہے کہ وہ ہر شے کا گواہ اور سب کا دیکھنے والا ہے. Every path leads back to the Imam, and the Imam leads to God(SWT).

Who is mentioned in the following verses? الَّذِينَ إِن مَكَّنَّاهُمْ فِي الاَرْضِ أَقَامُوا الصَّلاَةَ وءَاتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ وَأَمَرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَنَهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَلِلَّهِ عَاقِبَةُ الاُمُورِ22:41. "Those who, if We establish them in the land, perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and enjoin good and forbid evil, and unto Allah belongs the end of (all) affairs." یہ وہ لوگ ہیں جنہیں ہم نے زمین میں اختیار دیا تو انہوں نے نماز قائم کیً اور زکوِٰ ادا کی اور نیکیوں کا حکم دیا اور برائیوں سے روکا اور یہ طے ہے کہ جملہ امور کا انجام خدا کے اختیار میں ہے. Surah Al-'Anbiya' - Verse 105وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِن بَعْدِ الذّ‌ِكْرِ أَنَّ الاَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ21:105. "And We have written in the Psalms (Zabur), after the Reminder (the Torah), 'My righteous servants shall inherit the earth' ."اور ہم نے ذکر کے بعد زبور میں بھی لکھ دیا ہے کہ ہماری زمین کے وارث ہمارے نیک بندے ہی ہوں گے Surah Isra' - Verse 81وَقُلْ جَآءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقاً17:81. "And say: 'The truth has come and the 'falsehood' has vanished away; verily, the 'falsehood' is (something) vanishing' .". اور کہہ دیجئے کہ حق آگیا اور باطل فنا ہوگیا کہ باطل بہرحال فنا ہونے والا ہے.

Imam al-Baqir (as) said:"This verse( 22:41.) is related to the Progeny of Muhammad (S) and the Last Imam(ajtf). God will grant Hazrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) and his supporters control and influence over the east and west of the world." Also, it is narrated that Surah Al-'Anbiya' - Verse 105, and Surah Isra' - Verse 81 is about the apperance of Imam Zamana(ajtf). https://www.al-islam.org/an-overview-of-mahdi-s-government-najimuddin-tabasi/wars-imam-al-mahdi

What will be the number of the companions of Imam Mahdi (as)?companions

Imam al-Mahdi (as) will come when he has 313 top virtuous helpers become available. Imam al-Mahdi can not govern the world with no helper, minister, etc. The communities should generate these top individuals. None of our other 11 Imams had such a number of high-rank followers. Let me give you two examples: 1-Before his demise, Prophet Muhammad (S) instructed Imam' Ali (as) that if the number of his followers loyal to him (after the demise of the Prophet) exceeds 40 men, he should use force to restore his right and take power. Otherwise, he should keep silent since the only remaining pious people would be killed without helping Islam. Unfortunately, the number of people who remained loyal to Imam' Ali (as) did not reach this amount at that crucial moment. 2-Another example: Sahl Ibn al-Hasan al-Khurasani, who was one of the followers of Ahlul- Bayt in Khurasan (a province in Iran), came to Medina to meet Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as). Sahl al-Khurasani said: "O son of the Messenger of Allah! You are of the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt. What prevents you from getting your right (i.e., the rule) while you find more than one hundred thousand Shi'a who is ready to fight for you?" The Imam (as) asked him to sit down and then turn on the oven in the house. After the stove became very hot and turned red, the Imam (as) said: "O Khurasani step into the oven and sit in it." The Khurasani said: "My master, O son of the Messenger of Allah! Do not punish me by fire and make it easy for me." At this time, Harun al- Makki (ra) entered the room, and after the greetings exchanged, the Imam (as) told him to put down his shoes and to sit down inside the oven. He did so, and the Imam (as) started talking to Sahl about Khurasan as if nothing has happened. After some time, the Imam (as) said: "O Khurasani stand up and look inside the oven." Sahl looked into the oven and saw Harun sitting cross-legged inside the fire. Then Imam al-Sadiq (as) asked Harun to come out of the oven, and he came out healthy with no burn or injury. At this time, the Imam (as) asked Sahl: "How many individuals do you know in Khurasan like this man?" Sahl replied: "By Allah, not even one." The Imam (as) confirmed his saying and said, "We do not rise at this time when we do not even have five helpers (like him). We know better about the proper time." (al- Bihar, v47, p123, Hadith #172; also in Manaqib by Ibn Shahr Ashub) The traditions state that Imam al-Mahdi needs 313 followers who are sincere and faithful and possess supreme knowledge and wisdom. Imam al-Mahdi should also have another 40,000 loyal followers who will fill the secondary positions. Most Important note: These people will not fall out of the sky! It is up to us to educate our communities, which could help bring up such people by first starting from our family, friends, then school, then city, and then country to the extent of our ability. However, we should start from ourselves to avoid sin and acquire more knowledge and wisdom and become more obedient to Allah(SWT) . https://www.al-islam.org/shiite-encyclopedia/special-specifications-imam-al-mahdi

