defensive tactics

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—When you enter the danger zone to deal with a subject, you are the initiator. The subject must react to your threat.

• Action is faster than reaction

—To initiate this technique, the subject's handgun must be within arm's reach.You can execute the technique equally well fromeither side. Although this lesson pertains to the handgun, you can apply the same concepts to a long gun. Your primary objective is to get the muzzle pointed in a different direction than toward you

• Physical proximity

gross motor skills are enhanced as the heart rate reaches _____ beats per minute.


From a _______ lock transporter: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Sweep the outside leg rearward, rotating the hips Drop to your inside knee and place the subject in a prone position.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-49)

Shoulder Lock Takedown

______ is a natural derivative of the cayenne pepper, although there are some synthetic forms.

(Contents of OC Spray) ANSWER-Oleo-resin capsicum

To properly and effectively perform defensive tactics techniques, you must be able to apply certain_________.

(Fundamental Principles of Defensive Tactics) answer---- fundamental principles.

Stand with head, hips, and feet aligned. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with the knees slightly bent.Angle your body to the subject with the strong side away.Place your hands above waist level. (See Figure 4-4)

(Stances)--Title ANSWER-Interview Stance

Although_____ has become the preferred chemical agent of criminal justice agencies worldwide, ___ may also be used in some applications.

1. OC 2.CS

When an officer is in a physically or emotionally threatening situation, the officer's body adapts to help him or her react more effectively to the threat by releasing_____and_____. By knowing this, the officer is better prepared to respond and to recognize his or her body's changes in response to trauma and other incidents of injury.

1. adrenaline 2.and other hormones

There are three types of inmate searches:WHAT ARE THEY?

1. clothed, 2. strip/unclothed, 3. body cavity.

The vascular neck restraint is not recommended on FOUR TYPES OF PEOPLE?WHO ARE THEY?

1. elderly persons, 2. pregnant women, 3.children, or 4. persons with apparent disabilities due to their unique physiology.

This lesson covers four types of falls:WHAT ARE THEY?

1. front fall, 2. rear fall, 3.shoulder roll, and 4. side fall.

There are two different types of strikes,WHAT ARE THEY?

1. swinging or 2. thrusting.

how long do you hold for the straight arm behind back stretch?

10 -20 seconds

The safe distance for an officer to be able to react to an edged weapon attack without injury is approximately_______.

25 feet

As soon as the subject complies by obeying your commands, release pressure to stop the pain. On all pressure point techniques, applying pressure longer THAN_____ without a response may result in an_________. This may cause the subject to exhibit symptoms similar to survival responses, inability to feel pain, extraordinary strength, or auditory exclusion.

3-5 seconds adrenaline surge

Stretching usually begins with a warm-up such as running in place, jumping jacks, push-ups, or any calisthenics exercises that last for____ minutes to warm up the muscles, and increase heart rate, respiration, and perspiration.


______ is a weapon that is not fundamentally designed to cause death or great bodily harm. Some examples of nonlethal weapons include electronic control devices (ECD), dart-firing stun guns such as a TASER®, expandable batons, flashlights, and chemical agent sprays.

A nonlethal weapon

_______ searches of inmates may be conducted only by appropriate health services staff members in accordance with agency policy.

Body cavity searches

—Jab the center of the abdomen with an impact weapon. The expected effect will be to disable or cause temporary respiratory or motor dysfunction

Center of Abdomen (NDF)

—The chest area can be struck with an empty hand.The expected effect when striking this area with an empty hand will be to incapacitate the subject.

Chest (NDF)

________is the verbal and/or physical yielding to an officer's authority without apparent threat of resistance or violence.


is decreasing the use of force or resistance.


is a system of controlled defensive and offensive body movements used by criminal justice officers to respond to a subject's aggression or resistance.

Defensive tactics

Correctional officers must also consider that use of force may violate which amendment?

Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

is simply shifting your body or side stepping to avoid the attack


what are the five things vital to the development of these skills.(foe defensive tactics)

Fitness,strength, agility, balance, and flexibility

The Supreme Court has made clear that use of force is a seizure under the_______Amendment.


—Jab this target area with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Front of Shoulder (NDF)

—Strike this target area with an empty hand.The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Front of Shoulder (NDF)

—Striking the groin with an impact weapon is deadly force. (See Figure 4-83 on next page)

Groin (DF)

—Striking the head with an impact weapon is deadly force.

Head (DF)

—Strike the inside of the forearm with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Inside of Forearm (NDF)

—Strike the inside of the forearm with an empty hand.The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Inside of Forearm(NDF)

— is using a great force against a weaker resistance. It is used in conjunction with joint manipulation and/or pain and mechanical compliance in order to gain control.


—An officer may gain control over a subject by applying pressure or leverage on a joint by locking it up so that no movement of the joint is possible, causing the subject to comply with verbal direction.

Mechanical compliance

_____ should treat prolonged or severe reactions.

Medical personnel

—An officer may gain control over a subject by using a incapacitation technique that causes temporary impairment of muscular control.

Motor dysfunction

what type of stretch is this? While standing, lean your left ear to your left shoulder for a count of 10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side. Stretch chin to chest and head to rear. Perform 2-3 sets in each direction.

Neck Stretch

___ has been proven to be highly effective on a majority of the population.


_____ means the subject is capable of carrying out an intention to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or others. The subject's weapon often determines opportunity. For example, a suspect armed with a knife may not be an immediate threat to an officer standing far away. However, the same person standing closer or carrying a firearm certainly has the opportunity to carry out his intent to cause death or great bodily harm.


While psychologically decontaminating the subject, an officer may also guide the person through the process of ________DECONTAMINATION.

Physical Decontamination

Use loud, clear verbal commands while completing the fall. Tuck your chin into your chest. Bend your knees into a squatting position and roll backward.As your back makes contact with the ground, swing both of your arms out and strike the ground with the palms of both hands while exhaling. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-64)

Rear Fall

is using your hands to move the subject away


Proper _____ and _____ are necessary for reaching maximum performance and maintaining focus while engaged in physical training.

Rest and sleep

are tools designed to temporarily restrain a subject's movements,such as handcuffs.

Restraint devices

—Striking the side of the neck with an impact weapon is deadly force.

Side of Neck (DF)

—Strike the side of the neck with an empty hand to cause incapacitation and/or temporary motor dysfunction.

Side of Neck (NDF)

what type of stretch is this? While standing, place both arms behind your hips. With interlocking hands, slowly raise your arms behind your back for a count of 10-20 seconds. Keep your head upright and neck relaxed.

Straight Arm Behind Back Stretch

—Striking the throat with an empty hand is considered deadly force.

Throat (DF)

—Striking the throat with an impact weapon is deadly force.

Throat (DF)

______ is the use of proper, clear, and concise commands to let a subject know what you need or expect him or her to do. The ability to give ___ is usually the first step in controlling the subject's actions. Establish yourself as a criminal justice officer. Give clear and concise commands. Make sure that your commands are loud enough for the subject to hear.ONE TERM ANSWER?

Verbal direction

—Reaction time increases when a subject processes two or more pieces of information at the same time. For example, ask the subject a question immediately prior to taking action.

Verbal distraction

Officers are required to adhere to certain standards of care for each person contaminated by OC. ______ contact should be maintained with each contaminated person until the person has recovered.

Visual contact

Hearing is diminished—this is known as _______?

auditory exclusion

Provides energy needed by the brain, nervous system, red blood cells, and other cells

carbohydrate (function)

A search of a clothed male inmate may be conducted by a ___OFFICER

female officer.

(Officer Response Options) Officers should try to resolve a situation with the ____amount of force necessary.


(Nonlethal Intermediate Weapons: Chemical Agents)TOPIC HEADING If unusual behavior is observed, immediately seek ________.

medical attention

Before the strip/unclothed search can be conducted, the inmate must be__________. Only the inmate and staff involved will be present during the search.

moved out of view of the inmate population

The courts have used the term _______________to describe the process for evaluating the appropriateness of an officer's response to a subject's resistance

objective reasonableness

Can I physically control the subject? Could I use a nonlethal weapon not meant to cause death or great bodily harm? Is deadly force the appropriate option to prevent death or great bodily harm to myself or others?

officers response

When ______, move in an angle or circle away from the attacker. Most people can run faster going forward than backward so the attacker has the advantage. By circling or angling away from the attack, the attacker has to adjust his direction of travel.


The effects of a direct discharge into the eyes has been known to cause _________________________?

slight tears in the eye membranes which could lead to complications.

A strike using a_____ delivery method is retracted very quickly, thus enabling multiple strikes, creating distance, setting up the next techniques, and causing distraction to the subject. A ___ may be delivered with any body part used for striking, kicking, punching, etc. A boxer's jab is one example of a ____ONE TERM ANSWER?.


Breads, cereal grains, pasta, rice, fruit, vegetables, milk, sugar

sources of carbohydrate

Meat, poultry, fish, milk and milk products, nuts and seeds, oils, butter, margarine, salad dressing

sources of fat

If you grab over the top of a semiautomatic pistol, you may________________________? However, one shot may fire and the barrel will become very hot. You may also experience temporary flash blindness.

stop the slide from cycling.

The officer's choices are determined by the_______and_______ posed to the officer or others

subject's actions and the risk of physical harm

A _____ STRIKE generates less power on impact due to the greater amount of surface area of the target.

swinging strike

An officer's agency may establish the specific ____,______and______ that an officer may use in an encounter with a resistant subject.

techniques, tactics, and applications

A____STRIKE magnifies the delivered power due to the smaller surface area making contact with the target area.

thrusting strike

(Stretching Exercises) Begin and end each session with stretching exercises. A _____session elevates the heart rate and increases blood circulation to the muscles, which saturates the muscles with oxygen. This helps the body prepare itself for the physical activity.


—Do not telegraph to the subject that you plan to counterattack.

• Surprise

To _________, follow these steps: (________) From the arm bar position, pass the subject's arm toward his head.Release your grip and place your free hand on the tricep of the subject.Push the subject's arm towards his head and place your head on the outside of his tricep to pin his arm against his face.Clasp your hands and push against the subject's arm with your head.(See Figure 4-78)

( stalling techniques) 1.Disengaging from the Scarf Hold 2.(Shoulder Lock)

This technique can be executed with the shaft or edge of the impact weapon. Generally, the weapon is swung in a circular motion to the target. This technique is also appropriate for use with weapons of opportunity, such as a flashlight, radio, or cell phone.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Hold the impact weapon with one or both hands. Swing the impact weapon to an appropriate target area. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-85)

(The most common techniques using an impact weapon ) ANSWER-Impact Weapon Swings

When conducting a_____, you should do the following: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Be aware of verbal and nonverbal cues that indicate the probability of aggressive behavior. Remember that you are in the danger zone.Visually scan the subject while assuming the interview stance.Have the subject lift his arms to tighten clothing so you can visually search potential concealment areas, such as the waistline.Have the subject move his hands away from his body.Have the subject place his hands in a way so they can be controlled.Physically control the subject's hands.Keep the subject off balance.Conduct the ___ in a predetermined pattern.Follow up with appropriate action.If you find a weapon, take possession of it and place it beyond the subject's reach in a safe location. If handcuffing is not tactically sound, you may use an alternate weapon, incapacitate the subject, or draw your firearm. (See Figure 4-25)ONE TERM ANSWER/


The_________ , the part that logically thinks and plans, begins to shut down at __ beats per minute. Decision making is inhibited. The more choices you have, the slower you are to make a decision. Reaction time increases. This may be because of too much stimuli to process quickly or because of denial that a violent encounter is actually happening. In general, high levels of adrenaline caused by fear-induced stress are likely to result in extreme strength, an increase in speed, a decrease in fine motor skills, and an increased ability to ignore pain. In other words, strength goes way up and dexterity goes way down.What are the two term answers?

(Cognitive Functions )-title 1.answer---cognitive brain 2.145 beats per minute

Officers may encounter subjects who refuse to obey their commands but demonstrate no physical resistance. Pain compliance, mechanical compliance, and/or joint manipulation techniques can be used to move the unwilling subject from one location to another. These techniques are called____AND____. These ____ and ____ techniques are the basis for some takedowns.

(Control Tactics: Escorts and Transporters)TOPIC HEADING 1.ANSWER- escorts and 2. transporters

is used when a subject is taken into custody in an unsecured environment. Unlike the pat down, this is a complete search of the subject.

(Control Tactics: Frisks and Searches)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-Custodial Search Technique

A _____is a government intrusion into a place in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Because inmates and probationers have a significantly reduced expectation of privacy,______ by corrections and probation officers are much less limited by -_____ Amendment concerns.

(Control Tactics: Frisks and Searches)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-search searches fourth

________ are techniques used to control resistant behavior by utilizing pain compliance. Pressure or leverage is applied using a fingertip or thumb tip to a target nerve, joint, or sensitive area causing pain and compliance to verbal direction. These techniques do not work on every person or in all situations but are generally effective.

(Control Tactics: Pressure Points)-TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-Pressure points

__is simply shifting your body or side stepping to avoid the attack.

(Evasion and Redirection)-TITLE ANSWER- Evasion

______AND______are used to avoid or redirect an attack.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

(Evasion and Redirection)-TITLE ANSWER-Evasive and redirection movements

______is using the hands to move the subject away. Using evasive and redirecting tactics may allow time to disengage, escape, or use other force options.

(Evasion and Redirection)-TITLE ANSWER-Redirection

Officers should be aware of unusual symptoms exhibited by a subject upon initial contact or that may develop or intensify during the course of the confrontation. These symptoms may be indicators of serious issues, such as___,____,___,_____what are the four term answers?

(Excited Delirium)-title 1.physical illness, 2. mental illness, 3.drug reaction or overdose, or 4. post-traumatic stress disorder.

_______ are useful if a subject attacks, pushes, or hits you with enough force to send you to the ground, or if you trip over an unexpected obstacle.

(Ground Maneuvers: Falling Techniques)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-Falling techniques

A ground fight is very exhausting and requires tremendous bursts of energy for short periods of time._____ is a tactical method of safely controlling a suspect until you physically recover or reassess the situation, or backup arrives.

(Ground Maneuvers: Ground Control)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER- Stalling

_____ present unique challenges to criminal justice officers because of the officers' equipment and the likelihood of a sudden deadly force assault. Other factors including general fitness level, physical size, maneuverability, loss of visibility, multiple subjects, environmental conditions, and the inability to disengage immediately all complicate the ground fight.

(Ground Maneuvers: Ground Escapes)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-Ground fights

This technique can be executed in all directions with the tip, back, or shaft of the impact weapon. Generally, the weapon is thrust in a straight line into a target.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the techniqueAssume an appropriate position.Hold the impact weapon with one or both hands. Thrust the impact weapon into an appropriate target area. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).(See Figure 4-84)

(The most common techniques using an impact weapon ) ANSWER-Impact Weapon Thrusts

Stand with your head, hips, and feet aligned. Plant your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with the knees in a deep crouch.Your body is angled to the subject with the strong side away. Place your hands at your face level and towards your center.

