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What did Demeter do to make up for the desolation?

made the crops and flowers return

Homeric Hymn to Demeter

Tells everything associated with the kidnapping of Persephone and what Demeter did to get her back.


Daughter of Demeter Maiden of Spring Spotted flower in meadow, Hades steals and take her to the underworld to marry her. Wife of Hades Spends four months with Demeter


Daughter of Demeter that was stolen away by Hades and taken to the underworld.


Daughter of demeter


Daughter's name

Four lovely maidens

Daughters of Metaneira who find Demeter (disguised as an old lady) and invite her to their home.

4 lovely maidens felt sorry for her


Became furious at Metaniera,for getting mad at her for helping her son


Devastated when she realized daughter had eaten in underworld


Didn't let earth bear fruit until found daughter


Dipped demophoon in ambrosia and fire every night


Explains reasons for seasons, especially winter


Heard daughters weeping and came to look for her


Left Olympus and came to earth as disguised mortal


Nursed demophoon


Sun told her daughter was dead


Told 4 maidens and mother build temple to gain back favor


Tried to make demophoon immortal


What goddess is Man's Best Friend?


Which goddess is mans best friend


Who is Ceres?


Who is Man's Best Friend (Goddess)?


Who is the goddess of the Corn


Who was a man's best friend (goddess)


gave fruit and food back


goddess of corn


who is the goddess of corn?



Demeter demanded that humans build this for her after Metaneira screamed at the site of Demeter putting Demophooooooooooooooön in the fire.

Eleusinian Mysteries

main festival to Demeter takes place in town near Athens -supervised by head priest of Athens - procession from Athens to Eleusis - Lesser Mysteries: held in Athens in the spring - Greater Mysteries: held in Sept and Oct, starts in Athens and ends in Eleusis

How long did it take to build the temple? What happened during this time period?

one year; nothing grew

What did Demeter tell the people of Eleusis by the well?

pirates had attempted to capture her, but she escaped

what did Demeter do for Metaneira in return for her friendliness

she gave Demaphoom eternal youth

how did Persephone get lost

she was lured away from her crew by a narcissus flower put there by zeus


sister of Zeus

Who told Demeter where Persephone is?

the Sun

barley water with mint

the cooling drink of the reaper

What was Persephone?

the queen of the underworld

What does this myth explain?

the reason for the seasons; especially winter


the sacred objects that the priest alone could reveal.

Held every 5 years in September and lasts for several days

Festival of demeter


Flower that distracted Persephone and allowed Hades to kidnap her

How many months of the year does Persephone have to stay in the Underworld?



Fruit that Hades forced upon Persephone that kept her in the underworld for one-third of the year. It is symbolic to a fruit of death.

Greater Mysteries

Full initiation into the cult.


Gift Demeter gives humanity to make up for the famine she caused when her daughter was taken from her.


God of light Tells Demeter Hades took Persephone.


God that steals Persephone


Goddess of Harvest Mother of Persephone Wandered Earth disguised as old woman Became attached to Demophoon, guaranteed immortal youth Fled, angered at Metaniera's reaction to her holding Demophoon in the fire In the loss of her daughter, made the crops not grow Apollo tells her Hades took Persephone


Goddess of corn

What was Demeter the goddess of

Goddess of corn


Goddess of corn, daughter of Cronus and Rhea

Tricked Persephone to eat pomegranate seeds


Who has a golden chariot that took Persephone


Who kidnapped Persephone?


who took Persephone and where

Hades and to the underworld

Pomegranate seed

Hades made Persephone eat a ______ ____ before she left the Underworld.

Pomegranate seed

Hades made Persephone eat this, requiring her to return to the Underworld.

What did Hades do to Persephone when she was leaving

He gave her a seed and she ate it making her go down to the underworld at least 4 months of the year

what did zeus do about Demeter

He sent Hermes to go gt her

Who did Zeus send to the Underworld?