How old will Imam Mahdi when he will appear IA? Every human is mortal. Then, how can Imam al-Mahdi (as) live so long?STOP

It is in narrations that Imam Mahdi(ajtfs) will be looks like in his forties. Somebody asked how it is possible? We can understand this by the example of eyelashes and the head's hair. If Allah (SWT) keeps away the eyelashes from growing and where else, the head hair keeps growing. So is with Allah's (SWT) will, the age of the Imam. Yes, everyone but Allah is mortal, and in fact, Imam al-Mahdi will pass away too. But the difference is the length of life in this world. The Holy Qur'an and the prophetic traditions inform us that some people have had/have a long life in this world. Thus the possibility of the occurrence of such phenomena is confirmed by the religion of Islam. As it is mentioned in the Qur'an (see 29:14), Surah Al-'Ankabut - Verses 14-15 وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَآ نُوحاً إِلَي قَوْمِهِ فَلَبِثَ فِيهِمْ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ إِلاَّ خَمْسِينَ عَاماً فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ ظَالِمُونَ 14. "And certainly We sent Noah to his people, so he remained among them a thousand years save fifty years. And the deluge overtook them while they were unjust." اور ہم نے نوح علیھ السّلام کو ان کی قوم کی طرف بھیجا اور وہ ان کے درمیان پچاس سال کم ایک ہزار سال رہے پھر قوم کو طوفان نے اپنی گرفت میں لے لیا کہ وہ لوگ ظالم تھے Has Prophet Noah just been Prophet for 950 years? His age should have been even more than that because we should add his age before prophethood to the above number. Another example is Prophet Isa (as), who is still alive and he is, in fact, 1995 years old by now. Of course, he is not living on the earth. He is rather in the heavens, and according to the Muslim's belief, he will come back to the world and pray behind Imam al-Mahdi (as). Also, Hazrat t al-Khidr (as) is still alive. Qur'an mentions the story of his meeting with Prophet Moses (as). He existed before the Prophet Moses (as), and as such, al-Khidr (as) is now more than 3000 years old! He lives right here on the earth, but we can not recognize him (fairly similar to the case of Imam al-Mahdi). He serves Allah (SWT) as one of His agents. Moreover, scientifically speaking, there are no objections whatsoever to the extended life span assertion. A group of scientists conducted a series of experiments at the Rockefeller Institute in New York in 1912 on certain "parts" of plants, animals, and humans. These scientists included Dr. Alex Carl, Dr. Jack Lope, Dr. Warren Lewis, and his wife. Among the experiments conducted directly treated the nerves, muscles, hearts, skin, and kidneys of human beings. These organs were not connected to a human body; they were independent organs that were perhaps donated for the experiment. It was concluded by the scientists that these "parts or organs" can continue to live almost indefinitely as long as they are nourished properly and as long as they are shielded from external negative interactions like microbes and other obstacles that might inhibit the growth of these organs; furthermore, the assertion was made that the cells would continue to grow normally under the above conditions and that the growth is directly related to the nourishment provided. Again, aging did not affect these organs, and they grew every year without any signs of deterioration.

Who will Imam Mahdi(as) resemblance with in his affairs?----

Narrated to us my father; and Muhammad bin Hasan - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated that Abu Ja'far (a.s.) say: "In the master of this affair there are four points of similarity with four prophets. Resemblance with Musa, resemblance with Isa, resemblance with Yusuf and resemblance with Muhammad (peace be on them all). The resemblance with Hazrat Musa(as) is that he shall be fearing and awaiting, - the resemblance with Hazrat Yusuf (as)is imprisonment, -the resemblance with Hazrat Isa(as) is that it would be said regarding him that he has died while he would not be so and -the resemblance with Prophet Muhammad(S) is armed uprising."