(Stances)--Title ANSWER-Offensive Ready Stance

There are certain verbal and nonverbal cues that indicate the possibility of subject aggression or posturing. _____ cues may include abnormal stuttering, serious and specific swearing, and specific verbal threats.

(Subject Behavior)title ANSWER-Verbal cues

Though it may be difficult to determine factors that constitute a specific threat, there are certain____,______and_____that, when taken together, may be perceived by an officer as threatening.there are three term answers

(Threat Assessment: Threat Assessment and Response) facts, circumstances, and conditions

The _______ (see Figure 4-3) illustrates how survival stress may affect an officer's reaction to a perceived threat. The desired state of awareness and readiness of an officer while on duty is Condition ______ . This allows an officer to be ready to move to Condition ______ and Condition_____as appropriate for the situation. Officers should avoid Condition ____ and Condition _______.

(Threat Awareness)--title 1.answer----Threat Awareness Spectrum 2.Yellow 3.Orange 5.White

_______ is dominant. Both eyes remain open and it is very difficult to close just one eye. There is a loss of peripheral vision and depth perception; this is known as_______. There is a loss of near vision.This is one reason that most officers involved in shootings never see the sights of their firearms. Physiologically, it is nearly impossible to focus.there are two term answers what are they?

(Visual Performance Changes) 1.answer---Binocular vision 2.answer---- tunnel vision.

This technique works on one- and two-handed grabs. When the drawn baton is grasped: Adjust stance to maintain balance. Rotate the long end of the baton upward and from the outside to inside, releasing the subject's grip. Pull the baton back and away. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).Holstered Handgun Retention .This technique should not be used unless the holster is firmly affixed to the belt.When a subject grabs your holstered handgun:Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of this technique.Grab the bottom of your holster and lift outward. This cants the weapon into your body and prevents removal of the weapon.Adjust your stance to maintain balance.Deliver strikes to appropriate target areas as you twist your body and increase pressure on the subject's grip.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).


______ cues may include the following: • increased breathing and pulse rates • cessation of all movement • clenched fists and quivering hands • refusal to show palms of hands • reddened or flushed face • expanding veins showing prominently on face and forearms • shifting of shoulders or change of stance • target glance • ignoring the officer • rapid, angry movements

(Subject Behavior)title Nonverbal cues

In_______, the arm should be used in a motion to deflect a strike to the neckline up to the top of the head. The officer has the option of transitioning to another technique. (See Figure 4-28)

(Sudden Attacks: Blocks)TOPIC HEADING the upper area BLOCK

are reactionary techniques using the arms, legs, or body to deflect or redirect an impending strike from a subject to areas of the body.


In the _____, the arm and/or leg should be used in a motion to deflect a strike to the area below the beltline.The officer has the option of transitioning to another technique. After every block, an officer should be prepared to counter with an appropriate technique designed to end the attack. (See Figure 4-30)

(Sudden Attacks: Blocks)TOPIC HEADING low area BLOCK

In the ______, the arm should be used in a motion to deflect a strike to the center chest/stomach area and the face. The officer has the option of transitioning to another technique. (See Figure 4-29)

(Sudden Attacks: Blocks)TOPIC HEADING mid area BLOCK

An________________ is any impact technique using hands, arms,elbows, feet, legs, knees, or head to strike a subject in an offensive or defensive situation. The entire body can be used as a weapon.This could include punching, hitting, kicking,or slapping.

(Sudden Attacks: Striking Techniques)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER- empty-hand striking technique

One of the most common attacks an officer may face is an______________?

(Sudden Attacks: Upright Grappling Body Holds)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER- upright grappling position.

Note: This lesson is optional for Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Correctional Probation.

(Sudden Attacks: Vascular Neck Restraints)TOPIC HEADING

____ are reactionary techniques. A block places the impact weapon between the officer and the subject. Scan blocks pull across the body. Power blocks push against the attacking arm.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume appropriate hand position.Hold the impact weapon with one or both hands.Sweep or push the impact weapon across the front of the body, defending against attack. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-86)

(The most common techniques using an impact weapon ) ANSWER-Impact Weapon Blocks

During an encounter, survival stress occurs in both subject and officer. Some subjects may fight or flee, but some decide to do what an officer tells them (submit). Some react verbally and physically as if they may resist (____) until the moment of truth. Then, they submit, fight, or flee.


Under the__________, the officer may seize any object "whose contour or mass" he or she identifies as apparent contraband. See____V_____, 508 U.S. 366 (1993). An officer may only pat down the outside of the clothing for weapons.TWO TERM ANSWERS?FILL IN THE BLANK AND WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE CASE LAW?

1 plain feel doctrine. 2. Minnesota v. Dickerson

After a________, there is usually a memory recovery which will result in remembering the majority of what occurred. This memory is probably the most pure. Within ___ hours, the final and most complete form of memory recovery will occur, but it will be at least partially reconstructed and therefore somewhat contaminated after the inevitable process of integrating available information from other sources, such as the news media.what are the two terms of answers?

1,.answer- healthy night's sleep 2.answer--- 72 hours

___,____,____ can be used to move the unwilling subject from one location to another.THREE TERM ANSWER?

1. Pain compliance, 2. mechanical compliance, and/or 3. joint manipulation techniques

Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Transfer your balance to the support leg.Lifting the knee, thrust the foot to the side. Strike the target with the blade or heel of the foot.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).(See Figure 4-42)

ANSWER-Side Kick

A subject in a state of excited delirium could die suddenly and without explanation, a death sometimes referred to as _______. Unfortunately, the death may be wrongly attributed to the actions of an officer or his or her use of certain levels of force.

ANSWER-Sudden Death Syndrome.

_____ is a nonthreatening, noncustodial physical contact and can be used to support or emphasize a verbal command. It can be effective to enhance your communication; however, you must evaluate carefully so as not to escalate a subject's resistance.


_______ of the hands is the ability to see both the subject's hands and to know that those hands hold no weapons. When approaching a subject, you may use the following handclearing technique: Maintain an appropriate reactionary gap. Visually scan the area for potential threats. Assume an appropriate stance. Identify yourself as an officer, if appropriate. Use clear, concise verbal commands. Tell the subject to expose both palms. (See Figure 4-7)

ANSWER-Visual control

To conduct a ______, do the following: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Have the inmate remove the contents of his or her pockets and take off his or her shoes and hat.Inspect the shoes, hat, and personal effects before proceeding.Keep the inmate off balance. Maintain visual contact with the inmate's hands. Conduct the search in a predetermined pattern. Follow up with appropriate action. (See Figure 4-27)

ANSWER-clothed search

The area within the reactionary gap is the _________. Anytime an officer is in the ______, the potential for physical harm term answer?

ANSWER-danger zone

A ________ is any item used to cause death or great bodily harm. For example, a ballpoint pen directed to the eye becomes a deadly weapon. An officer in a deadly force situation should not hesitate to use unconventional weapons if available and necessary.

ANSWER-deadly weapon

The primary purpose of a custodial search is to________?

ANSWER-detect potential weapons and/or contraband. By searching the subject's body, an officer should be able to detect items hidden in the subject's clothing or on his body. The officer may search inside the waistband and pockets; however, he or she must be careful to avoid being injured by sharp objects, for example, needles and razor blades.

The unusual symptoms or behavior is usually attributed to a condition known as _______. "_______is a state of extreme mental and physiological excitement characterized by exceptional agitation and hyperactivity, overheating, excessive tearing of the eyes, hostility, superhuman strength, aggression, acute paranoia, and endurance without apparent fatigue"

ANSWER-excited delirium

The ______ STRIKE is one of the most powerful strikes you can use. A properly delivered strike combined with fluid shock usually causes the subject to release his grip in a situation where the subject suddenly grabs your wrist, equipment, or part of your clothing. Using a hammer fist temporarily incapacitates the subject and allows you to escalate, de-escalate, or disengage.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Assume an appropriate position.Identify the target area. Make a fist.Use the bottom of the fist to strike the specific target area.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-35)

ANSWER-hammer fist strike

The ____ uses leg-to-leg contact to upset the subject's balance from an uprightgrappling position. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Use your leg in a sweeping motion to direct the subject to the ground.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-59)

ANSWER-leg sweep

An ________________ is a high profile stance with the weapon held at a shoulder position to enable a rapid strike.

ANSWER-offensive ready stance with an impact weapon

You can use the ______STRIKE to defuse a situation and gain control of a subject. This strike may be delivered to the center of the subject's chest primarily as a distraction technique or to the forehead as an incapacitating technique. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Thrust the hand forward striking the target area with the palm heel of the hand. Rotate your shoulders and hips to deliver the strike. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-32)

ANSWER-palm heel strike

The purpose of a ____ is to gain control of a situation by stunning the subject before using other techniques, such as a takedown followed by handcuffing.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position. Identify the target area.Make a fist. To make a proper fist, roll the fingers, tuck, and lock into the palm of the hand with thumb pressure.Use the knuckles to strike the specific target area.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-34)Punches can be executed from multiple angles and delivered to different areas of the body.Examples include jabs, crosses, hooks, upper cuts, overhands, or a variety of combinations.


The following movements may be used to defend against a spontaneous, close-quarter, edged weapon attack: FOUR TERM ANSWERS?

Defensive Movements • Evade—Move or pivot away from the attacker. • Secure—Capture the weapon arm and secure it. • Redirect—Redirect the weapon arm. • Control—Use a takedown to put the subject in a prone position (lying on the stomach face down,) disarm, and use a restraint device. (See Figure 4-99) Use loud verbal commands before, during, and after the attack.

_____ refers to the subject having the means to carry out his or her intent to cause death or great bodily harm. An officer must determine whether the subject has the necessary means to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or others. A weapon is not required; a subject must only have the apparent ability to carry out his or her intention. If the subject seems physically able to cause death or great bodily harm, then he has the ability. For example, a 6'4", 250-lb. muscular man threatening to do bodily harm to an officer does not necessarily need a weapon. By virtue of his size and physical condition, he has the apparent ability.


_____resistance is a subject's use of physically evasive movements directed toward the officer such as bracing,tensing, pushing, or pulling to prevent the officer from establishing control over the subject. Some examples of _____ resistance include the following: • The subject physically anchors himself to a person or object to prevent himself from being removed. • The subject braces or pulls away from the officer when the officer grips the subject's arm. • The subject attempts to run when the officer touches or attempts to grab the subject's arm or shoulder.

Active resistance

____ resistance is a subject's attacking movements toward an officer that may cause injury but are not likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or others.Some examples of _______resistance include the following: • The subject balls up his fist and approaches the officer. • The subject pushes the officer back as the officer tries to take the subject into custody. • The subject grabs any part of the officer's body.

Aggressive resistance

—The chemical agent's effects will wear off in time by mere exposure to ___, i.e., standing in a breeze or in front of a fan.


_______ sprays can create a potential fire hazard if sprayed directly into a flame or used in conjunction with electronic control devices. However, alcohol-based sprays adhere better to skin, making them more effective.

Alcohol-based sprays

A _____ is a distraction technique that inflicts pain and temporarily diverts an attacking subject's attention.With this technique, you must raise your foot and apply downward pressure on the subject's shin. It does not require much effort or strength but, properly performed, the shin scrape is very effective in allowing you to escape from a body hold.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Transfer your weight. Lift the other leg, bending at the knee.Turning the foot either to the inside or to the outside, deliver a downward scraping thrust along the subject's shin. up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-46)

ANSWER-shin scrape

The ______ is used when preparing to engage or disengage from a subject in close proximity. Use this method to maintain balance and an appropriate stance: Maintain a balanced stance with head, hips, and feet aligned. Step with your lead foot. Slide your trailing foot forward. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

ANSWER-slide step

The baton is not the only impact weapon available to an officer. Any item an officer has at hand may be used as a potential impact weapon when needed, such as a broomstick,flashlight, clipboard, or radio. These unconventional impact weapons are also known as _____________.

ANSWER-weapons of opportunity

_____ is the amount of force reasonably necessary to make an arrest.

Appropriate force

what type of stretch is this? While standing, bring your straight right arm across your chest with the palm up. Grasp your upper arm above the elbow with your left hand and slowly pull in towards and across your chest. Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the left arm.

Arm Cross in Front of Chest

—Maintaining a balanced posture is essential in performing any technique. To achieve__________, your head and hips must be aligned and your weight distributed evenly between your feet. If any one of these points is misaligned, you are not in term?


_______ is a controlling technique used to break the subject's balance through the use of leverage principles.

Balance displacement

what type of stretch is this? While standing, raise your right arm above your head and bend the right arm. The elbow will be above your head. Using the opposite hand, grasp your elbow and slowly pull towards the midline of the back, moving your hand in between your shoulder blades. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the left side.

Behind Neck Tricep Stretch

___ is a type of incapacitation that causes temporary impairment of muscle control, such as a charley horse.

AMSWER-Temporary motor dysfunction

When using an escort or transporter technique,you enter the danger zone and should always be aware of your weapon's proximity to the subject. The following are escort and transporter techniques included in this lesson:5 TERM ANSWER-?

ANSWER- • escort position • bent wrist • finger lock • hammer lock • shoulder lock

When preparing to approach a subject, an officer must place him- or herself in the safest possible position.________ describes an officer's position in relation to the subject.

ANSWER- Relative positioning

The most common impact weapon is the____. Even though new intermediate weapons have been developed, such as OC spray and dart-firing stun guns, the ____ remains a standard tool for some criminal justice agencies.ONE TERM ANSWER?

ANSWER- baton

The _______strike may be used as an initial or follow-up strike to incapacitate the subject and create distance when in close range to the subject.This strike is not executed with the tip of the elbow but with the area of the arm approximately one inch below or above the elbow.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Make a proper fist.Flex your elbow.Rotate your body and strike the subject.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-37)

ANSWER- elbow strike

Defense against an edged weapon, bottle, club, or other blunt instrument may require a deadly force response, but only as a last resort. Officers should deploy______ techniques against edged weapon attacks when no other options are available.


A______STRIKE is used to stop or impede an attack or to distract or incapacitate a subject. You may use this strike when a subject suddenly moves toward you and reaches to grab you.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Extend the arm and bend the elbow slightly.Rotate your body and strike the subject. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-38)

ANSWER- forearm strike

AN______ is any object used for striking. Impact weapons may disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

ANSWER- impact weapon

An____________is a low profile stance with the weapon held partially hidden behind the leg.

