Dental Sciences Final

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*The vertical fold of tissue in front of and behind each palatine tonsil is the (select all that apply):*

- anterior faucial pillar - posterior faucial pillar - palatoglossal fold - palatopharyngeal fold

*The pulp is composed of which of the following tissues (select all that apply)?*

- connective tissue - nerve tissue - odontoblasts - lymph tissue

*Which of the following is a function of saliva (select all that apply)?*

- lubrication of the oral mucosa - assisting in speech - breakdown of starches - aids in swallowing

*The sublingual caruncle is the opening for which salivary ducts (select all that apply)?*

- major sublingual - submandibular

*In a pregnant woman, which of the following are known to increase risk for having a baby with a cleft lip or palate (select all that apply)?*

- smoking and other forms of tobacco use - prescription medications - environmental pollutants - family history - alcohol

*The esophagus is composed of which type(s) of muscle (select all that apply)?*

- smooth - skeletal - voluntary - involuntary

*In the Palmer System, permanent central incisors are assigned the number*



1. auriculotemporal nerve 2. trigeminal ganglion 3. incisive nerve 4. mental nerve 5. inferior alveolar nerve 6. lingual nerve 7. long buccal nerve


1. external auditor meatus 2. retrodiscal pad 3. lower joint space 4. articular disc 5. upper joint space 6. articular eminence 7. superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle 8. inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle

Label #1, 5, 6, 12

1. long buccal nerve 5. inferior alveolar nerve 6. lingual nerve 12. mental nerve


1. occipital lymph nodes 2. posterior auricular lymph nodes 3. preauricular lymph nodes 4. submental lymph nodes 5. submandibular lymph nodes 6. deep cervical lymph nodes 7. superficial lymph nodes


1: frontal bone 2: supraorbital notch 3: superior orbital fissure 4: lacrimal bone 5: ethmoid bone 6: inferior nasal concha 7: maxillary bone 8: vomer 9: mental foramen 10: mandible 11: piriform aperture 12: infraorbital foramen 13: zygomatic bone 14: nasal bone


1: nasopharynx 2: oropharynx 3: laryngeal pharynx 4: esophagus 5: epiglottis 6: soft palate

Label structures #1, 4, 5, 11

1: occipitalis 4: frontalis 5: orbicularis oculi 11: platysma


1: squamous suture 2: parietal bone 3: coronal suture 4: frontal bone 5: sphenoid bone 6: nasal bone 7: zygomatic bone 8: maxilla 9: mandible 10: zygomatic arch 11: styloid process 12: external acoustic meatus 13: mastoid process 14: temporal bone 15: occipital bone 16: lambdoid suture


1: sublingual fossa 2: mandibular foramen 3: mylohyoid ridge 4: submandibular fossa

Universal system symbol for tooth: permanent mandibular right central incisor


*The maxilla consists of a body and ____________ processes.*


Correct Universal system symbol for tooth: Permanent maxillary right second premolar


*How many surfaces does a posterior tooth have?*


How many surfaces are on a posterior tooth? Name them.

5 - occlusal, buccal, lingual, distal, mesial

The critical time for palatal development is ____ weeks.

7 - 11 weeks

*The Universal system code for the deciduous maxillary right second molar is ________.*


What two movements does the TMJ have to make to open the mouth?

A hinge movement partially opens the jaw, followed by a gliding movement allowing the mandible to fully open.

What is a point angle?

A point angle is a place on the tooth where three surfaces meet


A: coronoid process B: condyle C: mandibular notch D: mandibular foramen E: alveolar bone F: mental foramen G: mental protuberance H: body of mandible I: angle of mandible J: ramus

*Deep pits and fissures on the occlusal surface*

All of the above are true (serve as spillways, help to grind and pulverize food, promote plaque retention, allow for interdigitation during chewing)

*List three differences between the deciduous and permanent dentitions.*

Anteriors smaller in crown and root proportions. Molars wider mesiodistally. Roots of anterior teeth narrower and longer. Roots of posterior teeth narrow at CEJ. Root trunks of molars are short. Roots of deciduous molars are longer and narrower and flare apically to allow room for developing permanent tooth crowns. Cervical prominences give crowns bulbous appearance. Narrower occlusal surface buccolingually. Whiter color with bluish cast. Pulp chambers are large. Pulp horns extend high, closer to the enamel. Dentin thickness between pulp chambers and enamel is thinner.