Explain the sign of swallowing in the the land of Bayda?

Khasf al-Bayda' (Arabic: خسف البیداء, Persian: خسف بیدا), (i.e. "Swallowing in the land of Bayda") is an event that "the Earth will swallow the land (of al-Bayda)". It is a desert between Mecca and Medina, without water and grass and its distance to Masjid-u-Shajarah is two kilometers—towards to the city of Mecca. 1- According to one traditions: the army of Sufyani will be collapsed in the land of al-Bayda. According a tradition from the fifth Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(as): at the End Time, while Sufyani's army enters the territory of (al-)Bayda, a caller will call:"O plain, annihilate(destroy) the nation" (of the army of Sufyani); as a result of that, the Earth will swallow them, and all of them are going to be sunk --except 3 individuals. It is mentioned in Na'mani, Al-Ghaybah, Maktab al-Saduq, Chapter 14, P. 279It is also mentioned in Kitab al Irshad Chapter: The Twelfth Imam (Peace be on him)Page (s): 541 -548 2-Another narration said that -the Sufyani will come out in revolt; -the Hasanid will be killed; -the Abbasids will dispute over worldly kingdom; -there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of the month of Ramadan; -there will be an eclipse of the moon at the end of that month in contrast to ordinary happenings; -the land will be swallowed up at al-Bayda'; -it will be swallowed in the east-it will be swallowed up in the west; -the sun will stay still from the time of its decline to the middle of the time for the afternoon prayer. https://www.al-islam.org/articles/signs-reappearance-twelfth-imam-ajtf 3-Another narrations said, Amirul Mo'mineen (as) had said: "-Al-Mahdi (aj) will come from the east but before that as-Sufyani will rise in Sham. -He (as-Sufyani) will rule for nine months only. -All the people of Sham will submit to him except a very few believers, who will still keep to the truth and whom Allah preserves from following him. -He will move towards Medina with a great army but when they reach the desert of Medina, Allah will make the desert sink with them. It is the saying of Allah in His Holy Book, . Surah As-Saba- Verses 51 وَلَوْ تَرَي اِذْ فَزِعُوا فَلاَ فَوْتَ وَاُخِذُوا مِن مَكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ 51. "And could you see when they shall become terrified, but (then) there shall be no escape and they shall be seized upon a near place (you will surprise)," کاش تم دیکھو انہیں اُس وقت جب یہ لوگ گھبرائے پھر رہے ہوں گے اور کہیں بچ کر نہ جا سکیں گے، بلکہ قریب ہی سے پکڑ لیے جائیں گے۔ Tafseer al-Burhan, vol.3 p.354, al-Mahajja p.177, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.252, Yanabee'

What is longer occulation (Ghaibat al Kubra) of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs)?

Longer occultation(Ghaibat al-Kubra ) Ultimately, the shining sun of the divine proof went behind the curtain of Ghaibat, completely. And the period of communication with Hazrat (through Nawab al-Arba) came to an end. Despite this (his Ghaibat), Hazrat Mahdi (ajtfs) is the Imam of the time and Imam of the world. He is the Divine Proof. Even though his person may be hidden from our eyes, but his commands are clear. Amirul Momineen Ali (as) announced from his pulpit at Kufa: "Even if the person of the Divine Proof is hidden while he guides the people, his knowledge and manners will be clear for them to follow." https://www.scribd.com/doc/62899510/Bihar-Al-Anwar-Vol-51-52-53-the-Promised-Mahdi-English-Translation-Part-2

What willbe the Conditions to companions by the Imam of the Time (a.s.) for Giving Allegiance mentioned by Imam Ali(as)?

