DC Chap 8 Leadership

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Highly Individualist Countries-

Australia, U.S., Netherlands, G.B.

Another situational variable, hierarchal relations between leaders and followers, may influence whether power is viewed as something to be shared?

a democratic LS style might only be appropraite

Consider the trait of flexibility. Leaders who are too flexible may not provide the structure that others need. Similarly,?

a lack of flexibility may make it difficult to take individual needs and values into account

This journey of LS development might include online learning, formal training, and experimental training. As opposed to?

a situation that is fabricated, experimental learning allows us to develop skills on the job

KEY SKILLS OF A DIVERSITY-CONSCIOUS LEADER: Diversity consciousness provides leaders w/ the skills to promote interpersonal openness and build relationships in a global, multicultural environment?

adapting, thinking, and communicating inclusively, and assessing as well as monitoring are among the most important

The analogy between being an orchestra conductor and being a leader in business and other orgs. is incomplete. It does not?

address the different faces and contexts of LS. / nor does the analogy consider the influence of other varibles, such as the cultural setting in which the org. operates

People who self monitor learn from?

all kinds of feedback, reevaluate, and then adjust according to the situation

Empathy allows a diversity-conscious leader to motivate individuals in ways that?

allow everyone to feel understood and respected

As the hierarchy w/i U.S. orgs. becomes flatter and as self-managed teams assume more of the workload, there are more opportunities for all employees to lead. A relatively new concept called "everyday leadership"

alludes to the fact that LS occurs in our daily routines, both in our professional and private lives

Someone w/ "low competence" and "high commitment" may lack the necessary skills but be eager to learn and take direction. This type of follower is apt to benefit from?

an authoritarian leader who supervises them closely

In a large power distance society, leaders lead autocratically. Employees show respect. They are hesitant to question their supervisor or even offer up ideas. A person's title?

and rank is socially significant and impacts greatly on interpersonal relationships (in schools teachers are treated w/ great deal of respect and deference)

The diversity consciousness of future global leaders will allow them to?

collaborate across cultures, face-to-face, using the latest and most effective virtual tech., empower and engage employees across cultures, and apply their broad knowledge and awareness of diversity and cultural issues

Communicating inclusively means ?

developing one's awareness and understanding of different communication styles

Situational LS theory posits that different LS styles are more or less effective in different situations. Leadership Styles, which refer to the way we influence others in different situations. Situational Leaders, refer to ?

individuals who adapt their LS style dependent on the circumstances

Long-term versus Short-term Orientation and Indulgence Versus Restraint: Long-term Orientation societies place more emphasis on the future and attach importance to values such as persistence and saving. Short-term Orientation ?

is typical of those societies that direct peoples efforts towards the present and the past, and value tradition and the achievement of more immediate results

Leadership is interactive, that is,?

it focuses on the relationship between leader and those being influenced, a leader needs to relate to people's values

Kouzes and Posner argue that LS is not the "private reserve" of a few extraordinary men and women. Quite the contrary.

it is a process ordinary people use when they are bringing forth the best from themselves and others

Leadership is a process meaning,?

it reflects what someone is doing rather than their opinion through influence and inspiration leaders unite and motivate

A follower w/ "high competence" and "high commitment" is apt to be more experienced and confident in their ability. This situation calls for more of a ?

laissez-faire leader in which the follower is given more control and latitude

Behavior theories of LS shifted attention away from the traits of effective leaders and toward their behaviors. Two dimensions of LS behavior that influenced work performance?

leaders who were production/task oriented and those who were more people-oriented

We are all potential leaders, regardless of our background, status, power, or appearance. Therefore, we need to move beyond conventional, monocultural images of LS. An individuals's appearance, including the formality of his attire?

may signal a follower or a leader depending on the situation

In an organizational climate in which top-down decision-making is expected individuals are apt to prefer a ?

more authoritarian LS style

Another prerequisite for inclusive communication is empathy. Being empathetic ?

