Digital Marketing Certification Exam Module 9 - Analytics with Google Analytics

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Set up event tracking

'eventCategory' and 'eventAction' -Optional: eventLabel and eventValue -Experiment tab - to test (a/b) different things on site

Behavior reports

(what are users doing on website)

KPI's (converison)

- E-Commerce KPIs (sales transactions, AOV, e-commerce rates ,cart abandonment rate -Non-E-Commerce KPIs (for lead generation site) - cost per lead, total leads, comments submitted, unique leads, and conversion rates

Tracking Data Effectively

-Analytics tracking code applied across every page -useful views(time zone, default page, currency, google ads cost source, site search tracking)

Clear Data Policies in place with:

-Explicit visitor opt-in consent -cookie data -third party sharing

Conversion Metrics

-Goals (number of valuable actions taken on site) (Sales, leads, downloads) -Conversion rate (percentage of visitors that complete a goal) -Transactions -Revenue (monetary value of ecommerce sales)

Key Reports (GA)

4 main reports to gain insights -audience -acquisition -behavior -conversion

Smart Goals

Analytics feature designed for Ads campaigns (Records the most engaged visits on your site) · Mostly used for reference only · Should not track smart goals if you have other goals set up in GA, as this will overestimate your goal count significantly

Campaign URL Builder

Before you track non-google channels in GA in the campaigns reports, need to add UTM UTL parameters to your campaigns =Done with campaign URL Builder (With this tool, you can add your traffic source, your traffic medium, your campaign name, and your ad content)

Import Goals

Can be imported from Google Analytics into ADS by choosing the import feature in google ADS and selecting the goals you want to pull across · Important not to duplicate goals that are being counted in google Ads using conversion tracking

Conversion Reports

Conversion (what actions are users taking to complete set goals)

Decision making

Data Led Decision · Actions we take to improve performance based on the data we've recorded · Data is leading decision -deduce the 'story' behind the data

Session Timeout Length

Default=30 mins § If you want to define a longer session length, you can change the settings

Web Analytics Tools

Google Analytics Adobe Analytics Woopra Kissmetrics Peewik

GDPR in the EU

PII requires explicit consent from the consumer · Collecting cookie data, personalize advertising experiences, -collecting PII as part of analytics program and mishandling can lead to data breach

Referrals Report (acquisition)

Shows referring sites - sites that link back to your site o Factors that influence traffic from referring websites include, quality of the site that is linking to you, and relevance of its content to what you offer

Source/Medium report (acquisition)

Source tells you where traffic is coming from, medium is the type of traffic o Sources: Google, Bing, Facebook, Direct, Twitter o Mediums: CPC, Organic, Display, Social, referral · You can toggle between Source, Medium, or Source-Medium reporting dimensions

Tracking Code

The GA code, provided as part of account setup, facilitates tracking of your website § This code should be given to web developer to hard code directly onto every page of the website you wish to track o Test the code Installation

Google Ads Report

To gain insights on traffic, impressions, click costs, and other performance metrics from Google Ads § By integrating Google Analytics with Google Ads, you can identify high-performing campaigns, ad groups, and keywords, as well as goal completions or e-commerce transactions by campaign

Web Analytics

Understand your customers better · Who they are where they coming from what they're interest are? · Demographics, location · Reveal any conversion challenges · What consumers like or don't like · How they interact on your site

Goal Funnels

add value when it comes to understanding the buyers journey o Used when there multiple steps in the transaction process o Shows when visitors leave site, highlights places with unclear info, bad/good flow


describe data § Country, channel, location, age, gender, device used § Common GA dimensions: channel name, month, country, device

Attribution Models

different models you can use to understand the value of your channels § Default= last click attribution § Last click, first click, linear, time decay, position-based § Model you choose should be unique to your business, depending on its website goals and KPIs

Collaboration Benefits (GA)

everyone using same tool ,seeing same data as a single source of truth § Collaboration becomes enhanced § Various access levels control what people see and need to see based on seniority and what's necessary

URL Destination

goal is measured when visitors reach certain page on site like purchase thank you page, purchase complete page · Only shown when someone downloads/buys something · Enter screen name of page you want tracked (URL directory name details after / slash)


helps to organize visitor data -Origin, source, pages viewed, into defined view about a website, through the use of filters -Adding a new view (can apply multiple filters to a view)

Benefits of analytics

helps you make informed, data led decisions which in turn should help you run effective campaigns and drive performance § Abiulity to get closer to the customer § Ability to understand your users § Ability to gain insights from customer activity § Ability to forecast using trends and patterns § Accountability of media spend and resource allocation § Stronger focus § Prioritization of resources § Higher conversion rates and enhanced ROI