Narrators of traditions and historians have mentioned that the Master of the Age (a.s.) would accept allegiance. They are as follows Amirul Momineen (a.s.) after describing the characteristics of the companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) mentions the conditions that Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall impose for those who wish to pay allegiance to him: They should promise that they shall not steal and commit fornication. Should not commit murder or defile honor. They must not speak ill to the Muslims. They must not attack any house and must not kill anyone except for justification.(He would mean to say:) You shall not tie bands of gold or wear silk. You shall not desecrate the mosque, and you shall not block the paths. You shall not oppress the orphans and make the paths insecure. You shall not resort to intrigue and deceit. You shall not usurp the property of the orphans. You shall not commit sodomy, drink wine, and do misappropriation with Imamate and guidance. You shall not break oaths and promises. You shall not hoard wheat and barely. You shall not kill the one who has taken asylum with you. Do not pursue those who flee. Do not shed blood, and do not attack an injured person. Wear coarse garments and prostrate on the bare earth. Eat bread barely and fight on the way of Allah (SWT). Wear perfumes and despise the impure things. Meanwhile, His Eminence (a.s.) will impose upon himself the condition that there shall be no obstacle between him and his followers. All his activities shall be before them. He shall be satisfied with less, and by the help of Allah (SWT), he shall fill the earth with justice just as it would be fraught with oppression. And he shall serve Allah (SWT) as He ought to be served...7 These conditions and characteristics show that the aim of His Eminence (a.s.) is spreading justice and equality and the establishment of the rule of Allah (SWT) on the earth in such a way that no power and value remains for the tyrants. Also, it shows that the ruler and the subjects are eligible for equity, and there shall be no kind of discrimination between different classes of people except that it has a firm base. His humility and his being with the common people shall be among the characteristics of His Eminence, the Master of the Age, the Remnant of Allah the Great (a.s.).

Explain the voice from the Sky?start class

One of the sure signs of the reappearance of the Awaited Imam (a.s.) is the voice of the angel of Sky, giving glad-tidings of the reappearance of our 12th Imam (atjfs) and it would invite people towards the Imam (a.s.). -A caller shall proclaim from the Sky, and all the inhabitants of the earth shall hear it: Know that, the Proof of God has reappeared near the House of God. The truth is in him and with him. So you all follow him. And that is the saying of Allah (SWT) when He says: إِنْ نَشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ" If We please, We should send down upon them a sign from the heaven so that their necks should stoop to it." (Surah 26, Verse 4) ہم چاہیں تو آسمان سے ایسی نشانی نازل کر سکتے ہیں کہ اِن کی گردنیں اس کے آگے جُھک جائیں۔ There are three kinds of traditions in this regard. First Group of Traditions This group clearly says that when the Awaited Imam (a.s.) reappears, there would be an angel above his blessed head proclaiming: This is the same Mahdi, so follow him. Second Group of Traditions An angel shall proclaim from the Sky that the Awaited Imam (a.s.) has reappeared, so you all follow him. Third Group of Traditions This group states that the angel who proclaims from the Sky giving glad tidings of the reappearance of His Eminence, Imam Mahdi (a.s.), is Hazrat Jibraeel as).

What are the Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi(ajtfs)? companions

The Imam's (a.s.) Companions Companions and helpers of His Eminence (a.s.) shall be persons of piety, caution, merits and purity. They shall be the best kind of people. Characteristics of the Companions of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) 1. Muhammad bin Hanafiyyah has narrated that a person inquired from Imam Ali (a.s.) about Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and Ali (a.s.) replied, "He shall reappear in the Last Age." Then he mentioned the characteristics of his companions and said, "Then the Almighty Allah (SwT) shall collect a group of people near him like pieces of scattered clouds and he shall create love among themselves and none of them shall be fearful..."1 This tradition means that companions of His Eminence (a.s.) shall be having religious insight and the proofs of Allah (SwT) are complete on them. (IMPACT)They shall not be pleased or sad to see anyone joining or leaving them. Their hearts are filled with the blessings of Allah (SwT) and with faith, and they are appointed for the service of Islam, its significance and the aims of His Eminence (a.s.). 2. His Eminence Ali (a.s.) has said about their characteristics, "They shall be a group that does not oblige Allah (SwT) by its patience. And they do not consider themselves great while sacrificing their lives on the path of truth..."2 3. His Eminence, Amirul Momineen (a.s.) has said regarding their characteristics, "They are warriors on the path of God and the arrogant and transgressors consider them lowly. Their worth is not known on the earth but they are well known in the heavens."3 4. Muhiyuddin Arabi said, "The people having divine recognition shall pay the oath of allegiance to His Eminence (a.s.) and they are the servants of God who shall harken to the call of His Eminence (a.s.) and become his supporters. They are those deputies of his who shall take up the responsibility of the important functions of his government...the Almighty Allah (SwT) would select those persons as his deputies whom He has made cognizant of divine realities." https://www.al-islam.org/life-imam-al-mahdi-baqir-shareef-al-qurashi/imams-companions

Who will be the Standard Bearer of Imam Mahdi(ajtf)?