moves us out of our paradigms and helps to recognize others' realities and talents

Hofstede, an international scholar, surveyed 116,000 workers in 40 countries (IBM) He found that a country's culture had a profound effect on workers attitudes and values. Leaders regardless of their position in an org.,?

need to be constantly aware of this interrelationship

In the U.S. (weak uncertainty avoidance), leaders are more inclined to?

take risks, tolerate deviance, and encourage employees not to back down but to speak their mind this type of LS is seen as a way to promote new ideas

DIVERSITY CONSCIOUSNESS LEADERSHIP: In order to lead across differences in todays multicultural workplace, what skills are most important?

technical and organizational skills, even more important are interpersonal openness and relationship building

ADAPTING: Diversity-conscious leaders do not necessarily gravitate to what is most comfortable or familiar. Rather, ?

they seek to expand their repertoire of LS styles and develop their ability to seamlessly shift styles depending on the cultural context

Leadership is situational, meaning it cannot be analyzed apart from the context in which it occurs.

time, location, organizational culture, relationships involving individuals and communities, and numerous other individual and cultural variables shape context

Strong Masculine Countries-

Japan, Austria, Germany

LS DEVELOPMENT: According to a recent study, companies identified as the "best for LS" position for the future by developing leaders at every level. They do this in a variety of ways, including?

"stretch assignments" and "accelerator experiences" that help leaders grow, engage and enable people, and remove obstacles that hinder followers

The 5 myths That Contribute to the Idea That Only A Select Few Can Be Diversity-Conscious Leaders?

1. are naturally "people persons" (nothing natural about relating to others effectively) 2. LS is an extremely rare ability 3. are intellectually brilliant 4. are charismatic extroverts 5. must be able to persuade and control people in spite of their differences

MAJOR LS STYLES: Make all or most of the decisions and keep power to themselves?


Leaders from Australia or the U.S. (highly individualist, small power distance) will probably have to modify their LS styles radically if they find themselves in a country such as?

Columbia or Singapore (highly collectivist, large power distance)

MAJOR LS STYLES: Share power and encourage group discussion and decision-making?


Small Power Distance Countries-

Denmark, Israel, Australia, U.S.

Strong Uncertainty Avoidance Countries-

Greece, Turkey, Japan

MAJOR LS STYLES: Minimally involve themselves in decision-making and encourage group members to make their own decisions?


Cultural differences may influence who is seen as?

LS material

THE DIVERSITY-CONSCIOUSNESS LEADER OF THE FUTURE: As challenges facing both small and large orgs. become more complex?

LS will continue to become a more collective, independent process that occurs throughout the org.

The process by which people inspire, influence, and empower others to achieve a common goal?

Leadership / increasingly, definitions look beyond LS as an individual trait and emphasize its relational and collaborative nature

Judging others on the basis of ones own expectations ?

Mirror-imaging , something many leaders tend to do because it is easier to question others' assumptions than our own

Hofstede found Japan to be the most masculine country, w/ very strong sex role differentiation in LS. More feminine cultures, such as?

Netherlands, tend to attach more importance to nurturing and social support

A process in which the sharing of LS allows everybody to work together and maximize their expertise and creativity?

Orpheus Process /Orpheus Orchestra has rehearsed, performed, and recorded w/o a conductor for 30 years

Large Power Distance Countries-

Philippines, India, Columbia, Singapore

LS THEORIES: Traditionally, so-called trait theories of LS were built on the premise that certain people are "born leaders". According to these theories leaders were distinguished by certain traits.

Physiological, psychological, and intellectual traits set leaders apart, theories attempts to identify a cluster of LS traits proved unsuccessful, not universal nor inborn

Being aware of humane and performance orientation helps us guard against assuming that a leader should always act a certain way. Performance improvement is valued in Hong Kong and U.S. However, in countries such as ?

