de Wit Chapter 2 Objectives

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Acceptance Stage (sick role) (stages of illness)

Acceptance occurs as denial of illness stops and a "sick role" is assumed. This involves acknowledging illness and engaging in measures to become well

Why do nurses need to be aware of any cultural, educational, and social differences that might exist between themselves and their parents

Because of cultural, educational, and social differences, you and the patient could have totally different ideas about health and illness and what constitutes "good" health and effective health practices

Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress, Psychological Effects

Confusion and forgetfulness Anxiety Irritability Labile moods Quickness to anger Depression

Convalescence Stage (recovery) (stages of illness)

Convalescence is the process of recovering after the illness and regaining health. If the illness or disease is chronic, a total recovery phase is replaced by adaptation (adjustment in structure or habits) to limitations and positive use of remaining capabilities, or by maladaptation (lack of adjustment).

Components of Holistic Care (2)

Each person has potential for growth in knowledge and skills and in becoming more loving toward herself and others

Components of Holistic Care (1)

Each person is a unique integration of body, mind, and spirit, and the unified whole is more than the sum of the parts

Physiologic Needs (Four Areas of Human Needs)

Essential needs to maintain life. Need for oxygen; need for adequate cardiovascular function to supply the tissues with blood. The needs for adequate nutrition and for elimination come next. Protection from harm

Components of Holistic Care (3)

Humans are naturally inclined to be healthy; each of us has responsibility for our own well-being, self-healing, and self-care

Current View of Health and Illness

In general, being healthy means being able to function well physically and mentally and to express the full range of one's potentialities within the environment in which one is living

Four ways in which a nurse can help decrease stress and anxiety for patients

Listen carefully to the patient; answer questions Provide privacy Protect confidentiality Check on the patient frequently

Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress, Physical Effects

Rapid pulse Rapid, shallow breathing Sweaty palms or generally increased perspiration Shakiness and tremors Increased blood pressure

Security and Belonging (Four Areas of Human Needs)

Security for patients mean that their physiologic and safety needs will be met. Security also includes protection from psychological harm; freedom from anxiety and fear; and the need for structure, order, and a peaceful environment.


Self-actualization (reaching one's full potential) is a stage to which people do not advance until the physiologic, security and belonging, self-esteem, and love needs have been met. Self-actualization occurs when individuals are comfortable with themselves and are certain of their beliefs and values.

Self-Esteem and Love

Self-esteem develops from feelings of independence, competence, and self-respect and from recognition, appreciation, and respect from others. Extreme, prolonged deprivation of love and esteem can bring about neurotic behavior and organic illness

Components of Holistic Care (4)

The "person" of an individual belongs to herself; therefore decisions about what happens to that person rightfully belong to the owner

Components of Holistic Care (5)

The focal point of healing efforts is the person, not the disease or injury

Transition Stage (onset state) (stages of illness)

The onset of illness may consist of vague, nonspecific symptoms. During this period one may deny feeling ill, but recognize that symptoms of an illness are present. Acknowledgment of a health problem occurs.

Components of Holistic Care (6)

The relationship between health care professionals and their patients should be one of mutual cooperation

Fight or Flight

a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival

What "health" means to you

absence of disease or optimum functioning on every level

What "sickness" means to you

disease of body or mind

Congenital Disease

genetic or present at birth

Idiopathic Disease

illness is one for which there is no known cause

Holistic Approach

is one that considers the person's biologic, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects and needs

Traditional View of Health and Illness

not only the absence of infirmity and disease but also a state of physical, mental, and social well-being.

Ways in which the body adapts to maintain homeostatis

one needs to be in harmony with elements outside oneself by interacting with and integrating various elements into one's life. Wellness is maintained or regained, at least in part, when one is able to keep a sense of balance while adapting to factors that can upset that balance.

Acute Illness

one that develops suddenly and resolves in a short time

Primary Illness

one that develops without being caused by another health problem (flu)

Secondary Illness

results from or is caused by a primary illness (peripheral vascular disease resulting from diabetes)

Chronic Illness

tends to develop slowly over a long period and last throughout life (hypertension)

Terminal Illness

there is no cure available; it ends in death

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