Decision Making: Unit Questions

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An innate belief about something without conscious consideration is called self-reaction. escalation of commitment. intuition. groupthink. coalition.


Decisions that recur infrequently and have no decision rules are __________ decisions. certain risk nonprogrammed programmed uncertain


What is the goal of brainstorming? gather judgments from noted experts to help develop forecasts provide the resolution to a problem or a decision identify "mindguards" who can protect the group from adverse information produce new ideas and solutions by stimulating group members' creativity

produce new ideas and solutions by stimulating group members' creativity

When making programmed decisions, the information needed to make this decision is __________, and the problem is highly structured. readily available highly confusing very technical None of these are correct. not readily available

readily available

If a human resources manager estimates the probability that a certain percentage of employees will take advantage of a proposed benefit plan, the manager is operating under a condition of certainty. uncertainty. estimation. risk. rationalization.


Satisficing refers to making a __________ rather than an optimal decision. correct short-term long-term rational satisfactory


__________ refers to the inability of human beings to process an unlimited amount of information, causing most decisions to be made in a partially irrational manner. Post-decision dissonance Bounded rationality Satisficing Groupthink block Suboptimizing

Bounded rationality

What mode of thinking occurs when people are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group and members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action? Group polarization Groupthink Brainstorming Escalation of commitment Risk propensity


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of programmed decisions? Goals are clear and well-known. Specific methods for handling them exist. Judgment and creativity are the basis of solution. They are highly structured. Information is readily available.

Judgment and creativity are the basis of solution.

Which of the following is true about brainstorming? None of these are correct. Implausible ideas should not be suggested. Ideas should not be written down. The number of ideas should be limited. Ideas should be criticized and judged quickly.

None of these are correct.

Some experts believe that groupthink contributed to the failure of NASA's Challenger mission. If this is correct, then which of the following statements is NOT likely true about the Challenger team members? They believed they were invulnerable against failure. They fought constantly and couldn't agree on anything. They were insulated against opposing outside information. They ignored the ethical implications of their decisions.

They fought constantly and couldn't agree on anything.

Decision making is the process of fixing problems that arise in the operations of the business. choosing one alternative from among several. staffing positions within the organizational hierarchy. motivating employees to pursue organizational goals. finding the answer to a question.

choosing one alternative from among several.

The sales department at a local company determines that Product A will moderately boost sales and have a shorter production schedule, so it is decided that this product will be manufactured and sold without considering other options. In choosing this product, the sales department is controlling. engaged in bounded rationality. using procedures and rules of thumb. suboptimizing. satisficing.


A contingency plan specifies what will be done if __________. there is post-decision dissonance the primary plan is successful it is necessary to satisfice the primary plan is disrupted

the primary plan is disrupted

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