Russia and Argentina, a greater emphasis may be placed on loyalty and who someone is rather than what he does

Highly Collectivist Countries-

Singapore, Japan, Pakistan, Columbia

Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Countries-

Sweden, Ireland, Great Britain

Strong Feminine Countries-

Sweden, Norway, Netherlands

Rather than engage in mirror-imaging, diversity conscious leaders are aware of the possibilities whenever and wherever interaction takes place.

They do not assume similarities any more than they assume differences / India, Mexico, SA countries events begin and end by mutual consensus. Punctuality may be a goal, but personal commitments and the event itself is more important

Diversity consciousness can make the difference between an average, good, or great leader. In part this is because many leaders, regardless of their job status, ?

are ill-prepared to relate to others who do not share their personalities, values, and backgrounds. Their insensitivity to individual and cultural differences mitigates their ability to lead others

Masculinity Versus Femininity: This dimension refers to the degree to which roles are differentiated and valued. "masculine cultures" as those that sharply delineate gender roles and attach more importance to roles associated w/ males, such as assertiveness and independence. Feminine cultures?

are those that distinguish among gender roles to a lesser degree and attach more importance to roles associated w/ females, such as relationship-oriented activities and interpersonal sensitivity

FOUR BUILDING BLOCKS OF DIVERSITY CONSCIOUS LS: AN ASSESSMENT- Self-assessments, allow us to recognize and leverage our strengths, and equally as important, identify and work on our shortcomings. This assessment focuses on the four building blocks?

awareness, understanding, skills, and commitment

ASSESSING AND MONITORING: One of the defining traits of diversity-conscious leaders is their request to continually improve and learn by assessing and monitoring their own competencies. Honest and thorough self-assessments can?

be a humbling experience in that it helps us realize just how much we do not know

The deeper we dig the more we may?

become more aware of our own cultural literacy and bias

Actively listening to others?

can help us adapt and change

As leaders manage global issues w/ a global workforce, an emerging skill set will place even more emphasis on cultural issues and collaboration, according to the recently conducted Developing Successful Global Leaders Study. Among the most important future competencies of global leaders identified?

collaborating w/ peers from multiple cultures, managing innovation in a multicultural setting, cross-cultural employee engagement, and managing virtual teams

According to Steven Covey, LS comes from?

communicating peoples worth and potential so clearly they come to see it in themselves

Generational differences may influence team members in numerous ways, including?

communication styles, lifestyles, goals, work, and family priorities, and cross-racial friendships

Followers may differ in terms of their ?

competence and their commitment or motivation to tackle the task at hand

In Asian cultures whether it be positive or negative - is apt to be directed at a group rather than an individual. The directness of feedback varies as well. U.S. managers are more apt to provide face-to-face feedback, whereas, Japanese managers are more likely to?

convey their thoughts in writing or through someone else

All leaders operate in a multicultural context. Even if leaders and their followers come from the same ethnic group or geographic region, ?

cultural differences exist

Feelings of disorientation and stress due to experiencing an unfamiliar cultural environment?

culture shock

Continuous self-monitoring and self-assessment enable us to?

discover our strengths and weaknesses, develop awareness and understanding of interpersonal skills, and expand our knowledge of cultural differences self-monitoring is the ability to use interpersonal cues to understand better ones own behavior and its effects on others

Refers to the process by which people influence and empower others by recognizing, understanding, and adjusting to diversity in all its forms?

diversity-conscious leadership

The Vietnamese tend to place high value on adaptability, admiring individuals who?

do not simply adhere to their position but compromise and adjust to fit the situation

Hofstede's study show that the countries differ along a number of dimensions. Additionally, findings point to considerable variables w/i a culture; therefore,

each dimension represents an average pattern of beliefs and values found in a particular country

Effective communication and flexibility between the leaders and followers is crucial as leaders (conductors) may?

