deputy port pilot practice exam final

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at best, the holding power of the anchor itself, without the weight of the chain, is about _____ time sits own weight


the design depth alongside pier 51C is ________


Depending on the specific design, a tractor or ASD tug can use direct towing at ship speeds of ____ knots or less, and indirect at higher speeds.


starting a turn on a fully loaded ship takes time; it takes even more time to stop a swing because of the

Rotational momentum

the effect of transverse thrust of the propeller working astern is greatest when the pivot point is _____, and the ship _____

forward, has slight headway or is stopped

at low speed, ____ is responsible for the most of the underwater resistance met by the vessel

frictional resistance

it goes without saying that the type of seabed is if paramount importance to dredging _____ being the most obvious choice

soft mud

the most important factor in an overtaking situation is a ships


the force of the tide upon a ship varies in direct proportion to the ______

square of the tidal velocity

What is the difference between dynamic and static trial manuever

static displays only final of simulation

when is a bow thruster most efficient


twin screw single rudder ships generally steer better at very low speeds when the engines are _____

stopped than when they are coming ahead

All of the following are true about the maximum range of radar target detection except

the higher the PRR, the greater the range

no one plans a passage more thoroughly than

the pilot

who is not considered a member of the bridge team?

the pilot

what happens to a ships pivot point with headway entering into a constant RPM turn?

the pivot point shifts from 1/4 of the ships length from forward to a position 1/3 of the ships length from forward

calculate the squat for a vessel with a block coefficient of .7, traveling at a speed of 8 knots, then calculate the squat for the same vessel, same speed, entering into shallow water

(.7 x 8^2/30). 1.5ft,3ft

what is your ships, if you've moved between bollards 150ft apart in one minute

1.5 knots

vessels under 65ft may proceed at a rate of speed not to exceed _____ nautical miles per hour


in hawaii, the 20-fathom curve us seldom more than ___miles from shore and usually not far from the coral reefs that fringe much of the island coastline


The formula C=fxLxdxv^2 can be used to determine the magnitude of a current force on the beam of a ship. f is a factor with depends on the undersell clearance. When the depth of water is two times the draft a factor of ____ should be used.

.0018 (2x's draft)

what is the height of tide at 0600 on March 30, 2015 in Honolulu harbor


what is the height of tide at 1530 on March 30,2015 in Port Allen, kauai


VHF channel _____ would be used in directing the movement of ships in or near Honolulu harbor, while VHF channel _____ is used in directing the movement of ships in or near Pearl Harbor

05A, 14

all vessels 600 ft in length or more with at least one thruster of adequate horsepower taking arrival in Kahului require how many tugs?


in depths greater than about _____ ft, the brake may not be able to stop the chain if the anchor is let go from the hawse


all waters extending _____ years in all directions from each LPV, and all waters extending ____ yards in all directions from the US forces SBX-1 are considered security zones


in a twin schilling rudder setup, each ruder can rotate through an arc of ____ degrees


kawaihae pilotage waters are described as: all waters inside a line drawn from the outer extremity of kawaihae harbor breakwater, due west to Longitude ______ west, there north to latitude _____ North, then East to where it intersects with the shoreline


(using C=fxLxdxv^2 )what is the load exerted by a beam current of 2 knots on a tanker with a mean draft of 20ft in 22ft of water. Length at waterline is 550ft.

158 tons

the the shaft of an anchor is lifted as to make an angle with the bottom of 5 degrees, the loss of holding power is ____ percent, and at 15º the loss is about ______ percent.

25, 50

upon entering US waters, steering equipment must be operated properly under manual control, unless the vessel has been steered Unser manual control from the navigating bridge within the preceding ____ hours


performance of a bow thruster will fall of quite rapidly once the ships speed has risen above

2 knots

a ship may experience shallow water effects when the depth of the water is less than _____ the draft

2 times

for a quicker stop from full speed ahead, the propellor working astern at ____ percent of its capacity is initially more effective than working full speed astern, when most of its effect gets lost due to cavitation,


horsepower for horsepower, single screw propulsion is normally about ____. percent more efficient than a twin screw instillation.


when dredging an anchor, if practicable, in order to avoid underwater damage to the hull, that the ships underkell clearance should be at least _____ of the vessels maximum loaded draft


2700 shp is equal to ______ kW and _______ tons


heavy WX condition II is the warning condition in which winds above 50 knots are expected within _______ hours


our circadian rhythm is a ____ period that generally includes about _____ hours of sleep during the hours of darkness

