Deaf Culture Exam #2

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Provide 2 reasons concerning how the LRE principle has negatively impacted on the traditional delivery of Deaf education and on Deaf culture.

1) Deaf schools have become more institutionalized and are provided less funding. They have become lower in the school hierarchy and are considered by some school officials to be "more restrictive" than public schools. 2) Students most likely do not have ASL and proper accommodations in a public school setting.

What were the 4 common characteristics of minorities which are shared by deaf people and why?

1) The group shares a physical or cultural characteristic 2) Individuals identify themselves as part of a minority and others identify them in that way 3) There is a tendency to marry within the minority 4) Minority members suffer oppression

What were the Four Demands?

1. Elisabeth Zinser must resign from the presidency, and a new Deaf president must be named immediately. 2. Jane Bassett Spilman, chair of the Board of Trustees, must resign immediately. 3. The Board of Trustees must be reconstructed with a Deaf majority. 4. There should be no reprises against student protesters.

What were the five reasons for the existence of the Los Angeles Club for the Deaf?

1. Games and sporting events 2. Caption films 3. Entertainment (i.e. plays and pageants) 4. Socialization and fellowship

What are the two characteristics of collectivist cultures?

1. Tendency for group members to help one another survive and promote the survival of the group as a whole. 2. Sharing information to protect integrity of the group and put other members of the group above themselves.

What are the two characteristics of individualist cultures?

1. The goals and needs of the individual come above the needs of the group. 2. Self-reliance is emphasized.

List four positive developments which occurred as a result of the Deaf President Now! Movement?

1. The majority of the Board of Trustees are now Deaf. 2. Deaf president of Galludet. 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act 4. It brought positive awareness to the Deaf community.

What are three reasons why the Deaf President Now! Protest was very successful?

1. The protest was led by students of the university. 2. It took place in a supportive political and cultural climate. 3. There were four clear demands.

What is the "sandwich" approach used by hearing Americans in giving constructive criticism?

1. Use a positive introductory phrase. 2. Slip in the critical comment. 3. Add another positive remark to wrap it up.

What are the four features of the Deaf classroom?

1. sitting in a circle 2. students must maintain eye contact with their teacher 3. the language used is ASL (or another form of signed language) 4. students are expected to share information which benefits others and explain why they're late.

What are the four features of the hearing classroom?

1. sitting in rows 2. students have little or no eye contact with teacher 3. students and teacher use spoken language 4. students are expected to keep to themselves, and late students are expected not to disturb others.

In what year was the building for the LACD purchased and at what cost? Where was it located?

1945; $29,000; on 32nd and Main St.

What is a Deaf Utopia? Who was its chief advocate during 19th Century America?

A Deaf Utopia would be a land in which everyone uses signed language, it is assumed that everyone is Deaf, and movies are all captioned. Its primary advocate was John James Flournoy.

Who was Eugene Hairston? How did Eugene Hairston know when to return to his corner for repairs, rest, and instructions?

A deaf boxer known as "silent". He knew when to return to his corner by the flashing of the lights. Had to retire from boxing, because he thought he would go blind.

How are Deaf Clubs remembered by older Deaf Americans?

A place where Deaf people could find respite with their Deaf friends. A place of fellowship and belonging.

What are two reasons why Deaf people value information sharing, especially when it comes to financial matters?

A: It is possible that Deaf people can find a better deal if they share information with one another. They want their friends to get the best deal possible. B: Deaf people sometimes feel out of the loop in hearing culture, so they try to always keep one another included when they find a good deal.

Why is the "sandwich" approach important in American hearing culture? How can it be confusing to some people?

American hearing culture places the emphasis on not hurting other people's feelings. It is used to soften the blow before getting to the point. It makes the "sandwich easier to swallow". It can be confusing because people may just hear the compliments and think that they're not doing anything wrong, and so they do not make any changes.

What were the reasons for the decline in membership as expressed by members of the LACD?

At the end of the war, people stopped working in all the same places. People bought houses outside of Los Angeles and moved to the suburbs. Caption TVs and films became common in the average home, and the environment around the club became unsafe and rundown.

What are the three reasons for the lengthy leave taking ritual among Deaf people?

Before technology allowed Deaf people to have easier and more spontaneous communication, Deaf friends did not know when the next time they would be face-to-face would be, They took the chance to share every last bit of information and to make specific plans for the next time they'd see one another.

What is Black ASL? Explain its significance and how it came into use.

Black ASL is a dialect of ASL used by black members of the Deaf community. It came about because of the segregation of white and black Deaf students in the early 20th century, especially in the Southern part of the USA.

Under what names was the Los Angeles Club for the Deaf previously known by?

Cosmopolitan Club, The Sphinx Club, The Silent Athletic Club

What are the three aspects of culture?

Customs, beliefs, rules of politeness

How is the concept of privacy different between Deaf and American hearing cultures?

