Developmental- Exam 2

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Which of the following statements about brain development is true? a) At birth, the brain is nearly 70 percent of its adult weight. b) By age 2, the brain is approximately 50 percent of its adult weight. c) Brain growth is especially rapid in the first year, when the brain more than doubles in size. d) Brain development is complete by the end of the first year.

At birth, the brain is nearly 70 percent of its adult weight.

Which of the following statements regarding breastfeeding is true? a) Breastfeeding should be combined with formula for a balanced diet. b) Breastfeeding helps increase spacing among siblings. c) Breastfeeding has become less common in industrialized nations. d) Breastfeeding is a reliable method of birth control.

Breastfeeding helps increase spacing among siblings.

Sharon's 46-year-old husband suffered a traumatic brain injury in an automobile accident. What information about brain plasticity can you provide to Sharon? a) Brain plasticity is restricted to early childhood, when the brain is forming many new synapses. b) At older ages, specialized brain structures are in place, and after injury they cannot reorganize. c) Adults with brain injuries rarely show deficits in spatial skills, even if language development is impaired. d) Though far more limited than in early childhood, reorganization in the brain can occur in adulthood.

Though far more limited than in early childhood, reorganization in the brain can occur in adulthood.

During times of rapid cognitive change, a) organization predominates over adaptation. b) accommodation predominates over assimilation. c) assimilation and accommodation are balanced. d) adaptation and organization are balanced.

accommodation predominates over assimilation.

At 6 months, Annabelle dropped her rattle in a fairly rigid way. By 12 months, she tossed objects down the basement stairs, bounced them off walls, and threw them in the air. Annabelle's modifications of her dropping scheme are an example of a) accommodation. b) equilibrium. c) organization. d) assimilation.


Babies' earliest emotional life consists of which two global arousal states? a) happiness and sadness b) fullness and hunger c) attraction to and withdrawal from stimulation d) happiness and fear

attraction to and withdrawal from stimulation

Prya has classically conditioned young Raj to suck when Prya touches Raj's stomach during feeding. If Prya repeatedly touches Raj's stomach without feeding him, Raj will a) gradually stop sucking in response to having his stomach touched. b) learn to suck without having his stomach touched. c) stop eating until Prim touches his stomach and feeds him again. d) increase his level of sucking in response to having his stomach touched.

gradually stop sucking in response to having his stomach touched.

The designers of the Bayley-III included items that tap a) parental warmth toward the child. b) habituation, object permanence, and categorization. c) provision of appropriate play materials. d) opportunities for variety in daily stimulation.

habituation, object permanence, and categorization.

Baby Paloma's parents talk to her using short sentences with high-pitched, exaggerated expression, clear pronunciation, distinct pauses between speech segments, clear gestures to support verbal meaning, and repetition of new words in a variety of contexts. Paloma's parents use a) an expressive style. b) infant-directed speech (IDS). c) a referential style. d) an authoritative style.

infant-directed speech (IDS).

Keegan was given a test score that indicates the extent to which his raw score deviates from the typical performance of same-age individuals. Keegan's test score is known as a(n) a) normal distribution. b) intelligence quotient (IQ). c) screening quotient. d) standardization sample.

intelligence quotient (IQ).

According to Thomas and Chess, the difficult child a) shows mild, low-key reactions to environmental stimuli. b) is irregular in daily routines. c) shows unique blends of temperamental characteristics. d) displays no identifiable temperamental traits.

is irregular in daily routines.

The Attachment Q-Sort a) is not suitable for children between 1 and 5 years. b) is less time-consuming than the Strange Situation. c) does not differentiate between types of insecurity. d) taps fewer attachment-related behaviors than the Strange Situation.

is less time-consuming than the Strange Situation.

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasizes that children a) are born with prewired understandings that permit a ready grasp of new information. b) "think" with their eyes, ears, hands, and other sensorimotor equipment. c) live in rich social and cultural contexts that affect the way their cognitive world is structured. d) discover virtually all knowledge about the world through their own activity.

live in rich social and cultural contexts that affect the way their cognitive world is structured.