ANSWER- interview stance with an impact weapon

The_____STRIKE has multiple uses such as an escape, to open a subject's hand, for pain compliance, or as a distraction.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Identify the target area.Make a half fist. Use the foreknuckle to strike the specific target area. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-33)

ANSWER- knuckle strike

The distance you must keep between you and the subject in order to react effectively against a sudden threat is the_______ (See Figure 4-6). This distance is generally 6-9 feet if you have visual control of the subject's hands, or 25 feet when you cannot see the subject's hands.

ANSWER- reactionary gap

A_______ search is done visually. The officer does not touch the inmate during the search.

ANSWER- strip/unclothed SEARCH

The______ is a physical restraint compressing certain veins and arteries in the neck to cause a subject to lose consciousness for a brief period of time.

ANSWER- vascular neck restraint

The ____ can have an incapacitating effect on a subject who begins to attack you. For maximum effectiveness, use fluid shock.This kick can be delivered without getting close to the subject.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Transfer your balance to the support leg.Lift the knee of the kicking leg and rotate the hip.Either snap or thrust the leg toward the target area. Strike the target with the shin, ball, or top of the foot. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (SeeFigure 4-43)

ANSWER-Angle Kick

Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Transfer your balance to the support leg.Lifting the knee, thrust the foot rearward. Strike the target with the heel of the foot.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).(See Figure 4-41)

ANSWER-Back Kick

A properly delivered _____strike can often give you a tactical advantage and may incapacitate or break the concentration of the attacker.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Assume an appropriate position.Identify the target area. Make a fist.Use the back of the fist to strike the specific target area.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-36)

ANSWER-Backfist Strike

_____ refers to how you approach a subject or enter a scene. The manner and direction from which you approach a subject and the distance you maintain from the subject throughout the interaction are based on your assessment of the threat and potential harm present

ANSWER-Body movement

____ is an irritant agent that causes burning and tearing eyes, nasal discharge, and skin and upper respiratory irritation. The chemical, when it makes contact with skin, gives the sensation of pain by activating and irritating the neural transmitters of the body.Though there is no actual burning caused by the chemical, there is the sensation of an intense burn once contaminated.


_________ is the way you carry yourself. Your presence can determine whether a subject's resistance escalates or de-escalates. A good command presence projects an image of confidence in your skills and abilities to perform the task at hand. Important aspects of____________ include personal appearance (uniform and personal grooming), erect posture, and alertness and attention to surroundings.

ANSWER-Command presence

________ transcends all levels of a use of force exchange. Unlike a category of force, _______ is a part of all officer-subject interactions. Officers are encouraged to use communication before, during, and after a confrontation. _________ is necessary to continually gauge compliance. In a use of force situation, resistance begins when a subject fails to submit to an officer's authority. When an officer gives a verbal command, an evaluation will determine if escalation may become necessary.ONE TERM ANSWER?


________ are an essential component of the proper use of chemical agents. The chemical agent's effects will wear off in time; however, decontamination may decrease the period of discomfort. Whenever a subject is contaminated, the officer should follow the decontamination procedures as prescribed by agency policy. This standard of care should take place as soon as the subject is under control.

ANSWER-Decontamination procedures

The use of a chemical agent is considered a use of force and should be ____ according to agency policy. ____ the contamination and the decontamination procedures taken.ONE TERM ANSWER?


The______ position is a technique used to move a subject from one point to another without using pain compliance. It provides minimal control of the subject through leverage. If a subject resists, you may transition to a transporter technique.


___________Technique Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Assume the offensive ready stance. Sidestep the direct line of attack to either the strong or supporting side. ______ simply means the direction that the subject comes from. Sidestepping to either side gets you out of the subject's way.Face the subject. As the subject passes, face the subject and maintain an offensive ready stance.The offensive ready stance positions the officer to respond if the subject attacks again.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-10)

ANSWER-Evasion Technique Direct line of attack

When an aggressive subject advances toward you, the ____ can be used to stop the subject's forward momentum.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Transfer your balance to the support leg.Lifting the knee, snap the foot forward. Strike the target with either the ball or bridge of the foot. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-40)

ANSWER-Front Kick

___ is the use of body mechanics to leverage or control a subject.When engaged in a grappling hold, an officer should consider methods of stabilizing, controlling, and securing a resistant subject.


A________ is a distraction technique that inflicts pain and temporarily diverts a subject's attention, redirecting the physical power of the subject's attack. It can also facilitate your escape from a body hold and can incapacitate the subject.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Identify the target area.The best target area for a head butt is the soft tissue of the subject's face or head. Using the frontal lobe (the top of the forehead) or the occipital area (back of the head),thrust the head into the specific target area.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-44)

ANSWER-Head Butt

A ___ is an effective defense against a subject who closes the gap and tries to control your upper body. From an upright grappling position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Place your hip into the subject's lower abdomen.Lower your center of gravity. Pull subject over the hip and direct him to the ground. (See Figure 4-58)


You can use the _____strike when you are in close proximity to a resistant or combative subject.Use it to gain control or distance.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Drive your knee forward into the target area.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-39)

ANSWER-Knee Strike

______ is supporting the balance of the body using a limb.


_________ is the amount of time it takes for the brain to process a physical threat and the body to respond. This process involves perceiving and analyzing the threat, formulating a strategy, and initiating motor action(s). In other words, the officer sees the threat, figures out what to do,and then takes action.

ANSWER-Reaction time principle

what type of stretch is this? While standing, bring both straight arms above the head with hands interlocking, palms facing up, and reach upward slowly while reaching slightly backward. Hold for 10-20 seconds.

Both Arms Up Above Head Stretch

what type of stretch is this? While standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your arms from an overhead position slowly towards the front of your body, while rounding the back and stretching the shoulder blades apart. Hold for 10-20 seconds

Both Arms in Front of Chest Stretch

—The person should also concentrate on breathing to draw his attention from the burning sensation the contaminant causes. Focusing on the discomfort may cause the person to shut down and panic. A rhythmic inhale through the mouth and then a forceful exhale through the nose will cause the mucous glands to begin working and the nose to run. This will clear the nasal passages and sinuses of mucus containing contaminant particles.


what type of stretch is this? While seated, bend your legs toward each other with the soles of your shoes touching. Your legs should be relaxed and knees should be flat on the floor. (If you lack flexibility your knees may not rest on the floor.) Lean forward from the waist with a straight back. Bring your head as close to your feet as possible. Hold for 10-20 seconds.

Butterfly Stretch

_______ is the exchanging of information through verbal and nonverbal methods which provides valuable insight into the likelihood of cooperation and compliance of a subject.


Recognition that a threat exists. Awareness of a specific threat encourages preplanning and more intense focus.Physical indicators of stress may become evident.Examples: A patrol officer observes a vehicle backed into a parking space at a convenience store with the engine running, considers the possibility of a robbery in progress,and begins tactical planning. A correctional officer observes an inmate with possible contraband and begins formulating a plan of action.

Condition Orange

An officer should follow______ regarding searching a subject of the opposite sex. He or she may modify the hand position to avoid the appearance of inappropriate contact. If possible, there should be a______ to the search.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1. agency policy 2. witness

Two variables account for the amount of power generated in a strike. These are the___________AND_________. To generate maximum power effectively, an officer needs a wide stable stance. He or she must twist the upper torso and hips into the strike allowing the maximum amount of mass to complement the striking weapon. The faster the strike, the more power will be generated.

1. amount of mass delivered with the striking weapon (i.e., fist, foot, baton) and 2. the velocity (speed) at which it is delivered

The officer must base his or her decision to use deadly force as a defensive tactic on a_________4 terms

1. clear, 2. reasonable belief that he or she, 3. a fellow officer, or 4. another person, faces imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.

The officer's reasons for using force must be consistent with _______ and ______ , as well as _____ and _____ guidelines

1. constitutional and 2. statutory law, as well as policy and 4. training guideline

Types of electronic control devices include,FIVE TERM ANSWERS?

1. dart-firing stun gun (TASER®), 2. handheld stun gun, 3. electronic shield, 4.electronic belt, 5. electronic sleeve, etc.

Once the officer achieves control or compliance, he or she must______ the use of force. Under certain circumstances,______ may be the best tactical option, for example, when the officer is waiting for backup, when the officer is injured or outnumbered, or when the suspect has superior firepower.what are the twp terms?

1. de-escalate(bold word) 2.disengagement(bold word)

An edged weapon attack that involves_____ or an impending threat gives you time to plan and react to the attack. One that happens ____ and _____ gives you limited options and more than likely will dictate a defense with empty hands. There is usually no time to disengage or select a weapon for defense.____________ may be necessary when attacked at close range only if no other options are available.THERE ARE THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1. distance 2. suddenly and up close 3. Empty-hand skills

A clothed search of a female inmate by a male officer will be conducted only during an______ situation as determined by the_____. The only exception to this provision is an instance when time and circumstances do not permit the presence of a female officer or consultation with the shift supervisor. If there is an___________, a search may be needed to secure the inmate to prevent injury to staff or other inmates.THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1. emergency 2. shift supervisor 3. imminent threat of physical violence

"The purpose of a pat down is not to discover evidence of a crime but to allow the officer to pursue his or her investigation without______" See ___V_____ 407 U.S. 143 (1972).THERE ARE TWO TERM ANSWERS?WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE CASE LAW AND WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A PAT DOWN?

1. fear of violence. 2. Adams v.Williams,

Officers must recognize that threats may be____and__________ .Officers should continuously analyze situations for their threat potential.two term answers?

1. fluid and 2. constantly changing.

When delivering a strike, an officer strikes a muscle using the__________. The penetration of the muscle and nerves in the target area results in a full transfer of kinetic energy that increases the power of the strike. All targets are struck with the intention of _______OR_________.THERE ARE THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1. fluid shock principle 2.preventing or 3. stopping aggressive action.

Other factors including____ ,___,___,___,___,__,___all complicate the ground fight.THERE ARE SEVER TERM ANSWERS?

1. general fitness level, 2. physical size, 3.maneuverability, 4.loss of visibility, 5. multiple subjects, 6. environmental conditions, and 7. the inability to disengage immediately

The most common techniques using an impact weapon are___,___,_____.THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1. impact weapon thrusts, 2.impact weapon swings, 3. impact weapon blocks.

OC is particularly effective on moist areas of the body including__,__,___.THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1. lips, 2. tongue, and 3. sweaty areas.

Defensive tactics techniques are based on a combination of three types of fighting styles what are they?

1. martial arts, 2.wrestling 3. boxing.

Three search techniques are typically used in the defensive tactics context:WHAT ARE THEY?

1. pat down, 2.custodial, and 3. inmate.

There are two methods of delivering strikes:WHAT ARE THEY?

1. penetration and 2.snap-back.

An officer should be aware of certain changes that occur to the body during and after survival stress including,,what are the five terms?

1. physiological changes, 2. motor performance changes, 3. visual performance changes, 4.cognitive changes, and 5. critical incident amnesia

Specific threat identified and appropriate actions taken .The threat is assessed and managed through intensified cognitive and physical reactions. Survival stress functions become optimum.Examples: The patrol officer initiates the plan to engage the suspects as they exit the store.The correctional officer initiates the plan to engage the inmate

Condition Red

Historically,______ the has been favored for its high probability of effectiveness in controlling a resistant subject. Unexplained in-custody deaths in previous years which are now attributed to _______-caused many criminal justice agencies to restrict the use of this technique. New research establishes the physiology of this technique as safe and without contraindications in the general population.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1. vascular neck RESTRAINT 2.Sudden Death Syndrome

When _______, ta handcuffed subject he officer should:Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Keep the subject off balance. Physically control the subject's hands. Conduct the search in a predetermined pattern. The ____ is one of the most commonly overlooked areas. Remain professional and focus on conducting a proper, thorough search. Follow up with appropriate action. (See Figure 4-26)

1.2.searching groin

reactionary gap distance is generally ____ feet if you have visual control of the subject's hands, or ___ feet when you cannot see the subject's hands.two term answers?

1.6-9 feet 2.25 feet

This technique is applicable to all intermediate weapons worn on the belt, such as a baton, chemical agent canister, or dart-firing stun gun.The best defense against a subject grabbing your intermediate weapon is to maintain the_____. This technique works from a front and rear grab.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of this technique.Cover the subject's hand with your hand and maintain downward pressure.Adjust your stance to maintain balance.Deliver strikes to appropriate target areas.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (SeeFigure 4-88)TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1.ANSWER-Retention of Intermediate Weapon in Carrier/Holster (WEAPONS RETENTION) 2.reactionary gap

________, a law enforcement officer has no______ over a subject, and thus no permission to use any amount of force at all.

1.Absent this belief, known as reasonable suspicion 2. authority

If you identify a threat early on, the response can be much more effective. The longer it takes you to identify the attack, the less time you have to react. _____ will help you recognize cues and early warning signs. ________techniques are used to avoid or redirect an attack to give you time to disengage and escape.TWO TERM ANSWERS

1.Awareness.. 2. Redirecting techniques

____peppers are at the low end of the scale and ______peppers is higher on the scale. This is a fitting measurement for a chemical agent like OC which is in essence nothing more than a vegetable product voluntarily ingested by countless persons in the form of food and medicine . two term answers?

1.Bell peppers 2.cayenne pepper

To conduct a _____ search, do the following: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Have the inmate remove all clothing. Search the inmate's hair, ears, and mouth (dentures must be removed). Visually check the entire body including armpits, hands, pubic region, between the toes, soles of the feet, inner portions of the legs, and rectum. Any bandages or casts should be thoroughly examined by _________. Search every article of clothing and personal property, including collars, cuffs, lapels, seams, and linings. Examine shoes for split soles, false linings, and removable insoles or heels.Follow up per agency policy based on the results of the search.

1.CONDUCTING strip/unclothed SEARCH 2.medical staff

______ skill breakdown may occur when the heart rate exceeds ____ beats per minute. There may be an increase in strength and speed for a short period of time. The heart rate may spike during a violent encounter to well over ____beats per minute. what are the two terms?

1.Catastrophic motor skill 2.175 3.200

what f.s_______. governs all use of force by criminal justice officers. Even though the statute refers to "law enforcement" officers, the legal guidelines regarding use of force apply equally to corrections and correctional probation officers. The statute identifies two general areas in which an officer's use of force is justified:

1.Chapter 776, F.S 2. to apprehend a subject and make an arrest, or 3. to defend self or others.

____ of inmates can be conducted at random by officers during the course of their daily routine. A search of a clothed male inmate may be conducted by a female officer. A clothed search of a female inmate by a male officer will be conducted only during an ______situation as determined by the shift supervisor. The only exception to this provision is an instance when _____and______do not permit the presence of a female officer or consultation with the shift supervisor. If there is an imminent threat of ________, a search may be needed to secure the inmate to prevent injury to staff or other inmates.

1.Clothed searches 2.emergency 3.time 4. circumstances 5.physical violence

what are the two terms often will defuse many volatile situations. Sometimes, however, these are not enough or officers may not have an opportunity to use them. An officer may have to use physical force to gain control of the situation?.

