DECA Team Finance

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86. An overall purpose of establishing goals is to increase your chances of A. achieving immediate success. B. satisfying your wants. C. enlarging your income. D. avoiding making mistakes.


87. Which type of business is known for often being the most innovative? A. Old businesses B. Small businesses C. New businesses D. Large businesses



fee paid by a borrower of assets to the owner as a form of compensation for the use of the assets. It is notated as the price paid for the use of borrowed money, or money earned by deposited funds into a bank.

Treasury Note

marketable U.S. government debt security with a fixed interest rate and a maturity between one and ten years. Treasury notes can be bought directly from the U.S. government or through a bank. When buying treasury notes from the government, you can place either a competitive or noncompetitive bid. With a competitive bid, you specify the yield you want; however this does not mean that your bid will be approved. With a noncompetitive bid, you accept whatever yield is determined at auction.

88. The essence of time management is to A. eliminate the need to prioritize activities. B. control events in order to accomplish priorities. C. focus on spreading work over a period of time. D. set a fixed schedule and follow it.


Why would you need a credit rating/score?

Good credit is necessary if you plan to make a major purchase, such as a car or a home, or want to be able to take advance of the convenience credit also extends beyond purchases. It may also be used by potential employers and landlords as part of the selection process.

What makes up a credit rating/score?

The credit bureaus that issue these scores have different systems to evaluate on different factors. The primary factor that is used to calculate an individual's credit score are his/her payment history, current debts, time length of credit history, credit type mix and the amount of applications for new credit.


The process of putting cash aside and putting it in a safe (FDIC- federal deposit insurance corporation), and liquid account. It normally can be accessed in a very short amount of time. Savings could include certificates of deposits, checking, savings or United States Treasury Bills.


The process of using money to buy an asset that you think will generate a safe rate of return over time, making you wealthier with each year. An investment can include anything from a small business, fine art, rare coins, comic books to stocks, mutual funds, bonds, real estate and non-insured money market accounts.

Credit Union

another alternative to regular commercial banks. Credit unions are almost always organized as not-for-profit cooperatives. Like banks and savings and loans, credit unions can be chartered at a federal or state level. Like savings and loans, credit unions typically offer higher rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans in comparison to commercial banks. Many times membership of a credit union is not open to the public. It is restricted to a particular membership group.


distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors to a class of its shareholders. The dividend is most often quoted in terms of the dollar amount of each share (dividends per share (DPS)). It also can be quoted in terms or percent of the current market price, referred as dividend yield.

How would you guide someone to set up a personal budget?

1. Gather every financial statement that you can. 2. Record all of your sources of income. 3. Create a list of monthly expenses. 4. Break expenses into two categories: fixed and variable 5. Total your monthly income and monthly expenses 6. Make adjustments to expenses (if expenses are more than income. Remove wants/desires first). 7. Review your budget monthly.

How does the stock market affect the economy?

1. Wealth Effect - people with a fall in their wealth will tend to spend less money and overall will lead to a fall in consumer spending particularly the housing market. 2. Effect on Pensions - Pension funds invest a huge part of their funds in the stock market. If share prices fall for a long time then the value overall will drop and the payout will be lower thus not promising what the funds were designed for. 3. Confidence - Lowers consumer confidence if the stock prices continue to fall and people will simply not invest. 4. Investment - Falling share prices can hamper firms ability to raise money on the stock market. Companies that are wising to borrow will issue more shares. 5. Bond Market - A fall in the stock market can make other investments more attractive. People may move out of the stock market and move into investing in government bonds or commodities

10. What is the purpose of developing and using graphics in business reports? A. To communicate information B. To entertain the audience C. To fill up the page layout D. To highlight reference material


17. What should help business people adapt their communication styles to appeal to clients from other cultures? A. Being patient, flexible, and empathetic B. Being confident, biased, and manipulative C. Being sensitive, transparent, and demanding D. Being respectful, indifferent, and honest


2. A debtor-creditor relationship exists when A. interest is charged. B. a sale is paid in full. C. a contract is invalidated. D. stocks are liquidated.


20. Which of the following statements about economic resources is true: A. All economic resources are limited. B. All natural resources can be replaced. C. Economic resources are considered consumer goods. D. Economic resources are the outputs of production.


26. Which of the following is an internal factor that has an effect on business cycles: A. Inventory levels B. Political changes C. New discoveries D. Foreign conflicts


3. Walt purchased stock based on false information from an online message board. The scammers who posted the information had purchased the stock and hyped it up on the Internet to encourage unsuspecting investors to buy it and drive up its price. After the price went up, the scammers sold off their stock. The price of the stock then fell, leaving Walt with worthless stock. Walt was the victim of A. pump and dump. B. a pyramid scheme. C. affinity fraud. D. phishing.


