Disability + Diversity

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True or false: Race and Ethnicity are synonymous


Gender Identity

a person's internal sense of maleness and/or femaleness

Social Class

a set of hierarchical social categories closely tied to issues of economics, politics, and sociocultural schools; lower/middle/upper class


biological and physiological distinctions based on anatomical features

_____% of students with disabilities do not complete high school


_____% of the LGBTQ community have a disability



A belief that gender is a product of human definition and interpretation shaped by cultural and historical contexts


A claim that all women or men, regardless of culture, will have similar behavior attributes based on their sex

Diversity is ___________-oriented


Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act

Allows employers to pay workers with disabilities wages less than the Federal minimum wage if their disability imparts their earning or productive capacity

3 definitions of Diversity

Being mindful of all dimensions of human differences; The practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of social identity groups; Acceptance and respect for human differences and similarities

What does diversity mean?


Cultural Skill

the ability to collect relevant cultural data through culturally-based assessments to identify client needs

What disabilities are included under Section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act?

Blindness, mental illness, developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, alcoholism, drug addiction

Gender is typically viewed as a ___________ rather than a ______________

Dichotomy, Continuum

Men with disabilities may experience...

A sense of corrupted masculinity, an expectation to suppress emotional response to disability, lack of recognition or denial of their culturally expected roles, reduced financial security

Women with disabilities may experience...

A sense of intensified passivity and helplessness, hyperattention to the way their bodies are viewed, assumptions about their sexuality, questions/expectations about their competence as wives and mothers, feeling unwelcome in women's organizations or events, greater vulnerability to domestic violence and abuse, depression, stress, lowered self esteem, and social isolation

Socioeconomic Status

the measurement of an individual's or group's position in society based on educational attainment, occupation, income, wealth, and location of residency

How can health/human service providers reduce the inequities experienced by diverse IWDs?

By being culturally competent and acknowledging intersectionality

Students with disabilities who complete high school typically receive _________ instead of _________, which impacts their ability to do what?

Certificates, diplomas, gain employment or seek post-secondary education

Components of Cultural Competence

Cultural Awareness, Cultural Knowledge, Cultural Skill, Cultural Encounters, Cultural Desire

What are the secondary dimensions in the diversity wheel?

Education, Political Belief, Family, Organizational Role, Language and Communication Skills, Income, Appearance, Religion, Work Experience

What 2 philosophies are society's expectations about males and females rooted in?

Essentialism and Constructivism

Crip Tax

IWDs incur extraordinary rates for medications, services, and tools required for health, accessibility, and independence

Characteristics of Secondary Dimensions

Interact with core dimensions, more moldable, often change throughout the lifespan, there is a level of choice and control over them

There is a direct relationship between the ___________________ of service providers and their ability to provide ____________________ services

Level of competence, culturally responsive

LGBTQ individuals with disabilities may experience...

Limited access to LGBT inclusive and fully accessible services (including healthcare), higher rates of harassment and bullying, challenges to having their identities fully recognized (as most spaces only accommodate one)

It is important to recognize that people have ____________ identities -- social identities are ______________ and have difference ____________ and impact in different contexts

Multiple, Intersectional, Salience

Characteristics of Core(Primary) Dimensions

Often fixed, often observable, reflect our identity, have a strong influence on how we are socialized, and influence how we think of ourselves/how others perceive us

What are the core dimensions in the diversity wheel?

Race/Ethnicity, Age, Gender Identity, Gender, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, Mental/Physical Ability

Racial/ethnic minorities with disabilities may experience...

Reduced access/increased barriers to healthcare, reduced opportunity to pursue higher education, added barriers to financial security, disproportionate rates of violence and victimization, disproportionate rates of discipline in schools and justice system, feelings of isolation and segregation

Cultural Competence

The ability of an individual or organization to function in an effective manner to meet the needs of its clients within the context of their cultural beliefs

True or false: Disability disproportionately affects the LGBT community



a social group set apart by others or by itself, largely on the basis of real or perceived external characteristics; inherited physical differences


a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture (language, religion, family life, customs and traditions)

Cultural Awareness

developing a personal awareness of one's attitudes toward diverse persons

Cultural Encounters

direct interactions between professional and clients with diverse backgrounds

Cultural Desire

having a desire to engage in the process of becoming culturally competent (want to vs. have to )

Cultural Knowledge

having sufficient knowledge of different cultural practices and worldview


sexual classification based on the social construction of the categories of male and female/masculine and feminine

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