embrace or resist input from the musicians who actually create the music

LS IN A CULTURAL CONTEXT: In different cultures, there are different views regarding who should be a leader and what a leader should or should not do. Consequently, cultural context?

exerts a significant influence on how we influence others and whether one style might be more effective than another U.S. do not expect leaders to be infallible, many other countries are much more unforgiving

Hofstede's model forces us to expand our view of LS. Traditionally, LS has been evaluated from a narrow, ethnocentric perspective. Theories on LS usually reflect a micro-level orientation, a viewpoint that focuses on interaction among individuals in specific settings. A macro-level orientation?

focuses on large scale of patterns of behavior in orgs., societies, and the world as a whole

In strong uncertainty avoidance societies,?

followers create a feeling of security by relying heavily on leaders / leaders word is accepted as a kind of law, apt to have more rules and tolerate less deviance from rules

Challenging experiences w/ culture shock may teach us to?

observe, reflect, and experiment w/ new ways of adapting to new situations

Task-oriented or instrumental leaders tend to focus?

on the task at hand and less on how group members get along

U.S. culture was found to be somewhat more masculine. U.S. viewed traditional sex role divisions as?

outdated and stereotypical, expectations on traditional roles remain

Monitoring Bias A recent study by Bertrand and Mullainathan found a ?

person's name can trigger bias

Large or Small Power Distance: This dimension refers to the degree to which power is distributed unequally. In large power distance cultures, significant inequalities among people are both accepted and expected. Small power distance cultures?

play down the importance of inequalities in power and wealth as much as possible

One of the major criticisms of Hofstede's study is that he tends to ?

portray populations as culturally homogeneous and ignores the salience of various communities and subcultures w/i a nation, others he makes inferences about cultures of entire countries based on his research of a single company, and finally, work is incomplete

When leading across differences and working w/ people made up of diverse cultural or demographic groups, leaders influence others in a variety of ways, including?

problem-solving, team-building, communication, and consensus-building

Leadership embraces three key factors-

process, interactive, and situational

Future leaders will educate themselves, drawing on info from a wide variety of international and multicultural sources and life experiences. Their language and communication skills will?

reflect their understanding of differences in motivation, communication, group processes, andLS

HOFSTEDE'S SIX CULTURAL DIMENSIONS: Individualism Versus Collectivism- Individualism reinforces people's reliance on self, and encourages a greater concern w/ one's own interests. Collectivism?

reinforces a greater reliance on the group, and a greater concern for the welfare of all concerned

LS development often occurs outside of formal training. Center for Creative LS study asked respondents to share a significant, LS-building event in their lives. Among experiences leader in Vietnam sited living away from home for the first time, and the birth of a child. Interestingly,?

respondents generally thought of LS development as a journey rather than an event

The ability to use interpersonal cues to understand better one's own behavior and its effects on others. By doing this we continually focus on ourselves, others, and the environment?


Commitment to developing our awareness, understanding, and skills enables us to learn what is important to people?

shifts perspectives and then communicate in a way that illustrates our empathy and grasp of the situation

Cross-cultural studies indicate, including Hofstede's and more recently GLOBE study, diversity w/i and across cultures calls for?

situational LS, rather than a one size fits all model

Strong or Weak Uncertainty Avoidance: This dimension refers to the degree to which ambiguity and uncertainty are tolerated, and absolute truths are avoided. In societies characterized by strong uncertainty avoidance, risk and uncertainty are avoided if at all possible, and absolute truths are embraced. Weak uncertainty avoidance ?

societies tend to avoid absolute truths and do not feel nearly as threatened by behavior and opinions different from their own

Stephen Covey discussed the value of empathy, that is how it helps people feel that?

someone is learning and open to other points of view

Learning to be a diversity-conscious leader is a cumulative process, making each new challenge easier. As we develop, we begin to move beyond?

superficial understanding and become more open to differences. over time we expand the breadth and depth of our diversity consciousness by engaging in continual reflection and self-assessment, learning to assume complexity and deal w/ ambiguity, and becoming more mindful of context