1.Command presence and 2.verbal communication

these three things are important concepts in making legally and tactically sound,reasonable responses to resistance.?

1.Escalation, 2. de-escalation, and 3.disengagement

____(_1), also called ___(1), are generally used along with waist chains to limit the movement of a subject. To apply ____(:1)Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Hold the _____(1) with the double bar facing the subject's ____(2). This will ensure that the key holes are facing_____(3).Have the subject lean against a wall or kneel on a chair to maintain a balanced stance. Apply the leg restraints to each ankle, check for tightness, and then double lock them.(See Figure 4-24b)ONE TERM ANSWER?

1.Leg restraints also called leg irons 2.legs 3.down

___, commonly called _______, is an inflammatory agent that causes tearing and involuntary closing of the eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, disorientation, and a sensation of respiratory distress. The skin will turn red due to the inflammation and show mild signs of puffiness. These effects will wear off generally in _____ minutes, though some cases have been reported to last longer.


The heart rate and respiration increase. Vascular flow moves away from the extremities. The body pulls the blood away from the arms and legs into the torso.This keeps the blood near vital organs in case of emergency and also protects the arms and legs (our weapons) from losing too much blood in case of injury. Hearing is diminished—this is known as _______?there are two terms.

1.Physiological Changes 2.auditory exclusion.

The two main components of pressure point techniques are as follows:


______, sometimes called _____, are techniques used to move a subject from one point to another with pain compliance and/or mechanical compliance.

1.Transporters 2.come-along holds

_____________Technique Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume the offensive ready stance.Sidestep the direct line of attack to either the strong or supporting side.As the subject passes, redirect the subject by pushing the subject away and off balance.Striking the upper back or side of the subject's shoulder will cause the subject to spin off balance.Maintain an offensive ready stance.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-11)

ANSWER-Redirection Technique

(Nonlethal Intermediate Weapons: Chemical Agents)TOPIC HEADING If symptoms are acute, ________ .The manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the chemical agent used should be easily accessible.FOUR TERM ANSWERS?

1.stabilize the subject, 2. maintain an open airway, and 3. assure continuous breathing and 4. proper circulation

_____ are techniques used to bring a resisting subject from a standing position to the ground making it easier to control him. Usually, a three-point pin is used to control the subject for handcuffing. After a takedown, you may escalate, de-escalate, or disengage depending on your assessment of the situation.

Sudden Attacks: Takedowns)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-Takedowns

what type of stretch is this? Lie on your back with your legs straight. Bring your right knee towards your chest, placing both hands below the knee while continually pulling the knee towards your chest. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Supine Knee Flex Stretch

_____, sometimes called fear-induced stress, is stress caused by hormonal changes brought on by a perception of danger. The hormones cause an elevated heart rate that affects an officer's cognitive decision making skills . There are four instinctual reactions to fear-induced stress: fight, flight, posture, and submit.

Survival stress

—Strike the inside of the thigh with an empty hand, leg, or knee. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Inside of Thigh (NDF)

—Strike the inside of the thigh with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Inside of Thigh (NDF)

_______ provide a framework for making decisions involving the reasonable use of force by criminal justice officers. The structure of the_____ is based on constitutional considerations and case law and describes appropriate decision making in a fluid and dynamic situation. The _____ consider the relationship between subject_______ and various situational factors in determining the officer's response options.

The Force Guidelines The Force Guidelines resistance

_____ is a reasonably perceived, imminent threat to an officer or another person based on the subject's actions, behaviors, words, or other indicators. It is a perception derived from the totality of the circumstances. Officers should use the amount of force necessary and reasonable for the situation. If ability, opportunity, and intent are present and the officer cannot control the threat using lesser means, then deadly force is justified. When resistance de-escalates, so must the officer's response.


_______ are tools used when empty-handed control is ineffective, but the subject's level of resistance does not merit deadly force. Though intermediate weapons may cause death or great bodily harm, they are not fundamentally designed to do so.

Intermediate weapons

what type of stretch is this? While seated, put your right leg straight in front of your body. Bend your left leg and bring the sole of your left shoe facing the inside of your straight leg. Lean forward from the waist and grasp your toes while moving your chest as close to your straightened leg as possible. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Modified Hurdler's Stretch

The active ingredient in ____ is known as _____ which produces the heat felt when it makes contact with human tissue.

OC is known as capsaicin

_______that may be used as a barrier between you and the subject, such as furniture, a vehicle, or clothing, are useful tools in defense against an edged weapon attack.Obstacles can slow down an attack and allow you to defend or to disengage from a situation, giving you time to utilize force options, control, or escape.


The __________ can be an effective option if an aggressive subject touches you in a threatening manner. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.The subject reaches out toward your upper body.Grab the subject's hand with your thumb placed in the back of the subject's hand, wrapping your fingers around the base of his thumb.Rotate the subject's hand toward the outside of your body, reinforcing the grip with your other hand.Rotate your hips and step forward.downward pressure on the subject's hand, bringing him onto his back.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-50)

Outside Wrist Takedown

—Strike the outside of the thigh with an empty hand, leg, or knee. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Outside of Thigh (NDF)

—Strike the outside of the thigh with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Outside of Thigh (NDF)

________ is a subject's response to a combination of pain and verbal commands to stop resisting.

Pain compliance

______resistance is a subject's verbal and/or physical refusal to comply with an officer's lawful direction causing the officer to use physical techniques to establish control. Some examples of_________include the following: • The subject refuses to move at the officer's direction. • The subject peacefully protests at a political event in a public location. • The subject refuses to take his hands out of his pockets or from behind his back.

Passive resistance

________ is achieving compliance or custody through the use of empty-hand or leverage-enhanced techniques, such as pain compliance, transporters, restraint devices, takedowns, and striking techniques.

Physical control

______ is a controlled, non-emotional communication between an officer and a subject aimed at problem solving and communication. Used as a strategy, _____ is intentionally designed to gain rapport and exchange information.ONE TERM ANSWER?


______ is discontinuing a command or physical use of force, for example, by breaking away from a subject


Move to your knees. Release your grip and place your hand on the subject's shoulder. Push his shoulder and pull your other arm towards you as you stand up. Exit towards the subject's head. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-79)

Disengaging(Disengaging from the Scarf Hold)

Some strikes may be used as ________ techniques. ______ is a technique that interrupts the subject's concentration so that energy is redirected from the current focus. ____ techniques can be used to gain space when you are held in a close-quarter body hold and can assist in applying other defensive tactics such as takedowns and transporters.ONE TERM ANSWER?

Distraction TECHNIQUES

Use loud, clear verbal commands while completing the fall. Tuck your chin on your chest. Bend your knees into a squatting position and roll to the rear quarter and to one side.Relax the body as you fall. Don't land flat. Dissipate the shock by rolling after hitting the ground.As your body makes contact with the ground, you may swing the same side arm and strike the ground with the palm to minimize impact.Exhale to relax your body and prevent you from having the wind knocked out of you. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-66)

Side Fall

is increasing the use of force or resistance.


—After strobing the eyes and breathing rhythmically,the person may ___ contaminants from his skin which will reduce the chemical agent's effects.

Removing Contaminants

To __________, follow these steps: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Visually inspect and direct the subject into a preparatory position for removing handcuffs. Approach the subject. Draw the handcuff key. Remove the handcuff fromone wrist and close cuff. Control the subject's uncuffed hand. Remove the other handcuff and close it. Move away from the subject. (See Figure 4-23d) There are other types of restraining devices including waist chains (with black box), leg restraints (leg irons), and flexible leg restraints that may be used in different circumstances.

Removing Handcuffs

AN_______may be your first physical contact with a subject. You apply pressure or leverage on a joint to lock it and the subject complies.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Maintain an appropriate stance.Make contact with the subject's arm by controlling the upper arm just above the elbow and wrist simultaneously. Turn the subject's palm so that it is facing you. Move the subject, or follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-17)

Escort Position

—Striking the eyes with an empty hand is an act of nondeadly force, but gouging the eyes is an act of deadly force.

Eyes (NDF)

______ are a useful tool for restraining a subject who is kicking, trying to run away, or posing a safety threat. Applying ______ is best performed by more than one officer.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Control the subject by handcuffing him and placing him in the prone position. Your partner will control the subject's upper body, either with a_________or a__________. Move close to the subject and kneel or squat near the subject's legs. Control the subject's legs by grabbing and wrapping your hands around them, working your way to the subject's feet.While holding the subject's feet together, slide the restraints over the lower half of the subject's legs. Keep the restraints above the subject's _____.Tighten the restraint device by pulling the excess portion. The restraint should be tight enough to restrict leg movement while allowing normal blood flow.To further restrict the subject's movement, clip the excess to the handcuff chain by bending the subject's legs at the knees to a __-degree angle behind the subject.Place the subject in a sitting position or lying on his side to keep pressure off the diaphragm.

Flexible leg restraints 2. three-point pin or a 3. wrist compression 4.ankles 5.90

—The expected effect of striking this area with an empty hand, knee, or leg is to incapacitate. Striking a subject in the groin may be an effective escape from a close-quarter body hold. (See Figure 4-31)

Groin (NDF)

_________skills are enhanced as the heart rate reaches 150 beats per minute. ________ are the movements of the large or major muscles of the body, such as running, punching, or is one term

Gross motor skills

From a ____ lock transporter: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Sweep the outside leg rearward, rotating the hips.Drop to your inside knee and place the subject in a prone position.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-48)

Hammer Lock Takedown

—The expected effect is to distract or incapacitate. Strikes to certain areas of the head have the potential for injury depending on the amount of force used.

Head (NDF)

what type of stretch is this? Sitting with your legs extended straight, bend your right leg and bring your right foot to the outside of your left leg next to the knee. Place your right hand behind your hips for support. Push your right knee to the left with your left elbow while turning your upper body to the right and rotating your shoulders as far as possible. Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Spinal Twist

what type of stretch is this? Sit with your legs straight out in front, spread your legs as far as possible, and face your right leg grasping the toes of the right foot while leaning from the waist. Keep your buttocks on the floor and your back straight. Your chest should be directly over your right knee. Facing forward and keeping your back straight, lean your upper body forward towards the ground with your hands grasped as close to the toes as possible. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Straddle Stretch

This technique is very versatile and allows you to move into a control position for a resistant subject. The key to this technique is to maintain control of the subject's straight arm.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position, usually an escort position.Slightly pull the subject off balance straightening his arm, pulling his wrist downward with his palm toward you to your outside hip. Move your outside leg rearward, rotating your hips. Apply downward pressure to the elbow while maintaining control of the wrist.Drop to your inside knee and place the subject in a prone position.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-47)

Straight Arm Takedown

_______ searches of inmates may be conducted only by correctional officers who are of the same sex as the inmate, except in emergency circumstances. Inmates will generally be unclothed and searched upon their arrival at the correctional institution after returning from court, other institutions, any place where they may have come in contact with the public, or after an escape or attempted escape. There may be other occasions for a strip/unclothed search based upon agency policy, or if there is reason to believe an inmate possesses contraband.

Strip/unclothed searches

—After contamination, the person should never wipe or rub his eyes with his fingers. Doing so may rub small particles into the eye which can ultimately damage the cornea. Instead, the person should begin by ____ his eyes.______ is forcefully blinking the eyes using all the muscles in the face, including those in the forehead. This forceful blinking helps clear the vision and activates the tear ducts. Tears help clear the eyes and wash away particles of contaminant.


Is the subject verbally or physically resisting my lawful authority? Is the subject making attacking movements that are not likely to cause death or great bodily harm? Is the subject making attacking movements that are likely to cause death or great bodily harm?

Subject Resistance

Follow the manufacturer's recommendations to maintain the canister in working order. Though chemical canisters may dent or bend, there is generally no need to be concerned with the canisters leaking. Major manufacturers of these chemical contaminants have intentionally designed the canisters to be soft, pliable, and resistant to cracking and splitting. (See Figure 4-87)

The OC Canister

—Strike the top of the calf with an empty hand, foot, knee, or leg. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Top of Calf (NDF)

—Strike the top of the calf with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Top of Calf (NDF)

—Strike the top of the forearm with an empty hand. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Top of Forearm (NDF)

—Strike the top of the forearm with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction.

Top of Forearm (NDF)

Any item an officer has at hand may be used as a potential weapon in a time of need. In fact, any extension of the body may be a weapon, such as a flashlight, a ballpoint pen, keys, or a pocket knife held in the hand. It is the use of the item that qualifies the item as a weapon. For instance, a firearm is just a firearm until it is used for a defensive purpose; however, an ashtray or coffee mug which is not perceived as a weapon becomes a weapon if used to strike someone.

Use of Alternative Weapons

—The person should use large amounts of running ____to irrigate his eyes and facial skin.


(Use of Force Reporting) Most agencies require an ______ report anytime an officer uses force to control a subject. Officers need to clearly articulate the specific basis for their decisions regarding the use of force. For example, if deadly force was used, the officer should state exactly what the subject did that created the perception of the subject's ability, opportunity, and intent to cause death or great bodily harm. Simply stating "The suspect threatened me" is not sufficient. Officers should remember that whatever is written on a use of force incident report will be seen by not only supervisors but also by a prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, and potentially many others. Officers should be careful to include every factor used in their use of force decision since factors added later will be viewed with suspicion.

additional report

Correctional officers have full-time authority over inmates due to the inmates'_________and______?there two reasons.

adjudication and suspension of civil rights.

An officer's _______ of a perceived threat is critical for safety and influences his or her actions when dealing with a situation. The more information an officer has, the better prepared he or she will be to assess the situation. All factors, whether obvious or not, should be considered when assessing threats.


The ________________ transitions from the escort position when the subject tries to resist by pulling his arm away. Effective joint manipulation causes pain compliance, making the subject move in the direction you are leading. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Maintain an appropriate stance. Make contact with the subject's arm by controlling the upper arm just above the elbow and wrist simultaneously. Pull the subject's elbow/arm sharply towards the rear, bending the arm at the elbow. Secure the subject's elbow firmly against your torso. Simultaneously bend the subject's wrist by placing both hands on the subject's hand. Apply pressure to the back of the subject's hand toward the subject's elbow. Control or move the subject, or follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-18)

bent wrist transporter

Threat mismanaged due to panicked stress response. Survival stress functions break down.Submission or freezing may occur.Examples:The patrol officer panics and may not respond effectively.The correctional officer panics and may not respond effectively

condition black

unaware that a threat exists.Attention is unfocused or preoccupied, and the officer is oblivious to potential danger in his or her environment .Example: A person drives to work and does not remember the drive (automatic pilot).

condition white

General awareness of possible threats Attention is focused,and the officer scans the environment for potential threats. Example:While on the job, an officer is in a state of relaxed awareness and notices what is going on around him or her.

condition yellow

(Stretching Exercises) A ______after physical activity redistributes the blood flow, causing the metabolic rate to decrease. This process helps the muscles relax and prevents the tightening of muscles, which is vital for the body to recover.