Sessions per visit or pages per session

how many pages a visitor sees before they leave your site · To record sessions where they pages viewed exceeds a predefined number


measure data § Visitor numbers, revenue, goal completion, etc. § Segment metrics using dimensions (To better understand of effectiveness and scale)

Benefits of linking GA to other tools and info

more data=increased availability -Google SERP insights -SEO insights -In-depth analysis

Goal Flow Reports (conversion)

o - allows marketers to see the source, medium, page, or other dimension that leads up to the goals set in Google Analytics

Benchmarking report (audience)

o - can be used for competitive analysis, as it allows you to see aggregate statistics for other sites in the same category as your website across channels, locations, and devices (category based)

Custom Reports

o - enable you to create your own reports using a mixture of dimensions and variables. You can set these reports to only look at certain pages or channels, using filters

Behavior report (audience)

o - enables you to see behavioral info about users, like data on new versus returning users, frequency of user visits, engagement levels, session quality, conversion probability

Demogrpahics report (audience)

o - enables you to view demogrpahics info, like age and gender of visitors

Intersts report (audience)

o - enables you to view info about user interest; you can look at affinity categories, in-market segments, and other interest cateogires to understand browsing patterns

Mobile Report (audience)

o - enables you to view traffic and conversion data from mobile and desktop users, as well as devices being used § You can use the Google Mobile Friendly Test Tool to see how a site renders on mobile (also ways to improve mobile experience)

Audience Reports

o Allows you to access audience overview information to identify top-line stats and info about audience activity § GEO locations, and lifetime value

Mukti-channel funnells report

o Helps you understand the complex nature of a digital marketing conversion or purchase journey across channels

Cross Device Report (audience)

o aims to show you the overlap between mobile, desktop, and tablet devices in driving traffic and activity on your site

404 error pages (behavior)

o all pages report can help to identify error pages by showing you the number of hits on your error page


o allow you to track or record any offline activity § Small written notes that appear as speech bubbles at the base of Google Analytics Graphs

Content Drilldown (behavior)

o by page and page path, landing page, and exit page

Tech Report (audience)

o enables you to view info about the browsers, networks, and operating systems being used by audience § Can use service to check how a site renders in different browsers

GEO Report (audience)

o key report, enables you to view language and location of visitors

Top conversion paths report (multi-channel)

provides more granular insight into the most popular journeys users take to conversion · Shows numerous steps and channels that drive conversions

Funnel Visualization Report

should be setup in goal creation § Provides info about various stages of conversion process

Flat Table Reports

simplest type of CR · Allows you to have dimensions on the left and metrics across the top in table format

Secondary Dimensions

to further segment data -§ Additional fields to provide additional insight into data and trends

Information Source

to help marketers report back to key stakeholders about how efforts are going

Custom Segments

to modify the data you are viewing across all reports in Google Analytics § Temporary filters to make comparisons and cut up data

Events Report

to track non-standard actions

Goal Reports (behavior)

understand trends, optimize performance § Goal URL Reports - reviewing periodically allows you to quickly check that all your goals are tracking the uRLS you expect them to track

E-commerce report (behavior)

view e-commerce overview info, shopping behavior, checkout behavior , product performance, sales performance § Excellent wat to track revenue online and attribute it back to channels § Contains details regarding transaction and product types so you can understand which channels drive what transactions and order values § Its possible to apply advanced settings to e-commerce stores, to assess other detailed metrics like discounts § You can use the report to focus your efforts on those channels that drive the most sales, and pull back completely on poorer performing channels § Once e-commerce is setup on site, revenue and transaction data will be available § Can see metrics like revenue per page, which estimates how much review could be attributed to a page

Site Speed Report (behavior)

view site speed overview info through Site Speed Report § Important to know load time of pages and effect on user experience § Site Speed Sub-Reports

Speed suggesstions report (site speed sub-report)

view speed improvement suggestions for pages on your site


what on-page interactions are taking place on your site · When you want to track interactions that cant be tracked with standard code · Usually requires an advanced developer or google tag manager

Default Page

what your homepage is. Drives better reporting to specify the correct homepage, if it's different from the pure domain name

Realtime and Dashboards

whos on the site right now and what are they doing o Spikes in traffic, whos on site right now

Assisted converison report (multi-channel report)

§ - understand the assisted value of channels and campaigns, and provides insight into how different channels function at each end of the funnel · From awareness to completed conversion

Custom Goals

§ Add a goal name § Select a goal type § Add goal conditions (

Site content report (behavior)

§ Allows you to view reports on how you can improve your content to achieve better results from users

Google Tag Assistant

§ Can help make sure your google tags are installed correctly by checking all tags on your webpage · Checking that everything is working as it should