Deaf people are more open when sharing personal information, including financial matters. They see financial information as being beneficial to everyone, whereas hearing Americans see it as inappropriate to ask specific questions, such as how much something cost.

What was the principle reason(s) for the decline in funding of separate primary to secondary state schools for deaf students?

Decline in enrollment due to the push for mainstreaming and the expansion of interpreting services

Who was the eighth president of Galludet University?

Dr. I. King Jordan

Explain how educators already employed in the public schools influenced how sign language would be used. Did ASL have any role in this development? Why or why not?

Educators did not like ASL and thought that it hindered the students orally. This led to the development of MCE (manually coded English) which 90% of teachers still use.

Who was Alexander Graham Bell's chief adversary involving the area of Deaf Education and Communication? Why?

Edward Galludet. He wanted Deaf children to use oral and signed communication, whereas Alexander Graham Bell wanted Deaf people to use oral communication exclusively.

National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) certification guarantees that the interpreters will have the requisite skills to adequately perform any interpreting assignment. True or false? Please explain.

False, there is no guarantee that they will be adequate in all settings. They may know specialized interpretation and lingo, and may have to finger spell certain things out.

During its best years, what days of the week was the club house open? How many people attended?

Four nights a week. Over 500 people typically came.

What was the Amy Rowley case, which was decided on by the US Supreme court? What was the impact of this legal decision by the Supreme Court on IDEA?

Her parents were deaf and wanted an interpreter to be provided to her, but after she started to excel in school her school decided that she no longer needed one and took it away. Her case won in the lower courts, but the Supreme Court ruled that student interpreter services would be decided on an individual basis and she lost. The impact would have been stronger with a student with more difficulty in the classroom.

Define IEP.

Individualized Education Plan. A plan made for a child with disabilities that targets their specific needs and goals.

Define IDEA.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Every child with disabilities will be provided with an IEP and with the services that they need to succeed.

What core value is illustrated by frequent messages?

Information sharing and the luxury of instant communication

What do Deaf people appreciate about videophones?

It allows them to have full and instant communication in ASL, the most comfortable way possible.

How is culture like a set of tools?

It allows us to interact with one another and navigate through the world. Once you are used to using a particular tool, it can be difficult to try to understand and use another one.

Stanford achievement test (SAT)

It is a standardized test that is required for college admission that has different sections for math, reading and writing. There is different grammar for english than there is in ASL.

What do Deaf people appreciate about the video relay service?

It is faster and more comfortable than the TTY.

How did studies in the 1960s and 1970s which focused on the academic achievement of deaf children lead to the development of sign language and total communication in local public schools after years of providing oral only education?

It was found that deaf children of deaf parents did better academically than those with hearing parents, which showed that schools needed to be using sign language because the students did better with ASL than oral. This led to the expansion of interpreting services.

What are the most important reasons behind the decline of Deaf Clubs as noted by Deaf scholars who studied the issue?

Jobs for deaf people became more diverse and therefore more spread out. Increased use of technology made frequent communication easier.

Younger Deaf people provided their reasons for not attending the club meetings of the LACD. What were their expressed reasons?

LACD was too far away and took too much time to travel to, and they had sporting events at CSUN.

What were the special features of the building which made this purchase ideal for the club?

Large rooms, a stage, a bar, room to rent out downstairs

Define LRE.

Least Restrictive Environment. Places a child with disabilities in the environment which is deemed to be most beneficial in terms of educational development.

What was the name of the LACD basketball coach who was rated as a top coach in the country by he AAAD (American Athletic Association of the Deaf)?

Lou Dyer

There are multiple reasons for the decline of Deaf Clubs. What was the most important reason for the decline and why? What were some of the lesser reasons?

More jobs opened up for Deaf people, and they began to prefer to spend time with those who share their professional and personal interests. It became more and more common for Deaf children to be mainstreamed in public schools. The role of technology in communication and the use of captioned TVs and DVDs increased.

How do many hearing people view text messages?

More like an email- the receiver responds when it is convenient for him/her.

Is it true that deaf children of deaf parents achieve higher score on the English language parts of the Stanford achievement test than deaf children of hearing parents? Explain why or why not.

No, because the English part of the regular SAT would be hard for them to follow for deaf students since it uses different grammar than ASL

How are cultural values learned?

Parents start teaching their children as soon as they're born, and these things are reinforced by school teachers.

How many percent of deaf children in America were placed in residential schools prior to the 1960s? How many percent of deaf children in America were enrolled into the residential schools after the 1970s? Where did the other deaf children go? Explain how the shift in numbers came about.

Prior to the 1960s a majority of deaf children went to residential schools (80%). After the 1970s, 70% were moved to public schools so only 30% went to residential schools. This is due to the push for mainstreaming along with the expansion of interpreter training. In addition, there are more options available to students in public schools, and public schools receive more funding.

Explain the pros and cons of using an interpreter service to facilitate communication access for deaf children to be mainstreamed into local public schools.