The Standard-Bearer of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) According to traditions, the standard bearer Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall be Shuaib, the son of Salih, who shall be the commander of a huge army. He shall arrive from Khorasan to help and pay oath of allegiance to Imam Mahdi (a.s.). And it is said that he is from the Tamim and he is the one who shall defeat the Sufyani so that they come to Baitul Maqdas and prepare the ground for the government of His Eminence, the remnant of Allah. And from the time of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) till the time his command gains absolute authority, there is a period of 72 months. It is narrated that on the flag of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) shall be written: The allegiance is only for Allah. The philosophy behind it is that the allegiance to Imam Mahdi (a.s.) is allegiance to Allah (SWT), and his command is the Command of Allah (SWT).

Who is Sufiyani? How will the rise of the Sufiyani and Yemani occur?

The Sufyani (Arabic: السفياني‎) is a character from Islamic eschatology. In authenticated hadiths, Sufyani is said to be descended from Abu Sufyan. According to hadiths, he will be the rival and opponent of Imam Mahdi(ajtfs). Reports about Sufyani are available in both Sunni and Shia Hadith collections. Sadiq (as) had said: "The rising of as-Sufyani is an inevitable matter. He will rise in the month of Rajab. It will take, since his rising until his end, fifteen months. He will fight for six months. When he conquers the five districts, he will rule for nine months no more no less."1 "سفیانی کا ابھرنا ایک ناگزیر معاملہ ہے۔ وہ رجب کے مہینے میں طلوع ہوگا۔ اس کے خاتمے تک ، پندرہ مہینے کا وقت لگے گا۔ وہ چھ مہینوں تک لڑے گا۔ جب وہ پانچوں اضلاع کو فتح کرے گا تو نو ماہ تک حکومت نہیں کریں گے اور کوئی کم نہیں۔ " Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.739, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.248, Mo'jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.462. "Some things are inevitable and others are not. From among the inevitable things is the rising of as-Sufyani in Rajab."2 "کچھ چیزیں ناگزیر ہیں اور کچھ ایسی نہیں ہیں۔ ناگزیر چیزوں میں سے رجب میں سفیانی کا عروج ہے۔" 2.Kamal ad-Deen p.65, Jami'ul Akhbar p.142, Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.721, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 Imam Sadiq (as) had said: "Al-Yamani and as-Sufyani will rise like two racehorses."20 "الامانی اور اصفیانی دو گھوڑوں کی طرح اٹھ کھڑے ہوں گے۔ Al-Amali by at-Toossi, vol.2 p.275, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, 275, Mo'jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.478. Abu Ja'far al-Baqir (as) had said: "Amirul Mo'mineen (as) said: "When the two spears (two armies) disagree in Sham, it will not come to an end except with a sign of Allah." He was asked: "What is it, O Amirul Mo'mineen (as)?" He said: "It is an earthquake in Sham, by which more than one hundred thousands of people will perish. Allah will make it as mercy to the believers and torment upon the disbelievers. When that occurs, you will see the riders of the gray horses with the yellow banners coming from the west until they stop at Sham. There will be great terror and red death. Then you will see a sinking of one of the villages of Damascus called Harasta.(A village near Damascus on the way to Hims.) Then the son of the livers-eater22 will come out of the dry valley to sit on the minbar of Damascus. After that you expect the appearance of al-Mahdi (aj)."23 .Al-Ghayba by at-Toossi p.461, al-Khara'ij wel Jara'ih, vol.3 p.1151, al-Odad al-Qawiyya p.76 al-Baqir (as) had said: "As-Sufyani is red, blond and blue. He has never worshipped Allah at all. He has seen neither Mecca nor Medina. He says: O my God, I take revenge even if I go to hell! O my God, I take revenge even if I go to Hell!"25 Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.253, Mo'jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.274. https://www.al-islam.org/kitab-al-ghayba-book-occultation-sheikh-an-numani/chapter-18-rising-sufyani A follower asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (as): "When will the deliverance(help) of your Shia come?" He (as) said: "When the Abbasids disagree, their rule will become weak, those, who have never thought of the rule, will seize the opportunity to gain their (the Abbasids') rule. The Arabs will become uncontrolled. As-Sufyani will rise. Al-Yamani will come with his army. Al-Hasani will move with his troops, and then al- Qa'im will appear in Medina and move towards Mecca with the heritage of the Prophet (S)." "جب عباسی متفق نہیں ہوں گے تو ، ان کی حکمرانی کمزور ہوجائے گی ، وہ لوگ ، جنھوں نے کبھی بھی حکمرانی کے بارے میں سوچا ہی نہیں تھا ، وہ (عباسیوں کی) حکمرانی حاصل کرنے کے موقع سے فائدہ اٹھائیں گے۔ عرب بے قابو ہوجائیں گے۔ یمانی اپنی فوج کے ساتھ آئے گا۔الیامانی اپنی فوج کے ساتھ چلے جائیں گے ، اور پھر القائم مدینہ میں حاضر ہوں گے اور رسول اللہ (ص) کے ورثہ کے ساتھ مکہ کی طرف روانہ ہوں گے۔ The follower asked, "What is the heritage of the Prophet (S)?" He said: "The heritage of the Prophet (S) is his sword, armor, turban, garment, banner, stick, horse and saddle." - Ghaibat Nomani, Chapter 14: The signs preceding the appearance, Hadith 42