Advanced coding and analytics tracking

§ Customize the GA code as part of the set-up based on site structure § Isn't required for 99% of websites

Analyzing Data Explainer

§ Data alone isn't very useful, its about telling story behind the data § Give your best hypothesis as to why § People look to you for these valuable insights · Interpreting data is increasingly important

Risk of collaboration (GA)

§ Data breaches § Deletion of user accounts or assets § Incorrectly changing settings § Incorrectly modifying custom reports

GA Account Setup

§ Email attached to a google account or your google ads login § To set up GA account, add account info, domain name, time zone, and other settings § Read and understand Google Terms of Service · Accepting means adhering to these rules § Enable data sharing settings, in order to link other google products (such as google ads or search console) to google analytics § For practice purposes, you can add GA demo account

Benefits of Free Google Analytics

§ Free, easy to implement, easy to install, user-friendly interface, customizable reports, basic and advanced options, seamless integration with other google products

Setting Goals with GA

§ Goals can be attributed to other dimensions to look at conditions that drive the goal · And then optimize conditions to further drive the goal

Goal Set Up (GA)

§ Navigate to Admin tab and find Goal SETUP area § Navigate to goals section on right hand side under view § Add Goal by hitting +new goal § Choose to add a predefined goal or a custom goal

All Sites Data View

§ No filters, so a baseline to report against § Everything tracked in Google Analytics is to perform on KPIs · Define KPIs before analyzing data

Event TRacking

§ Provides valuable insights into how users are interacting with site and content § Clicking through to emails or external links § Downloading brochures, guides or PDFs Viewing or partially viewing videos

Types of Goals with GA

§ Purchase § Inquiry from completion § Brochure Request § Newsletter sign up § File download § Increased session duration § Pages viewed per session

Steps involved in sending data

§ Request made to server and web page is served § JavaScript tracking code is executred every time the page loads § A temporary or persistent cookie is dropped onto the user's browser (depending on GA set-up) § Session data is sent to the google server § Data is processed by the Analytics tool § Reports are accesses later by the site owner or analyst through the GA interface § Cookie expires after the browser session finishes

Engagement Metrics

§ Sessions § Users § Percentage new sessions § Page per sessions

All Pages Reports (behavior)

§ Sub-report in Site Content. Gives a list of page-name metrics associated with each page. § Can use to see what pages drive the most engagement and what pages need improvement

Set-up a goal funnel in GA

§ Switch on funnel slider under the goal § Enter screen names of all the steps in your funnel, such as add to cart, proceed to checkout, enter address, add payment details, and so on § Don't add homepage as a step in the funnel - just add the action pages like adding to cart or entering details § Last step in funnel is thank-you page or destination page

Bounce Rate Report (behavior)

§ This is visible on the All Pages report and shows what percentage of visitors landed on your site and left without looking at any other content on the site

Google Ads Search Query Report

§ Use to view information on matched search queries § These are the actual words and phrases that people type into Google Search engine to trigger your keywords § Can see the position in which ads appear on the SERP, and the hours of day most likely to drive traffic, engagement, and converisons

Acquisition Reports

· (how are users getting to your website)

Page Timings report (site speed sub-report)

· - info on page views and the avg load times for the various pages on a site

Explorer Reports

· Allow you to click into dimensions for further detail on the metrics - these reports are more complicated

Map Overlay Reports

· Allow you to view a world or location map with a series of metrics you define

All traffic report (acquisition)

· Allows you to find visitor traffic, conversion, and engagement data for different predefined channel types (default groupings/channels)

Campaigns Report (acquisition)

· Allows you to report on a range of digital marketing newsletters and banner ads · It only shows traffic sources and onsite engagement · You don't see cost data, impressions, or other performance metrics

Attribution Report (multichannel)

· Contains model comparison tool to view the value given to each channel in the path to conversion, based on the model chosen

Limitations to free Google Analytics

· Doesn't provide real-time data in downloadable historical reports · Free version limited to 10 million hits per month · Limited customization · Defaults to last-click attribution · Not always 100% accurate · Not as comprehensive at measuring performance of...

Social Report (acquisition)

· Enables you to view info about sources of social media interaction, social media conversions, and social plug-ins · Limited Report,

Exclude URL Query Parameters

· If you have 'Site Search' active, you can exclude the dynamic URLS from being tracked as separate pages

Time on Site or Session Duration

· To measure sessions that exceed a certain limit

Time-lag report (multi-channel)

· Understand how long it takes for a consumer to commit to purchase or signup, by showing the length of time between their first visit to your site and the day they complete a conversion

Search Console Report (acquisition)

· allows you to get info on your organic search and SEO efforts o must link GA account to your websites GSC account

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