If you grab the revolver's cylinder, you can prevent it from ____?

cycling to the next round.

Like the custodial search of a subject, the clothed search utilizes the ______ search approach. In an institutional setting, however, handcuffing is not required because there is little risk of ______. Officers should be aware, though, of their vulnerability to a physical assault.

quadrant search escape

A custodial search of a subject should be done in a systematic and predetermined pattern using the _______, which is dividing the body into four sections horizontally and vertically. During this close contact inside the danger zone, an officer is most vulnerable to a subject's physical assault. The officer should handcuff first and then search.

quadrant search approach

An officer must remember that he or she brings weapons to every encounter. Therefore,maintaining an appropriate ______ is one of the most effective methods in preventing the disarming of an officer. This becomes more difficult in close-quarter combat situations. Officers must protect their weapons along with their vital areas while engaged in a fight.

reactionary gap

Officers need not apply force in gradually increasing steps in order to justify physical control or even deadly force. Instead, officers need to respond with all the force_______ necessary for the circumstances in each_______ situation.

reasonably specific

Officers are legally permitted to escalate their use of force as the subject escalates his or her level of______.


Force decisions may escalate and de-escalate rapidly in relation to the perceived_____. An officer's goal is to achieve ___________.

threat subject compliance

Target Areas—Empty Hand Strikes DF means

deadly force

Provides energy and essential fatty acids; carries other fat-soluble nutrients (vitamins); is part of cell membranes, membranes around nerves, hormones, bile (for fat digestion)

fat (function)

The ___________ is usually effective because you hyperextend the subject's fingers, bending them in a direction they are not meant to go. The subject's pain usually leads to compliance. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Maintain an appropriate stance. Make contact with the subject's arm by controlling the upper arm just above the elbow and wrist simultaneously. Pull the subject's elbow/arm sharply towards the rear. Grabbing the subject's index and middle fingers, rotate the palm upward with the fingers pointed down. Secure the subject's elbow firmly against your torso. Maintain rearward pressure on the fingers. Control or move the subject, or follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-19)

finger lock transporter

what reduces the risk of injuries, stretching exercises should be conducted every day?


Were my actions reasonable based on the subject's resistance and the totality of the circumstances? Am I able to articulate the reasons for my actions? Was I in compliance with constitutional and state laws, agency policy, and training?


When an officer must use a chemical agent on a suspect or encounters a person who has been accidentally contaminated, he or she should not _____while the effects of the contaminant are evident.

leave that person unattended

The stalling techniques presented here are based on _____, not strength.


"While no technique is completely risk free, there is no valid_____ to routinely expect grievous bodily harm or death following the correct application of the vascular neck restraint by professional criminal justice officers with standardized training and technique." (National Study on Neck Restraints in Policing, June 2007, Canadian Police Research Centre).

medical reason

Before an incident occurs, you should make_________ that you will be cut. Develop a survival mindset to continue to fight even though you are severely injured until you are able to stop the aggression. Never give up!

mental preparation

You should stretch until you feel_____to_______ tension. The following examples of stretching exercises are suitable for preparation for defensive tactics training.

mild to moderate

Officers should use the amount of force____and_______ for the situation. If ability, opportunity, and intent are present and the officer cannot control the threat using lesser means, then deadly force is justified. When resistance de-escalates, so must the officer's response.

necessary and reasonable

In striking techniques, there are specific target areas . Some target areas involve_______ in muscles.When struck, the impact may cause disruption of nerve tissue leading to incapacitation and/or motor dysfunction. Strikes to the skeletal structure are also effective.

nerve motor points

There have been cases documented where subjects have died inexplicably after being taken into police custody. Some subjects had been contaminated with OC which raised concerns that OC caused their deaths. While some unexplained deaths have been attributed to contamination by chemical agents, studies have shown that OC may be a contributing factor of the excited state of the subject, but there is________ that OC caused their deaths. Recall from an earlier lesson the unusual behaviors that indicate a subject may be in a crisis state and in need of immediate medical attention when encountered.

no known evidence

Target Areas—Empty Hand Strikes NDF refers to

nondeadly force.

A____ is a physical frisk of a subject conducted in a predetermined pattern to locate weapons. Before a law enforcement officer may conduct a -_____, he or she must have reasonable suspicion that the subject is armed. (See F.S. §901.151, Florida Stop and Frisk Law.)1 term

pat down

Stretching generally begins at the ________________

top of the body and moves to the bottom or vice versa.

Immediately after the incident,_____________will often result in a failure to remember the majority of the information observed in the incident.

post-incident amnesia

A subject may demonstrate______when an officer gives him a command.The subject expands his chest and begins to speak loudly, shouting, "You're not taking me!"He strikes his chest with his open hands while stepping back and forth, side to side as he yells the same words over and over. When the officer displays a higher level of force or backup officers arrive, the subject may back down and follow the officer's verbal directions with no force used. If the subject does not submit to the officer's authority, this______ may be a precursor to a fight or an indication that the subject is preparing to run.


Provides energy; builds and repairs body cells; is part of various enzymes, hormones, antibodies

protein( function)

A strike with an impact weapon affects a subject _________ when he sees an officer use the weapon in a controlled, competent manner. It gives the impression of a welltrained officer and emphasizes his or her authority and command presence.


The most basic of the stalling positions is the ___. This hold uses leverage tactics to hold the subject down while keeping you in a strategic position to prevent him from attacking critical areas such as the head, throat, or weapon. Follow these steps for the ____: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.The subject is on his back. Sit between the arm of the subject and one side of his body. If you are wearing a weapon, place your weapon side against the ribcage of the subject, if possible. Face the subject's head and lean against his ribcage. Place the arm closest to his head around the backside of his neck and place it underneath his head using your forearm as a support.Press your weight onto the subject's chest. Slide your opposite arm under his shoulder closest to you and clasp your hands together.Lower your head and turn your face away from the subject.Keep your feet __º perpendicular to the subject.From this position, you may continue to hold the subject, escalate, or disengage.(See Figure 4-76)TWO TERM ANSWER?

( stalling techniques) 1.Scarf Hold 2. 90º perpendicular

The _____ is a variation of the scarf hold which utilizes a joint lock to control a subject on the ground.From the scarf hold grip: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Release your clasped hands while maintaining control of the subject's shoulder with your arm around his neck.Grab the subject's closest arm with your free handpalm down. Slide your bottom leg upward so that your thigh is close to the subject's shoulder.Place the tricep of the subject's arm in an extended position across your thigh.Use your chest to compress the subject's chest as you push down on the subject's wrist. You may use your leg to trap the extended arm. This gives more control and strength and frees your hand.From this position, you may continue to hold the subject, escalate, or disengage. (See Figure 4-77)

( stalling techniques) Arm Bar

The ability to disengage is important if approached by multiple subjects while in the seated stall.From the seated stall position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Place an arm bar on the subject while in the seated stall position. Using your legs, swivel in the direction of the controlled arm.Lay back as you lift the subject's arm. As the subject falls forward onto his chest, bridge your mid-section using the outside leg and rotate toward the subject's back.Place his arm in the small of his back as you maintain your grip.Complete the movement by rotating onto your knees.Handcuff or disengage. (See Figure 4-81)

( stalling techniques) Follow-up from the Seated Stall

This technique is useful when a subject grabs you from behind and attempts to control your upper body. Follow these steps for a _______: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. From a seated position where the subject is behind you, attempt to capture one or both of the subject's arms by using your arms and trapping them between your body and upper arm. Control the subject's arms above the elbow to eliminate the subject's movement. Turn your head downward to protect your throat. Perform a joint lock by capturing the arm and controlling the elbow joint. Compress it against your forearm using an arm wrap. From this position, you may continue to hold the subject, escalate, or disengage.(See Figure 4-80)

( stalling techniques) Seated Stall

Possibly the worst tactical position that you can find yourself in is when a subject has you on your back and is sitting on your chest. The ________ gives an officer an opportunity to survive a barrage of punches to the face. You will remain on the bottom,but the attacker will not be able to strike you in the face or throat. Your firearm will be out of reach covered by the subject's legs.Follow these steps for a ____:Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.The subject sits on your chest as you lie on your back.With the subject positioned on your chest, sit up and grab the subject around the waist with both arms. Depending on how the subject positions himself, it may be necessary to precede the following steps with a maneuver. Place your elbows on the thighs of the subject pushing down and scoot forward.Pull the subject down on top of you.Place your forehead into the chest or stomach of the subject. Move your head left or right to breathe and avoid attack.From this position, you may continue to hold the subject, escalate, or disengage.(See Figure 4-82)

( stalling techniques) Straddle Stall

The purpose of the escape from a _____ is to break away from a subject who grabs you around the throat from the front. This technique involves maintaining balance, disengaging, and following up with other techniques. You may also need to apply a distraction technique before the escape from a _____. Subject factors and officer factors dictate what distraction to use and when.The front choke is life threatening. Execute this technique immediately.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Step straight back with the strong side leg and raise your lead side arm as you swing the lead side arm up and over the subject's arm to break the hold (windmill).Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (SeeFigure 52)Pressure to the jugular notch and bob-and-weave can also be effective escapes from a ____.

(ANSWER-Escape from a Front Chokehold) ANSWER-FRONT CHOKEHOLD

_________ is a natural reaction to danger, but officers can prepare and increase their chances of controlling the effects of the stress. Officers can do the following: • pre-plan—The time to figure out what to do is before the confrontation begins.Emotions such as fear, anger, panic, anxiety, or any combination will be present during high stress events. If officers call upon their physical and mental training,they greatly improve their chances of surviving the violence. • stay physically fit • use deep breathing techniques • rely on_____ motor movements over fine and complex motor skills • be prepared for resistance with every subject encounter • maintain proficiency in physical skills—The skills officers develop will diminish without constant practice and use.

(Controlling the Effects of Survival Stress)-title answer----survival stress 2. gross

_______ is usually associated with the use of a firearm.However, certain empty-hand techniques and unconventional weapons can be used effectively in a deadly force encounter. Empty-hand techniques become deadly force when they have the ________OR________. A good example is a ground fight that turns into a deadly threat when a subject attempts to choke or bite you, gouge your eyes, or grab your gun. If you cannot access a weapon, then an empty-hand technique may help stop or disable your attacker, giving you the chance to recover to a different position.THREE TERM ANSWERS?

(Deadly Force Techniques)TOPIC HEADING) 1.Deadly force 2.capability of causing great bodily harm or 3. even death

The deadly force _____strike uses the tip of the elbow to target a specific area where great bodily harm may result. To be a deadly force strike, certain target areas must be stabilized. Some target areas for a deadly force ___strike include the following: • temple • side of jaw • bridge of nose • back of the head • throat

(Deadly Force Techniques)TOPIC HEADING) ANSWER-Deadly Force Elbow Strike

Your fingers or spear hand can be used to strike or rake the attacker's eyes.

(Deadly Force Techniques)TOPIC HEADING) ANSWER-Deadly Force Eye Gouge

Form a fist with your strong hand. Extend your thumb past the middle knuckle of your index finger.Squeeze your hand tightly so that the pad of the thumb pushes firmly against the index finger.Allow it to curl upward to form a slight bend that will lock the middle knuckle of the thumb.Using good control, deliver a strike to various areas of the subject. Some examples of striking areas include the throat and eyes. (See Figure 4-106) The throat and eyes are two examples of effective target areas for a deadly force _____ strike.ONE TERM ANSWER?

(Deadly Force Techniques)TOPIC HEADING) ANSWER-Deadly Force Thumb Strike

—There is no absolute antidote for chemical agents, but _________, such as baby shampoo, may decrease contamination effects. Many manufacturers produce solutions that are easy to carry in patrol vehicles and require little or no cleanup. The eyes should be rinsed with water and dabbed with an uncontaminated towel to lift the contaminant from skin. Scrubbing or using oil-based soaps to decontaminate can cause the contaminant to adhere to the skin and prolong decontamination time. Medical personnel should treat prolonged or severe reactions.

(Decontaminant solutions)

Some potential environmental factors that should also be considered in threat assessment may include ?six term answers

(Environmental Factors)-title, 2.traffic conditions, 3.terrain, 4. presence of animals, 5.presence of bystanders, and 6. potential weapons.

A _____ is usually the result of a surprise attack. A subject applying this type of hold on you can cause serious injury. Use your hands, feet, and legs to perform a distraction technique and escape. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Lower your center of gravity. Perform one or more striking techniques or pressure points to the appropriate target areas. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).For escaping over the arms, create distance between you and the subject by putting the palms on the subject's hips (hip check). (SeeFigure 4-54)

(Escape from Front Body Hold Over/Under Arms) ANSWER-front body hold

The ______ is usually the result of a surprise attack or a struggle with a combative subject. Avoid being taken to the ground, and instead drive the subject to the ground. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Take an extended step backward and lower your center of gravity. Raise your arms in an offensive ready position. Stop the subject's forward motion with double forearm strikes to both clavicle areas.Bend your elbow and place it on the subject's back alongside the spine at the shoulder blade.Apply downward pressure with the elbow and force the subject to the ground.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).To escape from a Rear Football Tackle, execute a front fall and use appropriate ground-fighting technique(s). (See Figure 4-57)

(Escape from Front Football Tackle) ANSWER-football tackle

The ____ is usually the result of a surprise attack or a struggle with a combative subject. Being in a headlock for an extended period can cause serious injury. Escape is crucial. To escape from a headlock, you must react quickly and apply leverage.When a subject applies a headlock, turn your face into the subject's torso to establish an airway and protect vital areas of your face. Strikes and distraction techniques are effective for escaping from a headlock. A wide stance is necessary to establish good balance. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Establish an airway, and a wide stance. Perform one or more striking techniques or pressure points to the appropriate target areas. Force the subject's head back, while giving verbal commands.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-56)

(Escape from Headlock) ANSWER-headlock

A ____ is usually the result of a surprise attack. A subject who grabs you in a rear body hold can exert force strong enough to the ribcage that breathing becomes difficult or serious injury may occur. Immediate escape is imperative. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Lower your center of gravity.Perform one or more striking techniques and/or finger peel to break the subject's grip.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-55)

(Escape from Rear BodyOver/Under Arms) ANSWER-rear body hold

The ____ is usually the result of a surprise attack or a struggle with a combative subject. Being in a rear ___ for an extended period can cause serious injury.Escape is crucial.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Tuck your chin and lower your center of gravity. Hold the subject's arm to your chest. Maintain control of the subject's arm. Drop to your attacked side knee, pull down, and twist toward your other side. Roll the subject to the ground. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). Protect the airway. (See Figure 4-53)

(Escape from a Rear Chokehold) ANSWE-REAR CHOKEHOLD

Your ability to get up safely from a ground encounter is critical. The objective of this technique is to prepare you to get back up on your feet while protecting your face, head, body, and weapon from an aggressive subject. This technique is used to gain time and distance between you and the aggressive subject. If distance is not gained, the subject may have the ability to get on top of you or strike you while you are attempting to get up and get away. From the foundation position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Push up on the reactionary foot and strong arm simultaneously. This will lift the hips off the ground.The base arm and leg will support the body weight. Use your free hand to protect the vital areas. Once distance is established, get up by moving your leg under your body and move to a standing position. Maintain an appropriate stance, and follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-68)

(Ground escape techniques) ANSWER-Escape to the Standing Position

From lying on the back: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Using an extended arm, prop the upper body off the ground (posting). Posting is supporting the balance of the body using a limb. Bend the knees with feet on the ground. Keep your free hand up in a defensive position to protect vital areas. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-67)

(Ground escape techniques) ANSWER-Foundation

If you are knocked to the ground and unable to recover immediately to the standing position, you must go to a ________ position.While in the _______ position, you may have the ability to access a weapon or escape to a standing position. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.From the foundation position, tuck your chin to your chest, with your arms and hands up protecting vital areas. Your legs will be up, knees bent toward the chest, and feet slightly canted. Defend by kicking the subject in the knees, shins, or other available targets.Lift your hips off the ground and use your feet to rotate in a circular motion. Propel forward, backward,and in circular motions by using hips and feet. Follow the subject's movement while still on your back. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-70)

(Ground escape techniques) ANSWER-Ground Defense Position

The purpose of _____ is to move from side to side while avoiding or defending an attack. The movement in a _______ is also known as shrimping. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. From the foundation, tuck the chin to the chest to protect your neck and back of your head. Push off with one foot, force your hips up, and push out towards the opposite side. Your hands will simulate a pushing motion, as if pushing the subject away. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-69)ONE TERM ANSWER?