33. What is one factor that determines a manager's credibility with employees? A. Reputation B. Creativity C. Patience D. Aptitude


41. Why is it important for individuals to periodically validate their credit histories? A. To avoid being denied credit B. To understand credit laws C. To find out about different types of credit D. To protect themselves from slander


44. Which of the following is not a factor contributing to financial convergence and consolidation: A. Desire for illiquid assets B. Technological advances C. Financial deregulation D. Desire for lower costs


45. Under what circumstances would stock prices increase? A. When consumer spending increases B. During times of high unemployment C. When interest rates increase D. During a bear market period


48. A mutual fund's total liabilities are $5,600,000, and its assets total $7,950,000. There are currently 31,000,000 shares outstanding. What is the net asset value of the fund? A. 7.58% B. 6.45% C. 7.29% D. 8.06%


52. Calculate a business's total cash receipts for one month if it had cash sales of $6,500, credit sales of $2,450, cost of goods sold of $2,725, and total expenses of $1,980. A. $6,500 B. $8,900 C. $6,225 D. $4,245


58. A business owner is concerned that some of his employees may be using their company credit cards to make personal purchases. Which data-mining technique should the owner use to review the employees' credit card transactions each month to identify questionable transactions? A. Artificial neural networks B. Decision trees C. Nearest-neighbor method D. Dashboards


59. Which of the following budgeting software applications tracks a business's cash, interest, and dividends: A. Revenue recognition B. Workflow management C. Inventory planning D. Capital expenses


71. What does determining the target market's buying behavior involve? A. Finding out where the market is located B. Finding out what the market will purchase C. Finding out how the market is organized D. Finding out why the market exists


84. "Big Q" focuses on A. improving factory conditions. B. exceeding customer expectations. C. conforming to specifications. D. designing and developing products.


74. What is the primary function of the Random Access Memory (RAM) component of a computer? A. Serves as a temporary holding area for files and programs B. Reads the computer code that provide visual effects C. Stores data and programs permanently D. Enables the user to apply point-and-click commands


76. Most businesses maintain records about what customers are buying and how much they are spending in order to A. analyze the information. B. plan an inventory count. C. offer quality service. D. develop a quality environment.


6. To be most effective, continuous-inspection compliance technology should have access to transactional information A. at its source. B. biweekly. C. samples. D. liquidity ratios.


64. Which of the following statements is true about accounting systems: A. The managerial accounting system is useful for planning and internal decision making. B. The financial accounting system focuses on segments of the company rather than the company as a whole. C. The government requires all businesses to use the managerial accounting system. D. The financial accounting system is used by external audiences, so reporting flexibility is an advantage to the business.


65. In relation to recording business transactions, a primary difference between the cost and accrual accounting systems is A. timing. B. scope. C. frequency. D. complexity.


66. Which of the following is a tool that enables financial managers to identify changes or trends in production costs by reviewing the same types of data from different periods of time: A. Comparative statement B. Frequency ratio C. Accounts-receivable summary D. Sales-transaction log


78. A firm's environmental scan reveals that a country is on the brink of civil war, which would affect the firm's ability to do business in the country. This is an example of a(n) __________ consideration. A. political B. economic C. cultural D. regulatory


8. Theresa's supervisor gives her written directions for an assignment. Theresa carefully completes the task as the directions specify. As she finishes the last step, she realizes that her work in step two may not be exactly right. What should she do? A. Ask her supervisor to clarify the directions B. Turn in her work quickly so her supervisor can identify the needed corrections C. Restart the assignment working off her new thought for step two D. Email her work to three coworkers to get their opinions


82. It is important for a business to evaluate the financial condition of a potential vendor during the vendor selection process to assess the A. risk levels of doing business with the vendor. B. reliability of the products that the vendor carries. C. vendor's levels of customer service. D. vendor's required lead times.


95. To build professional relationships, Brynn serves on several trade association committees, co-authors articles with other finance professionals to publish in the local newspaper, and treats business contacts to dinner or golf. These activities are forms of A. networking. B. cooperating. C. advertising. D. up-selling.



A brokerage act as a intermediary between buyers and sellers to assist in securities transactions. Brokerage companies are compensated via a commission or fee after the transaction has been successfully completed.


A monetary compensation paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done. Payment is calculated as a fixed amount for each task completed or at an hourly or daily rate, or based on an easily measured quantity of work done.