Pros: deaf students can understand what is going on in the classroom without being separated from their hearing peers Cons: they can be distracting, teachers don't really know how to work with them and often have them do teacher aid work, they may put a stigma on the deaf student, and there is a lag in interpretation time

What happened on Tuesday, March 8th?

Protests continued, and the university called for "an end to the plantation mentality."

What was the significance of deaf clubs in the lives of members of the deaf world for the most part of the 20th century?

Provided social interaction, entertainment, sports, and mostly a sense of community

The LACD eventually decided to sell the club building. What was the primary reason the building had to be sold? What would have been the cost to the club if they had decided to try to keep the building?

Since the building was built before 1933, it needed to be reinforced with steel to be safe. To keep the club, it would have cost the club $293,000 and they did not have enough money.

Define SAT-HI and WAIS-R. Provide the purpose for these tests and their usefulness in being used with students who are deaf.

Stanford achievement test- for the hearing impaired and Wechsler adult intelligence scale- revised. They both make accommodations in the way they are presented so that it is fair to deaf individuals.

What is the role of story telling in the Deaf World? How is it similar or different from how story telling is used among hearing people?

Story telling fulfills the role which literature plays in the hearing world.

What happened on Monday, March 7th?

Students locked all school gates, taking over the campus. The Board of Trustees met with students, and The Four Demands were presented and ignored.

How is the attitude towards time different in Switzerland than Latin America?

Switzerland values punctuality, but in Latin America, people are more flexible about time.

What is the National Theatre of the Deaf? What was its significance? How is it similar or different from traditional Deaf theatre which was prevalent during the decades prior to the 1960s?

Technology was added to the performances. Traditional Deaf theatre was just for Deaf people and National Theatre for the Deaf was for both deaf and hearing people, which helped bridge the gap between deaf and hearing people. Both used sign language.

What happened on Sunday, March 6th?

The Board of Trustees for Galludet University appointed Dr. Elisabeth Zinser, a hearing woman, as 7th president of Galludet.

What happened on Sunday, March 13th?

The Board of Trustees met for nine hours. Philip Bravin, a Deaf member, was announced to be the new Board Chair. Dr. I. King Jordan, the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, was appointed to President of Galludet University.

Name the academic achievement test that has content validity for deaf students and is related to the content taught in school.

The Stanford Achievement Test for the Hearing Impaired

Who said the famous quote "We still have a dream"?

The quote was originally used by protesters during The Civil Rights Movement. Deaf protesters used a banner with the quote on it during their march to the Capitol.

What happened on Wednesday March 9th?

The students decided to stay during spring break. Media coverage increased. Zinser publicly stated that she refused to resign. Dr. I. King Jordan weakly showed his support for the board's decision.

Why is the Deaf community considered to be a close and intimate community?

There are only a few educational settings available to all Deaf people, and it is not uncommon to see the same people at Deaf clubs, churches, bowling alleys, etc. It is natural for Deaf people to develop personal connections and share intimate details about their lives. In addition, Deaf people used to have limited means of communication, so they would meet often.

How would you characterize classic "Deaf goodbyes"?

They are expected to be long and drawn-out. Deaf friends often hug and say goodbye several times before parting. They also usually make plans for the next time they will to see each other.

What was Gallaudet University's contribution to the game of football at the college, university, and professional levels? What was the rationale behind this contribution?

They created the huddle in a football game, so that the other team couldn't read their signs.

What "rule" do many Deaf people break in emails?

They end a conversation with "xoxo" or an affectionate sign-off like "hugs" in business settings. This is seen as a flirtatious gesture to hearing people.

What are some of the major pitfalls in parental involvement with IEP development in conjunction with a local school program?

They often feel intimidated and confused and often go along with what the "professionals" say is the right thing for the child. They don't really know what resources are available for their child. The deaf child will often get forgotten when parents aren't involved in their IEP.

What were the names of the four students who began the "Deaf President Now" protesting?

Tim Rarus, Bridgetta Bourne, Greg Hlibok, Jerry Covell

Who was one of the principle founders of the LACD and when was it first started?

Tom Elliot; 1940

What are the benefits of using a direct approach according to Deaf culture?

When Deaf people and hearing people communicate, it is often limited and difficult, so "direct talk" is a welcome relief. Deaf people believe that is important to be clear and honest with your friends. It helps friends from getting hurt later on if they find out that you were lying. They will be more offended by this than if you were honest in the first place.

What period of time was considered among the best years for the club's growth and why?

World War II, because Deaf people were not allowed to fight in the war and job opportunities exploded. Deaf clubs were usually placed near where people worked, so this helped their growth a lot.

What happened on Friday, March 11th?

Zinser resigns. The students protests at the Capitol building.

Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)

it's a personality test that evaluates the child's response to certain situations. It is culturally biased and not fair to assess them based on what a hearing child's reaction would be.

Explain the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

they see a picture then respond with a long story. The instruction is presented in English so if the deaf student doesn't understand English they won't understand.

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