(Ground escape techniques) ANSWER-Hip Escapes

When a person is controlling you from the side pressing down against you with his chest or using his arms to control your head and hips, he may prevent you from moving or escaping. It is also easy for the subject to deliver strikes and disarm you.This can be one of the worst positions to be caught in. You must be able to escape, escalate, or get to your weapon. From the ground defense position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.As the subject attacks from the right side, bring your left arm across and underneath the subject's neck.Push up, lifting the subject's head to gain distance.Place your right hand on the subject's left hip blocking any hip movement.Escape by moving your hips to the left to create more distance. At the same time, place your right hand on the subject's hip to control and push away.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-72)

(Ground escape techniques) Defend and Escape from Side Control

When you are in a ground fight, the subject may sit on top of your chest, stomach, or waist and use his body weight to hold you down. In this position, you are subject to a variety of attacks such as strikes from different angles and being choked. The objective of this technique is to teach you to defend and escape.From the supine position (lying on the back face up): Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.The subject mounts you from the waist to the chest.Control the subject's wrists to prevent strikes or choke attempts. Block the subject's leg by placing your foot to the outside of the subject's leg.Control the subject's wrist on the same side. Pull the subject's arm in and hold it tight to your body. Push up with your foot and drive your hips up to a bridge. Thrust the subject forward while you roll the subject onto his back. You will end up on top and between the subject's legs.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-73)

(Ground escape techniques) Defend and Escape from a Full Mount

When you are in a ground fight, the subject may grab your head and/or shoulder and use his body weight to hold you down. In this position, you are subject to being choked. If you have a weapon, it may be vulnerable. From the prone position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.If you are being choked, grab the choking arm, pull down, and attempt to establish an airway.Attempt to turn your head and pull your jaw down into empty space.Attempt to roll onto your weapon side. If you are no longer being choked and your weapon is not in danger, this may be your stalling position.If you are still being choked, attempt to brace the elbow of one arm and compress the subject's wrist on the same side to force a release.If the hold cannot be broken, use other force options.When the subject releases you, disengage, and follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-75)

(Ground escape techniques) Defend and Escape from a Head-to-Head Prone Attack

When you are in a ground fight, the subject may sit on top of your back and use his body weight to hold you down. In this position, you are subject to a variety of attacks and strikes to the back of the head and neck. If you have a weapon, it may be vulnerable. From the prone position (lying on the stomach face down): Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. The subject mounts your lower back and places his legs to the outside of your legs to control you. The subject holds you down with his body weight.Keep your hands around your head for protection from punches to the back of the head and the side of your face.Cover and trap either of the subject's legs.Roll towards and onto the trapped leg. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-74)

(Ground escape techniques) Defend and Escape from a Rear Mount

Contamination by a chemical agent may also have _____ on the contaminated person. The officer should tell the person who is contaminated to remain calm and reassure the person that the contaminant causes no lasting effects and that the effects should dissipate within_______. This repeated reassurance will help prevent anxiety and panic, behaviors that can endanger the officer and others.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

(Psychological Decontamination)TITLE 1.ANSWER-psychological effects 2.ANSWER- 20-40 minutes

This position builds on the ground defense position. You will defend while on your back with legs up and feet kicking the subject. Defending and escaping from the open guard position will be used when the subject attempts to force himself between or over the top of your legs.From the ground defense position: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Stop the subject's forward movement by shoving your legs out toward the subject and getting your feet against his hips.Keep your feet on the subject's hips as he moves around and leans into you.If the subject leans against you in an attempt to strike, transfer one foot to the subject's chest while the other foot remains on his hip.Once your feet are in place, shove the subject back and away. Create distance and quickly escape to the standing position.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-71)

(Ground escape techniques) Defend and Escape from the--- Supine Position

If you grab a revolver with the hammer cocked, you may stop it from firing by_________?

(Handgun Cycles of Operation)HEADING ANSWER- grabbing the hammer and preventing the firing pin from striking.

Searches of inmates are primarily designed to uncover FOUR PURPOSES,WHAT ARE THEY?

(Inmate Search Techniques) 1.contraband, 2.prevent escapes, 3 maintain sanitary standards, and 4. eliminate safety hazards.

Note: The lesson on Impact Weapons is optional for Law Enforcement, Corrections,and Correctional Probation.

(Intermediate Weapons: Impact Weapons)TOPIC HEADING

There is a loss of fine motor skills at a heart rate of approximately 115 beats per minute. __________ refer to the muscle control required to make small, precise movements, such as unlocking handcuffs with a key.

(Motor Performance Changes) answer----Fine motor skills

Criminal justice officers primarily use two types of chemical agents to control resistant subjects:

(Nonlethal Intermediate Weapons: Chemical Agents)TOPIC HEADING ANSWER-1. oleo-resin capsicum (OC) and/or 2. orthochlorobenzal-malononitrile(CS).

A _____ diet and an adequate intake of____ are necessary for optimal performance in defensive tactics training.

(Nutrition) 1.nutritious diet 2. adequate intake of water

______ is your ability to convey to subjects and onlookers that you are able and ready to take control. Subjects' and onlookers' reaction toward you depends on their perceptions of how you present yourself.

(Presence)-Tittle Officer presence

You should be aware of and interpret nonverbal communication. Some movements and gestures are clues to ________, for example, clenched fists, shifting feet, or hidden hands. Subjects also observe your actions to determine your attitudes and intentions.

(Presence)-Tittle escalating aggression

_____ is your first response to any situation. By simply arriving on the scene, an officer affects a subject or situation.

(Presence)-Tittle. ANSWER-Officer presence

Use this technique when you want a standing subject to sit, lie down, or move to another location. You can employ this technique from either the front or the side of the subject. Approach the subject safely.Use loud, repetitive verbal commands to let the subject know what you want him to do.Stabilize the subject. Locate the pressure point behind the ________. Apply pressure toward the feet until compliance. Decrease the pressure when the subject complies. Do not release control, just the pressure. If the subject begins to resist again, reapply the pressure.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-14)

(Pressure point techniques) Hollow Behind the Collarbone

Applying pressure to the sensitive area in the hollow behind the ____ is a good technique to use on a seated or prone subject or a subject who is holding onto a fixed object.Approach the subject safely.Use loud, repetitive verbal commands to let the subject know what you want him to do.Stabilize the subject's head and locate the pressure point in the vicinity of the hollow behind the _____.Apply pressure inward and toward the nose until compliance.Decrease the pressure when the subject complies. Do not release control, just the pressure. If the subject begins to resist again, reapply the pressure.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-13)

(Pressure point techniques) Hollow Behind the Ear

This technique performed at the jugular notch is usually used for thwarting an attack by balance displacement.Approach the subject safely. Use loud, repetitive verbal commands to let the subject know what you want TO do.Stabilize the subject.Locate the pressure point in the hollow of the front of the ____, just above the sternum.Apply pressure inward until compliance. For pain compliance, apply pressure inward and downward toward the stomach.For gag reflex, apply pressure inward and upward toward the back of the neck.Decrease the pressure when the subject complies. Do not release control, just the pressure. If the subject begins to resist again, reapply the pressure.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-16)

(Pressure point techniques) Hollow of the Neck

This technique works well to bring a seated, kneeling, or prone subject to a standing position.Approach the subject safely. Use loud, repetitive verbal commands to let the subject know what you want him to do.Stabilize the subject's head. Locate the pressure point under the ______. Apply pressure until compliance.Decrease the pressure when the subject complies. Do not release control, just the pressure. If the subject begins to resist again, reapply the pressure. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-12)

(Pressure point techniques) Under the Jaw

Approach the subject safely.Use loud, repetitive verbal commands to let the subject know what you want him to do.Stabilize the subject. Locate the pressure point under the base of the _____.Apply pressure upward toward the center of the brain until compliance.Decrease the pressure when the subject complies. Do not release control, just the pressure. If the subject begins to resist again, reapply the pressure.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-15)

(Pressure point techniques) Under the Nose

The cradle handgun retention technique is used when the subject grabs a drawn handgun's barrel. The person holding a handgun's barrel has greater leverage than the person holding its grip. The cradle changes the leverage to the officer's advantage.When a subject grabs your handgun: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of this technique. Widen your stance and lower your center of gravity. Step forward and bring the handgun closer to your chest. Wrap your nonweapon arm under the handgun and subject's hand and clamp them tightly to your chest. Lever the gun barrel upward to release it from the subject's grasp.Step back and create distance from the subject. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

(WEAPONS RETENTION) ANSWER-Drawn Handgun Retention

This technique should not be used unless the holster is firmly affixed to the belt.When a subject grabs your holstered handgun: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of this technique.Grab the bottom of your holster and lift outward. This cants the weapon into your body and prevents removal of the weapon.Adjust your stance to maintain balance.Deliver strikes to appropriate target areas as you twist your body and increase pressure on the subject's grip.Follow up with an appropriate technique(

(WEAPONS RETENTION) ANSWER-Holstered Handgun Retention

________ are a last resort when an officer believes that the subject is going to shoot him or her.

(Weapon Defense and Control: Handgun Disarming)TOPIC HEADIN ANSWER-Disarming techniques

Approximately ___ percent of officers murdered in the line of duty are killed with their own weapon. During a confrontation with a subject, an officer must control his or her weapons to keep the suspect from taking them.

(Weapon Defense and Control: Weapon Retention)topic heading answer-7.6

An officer may be involved in an encounter where the subject is armed with a weapon. ______ is a sophisticated technique and this portion of the curriculum provides only a basic knowledge of an edged weapon attack.

(Weapon Defense and Control:Defense Against Edged Weapons)TOPIC HEADING) ANSWER-Knife fighting

Officers who encounter an extremely stressful situation such as an officer-involved shooting may show signs of_________.They may also exhibit long-term memory loss, a temporary condition known as_________ . Particular memory-related phenomena in traumatic situations may include the following: During the actual incident, there is usually a sensory overload combined with a fixation on some particular aspect of the critical incident, often to the exclusion of all else. Immediately after the incident,___________will often result in a failure to remember the majority of the information observed in the incident.

1. post-traumatic stress disorder 2.critical incident amnesia(bold word) 3. post-incident amnesia

The physical skills in defensive tactics require what two things to master?

1. practice 2. repetition

Particular memory-related phenomena in traumatic situations may include the following: During the actual incident, there is usually a______overload combined with a________ on some particular aspect of the critical incident, often to the exclusion of all else.what are the two term answers?

1. sensory 2. fixation

Blocks to defend three areas of the body are covered in this section:WHAT ARE THE THREE?

1. the upper area,BLOCK 2. the mid area BLOCK 3. the low area BLOCK

Some empty-hand techniques can become deadly force if applied to a specific target area of the body that is likely to result in great bodily harm or death. Some examples of deadly force techniques include the___,____,___?THREE TERM ANSWERS

1. thumb strike, 2, elbow strike, and 3. eye gouge.

____ are another type of restraining device, typically used by correctional officers to secure a subject, particularly when moving an inmate from one location to another. To apply ____ chains, you will need verbal control of the subject.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Position the subject by having him face you with his hands in front and palms facing each other. The subject's hands should be approximately ___ inches away from his body.Facing the subject, you will place the handcuffs on his wrists,check for tightness, and then double lock the cuffs.Attach the black box to the handcuffs from the bottom up. Insert the elongated end of the chain to the _____- of the black box.Direct the subject to turn around, wrapping the chain around his waist through the belt loops. Have the subject pull his hands toward his body to take the slack out of the chain. Use a______ to go through both lengths of the chain and secure on the subject's side. (See Figure 4-24a)

1.Waist chains 2.waist 3..6 INCHES 4.backside 5. padlock

The desired state of awareness and readiness of an officer while on duty is Condition _____ . This allows an officer to be ready to move to Condition_______ and Condition ____ as appropriate for the situation. Officers should avoid Condition ______and Condition _____. what are the 5 color terms used in this paragraph in order?

1.Yellow and 4.white

There may be circumstances in which OC will not deliver the expected results. Any of the following factors could influence the results of the OC:SIX TERM ANSWERS?

1.a poorly placed discharge where the OC does not make contact with the subject's face, 2. the subject's mindset or 3. past experience with the chemical agent, or 4. the subject's drug use, 5. psychosis, or a 6. high pain tolerance.

(Factors for Deciding the Use of Deadly Force) Officers use three criteria for making deadly force decisions: what three terms?

1.ability, 2. opportunity, and 3. intent.

Scrubbing or using oil-based soaps to decontaminate can cause the contaminant to___AND____.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1.adhere to the skin and 2. prolong decontamination time.

When confronting a subject with unusual symptoms, an officer should immediately seek ________. Be careful of the position in which the subject is _______. Take care to maintain an open airway, and ensure continuous breathing and proper circulation until medical help arrives.

1.answer---medical attention 2.answer--restrained

The role of defensive tactics in law enforcement and corrections is to __________________________?

1.assist the officer in restraining or 2.arresting a subject. Depending on the situation, officers will use various levels of force in the application of defensive tactics techniques.