List differences between the deciduous and permanent dentitions.

Anteriors smaller in crown and root proportions. Molars wider mesiodistally. Roots of anterior teeth narrower and longer. Roots of posterior teeth narrow at CEJ. Root trunks of molars are short. Roots of deciduous molars are longer and narrower and flare apically to allow room for developing permanent tooth crowns. Cervical prominences give crowns bulbous appearance. Narrower occlusal surface buccolingually. Whiter color with bluish cast. Pulp chambers are large. Pulp horns extend high, closer to the enamel. Dentin thickness between pulp chambers and enamel is thinner.

*The TMJ has three distinct types of movement. They are rotational, gliding, and subluxating.*

Both statements are false.

*The facial nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression and mastication. The facial nerve is the fifth cranial nerve.*

Both statements are false.

*The function of both incisors and premolars is to cut food. The function of molars is to cut, grind, and chew food.*

Both statements are false.

*The mandibular central incisor occludes with both the maxillary central incisor and the maxillary lateral incisor. Similar to other anterior teeth, a mandibular incisor is derived from five lobes, three facial lobes and two lingual lobes.*

Both statements are false.

*The mandibular foramen is located near the top of the ramus. The nerves and blood vessels for the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth and soft tissues enter the maxillae through the mandibular foramen.*

Both statements are false.

*The mental foramen is found within the maxilla. The mental nerves and vessels to the upper lip and facial anterior gingiva pass through the mental foramen.*

Both statements are false.

*The mental nerve supplies sensation to the floor of the mouth, the lingual mandibular gingivae, and the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. The mental nerve is joined by the chorda tympani, a branch of the facial nerve, to supply the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.*

Both statements are false.

*The parotid gland produces the most salivary volume of the major glands. It produces about 60% to 65% of salivary volume.*

Both statements are false.

*When incisors first erupt the incisal ridge is smooth. After the teeth have been in function for several months, mamelons, which aid in mastication, develop on the incisal ridge.*

Both statements are false.

Tooth roots do not always curve. If roots do curve, they typically curve distally.

Both statements are true

*A diastema is a space between two teeth in the same arch. When this occurs between the maxillary central incisors, it is often the result of a pronounced labial frenum.*

Both statements are true.

*Embrasures are spillways between the teeth that allow food to be shunted away from contact areas. While effective embrasures are self-cleaning, poorly contoured embrasures lead to gingival irritation and breakdown.*

Both statements are true.

*Exfoliation is the process by which the roots of a deciduous tooth are resorbed and dissolved until so little root remains that the tooth falls out. Resorption is the phenomenon where osteoclasts destroy the roots of primary teeth.*

Both statements are true.

*The oral cavity is divided into two parts. These are the vestibule and the oral cavity proper.*

Both statements are true.

*There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Twelve are in the thorax or chest region and eight are in the cervical or neck region.*

Both statements are true.

*Infections of the frontal sinuses can cause pressure and pain just above the eye because these sinuses are located just above the orbital cavity.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related

*A person who is crying will typically experience a runny nose because tears flow from the inner corner of the eye through the lacrimal gland.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

*The longer and more slender deciduous roots also flare more than those of the permanent dentition because this arrangement allows room for the developing permanent tooth crowns.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

*The muscles of mastication are innervated by the fifth cranial nerve because they develop from the first (mandibular) pharyngeal arch.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

*The parasympathetic nervous system is called the craniosacral outflow because fibers from this system come off the brain and spinal cord at the sacral level.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

*When a throat infection begins, the first group of nodes to become involved is the retropharyngeal nodes because they are behind the throat wall.*

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

Universal system symbol for: primary maxillary left central incisor


The muscles of facial expression are innervated by the ______ nerve.

Facial VII

*A tooth numbering system that always uses two numbers for each tooth is the*

Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI)

The period of permanent dentition begins when and ends when?

It begins when the last primary tooth is lost and ends when the last permanent tooth is lost.

*Each of the following is true about the uvula EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

It is a tubercle located within the soft palate

Why is the alveolar mucosa more red than the gingiva?

It is redder because the epithelium, or mucous membrane is thin and the red color from the underlying blood vessels shows through. Gingiva is thicker and the redness does not show through as much giving it a pink color.