Homeric Hymn to Demeter

- tells story of Persephone's abduction -Hades goes to ask Zeus for a queen since he is bored... Zeus arranges abduction of Persephone -She was picking flowers, picked a narcissus that was wonderful and sweet... the ground then opened up, Hades came out on a chariot and took her -Only two who heard her scream were Hecate and Helios -Demeter searches for her daughter for 9 days, then seeks out the two who heard and they tell her -Demeter refuses to eat,drink, and bathe -She went to Eleusis where she meets daughters of the king who take pity on her and give her a home -Hidden identity as Doso... she nurses Demophoon, the child of the queen -Gives Demophoon godlike powers by putting him into a fire each night, until queen sees this and fires Doso aka Demeter

Known for

-Abduction of Persephone by Hades -Eleusinian Mysteries


-Goddess of grain and harvest -seen holding wheat or some grain -Grouped with her daughter, Persephone (w/ Zeus) -cult statue at Knidos, never depicted nude (not sexual at all) -name means "EArth-mother" and is much diff. kind of mother goddrss -refined and PURE

Hades and Persephone

-nothing grows on earth while Persephone was in underworld, Demeter is too distraught Persephone eats a pomegranate, this causes her to stay half the year in the underworld and half with her mother -creation of the seasons

How long is Persephone sent to the Underworld?

4 months a year


A little town near Athens sacred to Demeter; site of her temple


A small town in which Demeter goes to the well, finds daughters of Metaniera and Celeus.

What is Demeter the Goddess of?


What did Demeter turn into

An old lady

Who told Demeter where Persephone was taken


Who told Demeter that Persephone was among the dead?

Apollo (Sun)


Brokers deal between Hades and Demeter Demeter gets Persephone for 4 months, Hades gets the rest.

What is Demeter's Roman Name


What is Demeter's Roman name?


What was Demeter's Roman name?


Olympus, mortal

Demeter left ________ and dwelt on earth disguised as a ________.


Demeter nursed ___________, Metaneira's son.

when Metaneira got angry at Demeter what did Demeter do and what was her command

Demeter showed herself as a goddess and demanded her to build her a temple

immortal youth

Demeter tried to give Demophoon ______________.


Demeter wandered to the town of ________ and sat by a well.

How did Demeter react to Persephone's return?

Demeter was happy, but she was upset when she learned that Persephone had eaten in the Underworld

Eleusinian Mysteries

Demeter's chief festival; held in Eleusis every five years over nine days in September


Demeter's daughter


Demeter's daughter; maiden of spring. Kidnapped by Hades and forced to live in the Underworld for four months every year (winter).


Demeter's mother


Demeter's name in Latin

Son of Metaniera


What is the name of the son of Metaneira that Demeter nursed?


Old Woman

Disguise Demeter uses in Eleusis; is asked to come back to the home of four lovely maidens; nurses Demophoön to give him immortal youth.



What town did Demeter wander to?


where did Demeter go when she left olympus



Eventually sent gods to Demeter to get her to allow humans to grow crops.

Why does Persephone have to return to the Underworld?

If you eat in the Underworld, then you have to return


Leader of Eleusis


Lost her daughter to whom?


Maiden of the Spring

What is Persephone the Maiden of? What is Persephone the Queen of?

Maiden of the Spring; Queen of the Underworld

What did she try to do with the ladies child

Make him have eternal youth


Man's best friend - goddess


Messenger of Demeter who she chose to spread her arts of agriculture.


Messenger that brought back Persephone

Who's house did Demeter go to?


who let Demeter go to their home


Got angry at Demeter


Mother of 4 maidens



Mother of four lovely maidens and the baby Demophoön

Demeter was waiting for Persephone

Nothing grew when _______ ___ ______ ___ _______.


Place where Demeter in disguise as an old woman went and the daughters of Celeus found her sitting by the well and invited her to their home. Actual place in Greece.

What did Hades make Persephone eat?

Pomegranate seeds

Daughter of Demeter


Hades carried her to underworld


Picked narcissus flower


Who is Demeter's daughter


Who is the Maiden of the Spring


Who is the Maiden of the Spring?


Who is the Queen of the Underworld?


Who is the Queen of the underworld


Who was Demeter's daughter?


maiden of spring


narcissus, Zeus

Persephone wandered away from her companions one day to pick a beautiful ____________ flower made by ______.