Both are generally deployed in the form of handheld _____AND_________. Special operations units may use other deployment systems such as______AND_________.FOUR TERM ANSWERS?

1.canisters and 2. chemical projectiles. 3. pepper foggers OR 4. gas guns.

Inmates will generally be unclothed and searched upon their arrival at the correctional institution after returning from____,_____,______,_____. There may be other occasions for a strip/unclothed search based upon _______, or if there is reason to believe an inmate ______________.THERE ARE SIX TERM ANSWERS?.

1.court, 2.other institutions 3., any place where they may have come in contact with the public.or 4.after an escape or attempted escape 5.AGENCY POLICY 6. POSSESS CONTRABAND

A law enforcement officer's authority to use force is established by the officer's reasonable belief that a ______,_______,______. Absent this belief, known as ________, a law enforcement officer has no authority over a subject, and thus no permission to use any amount of force at all.

1.crime has been, 2. is being, or 3. is about to be committed 4..reasonable suspicion

Using evasive and redirecting tactics may allow time to ___,___,____?THREE TERM ANSWERS?

1.disengage, 2. escape, or 3. use other force options.

(Preparation for Defensive Tactics Training) Because defensive tactics training is a physical endeavor, students should prepare for the activities required in this course by considering some changes in their daily habits. Students should a nutritious diet 2., get adequate rest, and 3. stay sufficiently hydrated to maximize the benefit of this training .Making these changes will enhance physical performance and minimize the risk of injury.

There are four instinctual reactions to fear-induced stress: what are they?

1.fight, 2. flight, 3. posture, and 4.submit

This chemical agent has the most desired effects when sprayed directly at the subject's ____. Caution should be used when discharging any chemical directly into the ____ due to the compressed nature of the chemical that discharges at a potentially dangerous velocity. The effects of a direct discharge into the eyes has been known to cause slight tears in the eye membranes which could lead to complications.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1.head 2.EYE

Falling properly reduces the potential for___ and ________ associated with falling, so you can assume an effective defensive position. Returning to a defensive stance puts you in a position to defend against further attack or control the subject.TWO TERM ANSWERS/

1.injury 2.minimizes the stunning effect

A subject's reaction to being sprayed can include ,SIX TERM ANSWERS?

1.loss of balance, 2. loss of coordination, 3. anger, 4.anxiety, 5.fear, and/or 6. panic.

Most takedowns use ________AND/OR_______to place the subject safely on the ground.

1.mechanical compliance and/or 2.balance displacement

There are four resistance levels,what are they?

1.passive resistance resistance 3.aggressive resistance 4.deadly force resistance

Physical force includes what three terms?

1.physical control, 2.the use of nonlethal weapons, and 3. deadly force.

(Preparation for Defensive Tactics Training) Defensive tactics skills require five things?

1.physical fitness 2., strength, 3. agility, 4.balance, and 5. flexibility.

what are three nutrients?

1.protein 2.Carbohydrate 3.fat

Apply a ______________ by following these steps: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Wrap your arm around the subject's neck so you can apply equal pressure to each side of the neck using your forearm and bicep by positioning your elbow in front of the subject's throat.Rotate the restraining forearm with palm down and grip that hand with your free hand. Your arm is aligned just below the subject's jaw line. The windpipe should be protected by the space created by the bend of the elbow.Apply pressure by using your bicep as a brace and closing your forearm towards your bicep.Stabilize the subject's head between your body and arm.Compress the neck until you get compliance or unconsciousness.Follow up with appropriate technique(s). (See Figures 4-60, 61, 62)Because this is a vascular restraint, releasing the hold will quickly replenish the blood flow and immediately revive the subject. Subject should regain consciousness within approximately __ seconds. If not, render medical aid.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

1.standard vascular neck restraint 2.30 SECONDS

Much litigation against criminal justice officers is not about the amount of force used, but whether the use of force __________.Though the law grants criminal justice officers the right to use force, this right is conditioned on their_______.

1.was permitted at all 2. official authority

In addition, the formula will include ___,____,_____, which hold the capiscum suspended so that the material does not sink to the bottom. This solution allows the capsicum material to remain suspended so that it is discharged evenly with every spray. This precludes the need for shaking the canister before deployment.

1.water, 2.vegetable oil, or 3. alcohol based solutions

how long do you hold for the neck stretch?

10 seconds

how long do you hold Both Arms Up Above Head Stretch?

10-20 seconds

how long do you hold Butterfly Stretch?

10-20 seconds

how long do you hold Forward Lunge Stretch?

10-20 seconds

how long do you hold Spinal Twist

10-20 seconds

how long do you hold the arm cross in front of chess?

10-20 seconds

how long do you hold the stretch for Both Arms in Front of Chest Stretch?

10-20 seconds

hpw long do you hold Behind Neck Tricep Stretch?

10-20 seconds

There is a loss of fine motor skills at a heart rate of approximately _____ beats per minute


There is a loss of complex motor skills at a heart rate of approximately_____ beats per minute


Within the formula,capsicum is mixed with a propellant consisting of ___,_____,_____ whose function is to expel the active ingredient from the canister.three term answer?

1carbon dioxide, 2. nitrogen, or 3. isobutane,

is any exercise that elevates the heart rate to a range between 60 to 85 percent of the maximum rate.When the heart rate is in that range, a person is training in a ________ or ________. _____________ has numerous health benefits. In addition to burning calories and eliminating body fat, it strengthens the heart and lungs. Since heart disease is the leading cause of premature death for both men and women, cardiovascular fitness is extremely important. Examples of cardiovascular exercises include walking,jogging, running, jumping rope, bicycling, swimming, and step aerobics.

Cardiovascular training Cardiovascular aerobic state Cardiovascular training

—The center of the abdomen can be struck with an empty hand. The expected effect when striking this area will be to disable or cause temporary respiratory or motor dysfunction.

Center of Abdomen (NDF)

what Chapter ,_______ F.S., establishes that the Department of Corrections has jurisdiction over the supervisory and protective care, custody, and control of inmates and offenders.

Chapter 945, F.S

____ is force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm . Some examples of _____force include use of a firearm, eye gouges, empty-hand strikes to the throat, and impact-weapon strikes to the side of the neck. Section_______, F.S. states: (1) The term "_______" means force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm, and includes, but is not limited to: a. The firing of a firearm in the direction of the person to be arrested, even though no intent exists to kill or inflict great bodily harm; and b. The firing of a firearm at a vehicle in which the person to be arrested is riding.

Deadly force Section 776.06, F.S. states:

____ resistance is a subject's hostile, attacking movements with or without a weapon that create a reasonable perception by the officer that the subject intends to cause and has the capability of causing death or great bodily harm to the officer or others. Some examples of _______ resistance include the following: • A subject refuses to drop a knife when ordered to by the officer and moves toward the officer. • A subject shoots or points a gun at an officer or other person. • A subject tries to use a vehicle to run down an officer.

Deadly force resistance

Use loud, verbal commands throughout the confrontation. As the subject strikes with the weapon, step to the outside of the attacking arm.Simultaneously overlap your hands forming a V to grab and control the subject's wrist. Step back and pivot to the rear while forcing the subject's attacking arm downward.Rotate the subject's arm elbow up.Control the subject's arm with downward pressure on the elbow.Keep the subject's arm straight with his wrist above his shoulder.Take the subject down using a straight arm or wrist technique.Apply pressure to the back of the subject's wrist to facilitate the weapon's release. Secure the edged weapon.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s)

Defense Against a Backhand Slash with an Edged Weapon

Use loud, verbal commands throughout the confrontation. As the subject strikes with the weapon, step to the inside of the attacking arm.Simultaneously overlap your hands forming a V to grab and control the subject's wrist.Step back and pivot to the rear while forcing the subject's attacking arm downward.Rotate the subject's arm elbow up.Control the subject's arm with downward pressure on the elbow.Keep the subject's arm straight with his wrist above his shoulder.Take the subject down by forcing his chest to the ground.Apply pressure to the back of the subject's wrist to facilitate the weapon's release. Secure the edged weapon.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

Defense Against a Forehand Slash with an Edged Weapon (1)

Use loud, verbal commands throughout the confrontation. Palm strike the subject's upper chest near his shoulder with both hands to stop the movement of the weapon arm.Using your arm closest to the subject's weapon arm, capture and secure his arm by encircling it. At the same time, strike the throat or face with your other hand or elbow.Utilize multiple strikes until the subject is disarmed and under control or until you can safely disengage.Use a takedown to put the subject in a prone handcuffing position.

Defense Against a Forehand Slash with an Edged Weapon (2)

Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the confrontation. As the subject strikes with the weapon, step to the outside of the attacking arm.With both hands, simultaneously grab and control the subject's wrist as you move your hips back. At the same time, push the weapon away from your body and strike the subject in the face with a head butt.Pivot to the outside while trapping the subject's arm between your arm and body with the subject's elbow up.Control the subject's arm with downward pressure on the elbow.Keep the subject's arm straight with his wrist above his shoulder.Take the subject down by forcing his chest to the ground.Apply pressure to the back of the subject's wrist to facilitate the weapon's release. Secure the edged weapon.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

Defense Against a Straight/Underhand Thrust with an Edged Weapon

Use loud, verbal commands throughout the confrontation. Palm strike the subject's upper chest near his shoulder with both hands to stop the movement of the weapon arm. Using your arm closest to the subject's weapon arm, capture and secure his armby encircling it. At the same time, strike the throat or face with your other hand or elbow.Utilize multiple strikes until the subject is disarmed and under control or until you can safely disengage. Use a takedown to put the subject in a prone handcuffing position. (See Figure 4-101

Defense Against an Overhead Stab with an Edged Weapon (2)

As in all the edged weapon defenses, speed, surprise, and clearing your body from the path of the weapon are key elements to success. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the confrontation.As the subject strikes down with the weapon, step to the outside of the attacking arm.Simultaneously overlap your hands forming a V to grab and control the subject's wrist. Step back and pivot to the rear while forcing the subject's attacking arm downward.Rotate the subject's arm elbow up.Control the subject's arm with downward pressure on the elbow Keep the subject's arm straight with his wrist above his shoulder.Take the subject down as in a straight arm takedown or outside wrist takedown. Apply pressure to the back of the subject's wrist to facilitate the weapon's release.Secure the edged weapon. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

Defense Against an Overhead Stab with an Edged Weapon(1)

____ are weapons that utilize a battery-powered current of electricity. The current is high voltage and low amperage and is considered safe when used on people. These devices control a subject through an artificial contraction of the muscles which may cause extreme muscular tension and complete structural dysfunction.

Electronic control devices (ECD) (also called electronic immobilization devices)

—For maximum effectiveness, most strikes are delivered utilizing penetration so that the striking object stays on or indented in the target for an instant allowing for energy transfer. When a major muscle mass is struck this way, it displaces the water content in the muscle and penetrates the nerves within, creating a shock wave. The effect on the subject will be greatly multiplied. This is known as the _________________. When delivering a strike, an officer strikes a muscle so that the striking object penetrates the muscle and nerves of the target area. This is a full transfer of kinetic energy that increases the power of the strike.

Fluid shock principle

what type of stretch is this? While standing, take a long step forward until your right knee is directly over your right foot. Keeping your back leg straight, your forward foot on the floor, and your hands on the front thigh, lower your hips slowly forward and down. The heel of your back foot may or may not be on the floor, depending on your flexibility. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Forward Lunge Stretch

Use this technique when confronted by a subject pointing a gun at you. This technique must be applied with speed and an element of surprise. Position yourself within arm's reach of the subject's handgun.Use dialogue to distract the subject. Place your hands at about shoulder height, palms facing the subject.Pivot and thrust with one hand to grab the subject's handgun and push it farther away from you. Bring up the opposite hand and grab the barrel from underneath.Drive the weapon toward the subject's center line straight up to a vertical position.Drive the barrel toward the subject's head as you rip the weapon straight back and create distance.Draw your own weapon and issue verbal commands.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s)

Front Disarming Technique

Use loud, clear verbal commands while completing the fall. Extend your bent arms slightly in front of your chest as in a natural bracing position. Fall forward to a prone position contacting the ground with the palms, forearms,and feet, keeping your mouth closed but exhaling upon impact. If falling with an unholstered weapon, make contact with the ground with just one palm. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-63)

Front Fall

Appropriate force is the amount of force reasonably necessary to make an arrest.The U.S. Supreme Court said in _______case law, 490 U.S. 386 (1989), that the reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of how a reasonable officer on the scene would respond, rather than from the 20/20 perspective of hindsight.To determine if an officer's actions were objectively reasonable, the courts look at the facts and circumstances the officer knew when the incident occurred. Courts recognize that criminal justice officers must make split-second judgments about the amount of force needed in a particular situation under circumstances that are tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving.what is the name of the case law?

Graham v. Connor

The ______ is a useful technique applied when a subject tries to pull away from the escort position or a bent wrist or finger lock transporter. This technique uses pain compliance and mechanical compliance with the subject's arm behind his back. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Maintain an appropriate stance. Make contact with the subject's arm by controlling the upper arm just above the elbow and wrist simultaneously. Mirror the controlled hand and rotate the subject's controlled hand while sweeping the subject's hand behind his back. Maintain control by bending the wrist. Control or move the subject, or follow up with an appropriate technique(s).(See Figure 4-20)

Hammer Lock Transporter

_________ may vary depending on the compliance level of the subject, but the basic steps for applying handcuffs are as follows: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Visually inspect and direct the subject into a preparatory position for handcuffing. Approach the subject. • Note: If a weapon has been drawn, safely manage the weapon before approaching the subject. Draw the handcuffs from the holder. Place one handcuff on one wrist. Place the other handcuff on the other wrist. Check for tightness.Double lock the handcuffs. Search the subject. This technique can be used from a variety of positions including standing from a rear or front approach (see Figure 4-23a), kneeling (see Figure 4-23b), or prone (see Figure 4-23c).With noncompliant subjects, use controlling techniques to apply the handcuffs.

Handcuffing techniques

_____ are temporary restraining devices used frequently to control a subject. Because _____ does not render a subject harmless, subjects should be continuously monitored to ensure officer safety. Applying ____ places the officer inside the reactionary gap or the danger zone. The subject may attempt to resist after the first _____ is applied. Prepare to respond with an appropriate control term answer?


—An officer may gain control over a subject by bending or twisting a joint in a direction that will cause pain or discomfort to the joint.

Joint manipulation

The following attack patterns are likely to be used from a knife-wielding subject:FIVE TERM ANSWERS?