Who is Yemani?

The Yamani or al-Yamani (Arabic: الیمانی‎) is a pre-messianic figure, who is prophesied to appear to the people to guide them to the right path prior to the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi(ajtfs), the ultimate savior of mankind .

How long will of the period of Imam Mahdi's Government?

There is difference of opinion among narrators of traditions as regards the period of the Imam's (a.s.) government since there are various narrations on this subject .1. The period of his government shall be 40 years and this is narrated from Imam Ali (a.s.).112. It is 30 years123. It is 21 years13 Regarding the period of rule of al-Mahdi ('atfs), there are various hadiths existing in both Sunni and Shi'ah sources. Some hadiths limit the period of Imam al-Mahdi's ('atfs) rule to seven years. Others mention eight, nine, ten, or twenty years while there are even hadiths that say one thousand years. What is certain is that the government of Hadrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) will not be less than seven years, and this period has been emphasized in some hadiths reported from the Imams ('a). Perhaps it can be said that the period of rule would be seven years, but the length of a year at that time will be different from ours, as indicated in some hadiths such as the following: "His rule will be seven years and each year is equivalent to ten of your years. Therefore, the years of his rule will be equivalent to your seventy years."38 Imam 'Ali ('a) said: "Hadrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) will rule for seven years; every year in that time will be equal to ten years of yours."39 The Holy Messenger of Allah (S) said: "The Mahdi ('atfs) is from us... and for seven years he will take charge of affairs."40 The Prophet (S) also said: "He will rule for seven years over this ummah."41 The Messenger of Allah (S) also said elsewhere: "The tenure of rule of al-Mahdi (S) will be seven years at the shortest or it will last for eight or nine years at the longest."42 It has also been reported: "Hadrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) will rule in this world for nine years."43 Jabir ibn 'Abdullah al-Ansari asked Imam al-Baqir ('a): "How many years will the Imam of the Time ('atfs) live?" The Imam ('a) replied: "From the day of the uprising till his demise will be nineteen years long."44 The Messenger of Allah (S) said: "Hadrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) will rule for twenty years. He will take out the treasures from the ground; he will conquer the lands of polytheism."45 He (S) also said: "The Mahdi ('atfs) is from my progeny and he will rule for twenty years."46It has also been reported: "The Imam ('atfs) will rule for ten years."47 In answer to the question on how many years the Mahdi ('atfs) will rule, Hadrat 'Ali ('a) said: "He will rule over the people for thirty or forty years."48 Imam as-Sadiq ('a) said: "Hadrat al-Mahdi ('atfs) will be from my progeny and his age will be equal to that of Ibrahim Khalil ar-Rahman (Prophet Abraham) ('a). He will appear at the age of eighty years and rule for forty years."49 The same Imam ('a) also said: "The tenure of Hadrat al-Qa'im's ('atfs) rule will be nineteen years and some months."50 Imam al-Baqir ('a) said: "Hadrat al-Qa'im ('atfs) will rule for (309)three hundred and nine years just as the Companions of the Cave stayed in the cave for the same