Persephone's name in Latin

Lesser Mysteries

Prelimanry steps in the initiation.


Primary centers of the Eleusian Mysterires.


Queen of the Underworld

Eleusian Mysteries

Religion cermemony in honor of Demeter and her daughter.

Who is Demeter's mom?


Who was sent to Demeter about letting her grow things again



Roman name for Demeter


Sent by Zeus to Hades...told Hades he had to let Persephone return to Demeter.


Sent by Zeus to tell Demeter her daughter would have to be in the Underworld for 4 months every year; comforted her as well.


She tried to give ________ to Demophoön


Son of Metaneira and Celeus; nursed by Demeter (disguised as an old woman)


Son of Metaniera (baby) Made to have immortal youth by Demeter

Where was Persephone taken

The Underworld


The ______ told Demeter that Persephone was among the dead.


The four lovely maiden's mother


The mother of the girls who brought Demeter in and the wife of Celeus.


The name of the son of Celeus and Metaneira whom Demeter nurses. She places him in the fire to make him immortal but the mother caught Demeter, made a big deal out of it and the child was to die in time.


The name that Demter referred to herself as when the daughters of Celeus asked for her identity. She claimed she was taken by pirates.

What did Demeter try to give Demophoon?

immortal youth


Time of year Persephone is in underworld

Bathed in ambrosia and placed in the fire.

Two things Demeter did to Demaphoön to give him immortal youth.

Pomegranate seeds

What Persephone are that made her go to underworld each year


What demeter is the God of

barley water with mint

What drink did Metaneira give to Demeter?


When Demeter came upon her she said that she heard the cries of Persephone but she did not see who stole her away.


When Demeter came upon him he said that he heard Persephone's cries and that it was Hades who took her. However, he warned her that Zeus had a part in it and that she should just let it go.

Abduction by Hades

When Hades abducted Persephone when she was in the field picking flowers with Oceanus daughters.

Persephone was with Hades

Winter was when ______ ___ ____ _____.

Made narcissus


Sent Hermes to hades to beg for persephones return


Who created the flower that Persephone plucked


Who made the Narcissus flower?


Who was Demeter's brother?


Who did Zeus send to Hades to beg for Persephone's return? Did Hades say yes or no?

Zeus sent Hermes; Hades agreed, but he made Persephone eat a pomegranate seed before she left

Demeter is the sister of who

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon

Who is Demeter the sister of? What is her daughter's name?

Zeus; Persephone


______ carried Demeter off to the Underworld in a gold chariot drawn by black horses.


________ lovely maidens felt sorry for Demeter and got permission to take her home.

What is a reaper?

a harvester

What did Demeter disguise herself as when she went on Earth?

a mortal old woman

what did Demeter do to Domophoom every night before she went to bed

anointed him with Ambrosia and put him in the fire

What is the procedure for giving one immortal youth?

anointing the person in ambrosia and placing them in fire


another word for harvester

What composed the drink that Metaneira gave Demeter? Who was this drink typically for?

barley water with mint; harvesters

why did zeus have to confront Demeter

because nothing was growing on Earth until Persephone returned

why did Persephone have to leave for four months out of every year

because that was the deal with Hades

What did the family have to do to win Demeter's favor back?

build a temple


daughter of Demeter


drink used during the Eleusian Mysteries.

Festival of Demeter is when?

every 5 years in September for 9 days

When was the Festival of Demeter held? How long did it last? Where was it?

every 5 years in September; 9 days; the temple at Eleusis

Who took Demeter in?

four girls, with permission from their mother, Metaneira

Who did Zeus send to convince Demeter to allow crops to grow again? How did Demeter react?

gods including Demeter's mother, Rhea; she said no

What did Hades use to take Persephone into Underworld?

golden chariot drawn by black horses

what did Hades do to make Persephone partially stay in the underworld

he made her eat a pomegranate seed

When did Demeter show herself as a goddess?

when she got angry with Metaneira when Metaneira screamed when she saw Demeter putting Demophoon in the fire

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