Knife Patterns • straight thrust • overhead attack with one or two hands • slash forehand and backhand • reverse grip • cross X pattern with up and down movements

Use this technique if a subject has a gun pointed at your back. This technique must be applied with speed and an element of surprise.Establish a dialogue with the subject. Move back toward the subject as you talk. Raise your hands to shoulder height, palms facing forward.Step back and quickly turn around. As you turn, simultaneously use your closest arm to strike the subject's arm that holds the firearm in order to deflect the weapon.Grab the gun's barrel with both hands. Drive the weapon towards the subject's center line straight up to a vertical position.Drive the barrel toward the subject's head as you rip the weapon straight back and create distance.Draw your own weapon and issue verbal commands.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

Rear Disarming Technique

______ is facts or circumstances which reasonably indicate that the person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a violation of the law.

Reasonable suspicion

To perform ______ techniques, follow these steps: Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. As the subject attacks, pivot backward to evade his forward movement. Simultaneously bring both hands up in front of your face to protect vital areas. Push or slap at the subject's upper arm or shoulder to create distance. Move away from the subject at an angle or circle. Follow up with an appropriate technique(s).

Redirection Techniques

_____ and ______ movements are used to avoid or redirect an edged weapon attack. Evasion is simply shifting your body or side stepping to avoid the attack. Redirection is using your hands to move the subject away. Using evasive and redirecting tactics may allow time to disengage, escape, or use other force options. When redirecting, move in an angle or circle away from the attacker. Most people can run faster going forward than backward so the attacker has the advantage. By circling or angling away from the attack, the attacker has to adjust his direction of travel.TWO TERM ANSWERS?

Redirection and Evasion Techniques

The heat value of capsicum is measured in________. The ___ cale was originally designed for determining the heat properties (burning sensation) of peppers for the restaurant industry. Bell peppers are at the low end of the scale and cayenne pepper is higher on the scale. This is a fitting measurement for a chemical agent like OC which is in essence nothing more than a vegetable product voluntarily ingested by countless persons in the form of food and medicine. Though it is true that OC is hot, _____ are not to be equated with thermal degrees, and as such, do not present the burning dangers associated with fire.ONE TERM ANSWER?

Scoville Heat Units (SHU)

what type of stretch is this? While seated with both legs bent, bring your right ankle to your left knee. Support your upper body by placing your palms on the floor with fingers pointing away from your body. Bring both legs towards your chest. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

Seated Bent Knee Stretch

Section ______, F.S. addresses the issue of an officer using force to make an arrest: A law enforcement officer, or any person whom the officer has summoned or directed to assist him or her, need not retreat or desist from efforts to make a lawful arrest because of resistance—or threatened resistance to the arrest. The officer is justified in the use of any force: (1) Which he or she reasonably believes to be necessary to defend himself or herself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest; (2)When necessarily committed in retaking felons who have escaped; or (3) When necessarily committed in arresting felons fleeing from justice. However, this subsection shall not constitute a defense in any civil action for damages brought for the wrongful use of deadly force unless the use of deadly force was necessary to prevent the arrest from being defeated by such flight and, when feasible, some warning had been given, and: (a) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others; or (b) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm to another person.

Section 776.05, F.S

Section __________, F.S., states: (2) A correctional officer or other law enforcement officer is justified in the use of force, including deadly force, which he or she reasonably believes to be necessary to prevent the escape froma penal institution of a person whom the officer reasonably believes to be lawfully detained in such institution under sentence for an offense or awaiting trial or commitment for an offense. Use of deadly force may be an officer's first and only appropriate response to a perceived threat. Deadly force does not necessarily mean that someone died from the force used. It can cause great bodily harm or no harm at all. For example, returning fire is deadly force even if the officer misses the target. The officer must base his or her decision to use deadly force as a defensive tactic on a clear, reasonable belief that he or she, a fellow officer, or another person, faces imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.

Section 776.07, F.S., states:

Section _______, F.S. provides: (1)(a) An employee of the department is authorized to apply physical force upon an inmate only when and to the extent that it reasonably appears necessary: 1. To defend himself or herself or another against such other imminent use of unlawful force; 2. To prevent a person from escaping from a state correctional institution .when the officer reasonably believes that person is lawfully detained in such institution; 3. To prevent damage to property; 4. To quell a disturbance; 5. To overcome physical resistance to a lawful command; or 6. To administer medical treatment only by or under the supervision of a physician or his or her designee and only: a. When treatment is necessary to protect the health of other persons, as in the case of contagious or venereal diseases; or b.When treatment is offered in satisfaction of a duty to protect the inmate against self-inflicted injury or death.

Section 944.35, F.S. provides:

Use loud, clear verbal commands while completing the fall. Tuck your chin into your chest and roll forward onto the ground making contact with the outside edge of the bladed hand with your palms facing out and elbows flexed.Continue rolling from shoulder diagonally across to lower back.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-65)

Shoulder Roll

There are specific target areas for striking with an impact weapon.

Target Areas—Impact Weapons Strikes DF means deadly force and NDF refers to nondeadly force. Front of Shoulder (NDF)—Jab this target area with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Top of Forearm (NDF)—Strike the top of the forearm with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Inside of Forearm (NDF)—Strike the inside of the forearm with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Outside of Thigh (NDF)—Strike the outside of the thigh with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Inside of Thigh (NDF)—Strike the inside of the thigh with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Center of Abdomen (NDF)—Jab the center of the abdomen with an impact weapon. The expected effect will be to disable or cause temporary respiratory or motor dysfunction. Top of Calf (NDF)—Strike the top of the calf with an impact weapon. The expected effect is to disable or cause temporary motor dysfunction. Side of Neck (DF)—Striking the side of the neck with an impact weapon is deadly force. Head (DF)—Striking the head with an impact weapon is deadly force. Throat (DF)—Striking the throat with an impact weapon is deadly force. Groin (DF)—Striking the groin with an impact weapon is deadly force. (See Figure 4-83 on next page)

is small eye, hand, or foot movements in the direction that you plan to move.


__________ is a term the court uses to refer to all facts and circumstances known to the officer at the time, or reasonably perceived by the officer as the basis for, a use of force decision. The courts will look at the totality of circumstances in determining whether the decision was objectively reasonable and, therefore, legally justified. The totality of circumstances includes consideration of the subject's form of resistance, all reasonably perceived situational factors that may have an effect on the situation, and the response options available to the officer.

Totality of circumstances

Within the formula,______ is mixed with a propellant consisting of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or isobutane, whose function is to expel the active ingredient from the canister. In addition, the formula will include water,vegetable oil, or alcohol based solutions, which hold the _____ suspended so that the material does not sink to the bottom. This solution allows the capsicum material to remain suspended so that it is discharged evenly with every spray. This precludes the need for shaking the canister before deployment.


Exercise______ when applying a pressure point technique. The subject's hands are free and you must move inside the danger zone. Also be aware of the possibility of being bitten by the subject.


While Chapter 776, F.S., applies in general to all criminal justice officers, Chapter ___, F.S., specifically addresses the use of force by state correctional and correctional probabtion officers.

chapter 944 f.s

There is a loss of________skills at a heart rate of approximately 145 beats per minute. _______ skills combine fine and gross motor skills using hand and eye coordination timed to a single event, such as when driving a term?

complex motor skills

A______ is a distraction technique that inflicts pain and temporarily diverts a subject'sattention, redirecting the physical power of the subject's attack. It can be used to facilitate your escape or to apply controlling techniques. The foot stomp is very effective when a subject attacks from the front or from the rear in close quarters.Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.Assume an appropriate position.Transfer your weight.Lift the other leg, bending at the knee.Using the heel of the foot, deliver a downward thrust to the subject's foot.Follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-45)

foot stomp

The ________ must be done in a controlled manner, thereby minimizing potential harm to both officer and subject.Using the nomenclature illustration, identify the parts of handcuffs.Handcuffs or any other restraining device must be kept in working order. To properly holster or load the handcuffs, do the following: • Preset the single strands through the pawl, folding key ways together. • The single strands should point forward, with chain links or hinge downward.

handcuffing procedure

The____________ can be an effective option if an aggressive subject touches you in a threatening manner. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique.The subject reaches out toward your upper body.Grab the subject's hand with your thumb placed in the back of the subject's hand, wrapping your fingers around the blade edge of his hand. Rotate the subject's hand, anchoring it in the center of your chest and reinforcing the grip with your other hand. Quickly step rearward, forcing the subject's thumb down and his fingers toward his face.Maintain pressure until the subject is controlled.up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-51)

inside wrist takedown

When OC enters the eyes, it causes them to _______. The subject will feel an intense burning sensation and the capillaries of the eyes will dilate, causing the eyes to appear bloodshot. If the chemicals are inhaled, they will often cause coughing and gasping. If the gag reflex is activated, the chemicals may cause gagging and even vomiting. These are common reactions due to the irritation of the skin and slight swelling of the lining of the throat. The nasal cavity will also swell causing significant discharge of mucus, and sneezing. Officers should always use caution when approaching subjects who have been contaminated to prevent cross-contamination.

involuntarily close

The___________ is a good controlling technique because of the position in which you put the subject's arm. This transporter incorporates pain compliance, joint manipulation, and balance displacement. Use loud, clear verbal commands throughout the application of the technique. Maintain an appropriate stance. Make contact with the subject's arm by controlling the upper arm just above the elbow and wrist simultaneously. Raise the elbow upward, then roll the shoulder forward. Push the controlled arm behind the subject's back over your forearm placing your hand on the subject's tricep. Reach across the subject's back grabbing the opposite shoulder to bring him to an upright position. Maintain control, or follow up with an appropriate technique(s). (See Figure 4-21)

shoulder lock transporter

The movement in a hip escape is also known as_______.


What subject factors influence this situation? Weapon? Physical size? Demeanor? Others? What officer factors influence this situation? Training? Experience? Physical size? Others? What environmental factors influence this situation? Weather? Location? Presence of others?

situational factors

Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes (such as lentils), milk and milk products, vegetables, grains

sources of protein

Some situational factors may include the following: • severity of the crime • subject is an immediate threat • subject's mental or psychiatric history, if known to the officer • subject's violent history, if known to the officer • subject's combative skills • subject's access to weapons • innocent bystanders who could be harmed • number of subjects versus number of officers • duration of confrontation • subject's size, age, weight, and physical condition • officer's size, age, weight, physical condition, and defensive tactics expertise • environmental factors, such as physical terrain, weather conditions, etc The Force Guidelines (see Figure 4-2 on the following page) recognizes that officers make use of force decisions based on the________ at the time of the incident. Circumstances are fluid and dynamic. Formulating a valid response requires continual assessment as the situation changes.

totality of circumstances(situational factors)

The CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics course provides basic recruits with_______________?

training in the physical skills necessary for the use of force in controlling subjects and for self-defense. Although there is some classroom instruction, most of this course is physical training.

Many factors affect an officer's decision to employ disarming techniques This technique relies on several principles to be effective:FIVE TERM ANSWERS?

• Surprise—Do not telegraph to the subject that you plan to counterattack. *Telegraphing is small eye, hand, or foot movements in the direction that you plan to move. • Action is faster than reaction—When you enter the danger zone to deal with a subject, you are the initiator. The subject must react to your threat. • Verbal distraction—Reaction time increases when a subject processes two or more pieces of information at the same time. For example, ask the subject a question immediately prior to taking action. • Physical proximity—To initiate this technique, the subject's handgun must be within arm's reach.You can execute the technique equally well fromeither side. Although this lesson pertains to the handgun, you can apply the same concepts to a long gun. Your primary objective is to get the muzzle pointed in a different direction than toward you. After you are in position and make the decision to initiate the technique, speed, intensity, and follow-through are paramount.

Some negative features of ground fights include the following:FIVE TERM ANSWERS?

• The subject has immediate access to all of your equipment. • The ground is often a rough surface which can quickly scratch and tear the skin. • Equipment can become painful as you roll on the ground. • Ground fighting is an anaerobic physical activity which will quickly tire you. • The subject has easy access to your vital areas.

Some positive features of ground fights include the following:THREE TERM ANSWERS?

• The subject is close to you, allowing you to keep and maintain physical control. • The subject does not have the support of a strong stance to generate power for striking. • The subject is usually working against time and fearful that you may receive backup or other assistance.

Techniques for defense against edged weapons covered in this lesson include:FOUR TERM ANSWERS?

• defense against an overhead stab with an edged weapon • defense against a straight/underhand thrust with an edged weapon • defense against a forehand slash with an edged weapon • defense against a backhand slash with an edged weapon

There are several types of upright grappling body holds covered in this section:8 TERMS?

• escape from front chokehold • escape from rear chokehold • escape from front body hold over/under arms • escape from rear body hold over/under arms • escape from headlock • escape from front football tackle Transition to Ground Control: • hip roll • leg sweep

Ground escape techniques covered in this section include: 9 TERM ANSWERS?

• foundation • escape to the standing position • hip escapes • ground defense position • defend and escape from the supine position • defend and escape from side control • defend and escape from a full mount • defend and escape from a rear mount • defend and escape from a head-to-head prone attack

The most common types of intermediate weapons include the following:4 TERM ANSWERS?

• impact weapons such as batons or weapons of opportunity • specialty impact weapons such as bean bags or baton rounds • electronic control devices, such as a dart-firing stun gun like TASER® • chemical agents

There are several types of striking and kicking techniques covered in this section: 11 TERMS

• palm heel strike • punches • hammer fist strike • elbow strike • forearm strike • knee strike • backfist strike • front kick • back kick • side kick • angle kick Other strikes may be more appropriate in certain situations as distractions for escaping body holds, such as a head butt, foot stomp, shin scrape, or knuckle strike.

(Weapon Defense and Control: Weapon Retention)topic heading The following techniques are covered in this lesson:FOUR TERM ANSWERS?

• retention of intermediate weapon in carrier/holster • drawn baton retention • holstered handgun retention • drawn handgun retention

Stalling techniques for ground control covered in this lesson include:6 TERM ANSWERS

• scarf hold • arm bar • disengaging from the scarf hold • seated stall • follow-up from the seated stall • straddle stall

—immobilizing the subject's head so the subject cannot move or escape. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or torque on the neck or spine when _____ the head.

• stabilization

There are several types of takedown techniques covered in this section:WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THE FVE TAKEDOWN TECHNIQUES?

• straight arm takedown • hammerlock takedown • shoulder lock takedown • outside wrist takedown • inside wrist takedown

Many factors affect an officer's decision to employ disarming techniques:FIVE TERM ANSWERS?

• the proximity of the officer to the subject • the officer's belief that the subject is going to shoot him or her • the presence of other potential victims in the immediate area • the consideration of other reasonable options • the mindset and commitment to disarm the subject regardless of personal injury or initial failure

____touching the location of a nerve or sensitive area and applying continual, uninterrupted pressure with the tip of the finger(s) or thumb until the subject complies.

• touch pressure

Pressure point techniques covered in this lesson include the following:5 TERM ANSWERS?

• under the jaw • hollow behind the ear • hollow behind the collarbone • under the nose • hollow of the neck

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