*Which of the following is an example of a line angle?*


*The major role of sinus cavities is warming the air that flows into the respiratory system because the air passes over the cilia, which have an increased internal temperature.*

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct

*Fusion involves the joining of two adjacent teeth at the cementum because this process is associated with excessive production of cementum.*

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

*The celia have hairlike projections that perceive odors because they are located within the olfactory epithelium.*

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

*The olfactory and optic are the only cranial nerves that are not paired because they are centrally located in the intravertebral foramina.*

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

*The palatine glands are responsible for taste perception because they contain special taste-enhancing cells.*

NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.

Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve only contain sensory nerve fibers that supply structures of the head?

Ophthalmic V1 and maxillary V2

List the three extrinsic salivary glands and their associated ducts.

Parotid - Stenson's Submandibular - Wharton's Sublingual - Bartholin's

What is the largest extrinsic salivary gland and how much saliva does it secrete?

Parotid; about 30%

What tooth structures form from the dental sac?

Periodontal ligament; alveolar bone; cementum

What is the purpose of the soft palate in the swallowing process?

Prevents food and fluid from moving into the nasal cavities

What are the basic functions of the teeth?

Protecting the oral cavity. Acquiring and chewing food. Aiding the digestive system in breaking down food. Functioning in communication.

Universal system symbol for tooth: primary mandibular right first molar


*Which is most true of cementum?*

Sharpey's fibers are embedded in it

*A basic difference between canines and incisors is that canines develop from four developmental lobes whereas incisors develop from three. The canines are the most stable teeth in the mouth.*

The first statement is false; the second is true.

*All muscles of mastication insert into the disc of the TMJ. The blood supply to these muscles comes from the maxillary artery, which is a branch of the carotid.*

The first statement is false; the second is true.

*There are 24 bones that make up the skull. Fourteen bones make up the bones of the face.*

The first statement is false; the second is true.

*Gemination occurs most frequently in the permanent dentition. It is the splitting of the tooth into two crowns and separate roots.*

The first statement is true, the second is false.

*Retruded teeth are lingually inclined. Retruded permanent central incisors are associated with class III occlusion.*

The first statement is true, the second is false.

*A cyst can form during the fusion of the palate. If the cyst develops along the fusion line of the two palatal shelves, it is known as a globulomaxillary cyst.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*At about the sixth embryonic week, there is a continued thickening in the dental lamina. These localized thickenings correspond to the positions of the twenty teeth of the future primary dentition.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*Development of a cleft palate occurs between the 7th and the 11th week. If it occurs early, only the soft palate or uvula will be affected.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*In a partially erupted tooth, the visible portion is called the clinical crown. The anatomic crown is not yet fully formed.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*Primary teeth are whiter than their permanent successors. They are smaller in crown dimension but have roots approximately the same size as the permanent dentition.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*The maxillary artery has branches that supply all of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. It also supplies the tongue and floor of the mouth.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*The parasympathetic nervous system controls salivary secretions. It also controls blood flow to the salivary glands.*

The first statement is true; the second is false.

*Turner s tooth results in notched incisors and mulberry molars because prenatal syphilis disturbs normal tooth formative processes.*

The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct.

*Following a superior alveolar nerve block, a hematoma near the maxillary molars can occur because the buccal artery is very close to the maxillary tuberosity.*

The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT correct.

*The term for misplaced sebaceous glands occurring in the oral cavity is rugae.*

This statement is false.

*The muscles of facial expression and tastes are controlled by cranial nerve:*


What minor salivary glands are contained on the tongue and with what papilla are the associated.

Von Ebner's - circumvallate

Which of the following groove patterns is the most dominant form of mandibular second premolars?


What is a line angle? Name the six line angles for the anterior teeth.

a line angle is a place on the tooth where two surfaces meet. Line angles of the anterior teeth are distolabial, mesiolabial,distolingual,mesiolingual, linguoincisal, and labioinscial

A maxillary first premolar may be identified by:

a noticeable mesial concavity in the cervical area

*A dilacerated root is one that exhibits*

a sharp bend in the root

Which of the following cranial nerves does not have a sensory ganglion?


*Edentulous refers to*

absence of teeth

*Under normal circumstances, sinuses are filled with*


*Which molars have a mesial and a distal root?*

all mandibular molars

Which molars have a mesial and a distal root?

all mandibular molars

The structure of the mandibular lateral incisors, when compared with the mandibular centrals, is:

almost identical but larger

*Which structure is the MOST vascular in appearance?*

alveolar mucosa

What is the enzyme found in saliva that aids in carbohydrate digestion?


Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: Lingual Frenum

anterior (inside oral cavity)

What nerve supplies the maxillary incisors?

anterior superior alveolar

What are some causes for TMJ pain?

arthritis, muscle spasm

The ____________________ divides the TMJ into upper and lower joint cavities.

articular disc

The nervous system is divided into two major categories. the central nervous system and the ______ nervous system.


What component of the nervous system controls involuntary movement of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands.


What are tori or torus and where are they commonly located?

bony growths that are located on the hard palate or lingual to the premolars on the mandible

*Nightguards are MOST often prescribed for*


*A buccal abscess of a mandibular molar initially drains into the*

buccal vestibule

This facial muscle of expression also is an accessory muscle of mastication and aids in chewing food.


What is the first stage of tooth development AND what develops during this stage?

bud stage - enamel forms

*What is the bony projection that is a part of the support for canines?*

canine eminence

What is the bony projection that is a part of the support for canines?

canine eminence

At what stage in tooth development do the dentin and pulp form and what is the organ called?

cap stage - dental papilla

What is the junction of enamel and cementum called?

cementoenamel junction or CEJ

*The CEJ is where the enamel meets the*


*The dental tissue that most resembles bone is*


*What three major components make up the attachment unit of the periodontium?*

cementum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament

A child 14 months of age should normally have which deciduous teeth present in the mouth (all four quadrants)?

centrals, laterals, first molars

*Each of the following structures is supplied by branches of the internal carotid artery EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*


*The prominence on the cervical third of the lingual aspect of anterior teeth is called the*


*What is the rounded, raised (convex) area on the cervical third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth called?*


What is the rounded, raised (convex) area on the cervical third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth called?


Which of the following papillae are positioned between the anterior two thirds and posterior one third of the tongue?


What occlusion class is this:

class I

What occlusion class is this?

class II division I

What occlusion class is this:

class III

Which occlusion is associated with a prognathic profile?

class III

List five functions of saliva.

cleanses and moistens the mouth, cleanses the taste buds, contains ions that regulate pH, contains calcium and phosphate ions to assist in hydroxyapatite formation, contains amylase that digest carbohydrates, contains enzymes to clot blood faster Makes swallowing food easier

Any exposed portion of a tooth in the oral cavity is referred to as the ____________________.

clinical crown

The action of the orbicularis oculi is to ________.

close the eyelids

The action of the orbicularis oris muscle it to_________.

close, compress and pucker the lips

*The articular disc is a fibrous pad of which tissue type?*


*The fusion of two neighboring roots at the cementum is called_______.*


*Which of the following muscles would play a major role in a frown?*


What is the technical term for clicking/popping of the TMJ?


*Which of the following describes the typical groove pattern on the occlusal surface of the permanent mandibular second molar?*


Which of the following describes the typical groove pattern on the occlusal surface of the permanent mandibular second molar?


What is the difference between the curve of Spee and the curve of Wilson?

curve of Wilson can be seen from the buccal of one side to the buccal of another. Curve of Spee rises in an anterior to posterior direction

*In the Universal System the letter L represents the ________________.*

deciduous mandibular left first molar

*Each of the following is a parasympathetic function EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

decreases salivary gland secretion

*When an enamel organ is invaginated internally during tooth development, it is referred to as the following?*

dens in dente

The ________ muscle pulls down the corners of the mouth as in a grimace.

depressor anguli oris

*The midgut forms all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

descending colon

What two body systems share a passageway with the pharynx?

digestive and respiratory

*A sharp curvature of the root is called _____.*


Which proximal surface is farther away from the midline?


*In the illustration below, structure d is the*

distal marginal ridge

*The enamel organ originates from the*


*Each of the following is true of deciduous teeth as compared with permanent teeth EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

enamel is thicker and more protective

*Each of the following is an example of microdontia EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

enamel pearl

*Peristaltic contractions take place in the*


*The sinuses that are subdivided into numerous small compartments are the ____ sinuses.*


Which paranasal sinus contains air cells that the others do not?


Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: Philtrum

external (outside oral cavity)

Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: Vermillion Border

external (outside the oral cavity)

A patient complains of loss of taste and is not capable of smiling on the left side of the face. Which cranial nerve is most likely affected?


