Diphthongs may become ___________. /כil/ becomes /כl/
-onglide and offglide vowels
Dipthongs are characterized according to:
/aI/, /aʊ/, /כI/ and /ju/
Four distinct dipthongs
/ir/, /כr/, /εr/ and /ar/
Four vowel + r combinations
/ju/ only distinctive onglide diphthong
high front to high back (onglide diphthong) -numerous allophonic variations
monophthong vowels become diphthongs /kæt/ becomes /keæt/
nasalization (me vs I'm)
most common variation that occurs when English vowels are produced within the context of a nasal consonant
/ai/ (long i)
most frequently occurring diphthong -Rising low-front to high front (off glide) diphthong
/aʊ/ that hurt sound (ow)
rising low front to high back (off glide) diphthong
rising mid-back to high-front (off glide) diphthong -sound appears early by age 3 and usually without difficulty
transition from a preceding sound vowel with a longer duration -ex: /ju/
transition from a vowel with a longer duration to a sound with a shorter duration
two vowels produced consecutively in the same syallable with the articulators moving from one position to the other in a smooth manner
monophthong mono-one phtong-sound
vowels that remain the same throughout production
with an increase in rate of speech, the stress on a vowel is decreased. The vowel is centralized Furniture becomes /fɝ nə t∫ɚ /