period."51 The late Majlisi said: "The hadiths regarding the Imam's ('atfs) period of rule must be explained under the following probabilities: Some hadiths refer to the entire period of rule while some others point to the period of stabilization and establishment. Some are based on the years and days that we are acquainted with while others are based on the years and days in the time of the Imam ('atfs) which are long. God knows best the truth of the matter."52 After mentioning the hadiths, the late Ayatullah Tabasi, my honorable father, gives preference to the hadith that propounds seven years, but he says: "It means that by the power of God, every year at that time will be equal to ten of our years."53 https://www.al-islam.org/an-overview-of-mahdi-s-government-najimuddin-tabasi/government-truth 38-Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Irshad, p. 363; Shaykh at-Tusi, Ghaybah, p. 283; Rawdah al-Wa'izin, vol. 2, p. 264; Sirat al-Mustaqim, vol. 2, p. 251; Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 302; Al-Ayqaz, p. 249; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 291; Nur ath-Thaqalayn, vol. 4, p. 101. 39.'Iqd ad-Durar, pp. 224, 238; Ithbat al-Hudah, vol. 3, p. 624. 40.Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 302; Ibn Batriq, 'Umdah, p. 435; Dala'il al-Imamah, p. 258; Hanafi, Burhan, p. 99; Majma' az-Zawa'id, vol. 7, p. 314; Fara'id as-Simtayn, vol. 2, p. 330; 'Iqd ad-Durar, pp. 20, 236; Shafi'i, Bayan, p. 50; Hakim, Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 557; Kanz al-'Ummal, vol. 14, p. 264; Kashf al-Ghummah, vol. 3, p. 262; Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 431; Ghayah al-Maram, p. 698; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 82. 41.'Iqd ad-Durar, p. 20; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 82. 42.Ibn Tawus, Malahim, p. 140; Kashf al-Astar, vol. 4, p. 112; Majma' az-Zawa'id, vol. 7, p. 314. 43.Ibn Tawus, Tara'if, p. 177. 44.'Ayyashi, Tafsir 'Ayyashi, vol. 2, p. 326; Nu'mani, Ghaybah, p. 331; Ikhtisas, p. 257; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 298. 45.Firdaws al-Akhbar, vol. 4, p. 221; Al-'Ilal al-Mutanahiyyah, vol. 2, p. 858; Dala'il al-Imamah, vol. 233; Ithbat al-Hudah, vol. 3, p. 593; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 91. See Tabrani, Mu'jam, vol. 8, p. 120; Asad al-Ghabah, vol. 4, p. 353; Fara'id as-Samtayn, vol. 2, p. 314; Majma' az-Zawa'id, vol. 7, p. 318; Lisan al-Mizan, vol. 4, p. 383. 46.Kashf al-Ghummah, vol. 3, p. 271; Ibn Batriq, 'Umdah, p. 439; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 1; Ibn Tawus, Malahim, p. 142; Firdaws al-Akhbar, vol. 4, p. 6; Dala'il al-Imamah, p. 233; 'Aqd ad-Durar, p. 239; Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 432. 47.Nur al-Absar, p. 170; Ash-Shi'ah wa'r-Raj'ah, vol. 1, p. 225. See Fadl al-Kufah, p. 25; A'yan ash-Shi'ah, vol. 2, p. 51; Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 492. 48.Ibn Hammad, Fitan, p. 104; Kanz al-'Ummal, vol. 14, p. 591. 49.Ithbat al-Hudah, vol. 3, p. 574 50.Nu'mani, Ghaybah, p. 331; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 298; vol. 53, p. 3. 51.Shaykh at-Tusi, Ghaybah, p. 283; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 390; Ithbat al-Hudah, vol. 3, p. 584. 52.Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 280. 53.Ash-Shi'ah wa'r-Raj'ah, vol. 1, p. 225.

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