*Eyesight is supplied by cranial nerves II and III. (T/F)*


*Food moves directly from the pharynx to the stomach. (T/F)*


*Maxillary lateral incisors vary in form more than any other teeth in the mouth. (T/F)*


*Mumps is a bacterial infection of the parotid gland. (T/F)*


*Permanent first molars are succedaneous teeth. (T/F)*


*The earliest signs of tooth development are seen during the tenth week in utero. (T/F)*


*The gingival sulcus is the space between the tooth and the mucogingival fold. (T/F)*


*The muscles of mastication are innervated by the facial nerve. (T/F)*


*The olfactory nerve has sensory and motor functions. (T/F)*


*The permanent molars develop from successional lamina. (T/F)*


*The pterygomandibular raphe is a cartilage nodule that runs between the medial pterygoid plate and esophagus. (T/F)*


*The soft palate consists of three pairs of muscles. (T/F)*


*The suture line between the sphenoid and occipital bones disappears when a child reaches puberty. (T/F)*


*Tongue thrusting can cause an overbite. (T/F)*


All cranial nerves have both motor and sensory functions. (T/F)


Deciduous incisors and canines are replaced by permanent first and second molars in the adult. (T/F)


Maxillary teeth erupt before their mandibular counterparts. (T/F)


On anterior teeth, the curvature of the CEJ is the same on mesial and distal surfaces. (T/F)


The eruption sequence varies little from person to person. (T/F)


The lining mucosa of the cheek wall is normally composed of keratinized epithelium. (T/F)


There are 12 pairs of spinal nerves. (T/F)


The space between the left and right palatine tonsils is known as what?


The throat, the area between the anterior and posterior tonsillar pillars is known as _________.


Hairy tongue results in an elongated growth of which tongue papilla?


Which of the following papillae on the tongue have NO taste buds on them?


What is the function of lymph nodes?

filter lymph; fight infection; form lymphocytes and antibodies

*A patient has porcelain crowns on #3 and #14. These are the permanent maxillary*

first molars

*A 6-year-old has a space maintainer on the area of the deciduous mandibular left first molar. Which permanent tooth will erupt in the space?*

first premolar

*The thyroid gland originates from the*

foramen cecum

The motor fibers of the trigeminal nerve leave the skull through the ______.

foramen ovale

*A cluster of sebaceous glands observed on the buccal mucosa is most likely:*

fordyce granules

Remnants of sebaceous glands that open into the oral cavity are known as ____________________.

fordyce granules

The shallow depression (concave area) on the lingual surface of the anterior teeth is called a ________.


*What three major components make up the gingival unit of the periodontium?*

free gingiva, attached gingiva, alveolar mucosa

*In ______ the tooth divides into two teeth while developing.*


*Which part of the spinal cord is arranged in the shape of a butterfly?*

gray matter

Nerve that innervates the palatal gingival of the molar and premolar teeth?

greater palatine nerve

*Torus palatinus is seen on the*

hard palate

*Decay progresses quickly in deciduous teeth due to each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

harder enamel

*What are the arrows pointing to in the illustration below?*

height of curvature

Define overjet.

horizontal distance between the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth

*The shape of the hyoid bone resembles a*


*The nasopalatine nerve leaves the nasal cavity through which foramen?*


*The genial tubercles (or mental spines) are located on the*

internal anterior portion of the mandible

In comparison with the mandibular canine, the maxillary canine

is less likely to be bifurcated

*Each of the following is true of the parotid gland EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

it is located within the mental foramen

*The canines' stability can be attributed to all of the following factors EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

large cingulum

*The dental papilla is first seen in the _______ stage.*

late bud stage

*If there is a deviation to one side during protrusion of the mandible, which muscle isn't functioning properly?*

lateral pterygoid

Which muscle most directly affects TMJ movement?

lateral pterygoid

The ____muscle divides the maxillary artery into three parts.

lateral pterygoid muscle

The _____ligament limits both lateral and posterior displacement of the mandible.

lateral tempormandibular

*In the Universal System, #19 refers to permanent mandibular*

left first molar

What muscle is being used to produce this expression of raising one side of the upper lip?

levator labii

*Which of the following is the largest, longest, and strongest root of the maxillary molars?*


Which of the following is the largest, longest, and strongest root of the maxillary molars?


*In the illustration below, structure a represents the*

lingual fossa

*In the following illustration, structure a is the*

lingual frenum

*In the illustration below, structure c is the*

lingual groove

Nerve that innervates the floor of the mouth?

lingual nerve

Nerve that innervates buccal gingiva of the mandibular molar teeth?

long buccal nerve

*An unusually large tooth is an example of*


*The rounded protuberances on the incisal edge of a newly erupted incisor are called*


*Each of the following is a paranasal sinus EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*


The _____division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the foramen ovale.