Commercial Banks

Accept deposits and provide security and convenience to their customers. In addition these banks make loans that individuals and businesses use to buy goods or expand business operations, which in turn leads to more deposited funds that make their way to the banks.

100. Which of the following is an uninsurable external risk to businesses: A. Inventory B. Tax increases C. Personal injury D. Natural disasters


12. Which of the following is an example of persuasive messages that businesses write: A. Electronic mail B. Collection letter C. Handwritten note D. Interoffice memo


15. Which of the following is most likely to happen to employees who are discourteous to the business's customers: A. They may be promoted. B. They may be fired. C. They may win an award. D. They may lose their benefits.


18. When providing services to clients, financial professionals have the responsibility to supply A. payment options. B. accurate information. C. credit counseling. D. bank statements.


21. Which of the following factors affecting the business environment is represented by the business's location: A. Cultural B. Environmental C. Economic D. Political


23. What exists when a market is legally controlled by one supplier and there are no substitute goods/services readily available? A. Price discrimination B. Regulated monopoly C. Price competition D. Nonprice competition


25. What usually decreases as the rate of inflation increases? A. Interest rates B. Purchasing power C. Export quotas D. Money supply


29. Employees who never discuss confidential or personal business information with other employees are demonstrating their A. ability to communicate. B. honesty and integrity. C. intelligence and initiative. D. orderly and systematic behavior


34. Which of the following statements is true about determining your personal vision for the future: A. It involves following a step-by-step plan. B. It depends more on emotion than logic. C. It requires facts and concrete goals. D. It is risk free and time bound.


36. Why are there no specific rules for workers to follow in treating others fairly? A. Businesses object to having rules. B. Every workplace is different. C. Workers know how to be fair. D. Rules are difficult to remember.


39. Which of the following is a financial want rather than a financial need: A. Food B. Education C. Clothing D. Shelter


4. Last year, Mr. McKinney gave a portion of his wages to a local charity and was not required to pay taxes on the amount of his donation. This is an example of a(n) A. estate allocation. B. tax deduction. C. tax-deferred investment. D. investment disbursement.


40. Melissa writes checks to pay for her rent, utilities, and groceries, and she keeps a record of all these transactions in her check register. Keeping an accurate check register helps Melissa A. determine when she needs to add funds to her savings account. B. track the amount of money she has spent. C. understand the checking account's restrictions and fees. D. decide when to order new checks.


42. Henry is a professional banker. Only certain people—"members"—may save at or borrow money from his deposit-taking financial institution. Henry most likely works for a(n) A. mortgage company. B. credit union. C. insurance company. D. CPA firm.


53. Businesses use budgets to estimate how they will A. file their taxes. B. spend their money. C. calculate their assets. D. depreciate their assets.


54. A financial-information management system can help a financial manager to make which of the following types of decisions: A. Employee scheduling B. Capital budgeting C. Vendor selections D. Adding/dropping products


57. A business wants to determine which customers are most likely to buy $100,000 in products from them in the next year, so it uses its computer system to search for customers who meet a set of criteria related to sales. What process is the business using to obtain the desired financial information? A. Accounting B. Data mining C. Surveying D. Industry forecasting


61. Yvonne is running a query to create, delete, or modify other database objects. What type of query is Yvonne running? A. Select B. Data-definition C. Cross-tab D. Pass-through


67. A creditor carefully examines a business's financial information to determine whether the business has sufficient money to meet its short-term obligations when they come due. In this situation, the creditor is concerned about the business's A. profitability. B. liquidity. C. efficiency. D. investment return.


68. Susan wants to obtain a loan to purchase business equipment. She calls different banks to obtain information about the interest rates and the types of loans available, so she can determine which bank is the best option. Susan is analyzing the financial information that she is collecting to A. correct inaccurate financial data. B. guide her decision making. C. determine business profitability. D. solve a business problem.


70. Group orientation sessions for new employees are very important because they A. explain the duties of each job. B. help to motivate employees. C. encourage organizational input. D. provide in-depth training.


89. Which of the following is an example of an employee who is meeting his/her employer's expectations: A. Tom spends the first half hour of the workday chatting with Kate. B. Allison focuses on her work tasks so she can meet her deadlines. C. Rachel sends a text message to her roommate during a meeting. D. Calvin tells a customer about his issues with a difficult coworker.


90. Job seekers can often find out about local employment opportunities by accessing a business's A. employee newsletter. B. website. C. online catalog. D. annual report.


91. After a job interview, an applicant should prepare a follow-up letter that A. is long and detailed. B. is short and typed. C. includes a résumé. D. contains a photo.