24, 8

barbers point pilotage waters are described as: all waters inside a line drawn from the northernmost refinery tower, _____true, to the intersection of a line drawn tangentially to Maile Point, _____ true


at very low maneuvering speeds, a high sided ship such as a passenger ship or a containership will feel the wind significantly at a wind speed of ____ times the ships speed, while a loaded tanker will require a wind speed of at least _____ times the ships speed.


the diameter of the full speed, full rudder turning circle averages _______, depending chiefly upon B/L ratio, trim, draft, and

3.5l, bottom clearance

the design speed of a windlass gypsy in gear is about ____ ft/min which is approx _____ minutes a shackle. This is equal to a ship speed of _____ knots over the ground.


a ship may experience a _____ % speed loss during a turn, and its a useful feature in many areas of ship handling where a sharp speed reduction is required


a tug with a bollard pull of 25 tons, 120 mtrs aft of the ships pivot point will give a turning moment of _______


a typical tonnage to horsepower ratio might be

5.0 for a bulk carrier

The lunar or tidal day is about ______ longer than the solar day

50 minutes

according to HOST SOP 1-97 'on scene means tug and fendering on scene with wire made up or within _______ yards?


the ____ step from the bottom of a pilot ladder must be a spreader


going full stern, an open fixed pitch propeller will develop about ______ percent of its max ahead thrust, while an open CPP going astern develops some ____ percent of max ahead thrust.


nawiliwili harbor entrance channel is ______ft wide, with a controlling depth of _____ft


a kick ahead, using a full ahead bell on a ship with a main engine of 15,000 bhp, would give you an approx rudder force of _____ tons


if a pilot is involved in an incident which involves injury, death, or running aground, a written report shall be filed to the director within _____ days


as water is ____ times denser than sea level atmosphere, current must, by nature, have considerably _______ effect than wind, especially on ______ ships


the berth length of pier 2 in Kahului is _____ ft


what is the max number of steps allowed between spreaders on a pilot ladder?


upon completion of the public hearing, the director or hearing officer shall convene a contested hearing within ____ days


approximately _____ % of all marine accidents occur in restricted waters because that is when ships are exposed to the greatest hazards. Bridge resource management practices are developed to significantly reduce human factors that, according to NTSB, cause ____ % of those casualties.


in a transverse arrest, both drive units are thrusting outboard, ___ degrees to the tugs keel line


any vessel planning to enter 2 or more consecutive ports on the US during a single voyage must submit one consolidated notification of arrival at least ____ hours before entering the first port/place of destination


_______ is responsible for enforcement activities of the depart. of land and natural resources for Hawaii

Division of Conservation and resources enforcement

the rate o pilotage in effect on________, shall remain in effect until changed by the director pursuant to this chapter

July 1, 1978

what is the distance between dynamic and static trial maneuver

a static maneuver displays only the final situation of the simulation

all of the following are characteristics of a relatively wide beam ship, down by the head except: _______

a strong lateral resistance force at the bow contributing to a larger turn circle

one short blast in Kalaeloa Harbor means _______

altering course to starboard

a characteristic of tug operators and pilots who have worked together for a long time, and is another meaning on non-verbal communication is ______

anticipatory action

a ship trimmed by the head entering into shallow water can expect the vessel too

be more difficult to handle

the max cross sectional area of the submerged port of the ships hull, as seen by looking at the midships section in the ships file of drawings, when compared to the cross sectional area of a narrow channel, is a ratio referred to as

blockage factor

an advantage of a tug over a bow thruster is that it

can reduce the ships speed while pulling on or pushing the assisted ship

the relative positions of the centers of three different resultant forces are mainly responsible for a tugs performance. These are:

center of thrust, towing point, lateral center of pressure

lateral motion is easier to detect when working from the _____ of the vesel


when docking between 2 ships, with the wind from one direction, and current from another, how should you plan your docking?

