Day of the Dead
El Cempazuchitl
yellow marigolds often referred to as "el flor del muerto" (flower of the dead), used to decorate on Day of the Dead.
El Pan de Muerto
Bread of the dead, a sweet roll which is traditionally baked as a part of the Day of the Dead celebration.
La Vela
Candle, candles are often lit in cemeteries and used to decorate "las ofrendas" on Day of the Dead.
El Día de los Muertos
Day of the Dead, a holiday celebrated in Mexico and other Latin American countries on November 1st and 2nd. The holiday is celebrated to remember and honor deceased loved ones.
El Copal
a resin used to make incense which is burned on Day of the Dead. Some believe that the scent and smoke from "El Copal" will help to guide returning souls.
La Calaca
a whimsical skeleton which represents death and is used as a decoration on Day of the Dead.
La Ofrenda
altar set up to honor and remember an ancestor. They often include photos, candles, flowers and objects which represent the person being honored.
El Cementerio
cemetery, cemeteries are often cleaned and decorated prior to Day of the Dead. On the actual holiday, families gather at the gravesite in the cemetery to remember their ancestors.
El Papel Picado
craft made by cutting tissue paper into elaborate designs. This is used to decorate during the Day of the Dead celebration.
La Calavera
representation of a skull used on Day of the Dead. They are often made into masks worn on the holiday. Also, skulls are made out of sugar, decorated with icing and eaten as candies on this day.
El Milagro
these charms are often used to decorate "las ofrendas" on Day of the Dead. They are a symbol of good luck or protection. The word "milagro" literally means miracle.