94. Which of the following would afford finance professionals the best opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with other finance professionals: A. Regularly attending trade shows for the finance industry B. Actively participating in a local professional association for the finance industry C. Occasionally auditing classes at a local postsecondary institution D. Actively attending meetings sponsored by the local chamber of commerce


96. Which of the following risks might result from ethical misconduct: A. Decreased whistle-blowing B. Decreased company value C. Increased employee support of the company D. Increased positive publicity


97. To secure confidential financial data that are transmitted through the Internet, businesses often use A. cross-platform technology. B. encryption techniques. C. bots. D. debuggers.


98. If an accounting firm deliberately conceals information about a client's financial status, the government may charge the business with A. expropriation. B. obstruction of justice. C. breach of contract. D. substantiation.


1. Business A's failure to keep an agreement to supply Business B with a certain good or service is an example of a situation that is covered by __________ law. A. trade B. antitrust C. contract D. property


11. Which of the following is a formatting characteristic of a full-block business letter: A. Indented first paragraph B. Double-spacing within the paragraph C. No paragraph indents D. All paragraphs use right justification.


13. A characteristic of a simple written report is that it usually is A. abstract. B. formal. C. short. D. detailed.


16. Businesses benefit when employees handle customer inquiries in an effective manner because A. customers feel the need to ask more questions. B. customers feel free to return products. C. customers' confidence in the business increases. D. customers' total purchases are reduced.


19. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data are sometimes called "perishable" data because the data A. may be non-standardized or unformatted. B. are often duplicated. C. can become inaccurate over time. D. often contain junk or garbage.


22. In a market economy what consumers want and need helps to answer the basic economic question of A. how products will be produced. B. who will do the production. C. what products will be produced. D. how products will be allocated.


24. What type of tax are businesses required to pay on the profits they earn? A. Sales B. Excise C. Income D. Property


28. John is generally a good worker, except that he lacks the ability to see what needs to be done without being told. What personal trait is John lacking? A. Empathy B. Honesty C. Initiative D. Creativity


31. Which of the following is a way to demonstrate empathy: A. Give advice to people in need. B. Develop a good imagination. C. Use tact when speaking. D. Ignore a coworker who is different


32. Melanie dressed for her job interview at a local bank in a pair of old, comfortable jeans, a sweatshirt, and well-worn Nikes. Which of the following messages is Melanie sending to the interviewer through her choice of clothes: A. I care a lot about the outcome of this interview. B. I would really like to be hired for this job. C. I consider my own comfort my first priority. D. I'm someone who will support the image of the bank


37. When Matthew receives a check four times a year for income he has earned on his stock investments, he is receiving A. deposits. B. credit. C. dividends. D. cash.


43. Thad is investing in a money market, which buys and sells products such as A. agricultural goods. B. shares of stock. C. treasury bills. D. technology.


46. Certain health and safety regulations require many types of businesses to A. offer exercise programs. B. purchase new machinery. C. routinely inspect equipment. D. install security cameras.


47. Financial globalization tends to cause an increase in A. taxes on international transactions. B. investors' exposure to business cycle risks. C. herd behavior among investors. D. limits on foreigners' access to domestic markets.


49. According to today's stock quotation table, the current price of Macy's stock is $18.99 per share. Last year, the company paid investors a dividend of $0.20 per share. What is the current yield on Macy's stock? A. 3.80% B. 2.00% C. 1.05% D. 4.95%


5. After finding several inconsistencies with its financial data, the MSV Company hired a compliance officer to monitor its financial processes and to ensure that the company is complying with regulations. What type of internal control has the business implemented? A. Product B. Preventative C. Corrective D. Conditional


62. Which of the following individuals is an internal user of a business's financial data: A. Creditor B. Investor C. Manager D. Tax collector


69. The accounting treatment of capital expenditures should be __________ over multiple reporting periods. A. hedged B. flexible C. consistent D. callable


73. Carson is a staff accountant, and he needs to look at last year's tax return. However, he can't find it anywhere. Which information management guideline is not being followed in this situation? A. Set and consistently follow organizational information management practices. B. Make sure that information is accurate. C. Make sure that information is retrievable. D. Prioritize information management needs according to business needs.


80. What do bond yields typically do during an economic expansion? A. Drop to near zero B. Gradually decrease C. Increase D. Remain unchanged


81. What is the advantage to a business that installs external surveillance cameras in prominent locations around its property? A. Eliminates the need to install alarms B. Reduces the risk of extortion C. Discourages attempted burglaries D. Prevents armed robberies


83. Which of the following is a production activity: A. Receiving B. Advertising C. Scheduling D. Marketing


85. One of the major functions of business maintenance is to A. prevent fraudulent behavior. B. motivate employees. C. create a favorable impression. D. guarantee the business's success.