choose to make your approach, heading into the stronger force

the ______circulation around the pressure cell known as the _____, coupled with a slight deflection of the surface winds _____ the high pressure, result in the NE trades that are Dom winds of the area

clockwise, pacific high, away from

although the idea behind voyage planning is to avoid unexpected, when it occurs we must still deal with it. We can do this by trying to anticipate the unexpected. This is called ________

contingency planning

_______ is assessed for cargo and shipping devices remaining on a wharf, pier, or terminals back up area beyond the free time allowed fo loading or unloading cargo


ships not moving freely, as ships at anchor or moored, are subjected to pressure exerted by the current, pressure which is ______ to the exposed underwater area _______

directly proportional, and to the square of the current velocity

the difference in height of two high waters or of the two low waters of each day

diurnal inequality

the angle between the ships head and the direction that the bridge is actually traveling is ______

drift angle

there is one best way to overcome all communication barriers. This is through _______

engaging in direct face to face communication in a low ambient noise environment

if there is one key element to BRM, it is the breaking of error chains or _______

error trapping

many ship casualties are proven to occur as a direct result of ___

excessive speed

a steering lever can be rated as a;

first class lever

what may result in little or no transverse thrust?

going astern with a vessel fitted with a propellor shroud

priorities of vessel sailings in the even of tsunami warning unless otherwise authorized by the harbor are;

government vessels, passenger vessel, vessel with explosive cargo

comparing the approach angle of a portside docking to a starboard side docking, the initial angle of approach for a portside docking is


if a kick ahead is to be utilized, its essential that the rudder is seen to be ______ before power is applied. The duration of a kick ahead should be _______

hard over, as short as possible

all of the following are advantages of a tractor tug except: ________

heeling angle with full side thrust may be up to 21 degrees with some tugs

as UKC decreases, bollard pull required for controlling transverse speed _________


rudder force works at an optimum when the ship ______, and full thrust on the rudder has max leverage

is dead in water

a pilot licensed under HRS chapter 462A

is emend an individual contractor with state

most ships stopped will lay with the wind ______

just forward or just abaft the beam

the second busiest port in the state is ______


a tractor tug, towing on a line forward is ______ in giving steering assistance or creating sideways forces on a ship having speed than a conventional tug.

less effective

a complete turn under full rudder and full speed on the engine, starting from dead in the water, takes ______ room it takes to turn the ship stating from full speed through the water

less than half

the maximum range for racon reception is limited by:

line of sight

the maximum range for racon reception is limited byq

line of sight

a large diameter, slow turning propeller is _____ than a smaller propellor rotating at a higher speed. In addition, propeller efficiency is related _____ to the number of blades.

more efficient, inversely

a maximum pull rating of ___ bollard pull of the tug is common on winches used in shipwork.

one half to the entire

if a pilot is communicating to a tug by using the ships whistle, "come ahead dead slow", would be sounded by

one long blast

the most efficient setup for a twin screw, fixed pitch ship would be _____, and the most efficient setup for a CPP, twin screw ship would be _______

outward turning, inward turning

_______ or indirect towing mode, is a technique in towing where the tug uses the combo of the tugs weight and water pressure on the tugs hull.

paravane effect

until a deputy port pilot has had 12 months of pilotage experience, he shall not pilot a ________

passenger vessel

thrust in a VS tractor tug is controlled by _______

pitch angle, thrust direction and rotor speed

the only safe way to take the ship out in a current from aft with a ship ahead of us is to ______

pull the stern off first

as its easier to kill sternway by coming ahead on the engine than it is to stop a ship under headway, a stern first docking, when using a bow thruster is, in principle, _______ than head-in docking


the predominating type of tide throughout the world


when using a bow thruster on a ship dead in the water and not exposed to other forces, the ship pivots about a point

that is approx one ships beam distance from the stern

all of the following are advantages of a tug working on a short line except:

towing on a shoreline increases a tugs effectiveness, without a proportionate increase in strain on a towing gear

in discussing tugs, the maneuvering lever is the distance between the _____

towing point and propulsion point

in the event of a loss or malfunction of the ships steering or propulsion, emergency steering and stopping are fulfilled through the employment of the following three primary ship/tug response models, except:


a phenomenon where the ships bow may be canted to port alongside a solid face pier, when starboard side to, while excessive stern power is used, is known as ______

wedge effect

the most dangerous stage of an overtaking situation is _______

when the overtaking vessels stern crosses the overtaken vessels bow

the following reasons the captain of the port may prohibit any vessel from operating in the navigable waters of the US except,

while underway, does not have at least 2 deck officers on the navigation bridge who are capable of communicating in English

the most common active escort practice is to have a tractor or ASD tug ________

with its towing fast to the ships stern

overtaking in narrow channels is much more dangerous than passing. If it cannot be abounded, it should be done

with reduced speeds only

taking into account the assistant tugs, if a ship is to move in the very last stage of docking, it is better to move _______

with the current against the current

the tide can be broken down into its individual components of ______

yaw, turning moment,and a combo of lateral and longitudinal forces.

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