Design Midterm
Selection Tools
(marquee, lasso, magic wand, quick select) method used by each to make selections
Warping techniques
(transform, puppet warp, liquify) use various techniques to manipulate the shape of images
A digital measurement of the number of pixels per inch in a digital image, the standard ______ for web images is 72 dpi while images intended for print should be at 300 dpi
A flowing, handwritten font, often with joining letters
Display (headline) type
A larger and bolder version of typeface (14 points or larger) which is used for headlines and sub-headlines
A line that forms the shape of an object, a _____ is made up of a series of points called "anchor points" and line segments between these points
Anchor Point
A point on a path that indicates a change in direction
A set of characters that share common design features
A simple and unique mark or design that is used to identify a company, product or person. Should be easily identifiable and different from the rest
Target Audience
A specific demographic of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing message of a product is aimed at
Business Card
A standard 2x3 inch card that displays contact information for an individual employed by a company
Pantone Matching System
A standardized library of colors that ensures color matching throughout all stages of design and production, used primarily in printing, though sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint, fabric and plastics
Sans Serif
A typeface without serifs. ______ type is more legible in headings than in a long passage of text. _______ typefaces can be further categorized as Geometric or Humanist
All the visual aspects that form part of the overall brand (stationary, packaging, signage, marketing, etc.)
Mood Board
An arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text etc. Intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept, often used in brainstorming and creative planning for a design project
An imaginary line, on which letters in a line of type sit
Arranging parts to achieve a state of equal visual weight or distribution of parts
Rhythm and Movement
Both implied and actual, they help direct the eye and mind movement of the viewer and provide flow. Created with directional elements and/or repetition of elements
Boundary of the printable page in illustrator
Checking your semifinal work for mistakes before submitting or sending to print/production
Composing all of the elements of a layout in a semi-final design using the appropriate application, results in semi-final or mock up
Principles of Design
Compositional Concepts used to organize artwork to make it more aesthetically pleasing, interesting and communicative; how elements of art are combined to work together
Created in illustrator, resolution independent, math / equation based, easily modified/scaled, smaller file
Created in photoshop, resolution dependent, pixel based, bitmap, larger file
Describes a two dimensional, clearly defined area. May be defined by color, tone or line
Describes the media, materials, tools and methods to create a work of art
Describes the role a piece of art plays as an artifact of history
Describes the three-dimensional shape that has height, width and depth
Composite image
Digitally combining visual elements from separate sources into a single image, often to create the illusion that all those elements are part of the same scene, common place in advertising
Live paint groups
Divides the drawing surface up into areas, any of which can be colored, regardless of whether the area is bounded by a single path or by segments of multiple paths
Pen tool
Drawing tool that allows you to define your own anchor points, as well as adjust the curve associated with those anchors to create custom paths and shapes
Curvature tool
Drawing tool that enables you to create, edit, add or remove smooth or corner points - all with the same tool
Negative space
Empty space in an artwork, a void
Establishing a center of interest to focus the viewer's attention. If all all the elements are given relatively equal weight, there will be no ______.
Full set of letters, numbers, symbols, and special characters
Gentler, more natural curves based on handwriting
Interaction of contradictory elements, adds variety within a layout, created by varying size, shape, color, etc.
Positive space
Is filled with something, such as lines, designs, colors or shapes
Direct Selection tool
Lets you select individual anchor points or path segments by clicking on them, or select an entire path or group by selecting any other spot on the item. You can also select one or more objects in a group of objects
Selection tool
Lets you select objects and groups by clicking or dragging over them. You can also select groups within groups and objects within groups
Mark connecting two points, often defines space, and separate, organize and create a rhythm
Shape builder
Merge, subtract or divide shapes to create new or compound shapes
Layer Masks
Method that allows you to selectively hide or reveal parts of a layer
Rough Sketches
More refined sketches used to represent a plan for layout, representative of actual images and text
Normally used to organize and stack visual information with photoshop
Often have strokes that are all the same width, based on simple geometric shapes
Visual Hierarchy
Organizing elements in order of importance
Elements of an effective logo
Original, simple, memorable, timeless, versatile, appropriate
CMYK color
Printed color, the color we see is the spectrum of light which is reflected b the paper or by the ink put on the paper
RGB color
Projected color, this type of color mixing is used in computer monitors, TV sets, and to illuminate actors on stage. No light (or color) is black. All lightened color is white
Reactions to a project, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement, criticism
Refers to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece
Slab Serif
Relatively little contrast between thick and thin, solid, rectangular shoes
Illustrator basics
Selecting multiple objects (shift to add selection), use basic shapes, type tools, character and paragraph palette, type as outlines, editing a path, applying fills and strokes, live paint groups, name and function of covered tools
Small finishing stokes on the arms, stems and tails of characters. ______ typefaces are usually used for body type since the ____ form a link between letters that leads the eye across a line of type. Serif typefaces can be further categorized as Old Style, Transitional Modern and Slab _____
Thumbnail Sketches
Small, quick and unrefined sketches used to quickly explore numerous possible design solutions
Control Handles (handlebars)
Special points attached to an anchor point that use direction and magnitude to alter the shape and angle of the curve segment
Stage of design process in which background information is gathered about a person's subject, product or person
Define Task
Stage of design process in which goals are set, audience is determined and project specifications are defined
The art and technique of arranging type, good ______ will enhance the expressivity of the type's content
The element of art that refers to how things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched
The emotional meaning or response to a piece of art
The force operating within a work of art that can give it the appearance of oneness or wholeness, the consistency or harmony of the concept
The generation and conception of any and every possible solution to a design problem, free thinking without editing thoughts or "bad" ideas out
Cap Height
The height of capital letters from the baseline to the top of the caps
The height of lowercase letters, specifically the lowercase x
The horizontal stroke in characters such as A, H, R and e
The imaginary line that runs along (non-ascending) lower case letters
Body (text) type
The main body of words or copy in any type of documents, typically between 8 and 12 point
Elements of Art
The most basic visual components of art; line, color, value, shape, form, texture, space
The part of a lower case letter that drops below the baseline
The part of a lowercase letter that ascends above the x-height
The part of letter that is entirely or partially closed off, the hole of a letter
The perceived emotional image of a company
The process of making ideas tangible, coming up with solutions to every day needs, wants and problems
The putting together of elements to create a whole
The relative lightness or darkness of a color
The size relationship of parts to the entire work, and each to each other
The standard unit of measurement for font size, leading and other measurements related to type
Old style
Thick Serifs, little contrast between thick and thin strokes
Thin serifs, extreme contrast between thick and thin strokes
Thinner serif, greater contrast between thick and thin strokes
Design process
Thought and planning process used to develop ideas for a creative project, encourages you to refine and develop multiple ideas instead of settling on the first one as a solution
Layer bending modes
Used to control how two layers can be blended into each other ex. overlay
Visually distinctive, usually not appropriate for body type
Clone stamp/healing brush
both allow you to fix image imperfections such as scratches, blemishes, etc. By sampling/duplicating the surrounding area