*This tooth has one root and one root canal. It has one of the longest roots of all the teeth. About 30% of the time, there is a bifurcation at the apical third. This tooth is a _____,*

mandibular canine

The contact areas on this canine are more incisally located.

mandibular canine

The cusp tip on this canine is lingually inclined.

mandibular canine

This canine shows labioincisal wear.

mandibular canine

This tooth has one root and one root canal. It has one of the longest roots of all the teeth. About 30% of the time, there is a bifurcation at the apical third. This tooth is a ________.

mandibular canine

A maxillary canine can be distinguished from a mandibular canine by which of the following characteristics?

mandibular canines have a less prominent cingulum

*Smallest of all incisors is the _____.*

mandibular central

Occludes with only one opposing tooth - which tooth is this?

mandibular central

Smallest of all incisors is the _____.

mandibular central

*Which is the largest mandibular molar?*

mandibular first

Which is the largest mandibular molar?

mandibular first

Which molar has a distal cusp?

mandibular first

Name the first permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity.

mandibular first molars

Crown appears rotated on it's root axis is which incisor?

mandibular lateral

Name of tooth: Universal L

mandibular left first molar

Name of tooth: Universal 21

mandibular left first premolar

*In the deciduous dentition, tooth "K" refers to*

mandibular left second molar

Name of tooth: Universal 17

mandibular left third molar

When the mouth is closed, the condylar head of the mandible lies in the _____ of the temporal bone.

mandibular or glenoid fossa

Name of tooth: Palmer 7 - lower right quad

mandibular right second molar

Name of tooth: Universal T

mandibular right second molar

*Which molar has four major, almost equal cusps?*

mandibular second

*Which premolars often has two lingual cusps?*

mandibular second

Which molar has four major, almost equal cusps?

mandibular second

Which premolars often has two lingual cusps?

mandibular second

The last of these teeth to erupt are

mandibular second molar

*List three of the most commonly congenitally missing teeth.*

mandibular third molars, maxillary third molars, maxillary lateral incisors

*Which muscle is mainly associated with chewing?*


*It is possible that a periapical infection of a tooth may involve the ____ sinus,*


The blood supply to the primary muscles of mastication is derived from what artery?


Which branch of the external carotid artery supplies the teeth?


Which sinus - if infected could be mistaken for a toothache?


*A swelling below the eye is MOST likely caused by infection from the*

maxillary canine

*In the illustration below, Figure B is a*

maxillary canine

This canine has the largest cingulum.

maxillary canine

The widest (mesiodistally) incisor is the _______.

maxillary central

*Which premolars usually always have two roots?*

maxillary first

Which premolar has a deep mesial marginal developmental groove?

maxillary first

Which premolars usually always have two roots?

maxillary first

*Each of the following teeth is developed from four lobes EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

maxillary first molar

On which tooth and cusp is the tubercle or cusp of Carabelli located?

maxillary first molar mesiolingual cusp

*In the following illustration, structure a is the*

maxillary labial frenum

Which of the following structures may cause a diastema?

maxillary labial frenum

*Which incisor has a lingual pit?*

maxillary lateral

*Which incisor most often displays variations in form?*

maxillary lateral

This incisor often has a lingual pit.

maxillary lateral

Which incisor most often displays variations in form?

maxillary lateral

*Which of the following teeth would NOT be found in proximity to the floor of the maxillary sinus?*

maxillary lateral incisor

Last incisor to erupt is the ______.

maxillary lateral incisor

Name of tooth: Universal 10

maxillary left lateral incisor

Name of tooth: FDI 25

maxillary left second premolar

*The infraorbital nerve supplies sensation to each of the following EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

maxillary lingual gingiva

Which of the following structures or features are found in numbers of four in the oral cavity only during the permanent dentition period?

maxillary premolars

What two processes form the upper lip and the palate in embryo?

maxillary process and medial nasal process

*Each of the following areas drain into the submandibular nodes EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

maxillary third molars

*______ are most likely to be congenitally missing.*

maxillary third molars

*Each of the following structures is part of the hard palate EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

maxillary tuberosity

*A maxillary tori*

may need to be removed or reduced prior to the fabrication of a full denture

*The area underneath each concha is known as a __________.*


*The midline that shows fusion of the hard palate is called the*

median palatine suture

*Sensation to the skin of the lower lip and chin is supplied by which nerve?*


*Which is the more acute incisal angle on the maxillary central incisors?*


Which is the more acute incisal angle on the maxillary central incisors?