9. Jack says to Wendi, "If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you want to change the format of the inventory report so it will be easier for the managers to analyze." What communication technique is Jack using to clarify Wendi's suggestion? A. Passive listening B. Expressing an opinion C. Paraphrasing D. Quoting


14. Three types of communication usually found in a business with a formal communication network are A. informational, official, and conversational. B. grapevine, informal, and standard. C. upward, horizontal, and diagonal. D. downward, upward, and lateral.


27. The French-Canadian culture relies heavily on nonverbal communication to get messages across. This means it is a(n) A. ethnocentric culture. B. religious culture. C. corrupt culture. D. high-context culture


30. In order to benefit from criticism, you must take an objective look at it and decide how much of it is A. too difficult to worry about. B. short term versus long term. C. from someone you dislike. D. valid and based on fact


35. When making a plan for improvement, the coachee's job is to A. give constructive criticism. B. use questioning skills. C. provide motivation. D. take personal responsibility for making the changes.


38. Choosing to buy an item at the check-out counter is often an example of A. smart shopping. B. poor use of credit. C. financial self-control. D. impulsive spending.


50. A severe storm blows down trees that fall on a business and collapse the roof and break windows. This type of damage results from ___________ risks. A. financial B. human C. economic D. natural


51. When Alana prepares a report so that all of the financial data is clearly disclosed, she is ensuring that the information is A. flexible. B. relevant. C. timely. D. transparent.


55. By protecting financial information from tampering, loss, and unauthorized use, a financial-information management professional acts as a(n) __________ of that financial information. A. agent B. interpreter C. analyst D. steward


56. An advantage to businesses that use master data management applications is the ___________ of the data. A. complexity B. variation C. replication D. consistency


60. Lawrence's manager asked him to prepare a visual representation of key performance indicators, including cash flow, liquidity, profitability, and liability. Lawrence should use his company's analytic software to create a(n) A. operating agreement. B. profit-and-loss statement. C. cost standard. D. financial scorecard.


63. The primary purpose of the accounting function is to prepare and present relevant financial information, while the primary purpose of the finance function is to A. adjust journal entries based on the information provided. B. modify accounts receivable based on the information provided. C. apply the information to calculate the business's equity. D. use the information to make financial decisions.


7. Tyrone is writing a research paper for his business class. What question should Tyrone ask as he looks for valid sources? A. Do I agree with the viewpoint of this author? B. Is this material interesting and easy to read? C. Does this source provide relevant graphic aids? D. Is the information in this source up to date?


72. Todd created a graphic organizer to illustrate his business's quality-control processes. He used a combination of pictures, graphs, and simple statements to sequentially present the information. What did Todd develop? A. Proposal B. Outline C. Draft D. Storyboard


75. Which of the following demonstrates the correct method to ensure that all words in a phrase are included in a web search: A. (Discipline is the most important part of success) B. [There is no tree that the wind has not shaken] C. 'To be or not to be' D. "Confidence in itself is the secret of success"


77. Which of the following is a business trend that affects all countries: A. Decreased inflation B. Socialism C. Increased regulation D. Globalization


79. Which of the following forms of technology is most useful in operations: A. Smart phones B. E-readers C. Assistive technology D. Computer-aided design


92. Which of the following is an example of the impact of technology on the financial-services industry: A. Blurring the lines between banking, insurance, and investments B. More walk-in bank customers C. Greater demand for investment professionals D. Rising concern about fraud and identity theft


93. After passing the General Securities Registered Representative Examination or the Canadian Securities Course exam, a businessperson obtains licensure or certification that allows him/her to work as a(n) A. estate planner. B. accountant. C. underwriter. D. stockbroker.


99. The primary reason that firms must take steps to control their levels of business risk is to A. increase their financial liability levels. B. increase their visibility in the market. C. contribute to the well-being of society. D. reduce the chance of financial losses.


Credit rating/score

credit rating or score is a statistical method to pay back money within a specified period of time. The credit score or rating determines the likelihood of an individual paying back the money he or she has borrowed.

Government Bond

instrument of indebtedness of the national government to the holders. Generally there is a promise to pay periodic interest payments and to repay the face value on the maturity date. Government bonds are usually denominated in the country's own currency.


type of negotiable instrument known as a promissory note. It is made by a bank and payable to the bearer on demand. Banknotes are often known as bill, paper money or simply a note

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