In Piaget's theory, each time the back-and-forth movement between equilibrium and disequilibrium occurs, a) children regress to a previous stage of development. b) less effective schemes are produced. c) children adapt more than they organize. d) more effective schemes are produced.

more effective schemes are produced.

In designing the Strange Situation, Mary Ainsworth and her colleagues reasoned that securely attached infants and toddlers a) should use the parent as a secure base from which to explore in an unfamiliar setting. b) are just as easily comforted by an unfamiliar adult as by the parent. c) combine anger and clinginess when reunited with a parent who has left the room for a time. d) do not show distress when the parent leaves the room

should use the parent as a secure base from which to explore in an unfamiliar setting.

Results from the groundbreaking longitudinal study on temperament conducted by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess showed that a) temperament can increase a child's chances of experiencing psychological problems. b) because temperament is innate, parenting practices cannot modify children's emotional styles. c) temperament cannot protect a child from the negative effects of a highly stressful home life. d) the psychological traits that make up temperament in childhood play a very small role in adult personality.

temperament can increase a child's chances of experiencing psychological problems.

Linguist Noam Chomsky reasoned that a) children are born with a series of inborn modules that are specialized for different aspects of language acquisition. b) reinforcement and imitation fully explain language development in toddlers and preschool-age children. c) the rules of sentence organization are too complex to be directly taught to even a cognitively sophisticated young child. d) children's innate desire to verbally interact with others promotes language development in all cultures.

the rules of sentence organization are too complex to be directly taught to even a cognitively sophisticated young child.

Piaget concluded that babies make the A-not-B search error because a) they cannot yet coordinate means-end action sequences. b) appreciation of physical causality has not yet been attained. c) the ability to engage in goal-directed behavior has not yet developed. d) they do not have a clear image of the object as persisting when hidden from view.

they do not have a clear image of the object as persisting when hidden from view.

Baby Faith sucks, grasps, and looks in much the same way, no matter what experiences she encounters. Faith is probably in Substage _____ of Piaget's sensorimotor period. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


Which of the following children is most likely to be above North American growth norms? a) Timmy, a Caucasian-American boy b) June, an Asian girl c) Freddy, an African-American boy d) Kim, an Asian boy

Freddy, an African-American boy

At 2 to 3 months of age, infants a) can detect objects represented by incomplete drawings. b) perceive subjective boundaries that really are not present. c) prefer the walking-human display. d) thoroughly explore the internal features of a pattern.

can detect objects represented by incomplete drawings.

A study of children who were transferred between birth and 3½ years from extremely deprived Romanian orphanages to adoptive families in Great Britain found that a) the longer the children spent in orphanage care, the higher their mental test scores during middle childhood and adolescence. b) most children were impaired in all domains of development, but those who were adopted before 6 months of age showed impressive cognitive catch-up. c) children who experienced adequate early nutrition were not negatively affected by early orphanage rearing. d) serious mental health problems only appeared in those children who spent more than 2 years in an orphanage.

most children were impaired in all domains of development, but those who were adopted before 6 months of age showed impressive cognitive catch-up.

Mei Mei uses the word "close" to apply to closing a book, turning off the light, and tying her shoelaces. This is an example of a) underextension. b) overextension. c) telegraphic speech. d) referential speech


Newborn Uli displays a stronger rooting reflex in response to an adult's finger touching her cheek than to her own hand touching her cheek. This finding demonstrates that Uli has the beginnings of a) self-awareness. b) effortful control. c) an internal working model. d) emotional self-regulation.


In a large study of children with injuries to the cerebral cortex that occurred around the time of birth or in the first six months of life, researchers found that a) delays in language development persisted into adolescence if injury occurred in the left hemisphere. b) delays in language development persisted into adolescence if injury occurred in the right hemisphere. c) undamaged areas-in either the left or the right hemisphere-took over vocabulary and grammatical skills by age 5. d) language skills were more likely to be permanently damaged than spatial skills.

undamaged areas-in either the left or the right hemisphere-took over vocabulary and grammatical skills by age 5.

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