Which proximal surface is closest to the midline?


*In the illustration below, structure b is the*

mesial marginal ridge

*A malformed supernumerary tooth that is found at the maxillary midline is a _______.*


Which of the following are class traits of all molars?

molars have the largest occlusal surfaces of any teeth in the dentition, molars have two or three roots, molars have three to five major cusps

*In the following illustration, structure c is the*

mucogingival junction

*Which muscle forms the floor of the mouth?*


What nerve must be anesthetized in order to perform a dental procedure to the palatal gingiva onf the maxillary anterior teeth?


What are the three divisions of the pharynx?

nasopharynx, oropharynx, and Larengeal pharynx

*The base of the sulcus is composed of which of the following?*

non keratinized epithelial tissue

*The following bones of the skull are paired EXCEPT for one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*


*A(n) _______ is composed of calcified dental tissue.*


*Each of the following has a role in trapping contaminants that enter the nasal cavity EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

olfactory epithelium

*An open bite refers to*

open contact between the arches

What are some causes of TMJ disorders?

opening jaw beyond normal range; overuse of the TMJ with grinding of the teeth or bruxism; erosion of the disc; malocclusion; and fatigue of the muscle

The trigeminal nerve has three divisions. List them.

ophthalmic maxillary mandibular

*The facial artery is the blood supply for all of the following EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?*

oral and nasal cavities

*The muscle that closes the eye and produces winking, blinking and squinting is the*

orbicularis oculi

*Which muscle compresses the lips?*

orbicularis oris

What occlusion condition is this?


Excessive horizontal protrusion of the anterior teeth is:


Which of the following afferent modalities are considered general sensation?


*The structure located between the anterior and posterior pillars is the*

palatine tonsil

*A fascial infection of the submental space would spread to which space?*


What muscle is being used to produce this expression which is a grimace?


At what stage in eruption are the teeth fully erupted and in occlusion with the teeth in the opposing arches?

post eruption

Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: Buccal Mucosa

posterior (inside oral cavity)

Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: Uvula

posterior (inside oral cavity)

Identify the following structure according to their location within or around the oral cavity: fauces

posterior (inside oral cavity)

*Which teeth are not present in the deciduous dentition?*


Which teeth are not present in the deciduous dentition?


*Each of the following is a function of embrasures EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

prevent gingival stimulation

*Each of the following incorrectly describes the canine eminence EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

projection of bone

*The sensation of pain is felt in which part of the tooth?*


The maxillary incisors in a class II, division II, malocclusion are


*Which cancerous structure would be MOST difficult to successfully treat?*

root of tongue

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the maxillary central incisor?

rounded mesioincisal line angle

Calcium deposits that are formed within the salivary glands**

salivary stones

Where is the parotid gland?

side of the cheek?

The first signs of tooth development appear in what week of embryo?


In which of the following is a maxillary second premolar different from a maxillary first premolar?

size of cusps and number of roots

Name the special senses and their associated cranial nerve

smell - olfactory I; Vision Optic II; Taste - facial VII and glossopharyngeal IX and vagus X; equilibrium - vestibulocochlear VIII; hearing - vestibulocochlear VIII.

Define open bite

space left between the teeth when the jaws are closed

*Which of the following muscles is palpated during an extraoral examination?*


What is the term used to refer to the primitive oral cavity?


*In the following illustration, structure c is the*

sublingual caruncle

*Which structure is most closely located to the lingual frenum?*

sublingual caruncle

*In the following illustration, structure b is the*

sublingual fold

What is another term for dislocation of the TMJ?


*Which salivary gland can be palpated below the inferior border of the mandible?*


Which gland produces


Name the lymph nodes that drain the lateral surface of the floor of the mouth.

submandibular lymph nodes

*Ludwig's angina refers to an infection in which space?*


*The mandibular incisors are drained by which nodes?*


Name the lymph nodes that drain the central incisors.

submental lymph nodes

The TMJ is a ______type of joint.