THINKING AND COMMUNICATING INCLUSIVELY: In order the think and communicate inclusively, diversity-conscious leaders are students of people and their interrelationships. These leaders are aware of?

the danger of only internalizing information that reinforces their own beliefs and values while ignoring or rationalizing away information that does not. Furthermore, they appreciate the difficulty leading in the context of difference and the costs of thinking exclusively

GLOBE Project Team- point to cultural dimensions in addition to those studies by Hofstede. These dimensions include?

the degree to which society encourages people to be caring, generous, and kind (humane orientation) and focus on the job itself (performance orientation)

Blanchard and Hersey, created a theoretical model of situational LS that involves analyzing the situation and then adopting the most appropriate LS style. The LS model emphasizes?

the effectiveness of different styles depend on the people being led

If we are to excel in an increasingly borderless world, we need to look beyond the individual and view LS in a cultural context. Findings from comprehensive global research show that our views of LS are shaped by cultural beliefs and values. Hence,?

the effectiveness of leaders hinges to a large degree on their ability to recognize, understand, and adjust to a wide array of cultural dimensions

Situational factors might influence whether a particular behavior is effective. These include?

the nature of the task, organizational climate, culture setting, and people's expectations

Leaders in the U.S., found to be highest on the dimension of individualism, tend to prioritize an individuals needs.

the self-interests of leaders and followers tend to be more important than the group

People-oriented or expressive leaders primary concern is?

the well-being of group members and their ability to work as a unit

Diversity-conscious leaders are competent thinkers and actors in a variety of worlds. One of their strengths is?

their ability to adapt, shift perspectives, and blend LS styles when the situation calls for it

Effective leaders learn to develop their own potential. According to Kotter,?

their careers are distinguished by almost constant growth in their interpersonal and intellectual skills and in their relationships w/ relevant others

By viewing LS from a broader perspective, Hofstede shows the importance of evaluating LS in a cultural, global context. Given the gap among countries on the cultural dimensions, ?

there is a strong likelihood that the LS styles among different cultures will be dissimilar and, in some cases, markedly so

Relationships in a small power distance society such as the U.S. tend to be more egalitarian; however, power still remains w/ the leader.

there is more two-way communication between those in authority and subordinates (teachers often seek more input and delegate more authority to students

Indulgence is found in those societies that put less restraint on gratification of basic human drives, while Restraint?

typifies societies that rigidly regulate gratification through the imposition of social norms

Goldsmith and Morgan conducted a study of 86,000 leaders were given feedback regarding what they could do to increase their effectiveness. Interestingly, results showed no correlation between understanding what they needed to do and actually doing it. Leader who did nothing?

understood what actions were necessary just as well as those leaders who followed through on their plan for improvement

We cannot narrow any type of LS down to a specific set of traits. Not only do diversity-conscious leaders possess a wide variety of traits, individuals and cultures perceive LS traits differently. Moreover, the optimal level of a specific LS trait?

varies according to the situation

Assumptions underlying LS theories may reveal a cultural bias It is frequently assumed that a democratic or participative LS is preferable and more productive. Although this may be true in some situations, it is not true in all. Rather than assume?

we need to analyze LS from a critical cross-cultural perspective. Indeed, this assumption may reflect U.S. values that support dem. over authoritarian LS such thinking disregards the interrelationship among LS and customs, traditions, beliefs, regarding the nature of power and authority, standards of living, and gender roles

LS in collectivist societies is more of a group phenomenon. Workers bring considerable loyalty to their jobs and place their utmost faith in leaders. In return,?

workers expect leaders to show loyalty as well by looking out for workers' best interests

By regularly using the self-assessment you will be able to track your personal growth over time. Personal commitment is the key. W/O a strong desire to put newfound awareness, understanding, and skills to use?

your development as a diversity-conscious leader will be compromised

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