*Incisors and molars are malformed due to which sexually transmitted disease?*


*The [arrow] is pointing to which bone?*


*The _________ bone articulates with the condyle of the mandible to form the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).*


List the four muscles of mastication AND what action they complete.

temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid - all close the mouth or elevates and retrudes the mandible; lateral pterygoid - opens the mouth or depresses and protrudes the mandible

*Which of the following are true of attached gingiva?*

the epithelial layer is thick and keratinized, the tissue can have a stippled texture, the tissue is fixed and firmly attached to the bone and cementum

When the two cusps of the maxillary first premolar are compared,

the lingual cusp is both shorter and narrower

*Each of the following is true of the maxillary sinus EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?*

the maxillary sinus is one anatomic structure that almost never varies among individuals

*Attached gingiva is found between:*

the mucogingival junction and the free gingival groove

*Which of the following is NOT true of maxillary first premolars?*

the roots are the mesial and distal

Which of the following is NOT true of maxillary first premolars?

the roots are the mesial and distal

When the mandibular first and second molars are compared, in what way are the two different?

the second does not have a distal cusp

*Furcation refers to:*

the splitting of a root trunk in to terminal roots

Furcation refers to:

the splitting of a root trunk in to terminal roots

What is the difference between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

they have opposing functions; parasympathetic decreases heart rate; sympathetic increases heart rate; neurotransmitters are different for each - para and sympathetic both release acetylcholine. sympathetic also releases adrenaline or epinephrine. Sympathetic known as the "fight or flight mechanism" Parasympathetic known as the vegetative system or the "rest and digest mechanism.

What is the purpose of the synovial fluid secreted in the TMJ?

to lubricate the joint to reduce friction and wear on the articular surface

*Small clumps of cells that will later form teeth are called*

tooth germs

How many roots are present in trifurcated and in bifurcated teeth?

trifurcated teeth have three roots and bifurcated teeth have two roots

*The ophthalmic division is a branch of which nerve?*


Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?

trigeminal V

The muscles of mastication are innervated by the ________ nerve.

trigeminal- Cranial nerve V

*All lymphatic vessels in the head and neck area ultimately drain into the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins. (T/F)*


*All the muscles of mastication are attached to an area of the mandible. (T/F)*


*Cellular cementum has the ability to reproduce itself. (T/F)*


*In class I occlusion the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with the buccal groove of the mandibular first molar. (T/F)*


*Infections that reach the posterior mediastinum can be fatal. (T/F)*


*Mandibular lateral incisors are distolingually inclined when viewed incisally. (T/F)*


*Only the Palmer and Universal System use letters to represent deciduous teeth. (T/F)*


*Roots of molars can be bifurcated or trifurcated. (T/F)*


*Subluxation occurs when the mandible is opened wide. (T/F)*


*The blood supply to the tongue comes from the lingual artery. (T/F)*


*The cap stage begins when the concavity of the tooth buds becomes slightly concave. T/F)*


*The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. (T/F)*


*The cribriform plate is the passageway for olfactory nerves from the nasal cavity to the brain. (T/F)*


*The curve of Spee deepens with age. (T/F)*


*The dental lamina thickens first at the anterior midline. (T/F)*


*The external jugular vein empties into the subclavian vein. (T/F)*


*The free gingiva extends from the gingival margin to the base of the gingival sulcus. (T/F)*


*The gingival papilla is located in the interdental space. (T/F)*


*The indentation at the midline above the upper lip is called the philtrum. (T/F)*


*The lateral margin of the external nose is known as an ala. (T/F)*


*The mandibular arch is divided into the maxillary and mandibular processes. (T/F)*


*Third molar roots continue to calcify until about 25 years of age. (T/F)*


*When the maxilla outgrows the mandible, a class II occlusion often results. (T/F)*


Girl's teeth erupt earlier than boy's teeth. (T/F)


The distal incisal edges of anterior teeth are more rounded than the mesial incisal edges. (T/F)


The permanent mandibular first molar usually has

two root canals in the mesial root, one in the distal

The majority of the muscles of the pharynx are innervated by the _____ nerve.

vagus X

*Lymphatic fluid empties into which system?*


What two bones make up the nasal septum.

vomer and ethmoid

*A pressure point on the mandible for control of facial bleeding is located*

where the facial artery and vein cross the inferior border of the mandible

*Another name for the cheekbone is the ___________ bone.*


*The [arrow] is pointing to which bone?*


*Which nerve goes up into the orbit and exits to supply the skin of the cheek and temple?*


*Which of the following muscles plays a role in smiling?*

zygomatic major

The _____ muscle elevates the corners of the mouth as when smiling.

zygomaticus major

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